Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis

by MetalJrock

You Have Failed This City

Star City...

"Gentlemen... Business has been booming." said a tall thug, adjusting the collars on his suit. He flipped the pile of dollar bills in his hands as he counted each one, all of them a fortune total. "Our gang has Star City in a bind and we're coming out on top!"

Another man nodded, "Amen to that, Church."

Tobias Church laughed, "Now, all we have to worry about is the Green Arrow getting in the way. And I may have the solution."

"What is it?" another asked.

Tobias raised a hand after placing down the pile of money, "One of my men came to me yesterday, telling me about this Prometheus fellow that attacked him. Well, turns out he followed him here. And we made a small deal that benefits us both..."

Then the sound of the lightbulb above them in the already dimly lit room surprised them. Church grunted in shock, "Damn it! Someone get a spare bulb. Circuits in the place suck..."

One of them nodded and stood up from his chair, grabbing a flashlight from under the table. "Son of a..." he muttered, wandering about the dark hallways of the empty warehouse. "Where the hell did he keep the damn things?" he asked himself.

The man felt something tug at his leg, him looking down in response. Then he tripped, feeling himself get pushed backwards, he screamed as he he was sent into the darkness. Punching sounds were heard before silence returned.

In the other room, Church heard the sounds and looked to his bodyguard. "Go investigate. I have a feeling we may have a certain visitor here with us." he ordered. The guard nodded and revealed his pistol, aiming it in front of him.

The bodyguard gulped silenty, fearing what was happening. It couldn't have been... Him. He assumed there was no way Church and himself could be found. The guard prayed, wishing he had brought more men to aid him. But all was silent in the hallway of the hideout they resided in, making him paranoid.

A sound made him flinch in surprise, him snapping his body to the side, aiming his gun at the shadows. "S-Show yourself! I ain't afraid to shoot!" he threatened. Silence. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger, a loud banging heard as a response.

He swore he saw a hooded man wearing green standing, barely lit in the moonlight shining through the window. He saw some gestures before something happened. It seemed he had his arm held back, but then, a light flickered, and he saw who it was immediately.

A sharp pain suddenly coursed through his leg, making him scream in pain as he got a knee. "Ah! Holy..." he whispered, trying to ignore the pain and remove the arrow lodged in. He heard footsteps and sweat poured down his face as he struggled to leave. But he was too slow and a foot stepped on his back.

"Your boss!" growled a deep voice. "What's he planning?!"

"I-I d-don't know! Don't kill me!" the guard pleaded.

"If you don't start talking, I'll jam this arrow further into your leg!" threatened the Green Arrow as loud as he could, holding onto the rod of the projectile as promised. "Now!"

The guard whimpered in fright, "Alright, man! He wants this city for himself and you outta the way! That's all I know, I swear!" he cried, feeling the arrow dig further into his leg.

With a sigh, Arrow released the arrow before yanking it out of the man, making him scream in pain once more. "Don't get up, or I'll put it right back there." he warned. He saw the man nod at the corner of his eye as he continued walking.

Oliver stomped his feet as he marched on, climbing into a vent as he snuck through the warehouse while crawling throught the ducts. 'Two men... Tobias must be really confident in himself if he had such low numbers in forces. That's his mistake.' he thought, kicking down the cover of the shaft, sending it across the room.

Tobias snapped his head upwards, seeing Green Arrow falling onto the table, the vigilante pulling out his bow and an arrow reared back for him to release. "Tobias Church! You have failed this city!" declared the Green Arrow as he readied to end the gangster.

"Well, if it isn't the Green Arrow, himself. I knew you'd find me eventually." Church admitted calmly, "It's too late. This city has fallen under my control. You're not able to handle what comes next on your own, that I promise."

Green Arrow gritted his teeth, "What are you talking about?!"

"You can come out now." ordered Church to a mysterious figure.

Out of nowhere, something pushed Oliver. The Arrow placed a fist on the ground as he pushed himself up, seeing a man covered in a hood like himself. "Who the hell are you?!" he questioned, seeing the lookalike with a blunt weapon and a bow and arrows like his own.

"The one who will bring you down. Prometheus." Prometheus revealed to the Arrow.

Tobias laughed, "He and I came to an... agreement of sorts. He kills you and I rule the city. Such a simple bargain I admit, but I want you out of the picture through any means necessary."

Prometheus reared a fist back at Oliver, the vigilante, grabbing his arm and moving it to the side, allowing him to hit the lookalike with the blunt of his bow before flipping him to the side. "You won't get away, Church! You will pay for the lives you've taken!"

