//------------------------------// // 11: Cutie Mark Problems // Story: The Next Generation of Harmony // by SammyRosePony //------------------------------// It was another beautiful day in Ponyville. Starlight, Sweet Apple, and Rainboom were walking to school. When they got to school, they noticed that students started to crowd in a certain area. “What’s all the fuss about,” Sweet Apple asked. “I don’t know,” Starlight replied. “Why don’t we go check it out?” The three of them ran closer to the crowd. “What’s going on,” Rainboom asked a student. “Didn’t you hear? Diamond Heart got her cutie mark!” “Did she now,” Sweet Apple asked a little annoyed. “Yes, yes,” Diamond Heart said from the center of the crowd. “My cutie mark is fabulous. I got it yesterday when my mom and I were walking through Ponyville.” Diamond Heart walked through the playground showing off her new cutie mark. Her cutie mark was two bits with blue hearts in them. “You all should come to her cutecenera. It’s gonna be a blast,” said a colt with a light gray coat and turquoise mane. “Ballroom Blitz, too much,” Diamond Heart motioning to her friend. Everypony was excited. Everypony except Starlight, Sweet Apple, and Rainboom. “How is it that Diamond Heart is the daughter of Mayor Diamond Tiara and Pipsqueak,” Starlight asked. “And Ballroom Blitz is the son of Silver Spoon and Snails. Both of their parents are so nice. Even their younger siblings are nice. What happened to those two,” Rainboom asked. “Honestly, who cares. We don’t need to worry about it. We don’t need to go to her stupid party,” Sweet Apple said. “Hey Starlight, Sweet Apple, and Rainboom,” Diamond Heart said walking towards them with Ballroom Blitz walking behind her. “So are you three going to come to my cutecenera? Mrs. Pinkie Pie is planning it, so you know it’s gonna be good.” “Why should we come,” Sweet Apple asked. “You haven’t been the nicest to us ever since we met back in Class 1.” “Well, all of Class 3 is coming. It would be pretty embarrassing if you three were the only ones not to show up,” Diamond Heart said with manipulation in her voice. “Though I guess it would be pretty embarrassing showing up too,” she said circling the three. “Why would we be embarrassed by showing up,” Rainboom asked. “I don’t know. Maybe because you three don’t have your cutie marks,” she said pointing to their flanks. All three of them looked down at their flanks. Starlight, Rainboom, and Sweet Apple haven’t really cared about getting their cutie marks. They looked up to realize everybody in their class already has their cutie marks. “H-How is that possible? How are we the last one’s to get our cutie marks,” asked Sweet Apple. “Why do you care,” Rainboom asked. “You haven’t before.” “Because I didn’t think we would be last,” she said now panicking. “Haha. BLANK FLANKS,” Ballroom Blitz pointing at them. “Blank flanks! Blank flanks! Blank flanks,” the class chanted. Finally, Mrs. Cheerilee came out to let the students in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “How did this even happen,” Sweet Apple asked while pacing back and forth out in the orchard. “How did we end up being the last one’s in our class to get our cutie marks?” “Well sugarcube,” Applejack said while bucking apples. “I don’t know what to tell ya. I’ve told ya that Apples are destined to be the last ones to get their cutie marks. I don’t know what it is, but it seems like it runs in the family. Me, Uncle Big Mac, Aunt Apple Bloom, your cousins, Crimson Crisp and Cherry Blossom, and your brothers. We’ve all gotten our cutie marks last. Seems fitting if you were last too.” “Does Aunt Apple Bloom really count as being last? I mean her, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle all got their cutie marks at the same time.” “I’m pretty sure it does count since all three of them were last.” “Dang.” “What’s got you so desperate over a cutie mark all of a sudden? you haven’t shown any desire to get one.” “Diamond Heart got her cutie mark.” “Oh I’ve heard. Lemme guess, she gloated about it at school today?” “Yeah, and she’s having a cutecenera.” ‘Well are you going?” “No! I mean yes. I mean-I don’t know. She said it would be embarrassing for Rainboom, Starlight, and I if we didn’t show up since everybody in our class is going, but she also said it would be embarrassing