Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis

by MetalJrock

Divide and Conquer, Part II


The city of Canterlot was in complete disarray. Various large ponies were thrashing around, causing mayhem and harming the civilians around them. Standing on the roof was a pony wearing black and yellow armor. "Heh. Pym never thought that I would end up in something like this or that there was a world like this after all. That little errand boy should've ended me when he had the chance so long ago." Yellowjacket boasted, facing his new aquaintance.

The pony was dressed like a scarecrow, with syringes tied to the tip of his hooves. His voice was gruff, heard while he chuckled, "This world now knows fear. They have never witnessed chaos on the magnitude it appears." Scarecrow declared. "Think about it. A world ravaged by terror and so much more with us as the catalyst."

"Indeed, Crane. It feels good." Cross replied, a smirk underneath his faceplate.

Scarecrow nodded, raising his hooves, "Very soon, the heroes shall fall one by one."

"I don't know about that." said a light blue mare, hopping from the roofs, kicking Scarecrow so hard that he fell off the building. Yellowjacket growled, activating his thrusters, and caught him. The armor created a small crater as he landed, the armored pony looked up to see the culprit's true face.

"This town's seen some crazy things. Myself included." Black Cat teased, posing on the edge of the roof. "Now, I say you should explain what the hell is going on."

"Black Cat..." Yellowjacket growled, "The Legion of Doom never said someone like you would be here in this world!"

"Legion of Doom? Never heard of them." Felicia said, leaping onto the ground. "But your friend over there must think he's in a Halloween party." she gestured.

"No... I am the Scarecrow. You shall witness true fear by my hand." Scarecrow declared. "You think you may have surprised me, but we'll make sure you all suffer."

Black Cat blinked, "...Right."

The latex-clad mare tried to punch Yellowjacket with her right hoof, but the armored pony shrunk down, avoiding her attack. Cross flew and grabbed the hoof, spinning her around. Felicia was tossed hard enough to create a hole in the side of a nearby building, which much to her surprise was empty. "I'm not paying for that..." she muttered, shaking the cobwebs out of her head.

Black Cat hopped back on her hooves, trying to attack Scarecrow instead, successfully landing a hit on the masked stallion's face, "Seems you have nothing special, Scarecrow." she mocked, seeing Scarecrow stagger backwards in pain. Crane held his head, a stoic look was seen on his scarred face.

"It does not matter." Scarecrow announced, "It is too late for this town. This will be the first to burn."

Growling, Felicia hopped up, "Like hell it will!" she reared her hoof backwards, ready to attack again.

A light enveloped the area, revealing the heroes Luna had brought with her. The moon princess looked around, seeing the armored ponies create mayhem. "It appears things have gotten worse in my absence. You all have to hurry."

Peter nodded, "Who the heck are these guys?" he asked, getting into his costume. O'Hara mirrored his actions, digging into the bag they grabbed right before leaving. "Seriously, this might be some kind of criminal gang war we weren't aware of."

Batman remained silent, activating his Detective Vision, "Not quite. All of these ponies are giving off a different signature like ours, but nothing like Luna's or the others."

"So, they're from our worlds." Scott sighed, "Who decided to show up this time?"

The Flash and Quicksilver zipped around, "That's what we're trying to find out. No one here but these weird guys that are trying to trash this town." Flash revealed, pointing behind him and Maximoff. "It feels like a typical riot."

"Something about these guys look familiar." Star-Lord hummed.

"You've seen these guys before?" Spike asked. "Than that means they're aliens."

"Might have seen them." Gamora corrected the drake, pulling out her sword, "The Legion of Doom could've reached a few foes of ours somehow."

"Who else is left?" Drax wondered.

Rocket paused, "Oh crap."

"Let me guess, you figured it out." Spider-Mane groaned.

"Yep. These guys raised me. Seems the Ravagers followed us here after all." Quill mumbled, kicking the stone ground. "Now, where's the old coot at...?"

"Right here, boy." said a pony wearing a coat. A red light was embedded where his mane would be atop his horn. Yondu chuckled, "The Legion of Doom fellows offered me quite a sum to do a little damage here." he revealed.

