Temporal Walker

by AcelJean

(Chapter 8) Academe

Academe: Chapter 8


A great innovation of ponykind. Ever since we shared our knowledge from generation to generation, we started to advance in more ways than one. I think its equine nature to have shared these knowledge with our foals and families. Ponies were somehow blessed with the ability to evolve differently from other creatures in Equestrian history. But enough about that…

I always was the nerdy type in class. Always going to class, getting good grades, knowing what I needed to do… I’m very active, never lazy nor tardy. But I’m no Twilight… I just try to keep up with my studies. And I was more serious when I got to flight camp. This however, is… slightly different.

We turned our gaze and saw a pony with an azure mane, like Angel’s horn glow. And a lime coat with a cutie mark of an underground spring. I thought for a moment and then remembered who she was. If it took a little longer, she would think of me as a ‘bad friend’. If I remember correctly, her name is Purity Spring. I couldn’t keep track of all the ponies I meet because I could only remember so much.

I waved to greet and said hello, then approached with my friends at both sides. “Nice to see you again, Purity Spring!” I told her.

She was wearing a rather odd clothing. She was wearing something formal with a bowtie and a vest that resembled starswirl the bearded.

“Do you know how long it’s been since we last met?” She asked.

Angel was thinking out loud at the same time. “If I remember correctly…” She said. “Yes… It’s been… 5 years, right?” She answered.

Purity Spring nodded and smiled. “The school’s been finished for about 3 years now. Elder Clover is our headmistress, everypony here now calls her, Mistress Clover!” She explained.

I laughed at the thought. “I bet it didn’t even appeal to her one bit!” I chortled. “By the way, Purity”, I added. “Are you a student here too?” I asked.

She had a confused expression, it was understandable because I haven’t really explained why yet. “Yes… Why do you ask?” She responded.

Then I explained my concern. “It’s because you’re an earth pony, how come you’re here?” I pointed out.

When she answered that question, all my other next questions were answered as well. “This school isn’t just for magic, it’s where you learn all kind of skills!” She answered, and then showed us the magnificent castle which would be Canterlot just beyond the labyrinth. “Speaking of which, Mistress Clover wanted to see you”, She added.

I was petrified when she said. “She’s expecting us, today?!” I pointed out.

She simply nodded. Angel was no exception, she had the same reaction as I. “That’s impossible. How do you know we were Time Traveling in this specific date?” She asked.

Purity Spring giggled for a moment and then answered. “We didn’t”, she said. We were more confused. “What Mistress Clover did was… to assign one student to be on the lookout, here in the labyrinth, of everyday until you guys arrived!” She explained.

I feel like a VIP right now. My friends included. Enough about that though… “Why don’t we head to Clover now? I don’t know about you, but we came here from a timeline which sun was already setting. That means, we need a rest”, I told Purity Spring.

She smiled and turned, then proceeded to bring us out of the maze. The sun was still high up that day in that timeline, it would have been nice if it were the same time!

(At the castle)

I never stepped hoof inside Canterlot Castle before, I only received my orders from the barracks so I never get to go inside. Plus the Grand Galloping Gala is so grandiose for my taste, I never go there even to mingle. This time however, this Castle is simply the main building where classes were given to students of Starswirl’s Academy. Not really a big deal at the time.

The outside of the building was magnificent! The students had step up banners on both sides of the drawbridge. And nothing could compare to the look of the castle within just a few trots from the gate. The early days of this castle was just indescribable, yet so different from the one in the present.

As we entered, the lavish décor of the inside etched itself into my mind. Mind blowing and magnificent! Yet still lacking the quality that is the dark fortress from the destroyed time. We kept walking until we reached the main stairs which is where the throne room would be located after a thousand more years. This time however, it was simply the auditorium of the academy. Purity Spring said it’s where most of their major academy event take place.

Passing in front of the auditorium, we went left. Yet another splendid hall decorated with the highest quality of chandeliers. This was where the teachers slept, and probably where we’ll find Clover’s room as well. Headmistress to be exact (But really, you get the picture).

3rd door on the left, Purity Spring knocked. There I heard a sweet sound of music surrounding the inside of the room, its fragrant notes leaking through the spaces of the doors. “Mistress Clover?” Purity Spring called out.

She replied from the inside, dominating the music. “Come in!” She insisted. And then we entered.

Clover was sitting quietly, doing important paperwork in her desk. She had a mug of coffee sitting on her table to her right. And she had plaque with the title ‘Headmistress’ etched on it just at the end of her desk occupying the front.

I went closer, making my presence known. “Howdy, Clover!” I greeted. Yep… I sounded like a country pony.

She gave me a big smile and then suddenly stood up, trotting towards me and gave me a… hug. Angel was glaring, I could tell you that much. “Walker! You should have arrived sooner!” She pointed out. I couldn’t give a retort given the time which we spent was just a mere day in our own timeline. But here, it could have probably been years.

