//------------------------------// // Preparations // Story: To Bring One Back // by Hazel_Hester777 //------------------------------// It didn’t take long for Spike and Bunny to reach the secret Library Bunny made in the cottage of Fluttershy. Spike just assumed they were here for some regular nighttime reading, so he grabbed the book he read the last time and took a seat at the desk. He was trying his best to read, but there was something up with Bunny at that moment that made things weird. She wasn’t looking for the one she read the last time; she was looking around for something else. He quickly stopped reading and decided to pay attention to see what was going on. “’Difference Between Life and Death’…’How to Distinguish a Soul’s Journey’…’Transitions of a Servant’…” Bunny read the titles of the books she scanned aloud. She kept looking around; until she finally found the one she was looking for. “Aha! I found it, Spike!” she called as she grabbed the book and floated to the desk. Spike had no time to react when Bunny dropped the book to the desk with a loud thud. He couldn’t read the title due to it being in Bunny’s own Servant language. Apparently, every book’s text was like that so the alien had to cast a temporary spell that would translate them. Bunny flipped through the pages, eventually coming to a stop. “There we are! Spike, I hope you took coffee tonight because you’re gonna need it!” Bunny said. “Why?” “You’re gonna help me with a spell” “Can’t Twilight do it?” “Twilight can’t see this. It’s a surprise” “A surprise? Am I talking to Bunny Katsuma or Pinkie Pie?” “Bunny Katsuma, of course. It’s a way to make Twilight finally stop crying” “Bunny, she can’t stop. And second, what spell is that anyway?” Bunny then used the Translate spell on the book’s text to change it from her language to their Equestrian She then lifted it to show Spike. He read through what was needed and the chant itself, but what he found really made him wake up. It was the effect. “It’s one that brings back the dead” Bunny said. “You mean…?” “Yes, we’re getting Fluttershy back. Since it wasn’t her time, we are allowed to bring her back. I couldn’t use it on Poltrust because I had to be atleast six and a half, and I was only five back then. So when I finally came to that age it was too late. Now, despite it being a massive spell, we can get Fluttershy back” “How massive? How much power do you need?” “If I’m being honest, practically all of it” Spike was shocked. “But…that might…” “Kill me? Probably, or I’ll just remain weak for the next few days and be unable to move. But, don’t worry, I found a way to make sure none of that happens. Ever wondered what I did the entire time of waiting for Fluttershy’s funeral?” “Uh, yeah. Why?” “I was in Limbo, just normal Limbo. I was in the Garden’s Pool of Jordan’s Water. If a Servant dips in it and remains in Limbo underwater for week, we get a massive amount of power. It gives me twice as much as I normally have” “That’s cool. But, why didn’t you use it earlier? You know, at the funeral?” “I didn’t want to make a scene and it takes a month before the water settles down in me. Now that it is, as indicated by my sunset glowing stripes, we can use it now to get Fluttershy back” “What happens after you bring her back?” “The extra power goes away and I am left with my normal amount. If lucky, there may be enough for one more spell. But then again, this is already painful” “Why painful?” “Because a Servant’s own body could only hold so much. Go beyond it for a large amount of time, things get ugly and it hurts like hay” “Okay. So, what do we need?” ________________________________________ “Okay, I found the necklace of her and Poison Rose, which will be perfect for bloodline” Bunny called out. “I found some of her hair in the pillow, will it do for DNA?” Spike replied. “Perfectly. Did you snatch a feather from Twilight for emotions?” “Wasn’t easy, but I found a loose one. Did you find the group photo for friendship and life?” Bunny nodded, holding up the picture. It was the one they took on the day Bunny saved Spike from the Gecko. “It’s very precious” “So, we got everything we need?” “Let me check” Bunny then took the book to scan and make sure. “Yep, we got them all. Come on, we have to put them in my bag” Spike nodded and headed to Bunny’s bag, dropping all the items inside it as she did too. After that, the alien placed the bag on her. “Ready?” Bunny nodded. “Let’s go to the cemetery”