

Chapter 2

There were a lot of ponies at the gala. Rainbow Dash was teasing Twilight about one of the castle guards, Flash Sentry. "Hey, Twilight, who's your +1?", she asked. "Is it Flash Sentry?"

Twilight started to get upset. "Rainbow, will you please leave me alone.", she commanded. "I'm still worried about Spike. This is the biggest night of the year and he's not here."

"Twilight, I understand.", Rainbow Dash said. "But, you got to stop worrying about him, it's not like he went back to the castle himself."


"Twilight, calm down.", Rainbow Dash said. "Starlight told you she would go out there and look for him."

Twilight remembered what Starlight said earlier about getting out the castle and go looking for Spike when they were decorating the gala. "You're right, Rainbow.", Twilight said calmly. "I'm sorry, it's just really frustrating looking for somepony that's missing a big night."

Fluttershy walked up to Twilight and asked her. "Hey, Twilight, have you seen Discord anywhere?", she asked. "He told me to meet him at a table, and I kept thinking which table he's supposed to be at?"

"Yeah, that table over there.", she said. "He told me to let you know that he's over there."

Fluttershy saw Discord at the table reading a newspaper. "Thank you, Twi.", she said. "Did he tell you he's going to be reading a newspaper when he told you that?"

"No.", Twilight said looking at Discord with the newspaper. "I don't think so."

She went up to him and got close to him. "What are you reading, Sugar bun?", she asked.

Discord turned to the beautiful yellow mare and became suprised. "Oh, uh, Fluttershy.", he said. "I-I didn't see you there."

On the newspaper, Fluttershy saw a raging black gryphon. She looked at it creeped out and afraid. "Uh, who is that?", she asked.

Discord looked at her, confused. "Who?", he asked.

Fluttershy pointed at the newspaper. "Him, that raging gryphon the paper.", she said.

Discord looked at the picture and told Fluttershy the story about that creature on the paper. "That is Javier Black.", he said. "He's the most dangerous gryphons in all of Equestria. He can rip your skin open and eat your soul."

Fluttershy watched in a horrifying look. "Wow, he can really do that?", she said. Fluttershy has a fear of being eaten alive. One time a long time ago, she went up a mountain and got close to a giant dragon, but, she did stand up to it and she's not afraid of it.

Discord laughed telling Fluttershy it was only a joke. "Haha, no.", he said. "He's not going to get you, if he does, I'll hold you away from him."

Fluttershy sighed with relief. The two friends saw a flash of magic, it was Starlight Glimmer. Fluttershy ran up to Starlight. "Did you find him?", she asked.

"Spike was nowhere to be seen.", Starlight said. "I looked at the garden and the school where Twilight used to go to as a filly."

Twilight was scared and worried. "We have to find him, we are at the gala and he's not here yet.", she said. "What made go out there by himself? Is it me?"

She frowned and looked at the ground. Starlight lifted her chin up and Twilight looked at her in the eye. "Look at me, Twilight.", she said. "There will be a way to find your friend, I promise." Twilight closed her eyes and nodded.

Then they saw their friends, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Celestia, Pinkie Pie, and Fancy Pants standing there and watching them. "Why were you all standing there?", Starlight said. "Me and Twilight are just having a conversation."

"We heard you all talking about Spike.", Celestia said. "Luna is out looking for him."

"Why did you tell her to go look for him?", Pinkie Pie asked. "I'm a fourth-wall breaker, I should go looking for him."

"She's a moon god.", Celestia said. "She could go high in the sky."

"Where's Cadence and Shining Armor?", Twilight asked. "They were with you and Luna earlier."

"They're with the five little fillies.", Applejack said. "They're really young, they need chaperones."

Meanwhile with the CMC, Scootaloo wasn't getting comfortable with Cadence and Shining Armor being around. "Why did Applejack send them to watch us?", she asked.

"Because, we're young." Sweetie Belle said. "We need co-chaperones with us if our sisters are doing something important."

