The Perfect Day

by GuyDaBoomster

Chapter 2 - The Caves

Cadence's eyes opened and closed and eventually opened fully, finally a huge open space with shiny surfaces that looked as if they were mirrors came into view.

"Hello?" Cadence flapped her wings which were useless and covered in dirt.

She tried to activate her magic but failed, all that came out was a little blue spark. "How long have I been down here?" thought Cadence.

Just then a identical Cadence was on a stone.

"Hello, Welcome to the Canterlot Gem Caves I have you imprisoned here because well, im a Changeling queen to be exact, and im going to feed of all your love for your little Shining Armor, is it?" "I can't possibly let you die or else I cant feed off your love for him." "So I will be sending down food to keep you alive and when the deed is done I will kill you, so here is your food and please enjoy your stay."

"Wait! You Monster!" But the identical had left the stone.

Cadence began to sob, "What will happen to Shining?" Why Me?" Cadence thought to herself.

Just then a tiny blue tray with a piece of crusty bread and a glass of water with a note.

A meal fit for royalty. Signed Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.

Cadence laid down and sobbed for hours it seemed but then she realized that there was still hope Princess Celestia had always said

When the evil is rising, good will happen.

She was never wrong. thought Cadence.

"Best dinner, Best sunset." " And Mom, best moon, But was imprisoned and now i feel her pain. I may have been with my niece for 1000 years but Moms here with me now and always will be she wasnt this weak I Bet, I must stay strong!"