//------------------------------// // A Spider's Fear // Story: Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis // by MetalJrock //------------------------------// Batman immediately sat down, deciding that his focus right now was on Peter. 'It's strange... He gets aggressive then shrugs it off... Something is off.' he thought, but he would try to pay more attention, but there is another concern. Something far more annoying than he could ever anticipate. "Alright!" Deadpool hopped around, "I'm finally in the Treebrary! I'm on TV, ma!" he shouted. He bounced around with Pinkie as the two raised their hooves in a high five. "This is the best day ever! I wish I had a camera!" "Heck yeah, Wade!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Why did you bring him here?" Ant-Man asked. Iceman shrugged, "Better him on our side than trying to kill us. It was better then wasting time fighting, I think. Plus Batman can just pay the bill." he whispered the last part, Scott chuckling at that. "Gotta agree with you on that." Human Torch said. "That brief chase was pretty annoying." "Nah! It was awesome!" Deadpool shouted, suddenly appearing behind Johnny, causing him to yelp in surprise. "Ha! Gotcha good, Storm! You should'a seen the look on your face!" Next to him, Wolverine unsheathed his claws while Kaine did with his stingers, but they retracted once they realized that the effort wasn't worth it. "He's a damn migrane..." groaned Logan, clenching his eyes and ears shut as best he could. Meanwhile, with Peter, he sat down next to Barry. He held his mask in his hooves as he spoke, "I dunno what happened, Barry... At least with you, you weren't in control of your actions. But me... I knew exactly what I was doing. It was inner rage I haven't felt in years..." he exhaled, his hooves shaking slightly at the memories that flowed through him. "It was a part of me I swore to leave behind... But I guess the Parker Luck had other ideas." Images popped into his head, but before Peter could dwell on them, Barry readied himself to say something, getting his attention instead. Barry frowned, putting a reassuring hoof on Peter's shoulder. "Hm... That feeling is tough. I remember when Rainbow Raider used his powers on me, making me vent my frustrations out on everybody that annoyed me in some way. Even my loved ones... It took a beating from Oliver to snap me back to my senses." he revealed, "I was pissed. I remembered everything I said, and I... almost killed an innocent man, an officer at that out of petty jealousy." he sighed slowly. "I'm sorry..." said Peter, "But promise me one thing..." his gaze turned to the other heroes, "Promise me, that if I go off the deep end somehow... Don't hold back. Because I'm not someone who can easily be put down." he pleaded. "Hold on what?" Ben exclaimed, revealing his hiding spot on the ceiling, away from Deadpool and Pinkie's antics. "You want us to... kill you? That's... dark." "No, Ben. I think something's wrong. I hate Deadpool, but even I wouldn't go as far as to beat the living tar out of him. Outside of my imagination anyway. And I would never hurt Batman..." the stallion elaborated for his brother. Miguel overheard the conversation, revealing himself, "That ain't gonna happen, Parker. If it comes down to that, we'll solve it. Without having to kill you." he assured. Eddie nodded, "Yeah. You have a life here. You need to be with your family. And we can't be the ones to destroy that, and I know it's weird coming from me." Peter smiled, "Heh. Thanks, guys. But just promise that you'll stop me if it were to be that way." "Woohoo!" Deadpool suddenly appeared behind him via teleportation, causing Peter to punch him in the face again in surprise. "Ow! What the hell was that for!?" he asked, holding his sore spot. "Yes, Peter! He may be less than pleasant, but that was uncalled for!" chided Rarity. "I-I don't know..." Peter mumbled, unsure of his actions himself. "I'm sorry, Wade." he whispered. Something triggered in his mind again, prompting Peter to clench his head again. "Give me a minute to think." "Aw! You do care for me!" Wade teased, poking Peter's shoulder. "Oh, um. Are you