//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: The First Day // Story: Fluttershy's Secret // by RainbowDasher21 //------------------------------// Fluttershy stayed where she stood, as she noticed that a pair of magenta coloured eyes, very similar to her lover's, were staring right at her. Could it possibly be? "M-m-moommm?" Fluttershy asked shyly, peering through the door. The pony behind the door must have recognized Shy's voice, since the door opened much more. A large open-mouth smile grew on Fluttershy's voice as her mother was stood in front of her. "Mom!" Fluttershy squealed, running up to her mum and giving her a big hug. "Fluttershy dear!" Mrs. Shy exclaimed, as she gladly returned the hug. Fluttershy looked up to see the face of her mother. The fur of her mother was of a similar colour to her own, while her mane was a pale-like crimson red. She wore green glasses, and had magenta eyes. Around her neck, was a yellow necklace. She also wore earrings in the shape of little yellow flowers. Her cutie mark was three different coloured flowers - one pink, one green and one yellow. "It's... it's great to see you here, Fluttershy," Mrs. Shy spoke quietly, "It feels like we haven't seen you... in so long." Fluttershy giggled. "Heh heh, it's great to see you too mom," Fluttershy replied, making the hug slightly tighter. She closed her eyes and let out a happy sigh. Mrs. Shy seemed to wince slightly as the hug increased in strength with each second that passed. "Fl-fluttershy dear..." Mrs. Shy pleaded, "You're.... uh... squeezing t-too tight." Fluttershy opened her eyes, as she wore a puzzled look on her face. She had her head resting on her mother's shoulders, as her arms were wrapped around her tightly. She looked up at her mother, as she appeared to be trying to catch her breath. Fluttershy gasped, as she quickly let go of her. She turned away from her, as she hid her face behind her mane. Her face now wore a sad frown. "I'm s-sorry mom," Fluttershy cried, almost feeling a tear try to drip out of her eye. Fluttershy sat down on a step just outside the house. Mrs. Shy, feeling sorry for her daughter, went over to comfort the sad mare. "Now now, Fluttershy, there's no need to be sad," said Mrs. Shy with a soothing tone, "You didn't hurt me or anything, you just seem to hug... well, really tightly." Fluttershy moved her mane away from her face, managing a small smile. "Well... I guess I don't know my own strength," Fluttershy admitted. For someone so timid and shy, she seemed to be able to give really strong hugs. Mrs. Shy decided to invite her daughter in, since she was pretty sure that she could see the yellow mare shaking. "Why don't you... come in, Shy?" Her mother asked. Fluttershy looked at her with big eyes, then nodded. "Umm, uh... ok," Fluttershy stuttered, getting up on all fours and following her mother inside. As they both got inside the house, Fluttershy closed the door behind her, to stop the cold wind getting in. The two of them walked into the kitchen, which had a large table with about 6 chairs neatly tucked in underneath it. Mrs. Shy pulled two chairs (which were next to each other) out from under it - one for her, and one for Fluttershy. "Thanks mom," Fluttershy squeaked as she took her bag off of her and sat down with all four legs on the chair. She placed the bag down on the floor next to her. "You're welcome dear," Her mother replied, as she sat on her chair the exact same way. There was silence for a moment. Neither of the two ponies looked up at each other. Instead, Mrs. Shy continued a piece of knitting that she had left on the table, while Fluttershy played with her front hooves. Eventually, Mrs. Shy decided to break the silence with a simple question. "Well, Fluttershy... uh.... how has your day been, so far?" Mrs. Shy asked politely. Fluttershy avoided eye contact for a moment, while she spoke quietly. "Umm.. it's, it's been... ok." Fluttershy stuttered. Her mother looked at her daughter, feeling slightly worried that something was up. "Shy... is something... bothering you?" asked Mrs. Shy, with concern in her voice. Fluttershy continued to look at the floor. There was no answer. "Shy?" Mrs. Shy asked again, beginning to get real afraid. Fluttershy didn't shake or anything, but her mother was still worried that something was wrong - much like any mother would feel if their child was acting funny. Not in a 'ha-ha' funny way though. "Fluttershy, please..." Mrs. Shy pleaded, almost beginning to shake herself. Fluttershy finally rose her gaze from the floor, and rested her head on the table. Mrs. Shy noticed this, and decided to just wait for her to give a response. "It's just.... just, I'm... uh, I'm..." Fluttershy struggled to get her words out, as she tried to fight back the tears that were being produced in her eyes. Mrs. Shy just stared in horror as her own daughter was looking as if she was gonna have some sort of nervous breakdown or something. "I'm just.... s-s-s-scared about, s-school..." Fluttershy spoke softly, wiping a single tear from her eye. "I'm just... I'm scared that... I won't g-get on well with, the others..." Mrs. Shy instantly put her knitting down and put her arms around Fluttershy, as the tears one-by-one, came rolling down her face. Fluttershy tried hard to stop them and be brave, but she just couldn't do it. "Fluttershy dear...." Mrs. Shy said with a soothing tone. "Everything will be alright, your, your friends are going there too, aren't they?" Fluttershy nodded, as the tears multiplied. "Well, then... I'm pretty sure they'll, you know... look out for you. It's what friends are for, right?" After hearing those words, Fluttershy tried even harder to stop crying, so that she could speak. Luckily, the tears slowly began to stop, as the timid mare wiped her eyes with both hooves. "It's... j-j-just... I don't w-w-want...." Fluttershy was beginning to shake, which concerned her mother. But, she decided that rather than trying to speak over her, she would just let her continue. "I don't, w-want to have to... p-put up with, with the a-abuse... like I had to... b-before....." Fluttershy continued, fearing her tears would soon return. Mrs. Shy just continued to hug Fluttershy, as Shy rested her head on her mum's shoulders. Fluttershy began to take deep breaths, trying her best to calm down. "Now now dear, I promise to you that everything will be fine, ok?" Mrs. Shy reassured her, to which Fluttershy responded with a nod. "Oh, o-ok..." Fluttershy replied with a frightened tone. Mrs. Shy finally pulled away from the hug, then stared into the eyes of her daughter. "So dear... would I be correct in saying that a certain tie needs assistance in being put on?" Mrs. Shy asked, looking into the left pocket of Fluttershy's cardigan. Shy wore a puzzled look on her face, as her hoof reached into the pocket. "Hmmm, oh yes. Here, uh... it is." Fluttershy replied, holding the tie out for her mum to see. The tie was purple with orange stripes. Mrs. Shy took the tie from Shy's hooves, and began to place it around the neck of the yellow pony. As she tied it around Fluttershy's neck, Mrs. Shy started to speak to her about the one topic her shy daughter loved to talk about - her animals. "So... anything you'd like to tell me about your animals lately?" Mrs. Shy asked politely, as she could see Fluttershy pull a face as the tie tightened around her neck. She decided to quickly make the tie less, well... tight around her