"I don't care.", Scootaloo said. "I'd feel much better if my sister, Rainbow Dash was around."

Then, all of a sudden, a voice appeared. "Ha. bet you'll be comfortable if I'm around.", the voice said. It was Babs Seed.

"BABS!!", Apple Bloom said running up to her cousin and hugging her. "Thank god you came."

"I've got a surprise for you.", Babs said. "Check it."

Babs has got her cutie mark. Apple Bloom widen her eyes and dropped her jaw. "Wow, I can't believe you got your mark.", she said. "But, what is it?"

"It's a shield with seeds on it." Babs said.

Apple Bloom was confused. "Really, how?", Apple Bloom asked. "Me, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle clapped our hooves and we got our marks."

"We have a connection.", Babs said. "That's how." Then, she saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. "Hey, what are they doing here?!", she said. She started running to them.

Apple Bloom stopped her. "No no, it's okay.", she said. "She's friends with us now."

"That's right.", Diamond Tiara said. "My mom called these girls 'Blank Flanks' and then I stood up to her for them."

"Isn't that what you used to call us?", Sweetie Belle asked. "Don't get me wrong, it was a past thing."

"Oh almost forgot.", Babs said. "Check this out girls." Babs flipped the back part of her dress and showed her mark. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon beamed.

"Wow, pretty impressive.", Silver Spoon said.

"But, what is it?", Scootaloo said. "I know it's a shield, but, I can't tell what's on it."

"Not a big deal, it's a couple seeds." Diamond Tiara looked at it with a grin. "I got to tell you, I'm impressed.", she said.

"Thanks, I guess.", Babs said. "Oh, I was just about to hit the dance floor until I found you. Would you like to dance."

Apple Bloom smiled. "I would love to dance." Babs took her hoof and dragged her to the dance floor.

"This... is... happening!", Sweetie Belle said with joy.

The two apple cousins walked on the dance floor and started dancing. "Did you see my sister before you came here?", Apple Bloom asked.

"What?!", Babs said. "I can't hear you."

"I repeat: Did you see my sister before you came here?", Apple Bloom asked again.

"Yeah, she greeted me here before I came to see you.", Babs said. Then she saw Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon dancing. "Those four are awesome together."

Then Apple Bloom felt a sharp pain in her belly, she remembered she drank the punch. But, what was in it? "Oh my...", she said. She ran through her cousin and to a door where it leads to large hallway.

"Hey, where you going?", Babs asked. "Your sister will be wondering where you are."

"I got to use it.", Apple Bloom said with panic. Her stomach started to rumble harder and harder.

"Use what?", Babs asked. "The bathroom!", Apple Bloom said.

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon walked to Babs "Did she say she needs to use the bathroom?", Scootaloo said.

"Yeah.", Babs said. "Wonder why."

Then they saw Shining Armor and Cadence in front of them. "Didn't I saw never wonder off without your co-chaperones?", Shining Armor asked. He looked around for Apple Bloom and never saw her. "Uh,... girls, where's your friend."

"In the bathroom.", Sweetie Belle said. "But, she didn't say why."

Twilight, Starlight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Fancy Pants, Celestia and Discord found them and ran to them. "Where's Apple Bloom?", Applejack asked.

"These girls said she went to the bathroom.", Cadence said.

"Why?", Applejack asked. "Is she sick, needs to pee?"

"We don't know.", Diamond Tiara said. "She didn't say why. And where's Luna?"

"She's still out there looking for Spike.", Celestia said. "And what's taking her so long?"

"We were just getting ready to dance and serve punch later.", Rainbow Dash said. "I feel like I should really use the beat." Rainbow Dash is always feeling like she needs to dance whenever she's at a party.

"Would you like to dance, my dear?", Discord asked.

Fluttershy smiled and took Discord's claw. "I would love to."

"Would you like to dance, Darling?", Fancy Pants asked.

Rarity blinked her eyes a few times and took the handsome stallion's hoof. "I'd love to, Darling."

The group of ponies started dancing. But, Twilight is dancing slowly, she's still worried about Spike.