for us to show up being the only ones without cutie marks.” Applejack giggled throughout Sweet Apple’s story. “Ma, why you laughing? This isn’t funny. It’s serious.” “I’m sorry sugarcube. This just reminds me of when your Aunt Apple Bloom was just a filly when Diamond Tiara got her cutie mark.” “Hm, and then she went out to try different things to get a cutie mark right?” “Well, we went to go sell apples, but that didn’t go over well. After that, she went out to get a cutie mark.” “Well that’s what I’m going to do,” Sweet Apple said as she ran off. “Wait! You should know that’s not how cutie marks work! It didn’t work out for Apple Bloom y’know,” Applejack yelled. Unfortunately, Sweet Apple was already off. Applejack put her hoof up to her forehead. “Just like Apple Bloom.” “What about me,” Apple Bloom said as she walked through the orchard. “My daughter needs help.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Okay, what to do first,” Sweet Apple said to herself. “Hey Sweet Apple! There you are,” Starlight called out with Rainboom with her. “We’ve been looking all over for you.” “Yeah. Where have you been,” Rainboom asked. “I was at home, and now I’m here. Guess what I’m going to do.” “What?” “I’m going to get my cutie mark,” Sweet Apple said confidently. Starlight and Rainboom looked at each other in shock. “What Diamond Heart said really has really gotten to you,” said Starlight. “Maybe it has, but she has a point. As much as we don’t like her, it would be embarrassing if we were the only ones in the class who didn’t show up. Right?” “I mean I guess,” said Rainboom. “And showing up, being the only ones without cutie marks would be mighty embarrassing too.” “You have a point there,” said Starlight. “So let’s go out and get our cutie marks.” “Okay, but how are we going to do this?” “I don’t know honestly, but I know it’s going to happen.” “Why don’t we try helping other ponies. Let’s try one of our moms’ friends” Starlight mentioned. “That could work,” Sweet Apple said. “But let’s not do apple harvesting. My mom’s doing that right now, and I’m not good at that at all despite me being part of the Apple Family.” “Who should we help first,” Rainboom asked. “How about Pinkie Pie,” Starlight said. “I hear she’s got a busy day at SugarCube Corner.” “Then let’s go,” Sweet Apple said running in the direction of SugarCube Corner. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three of them walked into SugarCube Corner. At the counter, they saw Cheesecake and Chocolate Strawberry. “Look who just showed up,” Strawberry said tapping on her older sister. “Well why isn’t it the littles,” Cheesecake said using the nickname she has for the youngest of the elements of harmony children. “Hi Strawberry and Cheesecake. Is your mom here? Or even Mr. or Mrs. Cake,” Sweet Apple asked. “Mr. and Mrs. Cake are in Canterlot making a very important delivery,” Strawberry said. “But yeah, or mom’s here. I’ll go get her,” Cheesecake said. Cheesecake then returned with Pinkie Pie. “Why hello there Sweet Apple, Rainboom, and Starlight Aurora.” “Why do you always call me by my full name when we greet each other,” Starlight asked. “Because your name has a nice ring to it. I always loved it since the day you were born. In which we were all there. Why don’t you go by your full name most of the time,” Pinkie asked. “Because I like it short and simple. Not that I’m ashamed of my name. I just like using my nickname.” “Anyway,” Sweet Apple said trying to get to her point. “Do you guys need any help here at SugarCube Corner?” Pinkie, Strawberry, and Cheesecake kind of eyed each other not knowing what to say. “W-well, you see,” Strawberry said trying to put words together. “We could use the help,” Pinkie said. “Um mom,” Cheesecake whispered into Pinkie’s ear. “You know how those three are. I know I’m usually all optimistic about things, but I’m not so sure about this.” “I just can’t say no to those faces,” she said pointing at the three who were smiling. “Plus we are a little busy today. We could use a little more help. I’ll give them something easy to do. No need to worry.” Pinkie brought Starlight, Sweet Apple, and Rainboom back to the kitchen. “Do you three remember when you guys were younger when your parents were either busy or had a cutie map friendship mission?” “Yeah,” Rainboom