//------------------------------// // The Cutie Mark Crusaders // Story: Old Black Charger // by retrobrony1987 //------------------------------// As the car sunk into the river with me I was doing my best to escape, I undid the seat belt and was just about to climb out of the window when suddenly their was a purple flash of light that surrounded me and the car, I fought for my life and escaped the sinking car and started to head towards the surface. I reached the surface and suddenly I felt different, my surroundings were all bright and colorful and so was me... I was a cartoon. "WHAT THE HECK!?" I cried out, I looked at myself, I looked like something out of a Lauren Faust cartoon, I had to figure out what happened and where I am. I crawled out of the water and walked around to see where I was but I couldn't find anything, then I heard the sound of laughter there must be some kids nearby I figured they could help me out and I could figure out where I am. I followed the source of the laughter of where it was coming from and came to some bushes and peeked through them and my heart nearly stopped from what I saw, it was Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, they were playing ball and enjoying themselves, my mind started to race, I was in Equestria, in a cartoon, how did I get here? I was still hiding in the bushes watching the little fillies play when suddenly I stepped on a stick and made a loud "CRACK", then they looked in my direction and I ducked down. "Um... Hello is somepony there?" Said a voice from the other side of the bush. I couldn't let them see me, I'm pretty sure they've never seen a human before, I got to make myself known so they don't look through the bushes and see me. "Um... Hi there, don't be afraid, I'm just a little lost that's all." I said calmly. "Why don't you come out, we won't hurt you." One of them said. "Um... I'd like to but I'm afraid if I showed myself you would get scared." I told them. "Scared?, Why would we get scared?" Another voice asked. "Um... Let's just say I'm different okay." I said. "How... Different?" Another voice said. I had to figure out something to make these fillies understand, then an idea came to my mind... Twilight. "Hey you... ponies know Twilight Sparkle right?" I asked. "Yeah, You know Twilight!?" They asked. "Um, sorta could you bring her here and let me talk to her, I think she will understand and help me out, could you do that for me please?" I asked. "Sure we can do that for you." They said. "Just wait here well be back with her in no time." And they took off towards town. I sat in the bushes wondering what will I say to Twilight will she understand, how will I get home, but most of all how am I going to get my car out of the river?