"Why are you doing this, Yondu?" Quill wondered.

"Money." Yondu replied simply, ignoring Bobby roll his eyes. "I know you and I have a history, but then you decided to go off and play hero! Leavin' me and yer old family behind."

"Jeez. Is there some kind of family drama we missed?" Lang whispered.

"Just let it be, Ant-Man." Peter whispered back.

"Please." Johnny pleaded.

"What does this have to do with wrecking a town?" Gamora growled the question, gripping her blade tighter in her hooves, the hilt somehow staying in her grasp. "This doesn't seem like something you would do. Even for a quick yet big unit."

Yondu raised a hoof, "I don't care what you think of me, assassin gal. I need profit and Luthor provided me and my boys with such a thing. Nothing more to it then that."

"Aw man, where can we meet this Luthor guy?" Rocket cheered, wanting some money of his own. Unfortunately, he had to change his tune once he heard Batman clear his throat, the Dark Knight turned his head and gave him a glare that made him change his mind. "Er, I mean, we are here to stop you and your diabolical plans!" he declared in a faux heroic tone, pulling out a laser gun.

"I am Groot."

"Just roll with it!" Rocket hissed.

"Roll with what exactly?" Drax questioned, "I am clearly standing."

"Grah!" Rocket screamed, flrcing everyone to cover their ears.

Logan growled, "My freakin' ears! Shut up, furball!"

"Hey, if we're done gouging out our senses, I think we should get back to finding out who else is here? Hm?" Deadpool suggested.

Luna nodded, "Wade is right. We should find my sister. She is most likely still looking for the blur."

Star-Lord held out his gun, "You guys go on ahead, we'll see if we can change the Ravager's tune!"

"Hell yeah! Time to kick some ass!" Rocket cheered, pumping a fist in the air.

"I am Groot!" Groot shouted, while flexing, expanding his form slightly. He paused for a moment, grabbing a small stubble from the side of his face, throwing it aside.

"Good luck, Guardians." Luna said. The group turned away, seeing the Ravagers group together next to Yondu, while the Guardians of the Galaxy prepped themselves for the battle against an old foe, even in another dimension. The last thing they saw was Groot extend a hand, reaching for the gang

"Ravagers." Logan growled the name, "Doesn't sound pleasant. But it seems this whole thing personal fer them."

"No kidding." Quicksilver added, keeping pace with the others and Barry, who did the same. "Serious drama over there. I think. I could never tell with those guys." he mumbled.

"We can focus on their vendettas later. Right now we need to find Luna's sister." Batman ordered, never turning away. His focus was on the task at hand and nothing else. If this could get them closer to finding Luthor, then he'll take the chance. 'But Superman is still missing... Once this is over, we'll begin looking.' he thought, his mind coming up with various ideas as he ran.

"I agree with Bats on this one." Spider-Mane agreed, "We need to find whoever's leading this attack. Something tells me that Yondu guy isn't behind this." he paused in his tracks, feeling a familiar sensation on the back of his neck. "Watch out!" he shouted, pushing Johnny and Bobby aside. A blunt object bounced off the ground, gaining the attention of the heroes.

"Huh?" Bobby blurted out, seeing the red stick.

"What was that for, bro?" Johnny asked, rubbing his back. Peter merely pointed a hoof east. They watched the object land back into the hooves of a costumed pony. The wall-crawler immediately recognized his fellow devil themed crimefighting ally. "Can it be--?" asked the flaming hero, getting up.

"Daredevil?" Peter called out. "They got him too? How?" he almost shouted, 'He missed Punisher being here. Granted, the two of them would have fought, mind control or not.'

Wolverine unsheathed his claws, "It don't matter how they got 'em, he needs to be saved. Anyone else here as well?!" he roared, stretching his hooves.

"Must you provoke them, Logan?" Luna questioned in a stern tone.

"Yeah, seriously dude. You're just asking for trouble." Ant-Man commented. "That's like rule number one of luck, you don't provoke the universe."

