//------------------------------// // Ch. 2 New Slate // Story: Of Sirens and Feathered Serpents // by TheronSniper //------------------------------// Morning came and with it the dull sound of the air conditioning unit almost quietly operating in the room with the sound of red cardinal birds chirping outside. The sun had since risen enough to pour into the shed with its golden white light and begin to stir the sirens from their slumber in the new lair. Oddly enough they slept on the most comfortable bedding they'd had since they lost the apartment, even then it wasn't furnished and they had only the carpet and what blankets they could afford. Though what little they had went fast with the last cans of food they took and immediately consumed that very day. Adagio had been the first to rise and rub the crust from her eyes, her hair in none the better state as she never removed the old dingy hairband from it which had a few spikes missing. Yawning loudly as her ears popped and joints following, she slowly started to realize where they were. In the safe confines of private property away from creepy men that roamed the night. The aroma of pinewood and glue of the workshop wasn't the best scent, but it was a far cry from sewer breeze where they last spent the night nearby. Not to mention no vehicles loudly startling them as they sped off to work or nearly cut one another off and honked their horns wildly. Aria soon arose and yanked her star hair bands off with force as she rubbed her head where they imprinted into her skin. Oddly enough the pony tails sort of still remained loosely from oils and debris, akin to the witches and druids of the everfree forest and its subsequent family forests around Equis. She grumbled loudly at having to wake up in the world she so hated with her very soul, even if they were in better conditions. Still snoozing if lightly by now was the every clueless Sonata, the sun's light had already startled her into a half awaken state. Refusing to get up she merely turned in the other way where the room was darker, and she would have kept dozing on if Aria hadn't kicked her in the back repeatedly lightly enough to persuaded her otherwise. "Owwie! Stop! I'm up. What's that for meanie!" she protested and stumbled to sit up as the cloth sheet slipped under her hands trying to erect her body position into sitting. "We're at some human's home, it's morning, and Adagio is already awake. Time to leave, not stay and find out how long their hospitality goes before we're smeared into the dirt again." the purple haired girl spat as she rose to her feet to stretch. "Could have just shaken me..." Dusk pouted as she rolled over to her knees to stand as well, except she stretched much like any feline would in her own unique way. "Already you two are getting on my nerves and we're not five minutes up... By the gods this is ever mortifying than ever." Dazzle scoffed as she rose to look out the nearest window to get their bearings. Arching her back as the blood in her body began to give her a rush to the head, she maintained herself and viewed the scene around them. A tall tan wood fence bordered the yard they were in, tall grass mired the land as it lead to the back porch where a few chairs and a spit were organized for group use. The exits were the home and the left side of the house where the door in the fense remained latched closed but no signs of a lock. Glass sliding doors with blinds led the way inside and were likely locked, smart of that Flash to ensure they didn't just waltz in and use the goodies inside before vanishing off the grid. Snorting at the idea of the precautions taken and the likelihood of mistrust in them was warranted from her standpoint, she stepped away to the door and motioned for them to leave. Aria shut off the fan that kept the room nice and cool, hoping to cover their tracks. Upon opening the door she nearly tripped on a haphazardly placed supply crate and a note on it hidden by the grass, with fresh signs in the morning dew of someone having walked up to the door. Assuming as to who made it, she picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it to discover the reasoning. "Wow, did the boy leave that? What's his game?" Aria asked taking a few peeks at the items in the gray egg crate. "Ohhh! I knew he was nice, last night he even gave me the burrito!" the unkempt pony tailed girl hopped until Adagio shot a hand up to silence both of them. 'Adagio Dazzle, Flash Sentry, I'm not sure if you remember anything from last night so this is sort of a way to not set off any alarms. My band treated you to some dinner and you agreed to sleep inside my family's shed for one night, though your welcome to stay as needed. I don't know how to say this, but I can't say I've forgotten or forgiven what has happened in the past. Needless to say your like me, and to that I give you some things and basic necessities as well as a key to the house. My parents are gone for the day and I'll be at school, but be aware we will know if anything is missing and I told my parents that I might have lost my wallet last night so to watch the bank account. That said, use the stuff in the crate to clean up and grab some and I mean 'some' eats from the cabinet, make sure your out of the house before four pm and don't turn on any electronics. They'll notice the meter spike when no one's home. Beyond that no lights so the neighbors won't see anything by the windows, but the bathroom and water is all yours. I hope you find jobs and a place to stay soon, this won't last long that