The dark hood got back to his feet, roundhouse kicking Oliver while he was talking, knocking the wind out of him. The Arrow grunted, elbowing Prometheus in the mask, him seeminly immune to the attack. Prometheus responded by giving Oliver a right hook, his hapead snapping sideways as a result, blood dripping from his mouth. Green Arrow readied his bow and an arrow, and shot at Prometheus, but the dark counterpart used a blunt escrima stick to deflect the arrow before he could reach him. Oliver sighed as he placed the bow on his back.

Oliver saw Tobias run away, but unfortunately he could not be concerned with him due to the new assassin trying to kill him. "You should surrender while you still have a chance." said the vigilante.

"I won't surrender to you." the dark hood replied, throwing a shuriken at the Arrow. Oliver swerved his body to the side, hearing the sharp projectile stick to the wall once standing straight. The Green Arrow grunted as he lunged after Prometheus, but his rival managed to grab Oliver's fist again and threw him aside.

Prometheus watched as the Arrow got back to his feet, "It's time I ended you." he said, kicking Oliver, knocking him into a wall. The Arrow yelled as he tried to punch Prometheus, but the dark hood managed to uppercut him instead before his fist could collide with the mask. "It's pointless, Arrow. I am the greatest assassin in the world."

"Yeah?" asked Oliver, wiping the blood from his mouth, "I know some others who say otherwise."

Instead of speaking, Prometheus decided to respond by jamming his elbow into Oliver's face then continuing with a jab to the Arrow's chest, him wheezing in response. "Damn it..." groaned Oliver, holding his aching chest.

Prometheus lowered himself, spinning his legs around to trip the Arrow. He pulled out his escrima stick and swung it directly at his hip before punching Oliver again then he repeated his actions twice more. Green Arrow tried to escape by rolling away, which worked. The dark hood saw the Arrow get up and threw another shuriken in his direction. Oliver pulled out his bow and mirrored his rival's actions, deflecting the projectile. He moved the bow back, whacking Prometheus in the back of the head before elbowing his neck.

Panting, Oliver started to walk away. But something hit him. Prometheus used his blunt weapon to hit his new opponent in the back, making him stumble. Staying conscious, the Arrow aimed his bow at the dark hood, hoping to hit Prometheus, but instead he got an arrow to the shoulder instead, he screamed in response. Then, Prometheus gave Oliver a swift left hook before finishing with a crane kick to his legs, weakening him greatly.

"It's no use, Arrow. I am stronger, faster, and better than you in every aspect." declared Prometheus, seeing Oliver remove the arrow from himself forcibly. "It all ends here."

Oliver spat, "Not today..." he jumped out the nearest window, using his uninjured hand to create a zipline to the nearest building he could reach. Once he saw he was in the clear, he collapsed on the stone roof he was standing on, gasping for air.

"Holy hell..." he panted, pulling a strange object of sorts out, "I guess they can help if they're here..."

The signal of a communicator blared in the Hall of Justice late at night, waking up everybody who was sleeping, or was busy doing something else at the moment. Especially Deadpool, who had just gotten done making his macaroni art of him and Pinkie frolicking. The merc sighed, "So much for my artistic value." he got up from the chair, putting down the bottle of glue he was holding and grabbing his katanas and pistols. He also grabbed the communicator placed on the table, which its volume was at its loudest.

Peter and Twilight rushed down the halls with Logan and Johnny trailing them as fast they could. "What do you think is happening this time, Peter?" asked the former alicorn.

"I have no clue. If our Earths share something, it's that we're always busy with some new threat."

"No kiddin'. Feels like I never left home." grunted Logan, putting on his mask.

Johnny groaned, "I was enjoying a nice nap too. Don't tell me someone had the balls to break into the freaking Hall of Justice now of all times! He isn't gonna find much."

"Quit yer whinin' and we'll find out." Wolverine growled.

Twilight nodded, "He's right, Johnny. Someone needs our help right now it seems."

"Sorry 'bout that, ladies and gents!" Deadpool exclaimed, "This thing's volume settings were set to loud. The vocals in this place freaking suck if you call all hear it."

Peter snatched the communicator out of Wade's hands as he placed it on his ear. "You got Spidey."

'Peter? Huh, didn't think you'd answer. I'm kinda in a jam here in Star City. Normally I wouldn't call anyone for help, but, uh... I just kinda got my ass kicked by this strange hooded martial artist and... Well, Batman's already here investigating. Meet us at Queen Industries, and I'll explain the rest from there.'

