Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis

by MetalJrock

Man of Steel, Part I

DC Earth, the Hall of Justice...

A vortex opened up within the halls of the building where the Justice League resides on Earth. Spider-Man was the first to hop out, landing perfectly on the ground, one knee on the ground. He dusted himself off, feeling that he changed forms again. "Ah. It feels good to have fingers again." he sighed, feeling refreshed.

His Spider-Sense went off and he hopped aside, seeing Spider-Man 2099 land next to him. "Ah, son of a glitch!" he cursed, landing hard on his stomach. "Did we make it?"

"Seems that way, O'Hara." Peter replied.

Twilight was the next to land, her wearing her Amythest Sorceress costume. The ex-alicorn looked around, seeing her human form through her reflection on the tile floor. "Welcome to this new Earth, honey." Peter introduced.

"This... What is this place?" Twilight studdered, amazed by the large size of the building.

Batman hopped out next, with the Flash behind him. "This is the Hall of Justice, where the Justice League reside when they're needed for a battle as well as a monument to our many battles to the public."

The Flash stretched his limbs. "Ah. Wide open space and longer limbs. It feels great to be back!" he cheered. "Now, I think I should check on Central City."

"Soon, Barry. Right now we have to find Superman." Batman ordered.

Deadpool was the next to arrive, "Damn right! The DC Universe will get a taste of the Merc with the Mouth!" he cheered, raising his katanas triumphantly.

"Can you reword that?"


Ant-Man, Luna and Sunset Shimmer landed at the same time, "Woah. Feels weird." Scott cracked his neck, "But I guess we're on your Earth now guys?"

"It's... Strange. It looks like Peter's Earth, but it feels different. Where are we at?" Sunset wondered.

"It is quite a different place than the other Earth." Luna admitted. "I can sense it as well."

"The Hall of Justice." Barry replied. "A place representing our greatest battles."

Sunset raised a brow, "The Hall of Justice?" she repeated, "Is this like Avengers Tower?"

"In a way." Barry chuckled.

Scarlet Spider and Wolverine arrived, the X-Man grunting as he fell to the floor. Ben turned his head, seeing the strange building they were in, "This is the present? It's... A lot nicer than I expected." the clone admitted with a grin.

Logan smirked, "Welcome to the real world. Now where's the dragon?"

The sound of rumbling surprised the heroes. Spider-Man and Twilight turned around, spotting a giant purple dragon whose head nearly reached the ceiling. "Holy guacamole!" Ben shouted, "Spike, is that you? You look awesome!"

Spike lowered his head, seeing the Scarlet Spider, "Hey, Ben!" he called out. "Yeah... This is what I look like on Earth... It's pretty weird, but cool." the dragon admitted.

Then, the last heroes arrived. Black Cat looked around, seeing the ragtag group of heroes standing around. She raised a hand, exposing her clawe. "So, are we starting soon or what?" she asked.

The Human Torch cracked his knuckles, "Yeah, that's what I wanna know." he said. "It's about time this Earth got to witness a real hero at work."

Iceman smirked, "So you say."

Batman turned, facing the others. "Everyone." he said, getting their attention. "This is the Hall of Justice, our only refuge in this dimension for right now. Until we save Superman." he walked forward to a computer monitor. He typed something, revealing a hologram projection of a building,

"What's that, Batman?" Twilight wondered, putting a finger on her chin.

"LexCorp. Where Deadpool said Superman was being held at. Wade." he said to the mercenary. "Where was he located at?" he questioned Deadpool.

Deapool smirked, stepping forward. "Let me show you how it's done." he cracked his knuckles, then he randomly began to type away at the keyboard. Peter, O'Hara and Sunset all glanced at each other curiously, wondering what it was he was doing exactly. Then the hologram zoomed in slightly, showing a secret area that wasn't seen previously. "Bam! You're welcome."

"Wow... That was actually useful." Johnny admitted.

Barry zipped around the hall, appearing back at the room they arrived in. "Where's the rest of the League? They should know about what we're about to do." he wondered aloud.

Batman shook his head, "I'm not too sure. They're most likely at the Watchtower. But we won't need their help for this. Unless things get too out of hand." the Dark Knight said, downloading the schematics of the building to his cryptographic sequencer. He walked to the table, the group following him.

"So... What do we do?" Spike questioned.

Batman remained silent, bringing up the hologram once more. "It would be chaotic... But necessary. First off, I'm sure LexCorp in Metropolis has bigger security measures to ensure that Superman remains captive. Ant-Man and Black Cat should be able to sneak in and shut down the security systems from inside."

"You got it! It'll be like raiding Pym's company all over again!" Scott declared.

Black Cat smirked, "Some things never change."

The Dark Knight continued, "While those two are shutting down any obstacles from inside, Flash, Iceman and Human Torch should cover the outside with Spike, make sure that no one gets in or out, or stop any potential threat."

