> A New World, A New Way: Deepground > by ElementBrigade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One: Escaping The War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One Escaping The War Deepground. A top-secret military organization created by Shinra Electric Power Company headed from the secretive Mako Reactor Zero beneath the Shinra Headquarters. Originally the Deepground was a medical division for wounded SOLDIER members for them to recover and be back in tip-top shape to fight. Now it’s been turned into a secret prison for human experimentation to replace the existing SOLDIER program with stronger, unquestionably loyal candidates. Constructed and hidden from the world under the order of President Shinra to create an army of superhuman warriors without morality clouding their judgment. The only individuals who would come to be allowed to know of Deepground's existence at the time would be Heidegger, Scarlet, Professor Hojo, and President Shinra himself. This is the tale of one of Shinra’s superhuman experiments as she soon finds that her fight will continue even off the field of war. It happened in what could be estimated as seconds. There Emma was, running through the midst of chaos on the battlefield between Shinra and Wutai. The field was riddled with bodies of both Wutai and Shinra Soldiers as the soldier of the deepground made her way through the battlefield. Dodge hail of bullets, magic, and explosions caused by either the machines being destroyed by the Wutai soldiers or the machines causing said explosions. Either way, it didn’t matter to her. Right now all she could think of was to get to the rendezvous point. As she landed on the other side of the gap that led to the city, the sound of gunfire from Shinra soldiers and the local military echoed throughout the dead streets of Wutai. Clouds of dust rise from the ground and cover the area of the city in a thick fog. However, her helmet had the means to see through the smoke thanks to Shinra technology. Suddenly a bleep on her motion sensor, something was approaching from the street just up ahead. From what she could pick up from her helmet, it was the soldiers of Wutai Taking cover behind a knocked-over and beaten vending machine, she hid hoping to have them pass by. She stayed motionless as they got close to her spot; she dared to look out after her initial glance from before. The green dots on her motion sensor in her hamlet showed them getting closer but not moving in any sort of flanking maneuver. Most likely they’re oblivious to her presence. As they moved closer to the vending machine, she began to feel anxiety and breathing began to get faster. This wouldn’t be the first time something like this has happened to her. But given how she’s more of a medical and support type soldier, stealth is not her forte for the most part. They seem to not take note of her as they pass her spot. From what she could see as they passed her, the Wutai soldiers weren’t the best geared and didn’t even have visors that had heat-seeking or anything to move through the fog. Hence why they were moving slowly, not tripping and getting injured trying to go faster or be caught by Shinra soldiers. It was unlikely they could see her unless they were skilled at sensing people without the use of materia. Simple soldiers would be blind to their surroundings without a drone or scouts. Neither of which this group showed. Once they were far enough away and she was clear, she moved out of cover and began to move swiftly through the thick fog until she reached a clearer section of the city. She needed to reach the rendezvous point that had been set up on the far side of the city. For that, she needed to continue moving forward. Turning she moved down the streets of Wutai, after reaching the bridge connecting to the main street she took cover behind a building as more Wutai soldiers got closer. Unlike the previous group, they were moving in a well-ordered formation and had better armor. The group paused upon seeing their leader raise his hand as he spoke. “We know you’re hiding, dog of Shinra. Come out now or else you will be killed.” He said which caused Emma to slowly move back away from the corner she was hiding behind. “Fine then.” With that, the soldier that was following him quickly pulled out a grenade from his belt and quickly tossed it over to where Emma was hiding. The deepground soldier’s eyes widened upon seeing this as she quickly barrels rolled out of the way as the grenade exploded. She was then spotted by the soldiers of Wutai who aimed their polearm weapons at her. In retaliation, she quickly pulled out an assault rifle from the holster on her back and aimed at the soldiers. “So that’s what you look like?” said one of the male Wutai soldiers that looked at Emma up and down. From what he can tell, the female soldier was wearing a black long sleeve shirt, with shoulder armor on her right shoulder, a cloth wrapped around her waist, baggy pillow-like pants, metal boots, and a helmet with only one lens like eye on it. It was noticeable that parts of her getup were glowing. Specifically, the glowing blue lines on her arms, the abdomen area that runs underneath the armor chest plate she had on, the cloth part around her waist, her legs, and the toes of her boots. “Never seen this type of soldier before.” “Could be a new type of soldier that Shinra made. Wouldn’t be surprised given the intel we got from our spies within the company.” Another soldier said as one of them was about to throw a shuriken at Emma. Before he could get a shot off, she aimed with her rifle and fired bullets into them. To her misfortune, the bullets only either grazed their skin or hit their non-vital areas on their body. That alerted the rest of the Wutai soldiers as they quickly charged at the deepground soldier As they charged at Emma, she quickly turned around and darted down the streets in an attempt to escape them. “Attention all soldiers in the area!” cried out one of the Wutai Soldiers, “Surround her and take you as a hostage!” “Yes sir!” They yelled before more began to join in on the chase. One the enemy quickly closed in on the other side of her and attempted to hit her in the face with the butt end of his weapon. Emma leaned back and grabbed the end of the weapon. Upon grabbing it, she quickly pulled her assault rifle, quickly fired bullets into his chest area, and killed him instantly. Ember then turned and tossed the dead Wutai soldier’s weapon at an oncoming soldier’s head and cut it clean off. A shot came off from a Wutai soldier from behind and nailed her in the shoulder with a throwing star, but the armor on her shoulder shielded her flesh and took the hit. The deepground soldier gritted her teeth from the slight pain she felt from the force behind the throwing star as she brought her rifle up. She soon felt another throwing start hit her shoulder once again. Though in doing so, it did, however, screw up her shot and caused her to nail one of the enemies in the head. “Shinra bastard! You’ll pay for that!” A female soldier yelled as she threw a grenade at Emma. The deepground soldier’s eyes widened as she jumped out of the way of the grenade just as it exploded unlike the last grenade, this was a more advanced grade of grenade and despite not getting blown to bits she was sent flying into a stone wall. Even with her helmet on, Emma’s ears ringing from the explosion set off, despite her helmet it was like everything was farther away and her movement was now slowed. The deepground soldier staggered to her feet and moved away from a parade of fireballs heading towards her location. The moment she exited the building she was sent flying into, she aimed and started to fire upon the enemy of Wutai as they quickly took cover. “I don’t have time for this. I need to get to where the others are so we can put an end to this war.” She thought as her sensors picked up the Wutai soldiers surrounded her in a circle-like formation to block her path, but kept their distance. Emma quickly placed her rifle back onto her back holster before pulling out a slim-looking longsword that was the length of an adult human. “You’re surrounded, dog. Give up now and we’ll let you live as our prisoner in our negotiation with Shinra to free their citizens.” The leader said as he aimed his weapon at her. “Don’t throw your life away for monsters like them. Better yet, why not join us?” He asked as it took Emma and the others by surprise. “We may not be able to pay you, but we can provide you with food and other means if you work for us.” “...Tempting offer. But I can’t. Not unless you’re able to save my family from being killed by Shinra?” Emma asked as she noticed the leader of the squad lower his head slightly. “Not everyone has a choice in whether to work with Shinra or not. Especially if they pique their interest. So I’m going to have to decline your offer.” “A pity then. Everyone! Kill the soldier. Make sure you take her gear once she’s dead!” He ordered as his squad quickly rushed Emma in an attempt to impale her with their weapons. “Sorry, but I prefer not to have Heidegger or Hojo piss off at me and take it out of my paycheck!” Emma said as the blue and green materia in her sword glowed as lightning developed around her sword. She soon brought her sword up before impaling it into the ground as she let loose a Thundara spell upon them from the ground. From what she could tell, she was able to get all six Wutai soldiers, but their leader was able to escape as he jumped into the air at the last second. Emma quickly pulled herself from out of the ground as she quickly deflected a Fira spell off to the side before blocking the leader’s polearm from colliding with her head. The two staggered in trying to dominate over the other, but the deepground soldier was having problems keeping her footing. She quickly moved her sword down as she felt the blade part of the polearm slide off her sword, giving her the chance to lunge towards him and impale her sword through his heart. Though upon trying to do so, she felt her blade bounce off of the leader’s chest plate as the deepground soldier staggered backward. The leader took notice of this as he quickly spun his polearm around in a spinning motion before hitting her side with the blade part of his weapon. Emma gritted her teeth from the pain she felt from the force behind the swing as she was sent off tumbling off to the side. The girl quickly recovered once she felt herself stopping, but was soon sent flying backward by the butt end of his polearm. Emma felt herself being sent through the window of a nearby building and crashed onto what she could guess was a slot machine. Upon hitting it, the slots on the machine spun for a good few seconds before stopping on all lucky seven as Gil spilled out from it onto her. “I’ll have to make a mental note to come back to this place after we win this.” Emma thought as she pulled herself up. Once she was standing her sensors picked up the squad leader heading her way. “And of course, he’s after me. I don’t have time for this.” The fire began to flow into her hands as she kneels and slams her fist into the ground. Once it made an impact with the carpet, it soon burst into flames before covering the rest of the area like a flood. “Hiding behind the flames won’t help you!” The man said before taking a deep breath and unleashing a flood of blue-colored bubbles into the building. Emma’s eyes widened upon seeing this as she was once again sent flying backward through the wall behind her and out into the opening. The deepground soldier tumbles backward before quickly recovering and using her sword to stop herself from sliding backward. “There’s no hope of you winning. Give up now and I won’t have to kill you.” The leader said before walking carefully towards Emma. The moment the deepground soldier noticed the Wutai Soldiers that she thought were killed regrouping towards their leader. “You have got to be kidding me!?” Emma thought as she slowly backed away from the group cornering her. Though in doing so, she almost lost her footing as she felt herself slipping a bit. Catching herself, she soon looked behind herself to see that there was an empty chasm behind her. “And it just keeps getting worse.” “This is your last chance. Surrender now and we’ll let you live.” “Again, not an option in my chasm,” Emma said before raising her sword at the soldiers of Wutai. “I told you before. Unless you can save my family, then I have nothing else to say.” “Then I am sorry for doing this.” The leader ordered his squad to back away. Once they were at a safe distance, the leader’s weapon began to glow with a light blue aura forming on the blade part of the polearm. The man soon tossed his weapon up into the air as Emma looked up to see him grabbing it and descending towards the ground. His weapon is soon impaled into the ground. There was the sound of earth crackling as the ground around Emma erupted as the leader used Quakaga and sent her flying off the ground and into the darkness of the chasm. As the leader watched Emma fall into the chasm, he turned his attention towards his squad. “Three of you go down there and see if she’s alive. If she’s dead, retrieve the armor, weapons, and materia that she has on her.” He ordered, as the other Wutai soldiers scattered, and headed down into the chasm. While the Wutai soldiers were busy making preparations to head into the chasm, Emma was currently falling through the darkness of the chasm. The deepground soldier’s mind was racing a mile a second to figure her way to survive the fall. “Emma Rosemary, age thirty-nine, born in a small town in Midgar. Her career was to grow up to be a scientist for Shinra to try to make the city of Midgar a better place until she was made into a super-soldier and thrown off of a cliff! That’s right! No heroic death! No fighting evil monsters! Death by falling!” Emma yelled as she was frantically trying to figure out a way to escape her sudden death. “This is crap! I didn’t go through all that training just to end up dead!” She said before an idea appeared in her head. Emma quickly recovered from her spinning fall as raised her hand downwards. Soon a green aura developed her hand before covering her body. “Please let this experimental materia work. Escape!” She yelled as a portal appeared below her. The deepground soldier closed her eyes due to a flash from the magic she cast before her vision faded into darkness. > Chapter Two: New World, New Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Two New world New Problems “So...you decided to work for Shinra?” said a middle-aged light skin woman who was in a wheelchair. “It’s not like I have a choice in the matter. This way you’ll be taken care of and we’ll have enough Gil for you to leave Midgar.” Emma said as she noticed her mother wheeling over to her. “You know you don’t have to do this? I know times are tough due to my injuries, but there are other ways to get by.” “Much as I would love to find a way to save up a lot of Gil, this is the only way to help you. Shinra science and research facilities will help me be able to help not only others but you as well. I just need about a good five years or so. Once I’m done, I’ll turn in my resignation, and then we’ll be able to leave this place.” “But dear-” “But nothing mom. You have done enough for me for a long time, let me help you in return like I have been doing.” Emma said before kneeling to her and reaching out to grab her hand. “You’re my mother. Even if I’m not blood-related to you, dad, and Simon. We’re a family.” She said as tears began to roll down her mother’s face upon hearing this. “A-Alright, I’ll allow it. But promise me that you’ll come and visit us from time to time, okay?” “You know I would do that even if you didn’t tell me to do that,” Emma said as she felt her mother pull her in for a hug. “Whatever happens. Just remember, we will always love you, Emma.” “I know Hanna...I know.” Emma’s eyes slowly began to open as her vision was slightly adjusted to the darkness that she was currently in. Once her eyes fully recovered and adjusted to the darkness around her, she found herself in a dark alleyway on top of a mountain of trash bags. Not like this wouldn’t be the first time she would wake up on a mountain of trash...though trash in the deepground would be dead bodies of other deepground soldiers or failed experiments. “Looks like escape worked,” Emma said before pulling herself off the mountain of trash. Though while she was doing that, she felt a surge of pain rushing through her body as she kneels on the ground. “Though I think the adrenaline I was feeling during the fight with the Wutai soldiers is wearing off. Man do they hit hard...but not as hard as Weiss when he’s not pissed or in the mood for the hunt.” She said before scanning the alleyway she was in. “I don’t think I’m in a different area of Wutai, nor am I back in Midgar given how the alleyway doesn’t have many posters hanging around that involve joining Shinra and Wutai propaganda stuff. Could I be on a different continent or something?” The deepground soldier pondered this while staggering to her feet before making her way out of the alleyway. Once she was out, she blinked upon finding herself in a city that wasn’t anything like Midgar. From what she could tell, it looked like she was in some kind of child’s fantasy book about the medieval ages, though there were hints of technology, just not the type you see in Shinra or Midgar. It also doesn’t help that there are walking technicolor horses walking around wearing fancy outfits. The deepground soldier pressed a button on the side of her helmet. It slowly disappeared to reveal a dark-skinned girl, with cherry-colored hair, blue eyes, and a scar in the shape of an x on the right part of her face as she pinched herself to make sure this wasn’t a dream…sadly it wasn’t a dream. “Yep, definitely not a dream.” She thought before quickly heading back into the alleyway to avoid being seen by anyone. “Okay, better get in contact with Shinra HQ to see if they can give me some help.” The moment she tried to get in contact with Shrina HQ, all she was met with was static on her end which caused her to flinch a bit from the sudden sound of said static. “And communication is out...guess I’ll have to go scout for information.” The deepground soldier looked around the area she was in before noticing a ladder that reached the top of a very tall building. The girl placed her helmet back onto her head before jumping onto the ladder and making her way up onto the roof of the building. Once there, she walked to the ledge of the roof as her helmet began to scan the area she was in. Once she was done, a digital screen appeared inside her helmet as information from a nearby computer in Canterlot Castle began downloading into her helmet. “Hm, might take a while for the information to be done. But during that time, I can have a lot around this city called.” Paused for a moment as she pulls out the name of the city she was in, but soon deadpans upon seeing the name. “Canterlot…You know I should’ve expected this city to have some kind of horse pun to it…I pray to God that’s the only town or city with a pun in its name.” Just as she was about to start heading into the city from rooftop to rooftop, she soon heard the sound of a girl screaming off in the distance to her right causing her to stop in her tracks. “Already in a new place, and there’s already trouble starting up.” She said before quickly turning to where she heard the scream and quickly heading over in that direction. Once she made it to the area where the scream came from, she looked down to see a mint-colored unicorn surrounded by what appeared to be dogs...or this world’s version of a species of dog. ”Back away you mutts. I have a stick of bread.” Lyra said as she pulled out a stick of bread from her grocery bag and waves it around in a defensive manner. “And I’m not afraid to use it!” she yelled as one of the houndours took a deep breath and unleashed a flamethrower attack at the stick of bread. Lyra yelps upon seeing this as she drops the piece of bread onto the ground. “Had…I had a stick of bread…Oh, this isn’t going to end well.” “Seems like that pony is in trouble,” Emma said as she carefully watched the scene unfold in front of her. “Shinra did say not to get involved in matters that aren’t important to me.” She said before noticing the dog firing another flamethrower at Lyra as she quickly brought up a barrier around herself. “But then again, they’re not here to monitor me.” The deepground soldier took a step back for a moment before getting a running head start and jumped off of the building she was on. In a matter of seconds, she landed behind the group of pokemon, raising her hand towards them as particles of water droplets gathered into a large ball. “If you don’t want to get hit, I suggest you keep that barrier up, horse!” Lyra turned her attention from the houndours and onto the human. Her eyes widened upon noticing the ball of water behind the pokemon as she kept the barrier up. Upon seeing the barrier still holding up, she focused her attention on the pokemon as she unleashed aqua breath onto them. The group turns around, only to be met with a flood of water-like bubbles at them which causes them to yelp in pain and be pushed into the barrier in a comedic fashion. A smirk appeared on the soldier’s face as she watched them stand back up. “You’re going to pay for that whoever you are!” One of the houndours said as it took Emma by surprise. Upon hearing this dog speak English, the human pressed the side of her helmet to make it disappear to reveal her face to them. “You can speak English?” She asked which took the houndours by surprise to see that their assailant was a human…one that could understand them. “Your…your a human…and you can understand us?” he said as Emma guessed that he was the leader of the two. “N-no….no that’s impossible. Lord Arceus brought us here to get away from humans.” The female houndour said as she backed away in fear. “Not to mention the ones that he brought here should be pokemon.” “T-They found us, they found a way to get to this planet.” The other male houndour said before glaring daggers at the deepground soldier. “You’re not going to take us! We would rather die than go back! Ember!” he said before firing off an ember attack at Emma. Upon seeing this, she quickly cast an Aero spell around herself as the embers vanish upon making contact with the barrier of wind. “This might be a long shot to ask this, but I would like to ask you three a few questions if you’re willing to answer them.” “Flamethrower!” The female dark pokemon yelled as she fired a burst of fire at the soldier as it made contact with her body. “Ha! I got her!” “You did, but thanks to that little attack, I got the monster skill that I always wanted to try,” Emma said as the three houndours turn blinked in surprise upon seeing a red glow coming off her body. They soon saw her take a deep breath before firing off a flamethrower of her own. The houndours yelped in surprise upon seeing the human perform their move as they quickly scattered out of the way. Once the flames vanish, she lets out a slight burp as a small flame escapes from her mouth. “She just used our attack against us?” asked the leader as he glared at the human. “How is that possible?” “How should I know? Humans can’t use bubble beam, gust, or flamethrower attacks like that.” said the female houndour as she and the other male moved close to their leader. “You sure she’s a human and not a pokemon?” “Maybe she’s a Zoroark using her Illusion to pretend to be a human? It would make sense. Especially seeing how she can understand us.” The other male houndour said before speaking to Emma. “Alright, drop the disguise Zoroark. We know you’re not human.” “....What the hell are you talking about…Um…I’m sorry but what are your names?” Emma asked as the leader of the houndours spoke up. “The name’s Azazor and these are my friends Charcol and Burner.” He said pointing a paw to the other two pokemon. “We’re the dark scavengers of Canterlot. Any pony that comes into our turf is gonna get hurt.” There was a moment of silence in the air after the trio posed dramatically as the deepground soldier felt a piece of herself dying upon seeing this cringe moment. “That pony walked into our turf.” Charcoal said as she glared at Lyra. “We were planning on just taking her food, but then she started waving it around trying to hit us.” “Now she gonna get got,” said Burner with a smirk on his face. “Don’t you mean ‘now she’s gonna get it?’” Emma corrected as Burner tilted his head in confusion. “Saying that she’s gonna get got isn’t proper grammar, nor does it sound right. If you’re going to be a gang and act tough, you at least have to have proper grammar.” “...I mean, she’s not wrong about that,” Lyra said as the houndours glared at her. “What? It’s true.” “Quiet pony!” Amazon said before focusing on Emma. “Now drop the illusion act and show us your real self, Zoroark.” “First of all, I don’t know who this Zoroark person is. Second, I am one-hundred percent human.” “Cut the crap! There’s no way a human can use Bubblebeam, gust, or flamethrower!” Burner said as he growled at the soldier. “The only explanation is that you’re a Zoroark.” “...I can see this going nowhere real fast. So I’m just going to knock you three out and just talk with the horse to get my answers.” She said before dodging an ember attack to the face by Azazor. “You’re not going anywhere. Especially now seeing how you stuck your nose into something that wasn’t your business,” said Azazor as he and his friends moved in front and behind the soldier. “You two aren’t going anywhere.” “You entered our turf, and now you’re gonna get got.” Burner said as Emma soon notices the houndour charging at her with his fangs coated in fire as he jumps and attempts to bite her. Before he could sink his fangs into the human’s neck, Emma ducked underneath the fire fang attack as she grabbed the houndour’s neck. “Thundara,” Emma said as electricity flowed from her hand into Burner’s. The dark pokemon let out a yelp of pain upon being hit by the thundara spell before feeling himself being tossed to the side and into a pile of trash. “Burner!” yelled Charcoal before glaring at the human and unleashing a flamethrower attack. Emma pulled her head back to avoid the fire attack as she countered with aqua breath, only this time the attack came from her mouth. The houndour yelps upon being hit with aqua breath as she was sent flying back into a wall and knocking her out. “You’ll pay for that!” yelled Azazor as he took a deep breath before firing off a fire blast attack. “Oh crap!” Emma yelled before using a blizzaga spell to create a wall of ice in front of herself to block the oncoming attack. Upon making contact with the ice, an explosion erupted from it and created a mist made out of the evaporated water engulfing the area they were all in. The houndour closed his eyes for a moment before looking around to see where Emma was. “Dammit, where did that stupid pokemon go?” he asked before noticing a shadowy figure off in the distance. A smirk appeared on Azazor’s face as he fired off a flamethrower attack at what he could guess was Emma, but the moment the mist was pushed away by the attack, it was revealed to be a pile of trash in the shape of the human that he hit. “Little bit of advice,” Emma said as the houndour’s eyes widened upon hearing Emma behind him. “As a leader, you should’ve done a better job at leading your team.” Azazor quickly turned around and was about to use fire fang to bite her, only for her to quickly grab him by the throat and keep him away as he tried to bite her. “And you need to do a better job at becoming a stronger leader.” “Screw you stupid Zoroark.” He said as the human noticed the houndour was about to use flamethrower again. She soon placed a hand on the dark pokemon’s face and cast a sleep spell on him. “Now sleep, pup,” Emma said as the houndour’s eyes felt heavy upon hearing her say that as he soon faded into unconsciousness. The moment he passed out, Emma examined Azazor a bit before placing him on the ground “Hm, you’re an interesting creature. I would like to know more about who or what you are, but I think I’ll ask someone else that’s a bit more cooperative.” She said before looking over at the unicorn as she dropped the barrier she had placed around herself. The two of them stare at each other in awkward silence as Emma speaks up. “You okay? You’re not hurt or anything-” Before she could speak, she felt the unicorn tackle her to the ground as a grin appeared on her face. “You’re a human, right? Not a pokemon pretending to be a human or using some kind of illusion ability to hide your appearance!?” Lyra asked as the human slowly nodded. In doing so, caused the unicorn to hop off of Emma and hop around her while screaming. “I knew humans were real! I mean I heard there were humans turned into pokemon due to Arceus and the ones that were turned into pokemon got angry when I asked them what humans look like, but I never thought I ran into an actual human!” She yelled before posing triumphantly. “In your face everypony that thought I was crazy!” “Um…not to sound rude or anything, but you wouldn’t happen to know where I am…or more importantly what those creatures I was fighting were, why can they speak English, and why am I in a place full of horses?” “Ponies, not horses.” Lyra corrected as she trots over to her. “I’m willing to answer any questions you have, but we need to go someplace private and not stay here for much longer.” “You mean because of the explosion during my fight with the dogs?” Emma asked as Lyra nodded. “I figured as much. Know of a place we can talk in private?” “I have a room in a hotel nearby. We can talk there…but getting you around town might be hard to do. I can place an invisibility spell on you to make you invisible to anypony else other than me.” “I can fix that,” Emma said as she pressed a button on her wrist. Lyra blinked in surprise from seeing the soldier vanishing from her sight. “Whoa! You can make yourself invisible!? How did you do that?” Lyra asked as she searched for the human by waving her hooves around in front of her. In a matter of seconds, Emma appeared next to her which caused Lyra to yelp in surprise from seeing her appear like that. “Shinra technology. They may be a horrible company that deserves to rot in hell, but their technology is something I can respect.” “Shinra?” Lyra asked as she tilted her head in confusion. “I’ll explain it later.” She said before making herself invisible. “Lead the way and I’ll follow.” “Alright, human,” Lyra said as she took the lead and began walking towards the hotel she was currently staying in. “Thanks for saving me back there. I don’t know what would happen to me if you didn’t stop them…they’re not dead are they?” “No, they’re knocked out. I was planning on bringing one with us, but something tells me that it would’ve been pointless seeing how they’ll either attack me, remain quiet, or try to escape. So I figure knocking them out would be best instead of killing them.” “Okay, good. So you’re a good human.” “Wouldn’t say I’m good. I just do things on a logical side compared to most people where I come from.” “...Where are you from?” “You answer my questions first, then I’ll answer yours.” “Well can you at least tell me your name? It would be rude to just call you human instead of your real name?” Lyra asked as it caused Emma to pause for a moment before speaking up. “Emma Rosemary…what’s your name?” “Lyra Heartstrings. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Emma.” The unicorn said as she continued to lead the deepground soldier to the apartment she’s staying in. > Chapter Three: Partners > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three Partners “Welcome to my awesome pad!” Lyra said as she moved out of the way for Emma to enter the small room. Upon entering, she finds that the room looks like it was built possibly for one maybe three people to hang out in. Living-wise, it could be suited for two seeing how it had a kitchen, a bathroom, a TV, two beds, and a refrigerator. Not a bad place to live in for a couple of days. “Well...it’s something, to say the least,” Emma said as Lyra closed the door behind her. “Are you sure this place is safe to talk freely?” “Oh yeah. This place is safe for you to be in.” The mare said as she took a seat over on the couch. “So now that we’re all alone, mind explaining to me who you are? I mean you did say that you would tell me, and I did offer to let you say here as a means of hiding~” “So long as you keep your end of the deal,” Emma said as she made herself visible to Lyra. “Alright then, I come from a city called Midgar. It is located on the eastern continent sharing a mountain border with the Junon Area, an open border with the Grasslands Area reaching up until the end of the aforementioned mountain. Shouldn’t be that hard to see it if you go by aircraft. Midgar is pretty much a giant city and in the center of that city is the Shinra Electric Power Company. It pretty much runs the entire city.” “I’ve never heard of a place like that. How big is this city?” Lyra asked as Emma made her helmet appear on her head before removing it. Once removed, she pressed a button on the helmet to show the unicorn a digital display of Midgar along with the height, length, and width of the city itself. “Dear Celestia! How can a city like this even exist!? And this Shinra company was able to make something like this?” “Try not to get too excited. I can say that they’re good at making stuff like this along with groundbreaking technology and Materia. But underneath all that glitter is not gold. Then again that can be said about almost any company.” “What do you mean by that?” “Hm...well it’s not like Shinra will do anything to me just by telling you much about it. And if my theory is about what the experimental materia did, then I should be safe.” She said before reaching behind herself to pull out two cylindrical-like containers strapped to the belt of her armor and placing them on the floor in front of the mare. “Within certain parts of the city. Specifically, the reactors that pull Mako energy from the earth to run the city. Underneath Mako reactor zero is where they’ve done experimentation on human test subjects to become superhuman weapons.” “...I’m sorry what,” Lyra said with a confused expression on her face. “Wouldn’t blame you for being confused upon hearing that. The place where I was sent to is called Deepground.” Emma said before sitting down in front of Lyra. “Originally it was supposed to be a place where SOLDIERs would go to get medically treated for injuries and rehabilitation. But over time, it was made a testing ground for superhuman soldiers like myself to replace the people who were part of Project Jenova.” “You...join shirna so you could be a super soldier?” “No! God no! I joined to be a scientist to make Midgar a better place...Plus it did pay a lot to help with my adopted family at the time, so two birds with one stone...or so I thought.” The soldier said with a disgusted expression on her face. “I was about twenty years old when I joined Dr. Hojo’s research division on how to use Mako energy. I wasn’t so thrilled about it given how he never cared so much about the employees that work for him. One day, I was checking on the vats of mako energy to make sure everything was stable and nothing would explode. After finishing my daily check-up, I was about to leave and report to Hojo. Only for the floor underneath me to break and cause me to fall into the vat below me.” “And this Mako energy...what is that?” Lyra asked as Emma pressed the button on one of the containers she pulled out to reveal what she meant by Mako Energy. The mint pony’s eyes widen upon seeing this as she moves a bit closer to the container with the aqua-green color liquid. “Wow...it’s so pretty.” “Yeah, hard to believe this is from the planet itself.” “Wait, you mean the planet has this kind of stuff within itself!?” “Pretty much…At least on the planet where I come from seeing how what I’m saying doesn’t seem to register to you.” “So you’re really from another planet?” Lyra asked as Emma nodded. “...So you’re not a human from where the Pokemon come from?” “I’m going to go with yes because I have never heard of a Pokemon…and because I don’t see any other humans around other than ponies. Back to what I was saying, about ninety-five percent of Midgar runs on Mako. And as such, just about everything uses mako energy. But like everything, it has its downsides. Humans can’t be exposed to the liquid form of mako for long periods, less they suffer from mako poisoning.” “Mako Poisoning?” “I haven’t done much research on mako energy due to some personal research, but from what I heard from Dr. Hojo, heavy degrees of exposure are capable of disrupting a person's cognitive facilities to the point of inducing catatonia, coma, and even death.” She said before grabbing the container full of mako energy. “Wait, if you fell into the vat of mako energy, how come you’re not catatonic, or in a coma, or dead?” “Don’t know. Unlike most people, I could swim and drink this stuff without suffering from the side effects. Might be because I drank this stuff as a kid and built up an immunity to it, or maybe a genetic mutation. Whatever the reason is, the moment I was rescued Shinra labeled me as a possible test subject. It didn’t help that someone saw me do this.” Emma turned her attention onto the container of mako energy. Lyra noticed the soldier’s arms began to glow blue for a few seconds as the mako energy turned the same color as her arms did for a moment. Once her arms return to normal, the container opens up as it reveals a green color crystal-like ball pops out and onto the ground. “I can pretty much make materia on the go if I need to, but I can only make about ten of them per day. After that, I will need about twenty-four hours to recharge and the Materia I make is random.” “Whoa,” Lyra said as she used her magic to levitate to orb over to her as she marveled at it. “It’s so pretty. What is this thing?” “Materia. It’s crystallized mako energy. It allows humans to use magic, increase their physical abilities, and can even summon god-like beings.” She said which took Lyra by surprise as she dropped the materia she was levitating and backed away from it. “Relax, that’s only if you have red materia. What you see on the ground is green materia, which allows you to use magic.” “Okay, that’s good to know,” Lyra said as she let out a sigh of relief before levitating the materia back up to her. “So how does this materia thing work?” “Like this,” Emma said before reaching into a medium-size bag attached to her uniform and pulling out a red materia. “Place it on any part of your body, and the materia will sink into you without any issues.” She said before placing the materia on her arm. Within a matter of seconds, the orb sinks into her arm as she gives off a red glow for a few seconds before vanishing. “Like that.” “Um...okay,” Lyra said before looking over the materia she was holding. “You sure this won’t cause me problems or cause me to explode?” “You won’t die from having that inside you. If need be, you can remove it just by applying pressure to the area of your body you place it on. Like popping a zit or something.” “Gross…” She said before placing the materia on her arm. Nothing happens upon her doing that, but within a matter of seconds, the materia sinks into her arm as the green dot from the materia glows for a moment before vanishing. A tingling sensation ran up the mare’s spine before hitting her head as her eyes widened from the knowledge obtained from placing the materia inside her body. “Wow…and you just learn the magic…like instantly?” “Wait what?” Emma said before noticing the unicorn’s horn glowed for a moment as a giant ball of fire appeared in front of them. “...That’s a firaga spell…how the hell can you learn a high-level spell that took me six months to learn!?” “Could be because I’m a unicorn...and not a human,” Lyra said as she noticed a deadpan expression on the soldier’s face. “What? I don’t know. I’m not a scientist or anything. I'm just guessing…though it feels weird.” “You’ll get used to it. But for now, you got yourself free materia.” Emma said as she noticed Lyra making the ball of fire vanish. “Back to what I was saying. Shinra pretty much found out that I’m more attune to mako energy compared to most people and decided to use me as their vending machine for materia and a medical soldier. So they sent me to the deepground for training.” She said as Lyra noticed the human shaking in what she could guess was either trauma or anger. “Nine years in that god awful place…” “W-What was the deepground like?” “...What is the worst place this place has for an awful place?” “That would be Tartarus. Which is like a prison where it’s being guarded by a three-headed dog.” Lyra said as she noticed a wtf expression on the human’s face. “Okay…Imagine that, but ten times worse.” She said which caused Lyra to shiver in slight fear of thinking of Tartarus ten times worse. “The Deepground is a cold, scary, dark place. If you’re not strong enough, you were killed off in either one of their experiments, missions they send the soldiers on, or killed during…the hunt.” “And the hunt is-” “I don’t want to talk about it…” “But you said that you’ll answer my-” “I said I don’t want to talk about it!” Emma said quickly as startled Lyra. The mare noticed Emma was hyperventilating slightly as she decided to change the subject by asking her a different question. “O-Okay, okay, I won’t bring that up until you’re ready for it. Okay, so far from what I’m getting at. This project Deepground was meant to replace something in your world. S-So does your world have a law informant or military kind of thing like we do here with the royal guards?” “Y-Yes. Project Deepground was meant to replace SOLDIERs in Project Jenova “ She said before reaching for the other container. “She soon pressed a button to open the screen part of it to reveal a malformed piece of…what could only be described as the flesh of some kind of animal or something from what Lyra could tell. Her eyes widen upon seeing this thing but gags a bit from seeing it throb a bit. “Mother of Celestia! What is that thing!?” “Jenova, or at least a piece of Jenova that I was told to bring to the rendezvous point within Wutai territory. But I had to use the experimental materia to escape from falling off a cliff. From what I looked up before being sent to the deepground, this alien monster thing was used as a means to increase a human’s physical attributes…though there were some…horrible side effects for those who couldn’t handle the Jenova cells within their bodies.” She said as Lyra raised an eyebrow at her. “Some turn into monsters, others suffer from Alzheimer's rather quickly, some would go on a berserk rampage and have to be put down…by put down I mean killed, and the cells can rot a person from the inside out.” “Geez, who’s idea was it to fund this project?” “That would be President Shinra. Head leader of the Shrina corporation. He has the money, power, and connections to make a person's life miserable. And you’re looking at the by-product of that.” Emma said before closing the screen on the container as she started taking off her gear. “You seem to be taking this surprisingly well. I mean don’t take this the wrong way, but I figure you would find what I say disgusting and think all humans are awful creatures.” “Understandable, but I like to keep an open mind and think that not all humans are evil…plus us ponies aren’t that different from humans…well minus the tech differences. But given the past incidents that happened in Equestria throughout the years before Pokemon came...I think we might be on the same level as humans give or take a couple of years.” “...Elaborate please?” “Well, there was the time when Discord almost took over Equestria…twice. Then there’s the wedding incident where Chrysalis tried to take over Canterlot.” Lyra said as her horn glowed to show Emma a magical image of what Discord and Chrysalis looks like. “...Okay, I’m going to have to look into this country’s past, but this information is good in case I need to use it as evidence that ponies aren’t so different from humans when it comes to evil intentions.” She said before stretching her limbs a bit as she made loud popping sounds from her bones cracking. “Any other questions that you want me to answer?” “Okay, so I just want to make sure. You don’t know what pokemon are, right?” “You mean those weird talking monsters that I saved you from?” The human asked as Lyra nodded. “Yeah, never heard of them before…weird that I can understand what they’re saying.” “Wait, you don’t have a translation spell that allows you to understand them?” “No, do you?” She asked as the mare shook her head. “Huh…weird.” “Might be because you’re from a different world than the humans that came along with the Pokemon.” “Speaking of that. Mind explaining to me what the deal is with that? Are the Pokemon native to this place or something?” “I wouldn’t say they’re native to Equestria. They’re aliens from another world.” Lyra said as Emma raised an eyebrow. “I’ll explain as best as I can, but from what I could gather from some of the ponies I listen in on conversations with, this being named Arceus brought over Pokemon and humans from his world, and brought them to our world because humans were a threat to them. The humans that he did bring over were turned into humans. Don’t know why, but it might be due to his fears towards them.” “So this, Arceus' person, just up and left his world, came here and decided to make this his home for him and his Pokemon?” The human asked as Lyra nodded. “Did he send an ambassador to represent his race or something?” She asked as the mare shook her head. “...Wow…what an idiot.” “I mean, can you blame him? Especially if the humans were that bad in his world to the point where he would come here.” “I couldn’t care less if the humans were going to kill him. If you’re going to plan something like this, you at least have to have a plan when it comes to something like this. Or at least try and get in contact with the inhabitants as a means of a warning or something. That’s kind of the first rule of diplomacy. What he just did would be considered a full-scale invasion on a warring scale.” “I mean, technically yes. But so far things are going okay…right?” “You were surrounded by three dogs that can shoot fire from their mouths. How is that going okay?” “Alright, fine. Things are kind of not okay for the most part.” Lyra said while huffing in annoyance. “Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against pokemon or anything. I just wish this could’ve been handled much better without me getting jumped a third time by a group of pokemon.” “Third time?” Emma asked as she raised an eyebrow at Lyra. “Yeah, this wouldn’t be the first time something like what you saw happened. I had to give up my food so that I wouldn’t be sent to the hospital. Even though I reported to the Royal Guard about it, they can’t do anything due to other problems involving the pokemon.” “Sounds like the entire country is in chaos over all this.” “More like the entire world, but it seems much worse here in Equestria than anywhere else.” “And your leaders. Are they trying something to deal with this mess?” “If you mean the princesses? Then yeah, they’re kind of trying to solve this matter by making rules that apply to the pokemon as well, but even that doesn’t help for the most part as you saw in the alleyway.” “Hm, interesting. And the humans that came along with him? You said that they were turned into pokemon, was it because of this god of all pokemon that did it, or did they want to be pokemon?” “That’s a tricky question. I mean I tried to ask some of the humans that were turned into pokemon, but some of them either chose to ignore my question, preferred not to answer, or they were just random pokemon of the human trainer they came with but were separated because of the trip.” “So it’s a touchy subject that they don’t want to answer,” Emma said as she placed a hand on her chin. “I would like to know a bit more about the Pokemon from another world, but I would need to find someone from that world that won’t freak out upon meeting someone like me.” “You mean because you’re a human?” “Yep, not to mention we can’t tell who is a pokemon and who was a former human…Though I might be able to make something that can do that.” “You have some kind of spell that can do that?” “Of course not, don’t be silly. That’s like saying unicorns can copy the moves of that dog pokemon via magic.” “Yet you did that?” Lyra said as Emma deadpans. “Because I’m not a unicorn, and because I have a materia that lets me copy certain monsters' unique moves…I guess the pokemon do count as monsters considering what happens in the alleyway…I’ll have to see what moves the materia will be able to copy when I get the chance.” “How much materia do you have?” “On me, fifty. In my body, two hundred. My weapons consist of my sword, revolver, a rifle that can change into a shotgun, machinegun, sniper, and assault rifle…I think about seven or eight.” She said before noticing Lyra’s shocked expression. “What? I'm a secret government project meant to fight in wars. What did you expect?” “I mean I get that…but holy mother of Celestia, you humans are scary when you have to be.” “Eh, I’m pretty sure anyone can be like how we humans are when it comes to violence.” “I suppose. I just have one more question. Don’t take this the wrong way, but are you sure you’re not a spy sent here to try and invade us?” “After telling you about a small fraction of my world and the people I worked for, why would I want to bring them here? If anything they will kill me for failing my mission in giving them the Jenova cells…Or worse.” “Okay…?” “Plus the only way for them to find me is to use some kind of device to find me on another planet, or someone to make a connection with my planet, Gaia.” “And you expect me to believe that?” “Why would I screw myself over at the chance of freedom…though I would like to know if my family moved to someplace safe after the last letter I sent them.” She said before reaching into her bag to pull out a photo of what she meant by her family. From what she could tell, Emma looked to be about fifteen maybe sixteen years old in the photo, while the others were much older. The two males were in their late fifties and thirties, while the woman was in her forties. Lyra soon notices Emma in the picture along with three other humans. From what she could tell, the other humans have lighter skin compared to Emma, and their hair color was different. Emma’s hair was cherry-colored, while the other three humans had blonde-colored hair. “How come you look different than the other three humans in the picture?” “Because I’m adopted.” She said as she caused Lyra to flinch in surprise by hearing that. “Don’t know what happened to my real parents, all my adoptive parents told me was that they found me crying near a small pool of Mako energy. Couldn’t find my real parents so they decided to adopt me into their family.” “Do you…ever wonder who your real parents are?” Lyra asked. “Sometimes I do. Maybe my parents died protecting me from a monster and I was left near the mako as a means to protect me, maybe they gave me up because they couldn’t support a child, maybe they were shitty parents and they left me to rot. But that came to a stop thinking about that over time. Mainly due to being sent to the deepground.” “So that’s a yes, on the whole, going back home thing?” “Only to see if they’re okay. I mean, I don’t know how time works between two worlds, but by the time I make it back, they might be either dead or moved to someplace away from Midgar.” “...Would you like me to help you?” Lyra said as Emma blinked in surprise by hearing this. “You…help me? Why would you say something like that? For all you know, I could be lying and planning on doing horrible things to you.” She said while trying to act evil by grinning…but all it did was make her less threatening seeing how her facial expression didn’t look threatening. “Oh yeah, because you’re an evil human bent on world domination~” “...Alright fine, jokes aside, why would you help me?” “Well, you seem like a nice human. Plus what evil human would hold a picture of their family with them and not worry about them?” Lyra said as it caused Emma to blush a bit. “So I’m going to help you out in whatever it is that you need to get back to your world...maybe you can take me along with you~?” “...You just want to go so you can meet other humans, don’t you?” “Well can you blame me? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go on an adventure. Especially with a human!” She said before hopping off the couch and beginning to trot around it. “Just imagine it. Lyra Heartstrings, the first pony to explore worlds beyond the stars. With her trusty human companion by her side!” “Since when am I the companion? If anything it’s the other way around.” “Maybe, but you have no idea about how this world works. Nor do you know the history of Equestria.” “Not yet,” Emma said as she reached for her helmet. “Before meeting you, I have been downloading data about this world. Soon I’ll be getting everything I need in a matter of.” She quickly looked inside her helmet to see how long the download would take. Upon seeing that it would take twenty-four hours to be done, she lets out an annoyed groan as she pulls her head out of the helmet. “Twenty-four hours.” She said as she noticed the unicorn trying not to bust out laughing. “You laugh, I will hurt you.” “For an advanced race, you think you would have technology that would download information faster, huh~?” Lyra said as Emma rolled her eyes. “Just a minor setback…but if you’re willing to tell me a bit about Equestria until the download is down, that would be great?” “Only if I get to join you on your adventure in trying to get home?” Lyra asked as she walked over to Emma and extended a hoof towards her. “Well…do we have a deal, partner?” Emma examined the unicorn’s hoof for a moment before looking up at Lyra, who was grinning in excitement. Having a guide might prove to be useful in the long run, plus if things go south, it’s always nice to have someone on your side in case you’re blamed for something you didn’t do. The Deepground soldier sighed in defeat as she shook the mare’s hoof. “Alright, fine. You got a deal.” “Awesome, I just know that this will be an adventure of a lifetime,” Lyra said as Emma was about to say something, only for the door to the room they were to open up. They both turned their attention to the door as they saw a female beige-colored earth pony with a blue mane and rose pink color mane. “Sorry, I’m late Lyra. There was some kind of huge explosion near the alleyway next to the store, and the royal guards blocked that area of the street for investigation purposes. So I had to take a different…route.” Bon Bon blinked upon seeing Lyra shaking hands with the human. She soon rubbed her eyes for a moment before focusing her attention on Emma as she was about to scream, only for Emma to quickly snap her fingers. Upon doing that, a clock appeared on the earth pony as time stopped for the mare. The deepground soldier lets out a sigh of relief before looking over at Lyra. “You didn’t tell me you had a roommate.” “Oh…um…I kind of forgot to mention that…mainly because I was excited to meet a real human.” Lyra said as she gave the human an awkward chuckle along with a sheepish smile. The human’s deadpan expression deepens more before sighing and walking over to Lyra. “Is Bon-Bon going to be okay?” “She’ll be fine. The spell stopza lasts for a good hour or so depending on the person. But we might need to cover her mouth because once it wears off, she will continue to scream.” “...I’ll get a block of cheese. You place her somewhere she’s comfortable so we can explain to her what’s going on.” Lyra said as she headed off into the kitchen while the human placed the mare on the couch and waited for the effects of stopza to wear off. > Chapter Four: Omen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Four Omen “Welp…this is the second most awkward position I’ve been in my entire life,” Emma said as she tried to avert her gaze on Bon-Bon, who was glaring daggers at her and Lyra. “How do you think I feel? The worst case for me is that Bon-Bon will kick me out for this.” She said before walking over to Bon-Bon. “Now Bon-Bon. I’m going to remove the block of cheese from your mouth. When I do, do you promise not to scream?” The mare asked as Bon-Bon slowly nodded, but still kept the glare she was giving them. Upon seeing this, the unicorn used her magic to remove the block of cheese from the earth pony’s mouth as she spat out some of it. “Was that necessary?” Bon-Bon asked. “Well, it was either that or butter. But by the time the effect of Emma’s spell wore off, you would’ve ended up screaming once again.” Lyra said as Bon-Bon deadpans at her. “I’m sorry about that.” “I accept your apology. But care to explain why you invited a random Pokemon into our room?” “Um…she’s not a Pokemon. She's a human.” Lyra said which caused Bon-Bon to blink a couple of times before turning her attention to Emma. “She’s…a human…not a pokemon or a minotaur with a skin problem?” Bon-Bon asked as Emma deadpans. “Okay, that's hurtful, and yes I am one-hundred percent human. I mean what kind of Pokemon wears stuff like that.” The human asked as she pointed her gear off to the side of them. “...You’re not from their world…are you?” “Again, does it look like I’m from their world given the gear I have off to the side?” “...I’m just…having a hard time believing this. But aren’t humans supposed to be…turned into Pokemon from what I heard?” “You think that, but here's the thing. This human is from a different world compared to the ones that the Arceus fella brought.” Lyra said as Bon-Bon’s eyes widened. “I know right? I was excited upon hearing this. Though I had to make sure she was human of course, by asking her questions and showing me proof that she’s human.” “So...that’s what a human looks like?” Bon-Bon asked as the unicorn nodded quickly in excitement. “Huh…So the humans that were brought by Arceus must’ve looked like you?” “Well not all humans look the same as me, but I guess so? Though again I’ve never heard of Pokemon, nor do I know of them?” She said while giving the earth pony an awkward smile. “Okay…So you’re not with the humans that came with Arceus…Are you here to invade us?” “Like I told Lyra, why would I want to invade a planet that’s not as advanced as my planet?” “Maybe for our magic?” Bon-Bon answered as Emma and Lyra deadpan at her. The human raises a hand as she summons a ball of darkness in front of her. “...Okay, guess that assumption is thrown out the window.” “Look I’m not here to take your world or anything like that. I just accidentally came here after being blown off of a cliff while I was on a mission. All I’m trying to do is figure out a way back home to see how my family is doing.” “You have a family?” Bon-Bon asked as Emma handed her a photo of her family. “Lyra said she’s willing to help me get home. And you’re in no obligation to help me either. But the more help I can get, the better chance I can get home.” She said as Bon-Bon looked over at Lyra. “I mean it’s up to you Bon-Bon, but I’m willing to help her get home…that and I can rub it in the faces of everypony that didn’t believe me that humans don’t exist.” “I thought that was already proven when Arceus came?” “I mean an actual human that didn't turn into a pokemon,” Lyra said. “I can finally have a human companion that I can hang out with. Plus she’s much nicer than most of the humans and pokemon I’ve met that didn’t have a problem letting me ask them questions about their world…even though Emma's from a different world, it still counts as talking to a human in my book.” Bon-Bon lets out a sigh of annoyance before looking over at Emma. “Knowing Lyra, she’s going to help you regardless of me telling her not to. I would like to know a bit more about you and the world you came from. Depending on what I’m hearing, I might be willing to help you. But if I don’t, then I want nothing to do with this and play ignorant of what you two are doing.” “Alright…where do you want me to start?” Emma asked as Bon-Bon adjusted herself on the couch to get a bit comfortable. “From the beginning. As I said, I want to know a little bit about you first before knowing what world you come from.” “Alright, this might take a while so I suggest getting comfortable because it’ll take a while to explain stuff about my world.” “I’ll go make us some snacks and drinks,” Lyra said as she walked off into the kitchen. “I guess I can start when I was found near a lake of mako energy when I was just a baby,” Emma said as she began to tell her story to the two mares. [Hall Of Legends] Arceus, the alpha pokemon that stands above all. It was by his power alone that he was able to move the pokemon and chosen humans that represented the good in humanity from planet earth to planet Equus. Some of the legendaries questioned his motive in secret, thinking that he must have lost his mind while sealed away over a thousand years ago. While others thought it was understandable and logical, given how the humans were able to capture them with their pokeballs or technology that allow them to be captured and controlled. Nevertheless, they all agreed with Arceus’s plan…though they thought he would have thought this plan out more carefully than just moved them instantly without knowing the ramification of the effects it had on the inhabitants of the being on Equus and his pokemon. As the alpha pokemon was currently meditating alone with his thoughts, a strange sensation washed over him. Upon feeling this, he quickly opens his eyes as he finds himself in a dark and ominous place devoid of light and sound. It took him by surprise for a moment before noticing seven flames appearing around him. Each flame would give off a distinct color ranging from white, blue, green, red, black, gray, and silver. The flames soon formed into orbs before flying up into the air and exploding. The bright light emitting from the orbs caused the alpha pokemon to close his eyes for a moment before feeling the flash fading. The moment his eyes opened, they soon widened as six tall shadowy figures stood in front of him. The alpha pokemon took up a defensive stance upon seeing before firing off a hyper beam at them, only for it to phase through them as they continued to stare down at Arceus. “Reveal yourself!” He ordered as the figures did nothing but watch him. “I order you to reveal yourself to me, or else!” The only response that he received was an emerald green energy bursting from behind the figure and heading towards Arceus. He quickly used protect to protect himself from the energy but to avail as it shot past the barrier he made for himself. To his surprise, the energy didn’t hurt him. If anything is just moved past him like water off of a duck’s feathers. His attention was soon focused on the energy for a moment before noticing said energy taking the form of a female human. The humanoid made out of energy took a few steps towards Arceus before standing in front of him. It looks up as the Alpha Pokemon and remains silent for a few seconds before bursting into particles of energy. The same thing happened to the other six shadowy figures as they all started to conform in front of Arceus. Within a matter of seconds, the darkness he saw vanished and he soon found himself floating in the sky. The alpha pokemon looked around for a moment before noticing the clouds in the sky parting to reveal some kind of large mechanical being with angelic wings coming from its shoulder descending towards him. A strong shivering sensation developed over the Alpha pokemon. As if this being was stronger than him. Which was impossible. He’s a god. He created a universe, Pokemon…humans. There shouldn’t be anyone or anything stronger than him. Yet this mechanical being was sending waves of fear and power into the pokemon’s body. As if this thing was in a different class. “Who….what are you?” Arceus asked as the machine simply stared off into the distance before exploding into another burst of emerald-colored explosion. The moment the explosion came into contact with the alpha pokemon, the vision ended as he stood up in a slight panic. Looking around he found himself back in the hall of legends he let out a sigh of relief. Though that sigh of relief was short-lived as he felt the same sensation off in the distance. Looking in the direction of where Canterlot was located, he saw the city and the town of Ponyville being engulfed in the same emerald green energy he saw in the vision. As he was watching the glow from the city, Mewtwo appeared next to him as the alpha pokemon turned his attention onto the psychic pokemon. “I take it you’re here because of the foreign energy engulfing Canterlot and Ponyville?” Arceus asked as Mewtwo nodded. “Have you seen this before, father?” “No, this is something new to me…and it’s a bit unsettling, to say the least.” He said before returning his attention to Ponyville and Canterlot. “Should I investigate and see who might be the cause of it?” “No..” Arceus said as Mewtwo raised an eyebrow at him. “Having you go and investigate during the night will cause some problems. Not to mention the source behind the energy will be in hiding at this time. When the sun rises, you and I will be making a trip to Canterlot and inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about this.” “As you wish,” Mewtwo said before teleporting back to his chambers, leaving the alpha pokemon to watch Canterlot and Ponyville glowing in the night. [Canterlot City, Hotel] “And that’s pretty much it. Right before I fell to my death, I used the experimental materia to warp myself from falling off a cliff, and found myself in this world.” Emma said as she noticed a shocked expression on Bon-Bon’s face and an excited expression on Lyra’s face. “So…you were once a researcher for this electric company by the name of Shinra. But it turns out that it’s not only an electric company, but it creates soldiers like you from innocent poor humans with nothing else to lose?” Bon-Bon asked as Emma waved her hand sideways a bit. “More or less. Sometimes they’ll force you to join by threatening your family or someone you care about. I joined because I needed the money and information to help my mom walk again.” “Okay, and this place, Midgar? You want to go back to see if your family is still okay?” “That’s correct. Once I know they’re okay, I’ll possibly head back here and hideout until the heat dies down…specifically when the electric company is out of business.” “Given what you told us about Shinra, that is fair.” “So you’ll help me out…right?” “I suppose…only to make sure Lyra doesn’t do anything to get you into trouble,” Bon-Bon said as Emma and Lyra smiled upon hearing this. “First thing first, we should head to the library in Canterlot. There might be a book or two on teleportation magic that might help.” “You guys have books on teleportation magic?” Emma asked as Lyra nodded. “We have just about almost every kind of spell. Though if we can’t find them in the public library, there’s always the one in Canterlot Castle~” “Which we aren’t allowed to go into because we’re not royalty or the elements of harmony.” Bon-Bon said as she noticed Emma tilted her head a bit in confusion. “I’ll explain tomorrow when we’re at the library. But going into the forbidden area of Canterlot’s library is forbidden.” “Not if we’re caught, but we have someone that can go invisible~,” Lyra said as Emma pressed a button on her wrist, she turned invisible for a moment before turning visible. “I can also make other people invisible too, but its limit is only three people. So long as they’re close to me.” Emma added. “Push comes to shove, I can put people to sleep if we’re caught. But I think we should save that for when we can’t find what we need in the public library.” “Well...that’s not a bad plan, but I still think we shouldn’t go into that area at all.” “Sometimes you have to break a few rules to get the best results. Whether it be for science or in doing something that you love.” Emma said as Lyra agreed with the human’s comment. The earth pony had to agree with the human’s statement. Taking risks is how ponies grow in whatever work they do. Even she takes risks when making new types of candy for her store. “Fair enough. But if I get caught, I’m going to hurt you both for getting me thrown into Canterlot Dungeon.” Bon-Bon said before getting up from the couch and starting to make her way to her room. “For now, we should get some rest. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day, and you’ll need it given what you've been through before coming here.” “What are you talking about, I can still keep….going,” Emma said before feeling herself falling onto the ground and passing out. Lyra’s eyes widened upon seeing this as she looked over at Bon-Bon who was smirking. “Don’t worry, she’s not dead. I slipped in a few sleeping pills in her drink while she was telling her story.” “And you don’t think she’s going to be angry when she wakes up?” “Maybe, but the girl needed a nice restful sleep given what she told about what she went through.” “I mean…yeah,” Lyra sighed as she used her magic to levitate a blanket and a pillow over to the couch. Once there, she levitated Emma onto the couch and covered her with a blanket. “Still think you should watch out for when she smacks you upside your head.” “I’ll take your word for it. But for now, get some sleep.” Bon-Bon said as Lyra followed the earth pony into the room. “Hope nothing bad happens to us when we go into town tomorrow.” > Chapter Five: The Buster and The Connoisseur > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Five The Buster and The Connoisseur The morning sun rose above the city of Canterlot as everypony began either opening shops or going to their jobs to start the new day. Though word about last night’s explosion could be heard being talked about by everypony in the city. From what somepony heard as they were apprehending the houndours, a human clad in blue and black armor and clothes with the ability to copy pokemon moves had taken them down and that all Pokemon should be careful because the humans have found us. Of course, nobody or the pokemon didn’t pay attention to what they said, mainly because they couldn’t understand them, or because they were criminals and wanted to get a rise out of the royal guards. Though Emma and Lyra knew that what the houndours said was true…considering Emma did save Lyra from them. Thank god the human had the technology to make herself invisible, otherwise, things will become problematic for the trio making their way through Canterlot. “You know I should kick your ass for giving me sleeping pills last night in my drink.” Emma as she, Lyra, and Bon-Bon were making their way to the Canterlot. “I know, and I’m sorry for that. But given what you told us last night, I figure the pills and the tea would help you relax and get a good night’s sleep.” Bon-Bon said with a nervous expression on her face. “...While I appreciate a good night's sleep, just don’t do that again, otherwise I will have to throw you off a cliff if not worse.” “Noted and I will never do that again.” “Good,” The soldier said as she reached into her bag to pull out a medium box-like container. She soon opens it as it gives off the smell of cooked food that Bon-Bon and Lyra picked up. Upon picking up the smell of cooked food, both mares turn their attention to the invisible human as Lyra spoke up. “What are you eating?” “Rations from when I couldn’t make a proper meal on the battlefield. Kind of had to make these before going into a fight. Can’t fight on an empty stomach…I mean, you can, but I prefer not to be killed while eating.” “It smells nice, what kind of food is it?” Bon-Bon asked. “Fried fish, covered in barbecue sauce, hot potato, and a small piece of apple pie,” Emma answered before quickly presenting the mares with her food. Upon seeing the food, they were taken by surprise at how nicely packed and the way it looked. It didn’t look like slop thrown together but like a meal in a restaurant. “What? Something wrong?” “This looks like a five-star course meal. How is this a quick meal!?” Lyra asked. “Plus, wouldn’t a secret government project not be able to provide good food?” “...Never said I got the food from The Deepground…Well for the most part.” She said in between bites of her food. “My missions were either to gather information on Wutai, spy on the people in Corel Prison, gather mako energy from the former Nibelheim reactor, etc, etc. As I traveled the world, I mostly gathered food from the wild or bought the ingredients from the stores in that continent.” “And you weren’t worried that you would’ve been punished for doing something like that?” Bon-Bon asked. “As long as I get the mission done or try to escape, then they don’t care what I do outside of the mission I was given. I was more worried about not being killed by the Tsviets.” “The Tsviets?” “They’re an elite group of soldiers that lead the Deepground Army. I was…part of the group because I can make materia, and I didn’t have a brain chip that would allow the Restrictors to control.” She said before noticing Lyra and Bon-Bon’s confused expressions on their faces. “You see, the Tsviets are the strongest in the deepground, but because of the experimentation performed on them, they went…insane for the most part. So, the restrictors were made to keep them in check. Prevent them from going on a killing spree or revolt against Shinra.” “Okay, that makes sense. But what makes you special that you weren’t controlled by the restrictors?” Lyra asked. “Because the brain chip they put in me would short circuit the moment about a day later. So as a means to keep me from leaving, they placed me in the Tsviets. Of course, they couldn’t kill me less Shinra would lose their second mains of making materia, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t make my life a living hell to the point where I would kill myself.” “...I’m sorry what?” “Yeah, they would do stuff to me to lead me to kill myself. Physical to the point where they would impale me with swords, shoot me in non-vital areas, and a bunch of other things. Mentally…I prefer not to go into detail, but if the term mind rape isn’t a thing here…then I think it should be a thing.” She said before noticing the color of the mare’s coat turning sickly pale, which caused her to worry about them. “You two okay?” “We’re okay? Are you okay!?” Bon-Bon asked. “How can somepony do something like that to you? I mean if I was in your shoes I would possibly go insane or worse!” “I mean I know humans aren’t perfect, but holy Celestia did I not expect something like that,” Lyra said before walking up to Emma and placing a hoof on her leg as a means of comfort. “I wouldn’t blame you if you hated your kind because of it.” “...Honestly, I don’t hate my kind because of that,” Emma said as the mare blinked in surprise at this. “Hear me out. Taking my anger out on other people wouldn’t help me. Sure it might quell the anger I was feeling at the time, but how would that help me feel better?” “I mean…you’re not wrong…But don’t you feel a little bit angry at them for what they did?” Bon-Bon said before hearing Emma speak up. “I’m more pissed at the people in charge of Shinra than I am with the soldiers of Deepground. I mean they are the reason why the deepground was made the way it is now. If I had the opportunity to kill them, then I would. But other than that, I think I prefer to keep my distance from certain members of the deepground.” She said before finishing up her meal. “Besides, if I blame every human for my problems, then I’ll be no better than the ones that wronged me…that or makes me a…what is the term for racist against their kind in Equestria?” “Speciest,” Lyra answered. “Yeah, I would be that and not caring for my kind just because of a few bad apples in the bunch. I mean you would have to be pretty immature to let something like that happen. But that’s just me, I can’t change a person’s mindset like I’m some kind of self-righteous hero of justice or something.” “You… are an odd human,” Bon-Bon said as Emma shrugged. “You wouldn’t be the first to say that about me.” She said before noticing that they were stopping in front of a building. From what she could tell by looking through the window of said building, it looks to be some kind of pastry shop of some kind. “What’s this place?” “Donut Joe’s donut shop,” Lyra said as Emma examined the building up and down. “I figure we get something to snack on seeing how we’ll be looking through a lot of books on teleportation.” “If that’s the case, then we’ll need more than just donuts to snack on. We’ll need actual food.” “Then we’ll stop by the stores and get something that you can eat as well,” Bon-Bon said. “Um, what do humans eat?” “Well, humans are omnivores. So they can eat certain meats, fruits, and vegetables. We’ll pick up some tofu and fry it for Emma to eat.” Lyra said before looking over at Emma. “You can eat tofu, right?” “Ironically I have some rations with tofu in them, but you shouldn’t worry about me on my account. I can just eat the rations I have saved for emergencies.” “Yeah, no. You’re going to eat a proper meal. I mean the ration you made may have some nutritional value, but you can’t just eat those.” Bon-Bon said as Lyra nodded. “Not to mention what will you do if you run out?” Lyra added as it caused the soldier to ponder that question. Sure she could just sneak around and steal food when no one’s looking. But that never sat well in her stomach. Even when she needed to eat, she couldn’t steal from others. “I…suppose trying some Equestrian dishes wouldn’t hurt,” Emma said as the mares smiled for a moment before heading into the store. “I’ll wait out here until you guys are done.” “You sure? Won’t you be lonely out here?” Bon-Bon asked as she noticed the human handing her and Lyra a strange small device. “What’s this?” “Communication device. It allows us to talk and listen to each other from a distance, so long as there isn’t any electrical disturbance like a thunderstorm or something along the lines of that.” “Wow, you humans make a lot of interesting things,” Lyra said before she and Bon-Bon placed the devices in their ears. “With this, I’ll be able to keep in touch with you two when I need to keep myself hidden or have to hide someplace else,” Emma said as she leaned against the wall of the shop the mares were going into. “Head inside, I’ll be out here waiting and checking on the information I gathered last night.” “Okay, try not to get into trouble while we’re gone~,” The mare said before she and Bon-Bon entered the store. “What kind of trouble could I get in the next couple of seconds or so?” Emma asked as she turned her attention onto the ponies walking by her. It was weird seeing a town full of ponies walking around without a care in the world. Mainly given how she’s been in the deepground for the past nine years, it was rare to see something as peaceful as this. She possibly wouldn’t mind coming back to this world from time to time once Shinra is no longer an issue in her world…which she hopes is soon, mainly because being the only human in this world of ponies and possibly other beings on this planet…will be awkward. As the deepground soldier watched the ponies walk by her, she soon picked up the sound of something rustling off behind the store. Upon hearing this, she slowly began to make her way around the building. The moment she looked around the corner, she saw what appeared to be some kind of deer with a flower on its head, and…was that a blue cat digging around in a dumpster? “Find anything?” The Deerling asked as the Glaceon pulled herself out of the dumpster and hopped in front of the Deerling. “Not unless you want stale old crusty donuts with a side order of mold for frosting?” The Glaceon said as the deerling huffed in annoyance. “This stinks. It’s bad enough that we were taken from our planet, but now we’re on a strange planet stuck as pokemon. Stupid Arceus. I didn’t ask to be turned into a pokemon!” “Not to mention we can’t find our pokemon seeing how we got separated from them,” Glaceon said as she heard her stomach growl. “It doesn’t help that we can’t communicate with these ponies on account of the language barrier. I haven’t eaten anything but half-eaten food for the past month.” “Must be humans that were turned into pokemon that Lyra mentioned last night.” Emma thought as she slowly made her way over to the two pokemon while still being invisible. “There has to be a way to get someone to help us out. Maybe one of the pokemon in this city?” Glaceon said as the deerling shook her head. “Not unless you want them to attack us again, like that pack of houndours two days ago. What I wouldn’t give for a home-cooked meal.” She said before flopping onto the ground. The moment she said that they heard the sound of something being dropped off near them. The smell of cooked food entered their noses as they looked over to their right to see medium size boxes. The two looked at each other for a moment before walking over to the boxes. Once in front of the boxes, their eyes widen upon seeing them filled with pork fried rice and a well-done stack with a special meat-like sauce on it. “...This can’t be real….can it?” “It…it looks real.” The glaceon said as she sniffed the food. “And it smells real.” “I’ll see how it tastes~,” The deerling said as she was about to dig into the meal, only for the glaceon to stop her with her tail. “Hold it, this might be a trap of some kind. I mean, think about it? Why would food just magically appear out of nowhere like that?” “Does it matter?” The deerling asked as the glaceon deadpans. “Yes, it does. For all we know, it could be those ponies in that underground ring that we escaped from in this city.” “Underground fighting ring huh?” Emma said as it caused the two pokemon to yelp in surprise upon hearing her voice. “And here I thought this place was supposed to be peaceful.” “W-Who’s there?” asked the deerling as she quickly moved beside the glaceon for protection. “Relax, I’m not here to hurt you or anything. I just figured you two were hungry and wanted to help.” “And you expect us to believe that? This might be a trap you set up for us.” The glaceon said as she looked around to see where the voice was coming from. “Hm, well you make a valid point. But how do I know you’re not going to attack me if I reveal myself to you?” Emma asked as the two pokemon looked at each other for a moment before returning to looking around the alleyway they were in. “...Alright, fine. We won’t attack you if you reveal yourself to us.” The glaceon said as it caused the deerling to stare at her in disbelief. “Are you crazy!?” “Relax, I know how to use an ice beam attack on them. The moment they make themselves visible, I’ll blast them in the face and we can escape.” The glaceon whispered as it caused the deerling to grin. “Oh, I see. Lure them in to make it seem like we’re defenseless and then strike them down. Not a bad idea.” “Yeah, that would be a good idea,” Emma said as she made herself visible behind the two pokemon. “If it wasn’t for the fact that I can hear you two whispering from behind.” The two pokemon gulped upon hearing this as they slowly turned themselves around. Upon doing so, their eyes widen upon seeing Emma. Though more so of the fact that she’s a human. “Hello~” “...Georgia.” The deerling said as she looked at Emma up and down before hearing the glaceon speak. “Yeah, Burgundy.” “I’m I seeing a human standing in front of us…not a Zoroark or Zorua by any chance?” She asked as Georgia walked behind the human to examine her back to see if there was a tail or anything that would give off that she was a pokemon. To her surprise, there wasn’t anything as she shook her head. “Okay, so I’m not hallucinating or anything?” “N-Nope,” Georgia said as she looked at Emma up and down. “You're human…right?” “Yep…though not from your world mind you,” Emma answered as she soon noticed the two pokemon pass out in front of her. “Oh crap, this is not good.” She said before hearing Lyra’s voice speak coming from her communicator. “Hey, Emma. We got the donuts. Where are you?” “In an alleyway behind Donut Joe’s shop.” “Okay…wait why are you hiding out there?” “Because I found two pokemon who were once human…and I kind of revealed myself to them.” She said as there was silence on the other end for a moment before Bon-Bon spoke up. “You did what!?” “It’s not like I had much of a choice. They were looking through trash trying to find something to eat. So I figure why not give them something to eat like my rations. Of course, they wouldn’t eat it seeing how it appeared out of nowhere, so I had no choice but to show myself to them.” “...How bad are they? Condition wise?” “They don’t look like skin and bones, but they smell like trash and rust,” Emma said before kneeling and examining them more. “Bruises around their necks indicating that they’ve had collars on them for some time.” She said before examining their eyes. “And it looks like they haven’t slept in days, or they have just not long.” “If that’s the case, then we need to take them to Canterlot Hospital.” “We can’t do that. They saw Emma. If they take them to the hospital, then they’ll blab about their being a human in Canterlot.” Lyra said as Emma nodded. “She’s right. It would be best that we take them to the room we’re staying in. That way I can heal them and get some answers about their situation.” “Fine, Lyra, you’ll go with Emma. I’ll head over to the library to get the books we need.” Bon-Bon said as Emma spoke up. “Need my device to make yourself invisible?” “No need, I’m sure I’ll be able to get the information that we need from the public library. You and Lyra just get the pokemon back to the room so you can heal them.” She said as Emma quickly made herself invisible and picked up the glaceon and deerling. The moment she picked them up, they both turned invisible just as Lyra made her way to where she was. “Psst! Emma, you’re here?” Lyra asks as she jumps and yelps upon feeling the human touch her. She quickly turns around to see a faint silhouette of the human. “Geez, that ability to make yourself invisible is really good.” “Shrina tech in a nutshell for you.” She said before turning completely invisible. “Pick up the boxes of rations, we’re gonna need them because the pokemon I have with me are gonna be hungry.” Lyra nodded as her horn glowed causing the boxes to levitate off the ground and over to them. Once she did that, she quickly took the lead and began to lead Emma back to their room in the hotel Bon-Bon and Lyra were in. The moment they left, a familiar psychic legendary pokemon appeared in the alleyway Emma and the others were in. He scanned the area for a moment before picking up a trail of footsteps leading out of the alleyway. Mewtwo slowly began to follow the trail for a moment before disappearing. “Darnit, the trail vanished again,” he said before looking around to see if he could find it again. So far, it was hard to find the trail. Mainly because of the strange energy blocking his ability to see where they were. “Another dead-end trail. I’ll have to look somewhere else where the energy isn’t so dense.” The psychic pokemon closed his eyes as he soon teleported off to another section of Canterlot. > Chapter Six: The Future is Now! Thanks to Science! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Six The Future is Now! Thanks to Science! “You know how you said what kind of trouble you could get into in the next couple of seconds or so?” Lyra asked as she watched Emma treating Burgundy and Georgia's injuries by wrapping bandages soaked in a bottle of remedy. “Well, I think this counts as you getting into trouble.” “Well, it’s not like I could just leave them there to starve. I mean, do you not see the way they’re looking right now? These two look like they would be on a cover of anorexic monthly if that was a thing here on this planet.” “I can see that, but you need to be more careful. We don’t want to draw the wrong attention to us.” “I make no promises on being careful on that.” She said before performing the finishing touches on the pokemon injuries. “That should do for the time being.” “How come you’re not using your magic to heal them?” “This is me personally. I prefer to use Curaga when I’m on the road or in a situation where I need to heal myself or someone quickly. When I’m not, then I prefer to do things the old fashion way.” “But wouldn’t it be less time-consuming if you just use your magic?” “You can’t rely on magic for everything. Because relying on it for just about everything will leave you open for someone or something to kill you when you can’t use your magic at the time you need it. Hence why you need alternatives or something along the lines of that just in case. Like how I know both medical science and machinery.” She said before placing the food she had given the pokemon from before in front of the Burgundy and Georgia. “...You’re weird.” “Oh hi pot, meet kettle. Have you two met?” Emma said before noticing the glaceon and deerling moving a bit due to the aroma of the food hitting their nose. They slowly open their eyes as they notice the food from before standing in front of them, but soon notice Emma in front of them as they back away from the human. The moment they do that, they notice the bandages on themselves before looking down at the food they were given. “Nice to see you two are up. How are you feeling?” “Warm and fuzzy…” Georgia said as she looked around the room she was in. “Where are we?” “You’re in our room in this lovely little hotel in Canterlot. I brought you both here when you passed both out after seeing me.” “Are…you a human, not just a Zoroark or Zorua?” The glaceon asked as she took a few steps forwards toward the kneeling soldier. Once she was close to Emma’s face, she placed a paw on it to make sure it was real. To her surprise, she felt…warm…and cold? “One-hundred percent human weird cat…dog…creature thing?” She said which caused Burgundy to snicker a bit, but quickly stops and looks away due to the glare Georgia was giving her. “First of all, I’m not a cat or a dog. I’m a Glaceon.” Georgia said as Emma tilted her head in confusion. “You know, an evolution that Eevee can turn into?” “If I can interrupt?” Lyra said as the pokemon turned their attention onto the unicorn. “Emma isn’t from your world. She is a human from a different world that doesn’t have pokemon.” She said which took them by surprise. “Yeah, I guess you could say I’m an alien from another planet,” Emma said before placing a hand on her chin. “Though, would I be classified as human seeing I’m from a different planet? Or would I be classified as an alien even though I am human, just not where you former human come from.” “....Okay this is a lot to take in,” Georgia said as she flops backward a bit on the couch she was on along with Burgundy, though she would hear the deerling eating which caused her to be surprised by this. “What are you doing!? Did you forget what I said before!?” “I am hungry! I’ll take my chance with a human from another planet than go another day without food.” The deerling said in between bites. “Dear God, the taste, the smell, the presentation~! Surely you must be a chef from the way you cook this~!” She said as Georgia looked over her food. Her stomach let out a growl of hunger as she let out a sigh of defeat. If this was a trap, then she might as well eat it…not a horrible way to die she guessed. Upon taking a bit out of the steak, she paused for a moment before quickly digging in like a starving animal…which wasn’t far from the truth given what they’ve been through. “Not really, I just know how to cook just to get by in life,” Emma answered as she couldn’t help but chuckle at their reaction to her food. “I have a bunch of rations for when I need to eat something on the go, if I’m camping out in a forest, or if the next town is a day or two away and I won't be able to make it there.” She said before reaching into her bag to pull out two bowls, two bottles of water, and a bottle of remedy. They soon placed the bowls in front of the glaceon and deerling before pouring the water in them and half of the remedy into both bowls, giving it a faint glow. “Drink up, it’ll heal you of any toxins, bacteria, diseases, or viruses that you may have picked up.” “This isn’t poison or something, is it?” Georgia asked as the soldier shook her head. “If it was poison, then you both would’ve been dead by now. Plus what would I gain from killing you both for no reason?” She said before seeing Georgia sniff the water for a moment before drinking it. She recoils back and sticks her tongue out due to how bitter it tasted. “Yeah, not the best tasting medicine, but it’ll get the job done so long as you drink it.” “You couldn’t make it taste better?” Burgundy asked as she did the same as Georgia after tasting the drink. “Well, we don’t want people getting addicted to said medicine. That way they wouldn’t try and come back with a fake sickness to get more. “The name’s Emma by the way.” She said before jerking a thumb to the side. “The unicorn next to me is named Lyra.” “Nice to meet you!” The mare said as she waved to the human turned pokemon. “My name’s Georgia, I’m a dragon buster.” She said before pointing a paw to the deerling next to her. “The deerling next to me is named Burgundy.” “Pleasure to meet you.” She said before trying to take another sip from her drink, only to shudder from the bitter taste. As this was happening, Lyra blinked upon hearing what the pokemon just said as she spoke up. “Wait a minute…you spoke Equus…just now?” The mare asked as Burgundy raised an eyebrow at her. “Wait, you can understand what I’m saying?” “Yeah…weird, I couldn’t understand what pokemon were saying without a translation spell. But now I can hear you speaking Equus like…perfectly.” She said as Georgia looked over at Emma. “You can understand us as well because of a translation spell?” “Nope. I don’t have one, nor does Lyra, who doesn’t even know of a spell like that.” Emma said as the two pokemon stared at her. “Though with me, that might be because I’m from another planet. Lyra on the other hand…well I’m gonna have to examine her to see if there’s anything different.” “Are you even licensed to do that?” Lyra asked as she noticed Emma pulling out a black card with her name and face on it. “Technically yes…though not licensed in Equestria, it still counts.” “...Should I be worried about that?” Burgundy asked as both Lyra and Emma shook their heads. “Okay…question, if what you’re saying is true. About you being from another world where there are other humans. How come you’re dressed like that?” “That’s classified information that I can’t talk about…unless you’re willing to give me some information in return?” Emma asked as it caused the two pokemon to look at each other for a moment before returning their gaze to the human. “What kind of information?” Georgia asked. “Well for starters. I would like to know more about your world, along with why the humans of your world were turned into Pokemon. I would also like to know more about these creatures called Pokemon.” Emma asked as it caused the two pokemon to blink in surprise by this. “Really? That’s it? You don’t want money or force us to be your pokemon or something along the lines of that?” Burgundy asked as the soldier shook her head. “Information about a new species that I’ve never heard of is its own reward.” She said before pulling out a notebook and a pen. “You tell me everything about this species and I’ll inform you about where I come from. Deal?” “....Give us a second,” Burgundy said as she quickly grabbed Georgia and began to whisper to her. “Let's take the deal.” She said as the glaceon’s eyes widened upon hearing this. “You can’t be serious? What makes you think she’s not some kind of spy or something?” “Who cares, this woman is a human and a scientist. Do you know what that means?” She asked as Georgia shook her head. “She can help us become human again.” “....You're joking, right? What makes you think she can do that?” “If she’s an alien from another planet, then her people might have some kind of technology to change us back to normal.” She said which caused Georgia to ponder the idea. “Aren’t you tired of not being able to communicate and having no hands?” “....I do miss having hands.” “We’re humans, not pokemon. Nothing against them mind you, but what gives Arceus the right to turn up into pokemon against your will, nor