Broken Wings

by Lt_Voss

The Night Stands Tall

"How dare you!" Fluttershy yelled. "How DARE you!" Twilight kept backing away, a frightened look on her face. I stood ready, though, because I knew a cornered animal was a dangerous one. "How dare you try and hurt Will?!"

"I-I... b-b-but I... but... I... he..." Twilight stammered.

"I don't care!" Fluttershy interrupted. "I don't care why you tried to hurt him, I don't even care if it was his fault!" She was hovering by my left side now. "What I care about is that you could have killed him! And to make it worse, you know what he means to me!" With a sidelong glance, I saw tears of rage forming in her eyes. I prepared to jump forward. Good thing I did, too.

Fluttershy made to dart forward. She only got about three feet ahead before I grabbed her, pulling her back into a sort of affectionate bear hug. "Calm down," I whispered into her ear. "Calm down, Fluttershy. I'm okay; I'm not hurt. Calm down, please."

Fluttershy opened her mouth to say something, but a loud voice boomed, interrupting her, "Twilight Sparkle!"

"Oh, come on!" I shouted before I could stop myself. "Does anyone else want to get involved? Anyone?" Will, look up! I did, and my jaw dropped. Coming down from the sky were two large pegasi, one with a white coat and the other with a dark blue coat. But that wasn't what amazed me. What did was their appearance.

I noticed their manes and tails weren't solid colours. The mane and tail of the white one looked like pastel rainbow colours. Those of the dark blue pegasus were an even darker blue, yet with an even darker blue center. Sparkles, like stars, littered the manes and tails of both.

Yet there was more. On the heads of each sat a tiara, golden on the white, black on the other, and they were held up by horns. That's right, unicorns with wings. Or pegasi with horns. On their hips were huge cutie marks. The white one had that of a sun, and the blue had that of a moon. Will... Overcome by the chivalrous knight in me, I released Fluttershy and knelt down, bowing my head.

"Ohmygosh! Princess Celestia! And Princess Luna! Hi!" The new voice startled me to no end, and I unceremoniously fell forward. Onto my face. "Oh, I'm sorry! Did I scare you? Here, let me help!" There was no sarcasm I could detect in that voice. It certainly was a lively one, that's for sure. I felt myself being picked up, but not by hooves.

"Hmm. A human, here in Ponyville. I know you were camped in the Everfree forest. Why are you here, human?" I heard a very regal voice ask, but not unkindly.

"Well, your majesty-" I began, but was interrupted.

"Please, Princess Celestia."

"Well... Princess Celestia... I was the man they chose to come here to Ponyville and establish communications. I've handed the radio to the mayor, and I was just... hanging around with friends."

"We know you're telling the truth. For the most part. But we saw all that happened just now."

I gulped. I didn't really want to say that I'd fallen in love with a pegasus and through that angered a unicorn to the point of murder. Even I was having trouble comprehending that. "You did?"

"Yes. And we saw this pegasus, Fluttershy, sit on you, laughing. Then she bounced up and bounced around the lot of you, happily."

I managed to sneak a look at the newcomer pony, the pink earth pony I'd seen before. She said, "Wait, that's what I do!"

"Yes, it is." Princess Celestia continued. "Then we saw Fluttershy go to retrieve you from your job at Sugarcube Corner. When she left, we turned our attention back to the three of you," she said, glaring, though again, not unkindly, at Twilight, Redheart and I. "And saw that while this mare was sitting patiently, you two were going at each other! At least, Twilight was throwing rocks! What have you to say for yourself, Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight looked down at the ground guiltily. "He made me mad, Princess."

"So because he angered you, you took the risk of hurting him physically? And by the reaction of Fluttershy, here, we think that if you had succeeded, we would have had to punish the both of you."

Fluttershy was the first to respond, saying, "I'm sorry Princess Celestia. Will wants me to be honest, so if I were to say that I didn't mean it, I'd be lying." I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

Celestia turned to me. Woah, woah, woah, Will, watch out! "Do you find this funny, Will?"

I gulped again. Thinking fast, I stalled. "Do you want me to be honest, Princess Celestia?" She nodded. I gulped for a third time. Will, stop gulping before you give yourself indigestion! I laughed at that. "Yes, Princess. I do find this sort of funny, in a strange way. That is to say, I don't find the situation we're in funny, but what's being said is funny."

Celestia just continued to stare at me. I said one last thing. "I'm making things worse, aren't I?" And then Fluttershy laughed. And, realizing what I'd said, I began laughing too. I'd said the same thing before, to Fluttershy, when I'd hurt her with the transmitter by rubbing her back.

We only stopped laughing when we heard Celestia say, "Enough!" But it wasn't loud, though it was stern. "Fluttershy, Will, Twilight, come with me. You too, Luna." The three of us "commoners" looked at each other in worry, but did as we were told. Careful, Will. 'That seems to be your catchphrase.' I wish it wasn't; I have to keep telling you to be careful. 'I've gotten it the first few times, Bill.' Right.

Once we were all out of earshot, the two Princesses turned around and faced us. "So," Celestia began. "There's something going on between you three, and I want to know what." Luna nodded. I just realized that she hadn't said a thing this whole time. Due to my amazing detective skills, I did however notice that she had not taken her eyes off of me.