Time Turner suddenly spoke, he had some sort of concern which I could tell just by looking at him. “This seems to be a bad time, is there something wrong?” He asked.

Clover was looking confused, she never did meet him in person, nor did she ever see him. “Are you a friend of Temporal Walker?” She asked.

He raised his hoof and scratched his head. “You could say that… Cousin, is the best possible term really”, he answered.

Clover thought to herself, she said out loud. “That’s the reason… I haven’t seen you before either.”

“About what Time Turner mentioned… Was there something wrong?” I asked.

She nodded and then began explaining. “We haven’t been doing well since the number of students went up. We had desperate needs for more faculty members, and the students just can’t shut up about their everyday complaints!” She grumbled.

I could understand the need for more academe personnel, but what was that about the complaints? I couldn’t just stand there, I guess I had a reason to help. “What was that about the students?”

Her horn glowed, she levitated a book from under her desk. The book itself was much bigger than normal. I opened the book and was just… pitied from what I saw. There were several request from students, said they needed help about school stuff. Most of them had long been forgotten, probably expired in the line of mercenary work. Others just kept repeating, like there was some sort of infestation that was never dealt with.

I looked at Clover. “This is a… I don’t even know what to think”, I told her.

She leaned on her desk, head on the plaque. “It is hard… This being named ‘Starswirl’s Academy’, you’d thought that it would be great. But sadly, not even my mentor was interested in sharing his knowledge”, She kept complaining. “That’s why I wanted to make a deal with you, Walker”, She said.

And then there was I, confused. “What do you mean?” I inquired.

She stood up, trying to be professional, despite being troubled. “I want you to share some of your expertise in our school. In return for us sharing what we know to you…” She bargained.

I hovered on my watch, I had a hard time deciding, and I didn’t know what to say. “I have to be blunt here, but what kind of expertise are you referring to?”

“You know how to brew potions, right? Most of the students who studies here has a major need for the subject. Your insights and help might come in handy…” She explained.

I nodded in agreement. I wouldn’t deny my superior understanding on alchemy. But I don’t think I’m a very good teacher… “I’ll try, but I think I need to get acquainted with the other ponies first… Preferably, the students”, I told her.

She gave a smile. “Well then, you’ve made your first step. Purity Spring here is one of my personal protégé here in the school”, she told me.

Big shot, eh? I never thought an earth pony would ever get this far in such a society. “So then, what do you major on?” I asked.

“I try to learn as much as I can so that I can help out at the academy too! But mostly, I excel at alchemy… which mean I’m your apprentice”, she pointed out.

Nice to know somepony is below me and ready learn. Definitely doesn’t make me feel like this is a responsibility. “I look forward to it!” I laughed nervously.

Putting these matters aside for the moment, we needed to discuss our resting place. So I wasted no time in asking.

“By the way, Clover. Where are we staying while we’re here?” I asked.

She handed me a map of the castle. There were 3 floors, excluding the balconies. The second floor was where the faculty stayed. It all had a label of name in who’s room is who. And of course, we had ours.

2 of the rooms were empty, assuming they were for me and my friends. Clover took it and laid it on the table. “You’ll be staying on these empty quarters on the second floor. I thought about having you all in one room, but some of us also require a bit of privacy”, She explained, both my friends nodded. Seems fair enough…

Angel picked up our bags and Time Turner was the first to turn-tail and go out. They knew the conversation was over at that point. Although it seemed like it wasn’t for Purity Spring.

“Before you go, would mind hearing my concern first?” She said. I nodded simply enough to let her continue explaining. “As you know, most of the students have sent out request for aid to Mistress Clover but was never really answered… Do you think you could check some of it out? I’m sure some of the students wouldn’t just ask for help without any kind of reward”, she reminded.

“I’ll keep that in mind…” I claimed and then went out to join my friends. Both of the two waved us off and Angel shuts the door behind us. Would you think she was an assistant? I sure would…

We proceeded down the hall where the room we’ll be staying in is located. From the stairwell, its roughly 3 rooms apart. It was easy to remember where we’ll be staying because it was also the last room you see in the corridor… And just a reminder, this is only the room Time Turner and myself will stay, not including Angel. Her room was the one opposite of ours. And since Twilight won’t come for now, she’ll be enjoying her stay.

Angel gave us our bags and opened the door to her room, we went inside ours as well. The scent of daisies filled the room, all too pleasant for my taste. I looked the around as I set aside my bags, I realized the scent was coming from a couple of daisies potted beside the doors and the ceiling. I also spotted a bed room with two beds made from genuine cotton and sheep skins. I couldn’t even help myself and immediately jumped right into one of them.

One of the beds was near the bathroom, the other one was near a window. Time Turner knew which one I’d like best so I bet he took the opportunity to robe me of it. I was on the bed next to the bathroom when he said, “That’s going to be your bed from now on then.” Just the mere thought made me upset and foalish.

“That’s not fair!” I barked, yet he never listened.