"Well, even if he's here. We won't back down!" Deadpool declared, pulling out his katanas.

"Random song reference!"

"From the movie? How many people are going to get that?"

"Not a lot I imagine."

"Ya go find Celestia." Wolverine ordered, "Daredevil's not much of a challenge." he said.

"You sure, Logan? I mean, he's no pushover." Peter wondered, "Then again, adamantium skeleton,.. Yeah, I don't even need to wish good luck. He'll be back in no time guys."

"Who is that guy anyway?" Spike asked.

"Daredevil. A crimefighter in New York. Honestly, I was wondering where he was at when we were there." Spider-Mane explained to the curious dragon. "Unless Osborn had him under mind control as well, which wouldn't surprise me at this point."

Spider-Mane 2099 groaned, flying above the others, "The shocking future was less crowded without all these costumed bitheads. There's no Daredevil in my time as far as I'm aware. Then again, the future's always in flux and may be right now."

"That is true." Luna agreed, "Much like the timeline you visited sometime ago, Peter." she said to the original wall-crawler.

"You time-travelled here?" Scott asked.

"Is there anything you haven't done since you ended up in this world?" Quicksilver exhaled.

"I haven't gotten in a musical." Peter joked.

Luna shook her head, "You are a fool. First Batman and now this..."

"What about me?" Batman asked.

The blue alicorn turned her gaze to the Dark Knight, "Ever since he first met me, Peter has referenced you time and again when referring to myself. Truthfully, I am disappointed. He spoke of you as something bigger. I should not be compared to a mere mortal who believes he can dress himself up as a bat."

"I am not a mere mortal as you put it." Batman growled, "You should know I am full of surprises." he boasted.

Luna raised a brow, "And do tell. What kind of surprises? If you are truly a bat, then you should know that the night is my element. And my very domain."

"I am the night." was all Batman said before he decided to continue. "You should know I can speak many different languages, and despite being a horse, have trained myself in various styles of martial arts. I am no pushover if that's what you're thinking. Be glad you met me under dire circumstances like this. If it were just me here and a foe of mine, you'd be having trouble catching me if I got on your bad side." after saying that, Luna decided to remain silent, having no comeback of sorts at the moment.

"Holy crap." Scott whispered.

"Batman's a master at brutal honesty that's for sure." chuckled the Flash quietly.

"Sick burn, moonbutt!" Deadpool shouted.

Johnny threw a fireball at him, the burn wounds going away instantly. "You're welcome, Luna." chuckled the Human Torch. 

"You just wanted to do that, didn't you?" Bobby teased. "It's like a trigger for you."

"Thank you, Johnny. I can see why Peter's friends with you and Bobby." Luna snickered at Deadpool's expense, though for once Peter actually didn't laugh at Deadpool's comical injuries.

"Jerks..." groaned Wade.

"Children." mumbled Batman under his breath.

"You're telling me. Ooh a nickel!" Scott exclaimed in glee, picking up a bit on the ground, "It looked like a nickel anyway." he didn't see Batman sigh in disappointment.

Then, another object nearly hit them. Spider-Mane 2099 used his webbing to spin it around back at whoever threw it. After that, a blur sliced Deadpool, his bloody scratch mark healed on the spot, the merc holding the sore spot. "That thing almost slagged you. What the shock even was that?"

"Alright. That was odd." muttered Wade. "Feels like I got hit by a hedgehog..."

"You don't mean..."

"Yes, We're talking about him. Felt like we got hit by a Spin-Dash."

"Stupid references. How do I put up with this?'

"Because we're one and the same? You know you love the references."

"God damn it."

"Strange isn't it?" Deadpool laughed. The heroes grouped together seeing the one who threw the stick. Batman immediately stepped forward, looking the pony wearing a black suit with a blue bird symbol on it, Luna was curious to see the Dark Knight's reaction.

"Nightwing." Batman growled, "The Legion of Doom got you too... They'll pay if they hurt anyone else through us." he slammed a hoof on the ground.

