• Member Since 16th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 15th, 2020


If you happen to cry, I will be there. If you happen to smile, will you do the same for me?

More Blog Posts59

  • 330 weeks
    EqF Contest Results

    Hello, all!

    After a month of sporadic activity time to get back to things! Namely, time to announce the winner of my very first contest! :)

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    4 comments · 811 views
  • 331 weeks
    Barcast Shout-out

    Hello, all!

    It’s been a crazy January so far (and looks like it will continue to be for a while), but I’d like to echo a request made by the Barcast.
    In brief, the goal is to keep their official YouTube channel in the partners program and help (real) horses get taken care of thanks to a horse charity. :)

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    6 comments · 521 views
  • 333 weeks
    Equestrian Fanfiction & Contest

    Hi, all!

    A much delayed happy 2018 and thank you for always bringing a smile to my face :)

    A week ago Equestrian Fanfiction ended (after 370 days :)). It was a tremendous ride, and a great experience thanks to your constant support and comments :)

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    10 comments · 572 views
  • 337 weeks
    Pinkie Collaboration Fic

    Hello, all!

    The unmistakable Ceffyl has announced that he’ll be doing a massive collaboration fic next year. :D Participation is open to all (which is why I volunteered to try and take part :))!

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    3 comments · 438 views
  • 337 weeks
    December, Daily, and More

    Heya, all!

    As you’ve noticed I’ve been less active lately. I rarely comment anymore and mostly focus on my daily. :( Hopefully, that will change after the 21st when I’ll be on holiday (and for sure from next year, when Equestrian Fanfiction will have been complete.)

    You’ve been so incredibly patient with me and I can’t thank you enough. :)

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    4 comments · 482 views

Update and potential schedule · 1:55pm Aug 10th, 2015

After recent developments (thanks again, all :)), I'll start posting schedule updates every few weeks.

First off the one shots (I'll still try to do a few of these on a weekly basis)

1) Sound-Flying - Rainbow's New Obsession - a practice short focused on Rainbow Dash, for this character challenge

2) To the One I Love - my first Equestria Girls short for the **** THIS PROMPT 5 contest

3) Who is Bulk Biceps' Special Somepony? - originally meant as one shot for this weekly prompt, but I failed to meet the deadline and decided to split it in chapters.

My first attempt at romantic comedy, so any/all suggestions/advice/help appreciated :D

That said, I'll be focusing the next few days on my standard story updates: "Amnesia Corners" will go first, followed by "Sun's Spymaster" and "Troubles Everchanging"

As usual any thoughts there are appreciated :)

Following that will start the outline of the Spider Web story ( :D )

Thank you all, for always being helpful!

Enjoy a great day!


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