After getting our stuff settled, my nerdy cousin proceeded to read a book and stayed at our room (bedroom). I told him that I’ll be looking around the academy and to stay put if he wanted to find me. If I was moving around the place and he was looking for me… Let’s just say it’s gonna be tiring.

(About an hour later)

Tired I maybe, but I surely wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to look around while I still can. So I went to the auditorium, which didn’t look very different from the castle throne room it was going to be. Banner of three filled the hall from each side, a large stone stage can be seen from a few meters, and several dozen benches filled the room, all facing towards the stage. In my luck, I get to see it being used today.

There were a couple of students practicing. Three in all, one of each races. The unicorn had a silver mane and blue coat which resembled Trixie. The pegasi black-maned and red coated which made me feel ominous towards him. And the earth pony… It was Purity Spring. Lucky that…

She noticed my presence as I approached, which was very convenient. I didn’t want to look awkward in front of them after all. “Hey, it’s Walker!” She claimed, practically announcing my presence to her fellow students. “Everypony, this is Temporal Walker… He’s a fellow student. And our new Alchemy teacher”, she told them.

They turned their attention to me, and gave a delightful smile. “So you’re the new guy, huh?” The pegasi said. “My name is Red Moon, always glad to see a new student! And prof… I guess…” He added.

And then the other one also gave an introduction. “My name is Prancer Lulamoon, the best at illusion spells. Playing tricks in ponies minds… And sometimes quite the performer, if somepony would pay for a show that is”, He stated.

That’s a fairly good reason why he looks like Trixie, he’s probably a very distant ancestor! “Then I take it you’re rehearsing, Prancer?” I pointed out.

He nodded. “Yep. You came here at the most perfect time, we’re actually having our anniversary”, He told me.

“Anniversary?” I repeated.

Purity Spring answered my rather vague question. “-Of our academy…” She added. “We’re celebrating it because it’s our tradition. Our performance features the founding of Equestria… It’s our first time doing it, so I hope we don’t ruin it!” She explained.

So, is this where the yearly Hearts Warming Eve play originated? It sounds about right… “How much time do you have left until the play?” I asked.

“To be precise, it’s ‘how much time do we have until the festival starts!’ because that’s a week from now…” Red Moon belly-ached.

The expressions on their faces, they were exhausted and restless from overthinking. They apparently, needed all the help they could get. So I offered them my aid.

Leveling with their state of mind, I asked. “Is there something I could help you with?”

They shook their heads. That was unexpected. “Some other students would probably use more help than us… We’re just memorizing our lines and practicing the play!” Prancer said.

I turned to Purity Spring. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

She nodded. “We’ve got this covered, Walker. Please assist the other students on the campus if you’re so eager to help out”, She insisted. Don’t say I didn’t ask…

I thanked them for the time they spared and left without anything more to say. I trotted towards the door, opened and went out, and then closed it behind me. I tried thinking of a place in campus I could check. It wasn’t as hard as I first thought, since I was very curious of the garden. So I went there.

(A few minutes later)

Upon arriving, I noticed that there was some sort of mishap that happened not too long ago. The place was littered of dried leaves and broken branches. A storm or something ominous. Probably just happened today…

I was approached by a serious looking pony wearing a pair of glasses. Yellow coat and black mane, a cutie mark of a bow. He started talking in a formal manner. “Sorry about the mess, this was an aftermath of another one of my spells… Don’t worry about it, I’ll clean it later today”, he said.

It’s kind of rude not to tell your own name first, right? “Your name?”

“Sharp Shooter”, he answered.

I looked around his body traits. Oddly enough, he wasn’t even a unicorn, nor a pegasus at the least. How’d he made this mess? And what spell?

He started to look suspicious. “What spell are you talking about? You’re a freak-gin earth pony!” I pointed out.

“I use an amplifier. Don’t ask what that is… Its basic function is to help me use magic”, He reasoned. He showed me his amplifier, it looked like a bracelet.

I didn’t know there were other ways to use magic. I feel like I didn’t do enough research… Great!

“Was there something I could help you with?” I asked.

He took out a book. Concentrated yet listening to what I was saying. “I’m almost done with this one spell, I just forgot how it goes down! I left 2 books in the library this morning, could you fetch it for me?” He requested.

What the heck am I?! A dog?! Well… I suppose if it helps… But I got to know what that spell he was using was for! I need to help in the festival, not help another pony’s project!

I looked at him fiercely. “I want to ask something first, what’s the spell for?”

He showed me his book, it showed an illustration of the mountain inside a giant dome. He then started explaining. “The pegasi has an immovable schedule of a storm for this week, but we still have our outdoor activities for this year’s festival. Mistress Clover asked me to do something about the problem, and this was the best thing I could do”, he explained. Sounds reasonable enough…

I could relate to the problem, being a pegasus myself. I suppose it can’t be helped… “I’ll get those books for you…” I told him.

He had a grateful expression. “Thank you… uhm…” he stopped, remembering he didn’t knew my name.

