
by Blackdust

Specialty chapter, take two!

So many books...:fluttercry: Help me...

Taurion was throwing one potion after another at the glowing words, only to have each and every single one hit the ground and splash all over the place on the other side of them. Eventually he got fed up with it and decided to try and walk through the enchanted air...

...only to reappear in a circle next to a sleeping pony with a crystal halberd across his back.
"Where in Tartarus am I now..." Taurion said, looking around realizing he was in a warehouse in some other timeline or dimension.
"Way to go Author, you brought a unicorn that's aware of the other worlds, but doesn't know anything about them thanks to the potion he drank in the second fucking chapter!" a weak looking hairless, hornless minotaur said while staring at the ceiling.
"A... minotaur...? What the tartarus is going on and where, more importantly when, am I?!" Taurion cried out trying to leap away from him, only hit an invisible barrier.
"We are here because Author did something stupid and is taking forever to finish the chapters," Rip said to the unicorn, pointing at the circle to Taurion's left. "Now shut-up, sit down, and be patient."
The circle had the words Dark Azure Nights in the middle...

So help me I will get these damn things done...