> The Young Warrior: A Stroke Of Luck > by Melody Song > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Missing You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apex and Zenith were chasing each other around in the fields outside the Hive. Pharynx sighed as he watched the nymphs, laying down in the grass. “Nice weather, isn’t it?” Thorax asked his brother as he laid beside him. “If you say so.” “Clear skies for miles.” “Yep.” “I bet if we flew high enough we could see all the way to the Crystal Empire.” “Sure we could.” “Okay, what is up with you?” Thorax asked, poking his brother in the side. “Usually when I say something like that you do some kind of quip.” Pharynx sighed and sat up. “I’m sorry. I’m just not thinking right today.” “Or maybe you’re thinking too much.” Ocellus suggested as she trotted over. Pharynx stared at her blankly. “Where did you come from?” “I mean,” Ocellus continued without answering, “Today is, you know, the anniversary of the Canterlot Invasion and– ow!” Zenith had dashed over and jabbed her in the side, making a shushing motion. Ocellus looked at him in confusion. “What?” Pharynx grunted and stood up, trotting off. Zenith gave Ocellus a glare. “Come on Ocellus, even I know that the Canterlot Invasion was when Fortuna died!” Zenith hissed. “Oh, um, oops.” Ocellus chuckled nervously. “Sorry.” “Papa Thorax, how come Uncle Pharynx always gets upse’ about For’una?” Apex asked. Thorax picked him up, sighing sadly. “Fortuna was very close with both of us, she raised us as though we were her own children, and we looked up to her. She was our mom.” “I didn’t know Pharynx was so close with her.” Ocellus said softly. Thorax chuckled softly. “They were inseparable. When she died, she even left him her name.” “Huh?” Apex asked, blinking in confusion. “Leaving someone your name is a right reserved for only the highest ranking changelings, Pexy.” Zenith responded. “Hunty told me about it. If Fortuna left Pharynx her name, then it means he can do whatever he wants with it.” “Most ‘lings change their own name or give the name to their kids.” Ocellus added. “More than that, warriors usually give their names to others in their family.” Thorax emphasized, nuzzling Apex. “Fortuna left Pharynx her name because she loved him like her own son.” “Wha’ ‘bout you Papa Thorax?” Apex asked “Well, when she died I was still an outcast, remember? I’m sure she intended some things to be given to me, but because I was rankless I never got them. Other than that, most of her old things that didn’t go to Pharynx were left as memorials in the Veterans Hall. But that’s where they belong.” Thorax kissed Apex on the forehead. “I guess that’s why Pharynx visits the Veteran’s Hall for so long,” Ocellus hummed, trailing off in thought. “Maybe we should do something to cheer him up.” Zenith suggested “A par’y for Uncle Pharynx!” Apex cheered. “I don’t think he’d like a party, but maybe a gift.” Thorax said slowly, hesitant to agree to something he figured Pharynx might not be comfortable with. “Can it be a joke gift?” Ocellus asked. “No!” “Fine.” “Come on, let’s go inside.” Thorax sighed in exasperation, and the four headed back into the Hive. Thorax, Apex, and Ocellus went in search of Pharynx, while Zenith went off to find Hunter. Unbeknownst to his family, Pharynx was currently sitting in the memorial room of the Veteran’s Hall. He sat before a grave marker that consisted of a simple stone slab, with the image of a golden necklace engraved on it. “Hey mom.” Pharynx whispered, touching the memorial. “I know it’s today, I hope you know too.” Pharynx ducked his head, scuffing his hoof on the ground silently. He finally sighed and smiled sadly at the stone marking where her grave would have been, had her body been found. “I miss you mom.” Pharynx laid down on his stomach, pressing his muzzle against the memorial. “I wish I could see you again.” “Uncle Pharynx?” Apex trotted over, and he raised his head, letting the nymph curl up in his hooves. “Papa Thorax said you we’e sad.” “Well, he’s an idiot.” Pharynx replied. “Then how come you’e crying?” Apex asked. “I-I am not!” Pharynx stammered, as Thorax came up behind him, chuckling. Ocellus was close by, though she stayed further back out of respect. “Sure you aren’t.” Thorax laid down beside his brother, reaching to press his head against the memorial. “Hey mom. I don’t think we’ve introduced you to Apex yet, officially.” Apex stopped and stared at the memorial, touching it with his tiny nose. “Tha’s me! ‘M Apex and I’m a wa’ior like you!” Thorax chuckled and kissed Apex on the forehead. “He’s my baby boy. And Pharynx’s deputy.” Apex nodded proudly. “And I got a boyf’iend!” Thorax laughed softly and hugged him. Pharynx chuckled dryly, staring at the memorial. “Uncle Pharynx?” Apex asked, and he glanced over. “D-Do you wish she was he’e?” “Of course I do. Every day.” Pharynx responded, eyes watering. “Sometimes I think about what I’d do if she was still here.” “She’d like you, Apex.” Thorax said, nuzzling the nymph. “I wish I could mee’ her.” Apex said, squirming in his father’s hold. “Me too grub.” Pharynx sighed, standing up and trotting away. “Phar?” “She’s not coming back though, like you said Thorax. She never will.” Pharynx said dully, walking away. “When did you say that?” Ocellus asked Thorax, who sighed. “Back when it first happened, Pharynx was… I’d never seen him like that before. He was frantic, rushing around and screaming for Fortuna, almost begging her