Adorable Adaptable Amusing Atrocious Shorts

by Glen Gorewood

Octavia tries something different.

Octavia was a musician of the classical form, the most beautiful soul inspiring form of music and song. She takes great pride in her work, spends hours on writing the lyrics and musical scores. Her work was at the top tier of classical music, the epitome of musical form, and all of her peers agreed. Octavia should have been booked up for a decade at least. Her talent in a range of instruments but most importantly her violin came about once a century. Her voice had a range that broke the existing one, even her room mate Vinyl Scratch ( really DJ P0N3) agreed she should be at least as popular as her alter ego.

Unfortunately for her, nobody seemed to want her style of music. They wanted her competition, Sapphire Shores with her lyric based pop music topped the charts. Deft Pump was one of the most sought after acts in alternative, even more so than her room mate's alter ego.
For crying out loud Cheese Sandwich, a party planner, was booked for concerts for the next three decades, Three!
And the mysterious Madam Butterfly, that temptress of soul and blues who rarely performed, sold out every time she was even hinted to have a show. And then there was Pop Senses, Wissh, Dark Temptation, Cyber Hind, and Royalty.
Even that old classic group from the griffon kingdoms , The Back Alley Colts, was a bigger hit than her and they were known to be scripted.

It just wasn't fair, sitting on her bed looking at her violin Octavia just couldn't help thinking how completely unfair this whole mess was.

"Why couldn't I have been born in a time long ago,
alongside Mach and all the rest.
Why can't I get a break you know?

Why must my music barely sell,
while hacks manage to book till death.

I am so completely sick of this,
my skills are always tossed aside.
Even my room mate under a different name,
Gets more attention than I!"

Octavia jumps up and begins acting out her lyrics, showcasing her frustration in a new and innovative way. Hooves and hips moving in time to the lyrics and gestures acting out what she wishes to convey.

"I'm so sick of this game,
It's pathetic I say,
I've got talent baby,
Book me today!

All the hacks and the colts,
don't deserve what they get,
So come on every pony
Book me today."

Grabbing the only clothes she has that aren't second hand, her mother's old party clothes Octavia tosses them on. One bright pink polka dotted tank top, four fluffy faux manticore fur leg warmers,one multi tiered cupcake skirt, and a massive fancy hat topped with more fake manticore fur and covered in rhinestones. To top it off she adds clip on bright blond hair pieces. Officially a fantastic mess she grabs a hair brush and belts out how she feels for all to not see. Continuing her act from earlier she sings.

"Every day I wake up,
to a rumbling in my form,
I can barely afford to eat,
just like when I was born.

All the other walking by,
in their fancy designer clothes.
I can barely afford a hat,
from the bargain burros."

She poses dramatically by the window for effect, laying against it her free hoof caressing it and staring to the sky with longing.
She then spins around and strikes a pose with a fierce face, showing all her emotions to the window.

"I'm so sick of this game,
It's pathetic I say,
I've got talent baby,
Book me today!

All the hacks and the colts,
don't deserve what they get,
So come on every pony
Book me today."

Prancing and dancing in front of a window for an invisible audience. She doesn't notice the small crowd gathering with thier jaws dropped outside watching her.

"Tonight I'm going home,
To an empty closet oh,
I just want to perform,
to crowds everywhere I go

Is it too much to ask,
to want to be loved and desired,
come on just let me play,
and light my inner fire!

I'm so sick of this game,
It's pathetic I say,
I've got talent baby,
Book me today!

All the hacks and the colts,
don't deserve what they get,
So come on every pony
Book me today.

Just book me today,
book me today.
My talents ready book me today.
Yes book me today,
Book me today.
Oh come on just let me playyyeyaaay!"

Collapsing against the window itself, out of breathe Octavia starts crying. It really isn't fair that nobody wants to book her act.
Ignoring the sounds of frantic cheers and her room mates hoof steps running downstairs, she allows herself to wallow in her misery.
Blocking out everything she rolls over and picks up her enchanted musical score book, sighing she tosses it aside. Glancing at the similarly enchanted lyric book she rolls her eyes at it.