“Temporal Walker”, I informed him.

He gave me a nod. At least he’s not a weirdo, I had enough of those!

I tried to remember the labels on the map Clover gave me because I left it at my room. If I’m correct, it should be at the first floor. If it’s not, then it’s in another building because these are where the class rooms are at. After thinking of the library’s location, I continued galloping inside.

On the way, I came across Angel who was also looking around. I approached her to ask about her thoughts about the place.

“Snow Angel!” I called out from a far and kept approaching.

She turned her gaze at me. “Hey, Walker... What are you doing?” She asked.

I suddenly remembered I had to run errands like a servant. “Running… errands…” I said, held back.

She looks at me confused. “That’s not like you. Even if it was, I doubt you’ll do errands for your cousin. What’s the matter?”

I tried explaining the situation as best as I can. “Apparently, the academy is planning to celebrate their anniversary. They’re a little short-hoofed at the moment, so I offered to help out”, I told her.

“Okay, I’ll let you get to it. If you have some time, would you meet me and Fireheart Blaze at the bar this afternoon? We’re having dinner” She said.

Wait a minute… Fireheart is also here? Not surprised to see a student of magic in such a place, but I thought he was a specialist already? And dinner at the afternoon? Nevertheless, I politely declined. “Sorry, Angel. Maybe when I’m not so hectic… Besides, I’m practically worn-out for the day”, I said.

Angel remembered it’s technically midnight in our time in our current state. “I forgot… Sorry. I’ll try again tomorrow, bye!” She said and then continued with her affairs. And I also have mine…

(At the library)

When I got there, I was confronted by a seemingly endless collection of books. You could say that the place was as extensive as 10 golden-oak libraries put together. A rather large yet not so daunting room to boot. The only scent I could pick up was the smell of old papers from books which was aged by time. And a rather good smelling cup of tea from the librarian’s desk.

At the far end of the room, I saw a unicorn sorting the volumes of some rather old books. A fine looking mare, who was probably the librarian. She was wearing a white robe, an azure coated mare with silver streak hair along with her purple mane. As I check closer, I saw her cutie mark… several books piled upped in the center. I approached and asked. “Are you the librarian?”

She nodded. “You could say that... Technically, I organize, check, and guard them for most time during the day”, she said.

If she’s not the librarian, than who is she? “So… are you an assistant or something?” I second guess.

“Well, at least you know my job here… I’m currently studying the history of Equestria, so I volunteered to help out here in the library”, she explained. That would make sense…

Since the pony I’m looking for isn’t here at the moment, I bet there’s no harm asking this mare. “Would you mind helping me out?” I asked.

“Are you looking for a book?” she deducted.

I made a frown face. “A pony forgot two books here earlier, any chance you know where I can find them?” I asked.

She poked her hoof on her forehead and bowed, thinking. “You might find them on one of the tables in the quiet section. I usually see him hanging-out over there”, She pointed out.

“He practice his spells in a section of the library that’s serene and peaceful?” I asked, pointing out the silliness of thought.

“No. He mostly forgets to go back to his room and falls asleep there”, she corrected.

I could see how he forgot those books. Anyhow, I thanked the mare and proceeded down the right, towards the section of the library she mentioned.

I found 4 ponies on that section, several sat down at their separate tables, reading. One of them was sleeping at one of the benches in the corner. There were several tables which was empty, while some were occupied by the studying ponies. One stood out, no pony sitting at its chairs, yet there were 2 books placed on top of it.

I approached the table and opened one of the books. I read the title ’37 most advance spells for weather manipulation’ which was a dead giveaway. The other one had no title, it looked more like a diary from its contents than a book. I picked them up and slid them on my wings so I could still trot freely. Finishing up, I went out the library and galloped all the way back to Sharp Shooter.

(Several minutes later)

When I got back, the pony had manage to clean up the mess he made earlier. He turned his gaze at me and noticed that I was carrying the books he asked. He stopped to cleaning to come and get them.

He then approached. “You found it?” He asked.

“If the other books wasn’t a dead giveaway, I don’t know what to look for” I complained, and then gave him both of the books.

He then examined the contents, looked very carefully and didn’t notice anything wrong with it. “These are the books”, he said while levitating them. “I’m almost finished, would you like to observe?” He asked.

I shook my head. “No thanks. Just be sure to do it right…” I reminded and then went on my way.

He waved me off as I kept searching for more ponies to help.

(30 minutes later)

Searching non-stop, it seemed as if no pony else was asking for assistance of any kind! So I simply went back to my room to take a nice long nap.

When I got there, it was almost sundown. I noticed my cousin left the ovens on in the kitchen and was cooking something. From the smell, I could sense mushroom soup although I do hope it’s not deadly. I checked the kitchen, peeking from a far… But when I saw it, there was no pony there. Until I sensed the presence of running water. He was probably taking a shower…

The soup itself was not yet finished. However, I couldn’t just leave it burning like a wild fire, so I lowered the heat and went straight to bed. As I let myself sink on its cloudy mattress, I could feel myself slowly but surely drifting away to sleep.