The young man put the communicator in his pocket, looking at his wife. "It was Oliver. He needs our help fighting some super martial artist or whatever. He didn't give me details. If it's vigilante business then not a lot of us need to go." 

"Then who is?" Johnny asked.

"Myself... Logan, Sunset and... Wade." Peter decided. We need you all here just in case Superman or someone else needs help." 

"Smart thinkin', kid." Logan complimented.

"Give me a minute to suit up and we'll head out." Peter said.

Back at the Arrow Cave, Oliver looked at the intel Batman found, the Dark Knight sitting and typing on a keyboard. "It just doesn't make sense. I've never heard of this Prometheus person before tonight... And now he has this grudge against me? Something doesn't seem right will all of this." he crossed his arms and sighed.

Batman scowled, "Sounds like something Barry told me today. A new metahuman calling himself Alchemy appeared and suddenly gained knowledge of a parallel universe. It could be the same thing happening to this character."

Oliver groaned, "But how?"

The Dark Knight looked at a picure of Prometheus, one of the only ones found. "The Legion of Doom and Loki. Perhaps the so-called Trickster God can manipulate these new villains into acting like alternate counterparts of who they are. There was no Prometheus in this universe... Until now it seems."

The Arrow rolled his eyes, "Great. More nutcases wanting to rule Star City. As if things aren't busy enough as it is. By the way, how was Equestria after I left?"

"Busier than expected." Batman admitted, "The heroes we left there should cover in case something happens. Nightwing and Quicksilver as well as Anti-Venom and First Spider are there watching over the ponies, though they can handle themselves fine."

Nodding, Oliver looked at the communicator, feeling it vibrate in his pocket. "You guys here?" he asked, holding it to his ear.

'Yep! Can you hurry? Deadpool's getting antsy in his chair.' he heard Spider-Man on the other line. Oliver chuckled as he walked to the elevator to greet his allies.

A few minutes passed and the elevator was more crowded. Oliver stood in front with Spider-Man, Sunset Shimmer, Wolverine and Deadpool behind him. The heroes were astonished by how big the lair was and how the green lighting made it lively. "Welcome to the Arrow Cave. I only reveal this place to those I can trust. And with you saving me back in Equestria... I guess you earned the right to see it."

"Woah! It's like the Batcave! But more... Arrowy!" Deadpool cheered.

'It's brighter than the Batcave.'

'But the show is so dreary sometimes.'

'Irony... It's still more silly than expected.'

Batman raised a brow at that comment, "How do you know about the Batcave and what it looks like?"

"To be fair, Bats. Everyone knows about the Batcave." joked Spidey.

Sunset Shimmer looked at all the different bows placed on the wall as well as the various computers. "Some collection you have here, Oliver." she complimented.

"Thanks. It took years for me to get where I'm at. But I didn't call you all here for a tour. It's another matter entirely." Oliver replied.

Logan nodded, "Yeah. What the hell did you want us here for?"

Batman pointed at the largest monitor in the room. "This is a ruthless assassin known as Prometheus. So far his kills are in small numbers, only small-time gangsters and the like in Star City. Records say he popped up a few days ago and only tonight did he get in conflict with the Green Arrow."

"Normally, I'm not one to call for help. But with all of you here we could end this and possibly lower any future threats the Legion of Doom might use against you." added the archer.

Spider-Man put a finger on his chin, "What are his abilities?"

The Arrow shrugged, "He's really good at martial arts and is able to use a bow and arrow like me. He's the reverse-me it seems."

"That's why I'm here. I wanna analyze his fighting style and see if I can find a flaw in his pattern. Bring him down before he could do anymore damage." Batman explained.

Deadpool raised a fist, "Aw yeah! We get to kick ass CW-style! What's your plan, GA?"

Oliver cleared his throat, "Um... He seems to be working with Tobias Church, someone trying to be top gangster in this city, at least so he knows I'll come for him. I placed a tracker on Church so we can follow him wherever he's at."

Spider-Man smirked, "So we're clearing out Kingpins? Man, I haven't fought simple nongimmick criminals in years. I'm kinda getting nostalgic here."

"Don't get excited yet, kid. There's always a catch to this type of thing. Prometheus is gonna get in our way no doubt." Logan responded to Peter.

"He managed to beat you in a fight?" Sunset asked, "At least you're not alone this time. He has no powers so this should be simple."