neck. "Hmmm, well, Angel recently had a disaster at Rarity's spa." Fluttershy replied, a smile growing back onto her meek, little face. Mrs. Shy had a confused look on her face. "Wha-what happened?" She pondered, thinking carefully about what could have possibly happened. The tie was now firmly, but not too tightly, wrapped around Shy's neck, and tucked in underneath her shirt collar. "Well, let's just say that, uhh... I went to Rarity's Spa last Tuesday, since I decided I needed to relax for a bit, and Angel wanted his tail fluffed." Fluttershy explained. Mrs. Shy's mouth opened as she heard about the bunny having his tail fluffed. She decided to let Fluttershy continue though. "So yeah, I was chatting to Rarity in the hot-tub, about her usual 'fashion' stuff, when I hear the noise of what sounded like, some machine trying to explode. I looked over, only to see poor Angel's tail getting chewed up by the machine. I panicked, and Rarity asked some of her assistants over to sort it out. Things got worse from there..." "Once they managed to turn the power off, the machine just started flying around everywhere until it landed in the hot-tub, causing both me and Rarity to be completely drenched in hot water. Did sting a little bit, but, I... I was ok. Somepony was walking by as it happened, causing them to slip and drop about 4 extremely hot cups of tea over Angel's back legs. ....He was in a lot of pain during that." Mrs. Shy winced as she heard about the cups of tea. "Ouch, that must have hurt." Mrs. Shy exclaimed. The shy pony gave a small nod. "It did, quite a bit too I think!" Fluttershy added, as she too winced. "The poor bunny suffered from some nasty third-degree burns after that." Mrs. Shy looked sad. "Awww, the poor rabbit..." Mrs. Shy said sadly. Fluttershy shrugged her shoulders. "He's, he's getting better now," Fluttershy explained, "But he's definitely struggling to hop on them." Fluttershy decided to bring a quick ending onto the story, as she noticed that the time was 7.28am. Oh dear, nearly half past 7.... "Anyhoo, the whole trip ended up being a disaster in the end. Luckily though, Rarity said that I wouldn't need to pay for any of the damages... I thought she was joking at first, but she just told me that seeing as it was merely an accident that wasn't our fault, that I didn't need to worry about. I just can't think of how much that'll cost Rarity....." Fluttershy gave a quick chuckle, until she noticed the look on Mrs. Shy's face. She gave a puzzled look, until she saw that she was looking at the time. "Time is getting on dear, I think it's best if we talk about the rest of this later." Mrs. Shy told Fluttershy, to which she replied with a quick nod. With that, Mrs. Shy got up from her chair and began to walk into the living room. "Ok....." Fluttershy murmured. Suddenly, a question popped up into her head. "Hey mom, wha... where's dad?" Mrs. Shy's head swivelled around as the question came without warning. "He's sleeping Shy... You know how your father is - he enjoys his 'beauty' sleep." Mrs. Shy replied with a laugh. Fluttershy also shared a quick laugh too. She grabbed her bag and followed her mum into the living room. Her mom sat on the sofa in the middle of the room. Fluttershy sat next to her. "Now, before you ask, your lunch is waiting by on top of the fridge." Mrs. Shy explained. "I'll get it now." Fluttershy explained, quickly darting off into the kitchen to grab the box which contained all sorts of yummy stuff inside. Within a matter of moments, Fluttershy was back in the living room, putting the lunch box into her bag. Before she could sit back down though, a strange noise occurred. "DING DONG!", went the door bell without warning. Mrs. Shy jumped slightly, even though the door bell was actually rather quiet compared to most other ponies' door bells. "I... I wonder who that could be at 7.30am in the morning?" Mrs. Shy asked, slowly getting up to answer the door. Fluttershy put a hoof in front of her. "It's ok mom, I'll... I'll answer it," Fluttershy told her, "You can rest some more if you want." With that, Fluttershy slowly trotted over to the door. The door bell rang again. "Ok, ok... I'm coming." Fluttershy muttered to herself. She gulped hard, then put one hoof on the door handle. Unlocking it with the other hoof, Fluttershy cautiously opened the door. "H-hello?" Fluttershy called out, only allowing her eyes to be seen. Her jaw dropped when she saw who was stood in front of her. Right before her eyes, stood a cyan Pegasus, wearing a similar uniform to her. The only exception was that she wore trousers rather than a skirt. Fluttershy rubbed her eyes, then looked again. She wasn't seeing things. The Pegasus had magenta eyes, and a rainbow mane. There was only one pony who looked like that... "Heya Flutters." Rainbow Dash exclaimed, with a wave and an awkward smile. Fluttershy opened the door wide open now. "R-r-rainbow...?" Fluttershy stuttered. Suddenly, she lunged forward, and gave the cyan Pegasus the biggest hug that she had probably ever given. The hug was with such force, that poor Rainbow Dash nearly fell back onto the floor. Rainbow had to open her wings up and stand on her hind legs to try and stay where she stood. "Dashie!!" She squeaked, with a big toothy smile and her eyes closed. Rainbow Dash looked away, blushing slightly. "Heh heh, good to see you too Shy." Rainbow responded, patting Fluttershy on the back with one hoof. Mrs. Shy looked over the back of the sofa as she noticed that her daughter was hugging another pony by the door. Of course, she instantly recognised who it was. "Hello Rainbow Dash," Mrs. Shy called out to the rainbow-mane pony. Rainbow looked over to her. "Hey Mrs. Shy." Rainbow Dash said with a little wave. Fluttershy was beginning to snuggle her head into Rainbow's neck. "Uhhh, Shy?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy suddenly looked up at her with big eyes. "Yes Dashie?" Fluttershy pondered, wondering what Rainbow was going to say next. Rainbow itched the back of her neck with one hoof as her blush got brighter. "Ummm... you can, perhaps... let go now?" Rainbow explained, pointing to Shy's mum. Fluttershy looked over, as her mother smiled at her. She looked at her with big eyes, a blush beginning to form on her cheeks too. Fluttershy looked back at Dash and instantly let go. "Oh dear...." Fluttershy murmured, rubbing a foreleg with one hoof. Rainbow patted Fluttershy on her back again. "Don't worry about it Shy," Rainbow Dash explained, before quickly adding in a quiet voice, "Didn't know ya missed me that much." Fluttershy giggled at Dash's quick remark. Fluttershy thought it was best to just invite Rainbow Dash in for a little bit, seeing as she suddenly felt the need to relieve herself. "Uhh, Dash?" Fluttershy spoke softly. Rainbow looked at her. "Ummm, you can come in if you want..." Rainbow nodded. "Ok, if I'm invited in, I'll take the invitation." Rainbow joked, laughing at herself. She walked inside the building, while Fluttershy closed the door after. "Well, it's sure a nice place in here Mrs. Shy," said Rainbow Dash, as she walked around the living room on all fours. Her wings went back by her sides. "Well, I'm glad you like it." Mrs. Shy replied with a smile. Rainbow Dash noticed Fluttershy's bag on the floor by her mother's back hooves. "Hey Shy, this bag yours?" Rainbow asked, pointing down to the yellow messenger bag. She nodded in confirmation. "Y-yes Dash. It's m-mine." Fluttershy responded. "Do you h-h-hate it or something?" The cyan Pegeasus shook her head. "Of course not!