"Aye aye!" Bobby saluted, "As if anything can get past this guy over here." he pointed to Spike, who rubbed his head bashfully.

"What about us?" Twilight said.

"I was getting to that. I know that Lex has something waiting for us. You, Luna and Deadpool will cover for us, your unique abilities should be able to give us a cover. Miguel, Ben and Sunset will provide backup, and will be waiting nearby in case something goes awry."

Luna groaned, "Must I work with him?" she rolled her eyes at Deadpool.

"C'mon Moonbutt! We'll be the bestest of friends!" after Deadpool said that, Luna extended an arm, shooting Wade in the chest, launching him across ther room.

"I deserved that..." moaned Wade in pain.

"Makes sense." Ben said. "I think the three of us can cover as well."

'Ah shock.' thought Miguel, 'Getting benched.'

Sunset nodded, "Alright. At least we're doing something again."

Peter grinned, "So I take it you, me and Logan are going in and saving Superman ourselves?" he asked.

"Of course, kid." Logan replied. "The three of us alone should be able to break 'em out. And at least he'll be with familiar faces while we explain what the hell's been happenin'."

Barry looked at the group, "So, we off to Metropolis, Batman?" he wondred aloud.

"Yes. It's time we do this." Batman answered. "I'll ensure a method of transportation for each of you since you don't know where it's at." he said, referring to the Equestrians. He walked off, seeing if the jets were still around.

"I've never heard of Metropolis." Twilight said, "Was that on your Earth, Peter?"

"Nope." Peter said, shaking his head, "This world has some unique cities and unlike our world, these cities have their own heroes to protect them unlike ours where we all seem to live in New York for whatever reason." he chuckled.

Ant-Man laughed, "It's getting too crowded for me. And I can shrink."

"Luckily for us, we're usually off world." Johnny boasted.

"Okay, seriously. What do you even do?" Sunset blurted out, wondering how he could off world so often.

Johnny raised a brow, "I'm a member of the Fantastic Four. We're usually called the First Family. Myself, Reed, Ben and my sister Sue usually deal with some serious intergalactic biz. It's awesome, like I am. This may be the first time I became a horse, but it's still not the strangest alien species I met."

"What would that be anyway, Storm?" Bobby asked. "I mean, we only have rogue mutants working for Magneto."

"I gotta go with Skrulls, honestly." Johnny revealed.

"Skrulls?" Twilight pondered.

Johnny chuckled, "Yeah, it's basically an alien cliche. They're green people who can shapeshift into whoever or whatever they want."

"Shapeshifters? You speak of these creatures like they're changelings." Luna added.

"The hell are changelings?" Logan questioned.

Twilight raised a hand, "Changelings are a race of shapeshifters in Equestria. They look like black bugs with moth wings and strange shaped horns. They're lead by their queen, Chrysalis. I haven't seen them since sometime before I met Peter."

"You haven't." Peter corrected, "But I had a run-in on my own when I travelled through time. I'd rather not say what happened." he shuddered, the grim memories overtaking his mind once again, "But I intend to fix that sometime soon."

"What did happen, bro?" Johnny asked curiously.

Miguel and Ben shook their heads, knowing exactly what Peter was talking about. "You don't want to shocking know." O'Hara decided to speak up.

"It's for the better." Ben added, crossing his arms.

Logan frowned, "If it makes ya feel better, kid. We need you to have yer mind focused. I won't budge." he raised a hand.

"Thanks, Logan. Maybe I'll tell you another time. When I'm ready. Right now we gotta focus on saving Superman!" Peter responded.

"It's ready." Batman said, suddenly reappearing behind the group, startling them. Peter clenched his chest in surprise. "Barry, you can meet us ahead if you wish with Spike." the Dark Knight continued. "In the meantime, there's a jet large enough to hold our small group. I'll take you there now. And I've given you all communicators in there. We'll be able to speak to each other if needed."

"Geez, Bats! You and Pinkie are gonna give me a heart attack one of these days!" Peter gasped.

The Flash nodded, putting on his mask and running off in his yellow blur of lightning. Spike slowly crawled outmof the door, flapping his wings "Alright, Batman. Let us begin." Luna said, stepping forward. The rest of the heroes followed Luna and Batman, and were ready to save Superman. The room was now empty.

But unknown to them, a strange force was watching them. It was a purple floating head. It appeared to be metal, but not physical. It hovered about, weighing its options. It looked like the head of a robot, with scratches over its optics and a strange optic on its head, and a symbol in the shape of a sideways 'M'' almost. It pondered, seemingly unmoving given what he could move, but he spoke.

"Hm. Perhaps getting this Earth involved would be too problematic... These heroes will no doubt end me like their Marvel counterparts have done to Onslaught, Abyss and Galactus before me. Maybe Equestria will provide what I seek, unwillingly of course..." the figure chuckled darkly at his idea. "Harnessing these rifts truly is making it easier to travel through worlds... The doctor has all but set things up for me on his world, I just need the emeralds..."

