//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: A Sad Consequence // Story: Twilight's Adventures to Oz // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// In the real world at Canterlot: The real Princess Cadence is in her royal chamber with the unconscious Twilight in her bed. Ever since Cadence brings back Twilight from the caverns, she has never left her sight. Twilight is sleeping in the covers and she has a wraped banaged on her head. CAdence has no idea on how Twilight gets into such condition, but she knows that Queen Chrysalis has something to do with it. Just then Princess Cadence hears a knocking at the door and can see that someone is here to see her. Princess Cadence turns to the door and says, "Come in." The doors to the room opens and Princess Luna along with the pony doctor and his assistant and nurse to check on Twilight and see what her condition is. Princess Luna says, "Cadence. The doctor is here to see Twilight." "Thank you for coming," princess Cadence says sounding very sad. The doctor turns to Princess Cadence and asks, "How long has she been like this?" "Since I found her in the caverns. I don't know what happened…" Cadence starts to explain feeling very worried. Then Cadence starts to look furious and calmly says, "But I'm sure that Queen Chrysalis had something to do with it." Princess Luna can tell that Cadence is very angry, not that she blames her. She is also angry when she learned the truth about Queen Chrysalis and taking Cadence's appearance and her place in Canterlot. Right now, they need to know what Twilight's condition is before they do anything else. The doctor says, "I'll start examining Twilight right now." "Okay," Princess Cadence replies feeling thankful for the help. The doctors begin to work on Twilight's condition. During that time, Princess Luna wants to talk to Princess Cadence about what happened to her while she was at the caverns and how she manage to find Twilight in there. "Princess Cadence it will help us to know how you found Twilight in the caverns?" Princess Luna asks. Cadence simply looks at Twilight feeling like her heart is about to break. Seeing new sister-in-law hurt and unconscious is kind of hard for her to talk about it, but she knows that it might be the only way to help her somehow. Cadence sadly explains, "Well, I remember running through the caverns trying to find my way out to stop the wedding and tell them what Queen Chrysalis did." Princess Cadence explains to Princess Luna on how Queen Chrysalis has attacked her a few days a go and imprisoned her in the caverns. She also explains that she searches for a way out of the caverns until she notice the light when she was transported. That is when she finds Twilight unconscious and looks beaten up. Then she says that she starts to run through the caverns and run into the bridesmaid, but manages to trick them and make it to the wedding in time. Princess Cadence sadly concludes, "That's when I ran as fast as I could while trying to carry Twilight. Whatever happened Twilight was bruised all over and has a really bad bruise on her head." "And that's when you showed up at the wedding with Twilight unconsciously on your back," Princess Luna adds to Cadence's story. "Yes," Princess Cadence sadly answers. After finishing their discussion, the doctors have finished their examination. They come to where Princess Cadence and Princess Lunar are at to give them their diagnosis. The doctor comes up to the princesses and says, "Princess we finished our examination on Ms. Sparkle." "Thank you. What did you find?" Princess Luna replies. "Well, according to our examination, Twilight has a lot of bumps and bruises especially a serious bruise on her head. I suspect that what caused Ms. Sparkle to get unconscious. Also from further examination, I also suspect that her unconsciousness came from a hard blow to the head." The doctor explains. "Thank you doctor," Princess Cadence says still feeling a bit sad. "How long do you think Twilight will be unconscious?" Princess Luna asks. "Judging by the blow, I have to assume it will take around a week," The doctor answers. The doctor starts to remember something he been needing to tell the princesses about what they see while examining Twilight. The doctors questionably says, "But something did strike me as odd." "What is it?" Princess Luna asks sounding a bit concern. "While my assistants and I were examining her, I notice that Ms. Sparkle was muttering during the examination and she said something about 'Finding the wizard' and 'I must find him'," The doctor explains. Princess Luna and Princess Cadence are surprised to hear it. They way the doctor put it, it as if Twilight is talking to herself in her sleep. "From the sounds of it, it almost sounds like Twilight is…" Princess Cadence is about to says. But she's been interrupted by Princess Luna when she says, "Dreaming." Princess Luna decides to use her magic to look into Twilight's dreams and memories. She sit next to twilight on the bed. Then she light up her horn and put her horn on her horn, hoping to figure out what Twilight is dreaming of. In one of the Castle Suites: The girls, including Spike are waiting in the room hoping to get the results of their friend soon. Ever since the changeling attack and seeing Twilight unconscious, they been feeling very terrible about all this. Rainbow groans and says, "This is so boring." "I understand Rainbow, but we still need to wait for the result," Rarity says sadly. Rainbow starts to get impatient and says "Can they give us the results a little fast?!" "Princess Luna and the doctor needs time to see what happened," Fluttershy says. "From the looks of it Twilight got hurt really bad and there's a big bruise on Twilight's head," Applejack replies remember. Then Rarity sadly says, "Yes it was shocking especially at the wedding." The girls remember what happened at the actual wedding. When the imposter and Shining Armor are going to be wed, the real Princess Cadence shows up with the unconscious Twilight on her back. Everyone, including the other princesses, the girls, and Spike are shocked not only about seeing the real Mi Amore Cadenza, but seeing her with