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, before quickly adding, "It's kinda cute actually." Fluttershy felt a blush form on her face. "Heh, th-thanks." Fluttershy said. Rainbow Dash took her bag off from around her neck. Her bag was virtually the same as Fluttershy's except the fact that it was light blue, had Rainbow Dash's name on it instead of Fluttershy's, and the bag also had the rainbow-mane pony's cutie mark on it too. Rainbow's cutie mark was a white cloud with a lighting bolt coming out of it. The lightninig bolt was a mix of red, blue and yellow. "You don't mind if I place my bag next to yours, do ya?" Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy shook her head. "Of course not," Fluttershy replied, "You can do that, if you wish." Rainbow nodded and did just that. All of a sudden, Fluttershy felt her need to using the bathroom increase. "Uhh... D-dash?" Fluttershy called out from the bottom step of the staircase. Rainbow was sat down on the sofa with Mrs. Shy. She looked back to see what looked like Fluttershy doing a little dance. "Yes Fluttershy?" Rainbow responded, sounding slightly curious. "I'm, just... using the b-bathroom a moment..." Fluttershy said, sounding worried as if Rainbow Dash would say no. "Shy, if you gotta go - you gotta go," Rainbow Dash told her, "I don't mind waiting here. Honest." Fluttershy managed a small smile, until she ran up the stairs and went straight into the bathroom. There was silence for a moment. Neither Rainbow or Fluttershy's mum said a word. However, Dash decided that the awkward silence was beginning to get too uncomfortable for her. So, she decided to speak up about something, specifically - the house. "Sooooo, remind me again what happened to your old house, and why you got this one in Ponyville?" Rainbow Dash asked politely, to which Mrs. Shy turned to face her. "Sure Rainbow dear, if you wish." She replied. She cleared her throat, then began to speak. "Well, around 2 months ago, our son Zephyr Breeze came over to visit-" "Wait, Zephyr Breeze!?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "Fluttershy's brother who we saw graduate from Mane Therapy School a while back?" Mrs. Shy nodded. "Yes. It was him." Mrs. Shy stated. She continued. "Anyhoo, he came over to tell us how a friend of his had helped him in making some sort of RC flying hovercraft... Don't ask why, he just did. But, that day, he came over to show us his invention. It was raining anyway that day, so I just thought that he would understand that and just show us another time..." Rainbow Dash put a hoof under her chin. "Something tells me he showed you anyway, didn't he?" Rainbow Dash asked. Mrs. Shy's face wore a face of regret. "Yeee-yes," Mrs. Shy replied, "He did just that." Rainbow wondered where the story was gonna go next. "So, he said that he could just show us inside instead. I told him it wouldn't be a good idea, but he said he would go careful... Let's just say that everything started fine, until I noticed a small leak in the roof. Some water dripped onto it, and well... it went... haywire." Rainbow Dash waited for a continuation, but there was nothing else to be said. At that point, Rainbow Dash heard something. Dash was 120% sure that it was Fluttershy. The noise sounded like one of relief. 'Wonder what she's doing up there...' Rainbow pondered, while she still waited for Mrs. Shy to continue her story. She felt her mind slip into some dirty thoughts. Dash quickly shook her head to try and get rid of them. 'Don't think like that Rainbow!' Rainbow Dash told herself, 'Even if you are going out with her, you shouldn't be thinking of things like that.' Suddenly, she heard Mrs. Shy gasp, which meant that she must have either woken back up (Dash didn't check to see if she fell asleep), or she finally remembered how the rest of the story went. At least it meant Rainbow didn't have to think those thoughts of hers... "The thing just started flying all over the place." Mrs. Shy explained, as Dash felt herself getting sleepy. Perhaps spending most of the night reading the latest Daring Do novel wasn't such a good idea after all... "It was knocking into everything, making dents in the wall, then the silly machine only flew up out of the whole in our house and caused a massive lightning bolt to hit it - then making the house suddenly, well... collapse I guess..." Rainbow Dash cringed at that. Probably because she was on weather duty that day. It was meant to be small rainy showers, but not large showers and lightning. Rainbow felt bad for that, even if it wasn't her fault. "Uhh, I'm... sorry to here that, Mrs. Shy," said Rainbow Dash. Mrs. Shy looked over at her, seeming slightly surprised. "But, you have no need to apologise dear." Mrs. Shy told her. However, Dash put up a hoof and closed her eyes. She opened them again, but she looked away slightly. "Well, I kinda have to..." Rainbow Dash spoke softly, with regret in her voice. "You see, I was on weather pony duty that day... You probably remember that I do that right?" Mrs. Shy nodded. "Anyway, I was meant to try and stop the clouds from producing lightning that day - since it wasn't forecasted. But, the clouds decided to be a nuisance to me that day." Mrs. Shy understood what Rainbow was trying to say, but she didn't feel right that the mare was trying to take some of the responsibility of it. "Rainbow Dash, you did not do anything wrong. You hear me?" Mrs. Shy reassured Rainbow. Rainbow Dash nodded sadly, accepting the fact that Fluttershy's mother was not going to change her mind. Not that it was exactly a bad thing though. "Oh-ok." Rainbow Dash said quietly. Mrs. Shy tried her best reassuring smile, to which Rainbow caught in the corner of her eye. Dash tried her best at a false smile. That all changed soon however. The bathroom flush went off, and the sound of running water was heard. Not long after, the door opened and some small hooves could be heard, quietly trotting down the stairs. Rainbow's ears jumped up at the sound of somepony walking down the stairs. She resisted the urge to let her wings open up. "S-sorry I took so, so long..." Fluttershy said softly. Rainbow Dash turned her head round. "Ahh, don't worry about it Flutters, me and your mom were just talking about that - catastrophe with Zephyr Breeze." Rainbow Dash explained. A small smile formed on Fluttershy's face. "Heh, yeah... It was total chaos from what I hear." Fluttershy added. Mrs. Shy quickly looked at the time, then back to the two ponies. The time was 7.42am. She looked at them both with what seemed like a 'evil' smile. The two friends looked at each other with awkward faces. "Right, I think it's time you two made a move..." Mrs. Shy told them both, "We wouldn't want you to be late on your first day." Fluttershy looked as if she had just seen a ghost. Dash, on the other hand, didn't seem so bothered. Noticing how Fluttershy's face had dropped however, she quickly jumped up and wrapped one wing around the timid mare, not caring how Mrs. Shy was in the room as well. "Don't worry Shy, I'll make sure we get there on time." Rainbow Dash claimed. Fluttershy tried to look calm, but it wasn't easy. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash's face came closer to hers. "Maybe we can get there earlier, and have some 'private' time..." Rainbow Dash whispered, wiggling her eyebrows. Fluttershy tried to laugh it off, blushing slightly. Fluttershy's reaction only made Rainbow more embarrassed and nervous of the whole situation herself. 