
by RayDawn

Lightning Dust

The struggle. The struggle was real. Lightning Dust was fighting Ganondorf and she was one hit from death. "Got you know, you motherfu"- Lightning Dust then jumped as an elated strings came through the door.

"MY PARENTS ARE COMING HERE!" Strings shouted with a grin that was way too big.

"AHHH!" Lightning was not ready for this as Ganondorf swung his sword killing Link. "NOOOOOOO!" Lightning Dust shouted.

Strings reeled back slightly as a frown formed, "You haven't even met my parents yet."

"Dangit Strings. Now Hyrule is fu-" Lightning only got out those words as Starlight opened her room's door and interrupted her.

"Your parents are coming?!" Starlight was smiling as well.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see them again! It's been two years!" Strings almost squealed.

"Wait. You haven't seen your parents in ye-" Lightning was then cut off again, by Gilda.

"Cool! Now I can make fun of you for all your baby pictures!" Gilda smirked. Even though Strings was already as white as a ghost, his face went pale.

"SERIOUSLY!!!" Lightning shouted out. "I CAN'T EVEN TALK!" Lightning shouted and then paused. "Okay. As I wanted to say. Strings, you haven't seen your parents in ye-" Lightning Dust was then cut off again.

"Yo. Dust, you woke me up!" Garble shouted. Lightning Dust then grew as red as a tomato. Then she sighed out, losing her red color.

"Dust? Are you o-" Garble asked Lightning Dust, but then Lightning Dust threw the game controller at the wall. She then stormed out of the apartment with one goal in mind. Food.

"Damn author. Making me a stress eater." Lightning Dust mumbled.

Her bandmates all stood there, wide-eyed. Garble spoke up after the silence, "Dang. She gets way too mad."

Gilda, who was placing the controller back, stopped and deadpanned at Garble, "Says Asura over here."

Garble was getting heated up, but then Starlight spoke up, "Why did she get so mad?"

Strings then answered her, "Because the plot needed to progress." Starlight then nodded in agreement. "Well, I'm going to go to my room and then I'm going to put away my guita-" Strings' eyes then shot open. Strings whispered, "My acoustic... I left it..." Strings sighed and shrugged, "I'll get it tomorrow."

...Later That Day...

Lightning Dust had heard from Garble that this town had this nice little place called The Sweet Shoppe. Her hungry mind went straight to the place and sat down in a huff next to a big group of girls. She didn't know them so she really didn't care for them.

She calmed herself for a bit and then stood up to order something, she didn't care what. "I'd like a-"

"Hi there Lightning Dust." The cashier said.

"DON'T INTERRUPT ME!" Dust shouted. She took a closer look at the cashier and recognized her. "Sor-"

"You need to stop talking to my friends like-" Lightning Dust heard a familiar voice as someone put a hand on her shoulder and turned her, "Lightning Dust!"

"Rainbow Dash." Lightning Dust spat. She really wasn't in the mood for this. Dust crossed her arms and changed her stance. "What do you want?"

"I want you to stop treating my friends like that and say you're sorry." Rainbow was getting more angry as the sentence continued.

"I was." Lightning said matter-of-factly.

"Sure you were." Rainbow said sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Lightning asked as her blood boiled.

"It means what you think it means."

"You little-" Lightning Dust's blood was seething at this point.

"Both ah ya need tah calm down." Some orange chick with a country accent said.

"Can it. This between us two." Lightning Dust said. Rainbow rushed forward and grabbed Lightning Dust's shirt.

"I told you to stop treating my friends like-" Rainbow was cut off by a headbutt. Rainbow grabbed her forhead in pain and Lightning Dust took this opportunity to kick Rainbow back. Rainbow recovered soon and ran towards Lightning Dust. Rainbow connected with a right hook, followed up with a left jab, and somewhere in the back Rarity was shouting.

"Girls! Stop this!" Her voice went unnoticed. Rainbow went for another hook, but Lightning Dust managed to grab her arm and twisted her it. Dust put her palm on Rainbow's back and pushed her towards the wall. Rainbow hit the wall and turned around to continue the fight, but Pinkie jumped the counter and got in the middle of the fight.

"STOP FIGHTING!" Pinkie shouted. "If you continue, I'll have to ban you! That means you two Dashie! Now, say you're sorry!"

"Why? She was the one who started it!" Rainbow Dash said while pointing at Lightning Dust.

Lightning Dust sighed and said, "Sorry Rainbow. It was uncool to treat Pinkie like that." Rainbow Dash's jaw hit the floor.

"You apologized?"

"This isn't The Wonderbolt's Junior Academy, Dash. I don't roll like that anymore." Lightning Dust said.

Rainbow composed herself, "Sorry, Dust. I may have been too harsh." Rainbow stated to smile, "You have gotten better at fighting, though."

"Please, I could've mopped the floor with you back then and I still can." Lightning Dust smirked. Rainbow rolled her eyes. Lightning Dust proffered her hand out to Rainbow. "Want to start over?"

Rainbow accepted, "Sure. I'm Rainbow Dash."

They shook hands. "Lightning Dust."

"Yay!! Group hug!!" Pinkie said. The girls all hugged and Lightning Dust just stared at them.

"I knew the rainbow hair meant something." Lightning Dust smirked.

"Really? We just started over." Rainbow Dash said.

"Right, sorry. Now we start over." Lightning Dust said.

Meanwhile, as the group hug separated, Pinkie had one thought running through her mind. It looks like Rainbow and Lightning are friends, so am I friend by association? I think so. Yay, a new friend! Lightning then spoke up.

"My band and I are performing at a festival in town tomorrow. You girls should come. Also, can you not tell my band about this fight? Last time I got into a fight the band almost kicked me out."

"Sure. I won't tell. I might go, though I'm not sure." Rainbow Dash said.

"Awesome." Lightning Dust said.

"Oh yeah. Lightning Dust, can you give this back to Strings?" Pinkie pulled out an acoustic guitar from the counter.

"Okay, but why did you have that down there?"


"How would that be convenient?"

"Because I read the author's script for this story." Lightning Dust raised her eyebrow at Pinkie's answer.

"See you then." Lightning Dust was about to leave ,but Pinkie stopped her.

"You should take this to go." Pinkie then handed Dust a strawberry smoothie.

"Thanks." Lightning Dust then started to walk back to the band's apartment.