
by Fotohunter

The Dazzling Return

The night was stormy which made the things all the worst, especially since Sonata had left the door open again and water had soaked the floor of the local Royal Burger joint. Closing time was upon the fast-food joint but the Dazzlings couldn’t leave until the place was clean and dry.

“Sonata, you idiot!” yelled Aria as she moped the floor dry.

“Sorry” said Sonata as she dried the tables.

“Just move, I want to get a good night of sleep this week” ordered Adagio.

“Sorry” repeated Sonata as she kept her head low.

“I cannot believe we have reduced to this, cleaning floors, selling fried food like some losers” complained Aria as she stopped and rested on the mop.

“Well, it will be far worst if we don’t pay the rent so finish drying this place” ordered Adagio again, this time with a less friendlier tone.

“You could help” said Aria.

“See this slightly better shirt? It makes me the boss and gives me the power to order you around, so hurry while I check the rest of the place” ordered Adagio.

“Yes boss” said Aria and Sonata in unison, Aria with a tired tone and Sonata with a very sorry voice.

Adagio lazily looked around to check the place, she knew it was empty as it had been ten minutes ago, only thing this time it wasn’t. Adagio was surprised to find someone sitting in a corner, a shady man with skin that was was shades of pale green grey and white, he wore a black suit with a large hat to match and shades to cover his eyes. Adagio did not like the sight, less the fact that they would have to serve a costumer at this hour.

“Sorry mister but the restaurant is closed” informed Adagio in an attempt to kick the costumer out politely.

“The door was open, it was… inviting” said the man with a tone of voice that was wrong, as if the voice was tired but at the same time very active, almost a shade of crazy.

“It was an accident, we are closed” stated Adagio in an attempt be affable.

“You close ten minutes earlier?” asked the man in inquisitive tone covered in shady curiosity.

Adagio rolled her eyes as Aria groaned and Sonata’s face saddened. Adagio pulled out her notepad to take order.

“What do you want to order Sr.?” asked Adagio without sounding too menacing.

The man looked at Adagio, she did not like the way he was looking at her, it was like he was studying her but in a way that no one would ever want to be studied and evaluated.

“I am here to take a very especial order” finally said the man.

“Great, secret menu. Go fire the stove Sonata” complained Aria out loud, not caring about the costumer.

Adagio stared back at the man, right into his shades, though she could not see his eyes she could feel something both familiar and completely strange.

“What do you really want?” asked Adagio with a feeling of morbid curiosity as she asked.

The man smiled. Adagio felt the strangeness of the smile, as if she had asked hell to open its gates and the wish had been granted.

“I want three sirens” said the man with a nonchalant voice, as if what something one would say all the time. but the words froze Adagio on her steps and almost made her tremble in fear.

“Sonata, I told you to fire up the stove!” yelled Aria, snapping Adagio out of her trance.

“Pipe down you two!” ordered Adagio angrily as she tried to focus back on the man himself. “How do you know and what do you really want mister?” she asked again.

“I know what you three are my dear and I wish to invite you three for a mutually beneficial partnership” said the man.

Aria and Sonata approached Adagio and interchanged looks confused.

“Maybe this would sweeten the deal?” said the man as he opened his palm and showed them three gem, exactly that the gems they once had.

“Are those…?” asked Aria surprised.

The man nodded.

“Wow!” said Sonata bewildered.

Adagio pushed Sonata and Adagio back.

“What is wrong?” asked Sonata.

“This is too good to be truth” said Adagio while looking at the man.

The man smiled. “You are smart one, but I assure you, work with me and I will give you enough power to turn this entire world in your personal playground and crush those who dare to humiliate you three.”

Sonata smiled and Aria raised an eyebrow interested but Adagio remained stoic.

“Sounds like a pretty good deal Adagio” said Aria.

“We could be powerful and famous! The glamour… I could make that girl make me all sorts of pretty dresses” said Sonata like a gleeful child.

“What really are you?” asked Adagio bluntly.

The man assented. “I am a very old enemy of Equestria, a powerful sorcerer that managed to fight Celestia to a stand-still. Like you too I was vanished to this world and I have been harvesting its magic of this world to take my revenge on that blasted Celestia and burn everything she loves” said the man with a calculating tone.

“Good luck, the magic here is weak and lousy” said Aria sarcastically.

The man laughed at the comment. “Yes indeed it is weak, I have sucked almost all of it for myself.”

The Dazzlings reacted surprised at the comment.

“How do you think I managed to make new versions of your precious amulets?” asked the man.

“How could you suck all the magic of this world?” asked Adagio.

“I have been here longer than you and have studied the magic of this world. I am armed myself and ready and all I needed was to find a way back to Equestria and I have now” explained the man.

“Why do you need us then? I mean you seem already very powerful” said Aria.

“I have studied the portal and it needs Equestrian magic to be open in both sides. sadly I need the magic those girls at Canterlot High posses but I can’t approach them without the possibility they may warn that pony that came from the other side” said the man.

As the phrase needed Adagio had a realization. “You need us to steal the magic for you” said her.

“Yes, but more than that I need you to help me whip it into a concoction that not only open the portal but also mix it with this world magic cast a spell that will destroy anyone in my way. Once is done I will leave this world and you will have more power than you could ever dream of” said the man.

Adagio smiled and Aria and Sonata followed in her smile. She extended her hand to shake it with the mysterious man.

“It’s a deal” said Adagio.

“It is indeed” said the man as shook her hand and with it trespassed massive amounts of magic to the Dazzlings. The Dazzlings suddenly felt new and stronger power coursing through their veins.

“What’s the plan boss?” asked Aria.

“Divide and Conquest my dears. And please, call me Eclipse, Doctor Eclipse” said the man as he removed his shades and revealed eyes full fire and destruction.

The three girls stared at those eyes and where filled first with fear but then with twisted joy.

“I am a big fan of your work” said Adagio delighted.