The Guardian

by Tiramina8914

The Human of Equestria

It’s so...warm… I’m all wrapped up in a bunch of blankets…
‘Hey, is he alright?’
Who is that, she sounds...angelic…
‘He’s so...pretty looking. Like a tan, fluffy angel…’
Wait, is she talking about me? Who is she? Can she see me?
‘Hey, he’s coming to! Hey are you alright?’

Mokuba felt light enter his eyes. Scrunching his eyes in pain, he lifted up his hand to rub his head.
“Hey, are you ok? You took quite the beating…can you hear me?”
The voice returned. Mokuba forced his eyes open, trying to take in his surroundings. When he looked around, he saw cool, colored walls around him, and soft, velvety curtains draping the windows.
“You’re awake!” a voice called out. Mokuba looked to his left to see a pony looking animal looking down at him. Creasing his brows in confusion, he looked up the creature’s soft, worried face.
“Did you” he asked it. It seemed to slightly reel back in shock, as if surprised by his question.
“Yes, of course I did. Why would I not?” it asked. This pony thing had a solid black coat with short, violet hair. A blue bandana held back it’s mane, revealing a long horn perturbing out of it’s head. A pair of wings sat in the center of it’s sides and a blue shield tattoo on it’s flank. It had big, turquoise eyes with slitted, dragon like pupils. It’s ear lied flat on it’s head as it stared at him.
Mokuba looked at the creature in slight fear.
“AAAAGGHHHHH!!” Mokuba screeched loudly, flailing his arms and falling from the bed he was in just a moment ago. Trying to run seemingly failed as he found his legs tangled in the blankets draped over him.
“Ah, I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you! Please calm down!!” It cried, trying to approach him. Mokuba only cried out louder, finding himself backed against the wall.
Looking down, he noticed bandages wrapped around his chest, and his lack of clothing.
“Wait, WHERE DID MY CLOTHES GO!?” he screamed pulling the blanket which had thankfully stayed around his hips, covering his lower torso and legs.
“Your clothes? OH! We had them taken to wash, why do you need them so much?” It asked, staring at Mokuba in interest. Mokuba looked at it in disbelief.
“I can’t just walk around naked!? It’s indecent!” He shouted, grabbing bundles of the blanket and fussing them around his waist.
The creature tilted its head in confusion.
“Really? I walk around naked all the time and nopony says anything…” it placed a hoof to its chin as if in thought.
Mokuba could only stare.
“Anyway, who are you? Where am I? What is this place?” he asked, trying to regulate his breathing patterns. The creature smiled and stood up straight.
“Oh those questions are easy! My name is Princess Nyx Sparkle, daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. You are right now in our castle located in the north of Ponyville. And as to what is this place? Umm...I’d say you’re in the land of Equestria,” Nyx smiled, giving a small bow.
Mokuba sat up, taking in what she had said.
“I...see…” he looked down, placing a hand to his chest. Feeling the bandages, he winced in pain when he pressed down on it.
“D-Don’t do that sir! You’re hurt!” she cried, trotting over and pulling his hand down. Mokuba flushed red when she got close, feeling embarrassed at being clothed in only a blanket in front of a girl. Moreover, a princess in this case.
“Hey, are you sick? You’re face got all red all of the sudden?” she asked, placing her hoof to his forehead. He only blushed deeper.
“U-Um, no. It’s just, th-the fact that I’m uh...naked. In front of a….girl...and a princess for that matter…” he stammered. She cocked a brow in confusion.
“Is being unclothed all that bad?” she asked, tilting her head. Mokuba nodded furiously.
“Yes! For me at least! I’m human! We don’t walk around naked! We don’t have coats, or tails to cover up,” he turned away, rubbing his temple. Nyx seemed to flush, backing away almost immediately.
“Oh MY GOSH! I’m sososososososorry! I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable!” she cried, shaking her head. Tears seemed to gather in her eyes as she apologized over and over again. Mokuba smiled sympathetically.
“No, it’s ok. You didn’t know! Don’t cry please,” he reached forward as if to hold her shoulders, but retracted quickly, afraid that touching her might be rude. Nyx slowly calmed herself, breathing deeply.
“Ok, I’m ok. Sorry for that. If you want, I can go get your clothes. We had them washed for you, not knowing how important they’d be. I guess they’re pretty important, huh?” she smiled, taking a few steps toward the door. Mokuba nodded.
“Yes please, I would appreciate it,” Mokuba gave a small bow, wrapping the cloth around himself and standing. Nyx nodded, quickly opening the door and moving out. Mokuba sighed, placing himself back on the bed and looking around at the room. It was regally decorated, meant for royalty. The curtains were a deep purple and drawn back to let the light in. Mokuba stood from the bed, walking over to the window and peering out.
He gazed in awe down at the small town bordering the tall building he was in. A grand, golden metal fence was circling the building, a large walkway, gardens, and what seemed to be more of this equine species standing near the base, but garbed in armor.
“Am I, in a castle?” he asked himself, peering out beyond the gate. He saw tiny, colorful specks, of what he assumed to be more of this species, but only, commoners.
Mokuba saw some of these specks flying through the air as well.
“Pegasi?” he whispered in wonder, watching them move clouds, fly with others, or just leisurely hover.
“Um, excuse me?”
Mokuba turned around to see Nyx standing in the doorway, his clothes hovering next to her.
His clothes hovering next to her.
“Wha-What? How are you doing that?” he pointed to the magic looking aura around his clothing, and to the same aura around her horn. Nyx raised her brows, peering up at her horn. She then chuckled.