(The Next Morning)

The scent of breakfast covered the bed room quicker than a virus. I also remembered my cousin cooking soup yesterday. I wonder what happened to my share. I pushed myself out of bed and quickly went to the bathroom without running. After washing my face with cold stream, I went to the kitchen to look for Time Turner.

There I saw, cooking beated-eggs and carrots. “You’re up? Good… Because I wasn’t sure who to give this breakfast to if you didn’t eat again”, He teased.

“I assume you gave away my share of the soup yesterday?” I complained.

“I’m not going to waste food now, am I?” he said and placed some breakfast on the table while cooking the rest. “Anyways, eat up! Clover wants to see you”, he told me.

I sat down and ate my breakfast. “Why does she wants to see me?” I inquired.

He stopped moving about a minute. “I don’t know… Maybe she likes you”, he told me. I gave him a glare. “Just joking! It’s about that deal she made with you yesterday, she needs to talk about it…” He told.

I quickly gobbled up the rest of my breakfast and groomed myself. After that, I went out the room and quickly ran to the other side of the corridor. I even forgot to clean my plates and tell Time Turner that I was going out early.

(At Clover’s Office)

To my surprise when I got there, Clover was up and about like it was her job to stay up all night. I approached her and said my greetings. “Good Morning, Clover”, I said.

“Hello there…”

“My cousin said you wanted to see me?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yes but when I heard that you already called it a day, I didn’t bother”, She explained.

“Sorry about that… We had a pretty long day…” I reasoned.

She waved her hoof in an apologetic manner. “No! No! It’s quite alright! But if it’s okay now, I would like to discuss the matter we talked about yesterday”, she said.

“It’s fine by me, I did get to meet some of your students”, I pointed out.

She was quite intrigued by my claim. “Oh? How many students did you come across?” She inquired.

Let’s see… we had Purity Spring with two other ponies, one earth pony who could cast spells, a librarian, and 4 more ponies at one of the libraries sections. So that’s about… “9 ponies, 4 of which I haven’t spoken too, and 1 whom I already knew… Oh! There was one more who I knew was here at the academy but never got to meet”, I deducted.

“That’s quite a number of students, considering you were tired yesterday… Did you look around?” She inquired.

“Sort of”

“Enough of that… We need to tackle the matter at hoof. So what do you say about my offer?” She asked. Preferably taking this matter to a close, probably more than me.

“Would this benefit me in more ways than one? One obvious thing being able to use magic to fight?” I inquired.

“If that’s what you want, you could use even your most basic of knowledge to your advantage”, she answered.

I nodded in agreement. “Then I will help your school excel in alchemy and as a bonus, I could even teach your pegasi in advance flight…” I told her.

She gave me a huge smile of gratitude. “Thank you! And I guess that concludes that…” She said.

“I guess so”

“Anyway, you should help out for the festival. Most of the students are getting ready for it since it’s our anniversary”, She insisted.

This is the part where you’d regret something you can’t do. “I would love to! But I can’t because nopony else needs help”, I explained.

“Did everypony say that they don’t need help? I’m pretty sure Purity Spring and her friends need it badly”, she pointed out.

I would admit, they do need help. But typically too selfless to even consider asking for it. “I could try asking them again, since nopony else needs it”, I said.

She gave me a grin. “That’s the spirit! I look forward to your help, Professor!” She teased.

I laughed nervously. “I don’t think I’ll get used to that! Maybe ‘Sir’ but not that!” I pointed out.

Taking the matter into a close, I bid Clover a good day. I then started searching for Purity Spring and her friends. Leaving Clover’s office, the sun hits my mane from the glass windows of the hall. I could see several students walking about the stairs and corridors, getting ready to start their day. To my luck I spotted one who I was looking for, Red Moon.

Just about to arrive at the second floor corridor, approached the climbing stallion. “Red Moon!” I called out.

He turned his gaze at me. “Hey Prof!” He said. Stop it please…

“I told Clover not to let the students call me that!” I belly-ached. “Anyway… Mistress said you needed help. More than anypony. Don’t deny it.” I kept pausing.

“Well… It’s actually about Purity Spring. She doesn’t seem to be able memorize all her lines, yet she claims to have already done it. I know she’s having a tough time at that, while Prancer is…” He stopped, midsentence.

“Go on”, I insisted.

“He doesn’t know what kind of props to use for the play, since it’s our first time doing it… I don’t want to mess up”, He told me.

“I could help out Prancer, although… I think we can’t do anything but encourage Purity Spring”, I offered.

The pegasus gave a saddening look on his face. “I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. Thanks for the help though, Prof!” He said. Still don’t like the sound of that.

Red Moon kept on walking while I tried finding Prancer and Purity. But perhaps I should have paid more attention to MY friends…

On the way to the auditorium, I was confronted by Snow Angel. She looked happy, yet angry at the same time. And when I say angry, I meant it in the most horrific way possible!

