DaRk... DaRkEr... YeT dArKeR...

by TheDisplacerOfEquestrias

Chapter 3: Gaster meets Sunset Shimmer... oh, and Sentinel also meets Sunset, I guess...

"We're almost there, Sentinel." Gaster said, as he and Sentinel walked to the school... you'd think they would run, but they are injured... thankfully, it isn't life-threatening or anything like that.

"You said that the last couple minutes ago, Gaster. At this point, I'm wondering if we're gonna be alive by the time we get there." Sentinel said, his hands behind his head as he walked behind Gaster...

Gaster rolled his eyesockets and said "Oh, shush."

Sentinel smirked, as he and Gaster soon made it to the school, before they realized that the place was closed, since the School Year was over...

Sentinel skull-palmed, as Gaster looked around for anyone nearby...

Gaster then spotted a girl nearby, looking about 18 or so, with orange skin, yellow and red hair, and cyan eyes...

Gaster blushed a bit and thought to himself 'Damn, she looks cute... Wait, WHAT!?', as he freaked out a bit on the inside from that...

He shook his head and turned into a more human version of himself...

He smiled at himself, before he began walking over, signalling Sentinel to stay out of sight for the time being...

He then noticed that Sunset was taking care of a little dog, which was purple and light green, before he asked, making his voice more human and less... glitchy... altogether, "Excuse me, ma'am?"

The girl turned to Gaster and asked "Yes?"

"Do you happen to know where I am? My friend, who is currently looking around the place, and I just got here, but we don't know where to go." Gaster said.

The girl smiled and said "You are in Canterlot High... And I'm guessing your not exactly human, or from here, are you?", as she raised her eyebrow...

Gaster was surprised, before he smirked and chuckled, as he asked "That obvious?"

Sunset nodded and giggled, before she said "Canterlot High has had lots of weird things happening to it, like portals to another world, Sirens that use hate as energy, and rifts in time and space... you begin to wonder if things are what they seem around here, but that's what makes things interesting."

Gaster nodded and said "I get what you mean... but allow for me to show you what I am...", as he then snapped his fingers and got rid of his disguise, revealing his skeleton form... Well, his G!Sans form, that is.

The girl was surprised, but she didn't react scarred or anything...

He noticed this and said, his voice back to it's more glitchy, but not as glitchy, state, "Wow, so nothing that surprising to ya anymore?"

She shook her head and said "Nope. Besides, your talking to a girl that once transformed into a shedemon, destroyed part of Canterlot High, and was then blasted with the magic of friendship."

Gaster smirked and said "Heh, point taken... anyways, name's Gaster.", as he put his hand out to shake the girl's hand...

The girl put her hand out and shook Gaster's, as she said "Sunset- Sunset Shimmer, but please, call me Sunset."

Gaster nodded and said "Nice to meet you, Sunset."

Gaster then said "Yo, Sentinel! You can come out now."

Sentinel then appeared behind Gaster and said "You called?"

Sunset was more surprised at Sentinel's appearance than Gaster's, to be honest... mainly because Sentinel looked like a pirate and was holding a damn CUTLASS!

Gaster nodded and said "Yeah... Sentinel, meet Sunset Shimmer. Sunset, meet my friend, Sentinel.", as Sentinel held his hand out...

Sunset nodded and shook Sentinel's hand...

"So, what do you two need?" Sunset asked.

"Mainly a place to stay." Gaster said, as Sentinel nodded in affirmation...

Sunset thought for a minute, before she said "Well, you two could stay with me and my friend, Twilight Sparkle, for a bit until you two find your own place."

Gaster smiled and said "Thanks, Sunset."

Sunset smirked and said "Your welcome."