Seeing that neither Fluttershy nor Twilight were going to be saying anything anytime soon, and because I tried to convince myself that this was just like giving a report, I spoke up. "Princess Celestia... there's no easy way to say this. I'd tried to deny it at first, and many were shocked at this. But all but one found the understanding and acceptance in them to go along with it." I took a deep breath. That's it, just let it out. Get's easier, telling the truth more and more, doesn't it? 'Why do I feel like you're a counselor now?' Dunno. "Fluttershy and I... well, to be frank, Princesses... we love each other."

I heard Twilight growl at that. The Princesses looked shocked, and Fluttershy scooted closer to lean on me, nuzzling my shoulder. "Just now, you heard Twilight growl. It took me a while to realize it, it took getting a rock thrown at me, actually, but Twilight also loves Fluttershy. The problem arose, though, when Fluttershy didn't return that love and instead chose me. To be honest, Princesses, if you try to separate the two of us, I doubt we'd comply willingly." I hastily added, "Not to say that we'd defy your rule, simply that, as the saying goes, 'love is inseparable.'"

The Princesses were silent for several moments. They simply stared at the three of us: Fluttershy happily leaning on me, Twilight angrily fuming, and me, hoping that they'd meet me with understanding as most others had done. So... how's the foot infection? 'Oh god, I have a-' Oh, calm down, Will, I was only joking. 'Thanks. I totally needed that right now.' Anytime, Will! After several more minutes, or what felt like minutes, Princess Celestia spoke again. "Well. This is... interesting, to say the least. I can see, Will, that you and Fluttershy care very much about each other. I can see clearly that you two love each other a great amount." 'Oh, god, she's gonna deny it, isn't she?' Hold, Will. You don't know that yet. Celestia continued. "I'm not one to come between two ponies, or in this case a pony and a human, that love each other."

I almost jumped with joy then. Fluttershy, however, actually did. "Yay! Will, we can stay together! Forever and ever! I'm so happy!" Then she hugged me around my neck, nearly choking me.

"Fluttershy... can't... breathe..." She withdrew.

"Oh, sorry." I laughed.

"It's alright, no harm meant or done." I hugged her and held her close, protectively, almost like I'd hold a baby. "Is that all, Princesses? I mean, I don't want to be rude or anything, but I promised that when Fluttershy got better I'd treat her to ice cream..."

"Then the matter is settled." Celestia nodded. "Twilight, you will not interfere with these two's love. It isn't fair for them to be punished because you got jealous. Not only that, they did not know of your love for Fluttershy, but I'm afraid that if this is to end happily, that too will have to end." Princess Celestia said scornfully, as if scolding a child. "Will, Fluttershy, you will not provoke Twilight into anger." Celestia then stepped away, flapping her wings and flying off into the sky, in the direction I guessed was Canterlot, the capital. Luna, however, hung back.

"Will," she said when Fluttershy and Twilight headed back to Pinkie Pie and Redheart. "Meet me here, tonight. I must speak with you. It is urgent."

"Princess?" I asked warily. I don't like the sound of this, Will. 'Neither do I.' Be careful. "Very well."

"Thank you, Will. Now, I believe there is somepony waiting for you." With that, she turned and walked away, and I heard her say something about a sun. Or it could have been "son." English was confusing. 'Does she have a son she wants me to meet or something?' Dunno. I still don't like this.

I walked back to my friends, the sun at noon. I walked to Pinkie Pie. "Hello," I started. "We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Will."

"Hi, Will! I'm Pinkie Pie! Fluttershy wanted me to meet you and then WOAH! Twilight was throwing rocks at you, and then ZOOM! The Princesses came down and up the fight, and then WHAM! Problem solved!" She'd said all that in one breath. Long winded. 'Yeah.'

"Nice to meet you. Now, do you mind if I take Fluttershy to Sugarcube Corner and get her an ice cream? I promised her I would when she got better..." I asked.

"Well, of COURSE, silly! It's a store, not a private estate!"

The use of the word "estate" stunned me. These ponies thrived on amazing me, I swear it. "Oh, right... yeah..." We all stood in an awkward silence for a few moments. "Well, come on, Fluttershy. Let's go get some ice cream. I mean, if you want to."

"I'd love some, thank you, Will." She replied, then walked up beside me.

"Oh! I have an idea! Let's all go together! Then we can-" Pinkie started, but I cut her off.

"I know you work there, Pinkie, but I think it would be a bit better if Fluttershy and I went alone." I saw her poofy hair deflate, how I don't know, and a sad expression came to her face. "It's not that I don't want to get to know you better, I do, and maybe we can later, but for now I want to be alone with Fluttershy for a bit." I added, "Maybe later."

She immediately perked up. "Okay! Later!" Then she bounced off. There's something wrong with that one. 'Isn't there something wrong with all of us?' You know what I mean.

Fluttershy and I said our goodbyes to Redheart and Twilight, then headed off. We didn't really speak much on the walk over. Bill and I talked, though. Well. That was an interesting first meeting with the leaders of Equestria. 'A bit odd. How did they know where we were?' I won't even guess. but I- 'Bill?' We're being followed. 'How can you tell? And do you know where?' I just feel it. In the shadows. Behind us. If you're going to look, do it as discreetly as possible. Pretend to drop something.

