//------------------------------// // who are you? // Story: The Industrialist V2 // by Woodrow Wilson //------------------------------// Chapter 5 Who are you? The steel door was a mystery on it’s own, but the most questioning thing was the hideous creature who opened the door before me, for it was of a hideously ugly and terrifying black skinned biped, as well as the quite pointless ridge down it’s back. I thought these things were dead. I thought I annihilated their entire species. Their work, their buildings. I thought they were wiped completely out of existence. The black being in front of me, seemed to take me as a threat. Which is exactly how they need to take me. “Who are you and why are you here?” the being asked. “Why are you here, you most abominable and vile waste of atomic bonding.” I started with a wretched hate of a thousand warriors. I continued to force myself into the room they were stored into and as a result of my hostile words and body language, they kept trying to push me away. The room was filled with conveyor belts covered in filthy coal and carbon. Three was the mysterious metal as well. It was coming in in stacks, piles, hills. It was exceedingly plentiful. It was … beautiful. “May I have a look into your little fortress here?” I asked. The being hesitated for a couple of seconds before allowing me to entre. “Kill it! It’s an equian! Those beings deserve no respect, and give no respect to anything other than themselves.” Said a familiar voice from a room to my right. “Burn it! Scrap him! Get rid of it!” I opened the door.”Is there something …. Emperor Luna. We meet again.” “I’m going to fucking shoot you if you don’t leave, actually, I’ll go ahead and shoot you anyways, you weakling. Whenever did you get so weak?” I run up to him, only for him to have shot me, the crack of the gun firing and the spray of blood, shrapnel and other fluids scattered through the air as the bullet embedded itself into my chest, near my heart’s new location. The clang of the bullet shell hitting the floor, as the suit i was wearing identified the bullet as… Goleriium. I grab at my heart, looking down in a state of shock as I morbidly watched my lifeblood pour and seep from the wound in my chest. I couldn’t breathe. I felt it pouring and pooling inside of my lungs as I gasped for air, numbly feeling, watching as blood continued to pour out of my chest like an inverted gory eye weeping liquified ruby tears. Blood gurgled in my throat as it started coming through my mouth. I fell to my knees, not even registering the pain which I might have otherwise felt under different circumstances. My knees made an unsettling clacking sound as they collided with the steel tiled flooring. “Ho-gurgle-w c-could-gurgle- you …” I fell face first toward the floor. And blacked out, blood pooling below me, encompassing me in a morbid and gory warmth. “Because you tried to end my race.” POV SWITCH 3rd person of a pair of middlemen “This guy is disgusting. What even is he?” “I’ve been told he’s the Industrialist. The one to have enslaved our kind and tried to recently annihilate our species.” “Woah, that’s pretty insane.” “The Industrialist is pretty insane.” “I guess so.” They continued carrying the body into the nearby forest and tossed him into the bushes, making them a morbidly beautiful, to them, shade of crimson. They had previously stripped him of everything he had, so he was naked of anything he owned. POV SWITCH Indy 1st person I touched the spot where the bullet went through to my lungs. “Fucking hell!” I scream throughout the forest I was in. I look down to find me naked and divested of anything other than my cyborg parts which I had meshed and melded into my flesh “Well, I guess there will be an issue with this situation. Why do I talk to myself?” I queried to myself aloud as I began questioning the soundness of my psyche. The tweeting of birds called to each other through the forest’s canopy and I heard the rustling of bushes as I traversed my way through the undergrowth, nuts falling from trees, and … rocks? I looked from where I was and saw a nearby tree and tried not to further aggravate my injury as I while moved, but regardless of my attempt at caution, I still succeeded in causing pain in my ribs. I sat up against the tree and noticed three were spherical rocks lying everywhere, which were covered in swirls and primitive-looking symbols. I was in no state to even begin to try and interpret or decipher them for the blood loss was making me lightheaded and dizzy. The stones seem to roll towards me slowly as I close my eyes to succumb to the eternal sleep. I hoped that I hadn’t done anything to deserve burning in hell for all eternity… [---|------------------|---] A whisper sounded in the darkness of my mind, as I walked through the woods, the darkness as deep and complete as the inside of a sealed writer’s inkwell, and the skeletal forms of the trees, like a cluster of eerie skeletons remaining standing as a testimony of a cataclysmic event so strong and powerful that they died standing up.. “You are loved.” Whispers alarmed me, these strange voices, unfamiliar, foreign, but the most eerily part of it was that I had not seen whomever it was that was whispering to me in the depths of the inky darkness of the night, as they prepared me for … something, but for reasons that they, for whatever reason, neglected to explain to me.. Another whisper sounded through the inky darkness of my surroundings as I searched for a different environment than this canopy of despair and desolation. For this? This was a graveyard, a monument against that force called life. An unsettling reminder that with existence comes closure, mortality, whether willed or otherwise. But for those of us, who walk amongst the living, the end of our life is perhaps the most frightening thing of all, for we know not whether death is the complete obliteration of the life within us, or merely the closing chapter of our carnality, wherein we shed the frail and mortal shell to live a different kind of life, one which transcends the carnal understanding of the mechanisms of science and rationality. For if there is no continuance of the summation which we are, at the end of our existence, then the cessation of one’s life is a truly frightening prospect indeed. “You are needed.” “You are hated.” As I walked along the dirt road, I noticed the change in scenery as it shifted to a cobblestone road, to replace the well-worn road of dirt. A sign passed me by, which welcomed me to at village, though for some reason the name escapes me. Was this some really weird dream? Was it a memory? Am I awake right now and really living in this surreal environment? Why was I here? For what purpose had I come? Was I here to save somebody? Or was I to be a harbinger of doom? These