//------------------------------// // Beginnings // Story: Darkening of Equestria // by DeejayShuffle //------------------------------// As Dracarthus continued to march through the unforgivingly cold powdery wasteland, he had started to hate it more and more. Something he though impossible, because he already hated as much as he possibly could. Even though the Crystal Empire was heated with love magic, it was still heat, and Dracarthus couldn’t wait to get back to somewhere warmer for a change. As he crested another massive hill of snow, he finally laid eyes on the magnificent empire. Under its heating dome, the Equestrian spring was in full effect, with the crystal flowers and Ruby lotuses in full bloom, among other numerous exotic flora. Delighted to be inching closer to some of his old power, he continued to trudge closer to the Empire’s bubble, despite every instinct in his body screaming at him to get as far away from this much love magic as fast as he could. But he pressed on. Finally managing to get to the edge of the bubble, Dracarthus was astonished at the complete lack of border security around the Empire’s core, grinning evilly as he realized how easy travel in and out this place would be as long as he didn’t garner too much attention. Ready to begin his high-stakes scavenger hunt, Dracarthus slipped into the bubble, immediately overwhelmed by the sudden temperature change. He nearly passed out from shock, but managed to wobble upright, and continue to walk further into the core of the Empire. However, the closer he got to the castle, the less and less he was able to go on. Curses! All this love magic is hindering my ability to go any further. It must be that Crystal Heart. It produces enough love magic to kill me in this state! I won’t push my luck any further. I hope the Royals are incompetent as ever, and my fragment isn’t near that wretched heart. Frustrated, and wishing to get out of the rich part of town, Dracarthus began to head back to the outer rim of the empire, which was much more run down and seedy-looking despite the bright colors plastered over everything to cover up the immense class divide between the people here and in the center. Feeling safer and more concealed, Dracarthus subtly used a detector spell to scan for magical spikes in the area as he drifted into an alley to hide his activity. Absent-mindedly scanning, Dracarthus failed to realize that there were two pony thugs hiding in the alley. Just as Dracarthus was beginning to focus in on a strange power spike, his focus was broken by the more muscular Earth Pony speaking up. “Well what do we have here?” The Earth Pony chuckled maniacally. “Fresh meat?”            The slender unicorn in a trench coat appeared behind the Earth Pony. “It looks that way. It’s been awhile since someone was stupid enough to wander onto our turf. What a shame that was. So boring. Glad those times have come to an end.”         Both thugs grinned viciously and started to advance towards Dracarthus, who was now backed against a wall and was beginning to slightly panic. His panic only mounted when the unicorn brought out a jade butterfly knife. Cackling murderously, the unicorn began to inspect his knife. “This here is Mr. Friendly! You’ll get to know him… personally in the next few minutes. Before you get acquainted with him, I’m gonna ask for all you bits and various valuables. Now.” Putting on his most meek face, Dracarthus whimpered as pathetically as possible. “P-p-please! I have nothing! I just came into town for a job! Don’t hurt me! Please!” Sticking lip out his mockingly, the Earth Pony adopted a patronizingly baby-like voice. “Awww… iz da wittle unicorwn scawwred? Well too bad! I’m gonna punch your lights out unless you fork over whatever you have on ya!”          Formulating a plan to make use of his attackers, Dracarthus began to rapidly think while continuing to look weak. “I swear I have nothing on me! Like I said, I just got here! I have nothing of use to you!”         The unicorn looked at the muscle-bound Earth Pony and nodded to Dracarthus. “Shake him down, look for any hidden pouches or cloaked containers." As the Earth Pony approached him, Dracarthus tensed up in an attempt to look fearful.         “Please! No! I don’t wanna die! S-stay away!” Dracarthus squealed helplessly as the Earth Pony inched closer and closer to him, ready to give him an intense beat-down. Just as the thug was raising his hooves to pummel Dracarthus, he sprung his devious trap. From the shadows enveloping the walls of the alley, massive pitch-black talons erupted from the darkness and snatched up the two hooligans.         “What the heck is happening!?!” The unicorn stammered in shock, dropping his knife. “What are these things, what did you do, why am I… Ughhhh…” The unicorn fainted as he tried to comprehend what ethereal objects had just seized him and his partner in crime.         As for his partner in crime, he had begun to hyperventilate and flail madly in the grip of the dark arms, feebly trying to break free. His terror only grew as he saw a pair of dark tendrils branch off of the talons and begin to advance towards him and his Unicorn accomplice. As the spectral tendrils approached closer and closer to him, he let out a bloodcurdling scream which was quickly cut short by one of them entering his mouth. As the tendrils slithered into his gut, they detached from their main mass and filled his stomach with a oil-like goo. It started to bubble over as the tendril re-formed in the now overflowing goo, and the substance began to replace his cranium fluid. The tendril took its place wrapped around his brain stem, and then started transmitting Dracarthus's dark will into his mind. On the outside, the Earth Pony’s eyes were enveloped in the goo, which quickly mirrored his eyes so not to betray its presence. The transformation complete on both savages, Dracarthus now had the first two instruments of his sinister will. With his minions now free of the shadow talons grip, they both stood at attention with blank expressions and dazed eyes. “How may we serve our great and powerful lord of darkness?” Both minions said with their distorted voices in unison.         Very pleased with his work, Dracarthus chuckled evilly. “You are to descend into the city and look for clues as to the location of my first power fragment.”         “Your word is law, oh dark one. It shall be made so.” The minions said in harmony before they resumed normal behavior and left the alley. o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o        Luna anxiously fidgeted in her chair, awaiting her sister's arrival in the royal conference room. After what seemed like an eternity waiting, Celestia finally entered the room and took a seat across from her sister at the grand conference table. After a few curt nods and warm smiles, Celestia broke the ice. “Normally you’re asleep by now, so it begs the question. What’s so important that you waited until the afternoon to talk with me?”        After taking a deep sip of her coffee, Luna gave a small chuckle and smiled. “Well, I wanted to talk with you about a strange and deeply troubling event that occurred last night.”        Celestia raised an eyebrow quizzically as she ate some of her leftover coffee-cake. “Deeply troubling? I don’t hear that phrase much out of you anymore. What happened?”        Luna breathed deeply in anticipation for what would spawn from this one statement. “Something took control of my ability to keep the shadows restrained last night. It seized control for a moment, and then the shadows returned to my grasp as quickly as they had disappeared.” Celestia put on a concerned face “This IS deeply troubling sister. What kind of entity could possibly control a force as primordial as the shadows themselves?” “I had a theory as to what could do such a thing, as only one magic still in-use fits the mold perfectly: Chaos Magic.” Luna said with a much more solemn tone. “And there is only one being that can use chaos magic to the degree necessary to accomplish this kind of feat.” “Discord.” Celestia spat bitterly; feeling a mix of anger and betrayal. There was still a large question looming over her head, especially if Discord had a paw/talon in this. “What would a being such a Discord want with shadows, even more so if he knew you would sense it?” “That has been the question on my mind sister. Precisely why I decided to come to you before launching any inquiries. Jumping to conclusions when dealing with a trickster such as Discord can have incredibly destructive ramifications.” Luna said while putting her hoof to her chin and mulling over what little she knew. “I think that this hypothesis has some merit Luna. We should investigate this theory more closely, and try to get some answers out of Discord. Even if he isn’t responsible, he is resourceful, and could point us in the right direction.” As she talked to Luna, Celestia began to write a letter to Twilight, explaining the situation and asking for her help in questioning Discord. With a happy smile on her face, Luna looked at Celestia’s letter. “I take it you will be enlisting Twilight's help in the matter at hoof?.” “Who else but my most responsible, calm, and collected student? I can’t think of a better pony to question Discord. Although, I should ask her to bring her friends, in case Discords acts slippery and begins to avoid questions.” Celestia said with a