'Man, she's so cute like this.' Rainbow thought to herself. 'But, I'm gonna have to watch what I say. Don't think Mrs. Shy knows yet.' Once Fluttershy managed to calm down, Rainbow Dash took her wing off of her and they both went to collect their bags. Putting them both around their necks, they took a quick glance at each other, before starting to head towards the door. "Ok, you two have fun now," Mrs. Shy told the two, as Dash opened the door. Mrs. Shy quickly added "Don't have too much fun though..." Rainbow Dash gulped hard at that sentence. 'Oh jeez, does she know?' Rainbow wondered, feeling her forehead was beginning to get a little sweaty. However, Fluttershy knew that Mrs. Shy was just trying to say to them to 'be careful'. Regardless of that though, Fluttershy still bit her bottom lip slightly at the thought that her own mother might have noticed something... 'unusual'. Fluttershy nodded to her mum, flashing her a quick smile. "Ok mom, we promise to go careful!" Fluttershy squeaked, gently nudging Rainbow Dash. The cyan Pegasus was startled by the contact, but she could see that the yellow pony looked like she was plotting something. Dash decided that she might as well play along with it. "Yep, I'll make sure that your daughter here will be safe and sound!" Rainbow Dash claimed, making Fluttershy look away. Fluttershy felt slightly flustered at that, but tried her best to not make her constant blushing so suspicious. Mrs. Shy waved at the two girls as they walked out of the house. Seeing Fluttershy so happy walking with her best friend made her feel like crying. "Bye you two!" Mrs. Shy called out, giving one last smile & wave. "Bye Mrs. Shy!" "Bye Mom!" Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy exclaimed at the same time, giving their own smiles and waves. As the two of them walked into the distance, Mrs. Shy slowly trotted back inside, closing the door. ========== It was a long tiring journey to Ponyville Train Station, but it wouldn't be as much walking as it could be if they decided not to take the train to Ponyville Academy. It was located near the outskirts of Canterlot. It had been a while since both Dash & Fluttershy had been here. Especially with the others, let alone just the two of them. The journey had proven to be of the fun kind, with both of them talking and laughing, while occasionally teasing each other as well. However, they had started to become more quiet as they neared the station. "You... you sure about this Dash..?" Fluttershy asked the rainbow-mane pony, who seemed to be trying to act all cool. "Relax Shy, it'll be fine," replied Rainbow Dash, not bothering to look at her. As they both reached a sign which said the list of train times, they stopped dead in their tracks. Both ponies stared at each other for a moment, before looking back at the sign. "Ummm, which train was it again?" Rainbow Dash asked, scratching her head. Fluttershy put a hoof under her chin, then observed the list of trains and to where they were going. "Aha! This one!" Fluttershy exclaimed, pointing to a image of a train labelled 'Equestria School Express'. Rainbow looked at the train, then at the times. It was 8.09am. Uh oh... "Awww, for Celestia's sake!" Rainbow Dash cried. Fluttershy looked over at her annoyed friend. "Wh-whats wrong... D-dashie?" Fluttershy stuttered quietly. Rainbow Dash pointed to the train with one hoof. Fluttershy gave a confused face. Dash sighed to herself, face palming herself with her other hoof. "Fluttershy... the train is LEAVING." Rainbow Dash explained. Fluttershy looked in horror, as steam came from the back of the train. "We gotta move, now." Without warning, Rainbow grabbed one of Shy's hooves and the two ran towards the train, with Fluttershy trying as hard as she could to keep up. The train doors were about to close, when all of a sudden.... "WAIT!!!" Rainbow Dash screamed, making Fluttershy let out a 'EEP!' in shock. The conductor of the train looked over to the right, to see a cyan-blue Pegasus stood by the train's doors, with a yellow Pegasus cowering in fear behind. He decided not to ask any questions about that. "You here to travel to Ponyville Academy I presume?" He asked politely. Fluttershy peered at the conductor. He was a pale-red colour, with a green mane and brown eyes. He also had a small green moustache and a little blue conductor's hat. "Yes we are sir." Rainbow Dash replied. The conductor looked at them both for a moment, then made a gesture to them. "Hop on board," said the conductor. Rainbow nodded, while reaching into her bag for her purse. She may have been the most tomboyish of the 6 of them, but Rainbow Dash still carried a purse with her like her other friends. Rainbow pulled out 8 bits, 4 for her and 4 for Shy. "Here ya go," said Rainbow Dash, dropping the bits into the conductor's hand. Fluttershy seemed slightly surprised, but didn't question this until the two of them both found a spot near the back of the train, on the right, which had two seats. Perfect for them both. Even better, they could look out of the window next to them. "After you." a laughing Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Fluttershy giggled to herself, feeling slightly surprised at the 'royal' treatment her marefriend was giving her. "Why thank you, Dash." Fluttershy replied, bowing slightly, before going to the seat closest to the window. Rainbow Dash instantly sat next to her, and got herself comfy. Dash made sure that she was as close to Fluttershy as possible, but left enough space so that she wasn't 'invading' her friend's personal space too much. Rainbow Dash took the bag off of her neck and placed it on the floor. Fluttershy seemed to keep hers on. "Hey, Fluttershy?" said Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy looked over at the cyan Pegasus. "Uhhh, yes, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy asked meekly. Rainbow cleared her throat, then pointed down to the floor. "...You know you can just put your bag down there, don't you?" Rainbow Dash told her, now pointing to her bag. Rainbow quickly added, "Besides, your back must be throbbing. I wouldn't of thought it's exactly lightweight." Fluttershy rubbed a foreleg with her hoof, thinking to herself. "Well, I... I guess you're right." Fluttershy agreed, now taking the bag off of her and placing it next to Rainbow's. After that, Rainbow Dash put a foreleg around Fluttershy's neck, and looked out the window to the right of her. "See? You must feel much better now," said Rainbow Dash, to which Fluttershy nodded yes. Rainbow just smiled. She began to feel her eyes closing slightly, so she decided to rest her head on Shy's shoulder. "Hey, Shy?" Rainbow Dash whispered. Fluttershy looked to the left of her, to notice the pony leaning on her. This made Fluttershy feel somewhat happy, but more than anything - embarrassed. It wasn't that Shy hated this contact, because she loved it. It was just because of how 'public' it was. Then again, they weren't really doing anything... "Do ya, mind if I sleep on you? For a bit? I'm kinda tired." Rainbow Dash asked, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Fluttershy didn't do anything to try and shake the tired pony off of her. "Well... I, uh... don't see a p-problem, with it." Fluttershy stuttered, putting on her best fake