“Oh, this? This is magic. All alicorns can do it, didn’t you know that?” she asked, trotting forward and closing the door behind her. Mokuba shook his head.
“Um, no. There’s no, alicorns in my world. We don’t have wings, or magic,” he explained, staring at the floating garbs. Nyx stared at him in shock.
“OH! I couldn’t imagine living like that. I mean, earth ponies live without magic or wings, but they’re surrounded by it, so they take much mind to it. Well, do you want me to explain the basics?” she asked, floating the clothes over into his hands. After taking them, he nodded, moving behind the changing curtain.
“Ok. Well, there are three main pony races in our world. Earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. Unicorns have horns on their head, which allows them to use magic. Pegasi have wings. With give them the ability to fly. Earth ponies don’t have either of those, but they have strong bodies, giving them the ability to work the land better than the others. I, myself, are the rare, Alicorn. I am all three. And us alicorns are immortal, meaning we’ve been blessed with incredible magic power. That all make sense?” she asked. Mokuba held out a thumbs up.
“Uhhhh...what does that…?” Nyx stared at the gesture curiously.
“Oh, that uh...that’s means ‘good’ or, ‘I got it’, something like that. It’s a human hand gesture,” Mokuba walked out from behind the changing curtain, back in his sleeping clothes. The only thing, it had a giant hole in it’s center, and was stained in blood.
“Oh…” Nyx winced at the state of his clothes. Mokuba sighed, his shoulders falling.
“Well, I’m doomed…” he moaned, putting his face in his hands.
Nyx sat in thought, wondering how she could assist. Then, a light bulb clicked on.
“OH! Here, come with me! I can take you to somepony who can help you no problem!” she chirped, prancing forward and placing her wing against his back. He looked down at the pony in confusion.
“Um, who?” he asked, walking out into the hall.
“You’ll see! Come on!” she hurried forward, guiding him through the long halls. Mokuba took it a bit on the slow side, making sure not to damage himself too much. Gazing around, he looked at the sheer mass of the interior, imagining what this place looked like on the outside.
“Oh! I’m so rude. I never asked you your name,” Nyx turned to Mokuba, a guilty look on her face. Mokuba smiled.
“That’s fine. It’s Mokuba. Mokuba Kaiba. Nice to met you,” he smiled warmly, Nyx’s face warming.
“Right in here. Now, don’t be frightened if they have quite the...reaction to seeing you up and moving,” she smiled nervously, placing her hoof on the door. Mokuba nodded, bracing for impact. Nyx used her strength and magic to push the door open.
The conversation that had been taking place within it’s walls, fell silent.
“Mom...he’s awake,” Nyx announced, gesturing to Mokuba. He smiled nervously.
“H-Hi…” he waved, smiling weakly.
Six ponies, two alicorns, and one dragon all gazed at him.
“AWWWWWWW! HE’S SO CUTE!” One of the ponies squealed, flying up. Mokuba saw a flash of yellow and pink fly at his face, stopping before she collided with him.
“I’ve never seen a creature like you before! You’re so cute! Can you talk? I have so many questions for you!” Mokuba sat in silence as the yellow pegasus went on and on.
“Miss Fluttershy, um, can you hold on a moment. I want to introduce him to everypony,” Nyx pointed out. Fluttershy lowered herself and touched down on the ground.
“Oh, yes. So sorry, go ahead,” Fluttershy backed up, letting Nyx take the stage.
“Sir, this is the court of Ponyville! That’s Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Starlight Glimmer. The dragon right there is Spike, and the two alicorns you see, other then myself, is my mother, Twilight Sparkle, and her partner, Sunset Shimmer. Everypony, this is Mokuba Kaiba,” Nyx smiled widely, looking towards the human. He placed his hands in front of him and bowed.
“It’s a pleasure to met you all. I have to thank you for saving me. I probably would’ve died without assistance,” he smiled, trying to hide his internal screaming.
The two alicorns approached him, Twilight holding out a hoof.
“Hello, it’s an honor to welcome you to the land of Equestria. I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. And this is my partner, and fellow newbie to the land as well, Sunset Shimmer. She’s still trying to find her role,” Twilight smiled warmly, the two shaking hand and hoof.
“A pleasure to met you Mr. Kaiba. We’ve been so curious since your arrival,” Sunset smiled, Mokuba blushing at being addressed so formally.
“O-Oh, thank you. Mokuba is fine, no one really calls me that formally anyway,” he smiled, rubbing his arm. The mare named ‘Rarity’, strut forward and looked directly at the giant hole in his shirt.
“Oh no no no! This won’t do at all. Darling, might I make you some new, ensembles? My name is Rarity, by the way,” she used her magic to levitate a measuring tape, holding it to his side. Mokuba nodded.
“If you don’t mind, Miss Rarity. New clothes would be wonderful,” he did his best to respect the new species having him as a guest, wanting to show gratitude. Rarity gazed up, a look of shock, and happiness on her face.
“Oh goodness! Such a well mannered boy! Come, come! Let me take you to get you fitted right away! I’ll have to use you as a mannequin since I don’t have one in your...uh, body shape,” Rarity gestured to the door, leading him out. Mokuba smiled and nodded, taking a step forward, only for a wave of pain to rush through his body.
He cried out, his hand flying to his chest as he dropped to his knees, coughing blood.
“M-Mr. Kaiba!?” Nyx rushed forward, leaning down to try and see his eyes. She lifted his face with her hoof, only to gasp in shock. The whites of his eyes, turned black.
“Yyoouu...have no idea...what’s-AHG! ….coming….” his voice seemed possessed, his body swaying gently, before falling onto his side. Voices cried out, in fear and worry. The last thing Mokuba saw before he blacked out, was three faces hovering over him. Then…