I want to warn you. Sincerely Flash Sentry, P.S. my numbers on the other side if you have problems or anything comes up.' The other two came up to her and looked over her shoulder to see what she had frozen in the way for, only to barely read much before Adagio flipped the paper over and then bend down to inspect the goods. Sonata shrugged her shoulders when Aria gave her a wordless question about it, seeing no answer they just watched as their leader pulled up items. First was wrapped in a towelette, an old and used toothbrush that still could be serviceable for their needs. A semi used floss container had some of its wax coated mint flavored wire securing the toothbrush in its cozy. She handed that to Aria who inspected it as best as she could for poisons or anything of a prank to which nothing came up to her senses. Next a half bottle of shampoo and conditioner that showed the signs of having been tossed in a waste bin from the few flecks of shaved hair which Adagio wished it was facial hair from the father. That and several bits of a soap bar that were enough for all three to use for a day or two were handed to Sonata who relished in the scent of lavender and cherry. A strange candy like thing held in a plastic wrapper had a note taped to it explaining how to use the washer and dryer with a small load. That was a decent gesture by the boy to see, even more so the key they were promised inside glimmering in the morning light like a precious coin. "So the human actually trusts us enough with his house!?" Blaze laughed with a hint of evil intent. "Yes, but so do the police unless we steal anything. He likely took the caution to take a picture of this and the note and where he left it. Not to mention we're still guests here so everything is off limits until I say its okay, goes double for you Sonata." the hiss at the blue teen jarring her from her sniffs of the soap fragments to shake her head nervously in agreement. "Even so, at least we know we can't stay here for long. Made that pretty clear in the note." Aria retorted as her leader rose up with the crate and the goods being placed back inside it. "Doesn't matter, we planned to leave anyways. Lets get cleaned up and get ourselves our jobs back. The more we acquaint ourselves with these heathens the less of a chance we still have a future. As the old saying goes, stay with the devil you know, and we know ourselves more than them." Adagio began to walk to the house. In no time they unlocked the sliding door and into a very nice smelling home with the hints of cooked food lingering, they entered the entertainment area or living room near the dinning area to the left. Light red carpet softened their entrance into the heavily furnished house that showed signs of what those sports bars modeled themselves after. Adagio could tell the family had been big with music and sports by the hanging shirts and posters that surrounded the huge obsidian screen. If they judged right, the amount of seating meant many humans congregated near the device which sapped them away from reality like a talented magician and their tricks. Pictures of the family decorated their route to the bathroom in the short hallway down, from the age of the parents as youth to their older age. The mother a cream yellow skinned female with ice blue hair and green eyes who seemed to grow up a rather tomboyish kind of filly before her older years. The father a dull gray blue haired man of the law had photos depicting him in what amounted to the pony royal guard. Dazzle assumed he dreamed of the soldier life and ended up as little more than a cop with less glamor in the service. A thick chin and hard eyes with a thick build for the job he took, and the present time pictures having him less bulky in the assisted mechanical chair. Perhaps that was why Flash had been willing to let them inside, knowing that the connections his father had would nail them on the spot. Happiness is all the sirens saw, a family doing their best to lead exemplary lives and loving it, the source of the generosity most likely. They reached what they assumed had to be the restroom, the musk of shaving cream and perfume were strong from the closed door. Beyond it were the signs of a gym of some type to the left farthest door and the end of the hall had been some kind of office. Taking the hint, Adagio nodded to the likely one for their purpose and pushed the entrance open. Once the light had been flipped on, the girls looked into a rather moderately sized bathroom big enough for all three to fit in at once. The counter had been cleaned regularly and appeared spacious enough for them to work with and not leave a trace. Seeing the toilet and the large bath tube and shower area, the girls went about doing their business. Clothing neatly stacked on the floor as they were all three primed and ready to cleanse their bodies of the filth they gathered since they lost their water at the apartment before losing it too. Through Adagio's orders, they didn't waste the supplies and indulge but merely used enough for them to be happy with. The three of them shared the one bath to avoid being detected by draining the hot water if left individually used. Unlike like how they use to clean themselves in their siren bodies back in Equis using crystal clear ponds and rivers, with mountain runoff smoothed stones were perfect to make their scales shine under the sun. Sandy rocky shores removed parasites or other hard to clean blemishes until they were as beautiful as their voices. The glory days of their existence they