smile. Rainbow just stared for a moment, then laughed. Fluttershy didn't know what to say, but luckily for her, she didn't need to. "Oh you..." said Rainbow Dash with a sly smile. "There's no need to worry about it Shy. It's only me, remember?" The yellow pony started to blush again. She quickly hid her face from view with her incredibly large pink mane. Suddenly, Dash began to realize why Shy was getting so nervous. In a soft voice and reassuring tone, Rainbow Dash muttered into Fluttershy's ears. "Don't worry about no body else, ok? I'm sure they won't pay attention. I promise." Fluttershy listened to every word that Rainbow Dash said. However, she still felt slightly uneasy about it. "You, you sure?" Fluttershy asked in a slightly panicked voice. Fluttershy was alarmed by the hoof that stroked the back of her mane. Clearly, Rainbow Dash was trying to calm down the shy mare. "Relax Flutters, it'll be fine," replied Rainbow Dash, before quickly adding, "I'm 120% sure." With that, Rainbow's eyes began to close. Fluttershy felt something warm within her heart. Happiness? Overjoyed? Something in her brain told her that she was just simply - content. It would make sense: comfy chair, nice view out of the window, her special somepony sleeping on her shoulder. To Fluttershy, this was more than enough to make her feel like she was at the top of the world. Within moments of falling asleep, Dash's arm had fallen behind Fluttershy, and she had also began to snore. Fluttershy rolled her eyes, unsurprised by the usual loudness of the future Wonderbolt-wannabe. Fluttershy had known well enough how loud Rainbow snored when she asleep, since they had slept together quite a few times when Shy had damaged her wings. The thoughts of her ripping out the feathers on her wings still haunted her some nights, but she knew that with the help of her friends, family and her psychiatrist, she wouldn't have to feel so depressed in her life to want to do things like that. Fluttershy reached down to her bag and opened it. She picked up a book from inside and placed it on her lap, then closed the bag back up. Fluttershy stared at the book, reading its front cover. The title of the book was 'Henry Turtle & Peter Bunny: Adventures in Smallsville'. It was one of Shy's favourite books, much like Rainbow Dash and her 'Daring Do' collection. Very slowly, Fluttershy opened the book. She searched through the book, until she found the bookmark she had placed on page 20. The bookmark's picture was a blue sky with a patch of green grass, with a rabbit eating a carrot. Fluttershy had gotten it at one of the book stalls in the town centre of Ponyville. Surprisingly, no pony seemed to be questioning or looking at the blue pony which snored loudly, while using her best friend as a headrest. That was a good thing though. Fluttershy began to read from where she left off, seeing as this was going to be a long journey, and it wasn't like she always had enough time leftover on most days to continue reading the book. Checking quickly to make sure that Dash was properly sleeping (and not just pretending), Fluttershy decided it was time to continue reading from the last bit she had read the last time she picked up the book. "Chapter 2 - Peter & Henry meet the King of Smallsville." Fluttershy read out quietly to herself, as she started on the first paragraph..... ========== 10 Minutes Later... The world was moving. The sound of talking ponies was everywhere. Sounds of an engine running however, drowned out what the ponies were talking about - replacing words with a somewhat muffled effect. Rainbow Dash slowly opened her eyes, although they seemed to be covered in sleep. 'Seems like the sand-dust pony's been around...' thought Rainbow Dash, as she tried to blink out all of the sleep. Once it was all gone, Rainbow Dash just stared at the vision in front of her - the back of a red double-chair, like the type of chair you'd see on a train or a bus. Dash's pupils widened, as she could hear soft breathing coming from above her. 'Hmmm, that's odd.' said Rainbow Dash in her head, not daring to make a single move. Suddenly, she could feel a hoof caressing her mane. Dash shuddered inside, feeling herself panicking slightly. 'Oh dear, wh-what's going on here?' thought the blue pony, as she felt her breathing get faster. Something in her head told her to look up, but Rainbow Dash didn't dare even move her eyes, let alone her whole head. Within that moment, the sound of a book closing was heard. Rainbow Dash held her breath in, trying to figure out what was happening. Her eyes looked down slowly, then stared where they were. Her head was resting, on somepony's lap. 'Ok, this is getting weird.' thought a confused Rainbow Dash, as this situation started to feel strange to her. The pony she was resting on suddenly lowered their head down, to stare at the awake Pegasus that was laying on them. "Morning Dashie." Fluttershy whispered, giving a slight wink. Rainbow Dash gave an expression of shock, feeling all of the stress suddenly go away. "Uh....h-hi... Fluttershy?" a still sleepy Rainbow Dash stuttered, as she wiped her tired eyes with her hooves. The yellow Pegasus just stared down at her, giving a big smile. Rainbow still had no idea what was going on. "Whu-what happened?" asked Rainbow Dash, in a drowsy voice. Fluttershy just giggled. "You fell asleep on my shoulder, silly. Remember?" Fluttershy replied, making Rainbow Dash think carefully. Suddenly, it all came back to Dash. 'Of course!' the cyan Pegasus exclaimed to herself, 'I remember now! I felt sleepy, and I asked Fluttershy if I could sleep on her for a bit!' Rainbow Dash finally knew what had happened. But... for how long was she asleep for? "Hey, Shy?" Rainbow Dash asked quietly, as Fluttershy just stared at her with big eyes. "Y-yes, Dash?" Fluttershy responded, waiting for what the answer from her childhood friend would be. Dash just smirked. "Uhhh, how long was I, you know... out for?" Rainbow Dash questioned, wondering how much time had passed since she fell asleep. Dash feared that it could have been ages, and that they both may have missed the stop for Ponyville Academy - making Fluttershy worry about being late. Fluttershy had thoughts of going through her bag to search for her phone, but she suddenly noticed a clock which was on the other side of the train. She looked at it for a few moments. The clock hands read 8.21am. That meant it was around 10-11 minutes. Fluttershy drew her gaze back to Rainbow. "Well... it's been around, uh... 10 minutes." Fluttershy admitted. Rainbow Dash couldn't believe it. It had felt to her like she had been asleep for hours, and it was only 10 minutes!? Either the clock was slow, or it was genuinely 8.21am. But Fluttershy wouldn't lie. Rainbow Dash knew that very well. They had been friends since fillies after all - it would be odd if they didn't know each other's characteristics. "Wow, not long then." Rainbow Dash grumbled, still feeling as if she could snooze longer. Sadly though, they would eventually arrive at the school. Before she moved though, Dash decided to ask a quick question. "Hey, Shy?" Rainbow Dash said quietly. "Umm, yes, Dash?" responded Fluttershy, wondering what she would be asked. "Did you, like... lay me down on your lap, and stroke my mane - the whole time?" Rainbow Dash asked, making Fluttershy bite her lip and look away in embarrassment. This was going to be a slightly awkward conversation. "Uhhh, I um.... y-ye... yes..?" Fluttershy replied, which brought a smile to Rainbow's face. Fluttershy, on the other hand though, was slightly nervous. "Are you... uh, unhappy about that?" Fluttershy added quickly, as she was worried that her actions were a mistake. Rainbow Dash just continued to smile. "Of, of course not Shy..." Rainbow Dash responded, "Why would I be unhappy about it? .....Actually, I get what you mean. But it's you! I don't mind you doing it Fluttershy." As those words were said, Fluttershy began to smile, while a blush started to form. Rainbow Dash sat up, and began to lean into the shy mare's face. "You can do whatever you like to me Shy... whatever you please." whispered the cyan Pegasus into Shy's ear, which made the yellow pony's blush brighter. "Heh heh heh, oh-ok..." said Fluttershy, trying to laugh away the 'dirty' image that Rainbow Dash was managing to create by her choice of words. Dash noticed this, which slowly brought a blush of her own to her face. 