• Member Since 3rd Sep, 2016


"Inspiration comes in class when I should be doing Maths/English"

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(Original Idea by Darth Wedgius)
One day in mid-summer, Rainbow Dash decides to accompany Rarity to Canterlot for a small errand. They find things have changed in Canterlot since Twilight's coronation. During a stop to a bank, they encounter a group of diamond dogs. To protect her friend, Dash takes a stand...her last stand.

Chapters (1)

The Super Rainbow Dash fanfic, as written by her concept creator.

The follow-up to this fic can be found here: "Harmonic Retribution ~HERO~"


The Elements of Harmony. The most powerful magic in all of Equestria...

For two times now, they have been wielded by six individual ponies, bound together by the Magic of Friendship, to successfully counter the wicked and chaotic ambitions of those who sought to conquer the world.

Yet, for all their usefulness, these magical artifacts still remain a mystery to most of ponykind. Perhaps the most important question is, was it really the full potential of them that was displayed by the wielders? Or is there simply more than what meets the eye?

When Rainbow Dash recieves an updated version of the book focusing on the Elements of Harmony and reads its new chapter that tells of a special incident that supposedly happened eons ago, soon, a series of events happen afterward. Events which ultimately culminate in Rainbow Dash discovering her true destiny, as well as discovering what she really holds inside in her very own soul...


As this fic was started in 2012, the setting of it is after the events of the Canterlot Wedding, and therefore ignores most of season 3 and 4 while keeping some of what was revealed about the Elements of Harmony in those seasons intact, including the Tree of Harmony.

The main theme of this fic, as well as the theme of Super Rainbow Dash, is Daiki Kasho's "5OUL ON D!SPLAY" from Gran Turismo 5/6/Sport/7.

Super Rainbow Dash concept and design by me. Conceptualized in the summer of 2011, pre-dating Hasbro's Rainbow Power forms.

The short animation on YouTube by TehJadeh.
Fanart collection.

Cover art by DomesticMaid and me.

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash had another day of training at the Wonderbolts. Everything turned out to be fine until she received a letter that turned her own world out. Now, in a state of restlessness and depression, Rainbow Dash hid herself away from every other pony as she tried to contain her sorrow. In her lowest point, Soarin' dropped by and offered her something that she could not refuse: A Midnight Flight. SoarinDash one-shot and a hurt/comfort fic in one.

Chapters (1)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)

As the apocalypse descends, Celestia flies upwards to give it battle.

Chapters (1)

16-yr-old Twilight has been held in stasis for a millennia, ever since her mother was banished. Now, she must wait. Wait for her mother to return, wait for justice on Celestia and wait for a kinder world. After all, who would trust the Daughter of a Nightmare?
Inspired by Polaris501's story 'Heir of the Nightmare'
Currently going through an edit.

Chapters (7)

Accidents are inevitable. They can happen to everyone. Some of them may be harmless, but others can be devastating. And when Rainbow Dash is torn apart by a disaster she feels responsible for, she struggles to find a way to deal with the consequences.

Inspired by this heartbreaking comic made by the deviantart user ~Capt-Nemo

New cover art made by CaffeineAndApples

(Click 'more' for credits.)

Special thanks to:
Volgrand, Nonagon, I HV NO FEAR, Ltn Vasquez (Proofreaders)

All of the Above, Cheshire, Avishadow, and last but not least, Schizoid Nightfall (Pre-readers)

These users have made it possible what this story is today and deserve as much credit as me! Thanks again everyone!

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash has been plagued by nightmares for a week, but she is slowly starting to lose it. When her friends go to Canterlot to get Celestia's guidance the truth may shock them to their very core.

Rainbow's only hope seems to be in an ancient spell that can either save her or kill her.

This is my first fan fic and I am looking for honest feed back.
Let me know in the comments below.
If you find anything wrong with my Grammer please point it out.

Chapters (16)

There’s one particular pony who is unaccustomed to defeat. She has never backed down, never given up, and always plowed on through adversity with a shining determination. Even when detained and questioned about her friends whereabouts and actions, Rainbow Dash remains steadfast, loyal, and never knows when to quit.

This was just a small idea I had while brainstorming. It's a story to get me back in to the creative description mode that I need to fall in to write a really really really good story.

What was I supposed to tag this anyway? Oh well. Critical comments preferred.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is in a coma following a deadly flying accident. Standing by her side are her husband, Soarin, and her best friend, Applejack. Within her mind, Dashie must fight through inner demons, past trauma, and even her own betrayals in order to awake. REVIEW THIS STORY.This is a repost of MY Story from My other account.

Chapters (1)