to come back. I was trying to calm him down, but I made it worse. He searched through the forest for hours before he passed out from exhaustion.” “Then wha’ happened?” Apex asked, and Thorax looked away. “I didn’t have enough strength to carry him back to the Hive by myself, so I curled up beside him and went to sleep. He seemed back to normal the next day, so we went back to the Hive. I didn’t realize until we got back that he hadn’t actually gone back to normal. He’d just accepted she had really died and was grieving.” Thorax sniffled quietly, and the two nymphs hugged him. “It’s okay Papa Thorax, it’s no’ your fault.” Apex said. “It’s Chrysalis’ fault.” Ocellus murmured, and Apex shuddered. Thorax nodded with a small sigh, putting his hooves around them both. “Come on, you two, let’s go find Pharynx.” “Can we s’ill cheer him up?” Apex asked “Of course we can, my little warrior.” Thorax said, booping his son on the nose. Apex giggled and smiled. “Le’s go fin’ him!” Thorax smiled, placing Apex on his back and leading Ocellus out, feeling much happier now. They would find Pharynx, and cheer him up again. > Attack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Idiots.” Pharynx grumbled to himself as he left the Hive, storming out into the open fields. He had just spotted some of his recruits goofing off when they were supposed to be training. “Please go on patrols with at least one other soldier, Pharynx, you know we’ve been hearing about some strange activity at the border.” Thorax’s words echoed in Pharynx’s mind as he headed to the forest at the edge of their territory. He just scoffed, stomping into the woods. “I’m the General, I should be able to decide if I feel like taking backup. It’s not like those idiots would be useful anyway, they’d just end up shooting their own hooves if they ran into trouble.” he grumbled, not noticing the sudden rustling of the vegetation behind him. “Then again, I suppose bait would be useful.” As Pharynx contemplated the pros and cons of going back to get a soldier to join him, a shadow-cloaked figure watched him from afar. Finally, Pharynx paused, realizing the forest had gone quiet. The only sound in the green was his own hoofsteps, as even the wildlife had gone still. Something wasn’t right. He pricked his ears and looked around cautiously, baring his teeth. “Whoever’s out there, show yourself.” Pharynx hissed, but nothing moved. He glared around, releasing a threatening snarl. A rustling caught his attention at last. He growled and lunged at the movement, only to fall straight through a bush and land hard on his stomach. Pharynx groaned, standing up again, then looked down to see what had made the noise. It was a chipmunk. Pharynx facehoofed, mentally scolding himself for not thinking. “Who am I, Thorax? Since when am I this paranoid?” Pharynx sighed and turned away from the chipmunk to continue on his walk. But right as he was about to take a step forward, something sliced through the trees and cut into his shoulder. He let out a hiss of pain and surprise, stepping backwards and staring in the direction the object had gone. An arrow had become stuck in the tree behind him. Pharynx’s ears pinned to his head as hissing suddenly erupted from all around him. The forest was no longer silent. Unreformed changelings, rogues, crept out of the undergrowth from all around him. Some flew down from trees while others shifted back from disguises of rocks and bushes. Normally, Pharynx would not have backed away from them and just charged straight on. But this time – and he hated to admit it – there were too many. He’d never be able to fight them all, especially if they charged as one like swarms were supposed to. Pharynx still stood his ground after allowing himself a step backwards from surprise. “Stay back.” Pharynx warned, his antlers igniting. “I will not run.” The rogue changelings gave no response, other than more hissing. Pharynx glared, putting on a snarling expression to rival Chrysalis in her prime. His eyes went wide and threatening, focusing on them in an unbending, fixated stare. His mouth opened to show his teeth, still somewhat sharp fangs glistening. Pharynx’s stance mimicked his expression, straight and tall with one hoof raised, his back legs tense in preparation to spring at a moment’s notice. The rogue changelings, to their credit, didn’t show any fear. But oh, could Pharynx taste it. The bitter wash of almost suffocating fright covered the swarm like a blanket. And he drank it all. Fueled by the utter terror he himself had caused in their numbers, Pharyrnx lunged. The rogues barely had time to react, only managing threatening hisses before Pharynx knocked into the ones directly in front of him. The fight began, and Pharynx felt the world slow down. He reacted faster than he usually could, his eyes scanning over the battlefield. Somehow, he could see everything. Every possibility. If he hit that group, the others would rush to take over, allowing him to skid around and come at them from behind. If that other group charged in one direction, he could swerve and hit them from the side, knocking them into the stragglers. Those two changelings seemed to be the leaders, if he took them out he could easily assert dominance and scare the rest away. So he did. He went for the first two groups he saw plausible wins from, and then headed for the ringleaders. But before he could get there, he paused, struck with a sudden thought. He seemed to be moving faster than