"Soon, X. Our little rivalry will be over. And the Hunters and Reploids will fall to my cause. The two Earths here may not be crossing, but many worlds will fall to the Mavericks." it said before vanishing. Its next destination set for preparations.


The jet landed in its designated spot nearby LexCorp. Batman was the first to step out, with Spike landing next to him and the Flash zipping by next to him. Spider-Man and Twilight were next to reveal themselves. But then Black Cat and Ant-Man walked ahead. "Remember what we discussed. There should be a circuit breaker somewhere in the vents. We need you two to shut it down so we can get in undetected." Batman reminded them.

Ant-Man smirked, "No prob. It should be easier than trying to burgle something." he shrunk, landing on a flying bug as he did. A small group of bugs followed him as well.

Black Cat faced the building, using her sharp claws to cling onto the wall. "We'll get this done in no time." she boasted, beginning her trek upwards with Scott, who continued to ascend. Ant-Man made it through the cracks of a vent, which Felicia tore open, crawling inside with ease, following Lang.

Spike moved a claw upward, "We'll keep an eye on things out here." he roared. Johnny, Bobby and Barry nodding in agreement. "I mean what can possibly show up now?"

"There are some big threats in this world, Spike. Some of which shouldn't be taken lightly." The Flash said. "Last thing we need is to find out Darkseid or Trigon is behind this." he groaned, recalling the dark ruler of Apokolips and the demon.

"Hey, clearly you haven't fought Thanos or Apocalypse. At least with Onslaught we had help from another world." Bobby called out. "Now those guys are threat."

"I dunno guys. I say Mole Man is the biggest threat--" Johny cut himself off with snickering to himself, Bobby and Peter chuckling as well. "Sorry, I couldn't finish that sentence with a straight face."

Spider-Man crossed his arms, "You say Mole Man, I disagree in that he offers more of a challenge than Shocker or Hypno-Hustler." he quipped to the guys.

"What the shock are you guys talking about!?" Spider-Man 2099 blurted out.

"Old foes, O'Hara." Spider-Man replied.

Scarlet Spider sighed, "I've only been here for less than I day and my brain is already mush. Good thing Kaine isn't here." the clone chuckled lightly.

"This is what happens when you partner up with a bunch of superheroes." Sunset muttered to Twilight. "Some things just get lost on you." she continued.

"Now you know how it feels everytime Peter makes an otherworldly reference." Twilight snarked.

"You know you love it." Peter teased.

Luna sighed, a silent response was given. Batman shook his head as did Logan. "We're surrounded by idiots..." the X-Man muttered.

"Nah! A bunch of geniuses!" Wade shouted from behind Wolverine. For making such a foolish mistake, Wolverine accidentally stabbed Deadpool with his claws. "Damn it!"

"We kinda had that one coming."

"It was still an a-hole thing to do..."

Wolverine unsheathed his claws, Deadpool's wound healing instantly. "I knew you loved me!"

"How are we going to put up with you, Wade?" Spider-Man wondered.

Twilight rubbed her temple, "I never wanted to."

Black Cat opened up another vent, barely seeing Ant-Man nearby. She peeked down, seeing a bunch of lasers neaby a switch of sorts. "Heh. Too easy. I could shut this thing off and make off with a few bucks." she bragged. She grabbed her rope and wrapped it around her. Quietly, Ant-Man managed to grow back to normal size. "Hold this. I'm going down to deflect the system."

"Uh, sure." Scott replied, grabbing the rope.

Felicia jumped down slowly, Lang pulling on the rope. The Black Cat swung, pushing herself away from the laser covered floor. "On the count of three, let go. I'm getting myself closer." she ordered. "One, two... Three!" she pushed, and was launched lightly. Felicia landed on her legs perfectly, a hand gently placed on the ground.

"My turn." Ant-Man whispered, shrinking and grabbing onto the bug he rode earlier, riding it down next to Felicia. He hopped off, growing back for a second. "I can short circut this box from the inside, removing anything in our way. It'd be a piece of cake. If cake was electric powered." he quipped quickly.

"Go right ahead." Black Cat gestured. Ant-Man shrunk down, grabbing onto the lock of the box. He yanked it apart with ease and entered the box. He dug into the wiring, ripping it apart slowly. When sparks were seen and the lighting dimmed, he got out as fast as he could, jumping out before turning notmal size. "Not bad."

"Thanks. Now let's get out of here before someone notices we're here. I'll toss you back up there with the rope from my end." Scott replied.

'Got it. You may enter.' responded Ant-Man in a dramatic manner from Batman's communicator. Each of the heroes hearing it through their own as well.

"We're going in." Batman revealed. He, Wolverine, Twilight, Luna, Deadpool and Spider-Man walked ahead with the rest staying behind for the time being.

'Finally. We're coming, Superman. This is a job for the Avenging League!' thought Spider-Man, ready to save a beloved and powerful hero from captivity, unaware of what lied ahead.