//------------------------------// // In Between Chapter: The First Rainboom // Story: Paybak // by RayDawn //------------------------------// The school day was really boring for Pinkie. Nothing happened, but her friends were there for her. She did meet up with Starlight, but when Pinkie approached her she blushed, probably due to the argument she had with Garble, and left. School did end pretty quickly for her, but time usually flew for her. After school had a completely different feel though. Pinkie was excited to see Rainbow colored hair as she turned towards the practice room. "Hi Rainbow!" Rainbow Dash turned towards Pinkie and her face lit up. "Hey Pinks." Rainbow Dash's guitar was in her hands. "You ready for practice? The girls were waiting for us." Pinkie walked up to Dash and they walked side by side. "Yeah I am! Today was so boooooooring." Pinkie emphasised the o's by holding her head back. "Same here! So far the highlight of my week was meeting one of my old friends, but she had brought along some asshole with her. They both tried out for the Soccor team, and they'll probably both get in, but that means I need to see her smug face almost daily!" Rainbow started venting the duo got to their destination. This, of course, distracted Pinkie from her friend words as Pinkie stated, "We're here!" Pinkie slammed the door loudly, startling Fluttershy. Fluttershy jumped and hid her face behind her hair. "You startled me Pinkie." Fluttershy said while slightly blushing. "Sorry Shy! How goes the set up?" Pinkie directed her question towards Applejack. Applejack was busy plugging in stuff. "So far, so good. Ah reckon ah'll have this done soon." Applejack adjusted her stetson as she kneeled down to plug in the amps. "Oki doki loki! Thanks Applejack!" Pinkie was a pink ball of energy as she sat down next to her drums. She was rarring to go. "Pinkie, darling. Calm down." Rarity, who was connecting her keytar, turned to look at Pinkie. Her hair bouncing slightly. "Sorry. It's just that I made three new friends this week and I plan on making two new ones soon. I neeeeed toooo plaaaaay!" Pinkie squirmed in her seat. "Oh yeah, that new band we met the other day." Sunset strummed absently as she spoke. "What was their name?" "Paybak!" Pinkie squirmed even more. "Payback? That's a weird name..." Twilight pondered aloud. "No. Paybak. Without the c." Pinkie corrected. "So... Paybak? Even if, it's still the same even with the c. How could you know if I spelt it wrong while saying it?" "Because I'm reading along what the author is writing." Pinkie smiled widely. All the girls stopped and stared at Pinkie. Suddenly Pinkie lost her cool. "Huuuuurrrrryyy UP!" ... Strings was at his locker whistling aimlessly. His locker was empty except for two guitars. They were an acoustic and an electric. He grabbed both and swung the electric's case on his back, grabbing the acoustic by its fretboard. He continued whistling until he heard the faint sound of music. For some reason, he felt drawn towards the music. He reached out towards the door separating him from the sound origin, but paused. He scrunched up his face, as if he was doing some deep thinking, but in reality he just thought: Would it be weird for me to enter unannounced? Heart Strings gave it about five seconds of thought, which was admitably long for him, and then thought: Nah. He pushed forwards and the door creaked as it opened. What he saw was a room full of girls, which all stopped playing and looked at him. One of the girls jumped and hid while the rainbow haired one spoke up, "Yo! Who are you and what do you want?" A girl with purple hair recoiled and said, "Rainbow! What she meant to say was-" Then Strings recognized a face. "Heart Strings!" Pinkie rushed forward and dragged Strings more into the room. "Hey Pinkie. These are your friends you told me about, right?" Strings said as he went to a more comfortable stance. "As for why I'm here. I heard music, so I followed the noise. My name is Heart Strings, by the way, but call me Strings." "Howdy! Nice ta meet yah. Ah'm Applejack. I'm guessin' you play guitar." Applejack pointed to the acoustic in Strings' hand. "I do. Though I'm not as good on acoustic"- Strings lifted his guitar-"than electric." Strings pointed his guitar. "Cool, another guitar player. Can you shred?" Rainbow asked Strings. "I'm Rainbow Dash." "I'm okay at shredding, I guess." Strings shrugged. His shirt sleeve fell slightly, almost revealing his tattoo. Fluttershy got out of her hiding spot and approached him. "I'm Fluttershy." Strings however, barely heard her. "What?" Strings lifted his eyebrow. "That's Fluttershy. Hey Strings." Sunset sat down with her guitar. "Hey Sunset. What about you?" Strings directed his question at Rarity. "Hmph! That's no way to ask a lady her name." Rarity pouted and crossed her arms. Strings sighed. "What is thou name?" Strings said with his voice raising at the end as if he was unsure. "It's Rarity. You messed up, but nice try, darling." Rarity returned to her keytar afterward. "Rarity is right. It's 'What is thy name?'" Strings' arms flopped down. "Dangit." "It's okay, not all of us are smart." Twilight said. Her face had a slight smirk. "Ouch." Rainbow said with a smile. Suddenly, Strings' phone rang and a song started playing. Strings took out his phone and answered it quickly. "Hello. Hey dad. Right. I can pick you up at the airport if you go two days before. How's mom? Oh." Strings looked down and sighed. He looked around saw all the stares he was receiving and left the room. "Is that so? Hmmm. Me? I'm doing fine. The band and I are doing fine. We have a new place in Canterlot now, by the way. It's great, but you guys may need to get a hotel because you won't fit in the apartment with us. We could find you a place close by. Alright, bye." Strings started to silently cheer and left to tell his bandmates... Forgetting about the girls... and his acoustic. ... "Where did he go?" Applejack asked, "He left his acoustic guitar." Pinkie shrugged. "Sily Billy, he didn't tell me." Silence followed her friends' grunts. Soon Fluttershy spoke up,"Sooo uh... Your new friend likes scary music."