"Leave him to me." Iceman declared, transforming into his ice form after making the declaration. "Then let's see who the other guy was." he shot a beam of ice, revealing the figure hiding in the shadows.

It was a stallion, disguised as a panther clad in black armor. "Black Panther! Not you!" Spider-Mane revealed, shooting a ball of webbing in his direction, the panther sliced through the gossamer with a slice of his claws, 

"At least it wasn't the blue blur!" Deadpool assured.

"How do you know--?" Peter cut himself off, 'Remember, Parker.' he thought. "Nevermind. Better off. But it's Civil War all over again!"

"Some reunion huh?" Ant-Man joked. "We're missing a few guys, and it'll be like old times."

"The previous king of Wakanda?" Spider-Mane 2099 questioned, "That's just shocking great!"

"You alright, O'Hara? You seem awfully tense." Spike said in a worried tone.

"Wakanda was technologically advanced compared to the rest of Earth during the Heroic Age. His Black Panther armor could allow him to keep up with other superheroes. I did my research." Miguel explained to Spike, who nodded.

Johnny transformed into his fire form, "Flame on!" he shouted, beckming the Human Torch. "His suit can handle the heat! But he should've stayed out of the kitchen anyway!"

Batman remained silent, "Fine. I need to assess who else is here anyway. Then we can concern ourselves with freeing them." he decided, turning away.

"You sure? You looked awfully crabby when you found that Nightwing guy." Quicksilver poked.

The Flash appeared behind Quicksilver, and whispered, "Nightwing is actually his adopted son. He's worried that he and his other allies were compromised." he revealed. Maximoff nodded, understanding the Dark Knight's attitude shift.

The group continued on, where they saw yet another battle. Spider-Mane groaned when he saw Black Cat, but was surprised to see Yellowjacket and Scarecrow. "Felicia!" Luna called out, Felicia turned her head for a moment while the two Spiders webbed up Scarecrow and Yellowjacket for a second before anyone else could see who they were.

"Nice to see you too, Luna." Black Cat chuckled, "And you too Spiders. Where's your clones at, handsome?"

Spider-Mane sighed, "Ben's in a coma and Kaine left in rage."

Felicia frowned, "Sorry to hear that..." she cleared her throat, "So, it seems you formed another band since last we met. I take it they're some old friends?"

"Yep!" Spider-Mane revealed. "From our world and another."

Black Cat smirked, "I thought the Bat was familiar. Keeping your own burglar in check?" the Dark Knight remained quiet at that, "Not much of a talker is he?" she wondered.

"Not really." Flash laughed lightly.

Ant-Man squinted his eyes, seeing something fly near him. In a panic, he jumped away, avoiding an attack delivered by Yellowjacket. Scott gritted his teeth, planting a hoof on the ground, "Cross! How did you get here?" he questioned.

"Like I said to my ally, you should've ended me back when we met. Now I'm back and ready to kill you." Yellowjacket declared. Ant-Man groaned as did Quicksilver.

"Enemies, am I right?" Scott joked.

"Who needs them?" Maximoff quipped.

"Yellowjacket? I thought that project was destroyed back when Pym made you Ant-Man." Peter deduced. "And Pym Tech was destroyed, or imploded I should say."

As he fought Yellowjacket, holding his metal stingers, Scott answered, "Darren Cross took over the company and used his data! We fought before!" he addressed his nemesis, "But it seems someone can't let go of a grudge!"

"Only because you ruined my business!" Cross shouted back, punching Ant-Man in the gut.

"Because you nearly sold weapons to HYDRA!" Lang shouted as well.

"Your worlds are full of ridiculous beings." Luna sighed.

"Yeah." Flash exhaled. "This isn't even the worst of it. Wait until you meet the Top. Or Mirror Master."

"Who names your bad guys? They sound corny." Maximoff said.

"Gotta agree with Quick here, Flash. They sound more generic than Green Goblin." Spike agreed, pointing a claw upward. "But Quicksilver isn't much better." he added, making the speedster frown.

The Flash crossed his hooves, "A friend of mine. Cisco Ramon named them. I know Harrison Wells would groan if he heard your names for sure."