fine, Wade?" Fluttershy asked. Deadpool nodded, "You know it! I've suffered worse! Heck, I even survived the destruction of the multiverse! That did happen right?" he wondered. "Um... No?" Scott replied, more of a question than an actual answer. "Wait, then what the hell were we thinking about?" "This isn't the comic book universe, you moron. That happened on Earth-616." "Oh yeah! I wonder how that Deadpool's doing!" "How should we know? We're from a neighbor universe." "Aw..." The Merc with a Mouth shook his head, "Oh, then nevermind. So how are best ponies doing?" he asked the Elements of Harmony, who looked at him weird, "Oh, by the way, Pete, where's your wife? And my other waifu..." he cooed, Peter ready to punch him again. "They're resting." he growled. "That's right!" Deadpool recalled. "Daddy? Who is this guy?" Mayday asked. Deadpool's jaw went agape at the sight of Peter's daughter, "You're so flippin' adorable!" he cooed. "He's... Deadpool." Peter groaned. 'This has been one heck of a reunion... Introducing my daughter to the wrong people. First Frank now Wade.' he groaned inwardly. Batman narrowed his gaze, using his Detective Vision on Peter once again. 'There's something in his blood. I need time to scan it, but the enzymes in it are familiar. I'll wait to see if that's the cause.' he thought, choosing to remain silent on the matter. Meanwhile, Peter clenched his eyes shut, some strange thoughts appearing in his head, 'What's happening to me?' he thought, then when he opened his eyes, he saw one of the most horrifying sights that he's ever witnessed. 'How did I get here? I was at home with the others... Or so I thought!' He saw Ponyville destroyed, the homes and small buildings crumbled down. Peter saw the Treebrary destroyed... It was almost like he was back... "No... I prevented this future! I saved it!" he shouted in anguish. "This never happened!" "That's what you think, Peter." said a voice. Peter turned around and saw Sunset lying on the floor, as though she was holding on to her life. "This is... your fault." Tears began to run down the stallion's face, "What's happening!?" he asked. "How did this happen!?" he swerved himself to the side, still cradling Sunset's body. Then he saw the changelings fly by, each of them holding corpses of various ponies he recognized in Ponyville. "This can't be real!" He slammed his hooves on the ground in sadness. He opened his eyes again, and saw Miguel lying still, his costume torn. Then he found Ben and Kaine in the same position. Peter's stomach couldn't take much more of this. It was as if all of his worst nightmares came together into one terrifying experience. Tears continued to fall from Peter's eyes, him spotting all of his friends and allies from Earth. Logan, Quicksilver, Ant-Man, the Flash, Batman, Deadpool. All of them dead. When he looked up, he saw the source of the destruction. "No..." "Yes, Spider-Man. We did this!" announced Lex Luthor, standing over the body of Rainbow Dash. Joker laughed as he pointed a gun at Applejack and Rarity, the end result not seen after the explosion. "But we didn't do this alone." "Ahahahaha!" shouted Green Goblin, Peter suddenly finding himself on a bridge as a human and in costume. His eyes widened when he saw Twilight fall from the Goblin's grasp. He extended a hand to shoot a webline. "Here's one for the road, Parker!" The web connected to Twilight's neck, a snap was heard. And Spider-Man nearly collapsed after picking up his wife. The hero noticed that she wasn't moving. "N-No! Not again! I promised myself this would never happen! I failed!" he cried, holding Twilight close to him. He hoped that this would end, that this one crazy dream. Back in reality, Johnny took notice of Peter's silent twitching. He raised a hoof, "Uh, bro... You okay?" he asked worriedly. But he felt the force of Peter's punch, sending him flying across the room. Peter opened his eyes, them glowing yellow. He hopped around the room, putting on his costume in a matter of seconds. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" he shouted. Ant-Man immediately responded to Peter's outburst. "Someone get the kids out of here! Something tells me the adults are gonna get serious!" he ordered. Spike nodded, and grabbed Mayday. The child looking at the dragon. "What's wrong with Daddy?" Spike answered, "Something the bad guys did." he said. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo followed him out the door, going to Sugarcube Corner to wait through the battle. "YOU'RE ALL GONNA PAY!" shouted Peter. Batman's eyes widened, "Yellow eyes... No. Deadpool," he adressed the merc, "What did you shoot Peter with?" "You mean this? I was told it was an instant-friend gun! That it would make Spider-Man my bestest bro!" he explained, giving the gun to Batman. The Dark Knight scanned it, and then he shoved Wade aside to explain. "You idiot! This gun had enhanced Fear Toxin in it! Spider-Man's delusional now! He's facing his fears, thinking they're reality! And with this dose he's gone mad!" he shouted. Deadpool raised his arms in defense, "Jeez! I didn't know!" he narrowed his mask, "If he lied, then I guess baldy and I are gonna have a nice long chat later on." "We all have somethin' to say to Luthor and Loki once all this is said and done." Logan announced. In Peter's mind, he saw all of his foes. The Legion of Doom, Empress Chrysalis and the Sinister Six. He gritted his teeth as he spoke once more, "You won't get away with this!" he leaped up and tackled Johnny Storm, the two of them tumbling out of the house. Johnny punched Peter to get him off him. "What's your deal, dude? We're your friends!" he said. Before Peter could respond, blurs of silver and yellow hit him, landing a hit each time they passed. Spider-Mane scowled, shooting strands of gossamer around him. With the utmost precision, he managed to trip Maximoff and Barry after aiming the webbing correctly so that they wouldn't be able to stop. "Not anymore..." begged Peter, "I'll make sure you won't get away this! You changelings are through with turning into my friends!" The Flash sighed, "I'm sorry, Peter." he began to move his hooves quickily, creating a small whirlwind that sent Peter flying. Spider-Mane felt the force of the wind and hit the bark of his home. He flipped backwards, perching himself on the trunk. Then Spidey jumped off, but as he was about to tackle Barry and Quicksilver, who were trapped in webbing thanks to a swift move, a rainbow blur managed to tackle him instead. "Stay down, Pete!" Rainbow pleaded. "I don't want to hurt you!" the two tumbled around. Spider-Mane punched Rainbow in the face, "Don't dare to act like you're my friend, changeling!" the pegasus gasped at the accusation, Peter managing to turn himself around. "I guess we'll have to do this the hard way." He grabbed Rainbow's wing, and began to bend it backwards. The cyan mare was about to scream, feeling the force of Peter pushing it. She was honestly afraid that he was going to break it, but luckily, a barrage of white tendrils lashed out, grabbing Spider-Mane before he could do more damage. Fluttershy ran to Rainbow, who couldn't move her aching wing for the moment. "Rainbow! Are you okay?" The cyan mare hissed in pain, "Yeah, it's a little sprain I think. Nothing I can't fly off later." "I'm holding back, Parker." Anti-Venom warned, "Let's not do this again." he added, slamming Spider-Mane on the ground. "I thought we were through with this rivalry!" "Venom!" Peter hissed. "What are you seeing, Parker?" Eddie wondered. Peter struggled in Anti-Venom's grasp, "I see my enemies! The ones I need to stop! You're all monsters!" he paused because Anti-Venom threw him around again. "You must pay for what you did!" Anti-Venom roared, tossing Peter aside. "I'm through being the bad guy, Peter! This ended years ago! It's all an illusion!" "No! What I'm seeing is real!" Peter hissed, shooting webbing at Brock. "You're all gonna pay!" As he reared his hoof back, his Spider-Sense began to tingle, making him flip backwards away from a few web-balls tossed in his direction. "Snap the shock out of it, Parker!" Spider-Mane 2099 pleaded, holding onto First Spider, who threw some webs in as well. "This isn't you!" he added with a shout. First Spider released his grip on O'Hara and tried to divekick Peter, the stallion jumping back in