I fished into my pockets. I found a few half credits. I pretended to count them, then I "dropped" one. I took a few more steps, then turned around casually, giving no indication I knew of a trailer. I walked back to the coins, saying to Fluttershy, "Wait up. I dropped something."

"Okay," came the response. I heard her stop walking.

Bending over, I picked up the coin. I held it up to face, so I could look straight as I dusted it off. 'See anything?' No... wait a minute, there! Fruit stand, two o'clock. I looked at it cautiously. 'What about it?' See the cloaked pony? I did. 'And?' He keeps glancing at us. Before you say that everypony here is looking at you, this one just doesn't feel right. 'I'll take your word for it. Any suggestions?' Only that you be careful. I don't know who this pony is, but he's trying his best to remain unnoticed. 'Wearing a cloak in broad daylight?' Maybe a foreigner. 'Point.' Just keep walking. I'll keep an eye on this one.

I pocketed the coins. I hadn't really counted them. I knew exactly how much money I had on me: forty credits and sixty half credits. I knew here in Equestria, one credit was the same as two bits, but I hadn't gotten the chance to convert them. I'm pretty sure my friends back at camp got to, though. Not that they'd have many chances to spend it.

Which reminds me, Will. You've gotta be back by tomorrow morning. You can't spend the night with Fluttershy. Meet Luna, then hightail it outta here. 'Oh, crap. I'd forgotten about that. Thanks.' Not a problem.

I caught up in Fluttershy, and she asked me, "What did you drop?"

"Oh, just a little money. Wasn't much, just a bit's worth." I said nonchalantly.

"Oh. Well, you should probably hold on tighter to your money."

I chuckled. "I should, shouldn't I?" She laughed as well. We arrived at Sugarcube Corner in short order, even with the little stop I made, and as I opened my nostrils were assaulted by various scents and smells. There were scents of apples, berries, sugar, frosting, and more circling my nose, teasing me. Apple pie, cherry danishes, cheesecakes... my digestive tract instinctively started preparing itself for a heaping plate of sugary sweets.

I tried my best to quell this feeling as I asked Fluttershy, "I know I told you I'd get you an ice cream, but I think I've changed my mind." Before I could finish, Fluttershy looked at me with sad horror... if such a thing was even possible. "Let me finish!" I gave her my crooked smile. "Just tell me what you want."

"Really, Will? I don't want to impose or anything..."

I laughed. "Fluttershy, I think we're a bit past 'imposing' now, aren't we? But no, it isn't a problem, Fluttershy. As long as it isn't one of everything, we'll be okay." The other half of my mouth twitched. She smiled back at me.

"Well, if you insist..." I chuckled. "I want... gosh, I don't know what to pick..."

"If you do want ice cream just say so. I'm just giving you the option to have almost anything you want."

"Well, the weather's been very cold lately. I think it's officially winter right now, but I'm not sure."

"Oh gosh!" I exclaimed. I removed my log from my breast pocket. I turned it on and pressed a series of buttons. I was looking for a calendar. I gasped. The date, I wished I'd known sooner, was December 24th, local time. I had one day to get something for Fluttershy. And I was NOT counting this as a gift. This was a date.

"What is it?" Fluttershy asked.

"Nothing... nothing too important." Liar. "Have you decided?"

"Yes... I think so. I want the... apple danish with cream."

"That looks good. Alright. I'll go order."

"But aren't you going to get anything?" Fluttershy asked me, confused.

"I am, but I need you to go pick a seat." I replied, trying to throw her off.

"Oh... okay. Do you have anywhere in mind?"

"Fluttershy, I'd sit in a mud pool if you wanted me to. But anywhere would be fine. If you can find one outside, I'd be grateful. However, don't sit out there if it's too cold, okay? I don't want to have to take you to the hospital a second time for freezing on me!" And I smiled at her. Thankfully, unlike previous times, she took the joke this time and smiled back at me.

"Don't worry. I do have some sense in this head of mine!" Fluttershy walked away to find a seat for two. That's new to me! 'Bill!' JOKING! Joking, Will, honest! I'm sorry! 'Are we still being tailed?' Well, he hasn't come in here. My guess is he's waiting outside to see what we do when we exit. 'I'll be on my toes. I hope Fluttershy picks a seat inside. I'm afraid about the motives for this pony.' I'll warn you about as much as I can, Will. I'm trying. Honest. 'I believe you, Bill. It's all I can ask.'

I walked up to the counter. A yellow-orange pony with orange hair stepped out from the back room, carrying a tray of sweets in one hoof. "I'll be right with you, sir."

"Oh, no, take your time. I can wait."

"Thank you, sir." He said, as he set the tray down and wiped his forehead. He began putting away the sweets on the tray into their respective slots behind the glass display. "You sure you don't want to order now?"

"It's fine, honest."

"Thank you..."


