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Bronywatch 2 · 9:41am Jan 11th, 2017

We suck.

And then we not-so-suck.

And for those of you who are curious:

R - forward
F - strafe left
G - strafe right
V - backwards
E - Crouch
Mouse 1 - Regular Ability
Mouse 2 - Alternate/Secondary
Mouse 3 - Reload
Mouse 4 - Jump
A - Ability 1
B - Ability 2
Q - Ultimate
Space - Punch
X - Dialogue Wheel

Comments ( 11 )

That control scheme... Ohhhh, so everything's oriented to home row, left hand side, but with movement centered around the pointer instead of the ring finger. More fluid/intuitive, I guess?

We can crouch in Overwatch?

I've had this game since the end of July, and I had no idea we could do that.


4378431 Hey... that's the same Razer keyboard I'm typing on right now.

Overwatch is cancer.

4378937 stop peeing in our cereal.

4378958 that's not the duke

.... R ... F G V...

Not every day I see another person who uses a thumb-ball mouse for gaming. I actually wasn't aware Microsoft even made them, seems like Logitech is pretty much all there is these days.

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