pinned for. Human bodies were not the same, they had to clean off the dead skin instead of shed it. The membranes of their dorsal crests were easily cleaned by washing off the old mucus coating, their hair on the other hand as monkeys needed proper cleaning and washing down to the scalp and usually required the help of all three working together in a circle. Scrubbing everything spotless, they eventually took a rest in the hot water shower before Adagio called it. She knew they needed the relaxing hot water to really loosen up the knots in their muscles and just let them have a sliver of peace where nothing else mattered. Ten minutes of the sauna treatment and the girls exited with the water shut off, fresh colorful towels in the hamper closet were extracted for drying. "Wow... I don't think I'd ever feel that clean again..." Aria sighed squeezing her hair before wrapping it dry. "I smell so clean and fresh! Like those perfume stores we always passed by!" Sonata cheered nearly slipping on the tile floor before grabbing the door knob to stabilize herself. Adagio scoffed not giving the moment its just laugh, "Floss and brush your teeth first, then draw that conclusion, everything gets cleaned or we don't get jobs." The comment ruined the other two's joyous high as the realized they had to take turns with the brush. Though as they locked gazes and began to fight a silent battle over who would use the tooth brush first through death glares and snarling, it verged on an outright finger nail and biting fight. Adagio noticed a brown bottle tagged with something from Flash. She at first ignored the tension between the other sirens naturally being themselves to read. 'I know you probably think like I would and not want to share a single brush between you three, so use this bottle of peroxide to clean it. Its also ingested for throat sores so no need to be afraid to use it and swallow a bit of it.' "I want to use brushie first, I'm the cutest!" Dusk shouted as the two locked hands trying to push the other away on the slick floor. "And I'm more stronger than you, give up!" Aria outright growled. "At least the guys like me the most! You just scare them away!" the wet hair that still dripped over her forehead gave her a savage look as her magenta eyes dared the other girl to press even more. "Like I care about the monkeys here, I'd never touch them even if it saved our gems!" the reply came with a minor roar of defiance over the resistance being met, but to the point where things might get rough there came the intervention. Adagio pinched their ears and yanked them apart forcefully, eliciting yelps of pain and cries which iced their infighting, "If you two so much as break anything in this house other than yourselves I'm going to drown one of you in the toilet so help me! Now stop acting like hatchlings!" Letting them go she went back to the counter and presented the mewling sirens with the note, "We can clean the blasted tool after each use with this, kills anything on it and safe to swallow. So calm your nerves or I will." she dared them to keep fighting only to receive down castes of their eyes feeling shame, "Good, now it is I who uses it first, you can dry yourselves off and floss in the meantime. I'm going to assume we use their toothpaste but only a dab." After the circus in the bathroom, they wrapped themselves with towels and proceeded to get their stinking cloths washed. Adagio and Sonata handled the task while she ordered Aria to clean up the tub and any signs of their presence. Begrudgingly the other one complied and took to her job, and in short order they all amassed in the kitchen where a bounty of options awaited their choosing. With the washing machine going in the background, Adagio picked the most supplied item that would suffice for a morning meal given the quantity of it in supply their use would go unnoticed. Buckwheat meal for porridge, easy to microwave a bowl for each of them and plenty of milk to sub the water with. Giving the prep work to the other two, Adagio had been able to notice the oven showed the time to be close to noon. They had plenty to get their tasks done and feed before skulking to the shed to work out a plan with their fresh start. The food eventually cooked without an explosion or smoke alarm being set off. It went silently as they enjoyed the quaint little home and its dainty atmosphere, it was by all means a perfect place to hunker down with all the creature comforts that bits could buy. By the time they filled their stomachs and cleaned up after themselves, they were able switch out their load into the dryer and set it up for the final phase. Still draped and wrapped in moist white towels they'd inconspicuously deposit in the hamper once their cloths were ready, the sound of the door unlocking went unnoticed by them even as it slowly opened. "Sonata, did you remember to put the butter up before closing the fridge?" Dazzle asked as she left the laundry room. "Ya, I put it on the top of the door as I opened the shelf thing to put the bar in we didn't use." she answered happily. "There were two bars of butter dimwit, geez your going to give us up before its too soon." Aria grumbled holding the towel closer to herself as it threatened to fall off her body. As they rounded corner that lead to the hallway to the main door outside, they came into view of Flash who had arrived to ensure the house hadn't been robbed or burned to the ground. Unfortunately, as he entered without looking where he stepped, just as he saw the three girls basically barely