//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: The Ambassador // by NapoleontheLesser //------------------------------// There is a cavernous room, with white walls and flooring. There are several tables and desks scattered throughout, there surfaces covered in strange parts and electronics. At the far end there is a large sphere, seemingly metallic in texture and appearance, but unfamiliar to the average eye. Two people are near it, a woman in a lab coat kneeling at one side, and a man in what appears to be a blue uniform, with tall leather boots and ribbons on his chest. The man's name is John Smith. Being a former general in the United Earth's military, his prestige indeed earned him the title as the Napoleon of the 23rd Century. The comparison to the old world general pleased John, as he admired the renowned Corsican. Kneeling by the sphere is Doctor Elyse Franklin, the leading mind in Particle Physics. Her intellect is rivaled only by her knowledge that she is smarter than everyone else. “How is it Doctor Franklin, is it ready?” “Almost... just have to calibrate this field containment gyro...” “I was told it was complete. How much longer?” “Not long, just one more... there! Now we can fire her up.” “Excellent. Thank you Elyse, you truly are a genius.” “I am, but you and Doctor Heinderman are the ones who found out inter-dimensional travel was even possible. I just did what your plebeian brains limited you from accomplishing.” “... Very funny. You know it was because we were contacted by the Princess. Now, turn this machine on. I'm already late to the Summit as it is.” “Alright, alright. Activating in 3... 2... 1...” The sphere lights up in a strange iridescent glow, and a low whirring can be heard. Part of it slides open, and multicolored, swirling light emanates from the opening. The former general walks up to the inter-dimensional doorway, gives the Doctor a parting nod, and steps in.