The Doctor and Whooves

by Landpower

Episode 1 - The Oncoming Storm Part 2

A faint buzzing noise surrounded the Doctor when he woke up. He opened his eyes but immediately shut them because of the light. The Doctor squinted to see where he was. On all four sides of him were walls of orange light. Groaning as he pushed himself up the Doctor tried to make sense of what had happened. Ah yes I was with a talking pony who thought it was a timelord before two more came along and zapped me, thought the Doctor.
“Judging by the headache they must of used an electrical field to disable the electrical signals in my brain for a fraction of a second. Knocked me unconscious. That’s very old technology for Gallifrey.” The Doctor looked around to see if anyone had heard him.

Laying on the floor in a similar cell next to his was the brown pony from before. Judging from the groaning it looked like the pony was waking up as well. The pony got to his hooves and looked around before spotting the Doctor staring at him. Victoriously the pony taunted the Doctor.
“Your invasion isn’t go so well now is it?.”
The Doctor smiled to himself, “I’m not an invader, I’m a traveler. I travel through time and space on my TARDIS.”
“You said something about your TARDIS before. I’ve never heard of one of those before. What is it?” enquired the pony.
“Time And Relative Dimensions in Space - a time machine.” That was interesting because even this far back in history many timelords knew of the nickname TARDIS the Doctor thought. “It’s also called a TT Capsule.”

“What?! That’s timelord technology. How did you get your hooves on that?” The pony looked distressed at the fact the Doctor had a timelord ship.
The Doctor sighed. “For the last time I’m a timelord. At Least in my universe I was. I think this is my home planet but in a different universe because that would explain a lot.”
The Doctor walked too the wall where the pony was. “This planet was destroyed and timelocked so no one could ever go to it in the past,” memories of the past flashed behind the Doctor’s eyes before he continued. “My ship, the TT Capsule, fell from the Universe. I was in the void and my ship was being ripped apart. Suddenly I found that I had landed on this planet that was Gallifrey.”

“And how do you expect me to believe you?” asked the brown pony. The Doctor raised his hand and touched the energy wall. A tingling sensation spread throughout his arm.
“Place your hand, I mean hoof next to mine.” The Doctor saw the pony hesitate at this. “Trust me I’m the Doctor.” The pony stepped away looking completely shocked.
“You can’t be! I’m the Doctor.”
“Well that is interesting but I bet I can prove to you that I’m the Doctor,” confidently said the Doctor. He knelt down so he was at eye level with the pony. “Come closer because I’m only going to say this once.” The pony creeped closer and listened to the Doctor as he whispered one word into his ear.

“H-how do you know my name?” stammered the pony. “Unless you are me from a different universe.” The Doctor pony seemed to relax at this. “But if we have the same name won’t it become confusing?” The humanoid Doctor thought about this for a second before replying.
“How old are you?”
“206,” answered the pony.
“Well I’m over 900 so that means I’ve been called the Doctor for longer. Therefore it is only logical that I remain The Doctor,” said the humanoid Doctor. “Since you are of the equine nature you can be called Whooves for now.” Doctor Whooves did not look pleased at this new nickname.

“Now that we have that out of the way I have to bring you up to date on the last 24 hours,” said the Doctor. “Raise your hoof towards mine so I can create a psychic link.” Whooves raised his hoof towards the humanoid Doctor’s waiting hand. Images of an exploding universe and the TARDIS falling through the universe flashed in Doctor Whooves mind. After a few seconds Whooves backed away gasping for air. The Doctor held his hands up to his head trying to stop the pain. “I promised myself that I’d never do that again.”

After getting his thoughts straight Whooves looked back at the Doctor.
“You should be dead! How are you alive?”
“I don’t know. I think something must have saved me and dragged me into this universe.”
The Doctor was worried and excited at the same time. Something very powerful must of bought him here and it looks like he’d have to go on an adventure to find out what. “You said I was invading when we first meet but why would you think that? I was being completely peaceful.”
Doctor Whooves suddenly became very interested in his hooves so he didn’t have to look at the Doctor.
“Because I didn’t know you were me and we are at war. I thought you were the first wave of attacks.”

“At war with whom?” the Doctor asked in a very worried voice. The last time his planet was at war it was destroyed in the conflict. “Is it the Daleks?”
“What? No, how could it be the Daleks? They were the most peaceful race in the universe. They were destroyed because they wouldn’t even fight back to protect themselves.” The Doctor was dumbfounded at this. I guess this universe is very different than from my own he thought. “We don’t even know what the attackers look like. They just started bombing our shields one day and no matter how many ships we destroy more just come to take their places.”
This didn’t sound like anyone the Doctor had heard of. No species would be stupid enough to send waves of ships to their destruction.
“I think I need to talk to someone in charge,” said the Doctor.