In the bathroom, Apple Bloom was barfing in the toilet for 3 minutes. She waked out of the bathroom and moaned to herself. "What was in that punch?", she asked herself. She drank punch a million times in her life, she never knew it could make ponies sick after drinking. Before she walked back into the ball room, she heard groaning coming from a room at the end of the hall. She walked over there and looked in the room and saw a light-brown pony with a white mane, glasses and no hind hooves. It was Mayor Mare. Apple Bloom gasped. "Mayor!" She went over to the poor mare's body.

The mayor coughed. "Are you... Applejack's... sister?", she moaned.

Apple Bloom nodded and looked at the other end of the her body, where her hind hooves were cut off. "What happened to your hooves, girl?", she asked with panic.

The poor mayor moaned again. "My blood... is in... the punch."

Apple Bloom gasped with fright. "Ooooh! No wonder.", she said. Then she backed away from the weak mare in terror and thought that if Babs drank the punch, then she would get sick too. Her heart started to beat and her hooves started to shake. Then she ran down the hall way and into the ball room then sees Babs getting her drink of fruit punch with Mayor Mare's blood in it. Babs's mouth was wide and her eyes sparkled.

Apple Bloom's pupil on her eyes shrunk as her cousin was about to take a sip out the bloody punch. "DON'T DRINK THAT!!", she screamed.

Babs stops and turns around and sees her cousin staring at her. Everypony looked at Apple Bloom.

"Gee wiz, little sis.", Applejack said. "Are you ok?" Everypony was confused with Apple Bloom.

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. "Maybe she's imaging her being chased by a zompony.", she said.

Twilight glared at Rainbow. "Everypony knows that zomponies don't exist, Rainbow.", she said.

Apple Bloom's body started to shake with anger, then she shouted. "You're drinking blood punch!"

Everypony was surprised. Pinkie Pie was confused. "What? Are you Serious?", she said. "What do you take us for, vampires?"

Discord moved to a side of Pinkie. "Oh, Pinkie Pie.", he said. "Don't fall for it, there's always something with this cutie pie. I mean, she could use some manners."

Apple Bloom started to get upset. "MAYOR MARE AT THE OTHER END OF THE HALLWAY WITH HER FREAKING HOOVES CUT OFF!!", she yelled. "Your drinking her blood! And it's in that punch!"

Applejack gasped and made a glare with anger. "APPLE BLOOM, HOW DARE YOU!", she yelled. "My friend put a lot of effort into this punch! YOU ARE INSULTING HER!"

Sweetie Belle nodded. "Yeah, Apple Bloom.", she said. "What's going on with you?"

Apple Bloom started to get madder and madder. "If you go to the end of the hall, YOU'LL SEE A MARE WITH BOTH OF HER HOOVES HACKED OFF!", she yelled for the last time.

Then, everypony heard a noise coming from the door. Everypony stopped talking. Then they saw Mayor Mare crawling into the ball room. Everypony gasped and Twilight dropped her punch. "Oh... my...", she said with fright. Then Twilight screamed with fright and they ran to her. "MAYOR MARE! What happened to you? Speak to me!"

The mayor coughed and woke up and spoke in a weak voice. "Twilight, you have to help me.", she said. "My hooves are cut off."

Twilight looked at the other end of the weak pony's body. "But, when did this happened?", she asked. "And where's Spike? We looked for him everywhere."

Mayor Mare remembered what happened. She knew she had to do it. But, Twilight wouldn't like it. "I saw Spike at the Canterlot garden, crying. He told me he saw Fancy Pants proposing to Rarity." She looked at Rarity. "Rarity, Spike loves you. He told me he always had. He's been looking forward to ask you to dance here at the gala."

Rarity opened her eyes wide and remembered her days with Spike like he helped her find gems at the rock farm and all those times when Spike visited her boutique, that was why Spike is always being with her. Then she realized how much Spike loved her and all those times she told him what do, like when she told him to move her suit cases when she visited Manehatten. "Spike... loves me?", she asked herself. She felt terrible. "How could I've been so cruel? What have I done to my little Spikey-wikey?"