time. Kaine spun his hindleg around, trying to hit Spider-Mane, but he avoided each strike. Ben grunted, "C'mon, Parker! You know what you're seeing isn't real!" he released his stingers, if only for a second before deciding not to injure Peter any more than necessary now. "All lies! Everything I'm seeing is real!" Spider-Mane declared, "You won't tell me otherwise! I'm still in that timeline!" "If you won't listen to reason..." Kaine sighed. Spider-Mane suddenly felt that he was unable to move. He turned around, seeing Iceman with his hoof extended. "I'm sorry it had to be this way, dude." Bobby sighed. Johnny got back up and punched Peter in the face. "But you're acting beyond reason." he said. "What's happening, Pete?" Johnny pleaded to know, "Just speak to us man!" "I have nothing to say to you creeps!" Spider-Mane exclaimed, trying to move his hooves. "This ends here!" he screamed, somehow breaking the ice trapping him. He flipped up and kicked Johnny and Bobby in succession, Peter following up with a punch, rendering them unconscious right there. Deadpool stood up, "Stay back, ponies!" he warned, Fluttershy and Pinkie standing back as requested grabbing his katanas, he jumped up, aiming his blades at Spider-Mane, "Maximum effort!" he shouted, bringing down his limbs. Peter leaned to the side, avoiding the slice. He punched Wade in the face before adding a roundhouse kick to it. "Mother fu--" he cut himself off. "We're PG-13 remember?" "Damn it!" The Merc with a Mouth picked himself up, seeing Applejack land a hit on the stallion's back. Peter growled. "Stupid ass changelings!" he growled, grabbing the farmpony by the throat and slamming her on the ground, rendering her helpless. "Oh no you don't!" Deadpool shouted, "You don't get to hurt these ponies!" he announced. Right as he jumped a small speck hopped off him, it grew as it landed on Peter, revealing itself to be Ant-Man, who had hidden himself until the right time. "Dramatic entrance!" cheered Scott. "Hell yeah!" Deadpool agreed. Spider-Mane felt grass in his mouth, "Great... More villains. I've had it up to here with you!" he snarled, punching Ant-Man, but the former thief grabbed Peter's hoof and made him punch himself. The stallion rolled to avoid a webline shot by Peter, who yanked himself forward in order to kick Scott. "Jeez, Spidey! I never took you for the violent type!" Ant-Man quipped, kicking Peter in the chest, knocking the wind out of him briefly. In his mind, Peter continued to see all of his deadly foes, and he wasn't stopping until they were gone. But he noticed they were holding back, no doubt wanting him to suffer, at least in his mind anyway. "I'll let these guys handle it from here." Ant-Man and Deadpool decided. "What are you talkin-- AH!" Spider-Mane exclaimed in agony, feeling something tackle him. It was Wolverine, who hadn't had his claws out in fear of harming Peter. "Parker! Get yer damn mind outta the gutter! It's me! Logan!" the X-Man begged with a grunt. Spider-Mane scowled, covering Wolverine in webbing. The mutant used his claws to release himself. "I don't wanna hurt ya, kid! Speak to us!" he warned. "Grr... You're all damn persistent." Spidey mumbled, ducking under Wolverine's punch, uppercutting him in the process. "Anyone else wanna shot!?" "I do." Turning around, Spider-Mane saw Scarlet Spider, who spoke up once again, "Listen to me, bro. Batman said that this was Fear Toxin, it's messing with your mind! You're capable of listening to reason!" the clone revealed. "I'm not delusional! I know what I'm seeing! All I see are a bunch of shapeshifters pretending to be my friends!" exclaimed Peter, running toward Ben. The Scarlet Spider bent back, avoiding Spider-Mane's roundhouse kick. The clone reared his fist back and punched Spidey in the chest before clocking him in the gut. Spider-Mane held his barrel with a hoof. "Alright! That's it!" Spider-Mane moved as fast as he could, webbing Scarlet Spider in a coccoon. "Peter! No!" Ben pleaded, struggling in the tight webbing. Spidey ran up to Ben and punched him with all of his might, blood pouring out of the clone's mouth. Scarlet Spider fell backwards, his body unmoving after