said. “You would babysit us. It was only a few times that it was all three of us were being babysat at once. Most of the time it was only two of us or even one of us,” Starlight added. “Do you remember what we did most of the time I babysat you guys?” “Oh yeah,” Sweet Apple said. “We made cupcakes!” “That right,” Pinkie said excitedly. “We need a few dozen cupcakes for an event later. I know you three can work together to get it done. I’m sure you guys remember the recipe. I gotta go get something done now. If you three need anything, Cheesecake is at the counter, and Strawberry and I are in the other room making the candies.” “Okay,” Sweet Apple said. “Let’s get down to business.” “To defeat, the-” Rainboom was cut off by Sweet Apple. “No time for any songs.” “Speaking of songs,” Starlight started. “Do you guys remember how it goes because part of the recipe is part of that song.” “Oh yeah,” said Rainboom. “How did it go again?” “All you have to do is take a cup of flour and add to the mix,” Starlight said half speaking and half singing. “Then take a little sweet not sour.” “A bit of salt, just a pinch.” “Baking these treats is such a cinch, add a teaspoon of vanilla.” “Add a little more, and you count to four, and you’ll never get you fill-a!” “CUPCAKES,” they all sang. “We got this,” Sweet Apple said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Looks like we don’t have that up here,” Cheesecake said helping out a customer. “I’ll go check in the back if we have any left.” Cheesecake went to the back. She passed by the kitchen when she saw the giant mess. “What is going on in here?!” “What happened,” Pinkie yelled running towards Cheesecake with Strawberry behind her. “I told you! you added too much flour,” Starlight yelled at Sweet Apple. “Well I had to do something to even it out somehow! You put way too much vanilla!” The oven alarm went off. “Rainboom! You burned the cupcakes again,” both the girls yelled. “I’m sorry,” Rainboom said as he opened the oven. The oven was filled with smoke. He coughed as he went in to grab the burnt cupcakes. “Ah, hot hot!” “Well,” Sweet Apple “Those don’t look as bad as the last couple batches.” “They’re all horrible,” Starlight said. “Okay,” Pinkie said interrupting them. “How about I handle the rest. You three should go take a break.” The three left Sugarcube Corner. Their heads looked down as they failed to discover their special talent. Sweet Apple walked faster than the other two. “Why are you so upset Sweet Apple,” asked Starlight. “This isn’t like you. What’s got you so mad?” “Do you guys even care about getting your cutie marks,” Sweet Apple asked with anger. “Of course we do,” Rainboom said. “We’ll get them eventually. It’s just now’s not the time. Once we discover our destinies, then they will appear.” “Well it’s not like you two were getting any close to getting your cutie marks back there. At least I have more experience baking.” “Excuse me?” “W-Were you only doing this to help yourself and not us too,” asked Starlight. “W-Well you see-” “You did didn’t you,” Rainboom said now getting offended. “All of my family got their cutie marks last. I just thought I could-” “All you were doing was looking out for yourself. I thought we were in this together? I guess not,” Starlight said. “Well I don’t want to be ostracized at the party.” “Who cares,” Starlight yelled. “Yes, it would be embarrassing, but is it worth losing friends to?” “C’mon Star,” Rainboom said. “We don’t need her. She can figure out her cutie mark issue herself.” The two of them walked away leaving Sweet Apple by herself in the middle of town. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweet Apple laid on the ground while her mother bucked apples. “What’s got you down sugarcube,” asked Applejack. “I did something bad, and I don’t know how to fix it,” Sweet Apple replied. “What did you do?” “I put my feelings before my friends to make me feel better. I thought I could get my cutie mark before them. I purposely chose something I knew they weren’t great at that I could do fairly well, so I could get my cutie mark before them. I did it because I wanted to be the first Apple who wasn’t the last in her class to get her cutie mark.” “Well,” Applejack started. “How do you think Rainboom or Starlight would feel if they were last in the class.” “They would