thoughtful face as she finished her letter. Ready to send her letter, Celestia lit the candelabra on the table with arcane flame, and burned the letter. It’s ashes then flew out the window, and the flames of the candles were extinguished. o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o “Encyclopedia of Griffin Culture, check! The Enthralling Nuances of Chariot Construction, check! Exciting Jungle Discoveries, check!” “Twilight? Twiiiilllliiiight!” “Frequent Everyday Uses of Teleportation Magic, check! Fruit and Vegetable Taxonomy Differences, check!” “TWILIGHT!” “Woah! Oh-um, yes, hi Spike! How are you?” Twilight said with a sheepish grin. “I’m good, just got a letter from Princess Celestia for you.” Spike said in a sarcastically mocking tone with a smug face. “Why are you all smug? Because you startled me? You know I get focused during my bi-monthly book alphabetizing!” Twilight said as her cheeks flushed and her sheepish grin turned to a playful frown. “Yeah, but that look on your face when I startle you never gets old.” Spike said while chuckling. “Whatever.” Twilight grumbled. “Didn’t you say you had a letter for me?” “Yeah, it just came in from Princess Celestia. It has her seal in red, so it’s probably urgent news.” Spike forked over the letter to Twilight, and sure enough, it had Celestia's blazing sun seal in bright red. “I hope it’s nothing too bad. We haven’t had urgent mail in forever!” Twilight exclaimed worriedly as she opened the letter and began to read it aloud. Dear Princess Twilight, I hope this letter finds you well, as I know princess duties can become quite tiresome after a while. I am pleased to let you know however, that I am in need of your assistance in my royal duties. While you will get a brief reprieve from your responsibilities, I am afraid what I ask of you is no easy task. “Uh oh.” Twilight gulped loudly to emphasize her fear. Due to some troublesome recent events, I will need you and your friends to go and question Discord. “There it is. Boom.” Spike said flatly. “Oh no! Anyone but HIM! Of all the beings to question!” Twilight groaned. “Why would Celestia POSSIBLY want to question Discord?” Before you question him, I will need to give you some context. Confidential context. Last night, Luna lost her ability to keep the primordial shadows within her grasp. This is extremely worrying, as this means the shadows are being controlled or influenced by somepony else. If this goes on for long enough, the shadows might break free and bring chaos to all of Equestria. Me and Luna think that the shadows could possibly be controlled via chaos magic, since it’s based on dark magic. In short, we need you to either extract the truth out of Discord, or get him to divulge useful information. I thank you for your selfless service to the crown. With love, Princess Celestia “Fantastic. Well, capere diem and such. Come on Spike, let go grab the girls and head to Fluttershy’s cottage. We’ve got our work cut out for ourselves.” Twilight said with a heavy sigh. “Can do! I’ll bring writing and documentation supplies so everything he says is set in stone - er, parchment! That way he can’t deny what he said.” Spike said as he rushed around the library collecting supplies. Half an hour and a lot of talking later, the all of the girls except for Fluttershy were assembled and on the way to her cottage. After taking the long dirt road out to her humble abode, Twilight stepped forward from her line of friends and knocked on the door. Hearing a light gasp and some stumbling, Twilight put on a big smile and waited for Fluttershy to answer the door. Sure enough, Fluttershy poked her eye out from behind the door to see who it was, and swung it open when she saw her friends standing outside. “Oh my! Hi girls, how are you?” Fluttershy said excitedly, happy to see all of her friends. “Doing well Fluttershy, we actually came over to get you!” Twilight said while still trying to seem as friendly as possible, despite dreading confronting Discord. “Oh, um, well, you see, I’m a bit busy today, caring for the animals and such, so I’m afraid I’ll be unavailable today! Thanks for coming by though!.” Fluttershy said with a forced smile. “Well you see, we actually came to see Discord! With you of course!” Twilight dropped her kind facade, making it clear she meant business. “I know you’re busy Fluttershy, but Celestia needs me to question Discord. With you.” “Oh my, then come in! I can get some tea started and fetch Discord!” Fluttershy exclaimed as she moved out of the doorway and gestured for her friends to come in. As Fluttershy disappeared into the kitchen, the rest of the Mane 6 could hear Fluttershy calling for Discord. Right on cue, Discord teleported into