Fancy Pants looked at Rarity. Then Rarity looked at Fancy Pants. "Oh, Fancy Pants, I-I could explain.", she said. "I was looking forward to marrying you, I didn't know he--"

But, Fancy Pants put his hoof on her mouth to stop her. "It's ok. There's no need to explain.", he said. "I heard the whole story."

Rarity started tearing up and looked at her necklace that Fancy Pants gave her. "But, what about our marriage?", she asked.

Fancy Pants understood what Rarity was asking him. "If your planning on marrying that little dragon of yours, it's fine.", he said. "I won't be upset."

Rarity smiled and gave Fancy Pants back the necklace. "Thank you, Fancy.", she said. Fancy Pants walked away.

Babs remembered the first question that Twilight asked. "WAIT!", she said. "When did it happen?"

Mayor Mare groaned and spoke again. "It happened this afternoon. A gryphon named Javier Black captured us in separate bags. Then the monster un-bagged me and grabbed an axe and chopped my hind hooves off. And that's why I was at the end of the hall. He scraped my blood out, snuck in the kitchen where Fluttershy was and mixed it with the punch. I don't know what happened to Spike, but, I'm sure he's tied up right now."

Silver Spoon's body was shaky. "That is one of the most disturbing stories I've ever heard.", she said. "I would not want that happening to me."

The ponies turned to Apple Bloom. Applejack held her hat on her chest. "Little sister, we're really sorry we didn't believe you.", she said.

Scootaloo nodded. "Yeah, we're really sorry.", she said. "If you could've warned us, we would've ended like you."

Twilight gasped, her heart fell to the pits of her stomach. "Oh no, what if he does something bad to Spike like cut his stomach open, takes his heart out and fries it.", she panicked.

"What if that meanie feeds him gummy worms until he gets a belly ache.", Pinkie Pie said. "Oh wait, he hates gummy worms."

Sweetie Belle scratched her head. "Uh, who is Javier Black?", she asked.

Discord took a deep breath. "I know that creature, he's the most dangerous gryphon in the world.", he said. "I read about him in the newspaper."

Twilight became more scared than ever. "We have to save him!", she said. "He's the sweetest friend I ever had."

Just then, the pony gang heard thunder crash from outside of the castle, it was a giant storm cloud. It was storming over Ponyville. Twilight had a bad feeling about what's going to happen. "It's spreading all over Ponyville.", she said.

Starlight felt Twilight's compassion. "We have to go back to Ponyville.", she said. "I know how to bring us back there. Shining Armor go grab some guards, Celestia, make sure the rest of the ponies are safe."

"I'm not doing this without my sister.", she said. "We keep ponies safe together."

"Forget about your sister.", Starlight said. "Just try to focus on keeping everypony safe, I'm sure your sister is fine." She pointed a hoof at the six little fillies. "You six come with us."

"Um, Starlight, are you sure.", Applejack asked. "I don't want these fillies to get hurt."

Starlight looked at Applejack and raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure Fluttershy and Discord will keep them safe.", she said.

Shining Armor appeared with a group of guards. "I'm back.", he said. "Are you all ready?"

Starlight looked at the group of guards and nodded. "Excellent!", she said. "Now everypony get close to me." Starlight lit her horn.

But, she was interrupted by Cadence. "WAIT!", she yelled.

Shining turned around and saw his wife running to her husband. "Cadence, what's going on?", she asked.

Cadence hugged him with tears in her eyes. "Flurry Heart is gone.", she said.

Shining Armor gasped. "WHAT!", he gasped.

Cadence wiped a tear from her face. "I checked her room and she wasn't in her crib.", she said.

Starlight rolled her eyes. "Nice warn, but, we have a village to save.", she said. "But, you can come with us if you want. If your daughter is over there where the storm is." She lit her horn once again, then they flashed away. The Mane 7 have a village to save.