"Don't group me with these bitheads." Spider-Mane 2099 huffed. "I'm following a legacy."

Ignoring the small debate, Batman used his Detective Vision to scan the figure in the cocoon of webbing. 'Massive amount of Fear Toxin. No...' his mind raced, seeing Scarecrow rip himself free. "Scarecrow!" Batman announced loudly to the villain.

"The Dark Knight himself..." Scarecrow's voice purred, making the heroes feel uneasy. "It is about time I break your spirit."

"That's never gonna happen." Batman declared.

Crane remained still, standing on his hindlegs. "If you wish to challenge me, you must get past our secret weapon." he ordered.

Then out of nowhere, a red blur tackled the Flash and Quicksilver, throwing them aside. The two speedsters tumbled on the rocky floor as they felt the world spin.

"Woah. That was crazy!" Spike exclaimed, "Don't tell me that was an evil speedster."

"It may be, Spike." Peter sighed.

Then, a white alicorn descended from the skies, "I found you at last, red blur." Celestia announced. She saw the group of heroes standing near her  and addressed Peter. "Greetings, Peter and Miguel. Where are the others?"

"A lot happened. Let's just say that some ponies got hurt during an attack. Some more than others..." exhaled Peter. The guilt of his brief attack ran through his head again. "They couldn't make it, but I have some old friends with me."

"Sister!" Luna called out, gaining Celestia's attention, "It appears Peter and his new friends are aware of this new threat. They're a group of villains from another world called the Legion of Doom." the moon princess elaborated.

"She's right. We're here to stop those he sent as a distraction. Some of them are our allies under mind control." Batman added.

"I see. And who might you be?"

"I'm Batman," said Batman, punching Scarecrow, the red blur grabbed him and kicked him in the chin, knocking him down for a moment.

Luna added, "He claims he is the night."

"Anyway, some of us separated to handle the remaining members here. You mentioned a red blur?" Miguel said in a curious tone. "This place seems to attract all shocking villains."

"Yeah. Who's the blur anyway?" Peter inquired.

In that instant, the red blur of lightning grabbed Peter, pinning him to a wall and cutting oxygen intake. Spider-Mane saw that he was vibrating, his features obscured and eyes glowing red. The yellow suit he wore gave him an appearance similar to the Flash.

Barry found out who it was once he stood up and got a better look "Thawne..."

Reverse-Flash turned his head, releasing Peter, the stallion gasping for air. "The Flash..." he said with a distorted voice, surprsing everyone but Barry.

"That's scary." Spike gulped, "And kinda creepy... He looks like a ghost!"

Thawne ran to staredown the Flash face to face, "It's about time I end our feud once and for all. History lied about your fate."

Barry scowled, "It's not my time to go, Reverse-Flash. I'm sending you back to the twenty-fifth century for good." he declared, punching Thawne in the muzzle. His hoof collided with his chin, making Eobard flinch in pain slightly.

Reverse-Flash was about to raise his hoof, but someone pushed him aside. Thawne saw that it was Quicksilver holding him down. Eobard responded by kicking Maximoff in the chest, knocking the wind out of him temporarily.

"I see you made a friend. No matter. Two speedsters can't stop me." Reverse-Flash taunted, he ran past Quicksilver to deliver another blow to Barry, but a white aura surrounded his fist. Thawne turned his head to see Celestia holding him down using his magic, allowing Barry to counter with an attack of his own.

"Peter. You, O'Hara, and I can handle Scarecrow. Flash, Quicksilver Deadpool and the princesses can take care of Reverse-Flash." Batman ordered. "We have to end this." he cracked his hooves.

"Aye aye!" Deadpool cheered, running next to Luna, who ascended slowly, her wings flapping.

And so the battle for Canterlot began. A new group of heroes against an odd assortment of villains and heroes under their control, whether familiar or new. Spidey knew that his day just got a lot weirder, and with a scowl he glared at Scarecrow with his successor and a hero he had looked up to for years. Even without his wife by his side, he knew that he was going to win. No matter what.