Twilight unconscious and beaten up. They are now sick and worried for Twilight and are not sure how Twilight's condition is going so far. Fluttershy says, "I remember and it pains me to see her like this." "I know what you mean," Spike replies worriedly. Then Rainbow angrily says, "What I want to is how in Equestria did Twilight got like this?" "I know. She was beaten up pretty bad," Applejack adds think the same thing. "I for one think that this Queen Chrysalis has something to do with Twilight's condition," Rarity suspects. Fluttershy starts to get scared and says, "What if all this happened after we left Twilight at the altar!" The girls think for a minute and think Fluttershy is right. They have no idea what happened to Twilight after they leave to get the rest of the wedding ready. They also realized something more awful than what could have happened in the alter. "You're right. After what we did. That changeling queen who pretend to be Princess Cadence must have attacked her. Judging by the mark Twilight must have tried to fight her off," Applejack explains. "No kidding! She looks like she got thrashed!" Rainbow screams with anger. "And then she used her magic to put her in the caverns," Prinke adds. Then Rarity shamefully adds, "And it's all our fault." Everyone in the room start to feel so upset and ashamed. They believe it was there fault for not believing Twilight about the imposter being evil. Just then Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and the doctors all go into the suit to talk to the other's about Twilight's progress. Applejack comes up to the group of ponies and worriedly asks, "How is she?" "She seems to be stable and will need some time to recover from the bruise and cuts she received," Princess Celestia explains. The girls do sound relieve that Twilight is going to be alright, but are still wondering how long she will be unconscious for. Then Luna sadly says, "But there is a problem." "What is it?" Fluttershy asks sounding very worried. Along with the others who are looking very worried and the way Princess Luna sounds, it doesn't sound too good. Then Princess Luna explains, "While I was exploring into Twilight's mind, I found out that Queen Chrysalis attacked her and the next thing that I saw she was pushed to the wall with powerful magic, really hard. Then it cuts off to when she falls unconscious seeing the changeling Queen taking Princess Cadence's form again." The girls and Spike gasp with horror after hearing that Queen Chrysalis has something to do with Twilight's condition after all. Princess Celestia and Luna know that it will indeed shock them, but they also know that there is something else they should know about the condition Twilight is in right now. Then Princess Luna says, "There is another thing." "What is it," Spike asks. "It seems that Twilight is in an unconscious dream. It almost that her dream it's some kind of protection from a terrible ordeal and it seems that her dream is so powerful not even I am able to see what she is dreaming about," Princess Luna sadly explains. Rarity sadly says, "In other words, Twilight will be unconscious for a while." "And we won't be able to talk to her through her dreams," Fluttershy sadly adds. "I'm afraid so," Princess Celestia answers. The girls and Spike feels very sad and worried for Twilight, they have no idea how long she will wake up or if she'll wake up at all. The worst part is they believe it was all their fault Twilight will be like this, but they need to have faith if they're going to make it through and hope that Twilight will wake up soon. In the Princess Cadence's room: Princess Cadence is still watching over Twilight, only this time Shining Armor and his and Twilight's parents are there watching over her as well. Princess Cadence explains to them about Twilight's condition and they are worried about her right now. The parents are so worried about their daughter that they haven't notice that Shining Armor is heading to the balcony with a shameful look on his face. "That's terrible," Twilight Velvet says in fear. "How long will she be like this?" Night Light worriedly asks. "The doctor and Princess Luna said she will be like this for sometime, but she'll regain consciousness in good time," Princess Cadence sadly explains. Twilight Velvet and Night Light comes up to their daughter. Princess Cadence is still worried for Twilight as much as the couple are. Princess Cadence notice Shining Armor on the balcony feeling upset and looking like a big bad cloud is hovering over him. Princess Cadence comes over to him hoping to see if he's okay, but she knows that he's not much okay. After reaching to Shining Armor, Princess Cadence sadly asks, "You blamed yourself for this, don't you?" "Who else," Shining Armor sadly admits. "Look Shining, from what the others told me you were under Queen Chrysalis control, you can't blame yourself for something you couldn't handle," Princess Cadence says. Princess Cadence hugs Shining hoping to cheer him up and says, "I understand you're upset Shining, but blaming yourself isn't going to help Twilight." Shining Armor sighs and says, "I know, but what else we can do. Twilight is unconscious and Canterlot is a mess." Princess Cadence starts to think about it. She understand that Canterlot has a lot of damage from the changeling attack and Twilight need not be taken care of until she regain consciousness. Then Princess Cadence says, "Well, since we postpone the wedding for another 2 weeks, we should take this time to fix the damages in Canterlot and we can take turns taking care of Twilight." Shining Armor looks at Cadence still feeling sad. Then he looks at his sister lying down in bed with her parents by her side. He knows that now is not the time for feel sorry for himself and decides to do whenever he can to help repair Canterlot and take care of his sister. "I guess you're right," Shining Armor says feeling a little better, but still worried for his sister. Princess Cadence makes a small smile and glad she can cheer up Shining Armor. They both then go back to the room to check on Twilight. They know that they need to help repair Canterlot and make sure the citizens are okay.