'Man, Shy gets so flustered about things sometimes...' Rainbow Dash thought to herself. 'It's just so darn cute!' Rainbow decided to talk about something else, since she didn't want Fluttershy to get too embarrassed... "So, Shy, what's that book you got there?" asked Rainbow Dash, pointing to the book that was on the right side of Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked at the book, then picked it up in her hooves (the best she could) and showed Dash, who just looked at the cover. "It's, uh... Henry Turtle & Peter Bunny: Adventures in Smallsville," Fluttershy explained, feeling relieved at the sudden change of subject. "It's a series of books that, my uh, mom used to read to me... when I was younger." Rainbow smiled at the thought of Shy's mother reading to her. It almost made Dash wish that she had gotten into books sooner - then she could have been read books by her mother. "Is it good?" Rainbow Dash wondered, presuming that the story would be really 'cheesy'. Fluttershy happily responded, even quickly summarising what the plot was. "Uh huh. Yes," replied Fluttershy with a nod, "The story follows Henry the Turtle & his best friend Peter the 'Bunny' Rabbit as they try to 'fight' some evil dragon called Dracon the Destroyer." Rainbow Dash began to get interested into the story's plotline. Of course, she knew that when Fluttershy said the word fight, it was highly unlikely it meant as in literally beating up the baddie. Still though, it seemed alright. "Hmmm, that doesn't sound too boring actually..." whispered Rainbow Dash, although Fluttershy's ears flicked up. Shy had heard Rainbow's comment. Somehow, it made her feel slightly sad inside. Rainbow Dash looked over, slightly worried that she had hurt the feelings of her bestest friend that she had ever had. Quickly, Rainbow Dash put both forelegs around Fluttershy's neck and somewhat hugged. "Hey, don't get down, Shy. I never said it was lame or anything," explained Rainbow Dash, nuzzling Shy's neck slightly, "I will admit, it sounds rather... interesting. Perhaps you should read me a chapter or two one time?" A smile returned to Fluttershy's small face. Rainbow looked up at the yellow pony, still hugging her. Rainbow Dash quickly checked around them, to see how the other ponies were far too involved in, whatever it was, to even take a quick glance at the hugging mares. Slowly, Rainbow removed her forelegs from around Fluttershy's neck, while still sitting very close to her. Noticing the smile on the timid Pegasus' face, Rainbow flashed a toothy smile back. This caused a quick chuckle to erupt from Fluttershy's mouth. "There we go, that's the Fluttershy I know and love." said Rainbow Dash, as she too began to laugh. The two shared a laugh for around a minute, until they managed to calm themselves down. Fluttershy had to try and catch her breath, as she also began to put her book back into her bag. After she zipped the bag back up, Fluttershy leaned back into the chair she was sat on. Rainbow Dash just seemed to keep her eyes on her, while smiling lightly. 'Why can't I get my mind off of her?' Rainbow Dash thought, a puzzled expression replacing the happiness on her face. 'I mean, I know I'm in love with her - heck we've been going out for a year now! But, whatever I think about, she manages to sneak her way into it...' "...Ummm, Dash?" Fluttershy asked, wearing a face of concern. It took a few moments before Rainbow Dash snapped out of her daydream. So at first, Rainbow was all confused. "Huh, what? ....Oh. Hey, Fluttershy," said Rainbow Dash, rubbing the back of her head, "Sorry about that, I was just daydreaming then." Fluttershy didn't question Rainbow's response, since she didn't feel like she needed to know what was on the cyan pony's mind. Probably her, she assumed. Though Fluttershy wasn't really that bothered about whatever Dash was thinking about anyway. Rainbow looked at the time. 8.25am. Rainbow Dash's mouth opened slightly, in the shape of a small o. Fluttershy giggled at her face, remembering how many times she had made that face herself. Although that was generally when she was tired, not in shock. Fluttershy's eyes looked at the clock, noticing that that hands were only a few minutes away from reading 8.30am. Seeing as Rainbow Dash was still unmoving, a plan began to form in Shy's head. An evil smile creeped up onto her face. "Oh, Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy said in a smooth tone. Rainbow Dash looked over, to see Fluttershy's eyeswere half closed (her top eyelids were visible), and that she was also biting her lip. Rainbow's eyes widened, as she stared at the yellow pony. She felt something touch her right back hoof. When Rainbow Dash looked down, she noticed Fluttershy wrapping her left back hoof around it. Rainbow looked back at Fluttershy, who now gently placed her front hooves on Dash's shoulders. Rainbow Dash felt a strange feeling absorb her. She couldn't tell whether the feeling was one of excitement, confusion, or even pure fear. 'Is...is this seriously turning me on?' Rainbow wondered, as Fluttershy got ever so closer and closer to her face. Unfortunately for Dash, the thought of the feeling she currently felt being excitement was beginning to prove true, as she could feel her wings trying to force their way open. 'Damn you for being so sexy, Shy,' Rainbow Dash thought, as she tried her best to keep her wings shut. Rainbow Dash felt her cheeks beginning to burn, as a bright pink blush began to form. Rainbow also began to start feeling uncomfortable at this sudden attention Fluttershy was giving her. A blush started to appear on Fluttershy's face too. "Uhhh, Shy?" asked Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy didn't answer, she just continued to stare. Fluttershy began to lick her lips. Rainbow Dash gulped hard as she watched the timid mare eyeing her up as if she was going to be her next meal. "Ummm, earth to Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash tried to get Fluttershy stop again. Still, nothing. 