Accidental adventure and romance

by virgoknight

Yakky beginning chapter three

Pinkie Pie opened a single eye as her groggy head throbbed with a stinging pain. She felt familiar hooves wrap around her body carrying her towards safety. she felt a soft *pomf* in her mane as she saw that the pony carrying her was Applejack. The worried mare carrying her friend across her back as she stepped into a medical hut. This was a ten foot wide building with smoking herbs used to soothe and heal the injured who came here. Applejack carefully placed the wounded pony onto a hay cot fluffing her pillow with a worried look on her face.

"Thaa... yo..u." said the barely conscious pink mare.

"Hush now cupcake," whispered before she spoke louder " ah like to fix you but mah skill's aren't with ponies."

Applejack face fell as she looked over her pink friend who was running a fever sweat beading down her chest. Applejack noticed that the dressing was freshly dressed thanks to the yaks who guided them to this village. She felt a sense of helplessness as Pinkie Pie slowly breathed in ragged breaths bringing an internal sense of guilt to the orange mare.

"y..o ne..d t. sm..l.e" she said weakly before falling unconscious.

"Stay with me Pinkie please stay with me." she pleaded with the pink mare.

An ancient yak entered the hut he was large like a Minotaur, he slowly approached the couple. His splotched fur covered his left eye making it impossible to see what he was bout to say.

"Calm my child this joyous pony will be fine," The healer spoke with confidence "Let me tend to her needs now and rest child."

"In the hay ah will," Her voice raising an octave " Ah ain't resting till ah know she is better."

"Then be quiet and let me work." the yak healer sternly spoke.

"Fine!" Applejack spoke with excessive worry as she lay on a bench near them watching.

"This will take some time worry pony," as the yak made a few prayers before healing the oddly smiling pony.

He then added " May the mountain be our path."

Applejack felt drained all of her muscles ached because she pulled the sleigh carrying Pinkie Pie out of the Crystal ridge during the storm. The yaks were curious as the magic exploded in their sky late that night. This was the reason there was a search party into Crystal ridge searching for whatever may have been the cause. To their surprise they find two ponies from the lands to south one was wounded and the other tended to her injuries. She observed the large olden yak rubbing a pungent smelling cream across the wound on her head.

"Is my cupcake gonna be apple good yak?" her eyes drooped but she was attentive in her words.

"Hmm she will be fine worry pony," He spoke softly " She needs rest and I can tell this one will be dancing again."

"Tha..t i..s g..rea.t." Applejack finally closed her eyes as her chest heaved rhythmically to her own heart beat.

"Yak healers are never heard so it seems." he smiled from the bottom of his heart as he covered her with a blanket.

Applejack was waking up from a dream where she was sitting by an apple tree with Pinkie Pie. In this dream they were singing a lilting tune together while munching on apple. Strangely she was waking in a similar manner she heard a strange little ditty being sung in the room.

Pinkie Pie singing
"Oh my heart of jack wake to my Pinkie promise and on my word is to bring you a smile each and every day."

"May your heart be ready for the fulfillment I shall bring for I will be a whirlwind of love and sugar."

"We will walk the path of hooves one each in another and my hoof will never let you go even with a cupcake in my eye."

"I will never betray you as we share the same heart my sugar throb we will feel the embrace that we can make out of life."

"Together we shall happy and sad but we shall bake an amazing ApplePie together." Pinkie Pie finished singing softly with a twinkle in her eye.

Applejack rose from her seat and spoke embarrassingly " Sugar you made my barn red with apples."

"You are awake oh fiddlesticks I wanted to surprise you Applejack," she then spoke speedily " But i am happy you are awake the cranky yak was shaking his hoof at me cause I was baking in the kitchen this morning to make you breakfast while you slept!"

"Whoa nelly," she was amazed at her mare friends lung capacity " You were supposed to be resting darling."

"But i was bored laying there but you looked precious enough to eat and then I thought to myself I bet you my last three cupcakes that you would be very hungry!" she spoke with a tinge of blush touching her cheeks.

Applejack gave her mare friend a stern stare that caused the pink mare to lay the bed with a complaining sigh. Pinkie Pie then threw her pillow at her friend with a gleeful smile. The pillow hit Applejack straight in the face sliding down her right cheek she couldn't help but smile at her amazing friend. She smacked herself in the face as she thought I can't fall in love with my cousin at least I think she is. But as she stared deeply into those sparkling eye's she knew she lost the battle.

"What are you thinking Jack of my cupcake heart?" she asked innocently.

"Ah was thinking you need more rest." Applejack she said to the blushing pink mare.

She then whispered softly into Pinkie's ear "Well cupcake I think you and Ah need to have a talk sometime when you are better."

The yak shaman came in the entrance wielding an old incense covered in yak runes. This incense was emitting a soft purple smoke that was covering the entire room. Applejack was about to ask him about the the smoke when her eye's started to drift off into a slumber. Pinkie Pie was still awake as she covered her dear friend with a blanket the yak only blinked at her. He then grabbed another incense and another until he had six of his herbal incense burning in the room. He could barely stand awake even as he covered his nose with a mask, he watched the smiling pony slowly fall asleep extending a hoof over her friend.