"There is no way any pony would ever want me to perform that! It's just a complete mess of lyrics and musical score.." She says in a half exasperated sigh half groan. Tossing the brush aside she wallows in her proverbial sea of sorrow until she hears a door slam shut and lock.

The rapid hoof steps up the stairs are followed by her door being flung open by her room mate, Vinyl Scratch.
Her room mate whose face looks both shocked, exhausted, and terrified at the same time. Three expressions that should never exist on a mare's face at the same time. Breathing in deep gasps of air she stares at Octavia, before speaking between gasps.

"You..never..Told..Me.. you had.. an alter ego..Octavia!" The last word is emphasized by an aggressive hoof smack to the door.

Octavia stares at Vinyl Scratch dumb struck, her jaw moving up and down making no sound before she manages to say.
"But I don't...really vinyl..why would you think that?" Her mind can't grasp what is going on.

Vinyl now shares her expression, then races her hoof and promptly smacks her face. Rubbing her temple she says in a calm yet slightly annoyed voice " Of course not. You would never have an alter ego, I should have known."

Octavia rolls her eyes, still laying against the window in her horrible costume.
"Well of course not, now really Vinyl dear why would you ask such a thing?"

Vinyl sighs before removing her hoof and after a deep breath responds.
"Because you do now."

Octavia blinks once, twice, three times before replying in a flat tone.

Vinyl repeats herself to her room mate and close friend.
"You do now."

Octavia just stammers a few nonsense syllables before lengthening her question.
"What do I have now?"

Vinyl leans against the door and stares straight into her best friend's eyes, making absolutely sure she understand what will be said.
"Octavia, you now officially have an alter Ego."

Octavia just repeats "What?"

Vinyl continues her explanation well aware of the consequences of what she has done.
"She is called Marey LaLa"

Octavia just stammers "What? How? When? Why!?" in an increasingly loud volume, her timbre causing vibrations through the house the two share.

Her room mate Vinyl was well used to this kind of outburst and answered her questions in order.
"Your alter ego in the music world is named Marey LaLa. She came to be due to that performance and song you were doing earlier, by your window, that was partially open." Pointing at the obvious crack in her room mates window for emphasis, causing her to turn a shade of pink.

"As for when, more or less the moment the crowd calmed own enough for the well renowned agent Certain Fame to ask me who the amazing, stupendous, revolutionary pop music sensation he had heard was. Why she had to exist is quite simple."

As Vinyl had continued her explanation Octavia had turned a darker shade of pink and shrunk smaller and smaller with each word.
When the word "pop music" left her room mates lips her brain just froze. This can't be happening, it isn't real, no way there is no way this could be happening to her. And Certain Fame, the agent who only took on guaranteed hits had liked that monstrosity she had made? This was too much, far too much for her to handle.

Vinyl took a deep breathe before telling her obviously tense room mate the last bit of news.
"The reason why is Marey LaLa is now booked solid for two years, complete with a contract with Certain Fame for a guaranteed pay of no less than 450,000 bits a concert. Plus a sixty percent royalties on all songs for life for Marey LaLa, front of the line priority perks for all events, and all the other positives of becoming Equestria's next pop superstar. Congratulations Octavia, you've made it.." The last bit was delivered in an apprehensive tone, Vinyl could see the reaction building in her room mate's face.

Octavia was stunned, this was amazing. Beyond all her wildest dreams in classical music, she was rich beyond reason, loved, famous in less than an hour. And all due to a stupid, randomly created, badly written, emotionally charged song. This was really what the people wanted.

Raising her hoof to her face she lightly tapped it, before lowering. In a voice seething with annoyance, irritation, and shock said but a few words that held the absolute purest form of her opinion at that moment.
"You have got to be kidding me, that's all it takes to be famous? Music is dead."

And with a crazy kooky smile on her face she jumps on her bed like a maniac and shouts to the world.
"Long life Pop!"