covered before him a few feet away did his shoe land on the butter. He tried to greet them as his foot went forward and the other stayed planted in back from the destabilized momentum, and to his surprise he performed the splits at the awkward moment to which even the sirens winced in pain. In a high pitched squeal, "AAAAaaaaaaaaaghhhhhh!!" as the hamstrings and groin sharply stung from the new position they were stretched to, even the girls covered their ears. "Your not helping with breakfast ever again." Aria huffed at the guilty siren who could only sheepishly grin. The Dazzlings walked up to the boy without second though of their dress and assisted him up on his shaky legs, though it soon became apparent that both sides had questions. First of which Adagio asked seeing as she had a better state from which to bring it up. As they lead him to the dinner table to sit him down she popped her query. "Mind telling us why you just meandered into your home at this hour of the day?" she knew school didn't let out just yet and he was taking a big risk traveling out now. "Had to... check out and see if you were... alright." he answered knowing it was his house after all. "We're fine, might need more butter but other than that nothing's been done to your precious dwelling." she responded as she removed the towel from her hair and let the draping natural curls swing behind her. Seeing a bit of Carrot Top's irish hair in Adagio, "Good, um... well... why are you three in just... that?" he blushed and looked away still massaging the stretched muscles of his inner thighs as they throbbed. The embarrassment the young male felt was easily sensed and the amused girls were quick to prey upon it, "Kid we're several thousand years old, we're old enough to be ancestors to your bloodline. I think we have enough right to strut our stuff if we so demand. So be glad we're not nude, or would that be the opposite since you are of that age? Then again I suppose without our gems we'll begin to age?" Adagio sneered at the reality of mortality that now befell their once long lived lives. Aria picked up on that detail and tried to excuse it from her mind, "Please, this monkey wouldn't even know true beauty, we're still in these flesh bags and not our more amazing forms.". "Mr. Kind Guy feeling flustered?" Sonata grinned with the fresh smell of mint wafting off her pearly whites a nice change from the night before into his face. "Still my home I'm allowing you three to use, so please just don't risk doing this past two. High chance my folks will show up by then." he stuttered looking away respectively, "But... you have my empathy now that your... human." "Smart boy, we'll be back in our old clothing soon, and we don't need your pity. Sirens eventually go to Poseidon's kingdom whether from a sea monster eating us or we just live long enough another of our kind bests us." the sunny yellow skinned girl sighed before taking a seat next to him with deflated eyes. "I'd rather do splits for a month like he did then lose our gems." the cerulean girl joined in the mopey mood as she knelled on the tile floor behind Flash. He whined as the pain came back, but through his kneading the soreness started to become a thought in the back of his mind. Here he had been privy to a little insight to the girls and sort of saw what could be akin to the news as of late with the orcas held in captivity. People protesting and the big aquarium company starting to lose customers and profit when research showed how sad the animals were in such a small world. Were the sirens really deserving to have their lives cut short in a world they were not meant to be in? Sunset never told him much about the Dazzlings origins, in fact he spent most of the time hanging out with Twilight after they defeated them and chatted about other things. No one really discussed the sirens in dept or at all beyond labeling creatures of disharmony that needed to be dealt with as Rainbow Dash often put it. It was an easy attempt to actually see them as cancer patients with a moratorium on their lives, not being able to truly age as they should. At that moment something tugged at him once again, that tug of the heart he felt sympathy for them in all honesty. Dazzle eyed him looking for another quip to taunt the poor lad in order to dispel the rather droll train of thought that fouled their spirits, "Three beautiful sirens of myth in your home alone and here you sit injured before us in our state. My how fate seems to detest you does it not?" snickering all the while. The young man simple seemed too involved in thinking about their fates to give no indication of hearing the first comment. Perturbed at being ignored the siren simple drew closer to him and spoke into his hear. "How shameful would it be for a man of your stature to be in the presence of such lascivious young women, oh the shame of walking in on a lady in such a vulnerable state." she continued to goad. Sentry simply kept his eyes glued to his legs as he assuaged them of the soreness they felt, he knew not to feed them any ammunition if possible now that the tug left him to their joke. Of all the things to happen he merely wished to see the house intact and than dash off to school before he was missed, now he had been cornered and likely blackmailed. Seeing his squirming, Dazzle drank in his emotional distraught and ran her fingertips under his chin in a sensuous manner, "Parry the thought, we're sirens to the core, not human women. Just love messing with you is all and giving a little back for the