"Don't underestimate anyone, Sunset." Batman said.

Raising a finger, the former unicorn continued, "I know... I'm easing any stress."

"Hey. Leave the levity to me." Deadpool ordered.

Arrow cleared his throat again, placing his hood over his head, "Anyway... He's at another building, this one near the docks. We'll outnumber Prometheus and any other goons he has waiting for us."

Wolverine unsheathed his claws, "Excellent. Let's get this over with."

Green Arrow perched himself next to Spider-Man and Batman, the Dark Knight using binoculars to observe the abandoned building and what to expect from there. Lowering his visors and turning off his Detective Vision, he spoke at last. "Five armed men on both floors, weapons placed in various closets and exposed lightbulbs as their light source." he announced to the team. "Prometheus and Church are on the third floor with three unarmed guards."

"Nice observing, Bats." said Arrow, "It's simple. Logan, Wade and Sunset can draw out the armed forces, distracting them long enough for me, Bats and Peter to face Prometheus."

"You just want payback don't you?" Sunset playfully asked.

Spider-Man rubbed his hands, "I don't blame him."

"It's stupid, but I'm not one to talk." Logan said. "C'mon you two. And Wade..."

"Yeah, Logan ol' buddy ol' pal?" asked Deadpool.

Logan exhaled, "Keep yer damn mouth shut while we do this. And no killing."

"I can do that!" Deadpool said.

'What about lethal force?'

'Already on it! They won't die, but they wish they did!'

The three used a rope to lower themselves and quietly enter the building from their spots. Using her magic, Sunset broke the lightbulb, removing any light from the first floor. The guards aimed their guns upward and at their sides, wondering what happened. The sorceress knelt down underneath a table as a hiding spot. She waved a hand, disarming one of them while they weren't paying attention. She quietly chuckled over what she did. The five of them scattered across the rooms, leaving them wide open for attack.

The sound of clanging got the goons' attention. Wolverine silently jumped, swinging his claws in an upward direction to one of their arms, scratching them and knocking the gun off him. He pulled his claws back as he punched the guard in the face. He faced another usinf his claws to stab him in the leg, the man screamed in pain as Logan grunted, putting his hand over his mouth. "That'll shut you up." he whispered, slamming them on the ground.

Sunset focused her attention on the guard she disarmed, seeing them walk into a lit room. "Let's make this quick..." she muttered, using her magic to break the lightbulb in that room as well.she shot a small beam at the goon, tripping him before closing the door on him, locking him inside for the time.

The last two guards on the floor were Deadpool's responsibility. Wade hushed himself as he hopped atop a cabinet. The guards aimed their guns in various directions as they scrambled in the darkness, looking for their targets. "Is it the Arrow?" one of them asked.

"You wish it was the Arrow." whispered Wade.

The Merc with a Mouth pulled the trigger on his pistol, shooting the left thug on the shoulder, him screaming in pain as he released his only weapon. The other thug looked at him confusion, looking at the source of the loud sound. "Too late." said Deadpool, jumping down from his spot and holding his katanas.

He sliced the leg of the other thug, scratching him. Blood dripped from each of their wounds as he held his weapons back. Deadpool then lowered himself to punch the last conscious thug in the face. "Nighty night, Generic Thug 445."

'Did we really keep count?'

'No... We're not that crazy.'

Deadpool saw an orb of light coming for him and he raised his hands, "Don't take me away, God..." he muttered.

"Wade. It's Sunset and Logan." Sunset said, holding her glowing hands in front of her. "Though, I can only wonder what goes on in that head of yours."

Logan sighed, "Ya don't wanna know, Red."

"It's true." Deadpool agreed.

The former unicorn blinked, "...Right. Now we should focus on the second floor before Bats, Spidey and Arrow get here."

"Yeah. Should take us a minute or two..." Logan said with a nod. The three quietly made their way upstairs and watched where the guards were stationed.

Using her magic, Sunset created some noise. With an order, the five of them scattered around the floor, making it easier for them to be taken care of. Sunset snuck behind two of them, focusing a spell to enhance a physical attack. With her glowing hand she punched one thug in the back before lifting the gun off another, then she created a small shockwave, sending him through a wall. Looking up, she decided to rid the rooms of all light to make it easier for the mutants.

In another room, one lone guard aimed his gun upwards, unable to see what's around him. The shine of something got his attention and he spotted Wolverine perched on the ceiling, his claws stuck into the wall corners. He shot at Logan. Hoping to kill him at sight. The X-Man flinched for a second before the bullet hole closed itself. "No one ever learns do they?" he asked quietly.