"Thank you, Will." He took his time putting away the treats, making sure he put them where they belonged. I didn't mind. In fact, I was amazed at the speed and deftness he stocked the shelves. For many things, he didn't even look at where he was putting it. It took about five minutes, but it was worth the wait. Soon, I'd be on a date with Fluttershy. I look forward to seeing what kind of thoughts find their way in your mind when that happens. 'Unless we're outside.' True. Don't think I was going to shirk from my duties, Will. That pony poses a possible threat to both Fluttershy and you. But remember, whether you like it or not, it's my nature to place you first. 'I know. And I don't like it. But I know I can't change you.' Glad we understand each other. And, Will, the man's been waiting a while for you to order. 'Oh, crap.'

"Sorry," I apologized. "You were working, so I lost myself in thought."

"Not a problem Will, you've been patient enough. What'll you have?"

"I'll need an apple danish with cream, and..." I looked at the menu. "A chocolate ice cream cone."

"Will you be sitting outside? It's pretty cold."

"I don't know where my friend has seated herself. If it's outside, I don't mind. I'm a winter person."

"Very well, Will. That'll be three bits for the danish, two for the cone."

"Alright." I fished into my pockets. I'd need two and a half credits. I whipped out two one-credit bills and a half credit coin. "Sorry they aren't in bits. I never got the chance to convert them when I got here."

"It isn't a problem, Will. We take credits. One credit is two bits, and you've given me two and a half. That meets it. Thank you."

"I was glad to. Thanks." He handed me the treats. I nodded to him, the plate of food in my left hand, as if I were waiting tables. I turned and looked for Fluttershy. Thankfully for her, she had picked a seat inside, but it was by the door. I guess she must have thought it was a compromise. I made my way over to her.

She had chosen a booth. Instead of sitting across from her as I'd seen lovers do in so many dumb, gushy love movies, I slid in beside her. "Hi there, Fluttershy. I have..." I set the plate down, and Fluttershy leaned against me affectionately. "Your danish, apple with cream."

"Thank you, very much, Will."

"Fluttershy, saying it was my pleasure would be severely understating it." With a casual, inconspicuous glance, I noticed that many of the diners here in Sugarcube Corner were looking our way. I decided to leave it be unless someone said something bad about it.

"What did you get, Will?"

"Huh?" I asked dumbly, drawn out of my thought. "Oh, I got a chocolate ice cream cone."

"In this cold weather? You're very brave."

"It's nothing. I'm a winter person. I like the cold. Probably because I have wings; they keep me warm."

"That's nice. But Will..." She trailed off, wanting to say more. I'm sure she was nervous.

"Yes, Fluttershy?"

"It's just that... I'm kind of cold..." Then she grinned at me. I would have done this anyway, grin or no. I extended my left wing and wrapped it around Fluttershy.

"Feeling better?" I asked, leaning my head down onto hers. Uh... Will? People are watching... 'I don't care. Not unless they say something of it. And even then, it has to be a bad thing. If they're saying we're cute together, I don't mind. It's when they say that Fluttershy is stupid for pairing with an ugly thing like me or some other harsh thing like that that I'd take action.' Very well, but I think that pony in the suit sitting next to the pony in the red dress may say something bad. He's giving you a pretty bad look. I discreetly glanced over where Bill said the suited pony was. Bill was right. 'We're inside. Keep an eye on him.' On it, Will.

"Very much so, Will. Thank you."

We ate the rest of our sugary goodness in silence, which surprised me. I mean, sure, neither of us were frontal characters, but I'd expected a bit more... conversation to take place. I finished my ice cream before she finished her danish. Actually, she looked pretty full. "You okay, Fluttershy? Think you can fit the rest in there?" And I, gently, poked her belly.

"No, I can't, Will. I'm so sorry."

I sighed. "Nothing to worry about, Fluttershy. I'd rather you get enough to eat than have you go hungry. We can save it. I'll go ask the good pony at the counter-"

"Mr. Cake."

"Sorry. I'll go ask Mr. Cake for a box or something so you can take it home and finish it later."

"You won't be coming with me?"

"I would, Fluttershy. Truly, I would. But I have to be somewhere, remember? I'm sorry. But I have my duties."

"Oh... yeah... sorry, I forgot..."

"Fluttershy, look at me." She looked up, disappointment clear in her eyes. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I won't let anything come between us. Nothing will get me. That's a promise. Besides," I tapped her right ear, where I could easily see the two-way transmitter I'd given her yesterday. "You still have this."

She felt where the transmitter was. "Oh! So I do! I feel better already. But my heart feels sad about you leaving..."

"Fluttershy, I promise you. I won't let anything bad happen to me. I promise."

Fluttershy was silent for a moment. "I believe you," she said after a while.

I got up to walk to the counter, and noticed the suited pony do so a fraction of a second later. We met about midway. "Oh, excuse me, sir." I said, politely. I made to step around him, but he stepped along with me.

"I need to ask you something." He said, a hint of terseness in his voice.

"Is there a problem, sir?" I asked, keeping up the facade of politeness. If he said one bad thing about Fluttershy and me...

"What is your relation with that young pegasus?" He asked, his tone growing more hostile. It still wasn't a mean thing, so I refrained from doing anything to him.

"Well... I guess you could say that... we are... together, sir."

