Friendship is Chaotic

by Flutters Is Shy

Interlude 2 - Chaotic Lore Reworked

Okay, this is just to get some information out of the way. In the Tv show Chaotic, the way that players are introduced to the 'online' world of Chaotic is if they play the traditional card game with their scanners (somehow they connect online, they don't explain it so I'll just say it's really good wireless tech.) and after they do that enough they get sent a 'chaotic code' that if they access will send their memories to the actual world of Chaotic.

Now, again they gloss over this bit in the show. Can't waste the entire half hour debating quantum mechanics with a bunch of kids, even if you cover it up with colorful cartoons. So for the context of this story, here's how I'm explaining it. Notice that this information is if not known, available for every single chaotic player to find if they look for it on their scanners database.

Chaotic, and by proxy Perim are another dimension loosely attached to the Earth of the show. Players of Earth access the world Chaotic, and through that can access Perim. When a player sends their memories to Chaotic,-

Oh yeah, almost forgot that some people might not know exactly 'what' Chaotic is. It's basically little more than a city sized area that has seven different auditoriums in it. Theres shittons of foodcourts and screens everywhere so everyone can see active battles going on. Now, theres no way that a player base of 24 million (Magic the gathering says it has 12 million, and then you have to consider that this is like a Yugioh type world where the card game isn't just a phase, and has stuck around for a long time and the good cards are somehow actually rare, not sold on booster packs and the like. So increase the the player base by double just to be sure) divided down to the semi odd thousand that are allowed into Chaotic are all just going to sit and wait to be able to play in the dromes. Even if a substantial number of them are off exploring Perim, you still have roughly hundreds of players wandering around the foodcourts waiting impatiently for their chance to fight in one of the only seven available spaces. Oh yeah, Betadrome is a thing... it doesn't really give you rank, though.

So, to clean that up, any number of players can play in any of the dromes at any given time. The doors open, a certain number of people go in, the doors close. They are now in their own personal drome match, and the next time the doors open it will open to an empty room. This allows any number of players to simultaneously use any of the dromes.

Backtracking to previous concerns (I will be rambling back and forth, sorry if it's a bit hard to follow, but I rarely have complete control of where my thoughts go) Let me explain how (in this story, may not be considered canon but might as well be seeing as they never explain it) the players actually get to Chaotic.

A human on earth pushes a button on their scanner (which due to being kinda stupid, they could accidentally brush it and get sent off when they didn't want to, so now they have to go through the menu command, THEN press the button) and then their memories get sent to Chaotic. Their pure human self on earth stays where they are, going throughout their day as normal. They have to wait for their Chaotic self to send back their memories, and then the two memories intermesh to create a single person again on Earth. Then the Earth human sends off their memories again when they feel like it, to perpetuate the cycle.

I think the only reason players don't normally stay in Chaotic is because while they do have food and beverages, they don't provide bedding or the like. If you want to sleep, you either have to curl up in a corner (pretty sure they never dim the lights), go to Perim and bum it out in the wilds or someones house, or just port your memory back to Earth so you can take a snooze.

Okay, so when players port to Chaotic, they appear just as they did in real life. As in, if you had a bum leg out in the real world, when you ported to Chaotic you would still limp around.

In this lore, their bodies when in Chaotic... aren't truly physical. They are composed of cothica code, which basically makes up the base matter and energy of the players, Chaotic, and the 'special moves' of Perim creatures. This allows the players to substitute their bodies with creature bodies during drome matches, and allows them to transport between Chaotic and Perim. Suffice to say, the creatures of Perim don't know anything about this.

Okay, moving on. Player mentality.

Players in Chaotic can acquire new creature, battlegear, location and mugic cards by scanning their 'real life' comparisons in Perim. Now, the problem with this is that Perim is in the middle of a continent wide war. Four different tribes all vying for dominance, all trying to kill each other.

That would be the equivilant of walking around in germany during world war 1 and just wandering around, blatantly advertising that you weren't supposed to be there while asking for inane things like people signatures because 'it would get you points for this game you were playing'.