without your consent?” “....Okay, I’m in,” Georgia said before looking over at Emma. “We'll tell you what we know, but in exchange. We need your help with something.” “And that help would be?” “....We want to be human again,” Burgundy said as Emma raised an eyebrow at her. “Before we were brought here against our will to Equus, we were once human. That jerk of a pokemon Arceus turned us into pokemon. For what reason, I don’t know. But I hate being a pokemon.” “To clarify. We don’t hate pokemon. If anything we love them, but being turned into one against our will…isn’t right. I mean, he didn’t even bother to ask us.” Georgia added as she examined her paws. “Because of this, we ended up in an underground Illegal fighting arena being forced to fight other pokemon against our will.” “Not to mention we don’t even know how to fight as pokemon,” Burgundy said after finishing up her meal. “For the past thirty days, we have gotten our butts handed to us. And when you lose a fight, you don’t get fed. The only way we were able to survive was because of the trash the ponies left behind due to our loss.” She said as it caused Lyra’s mouth to gap open, while Emma had a stoic expression on her face. “Hm, guess no matter how peaceful a place is, there’s always going to be a group of evil people or in this case ponies, to do something like that…five Gil says that they’re a bunch of rich ponies or something.” The soldier thought before speaking. “So if I can turn you both into humans, you’ll tell me what I need to know, correct?” “Y-Yes?” Burgundy said as she noticed the soldier reach for her helmet from beside the couch. The two took notice that the helmet gave off a blue light before seeing a digital copy of both Burgundy and Georgia. “Hm, alright, I think I can do something about that.” “Seriously!? You will!?” Georgia asked. “I can’t make any promises, but I can try and find a way to turn you both back into humans. It might take a while, but I will try no matter how long it takes.” She said before looking over at Lyra. “It’s a good thing you got the donuts from that shop you went into. Because I’ll be needing them while I do this and teleportation magic.” “I’ll go make you all some tea.” The mare said before heading off into the kitchen. “If you don’t mind me asking, why are you helping us?” Georgia asked as the soldier turned her attention onto the glaceon. “I mean if it was anyone else, they would take advantage of us. You know, like use what you just said to make us do stuff, or worse.” “Multiple reasons. First, being a scientist/medic it’s my job to help people as best as I can. If I see someone in trouble, I’m going to help without asking for anything in return. If I see someone dying, I’m going to save them, and expect nothing in return. Second, I find this an interesting challenge. From what I’ve been given, this Arceus person is like the god who created these creatures called Pokemon, correct?” “Well, he was thought to be a legend/myth. But given what just happened to us, yes, he’s a god that created us humans and pokemon.” Georgia answered. “If this pokemon is a god as you claim him to be, then it would be interesting to see if I was the first human to figure out the scientific method of changing pokemon into humans.” She said with a grin on her face. “Oh, I’m getting excited just thinking about it~!” “...Wow…you are very weird?” Burgundy said. “Yeah, you’re not the only one to say that about me.” She said before reaching into her bag to pull out a laptop along with some medical equipment that would be seen in a research facility. Both Burgundy and Georgia were taken by surprise as to how much she was able to fit inside of her bag as the glaceon spoke. “Okay, how can you have that much stuff in just a small bag? I mean it looks like you can only carry a Pokedex, some potions, and a case to hold your gym badges in.” She asked as a smirk appeared on the soldier’s face. “You can thank the company I used to work for back on Gaia. You see, just like Equestria, humans can use magic.” She said before reaching into her bag to pull out a materia. “With the help of these orbs called materia, we can harness the magic and use them to help us in just about anything. So I decided to get my hands on a transformation materia, applied said spell to my bag to make stuff that enters inside it small, and poof. I got myself a bag that can carry just about anything.” “...So you mean to tell me that the humans from where you’re from…were able to make orbs that can make you use magic, just like the ponies of this world?” Burgundy asked as Emma nodded while setting up her equipment. “Wait…then you can use that magic stuff to change us back?” “I might be able to, but I would need to study your D.N.A. before I try a few methods to turn you both back into humans. I mean, without proper data, I could end up changing you both into horrible abominations, or worse. You could be killed.” She said which caused the two pokemon to shiver at the thought of that. “With your permission, I'm gonna need a test tube of both your blood.” “Um, for what?” The deerling asked as Emma pointed to her laptop. “If I’m going to help you with this, I’m going to need to scan your D.N.A.” She answered before pulling out two syringes. “Mainly because I need a better understanding of what makes a pokemon…well a pokemon if that makes sense? Or in this case, the more information I have, the better I have at changing you into humans again.” Both Burgundy and Georgia looked at each other for a moment before letting out sighs of defeat and extending their arms at the soldier. “This isn’t going to hurt, will it?” Georgia asked. “It won’t hurt that much. It’ll be like a little pinch. Just be glad I’m not asking for bone marrow because that would hurt.” The soldier said before carefully placing the syringe on the deerling’s arm. Burgundy flinched upon feeling the needle prick her skin as blood entered the syringe. She soon did the same with Georgia as the glaceon flinched upon feeling her blood being drained. Once the syringe was filled with blood, the soldier pulled out a USB connector from the side of her laptop, connected it to the back part of the syringe, and began to type on her laptop. “There, that wasn’t so bad was it?” “No…but it felt weird having blood being drawn like that,” Georgia said as she and Burgundy rubbed their arms with their paw and hoof. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it over time,” Emma said as she turned her attention onto her laptop. “But let's just hope I don’t have to take blood samples constantly. For now, just relax, drink your medicine, and I’ll focus on getting you two back to normal.” [Canterlot Castle] “Sister, am I the only one that’s seeing this?” Luna asked as she and Celestia looked outside of the balcony window to see particles of green-colored energy flowing throughout the entire city of Canterlot. So far, no one else seems to notice this other than the princesses, and this strange energy isn’t hurting anyone. Strangely enough, the strange energy coming from the ground felt…warm and comfortable. Like a blanket coming out of a dryer after being washed in a washing machine kind of warm and comforting. “No, you’re not the only one. It would seem we’re the only ones that can see this.” Celestia said as she moved a hoof through the energy that was around her. “Doesn’t seem to be a threat of any kind. It feels…warm?” “This wouldn’t be the only place that this energy is coming from. While flying up to see how far this had spread, it seems Ponyville is enveloped by the same energy. You think Twilight and the others might notice this?” “Perhaps, but you can be sure you know who will notice this as well,” Celestia said before hearing the presence of Arceus appear behind. “Speaking of him. I take it you’re here because of this strange energy we’re seeing?” “Indeed, though I noticed it last night developing around Canterlot and Ponyville. You wouldn’t happen to know what this is, would you?” He asked as the princesses shook their heads in unison. “I figure you would know what this is. Given how this is something I’ve never seen before.” He said which took Celestia and Luna by surprise. “You...never seen anything like this before? You who’ve claimed to have been around since the beginning of time and visited different dimensions, have never seen anything like this before?” Celestia asked with a smirk on her face. “It’s not like you’re in any position to say that. Especially given how you don’t know about this as well.” “True, but it’s nice to see something like this to be foreign to you for a change~,” She said as the alpha pokemon rolled his eyes. “But in all seriousness, this is something that I’ve never seen before. Yet it hasn’t caused anything to warrant my worries over it as of yet.” “Still, we should investigate this matter and find the source behind this,” Luna suggested. “As harmless as this energy may seem, we don’t know if somepony might be hurt by this or worse.” “I informed my children about this and they’ll inform me if other places in Equestria are giving off the same energy as Canterlot and Ponyville are giving off. I also assign Mewtwo to search the city for the source behind this.” “...You sure it was a wise idea to let him do that?” Luna asked as it caused Arceus to turn his attention to the lunar princess. “Given his…unorthodox method when it comes to using brute force to get his way, how do we know he wouldn’t use force to restrain the pony that might be behind this.” “I have faith that my son will not use force in this matter. Especially given how he’s in a city full of innocent ponies and pokemon.” Arceus said as he noticed Luna was not convinced by his statement. “You still doubt me, do you?” “Given the past actions he’s done as your ambassador, I have every right to doubt your word,” Luna said as it caused Arceus to deadpan. “Take it as you like, but what pony would let an anti-social being with little to no tactful skills in social etiquette be the ambassador for their kind?” She said before realizing she just answered her question. “Scratch that. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” “If it makes you feel any better, I’m having one of my daughters monitor him from a safe distance. So in case he does something that would endanger the city, she’ll be the voice of reason and stop him.” “That…makes me feel a bit better…Just to be on the safe side, I should inform the royal guards to be on the lookout for anything that seems suspicious.” Luna said before walking out of the throne room. “Perhaps I should go and see if there are other places around the world with the same energy that Canterlot and Ponyville are giving off,” Arceus suggested as Celestia nodded in agreement. “You think we’re not the only ones that might have something like this happening?” “Given how big this planet is, I would be surprised if Equestria was the only place that is having this problem. Nonetheless, I will inform you of what I’ve discovered in a few minutes or so,” he said before teleporting off, as Celestia was left alone in the throne room. “I’m hoping that this isn’t a bad sign or anything that would spell disaster for everypony and pokemon on Equus.” > Chapter Seven: Possible Cure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Seven Possible Cure [Canterlot Library] “I would like to check these books out please?” Bon-Bon asked as the librarian looked over the books for a moment before looking at Bon-Bon with a raised eyebrow. “It’s for a friend of mine. She wants to learn more on how to teleport from Canterlot to Manehatten.” “Let me guess. Lyra?” “That obvious?” “This wouldn’t be the first time she came here to learn teleportation magic. Then again it was back when she was a kid and trying to find out if humans exist.” “...That would explain why she kept herself locked in her room as a little filly for long periods of time.” She said before noticing the librarian opening the books and marking the back part of them. “But I assure you, she only needs them to get from here to Ponyville.” “Given how prices are for a ticket to Ponyville and anywhere else, I wouldn’t blame her for wanting these books. Though it might take her a while to get the hang of it. I mean, she’s not an alicorn like the princesses.” “I know, but you know how the mare can be when she sets her mind on something. She won’t give up until she accomplishes it.” “Yeah, just make sure she doesn’t go overboard.” The pegasus mare said before handing the books over to her. “Have a nice day.” “I’ll try,” Bon-Bon said as she picked up the books by mouth and placed them in her saddlebag, one by one. Once she was finished, she began to make her way out of the library and through the streets of Canterlot. As she was making her way through the city, she pressed the communication device in her ear. “Bon-Bon here. I got the books you need.” “Perfect, maybe the books that you bring me might give me a clue as to how to teleport on a world level.” “Let's hope so. I prefer not to be a common thief and have to go into the forbidden library in Canterlot Castle.” “We’ll only get in trouble if we’re caught. Keep in mind that I can make myself invisible if I need to.” “Still doesn’t change the fact that we could get in trouble for doing this.” “Well, it’s not like I have much of a choice in the manner. Now please stop complaining and bring the books over to me as soon as possible. That way, I’ll be able to look over them once I finish helping Burgundy and Georgia become human again…or at least as human as possible.” “....I’m sorry what?” “It’ll be easy for you to see it then for me to explain it over a communicator. Just get over here as soon as possible.” Emma said before ending the conversation. “....I have a feeling Lyra has something to do with what she said about changing pokemon into humans.” The earth pony said as she continued making her way back to the hotel Emma and Lyra were in. Just as the mare left the area, Mewtwo appeared within seconds of Bon-Bon leaving as he scanned the area. He soon saw a pair of hoof prints leaving the library and headed down the street, but the trail vanished as it caused the psychic pokemon to groan in annoyance. “This is starting to become nothing more than a wild goose chase.” He said while still scanning the area for the source behind the energy he was seeing. “It would be much easier if I could just read the minds of ponies. Though I get the feeling father is having someone looking over me.” “You’re not wrong~,” said a familiar female voice as it caused Mewtwo to deadpan and look over his shoulder to see mew looming over his shoulder. “Howdy~” “Of course, he would send you to look over me.” “Well can you blame him? Especially after multiple times, you used force to try and get your way with some of the diplomatic ponies.” “If you had been there during the meeting, then you would know why.” “Sending mental images of what the humans have done to you may have worked in not having them try and kick us off this planet, but it didn’t help to gain Celestia and Luna’s trust. If anything, it made it worse.” Mew said as she started to float around Mewtwo. “It’s not my fault they have incompetent ponies in charge of diplomacy.” “And there was the time when you mind rape that poor human that you thought was a Metagross with high mentality.” She said which caused him to flinch from the reminded pain he felt in his chest. “Which caused you to be under house arrest for a couple of days.” “I get it-” “And there was the time you threw Lyra out of Ponyville for asking you questions about the human world.” “Correction, I didn’t throw her out of Ponyville, I simply teleported her out of Ponyville and into a lake.” “And that makes it better because?” “She’s lucky I didn’t throw her off a cliff.” He said bluntly as it caused Mew to facepalm herself. “You see, it's stuff like that is what gives pokemon a bad name. You’re supposed to be an ambassador between pokemon and ponies to bring peace. Not give them a reason to fear us.” She said as Mewtwo simply grunted before returning to his search. “Look like it or not, you need to set a good example for us. And using force to get your way, isn’t going to pay off in the long run. Especially in your case seeing how you have one more strike before I replace you as ambassador~” “....Fine. I make no promises, but I’ll try not to use force to have my way…even though it’s for the benefit of our kind.” “Don’t use force,” Mew said in a serious tone before vanishing from his sight. “Don’t use force. Doesn’t she realize that you need to force in getting things done?” “Yes, but the way you do it doesn’t help~,” Mew said telepathically as Mewtwo looked up at the sky for a moment before returning to his search. [Canterlot Hotel] “I gotta say. Pokemon D.N.A. is very interesting.” Emma said as she continued to type on her laptop. “I’m surprised the people on your planet haven’t done anything involving gene splicing.” “Gene…splicing?” Georgia asked. “It’s a process using recombinant D.N.A. technology to join by attachment or insertion a D.N.A segment from one source to a D.N.A. segment from another source.” She said before showing them a digital example of what she meant. “Kind of like this. Taking a sample of one segment of D.N.A. and placing it in a segment of D.N.A. to replace it.” “I…don’t think we ever reached that area of science back in our world…have we?” Burgundy asked as Georgia shrugged. “You’ll have to ask a pokemon researcher…that is if we can find one,” Georgia said before turning her attention onto Emma. “So is there a way to change us back into humans.” “I’ll need to run a few tests to make sure one of my theories is proven. But rest assured, I will make you both into humans. One way or another.” She said before noticing Lyra heading into the kitchen. “Mind getting me something to drink?” “Soda or water?” Lyra asks as she enters the kitchen and opens the door to the refrigerator. “Water would be fine. Mind heating up what we had last night?” “Sure, won’t take me that long to- '' Before Lyra could finish her sentence, a bright light erupted from the kitchen followed by the sound of glass breaking. Emma paused in her typing as she looked over at Burgundy and Georgia who were looking at her for a moment before the trio headed over into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, they saw a figure in the shape of a human. The moment the green glow around the figure vanished, it revealed a tan-colored human with mint-colored hair, pony ears, a unicorn horn, and a tail that resembles that of Lyra’s pony features. “....Okay, I was not expecting to see something like this,” Emma said as she noticed Lyra rubbing her head. Lyra blinked feeling something strange happen to her hoof. She soon looked over at it and noticed that her hoof was now a hand. The mare quickly looked over herself to see that her once pony body was now that of a human body…a naked one to be accurate. “...Am I…a human?” Lyra asked as she started feeling herself. She soon used her magic to levitate a mirror off of the wall in the kitchen to get a better view of herself. The mare’s eyes widen upon getting a better view of herself as she lets out a frantic scream of joy, causing Emma, Georgia, and Burgundy to cover their ears. “I’m a human! I’m a human! Sweet Celestia, I’m a human!” “Yeah, we see that you’re a human. The question is, how?” Georgia asked as she and Burgundy looked over at Emma with raised eyebrows. “What?” “You’re the scientist. Explain how she was able to turn into a human.” Burgundy asked as the soldier simply shrugged. “Okay, just because I’m smart doesn’t mean I have an answer for everything.” She said as she looked over at Lyra, who was admiring herself in the mirror. “There wasn’t anything that I…oh….wait.” “What? What did you do?” The deerling asked as she noticed Emma reaching into her pocket to pull out a green orb that gave off a warm glow. “Isn’t that the orb thing that lets you use magic?” “This is the only thing that I can think of that might explain why Lyra’s a human. Just another thing to study if this can happen to other ponies.” “Or us,” Georgia said as Emma turned her attention onto the glaceon and deerling. “Remember? You said you can change us back into humans…right?” “That I did…It would be interesting to see how pokemon would react to having the ability to use magic.” She said before pulling out another materia orb. “Fair warning, you can’t blame me if this doesn’t work. And even if it does, I don’t know how long it’ll take for the transformation to happen. It could take days, months, hell even years. Are you sure you want me to do this?” Both Georgia and Burgundy deadpans at the soldier as they presented their paws and hooves to her. Emma blinks upon seeing this as nods and moves over towards them. Kneeling, she gently places the materia against their chest. There was a moment of silence before they felt a warm sensation flowing through their bodies as they saw the orb slowly enter their bodies. Once she is done, the soldier backs away from the two pokemon as she sees a faint green glow appear on both their bodies before vanishing. “So…anything different…anything life-changing?” “I don’t know,” Georgia said before closing her eyes to concentrate. In a matter of seconds, a ball of fire appeared in front of the glaceon. “You tell me~?” “Huh…Seems like she can instantly learn the spell without training. Just like me.” Lyra said before noticing a deadpan expression on Emma’s face. “Seems like we’re special compared to where you come from~” “...While I am angry at the fact that it took me two years to learn a lot of the spells that I have under my belt, I am a bit interested in seeing how you two can be able to use magic like that…wait, what about you Burgundy-” Before she could finish her sentence, the soldier quickly ducks underneath a gravity spell heading towards her face. The spell soon hits a potted plant before instantly falling flat onto the floor. Like a steam roller ran over it. The soldier soon turned her attention onto the deerling as she had a sheepish smile on her face. “In my defense…it was an accident.” She said as Emma rolled her eyes at her excuse. “Guess that answers my question.” The soldier said as she pulled herself up. “I’m a bit curious as to how you both can use those spells like they were second nature to you…how is that possible?” “I…Don’t know,” Georgia said as the fireball disappeared. “It was like…The images of how to use them just appeared in my head. Like reading an instruction manual with pictures on how to put something together.” “Weird, that’s the same thing that happened to me…is that something normal for people from your world, Emma?” Burgundy asked as Emma shrugged. “Again, it took me two years or so for me to learn a lot of the spells I have on me, but I never had the materia instantly let me use the spell…I’ll add that to the list of things to research once I figure out how to teleport back to my planet.” She said before looking over at Lyra. “First things first. We need to get you some clothes…this world has a clothing store…right?” “It does…but they don’t see clothing for humans,” Lyra answered. “Well, guess I’ll have to loan you a spare set of clothes for the time being.” “You have spare clothes to wear?” “Again, I’m a soldier. I come prepared for almost everything given the stuff I’ve been through.” “...Where are you even from? I mean I know you’re not from where we come from given how you never heard of pokemon.” Georgia said as Burgundy spoke up. “Not to mention you can use magic and have all that weird-looking equipment. So what kind of world do you come from?” “Can’t tell you,” Emma answers, which causes Burgundy and Georgia to glare at her. “Remember the agreement? Seeing how I solved your human turn pokemon problem…at least I hope I did. You need to tell me about your world. At least as much as you can.” “Oh…right….well a deal’s a deal after all,” Georgia said as she was about to give Emma a full explanation about her world, only for the door to the room they’re in to open up. “I’m back! Got the books you need along with some food!” Bon-Bon said as she closed the door behind her. “Did I miss anything while I was out!?” Upon hearing this, Lyra, Emma, Burgundy, and Georgia looked at each other for a moment, then at Lyra. “Um…Try not to freak out…but I accidentally turned Lyra into a human.” Emma answered as they soon heard something heavy hit the floor followed by the sound of hoof steps making their way into the kitchen. The four of them looked over to their right to see Bon-Bon standing in front of them, but her attention was locked on Lyra. “Um…Hi?” Lyra said while giving Bon-Bon an awkward smile while waving. In a matter of seconds, they soon saw Bon-Bon’s eyes roll into the back of her head before passing out on the floor. “Okay, not the response I was going for.” “I kind of suspected something like this would happen.” The soldier said as she reached into her bag to pull out a pair of shorts, long sleeve shirt, and a pair of boots. She soon handed them over to the mare-turned-human as Lyra used her magic to examine them closely before noticing Emma pulling herself up and walking over to Bon-Bon. Once she was over near the earth pony, she carefully picked her up and took her to the couch. “Put these one for the time being. Georgia and Burgundy will help you with that.” > Chapter Eight: WEAPON Emerges > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Eight WEAPON Emerges “Why is it that every time I leave something weird happens when you two are involved?” Bon-Bon asked as Emma gave her a sheepish smile. “In my defense. I was not expecting the material to change Lyra into a human.” She said before looking over at Lyra, who was still feeling herself. “This raises a lot of possible questions that I would love to study. But that will have to wait a bit. Were you able to find the books that I need?” “Public wise, yes.” The mare said as she reached into her saddlebag to pull out the books involving teleportation magic. “Keep in mind that we can’t keep them for long. Other unicorns need them to practice their magic.” “It won’t take me long. I’ll just read through the important stuff.” Emma said before taking the books from Bon-Bon and beginning to read through them. “While you’re at it, could you change Lyra back into a pony?” Bon-Bon asked as she looked over at Lyra who was now trying to stand on her two feet with the help of Burgundy and Georgia, but soon fell on top of the glaceon. “If I did know how to turn her back to a pony, then she would be a pony by now.” The soldier answered while still looking at the book she was reading. “If anything, she should have the ability to turn herself back to normal, but it might take time given the sudden change.” “Which I’m not going to do anytime soon!” Lyra yelled as she tried to stand up once again with Burgundy and Georgia’s help. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Why would I pass up the chance of being human?” “Pseudo human to be accurate. Mainly because you still have the ears, tail, and horn of a unicorn.” Emma corrected as Lyra rolled her eyes. “The point is, I’m not changing back anytime soon~,” She said as Bon-Bon deadpans at her before looking at Emma. “I blame you for this. You know that, right?” “You can’t blame me for not knowing something like this would happen,” Emma said as she took her attention from off her book and onto Burgundy and Georgia. “I filled out my end of the deal we have. Well at least part of it, I’m owed a little bit of information, right?” She asked as Burgundy and Georgia looked at each other for a moment before nodding. “Seeing how you’re willing to help us. We’ll give you some things that we know about Pokemon…It’s not gonna be a lot though.” Georgia said as Emma shrugged. “Any information is better than nothing.” She said as the two human turned pokemon looked at each other again before Georgia spoke. “It is said in many Sinnoh legends that the universe was created by a single Pokémon, Arceus. In a void of nothingness, a single Egg came into being, which then hatched into Arceus, the first Pokémon to come into existence.” She said before noticing Emma placing the book she was reading to the side and pulling out a notebook to write down what she said. “Arceus created Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina and gave Dialga and Palkia the abilities to control time and space, respectively. Giratina vanishes into another dimension and controls antimatter. I don’t know much about the science behind it, but all you need to know is that Arceus was the one that created everything, Dialga controls time, Palkia controls space, and Giratina controls antimatter.” “Interesting, do go on?” Emma asked as Burgundy spoke. “With the creation of the Pokémon universe, many stars, planets, and other celestial bodies were formed. The Pokémon world was created along with many other planets. During the very early formation of the world, possibly sooner, Arceus created Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit to create willpower, knowledge, and emotion, respectively, things that are in all modern humans and Pokémon.” “...That’s…weird….but continue.” “World is split into several regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos. Each one brimming with pokemon specific to their region. Sometimes pokemon from different regions can end up in regions that you rarely see. Which causes a lot of trainers like us to try and capture them with poke balls so we can train them.” “People capture pokemon….so they can train them to fight each other?” Emma asked. “Don’t you like...I don’t know, prove to them that you’re worthy to be their trainer like I did with my summonings?” “....What do you mean by that?” “Oh…right. Guess I never did show you guys them.” Emma said as everyone looked at each other with concerned expressions on their faces. They watch the soldier lift her hand as it glowed red with circle symbols around it. Within a matter of seconds, the same circles appeared in the middle of the room they were sitting in as a puff of magic appeared from it. As the puff of magic cloud vanished a Cactuar appeared as it gave off a cute squick-like noise. “....What on earth is that!?” Georgia asked in slight shock, though Burgundy would be a bit curious at the Cactuar who began to run around them. “A summoning. Each materia has a specific color. Green represents magic, red represents summoning, yellow represents skills, blue represents support, and purple represents independent skills that boost your body's abilities.” She said before reaching into her bag to pull out a red materia. “Red materia allows you to summon god-like entities that will assist you in battle. But before they can lend you their strength, you will have to prove to them that you’re a partner strong enough for them.” “....How many of them do you have?” Bon-Bon asked as she noticed the human counting her fingers. “I have a lot, but I keep a lot of them within my body.” She said before noticing Lyra having the Cactuar dance on her head in a playful manner before looking at Emma as it squeaks. “Yeah I know it’s been a while, but if you paid attention to where I was before coming to this place, you would know why I could summon you.” “Wait, you can understand what it’s saying?” Burgundy asked as Emma nodded. “Keep in mind, they’re not pokemon but magical god-like beings from another plane of existence.” “So like Arceus?” “If you mean on a planetary level of destruction, yes. Being able to teleport all the pokemon that half of the good humans to this place, no. There are limits to what they can or can’t do.” She said before noticing Lyra having the Cactuar in her arms like a plushie. “Hence why I asked about the means of getting pokemon. And the tools you use to capture them are poke balls?” “Yeah, we use them to capture the pokemon we defeat, or they choose to come with us and we use them to mark them as ours. That way a trainer doesn’t accidentally capture them and we can carry them around with us to places that don’t allow Pokemon to be out.” “Understandable. And these poke balls, are the pokemon that are inside them okay inside of that craps space, or is it like my bag where they’re shrunk small and placed in a wide-open space?” “Just like your bag in a way.” She said before noticing Emma writing