DaRk... DaRkEr... YeT dArKeR...

by TheDisplacerOfEquestrias

Chapter 4: Flutterpriest!

In an alleyway of the city in the Equestria Girls world...

"...AHHHHHHH-OUCH!" Was heard, as a butter-yellow pony with a pink mane and tail fell into a dumpster...

The dumpster rattled, before the pony, with wings on its back, hopped out, surprisingly clean...

The pony was also wearing a clerical collar around its neck, the same clerical collar that a priest would wear...

The pony groaned in pain, as it then said, with a surprisingly male voice, despite looking female, "Ugh... why is it that I'm the one that lands in a dumpster in an alleyway? Why couldn't it have been some other brony?"

The pony sighed and said "Calm down, Flutterpriest, let's just try to figure out what's happening..."

The pony closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and then letting it out, before opening his eyes again and saying "Alright, let's see... I just fell into a dumpster in an alleyway after buying a clerical collar for my friend's Fluttershy costume and suddenly blacking out upon walking ten feet away from the guy I bought it from, and now I don't know where I am..."

The pony, Flutterpriest, then looked down to his hooves and his eyes shrunk, before he deadpanned and said "You have got to be kidding me."

Flutterpriest then heard the sounds of multiple someones or somethings talking a couple feet away, as he walked out of the alleyway, being careful as to not be seen, as he then found another alleyway, but this one had a group of males cornering a female in a priest outfit...

The males were holding knives and were threatening the female, which was a human Fluttershy... in fact, this human Fluttershy was wearing a Ragnarok Priest outfit, from the game Ragnarok Online.

Flutterpriest frowned angrily and now had an angry look on his face, as he flew up (he found out how to fly on accident while walking over to the source of the talking) and onto one of the rooftops, but not before grabbing a trashcan with his mouth, being surprisingly quiet while doing so, before he bucked the trashcan off and onto one of the male's head, knocking the male unconscious as the others jumped back in fright and shock...

More objects fell onto the males, one by one, until they were all unconscious/restrained.

Flutterpriest then flew down and, when one of the males groaned, showing that he was still conscious, Flutterpriest bucked the male in the face, knocking a tooth out, surprisingly, and knocking the male unconscious.

The human Fluttershy wearing the Ragnarok Priest outfit then cautiously walked over to Flutterpriest and said "U-Um... t-thank you, Mr... Pegasus?", as her eyebrow was raised in confusion slightly...

Flutterpriest nodded and was about to talk, when he realized that if he did, she would freak out and faint... so instead of doing that, he smiled and motioned to offer the human Fluttershy a lift...

The human Fluttershy nodded and got on, being surprisingly light, as Flutterpriest then flew up, the human Fluttershy holding on tight to Flutterpriest.

Back with Gaster, Sentinel, and Sunset...

"And this is my place." Sunset said, as she opened the door to her apartment, leading Gaster and Sentinel in...

Gaster smiled and said "Thanks for letting us stay with you, Sunset.", as Sentinel smirked and nodded, thanking her...

Sunset smiled and said "Your welcome, Gaster... although, you two will need to tell me how you two got here."

This made Sentinel's smirk drop ever so slightly, but Gaster remained unaffected and said "Sure. But, don't you think you should tell your friends... what did you call them again? The Humane 6?"

...Sunset facepalmed and said "Ugh, that's right! Damn it! Also, it's the Humane 7, including me."