logically possible, but was somehow maintaining his focus and gaining the ability to see every action before it happened. Only one creature he knew could do that, last he checked. Unfortunately, the moment Pharynx paused to consider this, time resumed its normal flow. He fell to the ground mid-leap, misjudging the landing and crashing into the earth. One of the leading changelings seized the opportunity provided, and quickly sunk their fangs into his shoulder blade. Pharynx gasped out a hiss of pain as he felt the venom coursing through his veins. He staggered as he tried to stand, forelegs buckling under his weight. Pharynx scrambled up and snarled, blasting the changeling backwards with his magic. They let out a cry as they were launched into the trees, but noling else looked threatened. Pharynx panted, struggling to focus as the venom took effect. Something stabbed into his hind leg and he cried out, stumbling again. A changeling jumped onto him from behind, and Pharynx felt them bite down on the back of his neck. He collapsed to the ground, strength already dwindling due to the first venom-filled bite, antlers sparking weakly as he struggled to get up. The rogue changelings converged on him, but Pharynx managed to force himself to his hooves, and with an almighty roar, he tossed most of them off. Pharynx stood on trembling legs, panting, surrounded by rogue changelings. The unreformed lings struggled to get up from where Pharynx had tossed them, too dazed to move. The beta changeling managed a slight grin. “Rogues zero, Pharynx… more than zero.” He slurred, the venom numbing his body from antler to tail. Despite the numbness closing in, Pharynx still attempted to charge his magic enough to fire a shot. Suddenly, a dagger that glistened with some kind of black fluid came flying out of the trees, so fast that Pharynx didn’t even have time to react. The blade stabbed directly into Pharynx’s side, just under his carapace. The beta changeling staggered and collapsed to the ground at last, the magic gathered at his antlers releasing, firing off into the air before fizzling out uselessly. Pharynx lay on the ground, head falling as he finally accepted defeat. As the rogue changelings began to converge on him, he managed to open his eyes just briefly, to get a good look at his attackers. Unable to hold his eyes open, Pharynx allowed himself to fall unconscious, hoping his death would at least be quick. Strangely, Pharynx thought he saw a flash of gold just before his eyes could close completely, triggering a jolt of energy inside his mind. But before he could raise his head to try and get a closer look – and he couldn’t lift it if he tried – he passed out. > A Sign? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Whe’e’s Uncle Pharynx?!” “He has to be around here somewhere, keep looking!” “The signal was from over here, right?” “Papa Thorax, look! Blood!” “Pharynx!” Pharynx gave no response from where he lay on the ground, completely unconscious and unaware of anything going on around him. Though there were signs of the brutal fight due to the destruction of some of the surrounding foliage, none of the unreformed changelings remained. They had disappeared without a trace, even having abandoned their prey. The only sounds in the woods now came from Thorax, Ocellus, and Apex as they called for Pharynx. Unbeknownst to the three changelings looking for Pharynx, a single cloaked figure stood over the wounded beta ling, examining the dagger embedded in his side. The figure tilted its head slightly, judging whether it would be better to leave the blade in or remove it. They came to a decision as the sound of hoofsteps grew closer. Grasping the dagger in a black, hole-riddled hoof, they yanked it swiftly but firmly out from Pharynx’s carapace, setting it beside him as red blood seeped out from the wound. They then reached their hoof out and lifted Pharynx’s head, pulling a folded up blanket from under their cloak and placing it under his head like a pillow. Finally, they gently stroked the beta changeling’s antlers, before leaving with a whirl of their cloak. Just as the figure faded into the woods, Thorax, Ocellus, and Apex found their lost family member. “P-Pharynx?” Ocellus’ tail went between her legs like a sad puppy, while Apex let out a soft, dismayed cry. Thorax rushed forwards and carefully inspected his brother. “Ocellus, come help me, Apex, run and get Cilia or Needle, hurry!” Thorax instructed, and the two did as they were told. Ocellus ran to Pharynx and began examining him, her past training as a medic apprentice kicking in. “He has a scratch on his shoulder here, and a crossbow arrow stabbed into his leg, but it looks like it was knocked out. A dagger, obviously, but he must have pulled it out. Bite marks on the back of the neck and shoulder blade.” Ocellus noted, poking Pharynx’s snout. “Unresponsive.” “Something’s on this dagger, it’s got an unusual gleam on it.” Thorax nudged at the handle of the dagger as Ocellus tugged the blanket out from under Pharynx’s head. “Where did this come from?” Ocellus asked. Thorax shrugged, lifting the dagger in his magic. Ocellus left the blanket and walked over to him, watching the alpha changeling examine the blade. “We should take this to the Alchemy lings.” Thorax murmured, turning the dagger over in his magic, noting the faintest traces of a black substance on the metal. “There’s something on the blade that definitely isn’t blood.” Apex then emerged from the trees, Needle