Paper Pen: Plagerism

by Paper_Pen

Chapter Three

Tree's anger me, they really do, every leaf is like a personal insult, and to add injury to insult, I was going from a small town in a forest to a desert, where they farmed apple tree's for some reason. It disturbed me how much of this nation's economy is based around apples.

Appleloosa's train station was a lot less busy than Ponyville's, yet I could already tell I was out of my element, not a single building here exceeded two floors and everything short of the church was made of wood, some would describe this as rustic, I'd describe it a cruel and unusual.

As I walked through the town center I noticed how empty the streets were, everypony was either home or at the tavern this night.

I walked into the tavern and heads turned, it was clear to everypony I was an outsider. It could have been the close nit community that gave me away, or the fact that I was to only one there with clothes from this century.

"Hello, everybody!" I said enthusiastically, making the situation worse.

"What are you doing here?" asked a caramel coloured mare.

"I, uh, I was hoping I could find a blacksmith or something"

"You came all the way out here for farming equipment?"

"I was thinking more a machete or something"
"You know you can just eat weeds, right?"

"It's not exactly for weeds…"




"Not really, but I'm kind of on a quest tha-"

The mare tackled me.

"Quest? Can I come? Please, please, please?!" Her eyes were cartoonishly wide at this point"

"Sure, fine, just get off of me!"

I struggled out from under her hooves.

"Yay! Where are we going? What are we doing? When? How? I'm so excited!" Her squeal was deafening as the awkward silence that briefly left.

I found a table and sat with my new companion

"Where are we going?" She asked excitedly.

"You know what's been going on in canterlot with Chrysalis?"

She nodded.

"Just gotta fix that"

"You say that like its farmwork!"

"Well, all we gotta do is find Celestia"

"All right then, where is she?"

"Probably a hive, I know there's one in the Dragonlands, so I was gonna check there"

"The first spot you check is the dangerous, giant fire breathing lizard infested, mountains?"
"To be fair, I thought this up on the train here, but yeah"

She sighed and I thought about trying to defend my plan, but in all honesty, it was probably gonna get us killed, but it was all I had.

"Well, farmfilly-"

"I got a name you know!"

"So do I, most ponies do"

"Well, if we're gonna be adventuring, maybe we should know each other"

"Pen, Paper Pen"

"I'm Caramel Candy, heir to the Candy fortune!"

"So what are you doing in a place for fruit?"

"Wanted to try and find adventure, thought there might be something interesting here, turns out farmers ain't that interesting, but still, this town has some sort of charm over me"

"It's nothing but apples and sand for miles, I'll rot before I live here"

"So, citycolt, what's your deal?"


"Never heard of you before, a writer in canterlot, you must be a big shot"

"Mostly I do accounting and draft contracts"

"Well thats… boring"

I cleared my throat and showed her my map.

"Next stop is Horseshoe bay, E.S.S Harmony is the only liner that goes to the Dragonlands"

"I assume you only got a ticket for yourself"

"Yeah, one ticket is, like, three hundred bits, I was just gonna sneak on"

She sighed, but agreed to the plan.