“Temporal Walker! How dare you start your day without say ‘Good Morning’ to your best friend!” She barked from the top of the stairs.

I tried to be formal and not-so-obviously-blowing-it towards her. “Hey, Angel! How are you doing?” I asked nervously whilst approaching her slowly.

“My best friend is wandering around campus and helping students… Life couldn’t be better…” She said, sarcastically.

From the looks of it, she’s trying to get my attention. “And since you’re my best friend, I’m sensing that something is troubling you”, I mentioned to her.

She managed to be straight after that. “I obviously need some help of my own”, she told me. “Could you spare some time?” she asked.

Seeing as how she managed to be calm than I think she’d be, I’d hate to say no. “I always have time for my friends”, I assured her.

She sighed in relief. “I was hoping you’d say that! Because I’m having a bit of a stallion problem… Fireheart Blaze”, she said.

“Fireheart Blaze? What’s he done wrong?” I asked her.

She had a grueling expression from her face. “Ever since I agreed to him to tag me along for dinner, he asking to do it again and again!” She explained.

Wait. What? “Ever since dinner? But we’ve only arrived yesterday, right?” I pointed out how ridiculous it sounded.

“And If I hadn’t lose him yesterday, I would still be running around hiding!” She complained.

She looked totally pissed, and somehow frightened. “So what, does he like you or something?” I said to her. She blushed quicker than a heating pot.

She looked away slightly. “I don’t even want to talk about that idea…” She said in embarrassment.

I lifted my hoof and patted her forehead. “I’ll take care of it…” I assured her.

After that, I continued to walk up the auditorium. They managed to set up for the festival as early as possible in there. The chairs were polished and renewed, in addition to the extra banners added just for the events. I was looking around the area to find the two. There I found not Prancer Lulamoon, but Sharp Shooter… The pony I helped yesterday.

I approached carefully, enough to not startle him. “Hey, Sharp Shooter”, I greeted.

He looked and gaze at me, and then gave a grin. He seemed to be in a pretty good mood after I helped him yesterday. “Ah! Temporal Walker! The pony who saved me the trouble of getting an alone time with Mistress Clover”, he said aloud.

“How’d that spell turn out?” I asked him out of curiosity.

“Superb! Thanks again for helping out!” He told me, grateful like crazy. “Anyway, what can I help you with?” He asked. Somepony’s paying attention.

I told him what I needed. “Do you know where a student named ‘Prancer Lulamoon’ is at the moment?” I inquired.

He tried remembering. “He usually sleeps until his classes starts… I know that because he’s always late!” he answered. Clueless and lazy, I don’t think knowing is the part I should be helping him here.

Well, I can’t get to him. Except of course if I knew where his room was. On that thought, I asked my acquaintance. “Do you happen to know where his room is?” I politely asked.

“Lower levels, first room on the right hall”, he instructed.

“Got that! Thanks!” I wrote it on my map and waved the pony good bye while I trotted away.

And now that I know where he is, I decided to go there to quicken my job.

(A few minutes later)

The lower levels represented the feeling of the dungeons, but apparently different in this place. It was rather homey and fresh, some place a pony would definitely like to stay. The halls were painted brown, like wood from the best apple trees. The lamps which were used to lighten the hall was shimmering like the high noon sun.

I noticed the door on the right was spotless, and highly… showy. Sign of which gave way that this is indeed Prancer’s room. I knocked on the door, soft and slow enough to simply announce my presence. One touch, the door immediately opened.

I peeked from the outside and saw quite a numerous amount of… junk. “Prancer?” I called out.

He walked out from his room, still quite wobbly. “Hey, Professor Walker…” He greeted slowly. He looked as if he was drunk.

Pointing out the obvious, I asked, “Prancer, were you still sleeping?”

He gave a nod. His eyes were shut as a door at night, but he’s up and about. “What brings you to my room?” He tumbled. “I don’t think classes has started yet…” He pointed out.

I shook my head. “No, no, Prancer, it’s not about class. It’s about the play”, I said to him. Oddly enough, he all ears that time.

“Was there something wrong? We told you that we didn’t need help, we can handle it!” He reasoned.

I gave him a pout. “Yes. You. Do.” I stressed out every single word for him to understand. “Since I’m not needed anywhere else, I came to see what you ponies needed! And Red Moon told me that you needed help with the props!” I barked at him.

I stepped back a hoof, he was about to fall down because he just woke up. “I told him that I’ll handle it! I wanted to show everypony that I can help on the main event, no one butting in!” He said.

Sounds like he has something to prove. “Okay. Then how about this, I tell you what sort of props you need to use for the settings, you handle organizing and decorating them. Does that sound reasonable to you?” I asked, raising my hoof.

“Hmm… Okay! But I don’t have a lot of free time on my hoof”, He told me.

I took out a piece of paper and a quill. I dipped it in ink and readied myself. “Let’s record your schedule for the whole week, and make sure it’s precise!” I told him.