'Oh, oh please don't make me yell Fluttershy. Please don't...' panicked Rainbow Dash in her head, knowing that if she did shout, it would certainly bring all eyes to the two of them, and then Fluttershy would be in real trouble - she'd be a target for the bullies for sure. Rainbow Dash thought carefully, trying to think up of a plan to stop Shy from acting, so.... strange. Then, the thought came to her. Rainbow Dash knew what would probably snap Fluttershy out of her 'romantic daze'. Ever so carefully, Dash opened up one of her wings a little bit. She moved it towards Fluttershy's ear. Once it was close enough to its target, Rainbow Dash began to tickle the inside of the ear. Fluttershy's eyes went from 'romantic' to 'reality' in an instant. Within seconds of Rainbow's tickling, Fluttershy was starting to become her normal self again. The yellow pony put a hoof to her mouth, to hold in the laughter and giggles. Once Rainbow Dash noticed this, she slowly put her wing back by its side again. Even though they no longer had the urge to jump up now, the tingling still remained. "Oh, oh, Dash. That, that was, ugh...." Fluttershy mumbled, finding it difficult to find her words. Rainbow Dash looked at Fluttershy, to make sure that she wasn't still dreaming. When Fluttershy rose her head back up to face Rainbow Dash, her eyes suddenly widened. Fluttershy had suddenly realised what she had just done. "Oh my! I, I... I, uh.... oh..." Fluttershy whimpered, turning away from Dash and crawling into a ball the best she could (with the amount of space she had). Rainbow Dash looked over, to see Fluttershy completely hiding her face from view, using her large pink mane and her front hooves to do so. "Hey, uhh, Fluttershy?" asked Rainbow Dash, sounding slightly worried. "You, you ok?" Rainbow began to hear quiet sobbing. This concerned Rainbow Dash. 'Oh no, oh no.' thought Rainbow Dash in her head, unsure of what to do. Dash decided that the best thing (and the only thing) she could do was just comfort her. "Oh, oh come on, Fluttershy. It's alright.." Rainbow Dash reassured the sad pony, who held her hooves over her eyes. Rainbow didn't fully understand why Fluttershy was doing this, but of course, it somewhat made sense: Fluttershy had just started acting all 'lovey-dovey' around her, when other ponies were around. Luckily, no one was actually looking. However, it didn't stop the yellow mare from getting teary-eyed about it. "R-rainbow Dash... I'm, I'm SOOO, so sorry...." Fluttershy weeped, her voice sounding muffled due to her mane being in front of her face. Rainbow Dash gently rubbed Fluttershy's back, to see if she could calm her down. "Calm down Shy, it's fine. Honest," said Rainbow Dash in a soothing tone. She turned her head round to face the left. A light-grey pony with a blondish mane was looking at her with his green eyes. 'Oh god, how long's he been looking over for?' thought Rainbow Dash. Unknowing to the cyan Pegasus, the light-grey pony had only just turned his head to look at her. "Hey, is... is your friend ok?" he asked politely, making Rainbow Dash think carefully about what she would say next. 'Ok, ok, I don't think he knows...' a panicking Rainbow Dash thought. Clearing her throat, Rainbow Dash decided to come up with a story. "Y-yeah, she's fine," Rainbow Dash replied, sweating a little bit, "She's just nervous about school, ya know?" The pony nodded his head, understanding what the cyan mare was telling him. "I guess she's scared about her first day?" the pony asked another question, to which Rainbow Dash instantly replied to within mini-seconds of the question being asked. "Yeah, she's worried that she won't get on with anyone, and that she might get picked on." Rainbow Dash explained. Although it wasn't actually the reason that she was crying about at the moment, it was certainly one of the things that did worry Fluttershy. So, in a way, Rainbow Dash was technically telling the truth. "Well, I'm sure everything will be alright," the pony responded with a small smile. Rainbow Dash returned the smile with one of her own. "I agree. I don't think anything bad will happen," said Rainbow Dash. The pony turned back round and looked out the window next to him. Rainbow Dash continued looking at him for a few more moments, before turning her gaze back onto Shy. By now, her tears had started to fade. The sobbing got quieter and less with each passing second. Rainbow Dash waited for Fluttershy to calm down, before she started talking again. It was the polite thing to do. "Ummm, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash whispered to the yellow pony. Slowly, she lifted her head up, and looked up at her with big puppy eyes. "I, I... I don't know wh-what came over me..." Fluttershy muttered, sniffling quietly. Rainbow continued to rub Shy's back. "I just, I just got... so carried away, within my thoughts. That, that I.... uh..." Fluttershy was finding it hard to think of the right words to say. "I just-" Rainbow Dash interrupted Fluttershy by putting a hoof over her mouth. "Ssshhhh," said Rainbow Dash "It's fine Shy. Really, it's ok." Rainbow looked around them quickly, then leaned in a bit closer. "To be honest, I think I was actually starting to enjoy it." A small smile formed on Fluttershy's face. "R-really?" Fluttershy asked, feeling slightly confused by Rainbow's statement. Rainbow Dash gave a big nod. "Of course, Shy. Why wouldn't I enjoy your company?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash, with a tiny chuckle. The small smile on Fluttershy's face was now a big, happy smile. "Now come on, Flutters, you don't need to stress so much. Just sit back up and we can, you know, cuddle." Fluttershy seemed unsure, but Dash was determined to make Fluttershy feel calm. "Fluttershy, it'll be fine. I mean, I'm pretty sure best friends cuddling isn't unusual, is it?" Fluttershy thought carefully. "Well, I, I guess not..." Fluttershy murmured. Rainbow Dash instantly put a foreleg around Shy's neck, holding her close. "There we go then!" said Rainbow Dash, in an excited tone. Fluttershy smirked slightly. It seemed that Rainbow Dash was determined on keeping her in a positive mood. Of course, that was a good thing. 'Wow, Rainbow Dash is being really nice to me. She's, she's really being a true friend...' Fluttershy thought to herself, closing her eyes and continuing to smile. 'I'm so glad I get to be with her. I just feel so... special.' ========== Rainbow Dash & Fluttershy continued to hug as the train got closer to the school. They began to speak about various topics: their friends, their recent activities, and of course - about each other. Rainbow Dash found it hard not to burst into laughter when Fluttershy brought up the topic about Angel's 'incident' in Rarity's spa. That blasted bunny had given her so much grief when she was looking after Fluttershy, so it was music to Dash's ears that something had happened to him. Of course, she didn't wish for him to be killed - that would be too far. She just felt that he needed to be taught a lesson. "Wow, I guess he's in a pretty bad mood right now then..." joked Rainbow Dash, giggling to herself like some extreme fangirl. Even Fluttershy was laughing, although she did feel sorry for her poor bunny. "Yeah, he's got to wear bandages on his back legs and avoid using them too much for the next few weeks," Flutteshy explained, to which Rainbow Dash nodded to make it clear that she was listening to every word. ========== The train came to a sudden halt. Fluttershy & Rainbow Dash both lunged forward, as the train just stopped. Luckily, their seatbelts protected them from going face-first into the back of the chairs in front of them. Fluttershy made a loud eep as she flung back into her chair. Rainbow Dash instantly put one hoof to Fluttershy's chest (exactly where her heart was), while she kept the other hoof around Shy's neck. "Woah! You, you ok Shy?" Rainbow Dash asked the scared pony, who had started to hyperventilate a little bit. Dash gently rubbed Fluttershy's back with the hoof that she had originally place around her neck. Fluttershy nodded frantically, although this made her feel a little dizzy. "Ugh... pant... I'm... pant... f-fine... pant..." Fluttershy replied, trying hard to calm herself down and catch her breath. Rainbow continued to rub her back for a moment longer, before putting it back by her side. "Ok, I'm glad to hear you're alright," responded Rainbow Dash, as she looked out of the window. Her eyes widened. She quickly turned to face the clock. 