//------------------------------// // Chapter 17 // Story: Moving Forward, Wrought with Danger // by Odayama //------------------------------// Newtolm leveled himself above the ground, still coughing a fit from the smoke in the room. As the smoke started to disperse around him, he opened his eye to see that the hat had fallen off his head. He stood up on two legs, but to his surprise, he fell over as he did the first time. He inspected his...hooves. ...Still a pony... He got back on all fours, with a sigh. “Well, the good news is the hat is off of my head. The bad news is I still reside in a pony body.” As more of the smoke began to settle, Twilight and Vinyl came into view. “Are you two alright?” Newtolm offered to help both of them up. “*Cough* What the heck was that about?” Vinyl yelled out. “Gah, my sunglasses are all fogged up.” “Well, that was unexpected.” Twilight coughed. Spike ran over to her, giving her a hug. “I’m glad you’re alright, Twilight.” “Same here, Spike.” Twilight patted the head of the little dragon. “Hey, Tom?” Newtolm called for his friend. “You got the hat...” “What in tarnation?” Applejack called out from the door. “Everypony alright over there? What’s with all tha smoke? Do we need ta call the fire department?” “Ms. Applejack? It seemed some magic conflict happened. Everyone...Everypony is alright.” He corrected himself, not to be courteous about the people of this land, but because...he didn’t know of the condition of his friends. “Hang on, I got this.” Rainbow Dash was heard. “Hey, Twilight! Open a window over there!” Twilight did as her friend asked her to, and a guts of wind from Dash’s wing power blew the smoke out the window. To everypony’s surprise, there were three extra ponies in the room, with none of the people that were there before. All three of them were knocked out. “Wow, I didn’t know you were having a slumber party right now, Twilight.” Pinkie Pie bounced into the room to see the three ponies. “Newtolm....Did...did I...” Twilight looked at the three, terror slowly appearing on her face. “My lady, please calm down.” Newtolm gave a warm smile. “If any...anypony is to blame, it would be me. You are not the one at fault here.” He then turned his attention to the three ponies on the ground. He walked over to the white unicorn with blonde hair. At least the hairstyle was the same. He nudged the pony to stir some kind of reaction. The pony woke up, blinking twice before looking directly at Newtolm. “So....how are you feeling?” “Why is your hat off if you’re still in that shape? Become your true self already.” Stammered the voice of Tom from the white pony. “Tom, I think my form is the least of your worries.” The pony got up on two legs. “What are you talk...” Before he could finish, he realized just how short he was. Standing on two legs barely got him over Newtolm’s head. Then he realized he wasn’t as stable on two legs as he was comfortable with. Instinctively, he made himself fall forward instead of backwards. Then he saw that there were hooves where his hands were. Tom stared at those two hooves in silence. His mind went blank as he saw that he didn’t have any fingers. “I will give you a minute. Juno and Tia were also caught in the blast.” Newtolm walked over to the brown pony and dark green unicorn. Tom snapped out of his daze. “Wait...The wild mage is here too?” Newtolm nodded as he nudged the brown pony. “Yes. Juno removed the enchanted collar by pure strength, from what he had told us last night.” The brown pony stirred. “Ugh...What happened? Feels like I coughed up a lung, or something.” The brown pony held his hoof to his head. “Juno, please do not panic.” Newtolm held his hoof out onto the brown pony’s shoulder. “Why would I...?” The brown pony held out his other hoof to stop Newtolm’s, but then made a realization of some sort. Slowly, he turned his head to look at his front leg. “Ah...aah...aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Juno shouted, moving away from the hoof, but realizing that it just followed him, he turned his head away, only to see that his other front leg was the same thing. Flailing about, he discovered that most, if not all, of his body was very different. This stirred the dark green unicorn. “What’s with all of the excitement? First that explosion, and now the yelling? We’re not dead, are we?” “Far from it, Ms. Tia. Though there is something very different...” Newtolm gave a sigh. The unicorn looked down to notice the change instantly. “...Huh...neat.” “You’re not freaking out like tha others, sugar cube?” Applejack stood beside the one now known as Tia. “As a wild mage, I’ve had my fair share of...accidents. I did turn myself and others into unintended creatures, so the fact that I’m a unicorn now is...a nice change from what happened before.” Tia stretched her new body, having a nice cheer. “What happened before?” Rarity asked. Tia looked up at Rarity with a dull look. “You don’t wanna know.” --- Eventually, Newtolm and Twilight managed to get Juno to calm down, but he was still jittery. Rarity was asked by Newtolm if she was still willing to make the outfit for himself, and if she could add three more ponies for that offer. She gleefully agreed, running over to her shop to gather her supplies. Tom looked out the balcony, watching the town ponies, and their peaceful lives. “Hey, Tom.” Vinyl walked out onto the balcony to join him. “I know you’re probably not used to...bein’ a pony and all, but at least you’re still yourself, right?” “Still...myself...” Tom looked straight out, then an idea came to mind. “That’s it. I must still be a cleric. My power must still be with me.” Tom began chanting again, as he casted his spell. It was different, because he felt as if he didn’t have to move, merely let the horn do the rest. A blue swirl formed in front of him. “Still alive.” Tom began. Vinyl looked confused. “In another world. Demon still alive. Cannot leave until demon is dead. Demon nowhere to be seen. Request backup as soon as possible.” As the blue swirl seemed to disappear into the sky, Vinyl looked at Tom with her confused look. “What was that about?” “A spell of sending.” Tom began. “I can talk to others that I know, though limited in the words I can use. Now be quite, I must do it again.” Another swirl showed up after the chant. “Do not know what plane of existence we reside in. Looks very similar, but the land’s residence refers to themselves as... ‘ponies’. Prepare Polymorph spells.” Newtolm came onto the balcony. Being formal, he bowed at Tom. “Tom, this town’s six heroes are gathered. We still must wait for the Princess’ mentor, but she should arrive soon.” Not even turning, Tom nodded. “Very well. I will be right in to greet these warriors.” Newtolm went inside. Tom, giving a sigh, stared forward. “...This is the second time I must thank you today.” “Wha...?” Vinyl was distracted by some fillies playing a game on the ground when Tom spoke. “Oh, well...it was nothing...um....” She looked at Tom. Tom looked at her. “...Don’t make it a habit.” “What?” Vinyl looked at him with surprise. “I don’t like it when people get close. I trust you, but I’ve only known you for one day.” Tom turned around to walk inside. Vinyl stopped him. “Hey, Tom, ya don’t have to be a jerk and say about making habits being a bad thing. In this town, we help each other.” “Well, don’t. I carry a burden, and would rather not let others remind me of it.” This confused Vinyl even more. If he had a burden, why would he have to be reminded about it? Before Tom stepped into the room, he stopped. With a sigh, he made the least amount of effort to look back at her. “...But...thank you...” Vinyl sat down as Tom walked into the throne room, more confused than ever. He’s a jerk, yet he’s thankful. Make up your mind, ya dumb idiot. Are ya nice, or are ya a jerk? You can’t be both.