//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 - Water Under the Bridge // Story: A Bold New Style // by Yosh-E-O //------------------------------// The sun was nearly at its zenith when Rarity, Spike, Nish Pony, and Quacky Pants reached their next destination. :This bridge brings back memories," said Spike as he recalled the time Rarity had kissed him on his birthday where he became 'The Rampaging Dragon'. "I know," Rarity replied. "Sometimes I come hear to think, too." Spike sighed upon feeling his crush had failed to recall that faithful day, but made sure to not show it as much as he possibly could. "Could you get out the swim trunks?" asked Nish Pony. "It's time to get all wet with a little water sport." Rarity opened the box of garments and accessories and pulled out the red swimming trunks. "If I may," said Rarity. "I'm pretty good at guessing a measurement and, well, the dimensions you gave me seem like they'll be a bit tight on your model." Nish Pony grinned as he got out his camera. "They're perfect," he stated while using his Unicorn magic to look them over. *** Nish levitated the red swimming suit over to Quacky Pants who promptlyput them on. "Okay!" announced the orange Unicorn. "Go splash around for a bit and let me know when you're ready, Quacky!" "Sure thing!" cheered Quacky as he climbed down into the stream and started to frolic about in the little stream beneath the bridge. "That looks like fun!" exclaimed Spike. "Do models get to have fun like that all the time?" Mine does," nodded Nish as he adjusted his glasses. "Perhaps, one day, you could be a darling model for me, too?" Rarity felt nervous about this suggestion. "Actually," she stated a bit firmly. "Spike's my model." "I am?" asked Spike as he felt his heart begin to pound with excitement. "Why of course!" chimed Rarity. "I have all sorts of fashion ideas that only an attractive, young dragon, like you, could make work." "Wow!" Spike awed. "I'd love to model for you, Rarity." "He is quite attractive," noted Nish. "I hope you don't mind me borrowing him a bit later on?" "Just so long as you talk to me first," added Rarity. "We don't want to have any creative overlap, right?" "Most definitely not," stated Nish. *** After a few more minutes, Nish asked Quacky if he was ready. Quacky told him he was and the photo shoot began. "Okay!" called Nish. "Stand up and let us see what those materials in the suit have done for you!" Quacky Pants stood up on his hind legs to reveal how their was a very definite tightening around his flank. There was a distinctive, elephant-like shape on his front and, when he turned around, the suit appeared as if it was squeezing his rump to the point where every feature of it was apparent. "Perfect!" cheered Nish. "Now lie on your back and make sure we can get a good view of that cute elephant!" Quacky Pants grinned as he postured himself so that he was laying comfortably in the water with his firmly squeezed crotch sticking up. The positioning of the sun made it very easy to make out the formation of his stallion parts as they were firmly held by the swim suit. *** Rarity was aghast at what she saw happening. "I could do a swim pose for you, Rarity," suggested Spike. "It looks fun." The white Unicorn wanted to make sure the young, purple dragon didn't get a chance to ask about the bulge showing in Quacky Pants' swimsuit. So, she kissed him with a very audible 'Muah'. "Is...," teetered Spike upon feeling Rarity's lips purse against his chubby, left cheek. She kissed him in such a hurry that she not only planted him with a notable smooch, but also kind of sucked on it like a vacuum as she released. "That, a, yes..." "Why of course, Spikey-Boo," she said while keeping his attention on her as Nish Pony continued to take shots of his model teasing at his stallion-hood with the very swim trunks she had made. "I'll even make you a special swimsuit, too." "I inspire you?" asked Nish Pony. "Yes," stated Rarity with a sort of lacking in enthusiasm. "Okay!" called Nish down to Quacky. "Time to show off those hot cross buns!" "Got it!" called back Quacky as he sat up, got on all fours, and stuck his rump up into the air. His swimsuit took little time to fully conform around his backside as water dripped from all about the various spots the suit was squeezing to reveal. "Now!" called Nish. "Flick up that tail and let me get some good shots of that glistening behind of yours!" Quacky Pants really enjoyed being in the water. He also enjoyed how a family of ducks was approaching in the direction he was facing. So it wasn't hard to hold the desired pose while he remained distracted by the family of water fowl. *** Rarity, having never ceased paying attention to what Nish Pony was photographing, wrapped a hoof around Spike while rubbing his green, head spikes. "I shall have to contract you..." trailed Nish Pony upon noticing how close Rarity and the young dragon were. "Ooh! Photo op!" CLICK! Spike and Rarity both blushed a deep red upon having their picture taken in such a way. The blush only encouraged Nish to shoot a few more shots before resuming his photo shoot of Quacky Pants in the water with the skin tight swimsuit glistening and dripping in the mid-day sun. "Now...," wondered Rarity. "You're not going to publish those photos of Spike and I, are you?" "Why not?" wondered Nish. "You two are just too adorable!" Spike beamed as he grew an extremely wide, toothy grin. "Oh, please, Rarity!" he begged. "Let him use the photos!" The fashion-focused pony with the purple mane sighed. "Sure," she agreed. "However, I want to see them and who you are sending them to first." "Certainly," agreed Nish Pony. "I made the same promise to many other ponies. Most recently those adorable fans of my very own publication, 'Rainbow Pride'." "Rainbow Pride?" asked Rarity. "Why haven't I heard of that one?" "It's kind of a lesser known publication," replied Nish. "Quacky and I started it to help further Equestria's image as a land of 'Love and Tolerance'." "Interesting," said Rarity. "How would I come across an issue of this publication?" "I have a few copies of it in my saddlebag if you'd like to see one," stated the orange Unicorn as he continued to take snapshots of his subject. "I'm really loving how that family of ducks is around you, Quacky!" Keep working that magic!" The lower part of Quacky's swim trunks began to expand as he felt the little quackers move alongside them. "Ah!" beamed Nish. "Nothing like even more inspiration! You definitely make things hard on me in all the right ways!" "What do you mean?" asked Spike. "He is just talking fashion, darling," assured Rarity while making sure the purple dragon didn't have a chance to look over the side of the bridge. "I'll explain more to you later during our time together." Spike melted upon hearing his crush state, '...our time together...' "Hmm," he cooed as he felt butterflies fill his tummy. "Okay!" called out Nish Pony. "You can soften up and get on up here, Quacky Panties! We're done here!" Quacky Pants couldn't help but grin after having his moment with the ducks. However, he was also ready to get out of the stream, take off the tight swim trunks, and get onto their next shoot. "Be right up, Nish!" he called. "Where are we off to next?" asked Rarity. "A place Spike told us about called the Everfree Forest," replied Nish as he packed up his camera. "Oh! Here's a copy of 'Rainbow Pride'." PFEW "Ooh!" awed Spike as he saw the periodical float towards him on its way towards Rarity. PFEW FWIP CLICK THWIP CLASP "I'll just give this a look a bit later," stated Rarity. She didn't know what the magazine may contain and she not only didn't want Spike to not see something lewd, but also didn't want to be seen reading something that could potentially be off-putting if anyone in high standing saw her flipping through it. "Alright," said Quacky Pants as he approached the group on the bridge. He had taken off the swim trunks and looked far less revealing. "That's my Quacky," remarked Nish while nuzzling his associate. "How's about we treat our friends to a little lunch and then head to the forest?" "Sounds good," replied Quacky Pants. "I could definitely go for an oat burger." *** A few more words were exchanged before the four headed off to another one of Ponyville's local diners to grab some grub.