The mutant hopped down, seeing the guard shiver in his spot. With his claws, he knocked the weapon out of his hands. The mook punched Logan, but he countered with a right hook. "It ain't gonna work on me, bub." boasted the X-Man.

"What the hell are you?"

Logan punched the thug unconscious right there. "Yer worst nightmare."

The last two armed guards wandered about, but unlike last time, Deadpool decided to goof around, slicing a man's arm nearly clean off in the process with his katanas. Using his teleportation belt he appeared behind the second guy while the other was screaming in pure agony. "Time's up, bitches!"

Deadpool shot the two in the legs, making them fall immediately. As a last act, he kicked them both while they were down before throwing some rocks on their heads. "Now I'm an A-hole." he muttered,

'We always were!'

'I'm not doubting that.'

Another orb of light was seen and Sunset and Wolverine revealed themselves once again. "I think that's all of them. Did we have a signal in mind for Batman?"

"I don't think so..." Logan admitted, "They're gonna have'ta assume we got the job done."

"Wait!" Deadpool said. "I got an idea."

"I don't like the sound of that..." gulped Sunset.

From their spot, Batman sighed, "Deadpool gave us a signal... Yep, it's a finger through a hole. Damn it."

"Typical Wade." Spider-Man groaned, though he couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

"Crude hand gestures aside. We can take down those guys no problem." Arrow said, pulling out his bow, "C'mon, guys."

Spider-Man swung ahead of the vigilantes, bursting through the window with ease, surprising Church and the goons, but not the new assassin. "Sorry about breaking the oh so valuable looking windows, gents." said Spider-Man sarcastically, "But your whole crime thing is ending tonight. That much you can bet on."

"Who the hell are you!?" Tobias asked in shock.

The wall-crawler webbed up the three thugs in a matter of seconds before pointing at himself. "I'm just your friendly-neighborhood tourist Spider-Man, in a not-so-friendly city." he introduced himself using his webs as hammers to beat the goons down as fast as he could.

As Tobias reached for a gun, a sharp projectile stuck to his hand, making him yell. Batman jumped in, his cape lowering as he landed. "You won't be doing much." he declared.

"B-Batman?!" Church nearly screamed in fear.

"They're not alone."

Then, Green Arrow jumped in, kicking Prometheus as he entered the building. "We're going to settle this now, Prometheus." boasted the Arrow, holding out his bow.

Spider-Man webbed up Church, covering his mouth in webbing. "Shut up, Church. This is a grown up discussion."

"It will be the same as before." Prometheus declared.

Green Arrow and Batman stared at the assassin, clenching their fists him. "Batman, Green Arrow, the Spider-Man, it will not make a difference for any of you."

"I say it will." Batman growled.

Prometheus grunted, wanting to punch Batman. The Dark Knight leaned backwards and uppercutted the assassin. "Your style is predictable, Prometheus."

"I have studied the both of you. Your techniques, styles. All of it." revealed the dark hood.

"It is all for naught." Oliver said. He used the blunt of his bow to hit Prometheus in the head. Then, Batman kicked him, the assassin holding his leg in the process. He threw the Dark Knight down, stepping over him in the process.

Before he could end Batman, Spider-Man webbed up Prometheus' armed hand. "Careful where you aim that thing, Prometheus! You could kill someone doing that."

"I do not treat you as a threat." said the dark hood.

Peter sighed, "Really? Unlike these two, I have have superpowers. Your mistake, pal."

The Arrow roundhouse kicked Prometheus in the stomach before spinning his bow to the assassin's sides. In response, the assassin uppercutted Oliver in the jaw. Batman caught Prometheus' fist, mocing it down to allow himself a moment to strike. "You left yourself open, Prometheus."

The sound of a gunshot surprised the dark hood, and he looked down, seeing a bullet hole in his shoulder. "No killing!" shouted a proud Deadpool, holding his pistol in front of him. "I did you vigilantes proud."

"Shut up, Wade." said Logan, seeing the hooded assassin.

Prometheus threw a shuriken, it hitting Logan's neck. Wolverine snapped his head back in place, scaring the assassin. Wolverine grabbed the projectile and tossed it on the ground.

"You cannot be here. It was a simple score to settle." said Prometheus.

He used his escrima stick to whack Logan, but Sunset Shimmer kept it up with her magic. "It's over." she announced. With a wave of her hand, she pushed him to a wall.