fast behind him. The medic carried his bags in his mouth, gaze set in firm focus. The two skidded to a halt beside Thorax, and Needle immediately turned to Ocellus. “Dagger wound under the carapace, scratch on the shoulder, stab in the leg from an arrow, bite marks on shoulderblade and neck.” Ocellus relayed what she had found. “Sounds like the work of unreformed changelings.” Needle said as he bent to examine the Pharynx. “These are definitely changeling bites, and crossbow arrows and daggers were our main arsenal.” “Needle, there’s something on this dagger, I-I think some kind of poison. Will he be alright?” “He should be fine, Thorax, the venom will wear off in a couple hours, though he was bitten twice so recovery might take a bit longer. The wounds we can just bandage. As for whatever is on that dagger, we’ll ask Almexa to confirm, but it’s probably not serious enough to be a threat.” Needle assured him, taking the dagger from the King and placing it in a sealed bag he pulled from his supplies. “O-Okay.” Thorax took a steadying breath, looking at the others. “We need to move him out of the woods, take him to his room.” “Let’s hurry. I don’t like being out here unprotected if somecreature was able to bring down Pharynx.” Ocellus shuddered. Thorax nodded in agreement, looking around nervously. Needle quickly bandaged Pharynx’s wounds, then Thorax lifted him in his magic, laying his injured brother on his back. “Let’s go, he’s heavier than he looks.” Thorax said with a soft grunt of exertion, as Apex flew over to nuzzle his uncle’s cheek. The group made it back to the Hive without any incident, though word of the Prince’s injuries spread fast from onlookers. Soon, panic began to sink in as they realized what this meant. The Hive’s most formidable warrior had been beaten by rogue changelings. Both the fact that it was their own kind who managed to defeat the Prince and the fact that it was Pharynx who'd been beaten rattled the Hive to the core. The changelings were terrified, despite the royal family’s best efforts to comfort them. This was partly due to the fact that while the Hive was swept with panic, Thorax was admittedly ignoring his job. He had taken to pacing around in Pharynx’s room, watching his brother’s fitful sleep. The beta changeling had woken up once, briefly, but before Needle or Cilia could be summoned, he had passed out again. So Thorax stayed with him, refusing to leave his brother’s side. “I’m sure it’s just his body having trouble reacting to being bitten twice, Thorax.” Ocellus tried to comfort him. “I-I mean, changeling venom is really powerful, and they got him twice in different places.” “He still should’ve slept it off by now.” Thorax resumed his pacing. “I-I’m sure it was whatever was on the dagger, what is taking Almexa so long to test it?!” Ocellus sighed and sat down in a corner, realizing the King was too upset to listen to her reasoning. Apex was in a similar state, curled up beside Pharynx and cuddled into his chitin. “Papa Thorax?” Apex asked softly, and he glanced over. “W-What if he doesn’ wake up?” “H-He will.” Thorax stammered. “He has to.” Apex stared up at Thorax’s teary eyes, then looked at Pharynx. He got up and moved closer to his head, nosing him. “Uncle Pharynx? Please wake up, you’e making me an’ Papa Thorax sad.” Pharynx groaned softly in his sleep, but didn’t wake. Apex whimpered softly, resting beside the larger changeling’s head, gently nosing his uncle. “He won’t be up for a while, I’m afraid.” Cilia spoke quietly, entering the room with a grave expression on her face. “W-What? Why?” Thorax’s voice was shaking. “We heard back from Almexa.” Cilia hesitated, sighing. “The dagger was coated with the juice of Bacas Somni Aterni.” “W-What?! But they’re called Berries of Eternal Sleep for a reason!” Ocellus jumped up, looking alarmed. “You told me that they cause-” “I know, Ocellus.” Cilia trotted over to the bed to check on Pharynx, pressing a hoof to his forehead to monitor his temperature. “But he got lucky. The dagger went under his carapace and did end up embedded in his side, yes. However the juices didn’t get a chance to fully sink into his bloodstream before we found him. If it hadn’t been removed when it was, well, it would be a different story.” The medic's voice trailed off, letting the terrifying possibility hang in the air. “S-So he’ll survive?” Thorax asked at last. “He’s not out of the woods yet. But the fact that he’s alive now means that yes, he will.” Cilia confirmed, and they all breathed a synchronous sigh of relief. “Hang in there, brother.” Thorax moved closer to the bed to rub his cheek against Pharynx’s, feeling his brother subconsciously shift his head into the touch. “You’re gonna be okay.” > Who Done It? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Now that we know Pharynx is going to be okay, I-I think we should try to find out where these rogue unreformed changelings came from.” Ocellus suggested as she, Apex, and Thorax left Pharynx’s room. “I know, but we don’t have any leads anyway. Most of the guards are too scared to go out and search.” Thorax replied. “Reasonable. Following the logic that if these unreforms were able to injure Pharynx that badly, they wouldn’t stand a chance.” Hunter spoke up, trotting up to join the three. “Sorry about the interruption, Thorax, but I actually just came back from scouting where Pharynx fought those changelings.” “You did?” Thorax blinked, and Hunter nodded, pulling his crossbow off his back and holding it in one hoof – the appropriate stance for speaking to royalty. “As you know, I’m one of the only competent soldiers left now, and I figured since Pharynx was out of commission I should do what he would want done and survey the area where the fight took place.” “Full repor’ Hun’er.” Apex ordered, and Hunter nodded at the little nymph respectfully. Hunter was a more experienced warrior, and Pharynx would often defer leadership to him when needed, but Apex was the deputy, so his word was still law. “I scouted the area for any suspicious activity, but found nothing. It seems the attack was a hit and run. They waited for one of the royal family to arrive, then struck. I found an arrow in a tree, probably misfired, and a broken arrow on the ground, likely the one that actually struck its mark.” Hunter produced the two arrows from under his carapace, laying them out on the ground. “An’thing else?” Apex asked “Aside from dried blood and dents in the trees from where they either put Pharynx or he put them, no. Although… I did find this.” Hunter held up the folded blanket Ocellus had left after pulling it from under Pharynx. “That’s the thing that Pharynx’s head was propped up on.” Ocellus noted. “Which is weird. Attackers wouldn’t have done that.” Hunter pointed out, unfolding the blanket. As he did, a golden flash caught Thorax’s attention. He lifted the blanket up in his magic, examining it. It was only a golden swirl of fabric in one corner of the brown blanket. He blinked in confusion and put it down, sighing. “There was no clue where this came from at all?” “I could only tell it’s been unfolded and folded in this same style multiple times, as if it was being used regularly. Probably being slept on by someone.” Hunter replied. “And the changelings couldn’a d’opped i’ in the fight. They wouldn’ve brought an’thing unnec’sary.” Apex added. “I agree. So either this is some form of freaky magic… or someone else was there with Pharynx between the attack and when you three showed up.” Hunter concluded. “But if they were friendly enough to give Pharynx this blanket then why didn’t they show themselves when we arrived?” Ocellus asked. “Maybe they just didn’t want to be found.” Hunter shrugged. “Who knows, they could be like Thorax, Pharynx, and Apex were. Rogues who weren’t sure if they would be welcomed anywhere.” As Apex slung the blanket over his back, Ocellus hummed thoughtfully. “Do you think they’re worth looking into…?” “Not at the moment. Whoever it was didn’t seem to harm Pharynx in any way, so they likely don’t pose a threat.” Hunter told her, looking back at Apex and Thorax. “In the meantime, what should we do about investigating the unreforms?” “Ge’ some of the o’er good soldiers to help you search around the border. Repor’ the second you find an’thing that looks suspicious. Also put some scoutlings ‘round the Hive so they can warn us.” Apex instructed, and Hunter nodded, saluting him. “Right away, Apex-legatus.” Hunter bowed to his King before trotting off. Thorax paid him no mind, though, instead smiling softly at his nymph. “Good job Apex.” “I'm just doin’ what Uncle Pharynx would wan’.” Apex objected, but Ocellus hugged him. “Yes, but it’s your command! Good job!” Apex giggled and squirmed in protest as Ocellus began to nuzzle him. Thorax smiled sadly as he watched his son, a melancholic thought drifting into his mind long enough to halt the momentary happiness. “Apex is a wonderful deputy, and he’ll make a great general one day… I just wish he were leading now under different circumstances.” Thorax sighed sadly, but managed a proud smile as Apex looked up at him. He picked the nymph up, nuzzling him. “Come on my little warrior, let’s go get a snack, then we’ll see about investigating those rogues.” “Okay!” Thorax smiled softly and carried the youngling off, Ocellus following behind. Soon after, they were seated in the throne room, going over all the records of the reformed changelings and comparing them to old records from when the Hive was unreformed. “Not a single changeling is missing from the roster. We actually added some since new nymphs have been born.” Ocellus said, scanning through the records. “Then where did these changelings come from?” Thorax murmured. “Wai’ a minute.” Apex dragged over a file labeled Fatalities and opened it. “...Papa Thorax, Celly, how many of these ‘re confirm’ed?” Ocellus reached over and took the file, opening it and scanning the contents. “Wait… I think you’re onto something Apex. Some of these deaths are unconfirmed because they happened during battles and no bodies were ever recovered… what if…” “They were just hiding out until someone found them, and they were found!” Thorax finished the thought. “By Chrysalis herself or a high ranking general, no doubt.” Ocellus added, shutting the file with a soft hiss. “That’s why they suddenly attacked– they had a leader.” “Ocellus, cross-reference the unconfirmed deaths with what we know now. That should give us an estimate of how many could be out there.” Thorax instructed, and Ocellus nodded. “Apex, could you help Hunter with organizing the more capable guards into regular patrols?” “Yes Papa Thorax!” “Thank you sweetie.” “What will you be doing then, Thorax?” Ocellus asked, and Thorax sighed. “The only things I can do. Keep everyone’s hopes up, and pray Pharynx wakes up soon.” He trailed off, mumbling to himself as he looked away from the nymphs. “He’s the only one who knows the full story of what