hospitality. Trust me we wouldn't ruin the help we've been given merely out of whim. So relax and leave when you wish." "Thanks, I guess?" he answered her explanation. The Dazzlings relented and gave him his space before plopping down on the nearest sofa in the living room giggling to themselves at his expense. He rather preferred that to what he feared had become of the house, at least he'd take a hit to his pride and not to his life with this parents raging over a destroyed or ransacked home. "Thank you though, for respecting my home. You guys aren't all that bad are you?" he said loud enough. For a terse moment, the giggling stopped as the girls heard him and out of sight he assumed they said some words to one another. He could here faint whispers as they shifted on the leather couch, taking that moment to check the time and notice he had to leave immediately. The TV had not been activated and nothing else messed with by the way it was positioned as he moved off to leave. "Why help us?" he heard out of the blue. "I'm sorry?" he replied stopping by the front door. Aria resumed the topic, "We're the same ones who ruined the competition, yet you offer us sanctuary? No strings attached as you said before, no nothing from us? Why?" Her simple questions rang with him, and yet it felt like a broken record of himself to recite what he had told them before. Then again, he'd probably behave the same way considering everything so pushing his spiked hair back he answered calmly. "Your like me, you breath, you feel, you think, and you care even if its for your own. That makes you just like us doesn't it if not the shorter life you have because of what happened? So I offer the help because it's the right thing to do." he twisted in his seat to look to the back of their heads poking out the top of the crimson sofa. "If we were our siren selves then what?" Sonata asked blatantly as she poked her head over the sofa so he could see her inquisitive eyes from his distance. Without pause, "Than like the killer whales and dolphins held captive at aquariums I'd still say the same. Your not in your natural environment, you can't be happy being confined and so you do things to make you happy even if it harms others. Now that your human there's little to... sorta think about I guess." The creatures he spoke of were not familiar, but they ascertained the gesture and took it to heart, "Your an odd human that's for sure, not like the nineteen twenties. Man were those creeps controlling." Aria spoke up with a spat. "Speak for yourself I hated the seventeen hundreds." Adagio admitted. "I don't know, the Titanic was a pretty great swim when we had our powers back then. That ice water was sooo good on the skin again!" Sonata commented as she shivered by the visible shaking of her head. 'How long have they been here? Jeez!!' Sentry shouted in his head as the urgent need to evac alerted him to move. "I gotta go, you three seem in control and know what's what. I'll be back by six at the latest to bring dinner to the shed. The others are paying for it." he noted loudly as he struggled to rise. Adagio noted the service the boys were providing and it welcomed her plans to spend the rest of the day finding new jobs, especially since their issue now was communication and attending the interviews. Having meals brought to them would be a god send and ease their process. With a nod to herself, she waved her hand over the furniture to signal confirmation before Flash left and locked the door behind him trying to walk properly. Leaving the girls to await their cloths in the machine, and more than enough time for them to fall into a short nap against each other. Their bodies were still adjusting to food on a regular basis and for now it would send them into a nap, at least they had time on their side with three hours remaining. "So, I guess we just head to some recruitment center and try our luck there?" Aria asked as she let Sonata nestle into her like a pillow. "Ya, pretty much since we lack a higher educational degree for better paying jobs. These human caste systems are deplorable to say the least, but if you can push and pull more than your weight it shouldn't be a problem anyways." she answered as she leaned into the arm of the couch with the other two gently resting on top of her like a fallen stack of dominoes. "I like it here, he's nice and cute." Dusk yawned before the group fell into slumber. Canterlot High: noon time Sunset Shimmer stood waiting in the cafeteria line with the girls due to the death of the second register, leaving one lunch lady to handle the payment. Fluttershy and Pinkie had been talking about the next picnic with the human world Twilight that they'd been planning for the last week. Wondering how well she'd continue to do with the group as she started to go back into her reclusive habits with new sciences being brought to the science community. Applejack insisted they should take it slow to avoid spooking her after she met with her Equestrian counterpart, thinking that moment may not have been easy for her to process. Shimmer and Rarity were the other half who agreed to ease the girl into the circle of magic while Rainbow seemed preoccupied with her future career as an athlete. "She might be as jittery as a grasshopper, so I'm glad ya'll are taking this with a lot more caution. You all saw how nervous she was when she met Princess Twilight, she nearly ran off until we found her nearly fainted like Rarity does during her moments." the farm girl earned a look from the one in reference. "I may have