the room with a flash of light, fully dressed in a nightgown and hugging a teddy bear. Discord yawned loudly, and stretched for emphasis. “Ugh! Must you wake me from my afternoon nap Fluttershy? You know I do love nap time!” Discord then looked behind him to see the Mane Six all sitting on Fluttershy’s various sofas and chairs while Fluttershy herself poured cups of tea for everyone. “Oh, you’re all here. What is it this time? Has some small child started crying, and Twilight needs to learn a friendship lesson to make it all better?” “Actually Discord, we’re here to ask you some questions. Important questions.” Twilight stated in her most matter-of-fact voice possible to hide her irritation. Discord quickly blinked out of his nightgown and into one of the chairs in the room as he bore an excited expression. “OOH! Questions! I love questions! What kind of questions? Guess Who? Would you rather? Horns up?” “Not THOSE kinds of questions Discord! Questions about you!” Twilight groaned, already noticing the playful edge in his voice. “Well, if you wanted to know about me, you could have just said so! I’ve been writing an autobiography for years! Although,” Discord snapped his fingers and a book tall enough to touch to ceiling warped in. “it is pretty long, me being thousands of years old and all.” “ENOUGH!” Twilight roared with a shout. “This is exactly why I didn’t want to come here and question you! All I want you to do is sit quietly and answer my questions when I ask them!” Discord immediately snapped into a straight sitting position with a gross crunch as his curvy body was forced into stillness and straightness. Fluttershy fainted on the couch. “Dearest me! I’m so sorry I was being such a nuisance! I will try to conduct myself better so that you may obtain the answers you need,” Discord blinked into a brown suit with a quirky tie and glasses. “Professor Twilight.” Twilight let out an audible sigh and facehoofed. “Whatever floats your boat Discord. Now, first question, what are the most extreme abilities you chaos magic is capable of?” “Magic questions eh? Well then I have a lot of talking to do,” Discord blinked into a white lab coat and now possessed a clip board. “Don’t I? Well, you’ve already borne witness to some of my most extravagant feats. Turning Ponyville into chaos central and such. What you don’t realize is that all of that chaos takes a lot of energy to maintain, which is why I am the only one suited for such shenanigans!” Discord exclaimed proudly. “Hmm, interesting. Next question, can you ever amplify the dark magic that your chaos magic is based on, and could you use that amplification to practice dark magic?” Twilight said with a concerned face. “Well, yes and no. I always use the base dark magic when creating chaos, and the crazier things get, the more dark magic is added to the mix. However, you can’t ever make your magic 100% dark. That’s impossible. Say, what is all of this for anyway? A good magician never reveals his tricks,” Discord said as he donned a magician costume, took off his hat, and pulled Angel out. “and you’re about to make me a bad magician!” Discord said with a smirk as he tossed Angel across the room. “Well, Celestia and Luna need this information for confidential royal matters.” Twilight said as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Putting on a grim face, Discord’s magician getup vaporized, and he began to talk in an equally dark tone. “What kind of royal business?” “None of yours, that’s what!” Rainbow butted in. “Rainbow, please, I’m trying to hold a conversation with Discord. I’ll have to tell him anyway.” Twilight said with a stressed face. “Don’t-cha think revealin’ Equestrian secrets is ah bit well, um, self defeatin’?” Applejack inquired quizzically. “I acknowledge the silliness of this, but I think all of us, Discord included can agree that we will get nowhere by keeping everything super-secretive. It only fosters mistrust.” Twilight stated as regally as possible. “Yes yes, oh high and mighty princess of friendship, we need to be more transparent. Now spill the beans! I will simply explode if you make me wait a moment longer!” Discord said while bouncing up and down in chair to prove his point. “Well, here goes nothing.” Twilight took a deep breath. “Celestia and Luna need this information, because last night, Luna lost control of her ability to keep the shadows under her control. They think that chaos magic could be behind this, and that you could be the culprit. They wanted us to question you and see if you would admit guilt.” Twilight braced herself for Discord’s inevitable rage. And then, the impossible happened. Discord broke out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.