Green Arrow held him down with his bow, it placed on the assassin's throat. "No weapons. One on one..." he declared, "I'll show you who's superior."

"Jeez, Arrow. Now's not the time to have an ego." Peter sighed.

Batman cracked his knuckles, "No. Let him. Prometheus should be taught that imitation can't get him everywhere."

Wolverine chuckled, "I should'a brought a beer."

Green Arrow held up Prometheus, both of them dropping all their weapons as they raised their fist. Oliver was the first to attack, striking the assassin in the chest. The dark hood moved his fist to Arrow's side, making him flinch in pain. The Arrow ducked down, jabbing and uppercutting Prometheus' jaw. The rival lowered himself as well, spin-kicking Oliver's legs and making him trip. The Arrow grunted as he rolled to his side flipping back on his feet.

In the process of flipping, the Arrow managed to have his feet collide with Prometheus' body. When he got back to his feet, Oliver struck two finger on the assassin's bullet wound, making him hold his shoulder as he ignored the sensation. 'Weakness. Thanks, Deadpool.' thought the vigilante.

"I will... Defeat you." panted Prometheus.

The dark hood tried to punch Oliver, but he got slower, allowing the vigilante to grab his arm and deflect the attack with an elbow to his stomach before driving both fists into his head. Prometheus fell to the ground, but he twitched, meaning he was still awake. "You should just give up." warned Arrow.

"N-No..." grunted the dark hood. Green Arrow lowered himself and punched Prometheus one last time, making him fall unconscious with ease.

"Yes." said Spider-Man, who webbed up the assassin.

"Good work, Oliver." said Batman. "He learned that even learning our abilities doesn't mean that he can master them. It will be a while until he can face us again."

"And the bullet wound. You're welcome." Deadpool added.

Logan nodded, "Now what? It seems things have cleared up here now."

Nodding, Spider-Man looked at the night sky, "Night's still young. We can head back to the Hall of Justice and then focus on finding the Avengers for good tomorrow."

"But I have one more question. Everyday, it seems a new foe just pops in out of nowhere. Doomsday, Alchemy and now Prometheus. Is there a connection?"

Batman nodded, "Most likely. Luthor and Loki want to wear us down. They're doing this anyway they can. But we'll focus on that tomorrow. I'll be back at the Hall of Justice in the morning and discuss what we should've talked about when we first arrived."

"Sounds like a plan, Bats." said Peter, then he faced Oliver, "Need some help here, Arrow?"

Oliver shook his head, "Nah, you guys go back, This is my city and you have a mission. Let me know when you go back to Equestria and I may pop in at some point." he extended a hand, allowing Peter to take it.

"Sure thing, man."

"Oh, and Bats?" began Oliver, "Take care."

Batman gave him a thin smile, "You too."

Sunset's eyes went wide, "D-Did Batman just smile?"

Logan chuckled, "Even he has his lighter moments, Red."

"Levity is always good." Deadpool added.

The group all laughed except for Batman. But once that was done and everything was clear, the team returned to the hall and Batman to Gotham.


"Prometheus served his purpose." said Loki.

Discord laughed, "I admit, it's fun playing around with alternate counterparts. Sounds like a soap-opera TV series in Central City and Star City."

Luthor smirked, "I'm glad they were successes, but now it's time we end matters there for good. You may reveal yourself now."

It was a pony wearing a strange silver armor of sorts, looking like a savage spider. "No way..." whispered Scorpion.

"Gargan. Bench. I'm surprised to see the both of you here." said the figure.

Luthor gestured to the newcomer, "Meet Alistair Smythe, also known as the Spider-Slayer. He has created plenty of creations that can combat Spider-Man and even an exo-suit for the same purpose. You will be joining him, Scorpion."

"Finally!" cheered Gargan, "I can crush Spider-Man once and for all. What's the plan, Smythe?"

"It has been years since I combatted Spider-Man, but in the time I created the perfect exo-suit and army of Spider-Slayer robots in case he ever reveals himself again. I'm glad I can put them to use." Smythe revealed to the costumed villain. "We will strike in the morning."

"I like it! Let's go!" chanted Gargan.

"Is that all, Luthor?" asked Loki.

Luthor raised a hoof, "Oh no. I wish to send Hydro-Man there should the two fail and then... A certain team will strike the league I despise oh so much. Meanwhile while the teams fight, Equestria will be sent another message of our reckoning."