He started telling me his schedule from sleeping in for the morning, ‘til going to bed late at night. We even made his schedule more flexible so that he doesn’t waste time for the week to concentrate on the matter. You’d think this is overboard, but if it’s only one pony working on the props, you would think differently yourself. Planning the stage and timing the scenes are hard work. Even the costumes might depend on him!

So, working on the matter, we spent the remaining time he was going to sleep for planning.

(Sometime later)

After that brainstorming session with Prancer, I went ahead to the bar to eat to my heart’s content! Along the way, I’ve noticed that I was already staring right into the next pony I needed to help, Purity Spring.

I approached her as I too walk towards the bar entrance. “Good morning, Purity Spring!” I greeted.

“Good morning, Walker”, she greeted back. “Are you going to the bar for lunch?” She asked an obvious question. I answered back.

“Yep. I got hungry after the grueling session I had with Prancer”

She stopped and turned towards me. “Prancer was up and about? That’s new! Anyways, would you care to join me, Professor?” She teased.

I simply didn’t answer and looked away. “Fine…”

After that short conversation, we went inside. It was outstanding! The bar was well decorated and suited for royalty. The addition of the big glass chandelier wasn’t an exception! And the floorings and furniture were simply marvelous! The calling ‘bar’ was just a catchy word to replace ‘tavern or mess hall’.

We went up to the counter to give our orders. The pony in the counter reminded me a lot from the conductor of the trains at our own time. Let’s leave the details at that for now…

I let Purity Spring give her order first, because I was simply trying to be a gentlecolt. “One hay salad, and 3 flavored loaf breads! I’ll have the chocolate ones”, she said to the stallion.

“And you?”

“A hay burger, hay fries and espresso”, I ordered.

After writing our orders, he went to the back to prepare the orders. “Coming right up!”

After that, we went to find a suitable table to enjoy our food when it’s ready to serve. We found quite a perfect spot just up the stairs on the second floor, which can be seen from the entrance. When we got there, we chatted a bit to kill time before receiving our food.

“How was your morning?” Purity Spring asked.

I leaned my head on the table, and started to complain about how my morning went. “It was tiring… The only that came out of it was for ponies other than myself!”

She gave a soft giggle. “Well, you’ll experience more of that in the future”, she commented. Great!

I couldn’t share my enthusiasm, what with all the hunger and tiresome morning. “Just to let you know, my morning isn’t quite finished until I help YOU with your problem”, I told her.

Her smile turned to frown. “So somepony told you that I’ve been having trouble, huh?” She said. “I’ll admit, I’m having a hard time remembering my lines for the play. To tell the truth, I’m not all that into it. That’s the reason I can’t get to remember any of my lines”, she confessed.

No motivation, huh? I can relate to that… but usually not to the point you can’t do it right anymore. “You just need a little nudge, Purity. Some motivation”, I told her.

“How can I do that if I’m motivated at something else?” She asked.

To tell the truth, I’m no psychologist. But I do know how to get this mare motivated somehow. “Try thinking out of the box… Pretend that you’ll fail your most precious subject which you can live with if it happens. Try telling yourself that this stage play can help you pass that subject… It’s all in the power of mind really”, I pictured out to her.

“How can I pretend when I know it’s not true?” She reasoned. For Celestia’s sake, this mare is hard to get through!

I think I need to be a little harsh now, no telling how she’ll react though. “How about this then… Since I’m your alchemy professor, I won’t let you in my class if you don’t take this stage play seriously. You’ll need to memorize those lines, or you’ll learn nothing from me, deal?”

She acted hysterically. “Are you serious?! I can’t have that!” She complained. Well at least we’re getting somewhere...

“Then I won’t ask… I’ll do it if I have to, since I know you’re a very capable pony”, I told her.

She was getting a little irritated. “Oh! Okay! But If I don’t get it, you’re only allowed for a whole month and not forever, got it?” She bargained.

I suppose for a real studious student, this is enough. “Deal”, I agreed to her demands.

And with that, I’ve managed to help Purity Spring with no sweat! That is if she takes it seriously. After our discussion, our food was served and we started eating. After our lunch, I went back to our room and slept for the afternoon. Come evening, Time Turner and I went to the bar to eat. Again.

(A week later)

Days passed by while helping prance and planning out my classes. Due to the festival though, the following morning when I’ve started my week, there were no classes. No pony to teach and no pony teaching. I did my share of helping for the festival, giving my opinions to other students, helping out when needed. I wish days like that lasted forever, but quite tiring even so.

A week later, the festival began. This morning was quite noisy! I felt like I camped outside Dj-Pon3 raves. The scent of mixed flowers flooded the whole campus grounds. It was like a wedding/spring festival!

I went up from my bed headed to the bathroom like my usual mornings and took quite a while on the shower. I tried to pick a good outfit for festival, although my cousin’s outfit was quite simple. I simply took my scarf and wrapped it on my neck. I also took the watch Time Turner gave me, which was quite the accessory.

