//------------------------------// // Chapter 15 // Story: Moving Forward, Wrought with Danger // by Odayama //------------------------------// “Why don’t you go over to her and say hi?” Tom’s Mother asked him. Tom, as a small child, was hiding behind his mother’s dress. “Because she killed a flower, and held it up to me yesterday.” His mother gave a chuckle. She knelt down to look at her son. “Now, hin, do not shut others out because you do not understand.” She picked him up, to bring him home. --- “Why don’t you want to play with those boys, utinu?” His mother asked him. Tom looked at his mother. “I don’t want to. I want to stay with you.” “Why stay with me? There are many children in this town. Sure, they’re all human, but I think you should give them a chance.” Tom shook his head. “No. I’m good just being with you, atara. The people here are mean.” His mother got closer to her son, giving him a hug. “Now utinu, you need to open to others more. Just because you don’t understand, doesn’t make them mean. Don’t close yourself from those you don’t understand.” She looked at him with a smile. “Open up to those around you. There are many people out there who will make your life more fun.” --- Tom wandered around the inn that he and his parents were staying at, seeing all of the grown ups and children moving about. He didn’t really understand how these people could be happy here. “Come here, utinu.” He heard his father call to him. Tom rushed over to his father, who lifted him over his shoulders. “Your atara is going to sing tonight, for the people who helped us.” The songs that his mother sang was peaceful, full to the brim with happy tales. Tom understood every word, bringing comfort to him. The last song of the night was one of love and family, bringing loved ones together. The warmth of the song transferred into everyone in the room, giving everyone the enjoyment of each other’s company. Then the wall blasted open, shattering splinters on everyone in the room. Tom saw him, clear as day. The lich. --- Tom woke up with a startle. He grabbed his sword in reaction to what he saw, but then realized where he was now. A single bead of sweat rolled down his face. He sat up on the couch, and noticed that the bottle and a new cup were on the table. He picked up the bottle and poured himself a drink. That’s when he heard the music. The music he heard seemed to...haunt him. It couldn’t be. He looked across the room to see one of the hosts was playing this giant stringed instrument. She was apparently so engrossed in her music that she didn’t even noticed Tom’s panicked wake. He watched as she strummed each note with such grace. It was impossible, and yet it calmed Tom in its serenity. This song that Octavia was playing was...the same rhythm of the one his mother used to sing. That last song in his dream... Octavia stopped playing, and was about to reach for her pencil. “Don’t stop...” Startled, Octavia whipped around to see the visitor sitting up on the couch. She quickly composed herself, clearing her throat. “Excuse me, Mr. Tom, but did you say something?” Tom coughed. He didn’t know why he said that. There was no reason to say that. He quickly thought of something that would stop that train of thought. “I asked why did you stop? You were preforming well, from what little of music I know.” Octavia put down her instrument to have a proper conversation with Tom. “I stopped because it’s a song I’ve been working on. It isn’t done yet. It is a lovely piece, though, is it not?” Tom just stared at Octavia. He didn’t know what to say. It was a song from his childhood. How could it be a song not even made here? It was a different instrument, but it was the exact same song. He took a sip of his wine, just staring at Octavia. She was a bit unnerved about the silence. “...Is...is there something I can help you with, Mr. Tom?” Fighting his pride, he decided to talk. “...Your song...I’ve heard it before.” Octavia looked at Tom, a bit upset. “What do you mean ‘you’ve heard it before’? The only other pony I’ve shown my work was Vinyl, and she wouldn’t play anything classical sounding. How could...” Tom held up his hand to stop her. “From what my comrade has told me, I come from another world. It may be possible that you’re the first one to hear of a song that is not from your world.” Octavia just stared at him, his words peeking her interest. “So...you mean to tell me that...I have a song from another world in my head.” Tom shrugged. “I do not see how else the song is so familiar to me.” Octavia picked up her pencil. “Can you tell me the rest of the song?” “...What?” “Can you tell me? Please? I’ve been struggling with the last part. If you know the song, then you must be able to...” “I don’t know music that well...and even if I did, the version I heard was singing. I don’t know what your instrument is.” She looked at Tom with a smile. “Well, that’s alright. Could you sing it to me, then?” Tom froze. He didn’t know why she would ask that? “...Sorry...I don’t sing...” “You don’t have be the best singer. I just need the general range of the notes. Can you just...” “Please.” The word came out louder than he anticipated, startling Octavia. Realizing how loud he just was, he looked away. “...Please...don’t ask of me...I just can’t...” “...Alright. I won’t pry.” Hoofsteps were heard coming down the stairs, followed by a sleepy Vinyl Scratch. She yawned as she made the final step into view of the two. “Hey Octi. Hey Tom.” Octavia waved to her friend. “Hey Vinyl. There’s some coffee on the pot if you need some.” “Thanks Octi...” Still sleepy, she walked into the kitchen. “Vinyl is not a morning pony, that is for sure.” Octavia chuckled. “Would you like some coffee too, Mr. Tom?” Tom looked at Octavia. “...What is coffee?” “They don’t have coffee where you come from? Well...what’s the best way to describe coffee? Well...oh, I know. It’s a drink that will definitely wake you up if you feel tired.” Octavia walked towards the kitchen herself. Tom followed suit. Vinyl poured herself a cup, adding only a little bit of cream and sugar. Octavia grabbed a cup and poured a little of the dark drink. “Would you like to try some?” Tom accepted the drink, looking at it with a strange look. Before he took a sip, Octavia held out another small pot. “Cream?” Vinyl shook her head, still sleepy. “What I learned the other day, Tom doesn’t like sweet things. He should probably try a bit straight.” Tom nodded to confirm what Vinyl just said, and turned his attention back to the strange drink. It wasn’t much for a taste test, but he wasn’t sure why they needed to sweeten it if it does what Octavia said. He took a swig of the drink. His tastebuds were defiantly not used to how bitter it was. He couldn’t hold back from making a face. Well, at least he found out why it would wake people up. “...You drink this...every day?” Octavia nodded. “It’s how we handle the long nights of work we normally have.” Vinyl, fully awake now, chuckled. “Yup! And it’s how we wake up from them long nights, too!” Tom looked at the coffee pot. He held out his cup. “...Another...” --- After the coffee, Tom had requested a room for privacy. He told the two that he needed to pray to his god for the spells he needed today. Understanding of a cultural difference, the two gave him the space he needed. There was something off with the prayer today. His god was only giving him access to only certain spells. It was as if Odin was punishing him. Only lightly, but it was still an inconvenience that he didn’t have access to some of his main combat spells. When he finished, Vinyl was at the bottom of the stairs to greet him. “Well, I guess I should take ya to the castle. Last night, your other friends came by, but then they headed over to the castle themselves.” Tom stopped in his stride. “My comrades came...and you didn’t wake me?” “You were dead asleep when they got here. I wasn’t going to wake you, and that’s that. Besides, you’re going to see them now.” Tom looked at Vinyl, then walked by to the couch, where his stuff was. “...Thank you...” He started to gather his things. Vinyl looked at Tom, a bit surprised about what he said. But then she felt happy, feeling some appreciation from him. Tom got his equipment on, then looked at Vinyl. “Very well. Lead me to the castle.” Vinyl nodded. “‘Aight. Let’s...” She noticed something about Tom as he faced her. “Hey, Tom? You ‘aight? Ya got something in your eye or something?” “What?” Tom touched his face, and noticed that it was...wet. He wiped it away with his sleeve. “Maybe I did. Let’s go.” He headed straight for the door.