• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago

Art Inspired

8000 soldiers!

Namaste, things about myself:

I am your author... and you...
All of you are my beloved readers.

I live in Syrup Village. It's nice! My only real friends there, though are these three kids. They pre-read many of my works that I do for the site, and I couldn't do this without them actually. If I ever leave to do something with my life like... oh, I dunno, become a pirate someday or something, I sure will miss it here.

First things first. I don't draw. I can only, and will only ever write as a form of creative art. When I do try to draw anything at all, it always comes out looking like complete doodoo.

I am a fairly well known and outspoken advocate of creative freedom. I'm not necessarily into just anything, but with that said, let it be known that I have always believed in individuals being allowed to fictitiously draw and/or write without restraint. At the same time, nobody should ever allow themselves to be confused with the difference between what is fiction, and what is reality. Making this mistake can lead to terrible, and irreversible outcomes. Remember that all stories on this site aren't real in the slightest, and they should not be interpreted in any other way.

My favorite pony is Fluttershy.

My favorite emote on the site is :pinkiesmile: and I use it often.

I am the creator of the Button Mash Group.

I am also the current and proud owner of the Boobies and even more Boobies Group. (NSFW)

Finally, I am currently an admin and the newest Rule Keeper of the Foalcon Group. (NSFW)

Allow me to clear the air. I love, love, love Ponybooru, and I'm only mildly trying to tolerate Derpibooru. I don't even feel like linking you to Derpibooru. I link people to Derpibooru plenty via my blogs of pony pictures. In my opinion, Ponybooru is much better.

A few of my favorite artists include Cold-Blooded Twilight, Ampderg, VectorVito, Evehly, MidnightDancer (aka) Squigglz, Conicer, HeartsCharm, and more.

My favorite shows other than My Little Pony are things like Dragon Ball Z, Cowboy Bebop, all sorts of anime, nearly any of the older classic cartoons, and much, much more.

I'm also a very active video gamer.

Did I forget to mention? My childhood favorite iconic fictional hero is Sonic the Hedgehog. I've been playing Sonic's games for as long as I can remember! I've even recently posted a crossover story. I also simply can't help but to adore the chao of Sonic's world.

I listen to all sorts of music, and am into many, many different types of things.








My writing process:
I don't have one. It happens when it happens.:ajsmug:

Comments ( 1943 )
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(Revealing three swords) Agreed

3405691 As Luffy might say,
Shut up! Let's GO!!!

Same as always. I just wanted to join your crew if you follow me.

That's Captain "God" Usopp, to you!
And hey, how've you been?

Hello, Usopp

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TheCrazyAsian and I tied on a competition years and years ago. So, now, I must feature his story on my page, FOREVER!