The yak stared hard at the pink pony "I still am not sure if she is sleeping that is some amazing life force she has."

The large yak from the rescue entered the room "Ahh I see the test is upon them."

"I know its cruel but all who enter the village must pass the rite." grumbled the yak shaman.

"But these are ponies is it even possible for them to pass the test it took me three days to pass mine!" he was nearly shouting at the elder.

The elder raised his hoof to his lips to shush the other "Your test was special for a different reason Byron, but these ponies have to pass an altogether trial."

The two yaks looked on upon the mares filled with apprehension as one would nudge the other with whispered words. Applejack was falling into a field full of pink colored apples decorating her tree's.

"What in the hay happened to my apples!" She yelled as she bucked a tree.

The applies fell onto the ground leaving a smear on the ground AJ could smell a extra sweet smell from them. She wandered around her farm noticing that is was he orchard and not it at the same time giving her an answer.

"Impossible this can't be it's a dream," an idea struck her and she yelled "Princess Luna are you there." No answer came causing her heart to flutter but she walk on looking for an answer. She came to a tree that had a door with a big red cross mark colored upon it. An eyebrow raised as she opened it walking into a old memory that instantly brought tears to her eye's.

"Hey there little Applepie wanna talk to daddy about why you crying up here." said a large mango colored stallion walking up some stairs.

"No daddy ah am mad at you leaving us for work again!" said a tiny little hiding in a box in the attic of the barn.

He chuckled as he put his hooves around the box "Now darling daddy loves you and all the apples with his great big heart, but you know daddy got to sell his stock soon or they go real bad."

"But daddy ah wanna play some more pretty please," she then raised her hoof at his direction "And why are you taking mommy too that's not fair."

"Now my little Applepie your mommy needs to see a special doctor over in Canterlot so I figured I will see my apples there." he was smiling but his eye's looked darker as he mentioned his dear wife.

"But you and mommy have been going there a lot lately not fair we don't get to go." she started sniffling as she spoke.

This was an old nightmare she had ever since she was a foal her memory grew dark as it shifted. She was in a graveyard with older brother and Granny smith crying at a two graves. She remembered what happened her father and mother had died in a mudslide near Canterlot they said the mud fell like a dragons scream crushing the small caravan.

She began to shed tears more as Big Mac brought her sister in for a monster of a hug. Granny smith was holding a small foaling in her hooves as she whispered words to the passing parents.

"Don't worry you two ol granny here will make sure they are raised proper." she said at last with a falling tear.

Applejack walked out of the room feeling hazy as she stumbled onto a tree that held her up. Her thoughts nearly spoke as she saw a tree with two sky blue colored eye's holding her up this tree was smiling. Applejack backed up to the door behind her shaking her head several times trying to straighten her thoughts. The tree was still there smiling with a hoof like branch extended in a friendly manner.

"What in the hay are you?" she asked confused.

"That's silly jack of my heart it's me Pinkie Pie." she said smiling still looking like an apple tree.

"But ugh your a tree?" she said still baffled.

"Oh that's easy, you see in your dream I am perceived as a tree as a sign that you have some internal struggle,' she then took a deep breath and explained " That's cause you are confused as to define what I am to you and you have been trying to make it simple but denying yourself the obvious answer yup that's at least 40 percent of it!"

Applejack stared at the pink crazy tree as it slowly transformed into her cupcake. She giggled as she pounced on the worrying pony with a great big hug looking past her. She slowly stroked AJ's mane whispering nonsensical words into her ears calming the young mare.

"Nasty door you have there sorry I popped in there earlier and saw a few things important to you." Pinkie said calmly as her mane slightly straightened out.

"Important," she said angrily "Ah been trying to forget such since ah was a foal!"

She then added " It's my fault ya know ah told my father off before he went."

Pinkie was still hugging her friend as she talked the dream was beginning to shake the world around them slowly. Pinkie extended a hoof touching the frame of reality stopping the shaking for a moment.

Applejack was sobbing now her feelings unleashed "It's my fault ah am the worst apple of the bunch."

"Now that is silly Jack of my heart you make me happy and smiley all the time cause you know I think you," she was blushing as she spoke "Your c..uuut..e!"

She then put a hoof to Applejack's mouth and asked a serious question "Do you want to see their last moments Jackie?"

"Wha.. is that even possible, never mind yes please Pinkie." she pleaded roughly.

The dream began shaking harder as Pinkie let go of the frame of reality in this dream. She smiled mysteriously as she disappeared into the dream. Applejack called out as the dream faded to black leaving her in the abyss by herself.

"Pinkie where are you what in the hay." she said before noticing a light in the distance.

She then ran to the light in a frantic pace kicking up more darkness behind her. She saw crystal globe replaying the same scene over and over two ponies huddling in the darkness.

"Honey is our babies gonna be ok?" asked the mare.

