An Alicorn Baby Sitting Adventure

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 10: The Dinner Party

After the journey at Canterlot High:

Twilight and Starlight are double checking the table to make sure it's all set up for tonight's dinner. Spike is in the kitchen cooking food for dinner for tonight. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are with baby Flurry Heart and Sunburst in the throne room. They recast the spell to make sure that Flurry can't do anymore spell casting for a while.

Starlight uses her magic to straighten the plate. After she has the plate at the right position, Starlight happily says, "There, that's the last of them."

"Glad we're going to have a nice and relaxing dinner party without anymore problems," Twilight happily replies.

Just then Sunburst, Princess Cadence, Flurry Heart who is riding on her mother's back, and Shining Armor enter the throne room.

Twilight comes over to the group of ponies and asks, "Did you perform the spell?"

"We did and baby Flurry Heart won't be doing any more magic surge for a while," Shining Armor replies with glee.

Then Twilight and Starlight comes over to Flurry Heart who is still on Cadence's back. She is as happy as can be.

Starlight says, "I agree. She was a handful."

Princess Cadence laughs and says, "Who would have thought that a baby can be so mischievous?"

"I know. That's why we need to watch her extra carefully. Even though she can't do her magic surges, she can still fly," Twilight replies while rubbing Flurry Heart's head.

Flurry Heart starts to fly up in the air and starts to fly all over the room. Then Flurry flies through the open door. Everyone can see there's going to be another chase scene. So they run after her again.

In the Hallway Flurry seems to be heading to a very specific source and the others are not sure where she is going.

"Flurry, where are you going?" Twilight screams with worries.

Flurry is very eager and happy to go somewhere and it looks like she can't wait.

In the room where the magic mirror is:

Sunset Shimmer comes through the mirror changing back into a unicorn. Sunset is glad that she gets to see her friends again, including her old teacher. Sunset decides to walk slowly since she hasn't walk on 4 legs since the last time she was in Equestria. Sunset walks for a few minutes until she is able to walk like her pony self and with that, decides to go walk to where Twilight and the others are. Sunset is able to reach the door to where the room is in order to leave and enter the hallway.

Sunset use her magic to open the doors. When she opens the door, Baby Flurry Heart hugs Sunset on the neck and causing Sunset to fall on her back. When Sunset looks on her neck, She can see Flurry Heart looking at her with a big smile on her face. Shen Flurry starts to rub her cheek on Sunset's neck.

Sunset smile while rubbing her head with her hoof and says, "Hello Flurry Heart."

As Sunset and Flurry are getting along with each other, Twilight, Starlight, CAdence, Shining Armor, and Princess Celestia find them on the floor. They all can understand why Flurry is so excited is because Sunset is here. Twilight think Flurry knock Sunset down while flying.

Twilight to Sunset and asks, "Sunset! Are you okay?

"I'm fine Twilight. I'm just having one of your welcome committee geet me," Sunset says while laughing and Baby Flurry Heart laughs to.

"Guess Flurry Heart wants to see you again," Princess Celestia replies with a calm smile.

"And got too excited as well," Shining Armor replies with a smile.

"At least she didn't go through the portal this time." Starlight replies feeling a bit relieved.

As things are going to get a bit strange with Flurry behavior, Spike screams, "Dinner's ready! Time to eat!"

Everyone turn to hear Spike and are glad that dinner is ready so they are able to get the dinner party starting. Then Twilight, Starlight, and Sunset starts to growl a bit. Everyone else laughs when they hear the sound of hungry stomachs.

Twilight laughs feeling a bit embarrassed and says, "Um… let's head back to the dining room and have some dinner."

Everyone nods their head agreeing with Twilight and make their way. Cadence helps Sunset get up after being knocked down and show her where the dining room is. Flurry is still in Sunset hoof and gives Sunset a cute hug.

In the dining room:

Everyone is having dinner. Twilight is glad that she is able to be friends with another on of her friends, but she is think that next time will be under better circumstances.