a moment or two but I'm fully aware of where I fall thank you very much! Besides, this world's Twilight nearly bumped her head on that nasty little corner of that door handle. It's a good think Vice Principle Luna was there to catch her." the others visibly showed their recollection of that unfortunate meet. "Magic is just so new to her, we shouldn't have pushed her to meet her other self. Heck I'm still expecting to meet my human version on this world." Sunset added as they finally reached the cashier to pay. "Perhaps they should pen pal first and get to know one another before they meet again? You know like how you do when she's back in her world?" Pinkie nodded to the timid girl in agreement. "Ya! Then once she feels all comfortable with the idea I can throw my super 'Hello My Other Universe Self Party'! Then she'll be super duper happy and not want to freak out, hyperventilate, run away, and nearly crash into another schools principle." though her idea was not met with much enthusiasm, they were in agreement about the party for her social life's sake. Still unsure if the idea worked, they all agreed to a little luncheon on the coming Saturday after the victory over the Friendship Games needed some closure. The celebration would ease the little abrasion of the Sparkle incident and open up dialogue for friendship to take further root for the skittish girl, though the oddest part had been how Flash was acting earlier in the morning. He seemed jittery and worried, quick answers whenever she greeted him, leaving for class to dodge questions. His sudden disappearance for lunch period had her even more concerned, though she attested it to something else related to his music band. To distract herself, she focused on the girls and their idle chatter to calm her worries. What did she have to worry over anyways? As of the moment of the Friendship Games, life as they knew it became easier and less tormented by magical beings bent on conquest of worlds. Even now the school had begun to accept her after she fought Midnight Twilight in front of both schools, no one since had ever given her the stink eye or dismissed her help. No longer the succubus they once saw, she had become the friend to seek and all forgave her past transgression even if it were long listed. She really had a fresh start now, but she just hoped there would be no more magical terrors coming forth anytime soon. There was only so much crazy that could happen before things got out and the curious like the human Twilight would seek to investigate. "Darling are you alright there, we're holding up the line?" Rarity asked as they were next in line to pay. Sunset shook her head and smiled, "Fine, just fine, kind of wondering where Flash is? He usually should be with his band by now and they're sitting alone over there without him." she pointed to the table as she handed the cash over. Indeed the two boys were feasting without a care in the world with their third man was missing, "I'm sure he had a good reason, boys will be boys after all. He can handle himself, or... are you worried about him for other reasons?" the fashionista flicked an eyebrow to insinuate what she meant. "What! No! I.. whatever the case is I'm still a bit concerned even if I shouldn't." she replied flustered and tried to avoid turning a bit red. "Deary, one off day isn't the end of the world. Why if Applejack never had a moment of feeling ill she would act just like him if it became too much. Those lads are in the music field as much as Rainbow Dash has been trying to get into those high end universities to play for the Golden Mustangs and the like. Cut him some slack, its not like the sirens are coming back for revenge right?" Rarity bolstered at the idea as the two strolled past a few students to their table. Taking their seats with the others who were taking their first bites of their trays, "Ya those girls probably left for a new life somewhere, though I wished they could have stayed. We could have helped them and maybe at least become acquaintances. I for one know what it's like to be reformed and have no one at first to trust and learn from, even though that only lasted for a barely a minute before Princess Twilight put her neck out for me." Gently laying sheets of napkins over her lap so as to avoid staining her skirt, "Yes it was a tad shame they vanished, but they were not, pony like you, they were dark magic since they were born if I remember right. It may have been a losing battle to try and hope for anything meaningful out of them. I mean we could have tried if they were around, but really it was a long shot." Pour her beverage in a clear plastic cup with ice, "Still tears me up about it though, I really wanted to help them like you guys did for me. They must feel loneliness after losing their powers, Canterlot knows so little of their kind I wouldn't be surprised if there were more on Equis that live in the farthest reaches beyond even Celestia's sun." Rarity could only shrug her shoulders before confiding into her healthy appetite, as the others did the same. Sunset played with her meal as the options she could have taken with the Dazzlings flopped around her mind. Could she have done more? 'Was it right to turn a lion into a vegetarian? To make a sea hawk eat berries when it grew up on fish and rabbits? Was it right what we did and not just send them back to Equestria?' she muddled the thought sitting down and looking to the doors of the lunchroom where Flash Sentry soon appeared walking a little funny and a look of slight pain in his face.