He huffed. "With someone like you? Why wouldn't she choose somepony from her own species?" Unfortunately, it was pushing the envelope with this declaration, but it couldn't truly count as something hostile on its own.

"Well, to be honest, sir, I'm still trying to figure that one out. We... behave similarly, like similar things, and overall enjoy each others' company a lot. I can't really describe it, sir."

"But you are a human!"

I dropped the politeness. "Is there a problem with that, friend?"

"I would have hoped that pegasus would be close to a civilized species, not one of you humans! I know how your kind can be!"

"And how would that be, friend?"

"I know you humans desire nothing but the flesh! And don't call me 'friend!' Your kind are wretched and vile!"

"I'll admit, sir, that there are many people who care for nothing more than the flesh. But I, I can assure you, am not like that."

"Aren't you? You've already wrapped your wing around her! And you've been in contact with her the entire time you'd been sitting!"

"She was cold, sir. And we love each other, why wouldn't we be in contact? As far as I know, there's nothing sexual about leaning against her. I believed it was a simple, harmless gesture of love."

The pony huffed again. "Do you think me stupid? I know your kind! I know you will take her for yourself! It's only a matter of time before your vile, disgusting self does it!"

I raised my voice, my anger flaring. "I'll have you know, sir, that I have remained faithful to everyone I've met! And I would think it unwise, mister, to insult a sergeant of the Space Army!"

He growled. "You humans are all alike! Have a position that sounds important, and you all act as if you own us all!"

"Mister," I started, trying to keep my fury contained. "Sergeant is a command role! And I'll also have you know, that the Princesses themselves have accepted my love for Fluttershy! So I will ask you nicely, to please refrain from continuing these insults!"

He turned to his "friends," as if as an aside in a play. "Now he thinks to bluff me!" He turned back to me. "I am a successful business pony, and I will not be threatened by the likes of you military dogs! At "military dogs" he poked me in the chest. Hard.

"I'm warning you, mister, to please stop. I don't want to have to take violent action, but touch me again and I daresay I will handle you as if I were being attacked. I'll claim self defence."

"Ha! You wouldn't have the guts to, you wretch!" He jabbed me harder. I felt some of the breath get knocked out of me, and I heard Fluttershy gasp.

'Shall I, Bill?' Do it. You've warned him. You have witnesses. You're in the clear. "I said, don't touch me."

He growled again, and raised his hoof a third time. He made to stab me again, but before the blow could connect I grabbed the hoof with my right hand and twisted. I then pushed down and backwards, pulling the pony towards me. I then lifted my leg and bent it at the knee, having the pony land on my kneecap. I heard him huff, out of breath, but relatively unhurt. I let go and stepped back, holding my hands up in the air. "I warned him. He insulted me, and he injured me twice." I said, to clear myself.

I stepped around the gasping pony to the counter and Mr. Cake. "I'm terribly sorry for that, Mr. Cake. I didn't want that to happen the way it did."

"Hmm. Don't worry about it, Will. You're a good person. Patient and polite. And it isn't a problem. That pony needed to be taken off his high horse. He owns the company that sells construction tools to the workers across Equestria."

"Oh. Sorry. But, before I overstay my welcome, could I have a box or bag or something to put Fluttershy's danish in? She can't finish it."

"Sure thing, Will. Here you go." In a moment a box was in my hands. "Take care, Will. These stuck up ponies don't like being shown up."

"I'll be careful. But don't forget about yourself, there. You'll probably be a target for being a friend of mine."

"No one would dare try to hurt me, Will."

It was then I noticed a scar on his left cheek. It was thin and long, the scar of a knife or sword cut. "Sure. I'll see you sometime later, Mr. Cake. I'm sure we could share stories." I flashed him a grin. He returned it. I walked back to Fluttershy, stepping over the still-gasping pony in the center of the room. "Sorry you had to see that, Fluttershy."

"It's okay. Is that my box?"

"Yep. Just stick the danish in, and let's get outta here. I don't want to anger anyone else." She closed the box, danish inside, then we both walked outside together. Woah, Will. Instant view. Ten o'clock. The alleyway between the quill store and the quilt store. I saw the follower. Which was amazing in it's own self; the day had turned to night. I hadn't realized we'd spent more than six hours inside Sugarcube Corner. 'I see him. What do we do?' Hold on... Fluttershy's looking in the other direction. That pony's beckoning to you. Send Fluttershy on her way, then go over there. Be ready to fight. "Alright, Fluttershy, I've gotta head 'home' now. I'm sorry I have to go, but remember, I'll be okay. Nothing will get to me, and you've got the transmitter."

"Alright, Will. Just come back for me some time." Tears were in her eyes. I brushed them away.

"Don't cry, Fluttershy. I'll be okay. I've promised you that. I'll be alright. Now, go home, before you catch a cold!" Nodding, she nuzzled me one more time, and flew off to her home. I turned and walked into the alleyway. As I slowly walked down the dark passage, expecting an attack, the emergence of the pony in the cloak from behind a dumpster almost flew by me. "Who goes there?" I called.

"One would speak with you." A female voice said. I recognized it immediately.

"Princess Luna?"

"The very same." She magicked the hood away from her head, allowing me to see her face and mane in the night light. They were more amazing now than they had been in the day. "You came as I asked."