down more notes. “Very interesting. And how many Pokemon are there?” “There are about seven hundred twenty-one species of pokemon. Each one with a specific type.” Burgundy answered as Emma raised an eyebrow at her. “For example. Georgia is a glaceon. Which is an ice type. It has an advantage over grass, ground, flying, and dragon types. Though it has a huge disadvantage over fighting, steel, fire, and rock types.” “So pokemon have a type disadvantage towards certain elemental attacks,” Emma said as she wrote down the information. “I think that’s enough information for now.” “Really? But we haven’t even gotten to the researchers in each region.” “I’ll ask for more once I get you both to turn back into humans. As much as I would love to learn more, I think I’ll hold off in case I can’t fulfill my end of the deal.” “You are a dedicated person when it comes to a deal like this,” Lyra said as Emma looked over at her with a nod. “Shinra screwed over a lot of people, me included given what I told you and Bon-Bon day we met. Unlike them, I try my best to keep my deals with the people I make. So far, I keep my end of the deal ninety-five percent of the time.” “And the other five percent?” Bon-Bon asked. “I couldn’t keep the deal because they end up dying the next day.” She said which took everyone by surprise. “What? It’s the deepground? It’s survival of the fittest there.” “Care to explain?” Georgia asked as she noticed worried expressions on the ponies' faces. “What, it’s like she’s going to say something like it’s bad?” “....Do you want to know?” Emma asked as the dragon buster noticed a slightly serious expression on the human’s face. “Because I’m willing to tell you, but fair warning. It’s not a pleasant life that I lived.” “It’s true,” Lyra said as shudders at the mental images in her head from hearing Emma's story. “Not something I would like to hear again. Thank Celestia you don’t have any physical images of what happened to you.” “Um…yeah…it’s a good thing I don’t have that lying around,” Emma said before glaring at the Cactuar after making a squeaking noise. “Quiet you.” “Something wrong?” Bon-Bon asked as the human shook her head. “Nothing, anyway. I suppose it’s fair to inform Georgia and Burgundy about where I come from and how I got here.” Emma said before reaching into her bag to pull out a bag of freshly made buckets of popcorn and placed it in between the glaceon and deerling. “It all started when I was found near a pool of mako energy…” [Manehattan] Underneath the water of Manehattan, Kyogre, Latias, and Latios began their search for any place else that gave off strange energy that Arceus described to his children via telepathy. The two legendary pokemon began their search underneath the ocean surrounding Manehatten seeing how it was giving off the same aura of energy that came off from Canterlot and Ponyville as told by the alpha pokemon. “You see anything sister?” Latios asked as Latias shook her head. “I don’t see anything on my end. I can see the energy coming from the ocean, but the problem is I don’t know where.” “Would be better if we had Mewtwo here. He’s much better at this kind of stuff than we are.” “He’s busy looking for the same source in Canterlot.” Latias said as she took the lead in their search. “Not to mention, he’s keeping him on a tight leash after what happened in the forest.” “Right…It didn’t help that it was a human turned into a pokemon.” “And let's not forget about what he did to that mint unicorn.” She said as it caused Latios to groan. “Father made a mistake letting Mewtwo represent pokemon. He should’ve let Mew or someone else with fewer anger issues and didn't have the social skills at a geodude…no wait, the social skills of a slowpoke might be more fitting.” “That seems to be a bit harsh don’t you think?” “No, I’m not. It’s bad enough that our father didn’t take the proper care to have the pokemon and humans that are good be teleported to this planet, but we’ve been putting out fires almost every day. Not that I don’t mind helping, but this is a mess that I don’t think will be solved anytime sooner than anyone can expect.” “I can understand your frustration with what father did, but at least he’s trying to fix the mistake he made. You can’t deny that he is doing something.” “That I won’t deny, but something like this could’ve been avoided with a bit more planning…I still believe that father has lost his mind a long time ago when the humans sealed him away.” “Latios!?” “What? I’m not the only one who thinks that as well. Groudon and Kyogre thought that as well and were against the idea of father’s plan. He didn’t even give the humans that were good the option of being a pokemon or human.” “And you know why he chooses for humans to be pokemon, right?” “A ridiculous excuse that having humans turn into pokemon to prevent evil from the humans to affect this world isn’t going to help.” “You don’t agree with his reasoning?” “Evil resides in everyone's sister. It’s up to the person to choose to act on those evil intentions. We Pokemon aren’t so different from humans.” “...You don’t resent the humans, even after what happened?” “No, I don’t. Though I don’t trust all humans, I don’t resent them either.” He said before looking over at Latios. “I mean, you don’t resent humans, seeing how you’re in a relationship with Ash and that Misty person.” “....Wait, how did you know!?” Latias asked with a slight blush on her face. “You do realize that your mind is like an open book…also Mew informed me. You do know she can’t keep a secret for longer than a month…right?” He said with a slight smirk on his face. “...You don’t find it weird that I’m in a relationship like this?” “I’ve seen weirder…plus this gives me another reason to tease you about~” “Why am I not surprised by this?” Latios said as she heard her brother chuckle at her misery, but that soon came to a halt as they felt a sudden change in the water. A heavy pressure developed around the two dragons for a few seconds before it vanished. “Brother, did you feel that?” “I did. What on earth was that?” he asked only for his question to be answered by Kyogre rushing over to him and Latias. “We need to leave. Like right now!” He yelled as the two dragon pokemon looked at each other for a moment then back to Kyogre. “What did you do?” Latios asked as they soon felt the ground of the ocean shake and rocks beginning to split apart. “Um…okay, so I might’ve found the source of where the strange energy is coming from…and I might’ve attacked it by accident due to how it startled me with its eyes lighting up.” He said which caused Latios and Latias to stare at him in disbelief. “It scared the living daylights out of me, you can’t expect me not to do something like that!” “Father said not to attack whatever the source causing this strange energy!” Latias yelled as Kyogre glared at her. “Oh, I’m sorry I’m not as brave as most of our siblings that can stare unknown danger in the eyes without getting spooked!” “Now’s not the time for you two to be arguing,” Latios said as he motions for them to leave. “We need to get to the surface. Because whatever is coming up is going to come out of the water.” He said as Latias and Kyogre glared at each other for a moment before swimming off to the surface of the ocean. Once they reach the surface, they notice large amounts of bubbles forming around them as they either quickly take to the sky or move away from the area by swimming somewhere else. As soon as they were away from the area, something began to slowly appear from out of the water. Ponies that took notice of what was going on in the water stopped and watched as whatever it was slowly ascended from out of the water. Once it was visible to see, they saw what appeared to be an emerald sea-like creature as it towered over the legendary pokemon. “What in the name of father is that creature!?” Latios asked in both shock and awe at this thing he was looking at. “I don’t think it’s a pokemon, at least from what I can tell.” Latias said as she carefully examined the emerald creature from a distance. “You think we can communicate with it?” “I’ll try.” He said before using telepathy to try and communicate with the creature. The moment he did that, Latios felt the world around him vanish and soon found himself in complete darkness. The eon pokemon blinked in surprise as he looked around to see where Latias and Kyogre were, but was soon distracted by the sounds of footsteps coming from behind him. He quickly turned around to see a female human, with cherry color hair, and dark skin and was wearing odd clothing that gave off a light-blue glow. “Is that…a human?” He asked as he watched the human walk past him. The moment he turned in the direction the human was walking in, he quickly closed his eyes upon being flashed by a bright emerald glow. Once he felt the light vanish, he noticed the creature that emerged from the sea appearing in front of the human before lowering itself down towards her. The human raised her hand towards the creature as the same energy they saw around the city of Manehatten expelled from her hand and into the creature. Within a matter of seconds, the creature gave out a roar before expelling the same energy like an explosion. Just as the explosion was about to hit Latios, the vision ended as he staggered backward down towards the water. “Are you alright? What happened?” Kyogre asked after watching Latias quickly catch her brother from hitting the water. “....We need to head over to Canterlot,” Latios said as she slowly pulled himself off of Latias. “Why is that?” Latias asked. “Because I need to get in contact with our father, and Mewtwo’s the only one with the ability to do that seeing how he’s the strongest psychic out of all of us.” “And what about the creature?” Kyogre asked as he pointed a fin at it. “You and Latias are going to have to keep an eye on it.” He said before floating up a bit. “Mainly because you Kyogre woke it up and for Latias because you need someone to send word if the creature moves and to make sure you don’t attack it again.” “Of course…” Kyogre said with a tone of annoyance in his voice. “Understood, I’ll keep watch and come to you if anything happens.” Latias said as she watched her brother zoom off in the direction of Ponyville. > Chapter Nine: The Hunt for Knowledge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Nine The Hunt for Knowledge “It’s….I…I don’t even have any words to say at this moment.” Georgia asked as the soldier was busy analyzing Lyra. “Yeah, that’s the same reaction I got from Lyra and Bon-Bon. Honestly, It’s no big deal when you think about it.” “No big deal!?” Burgundy yelled. “How is being experimented on not a big deal!? If anyone in your shoes were to be in that situation you’re in…I would hate to imagine what they would do.” “I can imagine a few things they’d do. But I would’ve burned Shinra to the ground along with the people in Deepground if allowed to do so. Not that I could give how they would’ve killed my family.” She said before looking over at Lyra. “Back to the topic at hand, so far you seem to be okay. How do the clothes I’ve given you feel?” “They feel so soft and comfortable to move around in,” Lyra said as she staggered around the living room. “Still feels weird to have a…somewhat human form….and I love it!” “Is there a way to turn Lyra back into a pony?” Bon-Bon asked. “Don’t know. Again, this is a new area of a pony turning into a human due to the materia. Why do you think I’m scanning Lyra’s body?” “Fair point.” The earth pony said as she watched Lyra staggering around the room before falling face-first onto the floor. “Though I’m worried about ponies and pokemon seeing her like this.” “You mean because she’s human and some of the pokemon might attack her and the ponies will shun her?” “That and Mew-Two might end up going into a fit of rage and attack her…again.” “...Okay, two questions? Who is Mew-Two and what do you mean by going into a fit of rage and attacking her again?” Emma asked. “I’m sure you know by now that Lyra is…well…obsessed with stuff related to humans,” Bon-Bon said as she looked over at Lyra who was giving her a sheepish smile. “Well seeing how the pokemon came to our planet, and overhearing that the humans brought here were turned into pokemon. She wanted to know more about the humans from another world. Needless to say, they either ignored her or attacked her. The worst that happened to her was when she met Mew-Two, a legendary psychic pokemon that happened to be in Canterlot a month ago. She kept bombarding him with questions upon questions about humans until he had enough and threw her out of Canterlot and into a pool of water in Ponyville.” “...Not going to lie, but that’s pretty funny to the point where I could laugh,” Emma said as the two mares and pokemon turned human and stared at the soldier with raised eyebrows. “...I’m laughing on the inside…half of my emotions are kind of repressed or dead.” “Because of what the humans did to you?” “Oh no, I did this to myself to prevent being mind fucked by one of the members of the Tsviets from using her ability to alter my memories.” “Wait, humans can use psychic powers to do that where you're from?” Burgundy asked as Emma shook her head. “God no. It would be horrible if Shinra had people like that. No, when you’re part of the deepground you’re implanted with a device that allows you to be hooked up to the S.N.D.” “S.N.D? What’s that?” Lyra asked. “Synaptic Net Dive. It’s when a person's consciousness enters the Worldwide Network via virtual reality to gather information. This process is the only known way to communicate with sentient beings that reside in the deepground. But that also means that it allows those who can enter the network to alter a person’s mind. Needless to say, I almost had my mind altered without me knowing it.” “How did you know that was happening?” Bon-Bon asked. “Because the bitch that did that, used a visual image of my brother and made it look like a soldier to be my friend. So as a means to not let that happen, I had to…mess up my brain.” Emma said as she noticed the odd expressions on their faces. “I had to surgically damage and remove certain parts of my brain to prevent myself from getting mind fucked.” “...How have you not gone insane!?” Georgia asked in disbelief. “More importantly, how are you not dead!? Doing something like that would be too much even for a normal person.” “Well, I’m not normal. Remember?” She said before going back to typing on her computer. “Thanks to their experimentation done on me, I was able to make the changes I need to my brain. Granted they could still communicate with me, but they couldn’t mess with my mind ever again. Though the downside is that some of my emotions are gone or repressed…I think.” “...You need help.” “A bit too late for that option in my case.” She said before with a slight smirk on her face. “Okay, so far I’ve been able to figure a few things out with the books Bon-Bon gave me. Specifically traveling from planet to planet.” “What do you mean by that?” Lyra asked. “Well if it’s anything like how you unicorns can do when you travel just by thinking of a location and using your magic to get from here to there. Then it should apply to me as well. Though there’s a problem.” Emma said as she looked up at the group. “You can’t use teleportation magic like us unicorns.” “Yes. The one flaw for humans when it comes to magic is that we need materia to use magic.” She said before reaching into her bag to pull out the container filled with mako energy. ”Problem two, the prototype materia is currently out of energy. Right now I’m having it bathe in mako so that it can recharge, but for some reason, it’s not working.” “Can’t you just pop another one of those materia things like you did before?” Bon-Bon asked as Emma shook her head. “I have no control of what materia pops out of the mako energy. Though not impossible, I prefer to find other means to get home than do that.” She said before looking over the cracked materia. “I might need to find another source of energy to see if the materia will accept it.” “...I get the feeling we’re going to have to go to the forbidden area of the library in Canterlot Castle,” Bon-Bon said as she noticed the human staring at her for a moment before slowly lowering her head back onto her laptop. “We are aren’t we!?” “Well, I can go in there by myself…but I don’t know where it is, and the information I’m still downloading isn’t done. I mean seriously what sort of network are you ponies using.” “In fairness…we just started using the whole internet thing since…what at the beginning of the year Lyra?” Bon-Bon asked as the humanoid unicorn nodded. “Yep, and this was before the pokemon came to Equus,” Lyra answered. “Okay, that’s fair. Can’t be that harsh on you guys seeing how this sort of thing is new to your species. But yeah, I need to make a little trip to the forbidden library to get the location of an alternative power source.” “And you think you can just walk in and out without anypony to notice you?” Bon-Bon asked as she watched Emma press a button on her wrist she instantly turned invisible. “...Oh…right. I forgot you can do that.” “Just guide me to where it is and I can do the rest. Shouldn’t take me that long to get in and out of there in less than an hour or so.” “A bit overconfident, don’t you think?” Georgia said, raising an eyebrow at her. “Perhaps, but I prefer to get this over and done with. I prefer not to stay in a place I don’t belong, nor do I prefer to draw much attention to myself.” “I get the feeling you’re going to be invisible throughout the entire time you’re here,” Lyra asked as the soldier nodded. “Again, trying not to draw attention to myself.” She said before closing her laptop. “I’ll be leaving tonight. During that time, I’ll be sleeping for the time being.” “Still tired from what happened before coming to Equestria?” “I suppose. Though I have been feeling more tired than usual.” Emma said before letting out a low yawn. “Could be a side effect of the warp materia…or something along that line.” “We’ll wake you up when nighttime comes. For now, just relax and-” Before Georgia could finish her sentence, she watched the soldier pass out on the floor like a rag doll. “Get some sleep…I’m not the only one worried about her, am I?” “I’m worried about what will happen if the legendary pokemon or the Princess find out about her,” Bon-Bon said as she walked over to Emma and started dragging her to the bedroom. “Even though she’s not from where you humans came from. I’m sure they would turn her into a pokemon, or worse.” “You think Arceus would do something like that?” “He did it to you humans. Without your consent.” Lyra said as Georgia and Burgundy looked at each other for a moment before looking back at the mare turned human. “I’m just saying. A somepony with the power to change humans into pokemon without asking them first and moving them to a different planet for the reason to escape humans would do that.” “Fair point...You don’t think Emma has a plan to deal with something like that…do you?” Georgia asked as Lyra and Burgundy shrugged. “I…don’t know. I mean she seems smart, but not that smart to figure out a way to take down Arceus. I mean, it’s not like she has some kind of spell that can take down…right?” Burgundy asked as there was an air of awkward silence between the three of them. Though the silence was broken by the sound of the bedroom door closing as Bon-Bon returned. “I’m going to head off into the city. Mainly to return the books and get some food for us to eat for tonight.” Bon-Bon said before noticing the awkwardness between the three of them. “Did I miss something?” “Oh, um. No, it was just small talk.” Lyra answered as Burgundy and Georgia nodded. “S-So what was it that you were saying?” “...I’m going into town to get some food and return the books,” Bon-Bon said as she walked over to the pile of books she gave to Emma to read. “After tonight, we’ll be heading back to Ponyville. Mainly because I have a bad feeling something bad might happen afterward.” “You think she will get caught?” “Maybe…I mean this is the forbidden library we’re talking about. They might have some kind of magic security set up, booby traps, royal guards around every corner, ninja!” Bon-Bon said as she noticed deadpan expressions on Lyra, Burgundy, and Georgia’s faces. “What? It could be like that in the castle.” “I’m pretty sure they don’t have most of that in the forbidden library. Royal guards, yes. Everything else…yeah, I doubt it.” Lyra said as Bon-Bon glared at her. “Look, the point is that what we’re doing could get us into a lot of trouble. I just prefer to leave as soon as possible so that nopony knows it was us that caused it…especially in your case Lyra, seeing how you tend to cause trouble by asking Pokemon about humans.” “There’s no rule saying I can’t have my questions answered. My curiosity will be answered no matter the cost!” She said which caused Bon-Bon to deadpan at her before looking over at Burgundy and Georgia. “I shouldn’t be gone for long, but make sure she doesn’t cause or get into trouble while I’m away.” She said as the two nodded. “Oh come on, how can I get myself into trouble when I can barely walk on two legs like a human can?” “Knowing you…anything is possible.” With that, the earth pony made her way to the door and left the three of them alone in the room together. > Chapter Ten: Change of Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Ten Change of Plans Night time slowly fell upon the Equestria as the ponies began to either close up shops that were open during the day or open up shops that were open during the night. Flying through the night sky was Princess Luna who was currently trying to figure out where this strange energy was coming from on her own. Not that she didn’t trust Mewtwo or Arceus to do it, but given Mewtwo’s past incidents when it comes to keeping a level head and not using force to get his way, she wanted to make sure he didn’t use force upon the pony that was causing this. So far everything was peaceful as it was during the day within the city…well almost peaceful as Luna noticed a burst of light erupting from a nearby hotel followed by a scream. The alicorn quickly made her way over to where the scream came from, but stopped upon seeing the same energy from before, only this time it was engulfing the entire building. “Is this where the source is coming from?” Luna asked before looking down to see Bon-Bon making her way towards the building. To her surprise, along with the room she saw the light coming from was giving off the same amount of energy. The moment the earth pony entered the building, Luna quickly cast an invisibility spell before following after Bon-Bon. Back to the room where Emma and the others were, the soldier’s eyes shot open upon hearing the scream as she instantly got up from her bed, kicked the bedroom door open, and charged into the room with a handgun pointed out at the ready. Upon entering the front room, she lowered her firearm in disbelief upon seeing Georgia and Burgundy. Similar to how Lyra was, they were human…well somewhat human. They had traces of their pokemon forms on them. Mainly the ears, tails, hair, and eye color of a deerling and glaceon. Though for Burgundy, she was like a centaur. The human body is on top, but the lower part of her body is that of a deerling. “....Huh…I…don’t even know how to respond to what I’m seeing,” Emma said as she placed her gun back in its holster. “But it would seem my hypothesis worked to some degree.” She said before noticing the two looking over each other with shocked expressions on their faces. “Well…I mean they have arms and legs. But they also have certain pokemon features.” Lyra added. “Who cares! We finally have hands!” Burgundy said as she staggered to her feet. “Though the lower part of my body is that of a deerling.” “Oh, how I missed this feeling,” Georgia said while slowly standing up and admiring herself while walking around. “This is incredible! I feel like my old self again if not better!” She said before looking over at Burgundy. “What about you? How do you feel?” “I feel different. Not in a bad way.” She said before trotting around the room a bit before heading into the kitchen to pick up a glass. “I mean I’m kind of disappointed that I don’t have human legs, but given what we've been through for the past month, I guess having hands to finally hold stuff will have to do. Though I’m a bit surprised that what Emma did worked so quickly.” “So the effects of the materia work differently on humans from your world than they do with ponies,” Emma said before pulling out a notepad to write down what she was seeing. “So not only can they both learn magic from the materia I implanted in them, but the transformation time is different. This is some very interesting bit of information…A bit exciting when you think about it.” She said before looking at Burgundy and Georgia. “You two are okay with the way you look, right? If not, then I can look into this a bit more so that you can be completely human.” “I…think this will be okay for now,” Burgundy said as she flexed her hands a bit. “I just miss having the ability to hold something in my hands instead of my mouth.” “Understandable, I can’t imagine the hell you two went through.” The soldier said after finishing writing down something and placing the notepad back into her pocket. “I would like to study you two a bit, but I’ll wait to do that later. Right now I have to head on over to Canterlot Castle to get the books that I need to teleport back home.” The moment the soldier was about to head back into the room to get dressed, the door to the hotel room opened up as Bon-Bon entered the room. The moment she entered, she paused upon seeing Burgundy and Georgia in their somewhat human form. The mare blinked for a good few seconds before looking over at Emma with a deadpan expression. “....Is this going to be a normal thing every time I leave for a couple of hours?” Bon-Bon asked as she entered the room. “If you mean weird stuff like this…possibly. But on the plus side, I did fix the whole turning human-pokemon back to semi-human…or should I say hybrid?” Emma said while puzzling about what to call this transformation. “I’ll figure out the details about it later, but right now I believe I have found the cure to the whole turning humans that were turned into Pokemon back into human...ish.” “Humanish?” “Well the materia did turn them into humans, but they still have the pokemon traits as you can see. Not to mention the time for the transformation is different.” She said before pointing at Lyra. “It took Lyra twenty-four hours for the transformation to take effect, while Burgundy and Georgia only took twelve hours for the change to happen.” “Will that happen to anypony that you implant a materia inside them?” “Possibly, but that would mean I would have to test it out on someone else. That is if they give me their consent like Burgundy and Georgia did.” Emma said before heading off to the bedroom. “Fair point,” Bon-Bon said before watching Emma leave. “Where are you going?” “I’m getting my stuff and some clothing for Georgia and Burgundy,” Emma said as the two trainers blinked for a moment before looking down at their bodies and covering themselves up with their arms and hands. “Again, humans don’t have fur like you ponies, so we have to wear clothes to keep ourselves warm and not show anything too revealing out in the open…unless you’re a stripper, prostitute, or a nudist.” “Again, fair point.” As the earth pony turned her attention onto Lyra, Burgundy, and Georgia who were admiring their new form, Luna was currently watching from the shadows in disbelief and astonishment. Disbelief as to seeing a human who figured out how to turn former humans back into humans. Astonishment that this human might be the source behind the strange energy. Should she confront her to figure out what is going on? Or should she wait to see where they will be going? Before she could even think of a plan, she noticed the human returning after some time had passed as she was wearing strange armor along with some clothes for Burgundy and Georgia. “Put these on,” Emma said as she handed Georgia a black long sleeve shirt, a pair of hakama pants, a pair of undergarments, and a pair of blue sneakers. For Burgundy, she handed her a white long sleeve shirt, a long pink dress, undergarments, and striped thigh-high knee socks with the toes cut off. “Before you ask, the clothes were kind of a rush job and consisted of going by your physical appearance without measuring you two.” “....You sure you’re not a god pretending to be human?” Georgia asked as the soldier shook her head. “I’m just a soldier who comes prepared for just about anything.” She said before stretching her limbs a bit. “Though, I think I’m gonna have to hold off on going to the forbidden library to get the books I need on universal traveling.” “How come?” Burgundy asked as she and Georgia quickly began to put on the clothes given to them. “Oh, that would be due to our guest in this room,” Emma said as she looked over to the door. “You can drop the invisibility act, unicorn with wings.” The moment the human said that Princess Luna made herself visible it took the four of them by surprise. “P-Princess Luna!?” Lyra and Bon-Bon said in unison as they stared in disbelief, while Burgundy and Georgia had a sense of dread and fear cast over them upon seeing the princess of the night up close. “How did you know I was in here?” Luna asked. “Two things that gave you away. The first would be the new smell that entered the room the moment Bon-Bon returned. Lyra and Bon-Bon gave off a rather earthy/sweet smell and Burgundy and Georgia gave off a medicinal smell seeing how I bandaged them up after treating their wounds. You on the other hand give a rather nice scent of spring and cool summer night after it rained. Which I have to say is a very nice scent if I’m being honest.” She said which caused the mare to blush a bit from the compliment, though cursed herself for not taking into account being found out by her favorite perfume. “Now given how all four of them are scared at this moment, you must be the leader of this country, correct?” “Co-Ruler to be accurate. I am Princess Luna, Princess of the night and guardian of the dreamscape. And you are?” “Emma Rosemary, a former soldier of the deepground, and medical/scientist,” Emma said as she walked in front of the alicorn. “Let me be clear, if you try to use any magic spells, it will bounce off me and onto you. If you want to see if it’s true, then feel free to use a low-level spell on me to see what I mean.” She said before noticing Luna’s horn glowing as she fired off a small magical beam at her, only for a barrier to appear around her and bounce the attack back at the alicorn which took her by surprise as her attack didn’t hurt her that much. “Hm, so you can use magic.” She said while eyeing the human up and down. “From what I’ve seen from Mewtwo memories of humans, they can’t use magic or have the ability to turn pokemon into humans…or ponies for that matter.” “Yeah, I’m not a human from where the pokemon came from. If I were then I would’ve ended up as a pokemon like Burgundy and Georgia.” Emma said as she pointed a finger at the two trainers. “Valid point. Not to mention the way you dress up is…odd compared to the ones that Mewtwo showed us.” She said before eyeing Lyra who had an awkward expression on her face. “Perhaps you would be willing to come with us to the castle and explain the situation to my sister and me?” “Yeah, forgive me for saying this. But I’m gonna have to pass. Nothing against you, but I prefer not to have a certain psychic pokemon and his father there where they could try and turn me into a pokemon, seal me away, or worse.” Emma said as she looked over at Lyra, Bon-Bon, Burgundy, and Georgia. “Not to mention I prefer not to have that idiot of a god to try and undo what I did to Burgundy and Georgia.” She said as Luna raised an eyebrow at her. “You can thank the ponies and pokemon trainers for informing me about what’s been going on.” “I see. Is there a way for you to trust me so we can have a conversation without the worry of being attacked?” “Bring your sister here and we can talk to each other like intellectuals. But should I be attacked, I will defend