happened…” Ocellus looked at Apex, and the pair shared looks of concern. They could see the lines under Thorax’s eyes, sure signs of fatigue and stress. “Papa Thorax?” Apex asked hesitantly. “Yes Apex?” “Maybe you shoul’ go sleep?” Apex asked, trotting over and nuzzling his father’s hoof. “Y-You haven’ slept a lot.” Thorax sighed and nodded. “You’re right, I should get some rest, I just… I really want to be alert in case something happens.” “We could come get you if anything drastic occurs.” Ocellus suggested. However, something happened at that moment which rendered her offer quite pointless. Cilia and Needle came running into the throne room, catching their attention. The two medics skidded to a halt in the doorway, Cilia panting for breath. “C-Cilia? Needle? What’s–?” “It’s Pharynx!” Cilia gasped out, cutting off Thorax in her hurry to tell them. “W-What about him? Is he alright?!” Thorax asked immediately. “He’s fine, your highness.” Needle said, instinctually calling Thorax by his royal title, too frantic to make the correction. “He’s waking up!” > Awaken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thorax, Apex, and Ocellus wasted no time in rushing to Pharynx’s room, Cilia and Needle fast behind. They burst in, heading for the beta changeling’s bed, frantic to see him. Sure enough, he was stirring from his position under the covers, groaning softly. Thorax reached out and gently rubbed his hoof along the back of Pharynx’s neck to help rouse him. “Pharynx?” Thorax asked softly. The Prince’s eyes opened slowly, and his soft lavender gaze turned to the changelings above, stare unfocused and dull. Then, as Pharynx slowly regained his senses, his eyes fixed themselves on the three. He groaned again, head mashing down into the pillow in place of being unable to lift his hoof to rub it. “T-Tuney?” Pharynx whispered softly, and Thorax frowned. “N-No Pharynx, it’s me,” He said, nosing his brother so he would look up at them. “Thorax.” “I know that, dimwit.” Pharynx closed his eyes again. “She was here, the gold…” “Phar,” Thorax nuzzled him. “Come on, stay awake.” Pharynx jolted slightly, then sat up abruptly, looking panicked. His brain finally seemed to catch up with him as he recalled what had happened to him. “Rogue changelings! Thorax, we–!” “Pharynx, it’s okay!” Thorax used his magic to lay his brother back down. “We know. Don’t worry, they’re not here, you’re safe.” “But they…” Pharynx blinked, before taking a closer look at his surroundings. “Where am I?” “Your room.” Ocellus piped up, gently nudging him. “Stay still, you’re not going to help your injuries by thrashing like that.” “How bad is it?” Pharynx asked softly, as Apex jumped onto the bed and curled up between his forelegs, staring at him. “I, well, they– oh Pharynx!” Thorax just hugged him tightly, tears beginning to fall. “Y-You could’ve–” Pharynx sighed and rested his head on Thorax’s shoulder, closing his eyes as he understood the unspoken word. “But I didn’t.” “Just barely.” Cilia spoke from where she and Needle had been standing at the door. “Sorry to interrupt.” “It’s fine. As long as you’re here, why don’t you tell me how bad it is? Someone has to since these three won’t do it.” Pharynx responded, not moving from his current position, though his voice was dripping with authority. “Glad to see you’ve got your attitude back.” Needle remarked dryly, smirking. “As for your injuries, tell us what you remember first, then we can talk.” Thorax pulled back slightly and Pharynx sighed, resting his head on the pillow. “I was walking through the forest, doing a solo patrol, then suddenly became aware everything was silent. The unreforms showed themselves, attacked me without warning, and I fought back… then nothing.” “Y-You can’t remember anything about the fight?” Thorax asked nervously. “Bits and pieces.” Pharynx closed his eyes but continued talking. “They fired three arrows and missed twice, I think the third one got lodged in my leg. They bit me a couple times too. I did hold them off for a bit, but then they tossed the dagger at me and that’s all I can remember.” “Unfortunately, that’s what we expected.” Cilia sighed. “You’re very lucky Pharynx, that dagger was coated with Berries of Eternal Sleep. If it had remained stuck in your side any longer, then it would have… well, you wouldn’t be here now.” “Yeah, well, thanks for getting it out of me.” “We didn’ do that.” Apex said, poking Pharynx’s cheek gently. “You did.” “I think I would’ve remembered that, Apex.” “Then who did?” Ocellus murmured, but her question went unheard as Needle spoke. “Is there anything else at all you can tell us about what happened?” “...Right before I blacked out, I thought I saw something charging at the unreforms.” Pharynx admitted. “It was covered by a dark cloak or something, so I didn’t get a good look, but I did see a flash of gold. I’m sure of it.” “Alright, thank you Pharynx.” Cilia said, nodding to him. “Try to rest for now, if you need anything, I’m sure Thorax and the others will be here when you wake up.” Pharynx nodded, and the two medics left. He sighed and closed his eyes. “You know what I was talking about, don’t you Thor?” “Of course I do, but it’s impossible.” “Maybe not, her body was never found.” “I suppose Chrysalis didn’t exactly look too hard to find it…” “You and I both know we’ve only seen gold like that in two places.” Pharynx finished, eyes opening to peer out at his brother. “Royal regalia, and…” “Fortuna.” Thorax breathed softly, shaking