"I didn't want to upset you, and I wanted to know what you felt was important enough to share with me."

"Do you feel that what I must tell you is an unimportant matter?"

"Heavens, no, Princess Luna. I'm simply saying that I'm a lowly sergeant of the Space Army. I'm not even a commissioned officer."

"But you are Will. You are special. I know of your history."

This made me intensely nervous. "How much?"

"I know you killed your caregivers-"

"That was self defence!"

"I don't doubt it. I also know that you've qualified as an expert in everything the Space Army had to teach you. I know that you are here on a reconnaissance mission." She knew more about me than I thought. "How old are you, Will?"

Unsure of where this conversation was going, I said, "Why do you want to know?"

"It has nothing to do with age difference, if you're thinking I'm asking after Fluttershy. And your record didn't indicate your age."

Still confused, even more so, in fact, I told her. "I'm twenty four, why?"

"Twenty four and already with white hair." She looked at my wings thoughtfully. "Extend them." I did so. "How long are they?"

"Eleven feet, four inches."

"Interesting. Will, do you promise not to let anyone know about what I'm going to show you?"

Alright, I'm practically reading the instructions for a foreign radio written in semaphore code. "Yes, Princess."

"I want you to swear it on your life. I may or may not give you permission to spread the word at a later time, but for now I need to know I can trust you."

I knelt down and bowed my head. "I swear on my life, Princess, that I will not reveal to anyone else this secret you are willing to share with me."

"Stand tall, Will, for what you are about to see... You'll need to look it in the eye, and kneeling won't allow you to do that." I stood warily, slightly frightened by what might happen. I saw Luna's horn glow for a moment, then a blinding flash occurred. When I could see anything again, I saw a cloud of thick mist or smoke where Luna used to be. When enough of the smoke cleared, though, I saw that Luna still was. Only, it wasn't the flying unicorn that I'd seen just moments ago.

It was a human. With wings. Just like me. Only she had a horn.

"Oh... my... god..." I forced out, speechless.

Luna had the skin similar to a Caucasian. In reality, it was a strange combination of pale skin and tanned Caucasian skin. I looked at my own hands. They more or less matched, though my skin was darker, presumably from more time in sunlight. Her hair matched her mane. She had no tail. She wore clothes I'd attribute to a royal officer from the age of swords and bows.

She wore high black boots, with her leggings tucked inside. Her clothes were a similar blue to the night sky's. A black tiara sat on her head, held in place by her horn. She wore a black belt around her waist, with a white crescent moon as the buckle, though her dark blue overcoat prevented it from going through belt loops I'm sure didn't exist. It didn't look like her leggings were falling, either, so I guessed her belt still did the job fine. Both her overcoat and her cloak had a silver lining, literally, about three quarters of a centimeter wide.

On her hip, she wore an honest to god rapier. The pommel was a silver ball, and the cross-guard was a simple silver dome. I could see that in the guard were engravings of the moon in many of its stages. The sheath was a dark grey. Both of Luna's hands were garbed in slick, form-fitting black gloves. One gloved hand held the black leather hilt of the rapier. It looked like she was familiar with the weapon. I raised my eyes and looked at hers. She was looking at me, expectantly.

I had no words. I was shocked... stunned... petrified by what I saw. Luna was a human? I simply could not say anything. She, however, did. "Well? What do you think, Paracorn Will?"

The new word startled me into speaking. "Paracorn?"

Luna looked at me as if I were joking. When I said nothing, she explained. "You do not know what a Paracorn is?" I shook my head no. "Though you are one."

"Am I?" I asked. I truly did not know what she was talking about.

"You are. A Paracorn is, quite simply, a human who had advanced far enough genetically as it was developing in its mother's womb. A human who had developed wings for flight and a horn for magic."

"But... what? You're telling me that I was born something my parents were not?"

She didn't answer my question exactly. "It's quite rare. As far as I know, there are only three Paracorns here in Equestria. And Celestia is my sister."

"And you're saying that, while rare, this is a good thing?"

"Quite so. You see, humans... well, they are simple creatures. They are comparable to earth ponies, though they lack the innate magical powers even earth ponies contain within their bodies. Being born a Paracorn, Will, means that you've developed everything humans would need to survive on their own. You've got wings to travel or escape danger with."

"But what about your horn? You said so yourself that you were a Paracorn, but how can I be one without a horn?"

"You said you were twenty four years old, correct?" I nodded. "I did not grow my horn until I hit around thirty. It's quite normal, Will. Nothing is wrong with you."

"I've got wings and soon will have a horn, that's what's wrong with me! I grew up my whole life thinking I was a freak for having wings! Now you're telling me this is all normal in nature, and that I have to reestablish beliefs with myself because of this?!" Will, calm down! Don't get angry! Not again! In the middle of Bill's speech, I saw Luna stand straight, as if surprised. "Is... something wrong, Princess Luna?"

She shook her head, though it was as if to clear her head, not answer my question. "Please, Will. As long as I am like this, I'm not speaking to you as royalty. Luna."

"Very well... Luna."