After preparing ourselves, we went out of our room drifting away in the festival’s attractions. I lost him 2 seconds after going out. The hall ways were divided by different selections of flora. Dandelions, daffodils, roses, and lavender… Quite the atmosphere.

The usual rooms where the library and the bar was were closed for the day. The only places we were free to roam was the garden and auditorium. And of course the halls too. Since it was such a fine morning, I decided to find Angel and take her with me while strolling around. Although I checked her room earlier, she wasn’t there.

I took a peek at the auditorium hoping I could find her there, but she wasn’t. The only thing I saw there was the curtains lowered. You can hear the rough work being put into it.

I went to the garden next where I found a bunch of stands. Lemonades, souvenirs, games, eatery, and all that junk. Attractions filled up what was once the sea of flora.

I looked around and saw Angel on one of the eateries, apparently hungry. The stand itself was simplistic enough and well made. The food selection was decent and the kitchen viewed from the outside was perfectly clean.

I approached the stand and sat where Angel was sitting. “Hey, Angel… Been a while since we talked for a bit, huh?”

She kept eating, after chewing and gulping, she cleaned her muzzle to talk to me. “I’ll admit, Twilight’s been keeping me company while you’re not around. But seeing that she’s not here with us, it kind of makes me lonely being alone”, she said.

Yeah… quite the companion that one. But since we need to learn for now, there’s no need for that. Although being alone is quite tiring, I could relate to that kind of thought.

“I’ll just have to hangout more with you so you don’t feel all alone every time”, I said.

She gave a grin and nodded. “You can start by having breakfast with me”, she insisted.

“What are you having?”

“Pancakes”, she answered.

I waved from a far, calling the waiter. “I’ll have 2 pancakes please!” I shouted.

The student in the cashier simply nodded and went to the back. While they were cooking, I excused myself to go find a comfort room. “Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom!” I told her.

She stopped eating for the moment. “Oh, okay. I’ll wait for you here”, she said.

I went to the back of the garden where I saw an outhouse, talk about luck! Although, when I tried to open it, it was locked, somepony was still using it.

A few seconds later and the door opened, a very familiar stallion came out. “Temporal Walker?” He said.

“Fireheart Blaze?” I returned his reaction.

For some reason, he doesn’t look very happy. “What are you doing here? The toilet’s vacant, hurry up and use it!” He said and then slowly walked away.

I’m not usually for socializing, but this guy has some serious issues right now. “Wait, Fireheart. Is something the matter? Why do I think you’re mad at me?” I pointed out.

He stopped dead in his tracks and gave a fake giggled. “Nothing, just enjoying the company of the pony who stole the heart of the mare I like… Nothing serious”, he sarcastically said.

Who is he talking about? “What are you talking about? Is it Purity Spring? She’s my friend but I don’t love her!” I pointed out.

He faced hoof from embarrassment. “Are you that clueless? Purity Spring is my friend, she’s like my sister! I’m talking about Snow Angel!” He barked at me.

Okay, now this has gone downtown. “She’s my friend! Not my girlfriend! And one more thing, stay away from her!” I warned him.

“Dude, you’ve got to know she’s got the hots for you, right? Otherwise, you’re a rock. And I’m trying to cut her feelings for you!” He said.

“Why would you do that? It’s not like I abandon her, she’s still my friend!”

“Just a friend. She’s just your ‘friend’ in your eyes… A mare like that deserves better than being friend zoned”, he grated.

I was clenching my hoof at the time, angry. “Why don’t you just stay out of our life, Fireheart? You have to know Angel doesn’t like you!”

He gave a giggle again. “She simply doesn’t want her feelings for you to get tarnished by somepony else, but deep down she want to be loved. Preferably you, but I don’t think the feelings are mutual”, he said.

Is she that- “Why don’t you just enjoy the festival, Fireheart?” I asked, sarcastically.

He walked away without another word. I went to the privy, angered and confused. Sure that the pony was an acquaintance, but he was never a friend to begin with.

(Several minutes later)

After a few minutes of alone time, I went back to the eatery to join Snow Angel to eat breakfast. However, surprised to see that she wasn’t there anymore. What the heck?

I went to the cashier to ask, they said that she left after I excused myself. Although a little worried, I tried to eat my breakfast as gently as possible. After stuffing myself, I left the plate at the wash-bin and proceeded to search for Angel. No matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find her. It’s as if it was like this morning, she was hard to find and looked like she was missing.

Suddenly, I jumped to a conclusion that this was Fireheart Blaze’s doing. Did he took Angel with her to celebrate the festival together, making me feel jealous? Or did what he say is true? That Angel was just- I can’t think straight anymore. My best friend is gone and got dragged away by another stallion. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to see me? I don’t know, I’m at a loss. Maybe she deserves somepony better… If that’s the case to me then… why am I jealous?

To be continued…
End of Chapter 8