//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 - Attractions // Story: A Bold New Style // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// "...These are actually kind of comfortable," remarked Spike as he moved about Fluttershy's living room and went about some dusting. Quacky Pants blushed with a mischievous grin. "I know," he said. "Though, there is something I find even more comfortable." "What's that?" asked the purple dragon. The green, Earth Pony felt his answer may not be appropriate for the young dragon. "A special kind of bloomer," he said simply. "Oh...," shrugged Spike with a hint of disappointment. "Hey," stated Quacky. "Would you like to see some modeling poses Nish taught me? Perhaps give you some ideas of how to catch the attention of Ms. Rarity?" "Sure!" exclaimed Spike. "I'm all for learning some smooth new moves." *** Nish Pony, Rarity, and Fluttershy had just about returned to the living room area when the orange Unicorn stopped them. "Just a sec," he whispered. "I'm getting a vision." "A 'vision'?" wondered Rarity. "Umm," Fluttershy added softly. "I think he's referring to what Spike and Quacky Pants are doing." *** Rarity watched from a distance as Quacky Pants illustrated various poses that the young dragon imitated. All while wearing the frilly apron that Rarity had made him along with the frilly bloomers she had created for who she assumed was Nish's model. "Oh, my....," choked Rarity while feeling her heart start to pound faster. *** "...Now try this!" exclaimed Nish as he got on all fours, leaned into a pouncing position, thrust his rump into the air, and flicked his tail over his back. "Like this?" asked the emerald-eyed dragon from atop Fluttershy's couch. The apron draped as his bloomered rump showed off his plump, little rump. "Perfect!" announced Quacky. "Now make some growling noises while using your hooves, err, claws as if you're a cat on the prowl!" Spike thought of how Rarity's cat, Opal, would act during his visits and pretended to be like her as she would go after Rarity's yarn balls. "Rawr!" roared Spike in his best cat imprssion. His emotions causes his rump to gyrate about while he pretended to be just like Opal. *** "Brilliant," remarked Nish as he utilized a secret, little camera he kept at the base of his horn. "Wouldn't you say, Rarity." Rarity's face was flushed as she tried to hold back her excitement. "A lady is... not interested in such things," she replied with as much composure as her emotions worked to take control over her. "Those bloomers are cute," remarked Fluttershy. "Did you make them, Rarity?" "I did," she gulped. "Though, they were part of the Spike, err, order Nish had me assemble to touch, uh, Quacky Pants." *** "This is fun!" proclaimed Spike. "Any other poses?" "Oh, yes!" announced Quacky as he sat on the floor, splayed his legs, and put his hooves over his tummy. "This one always gets the mares to want to hug you." Spike slid down and began to perform the pose Quacky was showing him. However, Quacky was already well aware that Nish, Rarity, and Fluttershy were off watching in the distance. It was all part of the plan after all. So, the model with the red mane made sure that Spike was facing directly towards where the other three could clearly see the full effect of the pose. "Perfect!" cheered Quacky. "Now pull up the apron enough so the bloomers show." "Why?" asked Spike. "Well," stated Quacky. "When modeling clothing you always have to make sure the clothes you are asked to model in get the most attention." "Oh," said Spike as he pulled the heart-printed apron over his pudgy tummy. "Is this better?" "Yep!" grinned Quacky. "Now wiggle your feet and feel a bit at the bloomers. You want to make sure you are really enjoying what you're wearing." "Like this?" the dragon asked while clawing gently over his mid-section. The softness of the bloomers coupled with his hand movements making his little dragon begin to push up into the soft, frilly undergarment. "Exactly!" announced Quacky. "You're actually quite the natural." "You think so?" asked Spike with a grin. "When you're a bit older," added Quacky. "Perhaps you could work with Nish and I?" *** "Oh, no...," snarled Rarity. "Spike's all mine. Mine!" Nish got off one more shot before Rarity came crashing into the room out of sheer emotion and jealousy. "Ra-Rarity!" gasped Spike as he quickly rose to his feet. "How long... Were you..." "Oh, Spikey-Boo," she said soothingly as she allowed herself to cuddle closely against the young dragon. "I, uh, just got back from the tour and, well, got excited over how, uh, great you looked in those bloomers I made." "You...," blushed Spike. "Think I look good in them?" "Why, yes," she said while trying to keep herself from wanting to tackle the little dragon down and kiss every inch of his body. "Maybe you can help me model some things over at the Carousel Boutique?" "Oh!" beamed Spike with a massive, toothy grin. "Do you mean it?" "Yes!" proclaimed Rarity in a way that was more to release pent up tension than to genuinely agree. *** Quacky Pants went over to greet Nish. The two exchanged a smile before Nish went in to talk with Rarity about his efforts for 'Minty's Minky Socks'. "Uh, Mr. Quacky Pants," murmured Fluttershy. "I, uh, was wondering if I could, uh, ask you something?" "Sure," replied the proud model. "Well, uh, how did you get your Cutie Mark?" she asked. "Well," replied the model. "One day I was out with my parents when I discovered a mother duck all upset due to her babies getting stuck in a deep hole. So, I went to rescue them." "How sweet," blushed Fluttershy. "So, after I saved them, the mother duck and her ducklings followed me until I eventually found, what I thought, was the pond they had made their home in. I then watched as they all got into the water and how they seemed to look back at me as if I were 'One of them'. The next thing I knew I got my Cutie Mark." "So you're good with dicks?" asked Fluttershy until she realized her slip-up. "Ducks. I mean ducks." "Very good," grinned Quacky Pants. "It's why I take so much pride in keeping the pond at the park back in the Crystal Empire as clean as possible. Got to look out for my quackers." "Have you...," Flutters said meekly. "Ever wished you were a duck?" "To be honest," replied Quacky. "I still do." "Oh," giggled the yellow Pegasus nervously. "There are times I wish I could be an animal, too." "Really?" asked Quacky with genuine interest. "Yes," Fluttershy blushed. "Don't get me wonrg, I do love caring for animals. However, I would really love to be the one taken care of sometimes, too." "Hmm," thought Quacky. "I never thought I'd say this, but you sound a lot like me." "I do?" gasped Flutters. "Nish did always tell me there was some pony for every pony," Quacky stated as his heart began to beat ever faster. "Perhaps, if you're interested, we could go on a, uh, date together?" "Are you...," Fluttershy nervously replied. "Would you really want to...?" "Ms. Fluttershy," stated Quacky. "I think we have too much in common to not at least give it a try." "If you say so...," she replied with a giggle while turning her head away. "Fluttershy, darling!" called Rarity. "Nish is ready for you to start modeling the socks!" "Okay," said Flutters as she was brought out of her disbelief for having been genuinely asked out by a stallion who shared a passion for animals like she did. "I'm coming." Quacky Pants just sighed as he watched the yellow Pegasus go to work with his boss. Perhaps this trip to Ponyville would be the one to make his life a lot more fulfilling. Especially if she didn't mind do a little caretaking along with being taken care of.