//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Forest's Revenge // by Mocha Jon //------------------------------// Over in Canterlot, the sun had just risen and many ponies are waking up and heading out to work. Ponies are heading to restaurants heading out to their office jobs, and one unicorn is excitedly eager to get to his job at the construction agency. His name was Dry Wall and he was a simple contractor/construction worker. He had always loved playing with his toy dump trucks and wearing cartoonish costumes with yellow hats as a colt and, despite his tendency to lose those toys, he earned a hammer for his cutie mark and became the contractor he is today. Dry Wall left the house with a big grin on his face, he was almost never in a bad mood. His boss was announcing who would become the head construction manager of a new community rec center and he was eager to finally gain the responsibility. However shortly after he left his house, he stopped paying attention to where he was going and accidentally stepped hoof in what appeared to be road cement by road workers. The road workers looked a bit guilty for not placing the warning sign far out enough and tried to apologize, "Hey sorry about that man, the wind must have blown the sign down, you need any help?" One asked as Dry Wall looked a little concerned initially. That shortly faded as he began to smile again and stepped out like nothing happened, "Hey don't worry about it, happens to me at work all the time!" He said proudly. He then used his horn to remove the cement from his leg and then managed to place it smoothly on the ground again, "We buildin' ponies gotta way to fix anythin'. 'Member?" He asked with a faint country accent, not on the level of Applejack or Big Macintosh, but it was definitely there. "I gotta go, got my own work to do, I'll let ya get back to your honest work too, see ya!" He then walked off happily and waved goodbye. Shortly after, he noticed his stomach grumbled a little as he was so excited he forgot to have breakfast. Fortunately for him his favorite shop wasn't too far from here and he figured he had the time to stop for a muffin. The shop itself didn't seem too busy so when he went in he was only second in line and noticed there was still a tray of his favorite kind, gluten free poppy seed muffins (he was allergic to wheat), and just waited kindly behind the mare in front of him. He noticed that the cashier seemed to know her as they looked close. "Oh hey girlfriend! It's like so fab to see ya here cause the drab section of the day is about to start." The cashier said with a valley girl accent. There was a clear indication that she was not very old, probably late high school or early college level age. Her clothing seemed to indicate this as the had on a Halter top and skinny jeans. The mare pegasus responded in a similar manner, "I like totes understand hun, later I need to visit my icky blicky brother and his family today so I gots to get some munches." She was wearing more of a hipster oriented outfit, with a barret and striped T-shirt underneath a denim jacket. Dry Wall winced his eye for a moment, he wasn't sure if he was out of style or if these girls were out of style... he couldn't understand half of what the girls were saying. He was half tempted to speak Spanish to try and get them to respond. "Anyway, could I get about two banana nut muffins and a few of those gluten free poppy seed ones? It looks like you're all out of gluten free everything else and my bod's like so on the all natural fling." The cashier simply took out the entire box instead of a few, "Oh here, take them a lot of them free, nopony ever orders these anyway. Plus you're gonna need them if you're gonna be around some stallion, no clue why anypony would if it wasn't a date and he was like rich." The cashier responded, causing Dry Wall to think to himself, 'huh?' but he didn't say anything. He also didn't notice that the mare ahead of him walked away with the whole box... “Hey there missy, could I just get one of those gluten free poppy seeds, they’re my favorite after all!” He said as he looked down and noticed the space for the muffins was empty. The cashier didn’t seem to be sympathetic or understanding however, “Like did you not see what just happened? I just sold out, sorry, shoulda gotten here earlier.” Dry Wall was upset and a little annoyed and angry but he held it in and attempted to shake it off with a smile, “Oh, well, sorry for wasting your time Mam, I’ll try again tomorrow.” He walked off pretending like that didn’t bother him, focusing on finding out about his promotion. When he finally arrived at the construction office, there was an incipient meeting and Dry Wall knew exactly what it was about. He heard his boss call everypony into the break room to hear a special announcement and Dry Wall was so eager he was the first one in the room. The earth mare was a bit curious about his eagerness and was not sure why he wanted to hear so badly, “Oh my, well anyway, as you all know, we’re starting a new project soon and we need a new construction manager,” She began, Dry Wall looking more and more excited, “Which is why I have made my decision, Dry Wall…” he was about to walk forward and hug her, until… “Step out of the way so She Rock can take her golden name tag as our new construction manager!” A female earth pony walked up behind him and shoved him out of the way gleefully and hugged the boss eagerly. She had a pink half cut top on with blue pants and had her mane into small pig tails and one back bun. “Oh my gosh thank you so much! This is such an honor, I didn’t even try that hard to apply for the job not thinking I was good enough!!!” Her voice was very high pitched and had a faint squeek to it. It asn’t too bad as to annoy anyone instantly but after spending a whole day with her it would get bothersome. She Rock was a relatively new worker at the construction agency, she didn’t have very much experience in the field and often took the easy way out. She was a very bubbly and peppy girl, having a similar perpetual positive attitude as Dry Wall. “Well a smart young mare like you always seems to get her job done in lickidely split time, we could use your advice, most of the older stallions always take the long way to finish.” The boss replied, a bit struggling for breath but then looked back at Dry Wall embarrassed, “Oh no offense Dry Wall…” Dry Wall attempted to keep his smile on his face despite an awkward blush, “Uh, none taken Mam”… However it was a large strain when his dream position was taken away from him. “Oh don’t feel bad Dry Wall, I didn’t forget you. I know how much you wanted this job so I want you to be She Rock’s assistant. Just help her with the project and give her anything she wants, is that alright?” “Oh, well, uh, I suppose.” He continued to smile, but his eye twitched a tad in response as he was holding in feelings of being underappreciated and betrayed. “I’ll do anything she says.” She Rock looked very cheerful and excited at having her own assistant, “Oh my gosh I have wanted an assistant for like ever! Dry Wall, can you run out and get me a muffin? That gluten free poppy seed one you let me try was really good, I want another!” However Dry Wall was nervous to respond, considering what happened earlier. His smile even broke for a moment into an ambivalent expression. “Uh, well I’m not sure She Rock.” The boss looked over at him in disdain, “Dry Wall you need to do anything she says, I chose you to be her assistant for a reason.” Dry Wall was at a loss, he looked back at She Rock and nodded, putting his smile back on as he walked out. As he walked out his eye twitched again, much harder.