the collision. He was silent... Fluttershy and Kaine ran up to him. "BEN!" shouted Kaine. He placed an ear on his chest, hearing some light breathing. "Thank God." First Spider looked at the shy pegasus, "Fluttershy. Get him inside. We're getting Peter back." he grunted. Fluttershy nodded and picked up Ben, placing him atop her barrel. "I don't give a shit if you're delusional... You don't hurt my brother." Kaine declared to Peter. His stingers revealed themselves once more, but a projectile stopped the clone from attacking. "Don't." ordered Batman, grabbing the batarang. "Rarity used a small spell to enhance these batarangs. Once I get close to Peter, I'm turning him back to normal." With a sigh, Kaine walked away, "Fine." Rarity walked next to Batman, "Best of luck, Batman. Do save our friend, please." she frowned. "With pleasure." Batman smirked. Spider-Mane leaped backwards, moving his stomach to the side to shoot web balls at Batman. The Dark Knight stood on his hindlegs, throwing some batarangs in Peter's direction, the stallion managed to dodge almost every single projectile. Batman growled, "It's over, Peter." "It's not over until I make sure!" Peter snarled. A silver blur returned, Quicksilver held Peter down with a hoof, pinning the stallion to the ground. "Do it, Bats!" he shouted. Batman nodded, poking the batarang into Spider-Mane's shoulder. "Did it work, Bats?" he questioned. "Give it a minute." Batman announced. "The antidote should take no time at all to get into his bloodstream." "Good." sighed Ant-Man, "This was getting annoying... But what do we tell him?" "The truth." Logan replied. "Wait what! Peter won't be able to cope!" Rarity shouted. The Flash frowned, "I know. But he'll figure it out anyway. The Fear Toxin made his mind go insane. He thought he saw his enemies, but he was fighting us." Under his mask, Peter opened his eyes again, the images and illusions left his mind, "W-What happened...?" he asked groggily. He saw the unconscious bodies of Iceman and Human Torch as well as Rainbow and Applejack lying on the floor. "D-Did I do this!?" he asked, at everyone's silence, he repeated his question, "DID I DO THIS!?" he asked louder this time. "Yes." revealed Kaine. Peter's eyes widened, him removing his mask, "What...?" Batman exhaled, "Deadpool accidentally shot you with enhanced Fear Toxin, making you think you were trapped fighting your foes. You were actually fighting us. But we brought you back." "Yeah. I'm not sure what the shock you saw, but it made you delusional." Miguel added. Eddie retracted the symbiote, "Yeah. You thought I was Venom." After Eddie said that, Peter looked around and saw everypony, but one was missing. "Where's Ben?" "You went the hardest on 'em." Logan admitted, "Blood was pourin' outta the guy. I don't think he woke up." after hearing that, Peter sprinted into the room, almost as fast as Quicksilver. He slammed his body in the wall back accident to skid to a halt. He ran in, seeing Fluttershy tend to his wounds on the guest bed. "Is he alright?" The meek pegasus shook her head, "H-He's not waking up... His breathing is weak." the two saw Batman walk in, and his cowl eyes glowed blue. Silence was passed along the three, before the hero gave the reveal. "I'm sorry. He's alive, but comatose. He'll survive. But I don't know how long it'll be. Rainbow, Johnny, Bobby and Applejack are fine as well. But Rainbow has a sprained wing. You nearly broke it permanently. I'm sorry it had to be like this, Peter. Luthor played us all for fools. Even Deadpool will make sure he pays." Peter faceplanted on the bed, soak stains revealing his tears. "Oh God..." he whispered. "I'm sorry, Ben... I swore to protect you and Kaine... But I failed you... I failed everyone!" he cried. Logan walked in upon hearing Peter's cries of despair. "It's all I ever do!" Wolverine placed a consoling hoof on Peter's shoulder, the stallion unaware of the action. "Give him a minute to vent." he suggested. Batman and Fluttershy nodded, walking out the door. Logan gave Peter one last sympathetic glance before closing the door, leaving him in the darkness with his comatose brother. "Please..." pleaded Peter.