As they are eating, Starlight turns to Sunset and asks, "So Sunset, what kind of stuff do you do in the other world."

Sunset starts to think about Starlight question and trying to figure out on how to answer it.

After some time thinking, Sunset answers, "My friends and I do lots of stuff. We band practice, go to the mall, the animal center, go to school and have school dances, and ended up with three magical events."

"What kind of magical events," Shining Armor asks curiously.

Sunset then explains to them the magical event that been going on at Canterlot High. Sunset feels a bit skeptic about telling them about her turning to a she demon and was being the Queen Bee of CHS. She then tells them about the sirens invading Canterlot High. After that she explains to them about the Friendship Games and how the human Twilight wanted to learn about the magic only to be pressured by her principal and classmates to unleash the magic only to be turned into a she demon. Everyone is amazed that she used the human Twilight device to collect the magic and transform her to help defeat what some called Midnight Sparkle and some called Sunset Daydream shimmer in the form she takes in the games.

After hearing the story, everyone is impressed about the story and wonder if there's anything else interesting in Sunset's life.

Princess Celestia laughs happily and says, "Sounds like you had an interesting time living in the other world Sunset."

Then Starlight angrily says, "I can't believe that the human Twilight's own principal and classmates pressured her into using magic even though they saw how dangerous it can be if not used properly."

"I have to agree. Magic can be used for magi thing, but if not used properly and carefully, it can cause some problems," Sunburst adds agreeing to Starlight comment.

Then Princess Celestia adds, "I remember Starswirl telling that he had no other choice but to send the sirens to another world, but it's amazing to see on how your friendship grew Sunset."

"Thank you princess," Sunset replies while her cheeks is blushing.

"Don't feel embarrassed Sunset. After you reformd you became a better pony or person and was able to use the magic of friendship as well," Spike replies happily.

Everyone is glad that Sunset is very happy. They are starting to think that since Sunset changed for the better, they are starting to think that Twilight is Sunset's teacher. Just then Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadence starts to laugh a little seeing on how Sunset.

"What's so funny?" Twilight asks sounding curiously.

Shining Armor stops laughing for a bit and says, "If I didn't know better I'd say that Sunset is like Twilly's other student."

Sunset, Starlight, and Twilight looks at each other with confused look on their faces. In a way Sunset is like Twilight's student but who live in a different world. Sunburst and Spike think it does make sense.

Then Spike happily."Yeah. Twilight always help Sunset give good advice when ever she needs it. Just like what…"

Spike is interrupted when Sunset uses her hoof to covers his mouth looking very upset and uncertain about something.

Sunset sadly says, "Can we not talk about it."

"Talk about what?" Princess Cadence asks curiously.

Twilight and Spike are starting to look very sad. Spike is also feeling guilty for being the incident up.

"What's wrong Sunset?" Starlight asks sounding very worried.

Then Princess Celestia comes over to Sunset and sadly says, "Please Sunset, tell us what wrong."

After seeing Princess Celestia pleading eyes, Sunset knows that Princess Celestia knows about the situation that happened a while back.

Sunset sighs sadly and sadly answers, "If you really want to know, it's because of what happened during the winter holidays."

"What happened?" Shining Armor asks sounding concerned.

"Long story short, this profile named Anon-a-Miss posted secrets all over the internet and I got blamed for it,"

"That's terrible," Starlight says with a shock.

Sunset starts to feel very upset and sadly answers, "It got worse when the girls believe that I did it to and all the postings wouldn't stop."

Everyone except Twilight and Spike gasp after hearing what Sunset said. They are surprised that Sunset friends haven't give her the benefit of the doubt and checked the fact.

"That's awful," Princess Celestia replies and puts her wing over Sunset.

"Yes it was," Sunset sadly answers while hugging Princess Celestia.