"You serious darling our Applejack was already bucking the smaller tree's she will be fine." The stallion spoke as he pushed against the wall that was slowly caving in.

"What about our other two foal's." worry was on her face as she asked these simple questions.

"Once again my love our little AJ is quite responsible knowing her she will take care of her siblings," He looked at his wife with smile " Plus Granny Smith is there so they will be fine."

Tears fell down her face as she sobbed into the globe holding it very tight. The colors replayed that scene every fifteen seconds before she stood up.

"Thank you!" she yelled at the abyss whirling around her.

"I am sorry daddy for being a brat and I am sorry mommy for not being there!" she yelled her voice hoarse.

Her eye's began closing losing sight of the globe, she made a desperate attempt to touch it once more. She sat up in a rush bonking her head against the shaman yak startling him onto his rump.

"What your awake already." he said surprised.

She got off her bed and raised a hoof to punch him " What in the tarnations did you do to me and Pinkie."

He raised his hoof in defense as he spoke "We the yaks must pass a trial to enter village of yaks that includes you ponies too."

She slowly lowered her hoof "Where is my Cupcake!"

"Right here Jackie!" said the cheerful mare underneath Applejack's bed.

The yak rubbed his eye's slowly and said "This one didn't dream but entered an spiritual meditation state that is unheard of in my village."

He then spoke rashly "How did you do that anyways!"

She giggled "It's a lot easier to do then walking and playing on the fourth plane hi again." She was waving upwards as if greeting someone that could not be seen.

Applejack rubbed her nose repeatedly "And the point was!"

"Only the strongest may live and enter here in the Village of crystals." He said reverently.

He then added " You two pass by overcoming the demons of your past you have become strong."

Pinkie grinned "Well we got something out of it two didn't we Jackie."

AJ smiled as she examined the still healing mare with her eye's renewed of new possibilities. The yak coughed attempting to break the silence but his attempt was in vain.

"We shall hold a feast in the honor of two brave warrior's who passed the rite of crystal." spoke the shaman as he left the room.

"wha hey there Cupcake I saw you in my dream but how did you pass your's?" asked Applejack.

"Well I kinda of dream super fast and I think I will sing you my story if you don't mind do ya do ya!" she said cheerfully with a hint of sorrow in her eye's.

"Hehe of course sugar cube anything you want." Her heart was healing renewing it self from conflict.

"Okie dokie lokie here I go!" she said brilliantly.

Pinkie pie singing

"Long ago in a tower there lived two unicorns who lived in the past with no names to be remembered."

"Life was research and work toiling to the left while toiling to the right there life was barren."

"But in the tower the two found solace with each other creating life in the belly of one with the strength of the other.'

"Sadly the one could not survive the birth of a young filly and passed giving her life in exchange for her's"

"The older could not stop his smolder as he carried the foal to the edge of Equestria his heart filled with anger."

"He could not love the foal for he lost his love when his mare passed in the night the day's grew bare."

"A farm known for its eccentrics was ahead of him he placed the child woefully but guilt fully at the door."

"The door was rang and with a poof of magic he was gone leaving the foal to cry at some farm in the middle of nowhere."

"Low and behold the door opened to a pair of earth ponies who were barren and had no children of their own."

"They took the foal in to be raised as one of their own in time the magic of the little filly restored the two giving her sister's in time."

"But the filly lost her memory until this day she almost lost to herself when the light came as she heard her friend's voice in the dark."

she stopped singing

"C'mere Cupcake." Applejack held her filly friend making a decision in her mind.

"Ya know Pinkie I want you to be mine there ah said it." Applejack said with pride.

"Huh but why me?" Pinkie said confused and blushing making her all the more cuter.

"Simple Cupcake I want you in mah life alway's." she said again with a stubborn look.

Pinkie Pie began smiling "Can I throw a Apple Pie party then a huge ginormous party and invite everyone we love all of them!"

The Pink mare was positively vibrating in one spot as a party cannon fell out of her mane making a loud thud. There was an amazing pink explosion of confetti that covered the yaks village for entire week. The Yaks were amazed to see to ponies so in love with each other that it caused most to blush to watch them. At the end of the week the rest of the mane six made it to yak village after receiving some news from the party pony league. The letter from the party pony league stated Unnatural happy levels in yak village that is located in Crystal ridge.

Twilight spoke to the others " That much happy can only be Pinkie."

Spike burped out a letter pink letter that stated one word "Yup."

Rarity then replied with a shock "Oh my dear she can surprise us even from over there."

Another burb later "Miss you guys too also we are needing some extra warm coats and sixteen cupcakes."

Rarity smiled as she went to her carousel to start stitching the finest coats in yak fashion.

Fluttershy then said as she watched Rarity leave " I better get us some goat guides."

Rainbow Dash only smiled as she dashed on ahead of them she missed pranking with her best friend.

Twilight grabbed her checklist and begins writing with bronze colored quill as she spoke "Gonna be a long list with Pinkie around its always interesting."