myself if the need arises. Got it?” Emma asked as Luna nodded her head. “Good, then you are free to go. I’ll be here waiting for your return.” “Very well. I will return within the hour.” Luna said as her horn began to glow before teleporting off to the castle. The moment she left Lyra, Bon-Bon, Burgundy, and Georgia let out a collective sigh of relief before looking over at Emma. “Well, I was not expecting to meet one of the co-ruler of this place. I’ll have to make a device that allows me to detect when someone is invisible or teleports.” Emma said as she noticed her friends' shocked expressions. “What?” “You just talked to Princess Luna as if it was nothing. Weren’t afraid that she would’ve sent you to the dungeon or worse!?” Lyra asked as the soldier simply shrugged. “How can you play it off as if it was nothing!?” “When you've been sent out to fight in multiple wars, hunt down escaped experiments, and fight against Weiss. Dealing with situations like that doesn’t affect me…then again there’s that and taking pieces of my brain out might help too.” “Right…but how do you know she won’t just lie and get Mewtwo and Arceus here and try to change us back to being pokemon and seal you away?” Georgia asked as the soldier walked over to the couch and laid on it. “I have a few plans set up in case something like that happens. For now, we just wait and see how this turns out.” > Chapter Eleven: Diplomatic Agreement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Eleven Diplomatic Agreement [Canterlot Castle, Forbidden Library] The sound of hoof steps could be heard Echoing throughout the forbidden library as Celestia was currently making her way through the area while reading books upon books trying to find out why this green energy was appearing around Ponyville and Canterlot. So far over the past couple of hours, she couldn’t find the answers she was looking for in the section that catalogs strange magical energy within Equestria. All this collected and recovered knowledge over the years and still nothing useful to her. “This is becoming a greater pain than I can imagine,” Celestia said before tossing a book over to the side as it hit a bookshelf. “You think there would be some kind of hint or something left behind by Starswirl The Bearded? It would be nice if I had a clue of some kind?” She asked before hearing something falling off to the side from where the book she tossed landed. A sigh escaped her lips as she made her way over to where the book was as she noticed a pile of books landed on it. “We really should place some funds off to the side to repair this place.” As the alicorn was placing the books on the side to put back later, she soon noticed a rather odd-looking book as she brought it close to her. Examining it, she noticed that it looked brand new. Like it didn’t age over time or be ruined by the elements. It had an odd illustration on the cover of it depicting a silhouette of a unicorn. The white alicorn slowly opened the book as she saw the page lit up. The light caused Celestia to quickly close her eyes. Once the bright light vanished, Celestia opened her eyes to see letters appearing on the page as a voice spoke out. “This is a magical record of the events that took place in the year fifty-five of the Equestria calendar. Greetings to whoever is reading this in the distant future. My name is Queen Galaxia, the former queen of Equestria and wife of the former King Cosmos. If anypony is reading this, let it be known that we are no longer in this world. We’re dead…it may be hard to believe that. Two immortal alicorns, being killed like any mortal pony. Though I suppose Cosmos suffered a worse fate than I did.” “Mother…” Celestia said in shock as she listened and read the magical recording. It had been years since her mother’s and father’s disappearance back when she and Luna were just fillies. They didn’t know what happened or what could’ve caused them to vanish…could this book lead to what happened to them? The white alicorn shook her head before continuing to read. “To get a better understanding of what had happened, years ago I had a vision of our planet being ravaged and set on fire, ponies transforming into monsters and killing one another, and the planet being taken over and drifting into space to invade other planets. At first, I paid it no mind, thinking that it was a nightmare of some sort. But over time, the visions were becoming more and more visible. A star falling from the sky, a monster who will devour ponies, griffons, dragons, and other creatures that live on Equus. King Cosmos, my husband, assured me that nothing like that will ever happen…but that reassurance was nothing more than a house made out of hay as the monster of the visions came true.” As the princess continued to read, the book magically turned the page on itself to reveal more writing on the next page in the book. “Halfway into the ten years, we received reports that the citizens in the town near the Everfree Forest vanished. All twenty thousand ponies were estimated to have lived there. We sent our guard to investigate what happened, but only one returned. In his scared state, he muttered about a monster, shapeshifting, and eating them all. We couldn’t send any more guards into that town, so we decided to investigate ourselves to see who or what it was that caused the disappearance. Three days into the investigation, we found what we had thought was a survivor. But little did we know that the earth pony was the one that caused the disappearance. Had Starswirl the Bearded left an hour sooner, then that monster would’ve eaten and shifted into either Luna or Celestia. Because of this, it was decided Starswirl would take Celestia and Luna to a safe place until we dealt with the matter of the alien creature.” The recording said as it took Celestia by surprise. “How could I not remember something like that?” She asked before noticing more words appearing on the page. “The last year of this war between us and the creature. We were able to deal the monster a fatal wound to the creature…but at the price of King Cosmos’s life. With his last breath, he gave me the spell to seal the monster away for as long as I lived. But getting the creature to hold still long enough to cast the spell will need more than just myself. I’ve decided to enlist the aid of the God of Chaos and Disharmony, Discord to help me in the endeavor.” “This creature is so powerful that even mother and father couldn’t defeat it by themselves?” Celestia said in disbelief. To think that she would enlist Discord’s assistance in this matter…more importantly, does Discord remember this? Before she could even think of anything else, the book began to read itself as her focus was returned to the page. “With the assistance of Discord, I was able to perform the spell to keep the monster sealed within the earth of the Badlands. But even with the monster sealed away, the magic in Equestria was drained to the point of nonexistence. There was no hope or future for this country if I didn’t act fast. Discord knew this as well and took advantage of my weakened state to offer me a deal. The seal that I placed on the creature will not last forever as he stated. Should that time come, Equestria will not survive long without the means to counter it. I will provide the means to restore Equestria's magic, but in exchange, I will need you to give birth to a child...but not of this world.” “What does she mean by-” Before Celestia could finish her sentence, Luna appeared behind her via teleportation magic which caused the alicorn to close the book and look over at her younger sister. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you everywhere. What are you doing in the forbidden library?” “Look for clues to this strange phenomenon. I might’ve found something that could give us something to look into in the badlands.” “What makes you say that?” “Just a hunch from what I looked up, what about you? What have you found while on your patrol around Canterlot?” “I did…but I need you to stay calm and try not to freak out.” Luna said as she took a deep breath before speaking. “I might have found the source behind the strange energy, and you might not believe me when I say this.” “Is it Discord? If so, then I have a few questions that I would like for him to answer me.” “No, it’s not Discord…I found a human.” Luna said as Celestia stared at her. “Though I don’t believe she’s from the world where Arceus and the other pokemon are from.” “....Explain please.” “I could, but maybe it would be best to show you what I mean.” “You found where this human is located?” “I have and I’m willing to take you to her. Only if you promise to hear her out and not attack her. or send the royal guards after we talk to her.” “Are these your terms or the human’s terms?” “Both, mainly because I prefer not to have Arceus or Mewtwo wreck the city. That and if you do try to attack her, she will reflect your magic on you as she demonstrated with me.” “She…can use magic?” Celestia asked as Luna nodded. “Take me to this human. I would like to see if you’re telling the truth or not.” [Canterlot, Hotel] “I feel like I’m about to throw up,” Burgundy said as she paced back and forth in the front room they were in. “I can’t be the only one feeling like that, right?” “Understandable seeing how we’re about to have a meeting with the rulers of Equestria,” Emma said as she typed on her laptop. “And you don’t feel like how I’m feeling?” “Again, I’m a former test subject of Shinra’s Deepground project. What do you think?” She said with a bit of sass in her voice. “I don’t need your sassiness, Emma. What are you typing anyway?” “Oh, I’m just looking through the stuff that’s finally downloaded. I’m mainly looking over the laws that involve diplomats from another planet or country.” “Pretty sure that only applies to Burgundy and Georgia,” Lyra said while still trying to get used to walking all two legs. “Not to mention you’re not from our world, nor are you a pokemon,” Georgia added. “True, but if I can convince the princesses to let those laws apply to me, then it will help in getting me a step closer to home,” Emma said. “And you think they’ll help you? Not to sound like a downer, but I have my doubts they can be trusted. At least to me.” Georgia said as she chimed in the conversation. “They are friends with Arceus, so for all we know, they could be setting a trap for us.” “We’ll just have to see when Luna returns. But if it is a trap, then I’ll be sure to get you four out of here.” She said before hearing a knock at the door. Emma stopped typing upon hearing the knock as she motions for one of them to open the door. Lyra nodded as she slowly made her way over to the door. Once she was there, she slowly opened the door to reveal Celestia and Luna standing in the doorway. The soldier glanced at the two alicorns for a moment before returning her attention to her laptop. “Feel free to come in if you want. Not like we have anywhere to go at the moment.” She said as the princesses entered the room. The moment Celestia stepped inside, she stared in shock at seeing Emma sitting on the couch with a smile on her face. She soon looked around the room to see Lyra’s, Georgia’s, and Burgundy’s appearances. Mainly at the fact that they were humanoids. “...I’m not going to lie. When my sister said that she found a human, I was beginning to think that you were a human that Arceus must’ve missed when he brought the good humans and pokemon to this planet. But given how she explained that you turned the humans back to normal. I’m going to have to believe you’re from another world.” Celestia said as she closed the door behind them. “You must be Emma Rosemary, correct? My name is-” “Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria along with your sister as co-ruler. While you can move the sun, your sister can move the moon.” Emma said as Celestia blinked in surprise by this. “You can thank the internet for giving the information that I’ve gathered on you two…though this might be stepping over the line Celestia, you might want to back up on the number of cakes you’ve been eating. Otherwise, you might end up having wider hips which will make it hard for you to walk through doors.” “...She’s not wrong, sister. You have been eating too much over the years.” Luna said with a slight smirk on her face as the white alicorn deadpans at her before focusing on Emma. “I’ll take that into consideration, but that’s beside the point.” “I know, I figured I would try and break the ice with a little humor before we get to the serious matter.” She said before looking over at the sisters. “I’m sure your sister has informed you about what I told her. I am from another world. One where humans have never heard of pokemon or ponies for that matter.” “I would have to believe you given what I am seeing and from what Luna mentioned. But what concerns me is how you were able to turn them into what they look like now?” Celestia asked as she watched the human reach into her pocket to pull out a green orb. “Humans on our planet can use magic with the help of this Materia. Crystalized energy from the planet formed into a ball. All you gotta do is just place it anywhere on your body and within a matter of hours, you’ll be human…well humanish. Don’t know why Burgundy, Georgia, and Lyra have pony and pokemon features. Not to mention it differs between the two.” “What do you mean by that?” Luna asks as she notices the human picking up a strange helmet and connecting to her laptop. Within a matter of seconds, a digital screen with Lyra and Burgundy on it appeared in the middle of the room which startled the princesses a bit. “As you can see here, I gave Lyra one of my spare materia. It took her twenty-four hours for the change to happen. For Burgundy and Georgia, it took about twelve hours for the change to happen. It can also be added that they seem to instantly learn just about every spell that the materia I implemented in them has. Lyra, Burgundy, and Georgia. Can you show them what I mean, please?” She asked as the trio looked over at Celestia and Luna with worried expressions, but complied with Emma’s request as they raised their hands. In a matter of seconds, Lyra was holding a giant ball of fire in her hand, Burgundy with a ball of darkness indicating that it was gravity, and Georgia was also holding a ball of fire in her hand. “Keep in mind that Georgia was a Glaceon and Burgundy was a Deerling when I found them and agreed to help them turn back into humans. Having an ice type using a fire-type move would be impossible, but seeing how it’s magic?” “It can ignore the whole issue with elemental type restrictions on pokemon,” Celestia said in astonishment while looking over the trio for a moment before looking back at Emma. “And this is all caused by that orb you have?” “Pretty much. I was trying to find an alternative, but this seems to be more effective and less problematic.” She said before tossing the orb over to Celestia as she caught it with her magic. “You’re free to have that one. Fair warning, if you place it inside you, then you’ll end up looking like Lyra.” “Interesting,” Celestia said while examining the materia a bit before teleporting it off to her private chambers. “I would like to ask a few questions about where you came from. More specifically-” “If I’m a threat to your ponies and the pokemon on this planet.” “Yes,” Luna said as she looked at Emma up and down. “There has been a strange flow of energy radiating from Canterlot and Ponyville. While I was flying around to see where the source was coming from, I ended up following Bon-Bon to this hotel due to her giving off the same energy. We want to know just how you ended up here.” “I’ll tell you, but I want insurance to know that I along with my friends aren’t in trouble. Not with Equestrian laws, but with the idiot god of pokemon that brought his kind here without a plan.” “You don’t trust him?” Celestia asked as the soldier nodded. “But you never met him.” “I may not have met him. But given what the others have told me about him along with some of the pokemon issues with humans, I have every right to not trust someone that claims to be a god with issues in thinking that humans are evil, or seeing them as pets that need to be looked after.” “Given what he had shown us about what humans can do, we can understand his reasoning behind that-” “I can say the same thing about ponies being evil. Like all sentient beings, we can choose to be good or evil. A prime example of ponies choosing to be evil would be what Chrysalis did when she tried to take over Canterlot.” Emma said which caused the rulers to raise an eyebrow at her. “Lyra informed me if you’re wondering. Also, there is another matter involving an underground fighting ring that Burgundy and Georgia were forced to be a part of.” “... I'm sorry, but what did you say?” Celestia asked. “The part about Chrysalis or the Illegal underground fighting ring happening in this city?” She said as the princesses looked over at the trainers, who quickly looked off to the side as if it was something that they didn’t want to talk about. “Honestly it shouldn’t be a surprise something like this would happen. I mean when you bring a new species to a different world without actually sending someone to scout or communicate with the inhabitants, then you’re going to get ponies who will take advantage of this. Hell, imagine scientists operating on them in total secrecy? I can only imagine how much they are suffering before being killed.” The moment she was finished, the soldier took notice of the grim expressions on their faces before realizing what she did. “Sorry, I might’ve said something that none of you weren’t thinking about.” “It’s…fine…we’ll have to double our effort in the matter involving pokemon. I would like to know more about what happened to the trainers when they were in the underground fighting ring, but I’ll put that on hold until we take care of the matter in front of us involving you, Emma. It’s also nice to see that you’re researching the laws of Equestria.” “For the most part. I’ve been looking up the laws and examples that would help in my favor should Arceus try to do something to me and my friends.” She said as the princesses looked at each other for a moment before looking back at the soldier. “Say if we were to provide you protection, what would we get in return?” Luna asked. “Information on where I came from, myself, and I could provide medical assistance given how I’m a field medical doctor.” “....You’re serious?” “I’m always serious. I did fill out my part of the deal with Georgia and Burgundy by turning them back to normal…albeit different, but at least they have hands and feet.” “Say if we do agree to this, how do we know you’re not planning on calling the people from your planet to come and invade us?” Celestia asked as she noticed Lyra, Bon-Bon, Georgia, and Burgundy’s awkward expressions on their faces. “Is something wrong?” “Guess I can start with that question. This counts as one of your three questions.” Emma said as she started typing on her laptop to bring up an image of her planet. “Let us try and keep an open mind that humans are not the only beings that can do horrible things. I mean from what I can look up on the internet, which reminds me you might want to put some resources into increasing the speed of it. Discord pretty much bent reality to his whim, Chrysalis tried to take over Equestria, Terik stole the magic from innocent ponies, the illegal underground fighting ring, and the list goes on. So we can agree on that, right?” “She’s almost like Twilight…just more calculated like a computer.” Celestia thought before she and Luna nodded in agreement. “Good. Now, where I come from is a planet called Gaia, pretty much a planet filled with humans, monsters, and magic.” Emma said before showing images of what she meant. “My home is in Midgar. The industrial city where the rich live on top and the poor live underneath the city.” The soldier said as she pulled up images of the different sections of Midgar and Shinra. “I along with my adopted family fall under the category of the poor as we live in the slums of the city. Not the best place to live due to wild monsters and experiments that escape from Shrina, but what can you do when you don’t have money.” “Escaped experiments?” Luna asked as she noticed the soldier pulling up images of the leaders behind Shinra and the experiments they performed, which took the princesses by surprise by the graphic images presented to them. “The company I used to work for is called Shinra. An electric power company that powers the city of Midgar. They use mako energy, which is energy from the planet to power the entire city. President Shinra, the head leader of the company, rules the city with an iron grip. The man has money, power, knowledge, and resources to do just about anything he wants. And if the images you see right now aren't proof enough, then trust me when I say he’s the definition of the evil of humanity that’s been corrupted.” “...You said you used to work for this…Shinra corporation, why did you work for something that would do this to their people?” “Knowledge. I joined the Shinra corporation because I needed medical information to help my cripple foster mother. Originally the plan was to see if I can change Shinra for the better, but that plan didn’t go so well after spending about a year working for them. I ended up going with the plan of helping my mother, gathering enough money, and getting the hell out of Midgar. But during the twenty-year mark, I ended up being experimented on by Shinra after falling into a vat of mako energy.” She said before pulling up an image of mako energy. “A normal person wouldn’t survive falling into something like that due to it being poisonous, but I did. And because of that, I spent about nineteen years as their guinea pig for Project Deepground.” “....I’m afraid to ask, but what did they do to you?” Celestia asked as Emma showed them more graphic images of what Shinra did to people in the deepground. The images that the soldier started to show caused Celestia and Luna to turn pale in the face, Lyra and Bon-Bon quickly looked away, and Georgia and Burgundy quickly ran off to throw up either in the sink or trash can. “The deepground used to be a medical place where soldiers were placed there to help recover from injuries that would’ve crippled them. But over time it changed to that of a testing ground to replace Project Soldiers.” She said before pulling up images of Soldiers ranging from third class to first class. “Soldiers are people injected with Jenova cells to increase their physical strength. Though there were some downsides to having the cells of an alien parasite living inside you, hold up. Let me get the images-” Before the soldier could do that, Bon-Bon quickly tackled her to the ground which took Celestia, Luna, and Lyra by surprise. Emma wasn’t phased by the earth pony tackling her to the ground as she looked up to see the mare’s stern expression on her face. “Too much?” “What do you think!?” Bon-Bon yelled before moving off of the human. “I think we don’t need more…scaring images of what this evil corporation did.” “Indeed,” Celestia said while trying not to gag. “Perhaps it would be best if you made the images disappear, please?” She asked as the soldier pulled herself up and typed on her laptop to make the images vanish. “Mother of me, I was not expecting that.” “Neither was I,” Luna said before deadpanning at Emma who dawned on an innocent expression on her face. “A little warning would’ve been nice.” “Sorry about that. I'm so used to being very blunt about things that I didn’t take into consideration how you would react. Plus I figure seeing it would’ve been better than telling you. Mainly because you wouldn’t have believed my word for it without proof.” “...While I can see what you mean by that…just in the future. Please give us a fair warning for when you are planning on doing that.” “I make no promises, but I’ll be sure to give fair warning about that.” She said before noticing Burgundy and Georgia returning. “Okay, so you’re a human, but not from where the pokemon are from,” Celestia asked while regaining her composure as Emma nodded. “How did you end up here on Equus?” “Using an experimental materia that allows me to escape from falling to my death on a mission to bring a sample of Jenova to Shinra,” Emma said as she reached behind herself to pull out a container that had a piece of Jenova inside it. “Originally it was supposed to go to the researcher named Hojo to examine, but seeing how I’m no longer on the same planet, I’m planning on destroying this.” She said as Celestia and Luna looked at the sample in the container with a mix of interest and slight disgust. “You mention that the humans called Soldiers injected themselves with this parasite…what does it do?” “I’m just gonna get to the point, seeing how explaining in great detail would take up too much time. But the Jenova cells that are injected into Soldiers enhance a person’s physical ability to that of monstrous strength, extreme speed, and high stamina. Project Jenova was made due to Shinra thinking that the alien parasite was a being called the cetra. The cetra are a race of people that were able to communicate with the planet. They were the first to inhabit the planet two thousand years ago as what I can guess were caretakers of the planet Gaia. That is until the parasite known as Jenova came and nearly wiped out the cetra to near extinction.” “You mean that small thing can wipe out an entire race!?” Burgundy yelled as everyone stared at the container in a mix of shock and horror. “Why haven’t you destroyed it yet!?” “I haven’t gotten the chance to do that seeing how I ended up on this weird planet due to the materia I used. Not to mention there’s a protocol for handling stuff like this.” Emma said before placing a hand on the container. “The piece of Jenova is in a sedated state. This is because Jenova is telepathic, meaning it can shapeshift into any of the victim’s loved ones like their family members, friends, or even an infant just by reading their minds and emotions. Those who were taken as victims are infected with a virus that mutates them into monsters, or worse.” “So if you were to remove it from the container,” Georgia said. “Then I would only have about five seconds to kill it. Shinra does have a sealed chamber where they set the thing on fire just so that no piece of it escapes. Hence why I have it on me at all times so that no one mistakenly opens it and the parasite attacks the person who opens it.” “Hm, perhaps I can be of assistance with that?” Celestia said as Emma turned her attention onto the white alicorn. “Can this…Jenova sample absorb magic?” “Hm…to my knowledge, no. So long as it doesn’t latch onto a host of this planet. Why do you ask-” Before the soldier could finish her sentence, a magical aura appeared around the Jenova sample. Within a matter of seconds, the sample was quickly teleported off to parts unknown. The soldier blinked in surprise as she stared at the empty container for a moment before looking at Celestia as she teared up a bit. “No need to worry, I simply teleported it to the sun. The heat from it is enough to leave nothing behind.” She said, which caused an air of silence to hang in the room for a moment before they heard Emma speak up. “I mean you’re not wrong about that. Just wasn’t expecting you to do that so suddenly. Guess that means I owe you a favor.” “No need for you to owe me anything. Think of it as a gesture of kindness and trust. Now, is there a reason why you need access to the forbidden library?” “Teleportation magic on a grand scale. Specifically teleportation across worlds.” Emma answered. “I do have a family back home on Gaia that I am worried about, and I want to see them again so that I know that they’re okay. Hence why I asked Bon-Bon to bring me some books from the public library on teleporting magic. It helped for the most part, but not a lot.” “Is it wise to return to that world? Wouldn’t Shinra be looking for you?” Luna asked as the soldier shrugged. “I had thought of that, but the thing about that is that time might differ between this planet and Gaia. I could be gone for a second, a minute, an hour. Hell, I could be gone for years. The point is I want to see with my own eyes if they’re alive or dead. Should they be dead, then at least the information I gave them was put to good use. If not, then I will be more than happy to see them again.” “You seem to be accepting of that fact. Most ponies in your position would be crying or in misery, if they ended up in another world with no hope of getting back.” “Might’ve helped that I took pieces of my brain out over time when Shinra’s scientists were experimenting on me and messing around with my mind.” She said which took the princesses by surprise “...I hope you don’t mind me asking…but how old are you?” Celestia asked. “Thirty-nine years old,” Emma answered as everyone gasped in surprise. “What?” “You’re thirty-nine years old! But you look like you have the body of a sixteen-year-old!” Georgia said as Lyra looked at her up and down. “Lyra, do all humans look this young at thirty-nine?” Bon-Bon asked as the unicorn shook her head. “No, at least to my knowledge. Then again she is from another world so it might be different.” “To help solve that issue, I suffer from dwarfism. Not the kind where my limbs and torso are short because I was born like that, but it’s the kind where the bones in my body stopped aging. Found this out from a doctor in the slums of Midgar. So I’m pretty much four foot eleven inches for the rest of my life.” “Geez, must’ve been rough having to deal with that.” “It does have its annoyances. Like I have to show my ID card every time I want to get any alcoholic drink, have to use a step or something to reach the counter, and height jokes, which reminds me I wouldn’t make a height joke involving me because I will kick you in the shins or worse." “N-Noted, but can we focus please,” Celestia said as Emma noticed a worried expression on her face. “What do you mean you had to take pieces of your brain out?” “Let's just say that I had a run-in with a person that can use psychic abilities to mess around with my mind. They had me believe that I was home and everything was just a scary nightmare, making an image of a person being my friend but they were nothing more than a figment of my imagination, and trying to make me go crazy. So as a means to counter that, I took out pieces of my brain that would allow them to do that. Thank god I studied the human body beforehand otherwise I would’ve ended up killing myself.” “You…performed open brain surgery on yourself,” Luna asked. “As in, you didn’t have anything to numb the pain? You open up your brain, pull out the pieces that you needed, and then just patch yourself up like it was nothing?” “Well, it wasn’t easy for the most part. Keeping the area that I was in sanitized was the easy part. Not dying from blood loss or shock was the hard part. But all in all, it worked out for the better…despite having a few mental problems when it comes to expressing my emotions, I write like a seven-year-old and have a huge craving for odd food combinations. Like fried fish and apple pie filling as a dip. But hey, it’s better than anything else right?” “R…Right.” Celestia said as she looked over at Luna with an expression of, ‘This girl is seriously damaged beyond repair.’ before returning her attention to Emma. “Back to the matter at hand, Arceus and his children are currently looking into the matter of this strange energy appearing in Ponyville and Canterlot. Seeing how Luna found you to be the source behind it, it is more than likely that Arceus will try and do something to you. If you’re willing to trust me, then I can promise you and your friend's safety from them.” “Um…not to sound rude. I mean Arceus might be willing to follow the rules, but if you think that will stop Mewtwo from trying to get his hands on us, then you underestimate him and how forceful he can be.” Lyra said as she rubbed the back of her next. “Especially when he threw me out of Ponyville for asking him a few questions about humans.” “Which is where you’ll come in, Lyra.” She said which caused Emma to raise an eyebrow at her. “We’ll just say that due to your curiosity of wanting to learn more about humans, you accidentally teleported a human to our world. This will fall under the accidental magic law.” “The accidental magic law?” Burgundy asked before hearing Emma speak up. “Page two-hundred seventy-six. The accidental magic law was implemented back during the ruling of King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia after a group of unicorns accidentally summoned an object that drained the land of its magic and nutrients in the land. They were able to send the object back to where it was, but the damage was done. Thus the law to secure objects or being was made to prevent something like that from happening all over again.” The soldier said which took everyone by surprise. “What? I did say I was using the internet to look up laws of Equestria that might work in my favor, and that law is one of the many.” “That is correct,” Luna said as she chimed in on the conversation. “You also know about the five requirements about being proven not to be a threat, correct?” “I fall under the being department seeing how I informed you about where I came from, what my world is like, who I am, and showed proof to back up my claims. Which I have proven, no?” “That you have,” Celestia said while shivering at the images she saw. “Knowing how Mewtwo hasn’t read much about these laws, he will end up trying to restrain you by force. Which of course you have every right to defend yourself so long as you don’t kill him.” “I only kill those that are needed to be killed like the people from Shinra or The Deepground. You have nothing to worry about on my end.” Emma said as the white alicorn nodded. “Mewtwo has one more strike on him before he’ll be replaced by someone else. So if this pans out, then his sister Mew will be the new diplomat between ponies and pokemon. Which means we’ll have somepony who’s willing to talk rather than use force.” “Sounds like a risky and underhanding plan without killing…I love it~” The soldier said with a smile on her face. “So where are we going to set this up?” “Ponyville might be a good place to start. I'll have a letter sent to Twilight and her friends about this matter first thing in the morning about what Lyra did.” “Hey! Don’t I get a say in this!?” Lyra asked with an annoyed expression on her face. “First of all, not cool with throwing me under the chariot for something I didn’t do. Second, I prefer not to get thrown out of any town like before or worse.” “I understand your worry and fear about this, but we need a reliable story so that Arceus doesn’t try anything that might hurt you and your friends. Worse case is that his attempt to try and change Burgundy and Georgia back could end up killing them. And even if it doesn’t, I’m pretty sure they don’t want to go back to being pokemon.” Celestia said as she looked over at the two trainers. “Am I right?” “She’s not wrong. Nothing against pokemon or anything, but I prefer to have hands and be able to open doors.” Georgia said as Burgundy nodded. “Plus, this could help you in getting your curiosity satisfied when you can talk to a pokemon that used to be human. I mean I’m sure they’ll be coming to us so they can get back to being human…well…humanish.” Emma added which caused Lyra to ponder the situation before looking over at Bon-Bon. “What about you? What is your opinion on this?” “Honestly I want nothing to do with this…but as your friend, I have to make sure you don’t end up getting yourself hurt or worse. So I’ll stick by you through this…so long as you don’t harass the pokemon who were once human.” Bon-Bon said as she noticed a grin slowly appearing on her face. “But don’t drag me into stuff where I end up getting in trouble with the law…somepony has to bail you out…again.” “Alright, I’ll do it. But only if you allow Emma access to the forbidden library if this plan works.” Lyra said as Celestia nodded. “She will be given access to the library once we see progress with the plan. For now, I think this conversation has ended.” Celestia said as she and Luna made their way over to the door. Only for Emma to speak up as it caused them to stop. “What about the humans that were turned into pokemon? Some might see me as a threat and might try to do something to stop me from turning those that want to be humans back into humans.” “You leave that matter to me. For now, get some rest. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.” She said as Celestia’s and Luna’s horns glowed as they teleported off to the castle. The moment they left, Emma looked over at her friends as they had mixed expressions on their faces. “You guys have mixed feelings about Celestia and Luna, aren’t you?” “Can you blame us? I mean, this is Princess Celestia and Princess Luna we’re talking about?” Bon-Bon said as she walked over to Emma. “How can you not be worried about something like this?” “When you've been on the battlefield for a long time, you tend to not think much worrying about what ifs or what could’ve been. You just have to sometimes wing it. Which is what I am going to be doing if the self-proclaimed god of pokemon even thinks about doing anything stupid.” “And how are you going to do that?” Burgundy asked. “Arceus created pokemon and humans alike. What do you have that could top that?” “I have a few theories that I’m willing to test out on him, but for now we should rest for tomorrow,” Emma said before getting a bit comfortable on the couch and slowly falling asleep. Lyra, Bon-Bon, Burgundy, and Georgia looked at the human for a few seconds before the two mares walked off into the bedroom, while Burgundy and Georgia rested on the floor near Emma. > Chapter Twelve: Expecting the Unexpected > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Twelve Expecting the Unexpected [Manehattan] “What on earth is this?” Arceus asked as he, Mewtwo, Latios, Latias, and Kyogre were currently watching Emerald Weapon standing motionless over the water's surface. From what the Alpha pokemon could gather, this thing was giving off the same strange energy that was currently engulfing Ponyville and Canterlot City. Over many years he explored the cosmos, met with other gods, and saw many things in his life. This would be the first he had met with something that he had never seen before…and that frightened him. “Have any of you made a psychic connection with it?” “I have. All I got was an image of a human with dark skin, red hair, and wearing otherworldly clothes.” Latios said before showing a mental image of what he saw. “You’re telling me that a human is in control of that….thing?” Mewtwo asked as Latios shrugged. “How is that even possible? Shouldn’t the humans that father brought here to this planet be turned into Pokemon?” “Yes, I made sure of that…but there’s something odd about this human,” Arceus said as his children raised an eyebrow at him. “The clothes she has on. When have any of you seen a human from our world wear clothes like that?” “Wouldn’t Neo Team Plasma wear something like that?” Mewtwo asked as the alpha pokemon shook his head. “To my knowledge, no. But then again, humans do tend to wear weird stuff they would consider as clothing.” Kyogre spoke up while staring at the mental image of the human. “You don’t think she’s part of Neo Team Plasma, do you.?” “Not unless you know of any that gives off the same glow as that emerald creature in front of us?” Arceus asked as he focused more on the image of the human. “Something is going on with this planet, and this human might be the key to figuring out what is going on. If any of you find this child, you must bring her to me at once.” “What will you do father?” Latios asked as he noticed Arceus’s attention was focused on Emerald Weapon. “I will see what this creature is. If Latios could read its mind, then perhaps I can communicate with it telepathically.” Just as Arceus was about to fly over to Emerald Weapon, the sound of an ear-piercing roar as it caused him along with the others to recoil backward in pain. In a matter of seconds, the roaring came to a stop as Emerald Weapon turned around and began making its way toward the direction of the Canterlot. “Father, the creature is moving,” Mewtwo said as the alpha pokemon took notice of Emerald Weapon’s direction. “Where is it going?” Kyogre asked before hearing Arceus speak. “Canterlot Castle.” He answered as it took the others by surprise. “Latias and Latios, one of you will have to inform Celestia and Luna, while the other will need to inform the others back at the hall of legends.” “What are you going to do?” Latios asked as he noticed Mewtwo and Kyogre rushing off to Emerald Weapon. “As I said before, I’m going to see if I can communicate with it to see what it wants while keeping it from heading to Canterlot,” Arceus said before turning his focus on the weapon. “If we can get a means of communication, then I’ll have no choice but to use force to get it to submit,” he said before teleporting off to the weapon. The eon duo watches the alpha pokemon leave before looking at each other. “You think father will be able to handle that creature?” Latias asked as her brother nodded. “Father’s the strongest there is. Whatever that creature has up its sleeve, father will be able to take it down. Now let’s go. Father ordered us to inform the princesses and the others about this.” “R-Right.” She said as they quickly flew off into the night and headed towards Canterlot and the Everfree Forest. [Canterlot Castle, Morning] The morning sun rose above the city of Canterlot as Celestia was out on the balcony raising the sun for the ponies and pokemon of Equestria. As she was raising the sun, the white alicorn smiled at her work before looking over at the nightstand next to her bed. Specifically, the book that was on it. Her horn began to glow as she levitated the book over to her and picked up from where she left off yesterday before meeting with Emma and the others. “The deal was made. Discord somehow managed to bring the magic back to Equestria utilizing a pocket dimension that he keeps in case of emergencies. Within a matter of seconds, Equestria’s magic was restored but the damage from the monster and the army it created left a scar that will take time to heal. While I am grateful for his assistance, I still loathe the fact that I needed his assistance in this matter. The god of chaos filled his part of the deal, and so I must fill my part of the deal.” The book said as Celestia turned the page and continued reading. “Discord opened up a portal to a strange world, one similar to that of the mirror world, but different. The magic in this world…it's so clean and fresh, oddly shaped buildings, culture so bizarre that it was often weird, but fascinating. All this was truly amazing, but I couldn’t lose focus on the goal for the future of Equestria.” “Note to self, bring Luna for when we have to confront Discord.” Celestia thought before turning and continuing to read. “For the past couple of years, I lived out my days as a human within this strange world. During my time in this world, I’ve experienced a lot of things that this world has to offer, both the good, the bad, and the plain weirdness. During my tenth year of living on this planet, I made a name for myself. People in the village I lived in called me the angel of medicine. Guess knowing medicinal herbs and medical stuff came in handy. But even with all that, I was not prepared for the eventuality of meeting the man that would help save my home.” “So mother did go through with the plan…” Celestia thought before continuing to read. “The man didn’t tell me what his full name was, but he told me to call him Shinra.” The book said which caused Celestia to be taken by surprise by the name before reading. “I ended up meeting the young man near the entrance of the village. He was poisoned by a monster and was on the verge of death. Were it not for the fact that he unknowingly made his way to the village in his delirious state, he might’ve been dead within an hour. At first, he was a bit rude and on edge since he woke up in a strange place with all his belongings missing. But after feeding him and giving him more medicine to cure the poison, he began opening up to us for the most part. I feel like he was hiding something from us, but I choose not to press the matter.” “....I’m hoping my suspicions aren't true about who this child they’re planning to make it.” “A month had passed since Shinra had been in the village. So far, he can stand on his own for a while but does require help from time to time. He was reluctant at first in letting me help him, but over time he became accepting of the fact that he couldn’t do everything by himself. Or in his words as he put it, “hired” me to be his assistant-” Just as she was about to turn to the next page, there was a knock at her door. Upon hearing said knock, she quickly made the book vanish before turning her attention to the doorway. “Come in,” Celestia said the doors to her chamber opened to reveal Luna entering her room. “Morning sister.” “Morning Celestia. I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything important?” “Not at all, just getting myself prepared to meet the human and the others.” She said before levitating scrolls over to her for a second before making them disappear. “Let’s just hope Twilight and the others will be…accepting towards Emma.” “That would depend on what was written on the letter…you did specify that she wasn’t from where the other humans were from…right?” “.....I believe so…I think,” Celestia said as Luna raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m sure Twilight and the others will know what I meant.” “Tia…” “Don’t give me that tone. I’m not going to be perfect with everything. Like how you tend to skip out on your nightly duties~?” “I set my hours for how long I will be away before going to sleep. It’s not my fault the ponies of Canterlot can’t read or pay attention to the sign on the castle door or the bulletin board.” Luna said as she deadpans at Celestia smirking at her. “My point being, I do hope you have a plan in case something bad were to happen?” “As always, you should have some faith in me. I always have a plan in case things end up badly.” “Really? You have a plan to deal with a superhuman that was made for combat, and war, and Faust knows what else?” “I’ve ruled over the kingdom for one-thousand years Lulu, I’m sure I can manage something like this,” Celestia said as Luna stared at her for a few seconds before sighing. “If you say so, but before things get out of hoof. I will say four words to you. I. Told. You. So.” Luna said as Celestia rolled her eyes at her comment. “I’ll meet you in Ponyville once I’m done making a few preparations for our foreign guest. Do try not to let things escalate to the point of having parts of the castle blown up…again.” She said before teleporting off to a different part of the castle. “I’m sure this will turn out okay…I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?” Celestia said before teleporting off to the hotel. [Canterlot Hotel] “So let me get this straight,” Georgia asked as she looked at the Cactuar with interest. “This thing isn’t a pokemon, but a summoning?” “I call them summon monsters, but yeah that’s what they are,” Emma said as she watched the Cactuar dancing around the room. “They’re powerful beings that would rival that of the legendary pokemon on this planet depending.” “You mean that small thing can stand up against a legendary?” Burgundy asked in disbelief. “Sort of. It mostly depends on the summon you have.” The soldier answered before seeing her summon monster hop onto her head. “Summon monsters are like your magical partners. As you grow, so do they. The difference between how you guys do think with your pokemon is that if you want to have them as your partner, you’ll have to fight them with everything you got. And I don’t mean using your pokemon to fight your battles, you’ll have to prove to said summon that you are worthy of their trust and power.” “...You mean…you have to fight them…with your fist?” “Well you can use weapons like swords or magic, but if you don’t have that then yeah,” Emma said as the Cactuar began to spin around like a top. “Though some will test you in strength, others will test you in other ways. It varies depending on the summoning you get.” “...And you have how many?” “Sixteen if I’m not mistaken. I rack up a lot so I can burn Shinra to the ground. Might get more just for safety measures~” Emma said with a smile on her face, though that sent chills down Georgia, Burgundy, Lyra, and Bob-Bon’s spines as they had worried expressions on their faces. “What? It should be obvious that I would do anything within my power to see the people in charge of Shinra brought down. If I’m going to take on a large company, I’m going to need a lot of help and power.” “W-While I can understand why you hate them…horrific images you made us watch. Might want to be careful and not let your rage and anger get the better of you?” Bon-Bon asked. “...You make a valid point. I’ll save the summon monsters for when things go south.” The soldier said before making the Cactuar vanish into magical particles. “Which might happen if Mew-Two tries to attack me.” “I still have my doubts about the Princess’s plan. I mean can she even be trusted?” Burgundy asked as Emma shrugged. “So far we haven’t been attacked, nor has she sent any of her guards to capture us, and we haven’t seen the so-called legendaries or their god. Of course, I still have my guard up, but so far she doesn’t seem like the mare to betray us.” Emma said before walking over to Georgia and Burgundy. Once she was in front of the duo, she began to examine the trainers' injuries after reapplying bandages due to their new humanoid forms. “Hm, even with the new humanoid forms, you still retain the injuries from your pokemon forms. I’ll change your bandages and reapply them with a remedy so that it’ll kill off any infections you might’ve caught during your time in the streets before nighttime. For now, how are you two feeling?” She asked as Burgundy and Georgia moved their limbs a bit. “Still sore, but it’s better than how we were when you first found us,” Georgia said as she winced a bit from a slight pain she felt in her leg. “Still weird that I look like this. But I’ll take having hands or paws any day.” “I will have to agree with you on that,” Burgundy said while wiggling her fingers. “Oh, how I miss having the ability to use my hands instead of hooves…Um, no offense to Lyra and Bon-Bon.” “None taken,” Lyra said while admiring her new appearance. “I still can’t believe I’m a human. I mean I always had dreams about being one, but never had I ever thought of being one….I am going to enjoy this.” “Do try not to abuse it too much Lyra. Keep in mind that if Arceus or Mewtwo see you like this, they could try and attack you.” Bon-Bon said as Emma spoke up. “Which would be breaking the summoner’s protection law,” Emma said as she noticed her friends raised eyebrows. “Page two-hundred seventy-seven, paragraph one. The person that summoned said object or being from another has to be the one that sends it, they, or them back to the world they come from. Thus it is important to keep them alive less they are doomed to remain in Equestria for the rest of their lives.” “....Wow, you’ve been reading up on all the rules haven’t you?” Bon-Bon asked. “Given what we’re dealing with, yes.” She said before hearing a knock at the door to the room they were in. “Who is it!?” “It’s me, Celestia. May I come in?” She asked as Emma picked up her helmet to scan the doorway. The moment she was done, a small digital screen appeared to reveal that Celestia was the only one behind the door. “You can enter,” Emma said as the solar princess entered the room. “Nice to see you’ve returned alone.” “I figure you wouldn’t trust me if I came with the royal guards. Plus we did establish a bit of trust between us after what happened last night, no?” “For now, yes.” She said as the human stood up from where she was sitting. “I assume we’ll be going to Ponyville?” “That is the plan. Would you be willing to let me teleport us to Ponyville?” Celestia asked. “Normally I would allow it, but I’m in the mood for some fresh air…question, does this place have a road or something along the line of that?” “We do actually. Due to certain events involving a very territorial Rhyperior on the train tracks, we made a road for the pony to walk or take a carriage.” She said before noticing a grin appearing on the human’s face. “Is something wrong?” “How would you all like to go for a ride in my car~?” > Chapter Thirteen: Grand Entrance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Thirteen Grand Entrance “Introducing one of my many means of transportation to get from the Deepground to wherever Shinra needed me to go around the world,” Emma said as she presented the vehicle to Celestia and the others. The group stared at the giant piece of moveable metal as they were flabbergasted by a few things. Mainly how she was able to fit something that large into her bag. It was at least about the size of two, possibly three large elephants at best. “...I have…so many questions about this,” Celestia said as she walked around the vehicle to examine it. “How in Equestria were you able to fit something this big into your bag? Surely even if you were able to shrink it, it would’ve still kept the weight of the object.” “Unlike…whatever spell you used to make stuff small, the materia that I have that allows me to shrink stuff makes objects small and light to carry. It’s only when I dispel it is when the weight is added.” She said as she noticed the others looking over the transport. “Is this thing floating?” Lyra asked as she waved a hand underneath it. “How is that possible? Does this thing run on magic or something?” “Mako energy. Not from the main source of the planet, but from me.” She said while pointing at herself. “During long missions where it would take me a month or two to return, I used my spare time to try and simulate the creation of materia, though on a different scale.” “Different as in how?” Celestia asked. “Fusing different materia to make a stable energy source for making the vehicle be able to move. No using harmful environmental stuff like coal. Just pure natural energy.” “....And you made this all by yourself?” “Well, it’s not like Shinra was going to help me anytime soon. Yep, pretty impressive if I do say so myself. Though I would never do it again unless I had no choice.” “I know we have cars, airplanes, and other means of transportation and technology. But I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Georgia said as knocked on the metal part of the vehicle. “This would be something Team Neo Plasma would have.” “Indeed, I’m afraid to wonder what would happen if they ever meet Shinra,” Burgundy said as she shivered at the thought of that. “Yeah, well thank god that will never happen considering what Arceus did,” Emma said as she made her way over to the door of the transport. Once there she would press a few buttons as the door opened up for them to enter. “Come on, we’re going for a ride down to Ponyville.” “I call shotgun!” Lyra yelled as she quickly ran inside. “Sweet Celestia! You guys gotta see this!” Celestia, Burgundy, Bon-Bon, and Georgia looked at each other for a moment before slowly making their way into the vehicle. Upon entering it, their eyes widened at the multitude of technology spread around the inside of the vehicle. It ranged from control panels, a workshop, weapons ranging from swords, spears, guns, and types of armor ranging from heavy to light. The list goes on as to what she had inside the vehicle, all in all, it looked like she was preparing for war…which isn’t far from the truth given how she was a test subject for Shinra’s Deepground project. “Mother of me. This is…I don’t even know how to put it into words.” Celestia said with a slight fear in her voice. “Did Shinra give you all this?” “Oh hell no. A lot of these I took from off of battlefields, bought them from black markets in Wu-Tei, or from comrades that gave me their weapons before they died.” Emma said as she took the driver's seat. “The only weapon I got from them was just a revolver and a dagger, but if you know about human and monster anatomy as I do, then you can make anything work.” “I’m afraid to see you become a Pokemon trainer,” Georgia said while looking over at her arsenal. “You might end up steamrolling through all opponents.” “She might take down all the gym leaders and elite four,” Burgundy said while looking over at the different color potions hanging on the wall. “Me, be a Pokemon trainer? While I’m not against the idea, I think I’ll pass on that. Nothing against you all training Pokemon to fight and whatnot, but I don’t like having someone fight my battles for me.” She said before turning the keys in the ignition as the vehicle revved up before turning over. “But what about those summon monsters that you have?” Bon-Bon asked as Celestia raised an eyebrow at Emma. “Summoning monsters?” Celestia asked as the soldier snapped her fingers and summoned Cactuar in front of Celestia. “Oh…what an interesting and cute little creature…um…is this a Pokemon?” “On my planet, we call that a summon or summon monster. Think of them as primordial gods of the elements that aid those that prove their strength to them.” “...This creature is a god?” She asked while staring at the dancing Cactuar. “In a sense. I don’t know much about the details, but I know that they’re materia, so I can assume they put their essence into the materia for us to call on them for help.” She said before looking at Bon-Bon. “Now if I’m fighting against a giant monster that’s about the size of Canterlot Castle, then I’ll summon them to help aid me in battle. Other than that, I’ll handle it myself.” “That’s…good to know,” Celestia said before feeling the vehicle starting to move as they headed down the path to Ponyville. “If you don’t mind me asking. How does one obtain a summoning monster as you call it?” “It usually varies depending on the summon. They’ll either join you automatically, have you bring them an item, or you have to fight them in a test of strength.” Emma said before pressing a few buttons on the dashboard and turning her seat around to face Celestia. “Whoa! Shouldn’t you be watching the road!?” Burgundy asked as Emma shook her head. “Autopilot mode’s been activated. It’ll drive itself to Ponyville thanks to the map I downloaded from the internet last night.” She answered before looking over at Celestia. “So the materia that you gave me contains a summon?” “No, that materia contains elemental and restorative magic spells. You still have the materia I gave you, right?” Emma asked as she noticed Celestia’s horn glowing as the green materia appeared floating in front of her. “Are all the materia you have the same?” “There are five different colors of materias. Green is for elemental and restorative magic, red is for summons, blue is for support materia that lets you link certain elemental magic with your weapon or armor, and pink is for independent skills like increasing your physical strength, endurance, magic, etc. And yellow is for command skills, like being able to learn monster skills. Or in this case, pokemon skills.” She said which took Celestia by surprise. “You can learn Pokemon skills!?” “Yeah, I found that out when that weird dog shot a flaming breath attack at me while protecting Lyra,” Emma said before letting out a small flamethrower attack in the air from her mouth. “I guess Pokemon count as monsters where I’m from if I can learn stuff like this.” “...I would like to talk with you a bit more in private once the plan we’re doing is over. For now though, once we make it to Ponyville, I would like for you to look…well. Less threatening.” “What’s wrong with the way that I look?” Emma asked as she noticed a deadpan expression from Georgia. “You look like a member of team neo plasma. If you were to come dressed up like this, you can bet just about every Pokemon and Pokemon trainer will attack you on the spot.” “That would depend on if Celestia informed her student about me,” Emma said as she looked over at Celestia with a nervous smile on her face. “Right?” “I…may have left out a few things,” Celestia said as Emma stared at the white alicorn with a blank expression. “I only told her about how you were a human that Lyra accidentally summoned…not about the whole you being a secret government experiment.” She said which caused the soldier to continue to stare at her. “Okay, so I messed up. I’m not perfect all the time, don’t judge me!” “Pretty sure I can, seeing how you’re winging this whole thing!” Lyra yelled. “Mother of you, did you pull the plan you mention at the apartment out of thin air?” “Not all of it…I just figured as we went along I just made it work. I mean I made it this far for the past one-thousand years, so this wouldn’t be an issue.” “In her defense, I doubt anyone would have a plan for new species to be introduced into pony society and the planet’s ecosystem,” Emma said, before pulling herself up from her seat and walking over to where her weapons were hanging on the wall. “I’ll wear some casual clothes, but I’m bringing my sidearm and one weapon.” “Wouldn’t looking normal make you less likely to be attacked?” Bon-Bon asked as the soldier shook her head and reached for a red-colored longsword and a revolver. “You can’t speak for everyone to be as level-headed as Celestia. Keep in mind that Mewtwo might be in the area, and I would rather have something other than my magic to defend myself.” She said before placing her weapons into the holsters on her back and hip and began taking her clothes off. The moment she was in her bra and underwear, she felt the atmosphere in the vehicle change quickly as she looked over at Celesta and the others with horrified expressions on their faces. “What? Something wrong?” “Mother of me,” Celestia said as she looked at the blast marks, bullet wounds. Stab marks and surgical scars cover ninety-five percent of the soldier’s body. “I know you said that Shinra is evil, but I didn’t think they would do this to you.” “The surgical scars were done by Shinra…the rest are from wars I’ve been forced to fight in, monsters, or…yeah just those two things.” She said before walking over to the storage compartment to pull out a black one-piece suit with sleeves, navy blue baggy cargo pants, gray and white combat boots, and a dark blue jacket as she wraps it around her waist. “How do I look?” “Well…decent…I think?” Bon-Bon answered. “I don’t know much about what humans wear, that’s Lyra’s department for that matter.” “Might not be as flashy as my combat clothes, but I did modify them to withstand a certain amount of damage. So, we’re still winging it with the whole Celestia’s plan thing, right? I want to make sure because I’m still okay with it.” She asked as Celestia shook her head. “We’re not winging it…but for safety reasons, just let me do the talking as I ease them in.” “I’ll get the slide show ready if things go south and they assume I’m with team neo plasma or something.” [Ponyville, Castle of Friendship] There were a few things that rarely surprised Emma in her line of work. She had faced monsters, god-like beings, faced multiple wars and survived the horrors of the Deepground for a very long time. Though seeing a giant castle made out of crystals is something that even the deepground soldier wasn’t prepared for. Normally this would take years for crystals to form into something like this, but from what Celestia informed her about Twilight’s adventure throughout Equestria…She’ll have to admit that magic tops science in this department. As Emma and her group made their way through Ponyville. Twilight, her friends, Luna, Iris, and Korrina stood in front of the entrance of Twilight’s castle, waiting for the human and her friends' arrival. “I can’t believe something like this would be possible,” Twilight said, still trying to wrap her head around what Luna informed her and the others. “I mean…Lyra’s not the brightest pony when it comes to magic. But to be able to pull something like this off is…I don’t even know how to put it into words.” “I would say surprise would be an accurate term for what Princess Luna told us,” Iris answered. “I feel sorry for the human that she summoned. It was bad enough she was asking us about stuff related to humans, now she’ll bombard Emma with piles upon piles of questions…You think getting thrown out of town by Mewtwo would give her a reality check.” “I will agree that there’s nothing wrong with asking questions about another pony’s culture…or the world in this case, but certain boundaries shouldn’t be crossed,” Luna said before looking up at the sky for a moment before looking back at the group. “That being said, both Emma and Lyra are under the accidental magic law.” “The accidental what law?” Rainbow Dash asked as Luna sighed in slight annoyance. “Page two-hundred seventy-six of the Equestria law. The accidental magic law was implemented back during the ruling of King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia after a group of unicorns accidentally summoned an object that drained the land of its magic and nutrients. They were able to send the object back to where it was, but the damage was done. Thus the law to secure objects or being was made to prevent something like that from happening all over again.” Twilight said, which caused Luna to nod with a slight smile on her face. “Though that only applies if she’s a threat that could cause damage to the land.” “Celestia and I can confirm that she can’t do that. Especially given what she told us of the planet she came from.” “Are the humans from her planet able to change ponies and Pokemon into humans as well?” Korrina asked. “That…we do not know. Even the human herself doesn’t know much about how her magic can be able to change a pony into a human…well human…ish. From what we saw, Lyra still retains her ears, horn, and tail.” “You also said that she tested it on Pokemon that were once human, right?” Twilight asked. “Were they able to turn back into humans?” “I wouldn’t say back to being human, but it’s more of a similar situation with Lyra. While they’re no longer Pokemon they do have certain Pokemon traits. It would be best if you see for yourself than me telling you.” Luna said before returning her gaze forward. As Luna and the others waited in front of the castle of friendship, Emma and the others were making their way through town while making sure not to accidentally hit any ponies or Pokemon along the way. As Emma was driving Celestia was currently reading the book about the tale of her mother in another world. “The deed was done. After two years of patients and being his hired assistant, I was able to bed him. After getting Shinra drunk enough through the party that the village had every year, I allowed him to have his way with me. It was odd to have somepony else that wasn’t a pony, but regardless of how I feel. I must do this to protect the future of this land. Once the night was over, Shinra continued on his way to travel the world. I only wish him the best of luck in whatever he’s looking for, but I have my task to attend to. With the baby I have inside me, All of my remaining energy will go into creating the key to protect Equestria.