You would get your ass killed, and very frequently players get attacked in the show. Nothing ever comes of this because again, Tvshow for kids. Now, I know that adolescents tend to have the whole 'I'm immortal' thing going for them, but even THEN when faced with monstrous beings that CONTINUOUSLY try to kill you every time you go over to ask for a picture... Even the stupidest child would eventually give up and stay away. Much easier to just buy card packs in the real world.

So heres where I split off from the TV shows logic, and input some of my own to make it so that players would actually WANT to risk their lives for a couple scans.

One scan of each type (creature, battlegear, location, mugic) can be held in the scanner as a scan (as in, they go to Perim and scan something) until the player is forced to log it in a Chaotic terminal. That stays normal. To extend this further however, to incentivize players trying to get harder scans, players can copy a logged scan over to another players scanner. This only functions for the scan as long as the player remains in Perim (further incentivizing players against panic porting back to Chaotic), and does not reinitilize if they go back to Perim before coding in their new scans in a Chaotic terminal.

Players frequently drop their scanners in the show or get them stolen, feasibly to add tension to their given episode. THIS IS A PROBLEM. NO ONE WOULD GO TO PERIM IF THEY FIGURED OUT THEY COULD GET STUCK THERE.

So, time outs. If a player is seperated from their scanner for over 24 hours, they are automatically logged out and their memories returned to their earth world counterparts. This prevents assholes like Klaybourne from just stealing a players scanner and hidng it on Perim while they're stuck on Chaotic.

That being said, the creatures of Perim eventually learned that taking the humans scanners resulted in them disappearing anyway after a set amount of time. So they got the bright idea of pressing their scanner to the captive humans body every so often. Code was reworked past that point so that if you stayed in Perim for 71 hours and 59 minutes, you and your scanner would be ported back to Chaotic at the end of 72 hours.

Players can still 'die' in Perim and Chaotic. If you get your neck snapped, starve, or somehow find yourself leaping headfirst into a pool of lava, that version of you will be erased. A message will be sent to your earth bound self, allowing you to send another memory burst to Chaotic. This has led to the creatures of Perim mostly ignoring the humans for the most part. They just keep coming back anyway, so why bother with a method that wastes ammo? Just stab them, or throw them in a jail cell. Not much beyond that that you CAN do.

After recieving the message that you died in Perim, you are given a buffer period where you cannot log back in to Chaotic for a day. In the span of a month, the first time you die takes a day, the second time gives you a buffer time of three days, the third time a buffer period of a week, and the fourth block lasts you either till the end of the month, or the end of the next one (depending on how many days there are until the end of the month.) This is to prevent players from willy nilly abusing the system.

Equipment that players bring with them from Earth (basically just a copy) will disappear from Chaotic or Perim upon the player logging out. This somehow doesn't count for food or liquid that has already been consumed, but does count towards solids and liquids that have not yet been injested. That way, players can't just stuff a ton of food in a haversack and try to sell it to creatures from Perim.

Creatures, Battlegear, Mugic and locations scanned in Perim result in altered abilities of the cards. Where they would be a set rate here on Earth, over in Chaotic you could feasibly get a Maxxor card that higher stats than the real world equivilent. Whether due to them simply having been eating well, or if they had just finished a training regimen that increased their powers. This can also backfire, because if a player scans a creature after they just finished a fight they could be tired, or in extreme situations you could end up getting a creature scan that keeps its 'sick' status, making it a card that never gets any better and leaves a player at a disadvantage. Same goes for Battle gear and locations, if you scan a gun with no ammo then you'll have a gun with no ammo. As for locations, if you scan a place during an earthquake, that earthquake will still be happening at the start of your drome match. They never really showed mugic malfunctioning in the show, don't know if it can.

So uh... That's basically it for now. Basic mechanics to make the tv show world work in ours in such a way that people wouldn't be going 'Why the hell would I go over there? I could just spend 200$ on cards and be better off!" or something similar. Let me know what you think of what I have so far, give me suggestions and the like, and... ugh. Even though I told myself I would go back to my other stories and let this one fester for a time... I haven't touched any of my other stories, and instead spent a half hour writing on this story last night. You should be getting another (short) chapter sometime in the next few days.