his head. “But that’s impossible, she died, like you said.” Ocellus objected. “I know, but I'm sure I saw her.” Pharynx told Ocellus, closing his eyes once more. “Either her or Felix Monilia.” “Who?” Ocellus asked, but Pharynx had fallen asleep again with a sigh. “Thorax, what did he mean?” “Felix Monilia is the Old Tongue, Ocellus.” Thorax said, sitting down on the floor and gesturing for her to sit with him while Apex nuzzled against Pharynx. “Translated, it means–” “Lucky Necklace.” Ocellus looked up at him. “Does it have something to do with her?” “As far as we knew, it was some kind of family heirloom, Fortuna was the first to use it.” Thorax said, making gestures with his hooves. “It had a way of letting her move faster when she activated its magic. Time seemed to slow enough that she could dodge something moving towards her in a split-second. It also heightened her already sharp ability to see cause and effect, she could take down any enemy without them even knowing what happened.” “So that’s why she was Aureum In Generali.” Ocellus murmured, and Thorax nodded. “Partly. I think what Pharynx means is that it’s possible someone found Felix Monilia, and has been using it. Though why they’d show up near the Hive is the part that doesn’t make sense.” “Maybe it really is For’una.” Apex said, and Thorax sighed. “I don’t know Apex, I’m not sure what to think anymore.” “You should probably get some sleep, Thorax.” Ocellus suggested. “Maybe you’ll think better once you’ve rested.” Thorax nodded, opening his wings and fluttering over to land behind Pharynx, curling up and laying a hoof over his back. The beta changeling grunted in his sleep, but didn’t struggle as Thorax gently tugged him closer. Apex snuggled up under Pharynx’s chin, falling asleep as well. Ocellus cautiously climbed into the bed as well, looking at Thorax for permission. He nodded to her with a gentle smile, and she smiled back, moving closer before curling up in the space between the brother’s heads. Together, the four changelings went to sleep, huddling close and instinctively sharing love. They slept peacefully, undisturbed for the time being. > Fate Strikes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pharynx spent most of the next few days asleep, his body attempting to recover from the fight and the poison both medics had unfortunately concluded were still in his body. Meanwhile, the others were busy. “Okay, we’ve narrowed it down to a total of twenty five or so rogue changelings who have unconfirmed deaths, but also thirteen Hive-defectors that were logged as currently living here by mistake, they defected before they ever reformed.” Ocellus summarized. She was standing in front of Thorax, Hunter and Apex, who had taken over Pharynx’s duties as a team. Hunter provided the wisdom of an experienced soldier while Apex provided the insight and authority Pharynx would normally have. “Alright, so we deploy the competent guards to track them down, should be easy enough.” Hunter said. “That’s not all though. There's one name in the unconfirmed deaths that stuck out to me.” Ocellus slid the paper over to them. Fortuna Arya Larynx was written there, along with what was known about the changeling’s family and military history. “The Golden General? What about her?” Hunter asked. “Pharynx claims that before he blacked out, he saw something identical to her golden coloration.” Ocellus said, tapping a hoof on the paper. “And as unorthodox as it sounds, given the fact her body was never found, it wouldn’t be impossible that, well...” “Are you suggesting she actually survived the fall?” Thorax asked. “It wouldn’t be unorthodox to at least consider. As you said, she is an unordinary case, with her own means of protecting herself.” Ocellus reminded him. “Yes, but what if it was just Pharynx’s imagination?” “Then explain how we found him out there alone.” Ocellus argued. “If he blacked out before the unreformed changelings were gone, then where did they go? And where did the blanket come from? Someone was there besides Pharynx, someone chased them off who knows Pharynx well enough to try and help him.” “An’ who else bu’ us knows Uncle Pharynx?” Apex added. “Fortuna.” Thorax admitted, keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the ground, tears welling up. “We were like her sons, she loved us, and she said herself she would die to protect us.” “What’s more is that I found old records of Pharynx’s first few months as Head General.” Ocellus laid a file down before them, opening it. “He sent numerous scouting patrols on missions he claimed were to find the missing changelings after the Invasion. But he sent the majority of the patrols in the direction Fortuna was said to fall towards.” “And?” “Not even a piece of her mane. Nothing was ever found.” “What if i’ is For’una?” Apex asked “Forty…” Thorax whispered, shaking his head. “I can’t believe it, I mean, I want to, but...” “For now, we might want to focus on the unreforms.” Hunter suggested as the King trailed off, taking the list of changelings they believed to be the ones who attacked. “How?” “Triangulating scout reports and the direction we believe they fled in, I’d say they’re taking refuge in one of the caves near our territory.” Hunter said, tucking the list under his carapace as he headed for the doorway. “I’ll take some soldiers, we'll start with a gentle scouting approach. We can find out if it really is Chrysalis leading them or just a bunch of rogues with someone smart enough to