"In answer to your question, I'm afraid I must answer with one myself." I gestured for her to continue. "Just now, did you hear a voice in your mind say something?" I froze up, both in surprise and fear. For her to have heard that, either she had to have some kind of detector, or she could get into my mind without Bill or me noticing. I hoped for the first one. How could she know about me? "There it is again, Will." Luna said.

She already knows, or at least has a very good idea. Just tell her. But be ready, I'm not sure if this is a bad thing or not. I mean, even I didn't know what a Paracorn was. This is as new to me as it is to you. "Luna... yes... that was a voice in my head."

She stood silent for a moment. "Does it know about what goes on around you, even if you can't see it?"

I was beginning to get scared now. "... Yes."

"Has it helped you through a crisis? You don't need to give me details."


"Has it asked for a name yet?" I simply nodded slowly. "Has its behaviour changed at all? Even slightly?"

"Well, he was sarcastic and insulting at first, but eventually, especially now, he's helpful and kind." I wouldn't go that far, Will.

"Interesting." Then Luna did something I didn't expect. She stepped forward and hugged me. After a few seconds, she stood back and held me at arms length. Looking at her face intently for the first time, I realized that, quite simply, Luna was beautiful. No, I wasn't about to become unfaithful to Fluttershy, but I was simply stating a fact. Luna was pretty. "Will... I suspect that you didn't just choose this name randomly. You have a power, don't you?"

I gulped. WHAT did I just tell you? "Yes."

"And this power has something to do with your mind?"

"Yes, I can affect the minds of others, even unicorns."

"How so?"

"Well, I can do stuff ranging from changing someone's mind to... killing..."

"Very good."

"Good?! I killed my own parents with that!"

And then Luna did something more unexpected. She sighed happily, for there was a smile on her face. "Thank the gods, Will. You don't know how glad I am to hear the word parent."

"What the hell, Luna?! I'm telling I murdered my parents, and you're glad?!"

"Will..." She paused, looking down, obviously in thought. She looked up at me again before speaking. "You don't know how wrong you are." She looked away. I heard her voice waver.

"I felt their minds! I felt them die!"

"No, Will, you don't know how happy I am to be able to say no to that statement. You felt caretakers die."

That stopped me cold. Cautiously, I asked her, "What do you mean, 'caretakers'?"

She completely avoided the question. "Would you like to spar?"

"Spar?" I asked, thrown off track.

"Duel. Lock blades. I saw one in your pack. I'll tell you what I mean afterwards. Think of it as an apology."

"I'll spar, but what do you mean by apology?"

"I'll tell you later."

I withdrew my blade from my pack. Like I said, I was trained in everything the military taught. This including sword fighting, both with thicker blades for large battles and with thin blades for duels and trials by single combat. My sword was of the old courtsword design. It was akin to the rapier, but was designed for better speed and versatility. I preferred speed over power, and in single combat, unless both opponents were armoured, armour was disallowed. "How much training have you had with the blade?" I asked earnestly.

"I've been training with it since the old age of 1437."

Holy crap, Will. She's more than one thousand five hundred years old! I think you may be out of your league, here. 'I knew that from the start.' "I've trained with it for about four years. I'm outmatched."

"Are you admitting defeat before the fight has started?"

"Never surrender without trying. Always find a foothold. That is what my master taught me."

"Your master knew his material. When you are ready."

I rolled my shoulders, rolled my neck, shook out my arms, and shook my legs. I took a few practise swings and thrusts with my blade. "I'm ready."

"We will fight three times. Winning means nothing, though for you I guess you could say you defeated a swordsman with a millennium of practise."

We stood opposite each other, swords perpendicular to the ground by our right sides. From my training, I knew I could tell much of a person's fighting style by how they moved in the first few seconds. I saw Luna raise her blade above her head, behind a bit, the point facing downward slightly. She intended to use many thrusts. I did not, however, base my style off of that completely. It might have been a ploy. I myself raised my blade into a similar posture as port arms. It was a neutral posture.

Luna made the first move. As I suspected, her first attack was a thrust, high, towards my neck area. I sidestepped to the left very slightly and flicked my blade to the right, deflecting her blow. She recovered so quickly I wondered whether I had stumbled her at all. Using the momentum from my flick, she made a u-turn with her rapier and brought it back to me in a slashing motion. I angled my blade so that the point was facing up and behind me, so that hers would hit mine and slide down to the cross guard, which was literally a simple cross.

I slashed my blade forward, diverting Luna's and also making an attack of my own. Luna broke off and made a horizontal parry across her body. She pushed on my blade. What came as a surprise to me was that she was very strong. I recoiled back two steps. She made to thrust high again, and this time I just sidestepped. She followed with another thrust, lower, into my abdomen. I had to flick my sword to the left to divert it.

This time, however, I didn't allow her to circle back. My swordmaster had taught me from the Book of Five Rings, an ancient text of combat. One point in the book was the "sticky blade." What it meant was that you should keep your sword locked with the enemy's. Like this, the enemy is focused on freeing himself and cannot effectively attack. So when I saw Luna start to double back, I threw my weight behind my sword as I slashed it against hers, stopping her attack and locking our blades.

At this point, my sword was closer to Luna. That is, hers was on the "outside," whereas mine was on the "inside." I flicked my sword to the right, and just before impact I turned it so I would hit her with the flat of the blade. I heard a light tap, and I found that I had connected. "Defeated," I stated. We both took three steps backward.