be quite upset probably.” “You’re pretty upset about it too.” “Yeah, I am. How would I make this up to them.” “Why don’t you go to the party with them.” “They’re not gonna want to go. Not with me at least.” “Why don’t you just show up at the party. If they show up or not, you’ll know how they feel. Plus, you’ll get passed the making fun of for not being at the party.” “I guess you’re right. I’ll give it a try. I’ll be back when the party’s over,” Sweet Apple said as she ran towards Sugarcube Corner. Applejack walked towards the barn. There, she spotted Apple Bloom. “Hey Apple Bloom,” she called out. “Yeah sis?” “You and Jazzy are going to that cutecenera today right? Your friends and their kids are going too right?” “Eeyup. Why?” “Can I ask you a favor?” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sweet Apple walked into Sugarcube Corner. Everywhere she looked she saw ponies having fun and mingling. She spotted Diamond Heart showing off her new outfit. Sweet Apple could already tell it was designed by Rarity. All around her, colts and fillies ran around with their cutie marks. She felt a little heat rise up as she started to get nervous. She looked at her flank. “How bad could it be,” she asked herself. “Well hello blank flank,” Diamond Heart said as she walked towards Sweet Apple with Ballroom Blitz walking behind her. “Well at least you showed up,” Ballroom Blitz said. “I wouldn’t want to be the only pony in the class who didn’t show up, but at the same time, I wouldn’t want to be the pony without a cutie mark.” “You are not special at all,” Diamond Heart said. “You’re just a boring, stupid, little blank flank. Of all the ponies in Equestria, I wouldn’t want to be you.” “Hey,” a voice called out. “You got a problem with blank flanks?” Scootaloo was standing there looking Diamond Heart in the eye. “I said, you got a probelm with blank flanks?” “Not having a cutie mark means you are not special at all.” “That’s not how it looks like to me. Everypony is special in their own way.” “You know Diamond Heart,” Diamond Tiara said walking up. “I used to think the same way as you when I was your age. I soon realized I was wrong.” “I don’t care,” Diamond Heart yelled. “Let’s just get this party over with,” she said as she stormed away. “Why did she have to end up like this,” Diamond Tiara said to herself. “I-I’m so sorry Sweet Apple.” “Mrs. Diamond Tiara,” a voice called. “We got it from here.” It was Starlight and Rainboom. “You two came,” Sweet Apple said. “Well, Applejack told our moms that you were coming,” Starlight said. “We didn’t want our best friend to be ostracized alone,” Rainboom said. “B-But I treated you guys unfairly.” “Yeah you did,” Starlight said. “We know the reason you did it, and we couldn’t stay mad at you. We forgive you Sweet Apple. To be honest, Rainboom and I don’t enjoy being the last in our class to be last to get our cutie marks. We just didn’t say anything because we knew it would come someday.” “I have an idea,” Sweet Apple said. “Why don’t we look for our cutie marks together?” “I like this idea,” Rainboom said. “I’ve waited several years for this day,” Apple Bloom said excitedly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “No way,” Sweet Apple said happily. “We get to be Crusaders?” Sweet Apple, Starlight, Rainboom, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were in the old Cutie Mark Crusaders Club House. They looked at two pictures hung up on the wall. One of them was of Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, The other was of Midnight, Apple Slice and Aura Mist when they were their age. “Our older siblings were crusaders,” Rainboom asked. “Yep,” Scootaloo said. “You three were too young to remember that, but they were.” “And since you guys are crusaders now,” Sweetie Belle said. “You three need these.” She gave them each capes that were made with red velvet fabric and lined with gold silk. These were the very same capes Sweetie made when she was a filly. “You can tell which one is Scootaloo’s because you can see the stitched from where she ripped it on Fluttershy’s fence.” “Hey.” “Can’t believe we’re crusaders now,” Sweet Apple said. “And together we will discover our destinies.” “Yeah,” they all jumped up giving each other a high five. This was going to be an adventure they were looking forward to.