Know your Mare

by overlord-flinx


Know your mare, know your mare, know your mare...


You missed your cue...

Did I...?

Oh how arrogant of me...

Are you still moping...?

It's been forever since we put you on the stage...

It was last episode you nit!

You don't even know what a nit is...



That's enough fighting...

Can't we just get along and pick on some innocent mares or whatever together..?

Well I could...

I refuse to...


What can we do to make it up to you...?

...You won't do it...

We promise anything...

Just as long as you cheer up...

...Very well...

... Monochrome...

No way...

You said anything...

We aren't doing that...

Very well...

I will just sit here and say nothing until I'm fired than...



It won't hurt that much little buddy...

Yeah for you...

Look at the bright side...

We're all together again...

"Excuse me?" the three speakers' attentions were collectively drawn to the stallion standing in the spotlight. "Are we going to have to reschedule again?"

Sorry Doctor...

...It seems this always happens...

...How's your three thirty looking...?

"Pretty good. I'll be back again."

Can't wait Doctor...


...What a nice guy...