"Impressive, for a four year swordsman. Keeping contact with my blade was a genius tactic, one that, I admit, had slipped my mind. I will not forget it a second time."

"My admiration would be misplaced if you did." I shook myself all over. "Ready."

Luna prepared her sword similarly to the previous round. I, however, chose to keep my blade pointed down at the ground by my side. She again made the first move, this time to swing her sword in a circle around her head before bringing it down at a slight angle towards my neck. I hoped I would surprise her with my counter.

To avoid the blow, I lifted my sword to parry and got in close to Luna. Our blades locked together, and our faces were but four inches apart. I shoved her blade away and brought my own to her side a second time. "Defeated," I said again.

"Incredible. That round ended so quickly... I never expected you to do something like that. Never have I been defeated that quickly... you're killing my ego, Will."

"I'm sorry for that, Luna." Again, I rolled my shoulders and neck, stretched out, and lowered my sword. "Ready."

"No," Luna countered. "I hate to admit it, but you have bested me. Two rounds of three."

"Are you sure?" I asked, not moving from my ready stance.

"Yes, Will. I am sure." She hadn't taken up a ready position, so I slowly and cautiously slipped out of mine. "I am impressed with your skill. With only four years of training and practise, I am surprised you know so much."

"Thank you, Luna."

"In fact, there may be a few things-" Here she stopped talking and lashed out with lightning speed. I barely had the time to duck the high thrust she'd thrown at me before I had to parry a slash. Because my courtsword was double-edged and made to perform equally well with slashes as with thrusts, I opened a barrage of hacks, letting on that I had become desperate in reaction to the sudden attack.

I attacked in a predictable pattern, always left to right, right to left, and back and forth. When I felt this had gone on long enough, I stepped back and discontinued my assault. Luna, not expecting this, had already swung and had no time to recover when I stepped forward and tapped her belly with the point of my sword. "Defeated." I said proudly.

"No..." She shook her head. "That's just not possible! I don't know how you could have beaten me! I've had much longer practising and training!"

"Everyone makes mistakes, Luna. Your most prominent one was that you began each round with a thrust to the neck, or some other attack to the neck. It became easy to predict. Your next had to be falling into a routine, as in the last round. But you fought well. There were moments in all three rounds I doubted I would win. Especially the last round. I feared you would see through my obvious pattern and simply strike me down."

"But... but..." Luna stammered.

"Luna, look at me." She did. "There's nothing wrong with you. You did everything well. You just weren't expecting someone with my style or technique. It happens. In fact, three years ago, I nearly got my head taken off because desert swordsmen fight differently than those found in wooded areas. It's just that simple: you were facing something you didn't expect."

She still looked put out when she turned her head away, she said, "I promised you I would tell you what I meant by caretakers. It's an apology because it's been kept from you for so long."

When she looked back at me, I just realized that she had stepped back a few feet. Then I noticed her eyes. When they were originally strong and clear, there were now tears in them. A couple drops fell, leaving dark trails in her light skinned face. She said to herself, because I hadn't asked or told her anything, "I have to tell him!" She stood silent for a short bit, and her eyes wandered off to her left. "He's beating himself up over it! I have to tell him! I have to stop his suffering!"

I said nothing. I knew I talked to myself, and I also sometimes spoke to Bill aloud. I allowed her this comfort. Will? 'Yeah, Bill?' I think she has a voice of her own. 'Why would you think that?' She knows what I do. She knows about what I am. Now she's arguing with herself, like you sometimes do with me. I got nervous. 'You're right. But I guess all we can do is wait.' Yeah.

When her eyes snapped back to me, I stood ready for what she needed to tell me. I hoped it was good news; bad news at this time sucked to hear. Especially if it came from someone you'd known for about an hour. I had to wait a while, because Luna apparently couldn't find the words she needed to speak through the tears. But when she spoke the four words she'd waited so long to say, I froze stone cold. Holy crap, Will... this is... Hell, I can't describe it... 'Neither can I... think she's telling the truth?' Why should she lie to us? 'It may be sympathy.' Search her mind, but do it carefully. 'I'll try.'

I pressed my will against hers, and felt the barriers that she'd constructed open up. This I was afraid of. I hadn't learned how to do such a thing, wall my mind off from prying eyes, and she'd just let me in. The first thing I "saw" was the thought, "This is the truth. I've wanted to tell you for so long... and now I can say it, and I hope you can feel the same about me..." I withdrew from her mind and fled back into my own. Well, Will? Is she telling the truth? 'Yes, she is. She isn't lying.' Good god, Will... after believing you'd killed your parents for so long... I'm shocked. 'As am I, Bill... as am I...'

Her words changed my life forever. All these years, I'd thought I'd killed my parents. But now I knew at least one was alive, my mother. It was... shocking. I had no other words to describe it. As I flew back to the base camp my company was set up at, my mind thought long and hard over it. But my mind came to a conclusion: I'd accepted it, proudly. I now knew who my real mother was, and to know who she was... it made me joyous to no end.

The four words Luna had said to me were simple.

"Come to momma, Will."