questions raced through my mind as I continued down the cobblestone road toward either some civilization, or perhaps the skeletal remains of one. One thing was for certain, the lack of traffic did not sit well with me as I journeyed onward toward this village. A scream pierced the dead silence of the night air, a bloodcurdling scream which caused my skin to raise a bunch of goosebumps up and down along my epidermal expanse. The moon of this environment was full as it’s light shown down upon the symbol of my fears. It shown a shape far too reminiscent of the insane, the gruesome and grotesque form of ‘One that drove mortals insane’. For the shape was of— Greed. “Vanair!” Screamed a voice through the eerie silence of the moonlit night. I got closer to the sound. “Vanair!” the screamer screamed again. The voice was female, familiar, and sounded alarmed. A shining being stood in the distance, showing a stance of pride. It stood with a stance which exuded confidence, that regardless of how the night’s events might play out, it, amongst all of the inhabitants that walked in the darkness of the night, would emerge victorious. It stood, tall as the trees, its body appeared as hard as the earth. Its appearance was looming and looked to be as unyielding as the stone and iron buried beneath the surface of this bleak and desolate-looking land. The being had a white mask, with a red cross bisecting it. There was no sign that three was a face, for the mask had no straps to secure it upon the being’s head. The being looked like a metallic angel, with a blue-black plaid skirt. The being looked to be made in interwoven cords. Thick metallic cords, which were composed of smaller interwoven cords until the metal was as thin as the gossamer of spider silk, but by interweaving these smaller metal strands into a larger cord, the strength of the metal increased, while not reducing the flexible capacity each metal strand entailed. “Awaken!” cracked the voice as it caused the earth beneath me to fissure, causing me to fall toward the molten fiery core deep within the earth toward Hell ... . “We still love you ...” “I still love you.” The voice echoed as I fell toward my awaiting judgement and eternal punishment… [---|------------------|---] I awoke with a start. A beam of light caused me to raise an arm to block the bright light from hurting my eyes as I awaken. The light seemed to come from some kind of opening at the entrance of the place I am in. The area seems to be of moss and cloth as well as tanned skin and a collection of herbs lying around a mortar and pestle, which sat upon some kind of cushioned seat as various weeds and plants peeked out from beneath the skin which served as the ‘cover’ of the seat. There was a stone knife over by a small stone platter of sorts, stained with some blood and upon which rested the bullet that had been used to try and kill me. I looked down at the area where I had been shot, only to see it covered in vine and some kind of tanned hide. Primitives. The entrance to the encompassing abode opened, revealed a black striped being, which also had a tail of sorts like the Spectrum Beings from the town. But I don’t remember the species name, nor did I remember the species to which they belonged. The being spoke in the language of English, to which I didn’t remember any sort of primitive to be able to speak such a complex language such as so, but I continued to listen to the impossible being. The being, to which I might identify as female, as if not for the exposed extremities, but to which, I was in the same position of being without clothing of any sort, whatsoever. She got closer and was pushing on different parts of my body.. I felt awkward and started moving back against the walls of my containment area. “Calm, horse-man. There is no need to be upset,” She stated, her face was very close to my face. She seemed to feel for different areas and watched for pain and flinching, for some areas seemed to be bruised and hurt, but it couldn’t be seen through the covering from my coat. The mark on my thigh was showing then. “There is a need to be upset! First of all, I don’t know you! and if I don’t know you, then I should know you, or you should leave!” “I said calm! I’m trying to help you,” she said with a tone of anger, concern, and frustration. Silence overtook the room as I paid attention to what she was doing with her fuzzy hands. After a while I asked, “What are you doing?” She appeared to be mixing herbs and other ingredients which was unidentifiable to you. She was colored differently, as if she was manifested from a silent movie. Her coloration was black and white. Her coloration was patterned in a manner very reminiscent of that one striped earth animal, to which I cannot recall the name of. “I’m helping you,” she said calmly. “How? So far all I see is a bunch of mashed plants and a pair of wooden tweezers as well as a small stone knife.” “Those are my tools,” she stated again, still sounding mostly calm, but with a little more frustration in her tone of voice. “Why are you using such primitive tools, and why are you … naked?” “It’s not the best, but y’know, you get what you get. Because either you make it yourself, or scavenge it from somewhere else. Also, there's no one to judge you out here! It’s much better than living in the city, but harder to live out here. I think you would understand that, since, you know, you’re equian, so you should understand what it means to be naked and have no necessity for clothing. ” “Except if you’re a noble, then you always wear a tux, or something equally formal and fancy, but I wear bipedal-style clothing, since I walk on two legs, most of the time.” “I don’t know everything, other than your species tends to be incredibly smart, or stupid. Sometimes I think they seem mentally unstable, but that has no reason to be added to the list, does it?” she responded, seeming to get attached to the conversation I had been carrying with her. She walks over and kneels beside me and begins to peel away the large leaf and vines that were covering my wound. When she reveals it, it looks like it is not infected like when I last saw it, as a large lump on my torso. She dabbed a small cloth onto my wound. “Hnng!” I cringed in pain as my muscles contracted at the sudden pain in my torso. She held me down. “Please! Refrain from convulsing while I work on your wounds! Don’t want to bleed out and die for real, now do you?” She held me down by pressing my chest and legs down. “Be careful!” I felt violated and awkward as she wrapped me in a leather and vine wrap and tied my legs to some poles around my feet, and my arms to my torso. “Now you won’t convulse as I disinfect the scar.” She began to work. The events which followed after, were the most painful, longest moments in my life.