Twilight feels sorry for Sunset. Sunset really want's for forget about what happened and doesn't want to talk about it anymore.

Then Twilight explains, "I gave Sunset good advice and it was enough to convince the others to believe her. From what she told me after that, the human counterpart Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo confessed that they were responsible for starting it, but others students join in of the scandal."

"Apparently the reason why this started is because Apple Bloom feels left out and Applejack was spending time with Sunset and the others. The girls felt the same way and joined in to create tension between Sunset and the others," Spike adds sounding very sad.

"Wait a minute!" Starlight interrupts.

Everyone looks at Starlight with a confused look on their faces and are staring at her.

"So you mean to say that three girls started this because of jealously and other student starts to do because they thinks it's okay," Starlight replies with frustration.

"Afraid so," Sunset sadly.

Everyone is kind of surprised that 3 young girls cause this, but other students join the act. Flurry isn't understanding what is going on, but seeing Sunset sad is making her feel sad too.

Then Sunburst says, "I guess it's one of those situation when one thing lead to another and things gone out of control."

"So in a way not only The Crusaders and Sunset's friends are to blame, but everyone who posted the other secrets are to blame as well," Princess Cadence adds.

"And once the truth got out of what really happened, Sunset was showered with a lot of apologies," Spike replies.

Then with a sad smile Sunset explains, "That incident made me learned that tension can be caused easily and may cause pain on others, but I also learned that if you believe in your friendship then it's worth fighting for it. It also taught me that you need to forgive friends for making a mistake."

The others are glad that Sunset's friendship has been fixed and are glad that the incident is over with. They all can see that Sunset is still a little sad and decides to change the subject while they have the chance.

"So Sunset, do you want to talk about something else?" Sunburst asks reassuring Sunset."

"Like what?" Sunset asks sadly.

"Like, what are you going to do after the party?" Spike happily asks.

Sunset starts to feel better about wanting to talk about something else.

Sunset answers, "Well, tomorrow I'm helping with the school bake sale."

"Sounds yummy," Spike says happily while rubbing his stomach.

Everyone starts to giggle a bit when Spike starts to rub his tummy.

Sunset continues to explain to them about the bake sale and says, "Yeah. We're raising money to pay for a field trip to Camp Everfree."

The others are kind of curious about hearing the word Everfree. They figure that this Camp Everfree must be in a forest called Everfree just like the one in Equestria.

"So there's a Everfree Forest in your world as well," Twilight says sounding curious.

"Yes, but I checked it out and it looks so peaceful and nothing like the forest in Equestria," Sunset answers happily.

Sunset is glad that she get's to talk to everyone about her time in the other world. After having dinner and talking about their lives in their homes, it is time for Sunset to go back to home for the night.

Sunset and the others are at the portal and are going to say their goodbyes.

"I"m glad that we get to be friends," Starlight says happily.

"Me to Starlight," Sunset replies with a smile.

Then they both give each other. Then Princess Celestia comes and gives Sunset a hug.

Princess Celestia happily says, "And I'm very glad I get to see you again and seems you are doing well in this other world."

Sunset simply nods her head with a smile.

Starlight then turns to Twilight and asks, "Hey Twilight, think we can go see Sunset again sometime."

Twilight starts to think about Starlight's suggestion. She will love to see Sunset some time, but not when there's trouble going on.

Twilight happily answers, "Okay, but next time we'll let Sunset know ahead of time."

"I guess it's time for me to go. See you guys later," Sunset replies while waving her hoof.

"Bye," Everyone replies and waving their hooves good bye.

After saying their goodbyes, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Sunburst, and Flurry heart return to their home in the Crystal Empire while Princess Celestia returns to Canterlot. After a day they have, Twilight, Spike, and Starlight decide to turn in for the night.

In Starlight's room:

Starlight is really glad to have another friend and ended up with 6 more friends from a different world. Starlight turns in for the night and goes to sleep. She is that she gets to have wonderful friends in her life and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.