8.34am. Dash looked back to the window. She saw a bunch of other ponies stood around and talking outside a building. That building was a school. Ponyville Academy, to be exact. They had arrived. As long as it felt like it took, after all the things that had happened, they had made it. Rainbow Dash waited for Fluttershy to calm down, before she spoke. "Fluttershy. Hey, Fluttershy," said Rainbow Dash, very gently shaking the yellow pony. Fluttershy looked up at her. "Wh-what, Dashie?" asked Fluttershy quietly. Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof to the window. Fluttershy looked outside the window, and noticed that they were looking at the outside of the school. "We're here," Rainbow Dash replied, trying to sound as cool as she possibly could. Fluttershy looked back to Rainbow Dash, then down to her bag. "Y-yeah. I, uh... see that," said Fluttershy, picking up her bag. Rainbow Dash instantly put a hoof underneath the strap of the bag, and helped Fluttershy lift it up. This caused Shy to giggle slightly. "Wh-why thank you, Rainbow Dash," exclaimed Fluttershy shyly. Rainbow blushed slightly. "Awww, it's my pleasure, Shy," replied Rainbow Dash, giving the timid mare a grin. Fluttershy smiled back at the cyan Pegasus, as she picked up her own bag. Fluttershy then put a hoof under the strap of Dash's bag, and helped lift it up. Rainbow Dash seemed somewhat surprised, but thanked Fluttershy none the less. "Well, seems like we're helping each other then," claimed Rainbow Dash, as Fluttershy embarrassedly hid her face with her mane. Rainbow Dash moved Shy's mane away from her face, looking deeply into her cyan blue eyes. . Fluttershy stared into Dash's magenta eyes. "Stop being so cute, Shy," joked Rainbow Dash, chuckling slightly. Fluttershy gave a quick laugh of her own, before putting her bag around her neck. Rainbow Dash then did the exact same thing with her own bag. Rainbow Dash sat up from the chair. "Come on Shy, shall we go?" Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash for a moment, before giving her a nod. "Yes, let's go." she shyly replied, before closing her eyes and smiling. Rainbow Dash returned the smile with one of her own. She then jumped up off of her chair. Rainbow put a hoof onto one of Fluttershy's, as she helped her get down from her chair. "Come on Flutters, I got ya," Rainbow Dash boldly stated, as Fluttershy ever so slowly, let her back hooves touch the floor. Once they were firmly stood on the ground, she began to walk away from the window and right next to Dash. "Good girl," said Rainbow Dash, rubbing Fluttershy's head. Fluttershy embarrassedly giggled to herself, as she tried her best to hide a blush that tried to form on her face. Rainbow Dash removed her hoof from Fluttershy's and the two of them walked out of the train together. Before they both left the train, however, Shy decided to compliment the conductor. "Thank you for the ride," said Fluttershy. The conductor tipped his hat to her, along with giving her a wink. "You are very welcome ma'am." he replied, to which Fluttershy found funny. Rainbow Dash ushered her out, just wanting to get out of the train. "Come on Shy, let's go!" said Rainbow Dash, sounding slightly impatient, but trying her best to act calm about it. The last thing she wanted to do was to try and upset Fluttershy before they entered Ponyville Academy. "Ok, Dash." Fluttershy replied, as she followed the cyan Pegasus out. As the two exited the train, the train slowly began to close its doors. Within seconds of them standing on the ground of the school, the train zoomed backwards, making Fluttershy's mane blow wildly through the wind created from the train's fast speed. "Wooooah!" eeped Fluttershy, as she almost felt like she was gonna fall over. Rainbow Dash instantly raced over to the yellow pony and put one wing underneath her fragile body to hold her up. "Ok, ok, I got ya, Shy. It's fine," reassured Rainbow Dash, as the Fluttershy put a hoof to her head. Once the small dizzy feeling that was starting to emerge instantly left her, Fluttershy removed the hoof from her head. "It's ok, Dashie, I'm... I'm fine," said Fluttershy, as Rainbow Dash gently removed her wing from underneath Fluttershy. Dash nodded to her, to which Fluttershy responded by doing the same. The two of them began to make their way towards the steps up to the school. Rainbow Dash would have generally ran up the stairs like a cheetah chasing its prey, but because Fluttershy was there with her, she decided to just calmly walk up the stairs. Fluttershy went up each step, one at a time. Although Rainbow Dash didn't really enjoy going slow, because it was Fluttershy that she was doing it for, she didn't mind it too much. Heck, she'd go as slow as Tank if she needed to. Both of them were now standing right by the front door of the school. Rainbow Dash put one hoof on the door handle and began to pull it open, until she noticed Fluttershy looking down at the ground. Removing her hoof from the door, she went over to Shy. She put a hoof under the yellow pony's chin, so that she could look at her face. "You ok, Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked, instantly regretting it afterwards. It was clear that Fluttershy wasn't ok. The timid mare wanted to cry, but she decided to stay strong and not allow them to appear. "I'm, I'm still s-scared to e-e-enter the school, Dash...." Fluttershy stuttered, which made Rainbow Dash realise what was getting her into a state again. "Shy, relax. Please, it'll be fine..." Rainbow Dash reassured her, getting worried that Fluttershy's mental state could drop back down again. She didn't need to go through that again, it was horrible the first time. "Please Shy, you're really beginning to worry me now... And me being worried about something isn't generally common with me." Fluttershy just stared at her, not sure what to say. "I'll be there for you if anything happens, Flutters, just pleasseee.... trust me. Trust your girlfriend for once." Rainbow Dash quickly looked around them, then planted a quick kiss on Fluttershy's forehead. This managed to bring a smile to Fluttershy's face. Rainbow Dash gave a relieved smile of her own. "Don't worry about it, Fluttershy. Everything will be fine." said Rainbow Dash, repeating the same line over and over again. Fluttershy gulped, then nodded slowly. "Oh, ok. I trust you, Dashie..." Fluttershy whispered, to which Rainbow Dash was relieved to hear. Rainbow Dash walked back over to the door, and began to open it again. Once she opened the door, she made a gesture to Fluttershy, to allow her to go in first. "After you," Rainbow Dash exclaimed, chuckling slightly. Fluttershy giggled too, giving Dash a quick bow. "Why thank you, Dash," said Fluttershy, walking slowly into the building. Rainbow Dash walked in after her, and the door closed behind them.