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Gadies and Lentlemen.... · 11:14pm Mar 21st, 2014

Friends, Romans, me a beer!

After a long and hard session of absolutely nothing, we of the All-American Girl Saga group's Monthly Challenge Review Committee have looked at the March fics (all two of them) and after determination, selected the Winrar:

The Long Arm, by Flynt Coal.

As a result, he gets a nifty badge to add to his story part! Congratulations to both our entrants and here's hoping for more mayhem for this month's one!

Report Shinzakura · 235 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Aw, only Nacho and myself participated? That's a shame. Wonder why you got such small turnout? Still, as I said over PM, I'm honoured just to have been able to participate, let alone take home the prize!

Also, you never did reveal who that mystery artist is!

Um...that's because the mystery artist had to bow out, so I'll have to add it to the ever-growing artwork that I need to do for the site.:twilightsheepish:

Come on, people, did you seriously need several days before you decided that somebody else writes better than me? You need to be seriously mentally addled before you can write worse than my 'pulling teeth' style!

The coin in the coin toss landed on its side for several days. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright::trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright::unsuresweetie:

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