Half Pony: Full Pony Consequences

by Burritoburger

Full Pony Consequences

Full Pony Consequences
Based off of Half Life: Full Life Consequences by Djy1991
Author: Digit

Twilight Sparkle who was Shining Armors brother was one day an office writing on a letter. She got a letter from her brother that said that ALIENS and MONSTERS were attacking his place! And axed her for healp! So she went. Twilight Sparkle put her letter away and went on the platform to go up to the roof of the building where she left her motrcycle and normal pony close because she was in her office lab coat. Twilight Sparkel got on her motercycle and said "its time for me to live up to my family name and face full life consequences!" So she had to go. Twilight Sparkle ramped of the building and did a backflip and landed. She kept driving down the road and made shure there was no zombies around because she didn't have wepon.

The countreyside were nice and the plants were singing and the birds and the sun was almost down from the top of the sky. The mood was set for Twilight Sparkles quest to help her brother where he was. Twilight Sparkle looked around the countryside and said "its a good day to do what has to be done by me and help my brother defeat the enemys!" Twilight Sparkle was late so she had to drive REALLY fast! A cop car was hiden nearby so when Twilight Sparkle came by the cops came and wanted to give her a ticket. Here Twilight Sparkle saw the first monster because the cop was possesed and had headcrabs. "i can't give you my licence officer :(" Twilight Sparkle said. "Why not" said the headcrab officer back to Twilight Sparkle. "BECAUSE YOU ARE A HEADCRAB ZOMBIE!" So Twilight Sparkle shot the officer in the head and drove off thinking "my brother is in trouble there" and went faster. Twilight sparkle had to go faster like the speed of sound and got there fast because Shining nedded her where he was.

Twilight Sparkle looked at road signes and saw "RAVENHOLM" with someons writing under it saying "U SUDENT COME HERE". So Twilight Sparkle almost turned around and heard screaming like Shining so she went faster again. Twilight Sparkle drove and did another flip and jump off her motorbike and the motorbike took off the headcrab zombies in front of Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle smiled and walked fast. Twilightt then looked on the ground and found wepon. So she picked it up and fired fast at zombie goasts in front of a house.

Twilight Sparkle said "zombie goasts leave this place!" and the zombie goasts said "but this is our house :'(" and Twilight Sparkle felt sorry for them becase of they couldnt live there anymore because they were zombie goasts. So she blew up the house and killed the zombie goasts so they were hapy. Then Twilight Sparkle herd another screem from her brother so she kept walking really faster to get to where he was. Ravenholdm was nothing NYE countreyside there were no birds singing and the pants were dead and the dirt was messy and bloddy from headcrabs. When Twilight Sparkle got to where the screaming was started she found her brother Sining Armor fightin the final boss and Shining said "TWILIGHT SPARKLE OVER HERE ;_;". So Twilight Sparkle went there to where Shining Armor was fighting. Twilight Sparkle fired the buttets from the gun really fast and the bulets went and shot the final boss in the eye and the final boss couldn't see. Shining Armor said "its time to end this ones and for all ;3!" and punched the final boss in the face and the final boss fel. Twilight Sparkle said "thanks i could help, bro" and Shining Armor said "you should come here earlier next time" and they laffed. The laffed overed quickly though becuase Twilight Sparkle yelled "LOOK OUT BRO!" and pointed up to the top of the sky. Shining Armor looked up and said "NO! Twilight Sparkle run out of here as fast as you can!" and Twilight walked REAL fast out! Twilight loked back and saw Shining get stepped on by the next boss and she was mad and angry! "I'LL GET YOU BACK EVIL BOSS!" Twilight Sparkle yelled at the top of lung!

Twilight twitched at what she just read while also determining the fact that what she was reading was literally impossible to read with common sense. She finally looked back up at Pinkie, the author of this monstrosity.

"Did ya like it? Did ya did ya did ya?!" She asked in excitement. Twilight sighed, handing the clutter of papers back to Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie, I'm going to be completely honest. That was terrible."

"What? Why?" Pinkie asked as if there were no possible way that could happen.

"Well, for one, the spelling and grammar is horrible. For another thing, the storyline doesn't even make sense! Seriously, what's a headcrab zombie? Also, Shining Armor doesn't live in Ravenholm, neither does that town even exist! Another, I don't have a motorcycle, nor do I work at an office. Even so, I would be doing flips off of buildings. Also, there are no such things as zombies or ghosts, let alone zombie ghosts! Plus, violence like shooting shards of metal into somepony's eye would definitely not be tolerated in any way whatsoever. Shining Armor also never got stepped on by a "boss"! Neither did I do any of this! Besides, half of this stuff doesn't even exist in Equestria. Motorcycles? Guns? Explosives? What ARE those, even?" Twilight panted as she ended her speech, noticing her increase of tone. Pinkie Pie looked honestly confused. She looked at the paper and giggled.

"Oh, silly! You're reading it upside-down!" Pinkie Pie flipped the papers over and handed it back to Twilight. She then read the first few sentences. Twilight Sparkle, formerly known as Shining Armor's younger sibling, was once working inside of her office doing paperwork. A glow appeared in front of her and a letter formed into existence. Twilight unrolled the letter and had gained the crucial information that Shining Armor had moved to the recently constructed town of Ravenholm and it was currently being assaulted with extraterrestrial creatures as well as beings of myth. Twilight-

She stopped reading.

"Never mind. Now please leave, I have some paperwork I'd like to do."