strategize.” “Be ca’eful Hunter, an’ take a runner in case they a‘tack you.” Apex told him, and he nodded, trotting out. “I guess now all we have to do is wait.” Ocellus said softly. “I hope everything goes okay.” “Hopefully they’re reasonable.” Thorax agreed. “They hur’ Uncle Pharynx.” Apex sat by Thorax’s throne, his chest puffed out as he stared at Ocellus sternly as possible. “They can’ be tha’ eager to compromise.” ~~~ Sure enough, Zenith, evidently the runner changeling that Hunter had taken with his soldiers, came rushing in about an hour later. He had a bruise forming on his side, and Apex immediately rushed over and pulled him into a hug. “Nithy, wha’ happened?!” “We approached the caves and they must’ve been staying there because they attacked us on sight!” Zenith hid his face in Apex’s chest, shivering. “I-I left Hunter behind.” “We’ll make sure they’re safe Nithy, I p’omise!” Apex nuzzled his boyfriend soothingly, then left him in Ocellus’ care, turning to his father. “Papa Thorax, we gotta go help!” “I’m right behind you, Apex.” Thorax said, glancing at Ocellus nervously. “But what about Pharynx?” “Zenith and I will look after him, Thorax. He’s in no condition to fight, just go!” Ocellus urged. Thorax nodded, rushing after the nymph as they raced to help their fellow changelings. When they arrived, it was reforms against unreforms. Hunter’s soldiers were putting up a commendable effort to fight back the rogues, but they had been a small patrol compared to the unreformed clan, and a few were already unconscious. Apex charged in, swiftly putting his skills to use as he began dodging through the bigger changelings. Pharynx had taught him well, Apex drawing on his guidance to use his size to his advantage, launching surprise attacks by biting their legs and tripping them up. Thorax skirted the battle, knowing well that he was not a fighter, not well enough to hold his own against so many opponents, anyway. Instead, he used where his own talents lay, gathering the injured reforms to his side to lead them away from the fight. But then, as he fought, Apex was knocked to the ground by a larger rogue changeling, whose hooves kicked at him menacingly. He let out a startled shriek of pain as he landed in the dust a few feet away from the rogue. Thorax gasped, his paternal instincts flaring up as his son was tossed aside. “Apex!” The alpha changeling lowered his head and charged into the fray at last, knocking an oncoming rogue away from the nymph before scooping him up in his hooves. “Stay away from my son!” Apex blushed in embarrassment but sunk into Thorax’s hold, grinning. “Get ‘em Papa Thorax!” The rogue changelings promptly surrounded the alpha, who gulped nervously. His temporary ferocity was fading as he saw the crowd of still-standing unreformed changelings compared to the ones who still remained on his side. “U-Um i-is there any way we can talk this out?” They hissed menacingly, clearly about to lunge at the two. Thorax backed up, putting Apex down onto the ground to let him find his hooves. “Apex, run.” “Huh?” “R-Run back to the others and stay with them.” “‘M no’ leaving you alone Papa Thorax.” Apex said, sinking into a battle stance. “I can help!” Thorax’s ears flattened in dismay, biting onto his lip nervously. The King didn’t see how they would be able to fight them all off. Even as Hunter staggered over, a bite mark on his leg and bearing many other wounds, Thorax knew they were still outnumbered. Apex stood firm at his side all the same, and Hunter merely shook himself to clear his head, prepared to fight. The rogue changelings snarled, converging on the three remaining reformed changelings before they even had time to react. But just as the rogues lunged, a blur of black fabric shot forwards, tackling the attackers closest to the reformed changelings, knocking them to the ground. Thorax, Apex, and Hunter stared in shock at the being that had rushed in from out of nowhere to defend them. The creature had a hooded cloak on and a mask was covering their face, their identity completely disguised. They kept their back to the reformed changelings even as they took out all the attacking rogues. Some of the unreformed changelings ran at the mere sight of the masked creature, as though they’d seen them before and were scared of being targeted. Many of the rogues collapsed from what were likely venomous bites or else were knocked out from blows, while others retreated out of fear. Finally, the rogues were either gone or lying unconscious on the ground. The figure turned to the King and two soldiers with a nod. Their hood tilted back slightly, showing their disguise in full. The mask framed by the hood of their cloak was black with gray and gold streaks of paint splashed across the material, gleaming in the sun. The three couldn’t even see the creature’s eyes, as the mask didn’t have holes. Before any of them could speak to try and get the creature to talk, they vanished without a word. “Who was that?” Hunter finally asked after a long moment of silence. “Whoe’er it was, I bet they helped Uncle Pharynx befo’e.” Apex piped up, looking up at his father with wide eyes. “Does that mean what I think it means?” Hunter looked around the scene before them in shock. “...Forty?” Thorax whispered softly. But it wasn’t the King’s voice anymore. It was the voice of a young, trembling nymph, looking for the safety he’d always known in only one creature. “So it is true.” Hunter murmured. “Aureum In Generali lives.”