“ A dreadful feeling appeared in the pit of Celestia's stomach. During the past hour of their driving, Celestia continued reading the book she found in the Canterlot archive. It was kind of the only thing she could do to pass the time away. But the more she read, the more she felt sick. To think that this was her mother, the mare she looked upon for guidance, a symbol that she was trying to become, could have another side to her that would go so far as to do something like this. “It’s been Six months since I had the village doctor check to make sure I was pregnant with Shinra’s child. I can already feel time catching up with me as my once beautiful hair was quickly turning pale and lifeless. I’m not surprised given how my immortality has been given to the child. The time will come when I won’t have enough strength to even move. I need to find a place where she’ll be with other humans. A place where someone can take care of her…Hmm, perhaps I should give her a name. Can’t keep calling her child, human, or her every time I write in this book. Sugar Pie…no…Junebug? Naw, too common in Equestria…or weird in the human world….I got it! I will call her-.” “Hey, Celestia. We’re getting close to the giant crystal castle tree thing.” Emma said, which caused Celestia to look away from her book, and locked her eyes on the soldier. “Talk about an eyesore. Hard to believe something like this is a real thing.” She said before looking at the monitor to see Twilight, her friends, Luna, and a pair of Lucarios and Haxorus standing in front of the castle of friendship. “I can see Luna, and I can assume that’s your former student and her friends?” Emma asked as Celestia nodded. “Mind telling me who the others are? Because I haven’t got the chance to look over some of the Pokemon from the information I’ve gathered from the internet.” “Hm,” Celestia looked over at the screen that Emma was looking at before answering. “Given how there’s two Lucarios and Haxorus. I can assume that it’s Korrina and Iris.” “Wait, that’s Korrina? As in the gym leader of Shalour Gym in Kalos Region Korrina?” Burgundy asked as she stared at the monitor in shock. “Of course, Iris would be a dragon type. Why am I not surprised by that?” Georgia said while eyeing Iris up and down before smirking. “I’m going to enjoy the fact that I’m human before her…well humanism to say the least.” “Seems like you two know the human turn Pokemon,” Celestia said as the trainers nodded. “Korrina’s the fighting type gym leader of the Kalos Region, while Iris is the Pokemon league champion of the Unova region,” Georgia answered. “As a dragon buster, it’s my job to take down any dragon-type Pokemon I come across. I only took down Iris once back in the day before she became the Unova league champion, but after that…she pretty much kicked my ass time and time again.” “Hm, interesting.” The soldier said before stopping the vehicle in front of the group. “I would like to see how the gym leader and champion fare in a fight with me. That is if they have any of their Pokemon with them.” “Perhaps we should wait on that for a different time,” Celestia said before noticing Rainbow Dash flying around the vehicle they were in. “I would like to make sure that they don’t think you’re with any of the evil Pokemon teams from their world. Would you be so kind as to open the door please?” “On it,” Emma said as she turned the engine off and pressed a couple of buttons on the control pad next to her. There was a loud hissing noise coming from the doorway as the door slowly opened up. Before anyone could leave the vehicle, Lyra quickly sprinted outside and presented herself to Twilight and the others. “Behold everypony! Lyra Heartstrings has become a human!” She yelled while using her magic to let out small streamers and confetti from behind herself. There was a moment of silence hanging in the air before Luna spoke up by clearing her throat as the others stared at the pony-turned-human with shocked expressions on their faces. “...Well that’s one way to make a grand entrance,” Emma said while trying her best not to laugh. > Chapter Fourteen: Weapon's Arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Fourteen Weapon’s Arrival "I keep telling you both. I don't know where Celestia or Luna is at this time." Juniper said as the eheeyem made her way down the halls of Canterlot with a stack of papers in her hands. Tailing behind her were the eon siblings, Latias and Latios. "I've been busy in the science department working on cataloging all Pokemon-related information, seeing how all of it is back on earth. The ponies of this planet need to know so that they don't accidentally get hurt or worse." "We can understand that, but it's very important that we see them," Latios said, which caused Juniper to tilt her head in confusion. "Father sent us to warn the princesses. We have reason to believe that we found the source behind the strange energy that you must have noticed given how you're a psychic type as well, right?" Latias asked as Juniper nodded. "I figure the legendaries would get involved upon seeing it. Though I'm surprised that Arceus is looking into the matter, what with him being busy with other important matters." "Normally he would have Mewtwo or someone else to look into this matter, but it would see that it's not just in Ponyville or Canterlot. It's happening in different locations around the world." Latios said. "Hence why Father sent us to Canterlot in his stead. He's currently fighting the creature to prevent it from reaching here, and we need the princesses' assistance on whether or not they might know what it is that father is fighting." Latias said as Juniper placed a hand to her chin to think. "Hm, well if she's not here, then she might be either in Ponyville or the Crystal Empire. Might want to check if Princess Twilight has seen her." "I suppose it'll have to do…I hope she's there and not in the crystal empire. That would take a while to get there and back." Latios said as his sister nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Professor Juniper, you have been a great help," Latias said before waving goodbye to her as she and her brother quickly rushed off to Ponyville. "Do you think Father can beat that creature?" "Of course, he can. Why would you say that?" "Because it shouldn't take him this long for him to finish. Especially with Mewtwo by his side." She said which caused Latios to give her a deadpan expression. "Pretty sure he's cleaning up the aftermath of the fight with the creature. Just you wait, I'm sure the moment we bring the princesses with us, he'll be cleaning up the destruction behind the fight in no time-" Before he could finish speaking, the sound of a glass-shattering roar pierced through the sky as it caused the legendary siblings to cover their ears. Within a matter of a minute, the roar subsided as they scanned the area to see where the noise came from. To their horror and surprise, they could see Emerald Weapon descending from the sky and towards Ponyville. More specifically, the castle of friendship. [Castle of Friendship, Map Room] "Of all the Pokemon she had to be, why did it have to be an ice type?" Iris thought while keeping a slight distance from Georgia. Though she would deadpan at her due to noticing a smug expression on the dragon buster's face. "Will you stop smirking like you won or something!?" "Well given how I'm back to being human before you, this would count as a win in my book," Georgia said as she leaned against Emma's chair that she was sitting in. "What's even better is that I have an advantage over you even more now~" "Oh really? And what makes you say that?" Iris asked before quickly dodging a fire spell. "What was that for….wait, you can use fire!? But….you're a Glaceon? How is that possible!?" "You can thank the materia I gave them for that," Emma said while pulling out a green materia from her pocket and placing it on the table. "Both ponies and former humans can instantly learn magic that would take people from my world years to master. For some reason, you can learn it in seconds." She said as Twilight levitated the orb over to her to examine it closely. "Fascinating, and this small orb can change a pony and Pokemon into a human?" Twilight asked as she noticed Rainbow Dash flying over to the soldier. "So…you're the human that turned Lyra and the others into humans?" Rainbow Dash asked as she eyed the soldier up and down. "How can a kid like her be able to do something like that?" "First of all I'm not a kid, I'm a thirty-nine-year-old adult that suffers from dwarfism. Not the kind where I'll have short limbs, but the kind where I'm stuck looking like a teen for the rest of my life." Emma said bluntly, which caused Applejack to elbow Rainbow Dash's side. "Do you ponies tend to judge a person by their appearance? Though I suppose it can't be helped given how I doubt any of you would be well versed in human anatomy except for Twilight and her visit to the human version of this world." "Sorry about that. Rainbow Dash can be a bit rude." Applejack said before adjusting her hat. "I suppose introductions are to be in order. My name is-" "Applejack, Ponyville's resident Farmer and the element of honesty." She said before looking over at Twilight and the others across the table she was sitting at. "Twilight Sparkle, a former student of Celestia, princess of friendship, and the element of magic. Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in all of Equestria and the element of loyalty. Rarity, Ponyville's resident fashion designer, and the element of generosity. Fluttershy, the animal caretaker, and the element of kindness. And Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's super duper party planner pony, and the element of laughter." "Wow…how did you know who we are?" Pinkie Pie asked while looking at Emma with a raised eyebrow. "Are you a pony pretending to be human?" "A combination of the internet and Celestia. But mostly the internet. Slow as it is, it does have some useful information." She said before placing her helmet on the map table as she pulled up images of the six ponies before looking at Iris, Korrina, and Lucario. "And you two must be Iris, the champion of the Unova region, and Korrina, the gym leader of the fighting-type Pokemon gym in the Kalos region." "...How did you know who we are…wait, you can understand what we're saying?" Korrina asked. "Might be because I'm not from your world, or something along the lines of that as to why I can understand Pokemon language. As for how I know who you are, you can thank Georgia and Burgundy." Emma said while pointing a finger over to Georgia and Burgundy. "In exchange for helping them become human again, they would give me information on the world they came from." She said which caused Lucario and Korrina to look at Georgia and Burgundy with mixed expression. "Is it wrong that I find them…a bit disturbing looking?" Rainbow Dash said before flinching from the trainers glaring at her. "Well, it's not like we had a choice on what we would look like!" Burgundy yelled while folding her arms. "I'll take a form that will let you have hands then have stubby hooves as feet…no offense to those who have them." "None…taken?" Twilight said before looking over at Emma. "A-Anyway, It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss. Rosemary." "No need to be formal around, you can just call me Emma." The soldier said as Twilight nodded. "Right, on behalf of everypony in Equestria, I would like to welcome you to our planet, Equus, and I would like to apologize for what Lyra did by accidentally bringing you here against your will." "It's fine. Not angry at Lyra for what she did, can't blame her for being curious to know more about humans. If anything I'm flattered she's taken an interest in me." Emma said before looking over at Lyra who was grinning with confidence while creating a ball of gravity. "Though I am annoyed that both ponies and humans turned pokemon can master the magic from the materia I implanted inside them within seconds, while it took me two years or so to master the spells I have under my belt." "Wait, so if you were to implant that weird orb thing, anypony can learn how to use magic without the need of training or studying?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Given what happened to Burgundy and Georgia, I will have to say yes. But fair warning, you will turn into a humanoid like Lyra, and for the time being, there is no way for me to turn you back." She said before presenting the materia to Rainbow Dash. "Are you willing to pay the price~?" "Um…tempting, but I think I'll stick to being a pegasus, thank you. Nothing against you or anything…it's just that I prefer not to have to learn how to walk on two legs…or how to walk and act like a human." "Fair enough." She said before looking at Iris and Korrina. "What about you two? Surely you want to be human again. Though it may be a poor substitute for being human, it would do until I can figure out how to turn you completely human." "You can do that?" Lucario asked as Emma waved her hand sideways a bit. "For the most part. I would need a bit more information and materia that will allow me to learn the spell transformation. Should be much of an issue, but for the time being. This hybrid between human and Pokemon should suffice." "And you're not worried that Lord Arceus might find this inhumane or an abomination? I don't think you understand the situation you're in." "You mean because he's a self-proclaimed god?" Emma asked while performing air quotes. "He's not self-proclaimed, because he is a god," Lucario said with a stern expression on his face. "Are humans that arrogant from where you come from?" "Some but not all. But I'll say whatever I want to him even if he isn't a god. He's not my god, and even if he was my god, I'd still call him out." Emma said while leaning back in her seat. "Because what kind of dumbass god would put humans, ponies, and Pokemon in the situation you're in now." She said before pointing over to Georgia and Burgundy. "Take those two for example. Did any of you know there's an Illegal underground fighting ring where the rich would force Pokemon to fight each other?" "WHAT!?" yelled everyone except for Celestia, Luna, Lyra, Bon-Bon, Burgundy, and Georgia. "Y-You're joking…right?" Rainbow Dash asked as she looked over at the trainers, who were looking away in shame. "She's…not wrong," Georgia said. "The moment we ended up here, we got caught by a unicorn with blonde hair and were forced to fight against either other captured Pokemon, humans that were once Pokemon, or weird creatures that we didn't know of." "If we had our Pokemon with us, I know we could have stood our ground and escaped," Burgundy said before biting her lower lip in anger. "But seeing how we were separated from our Pokemon, and we didn't know how to work the bodies that we were in before Emma changed us. So we spent the majority of the time forced to fight against our will, eat nothing but scraps of food left behind by the spectators, and slept in cages without getting medical treatment." She said while trying her best to hold back her tears. "The only move that I could manage to learn from that place was how to use an ice beam attack, but what good is that if you have a unicorn that can just knock the beam away with a magical barrier," Georgia said before stomping the ground in frustration. "They were both in bad condition when I found them. Burn marks, bruises in the legs, arms, and rib areas, and possibly some diseases that they might've picked up along the way." Emma said before pointing to the bandages on the trainers' bodies. "Had I not noticed them in the alleyway behind Donut Joe's place, they might've died from lack of treatment." "How can we not know about this?" Applejack asked. "Because they're rich," Emma answered. "If you have enough money, you can get away with just about anything with just bribing ponies with bits to look the other way. I mean if the job you're working doesn't pay much, you pretty much throw away your morals and values just to have food on the table for yourself or your family." "Sadly, she's not wrong about that," Celestia said with a disappointed expression on her face. "I have myself to blame for letting something like this happen." "You can't blame yourself for something like this happening. Nopony would expect you to be on everything." Fluttershy said before hearing Emma speak up. "Well given how the rules were made when Celestia was depressed after sending her sister to the moon. Depression is a bitch, but it is her fault for letting something like that happen." "Do you have to be that blunt?" Bon-Bon asked. "You can at least be tactful with your wording." "You should know that I don't sugarcoat stuff like this. Much as I would, but you all have to remember. She is the leader of a country. She shoulders the burden of everyone. While it's sad that she had to do that to her sister, she can't slack off on her responsibility as a leader. Even if she were to change the rules around to prevent stuff like this from happening, it would take generations for the changes to take effect and for royals who are doing them to die off of old age or natural causes." "As painful as her words are, she's not wrong. It would've been nice to have somepony to advise me in my ruling of Equestria for the past one-thousand years. But we can't change what happened in the past, we can only change stuff now so that it won't be a problem in the future." Celestia said as Luna nodded in agreement. "Indeed, which is why we called Twilight and her friends here," Luna said before looking at Iris, Korrina, and Lucario. "You three are free to leave if you want. But something tells me that you two want to ask Emma some questions afterward?" She asked as Iris and Korrina nodded. "We just wanted to ask a few questions about the whole transformation thing," Korrina answered before noticing Lucario raising an eyebrow at her. "No offense Lucario, but I was born human. It would be one thing if I was given the choice to be a Pokemon, but I wasn't. While being a Pokemon has given me a much more understanding of a Pokemon's point of view, I miss being a human." "I…suppose that's understandable. I'm more worried about what will happen if Arceus finds out about it." Lucario said with a worried expression on his face. "He might end up punishing you for defying his wishes for humans to remain Pokemon. And I'll side with you, but even I can't fight against a god." "I don't think he'll be able to do anything about it," Emma said, which caused Iris, Korrina, and Lucario to look over at her. "I don't see him as a god. Just a powerful being with matter manipulation powers from the looks of it. Given how there isn't anything like magic in the world where you come from, it can only be assumed that Arceus can't manipulate magic. Which would make sense given how Pokemon are super effective against magic in this world." "They are? How do you know that?" Twilight asked as Emma pulled up a digital screen with information on both Pokemon and magic. "With Burgundy's and Georgia's consent in letting me have a sample of their blood. I ran a few tests to see what would happen if magic can affect a Pokemon's cellular structure." She said before noticing Twilight carefully examining the information displayed to her with interest. "Amazing, I never would've thought someone would go into this much detail with information like this." "The perks of being a former medical soldier/scientist." "Former?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Did you quit your job because it didn't pay you that well or are you retired?" "...You did inform them about where I come from…right?" Emma asked after looking over at Celestia, who stared at the human for a moment before looking off to the side. "Well, it was a bit of a small summary…Perhaps I should've proofread it before sending them out." "....I can't be mad at her. Especially given how tired she must be." Emma said before typing on her laptop and bringing up her planet. "Before I begin. Let me be clear about one thing. I mentioned this to Celestia and Luna, but no species is better than the other. Ponies, Pokemon, and humans have their dark side. But just because they have their dark side, doesn't mean they should judge the rest of their species and think they're all evil. Ponies have Chrysalis, Sombra, and a few other villains. Humans have organizations like team rocket, team plasma, etc. Pokemon…hm…what do they have if you don't mind me asking?" "...Well…there was the…I hate to say this, but the Malamar incident that took place back on earth about a couple of years ago." Lucario said with a bit of shame in his voice. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that!" Korrina said which caused Celestia to speak up. "Malamar incident?" "Ash mentioned during his travels through the Kalos region that he along with his friends had a run-in with a small group of Malamars trying to take over the world. He didn't go into that much detail about it, but they were trying to change the world to suit their own evil needs." "So…they were trying to terraform the earth…How?" Emma asked. "I mean I'm a bit impressed that Pokemon could do something like that, but how were they able to try and attempt that?" "Don't know, you would have to ask him yourself. All in all, if it wasn't for him. The Malamars would've been successful in taking over the world." "Okay, so I suppose I'll add these…Malamars for example of the bad side of Pokemon society. I used to work for an evil corporation called Shinra. Now don't judge me about why I joined them. But given how I lived in poverty, I needed the money to help the family." She said before bringing up pictures of the Shinra Corporation. Just as she was about to explain who Shinra was, the sound of a glass-shattering roar echoed throughout the room they were in and caused them all to cover their ears due to the pain behind the roar. Within a matter of seconds, the roar died down, but a small earthquake caused the castle to shake and everyone fell to the ground due to the force of the sudden quake. The first to pick themselves up from the ground was Emma as she spoke up. "Okay…do earthquakes with the force of a bomb being dropped on a village happen a lot in this town?" "No…No, they do not." Twilight said while pulling herself up. The moment she did, her eyes widened in surprise. Not from the glass in the windows being shattered, but seeing Emerald Weapon standing outside of her castle. "What in the name of Equestria is that!?" She yelled as everyone turned their attention to the window Twilight was looking at which caused everyone to be taken by surprise by the giant metal monster outside the castle. "What kind of Pokemon is that!?" Rainbow Dash asked before hearing Lucario speak up. "That thing is not a Pokemon! If anything it doesn't even come close to what a Pokemon looks like!" He said while eyeing the monster up and down. "Huh, interesting," Emma said before reaching for her helmet to scan Emerald Weapon. The moment she finished scanning, her eyes widened in surprise at the information given to her. "Wow…So the information about these things was real after all. I figured it was fake just to trick enemies who hack into Shinra's database to gather intel." "You…know what that thing is?" Burgundy asked. "I looked into some of the off-limits information in Shinra's archives. That outside is known as WEAPON." "Weapon? Weapon of what? A weapon of mass destruction?" Rarity asked as the soldier shook her head. "Weapon or Weapons to be accurate were created by the planet itself as a means to defend itself from life-threatening dangers. I heard that they appeared on my planet two-thousand years ago but disappeared after some time. Don't know what the threat was back then, but seeing one of them confirms that the information I have on them is real." "You mean that thing was made by our planet?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Seems like it. It would explain the weird energy that Celestia and Luna have been seeing." "If this thing was created by planet Equus, why is it here of all places?" Bon-Bon asked. "I can think of a few ideas. One of them being that the planet sees Arceus as a threat given his haphazard plan of migrating Pokemon to this planet, or there is a much bigger threat looming in the darkness of Equus." She said while continuing to look at Emerald Weapon in marvel. As the soldier continued to gaze at the bio-machine, Pinkie Pie noticed Emma was floating. "Hey Lyra, are humans supposed to float like that?" She asked while Lyra looked over at Emma floating. She was about to say something, only for the human to be sent flying backward into the crystal wall behind her. The human was unphased by being thrown against the wall, though the ponies and Pokemon were taken by surprise by this. "So you're the source behind this madness." said a voice as everyone looked around the room to where the voice came from. It was when Korrina looked up as her eyes widened upon seeing the legendary psychic Pokemon. "I don't know where you come from, nor do I care about how you got here. But you will be coming with me, human." "She is most certainly not," Celestia said as Mewtwo looked over to his right to see the white alicorn flying over to him. "She's currently under the accidental magic law. If you haven't been reading into Equestrian law, she was brought here by Lyra by accident. Don't know how she did, but that means you can't hurt her, nor do anything that would cause harm to her." "Given the situation going on in Equestria. Restraining the source was Lord Arceus's command." "And where is Arceus?" Luna asked. "Currently repairing the damage this human caused by unleashing that thing upon the world," Mewtwo said before glaring at the human but paused upon seeing Lyra, Burgundy, and Georgia due to their sudden humanoid-like appearance. "Dear god…" He said before glaring intensely at Lyra and levitating her over to him via psychic to her throat. "What did you do to those Pokemon?" "Um…okay…don't be mad," Lyra said as she felt the aura of anger coming off of the genetic Pokemon. "Okay scratch that, that's pretty much your default setting-" She said before being cut off by his psychic grip increasing more around her throat. "I won't ask again. What did you do to them? If you do not tell me what you did, then I'll get the answer from reading you-" Before Mewtwo could finish his threat, a sharp pain radiated from the joint that connects his arm and shoulder. Looking at said location on his body, he notices a crimson red color blade sticking out from his body. "Don't know what you're saying nor do I need to know what you're planning on doing. But given how you're hurting Lyra and ignoring Celestia's warning about the accidental magic law. I'm going to assume you're Mewtwo." Emma said as Mewtwo turned his attention to the human who was engulfed in a dark aura. The genetic Pokemon tried to use psychic on the soldier to get her off, but for some reason, it wasn't working. "Why can't I use my psychic ability to push you away?" Mewtwo asked, only for his question to be answered by Emma pushing her sword deeper into the wound she inflicted on the legendary Pokemon, causing him to flinch and grunt from the pain he felt. "Release the girl, or else you'll be missing an arm. Something that I'm sure you can't grow back." Emma orders as she notices Mewtwo using his other hand to fire off a shadow ball at her face. The shadow ball made contact with the human's face, but it didn't have much effect on her. If anything, she gave off a slight yellow glow after being hit by his attack as she in turn glared at him. "Wrong choice." She said before grabbing onto the Pokemon's shoulder and pulling her sword upwards. In doing so, it caused Mewtwo's arm to be cut clean up with little to no effort. Mewtwo let out an ear-piercing scream from having his arm cut off as he recoils in pain and causes Lyra to fall out of his psychic grip. Before the humanoid unicorn was about to hit the floor, Twilight quickly used her magic to stop her just as her face was inches from the ground. "Um…thanks?" Lyra said as Twilight carefully placed her back on her feet. Her attention was turned onto Emma as she noticed the human raising her hand at Mewtwo and summoning a shadow ball into her hand. "Wait, isn't that the same move Mewtwo used?" Georgia asked which in turn surprised Iris, Lucario, Twilight, Burgundy, and Korrina. "It is, but that should be impossible for a human to use," Lucario said before looking at Lyra. "Oh right, you weren't there when I first met her. There's a materia that she has that lets her learn abilities from monsters and convert them into magic." She said which took everyone by surprise. "What? I saw it happen when she saved me from a small pack of hondours the night that I accidentally summoned her." "So…that means it is possible to use Pokemon abilities?" Twilight asked as Lyra shrugged. "I guess? You'll have to ask Emma about it." She said before noticing Mewtwo slowly recovering from the pain and glaring daggers at the soldier. "That would be if she survived this." "We gotta do something, we can't just sit by and watch this," Korrina said as looked over at Lucario with a slightly nervous expression on his face. "Lucario?" "I'm against the idea of fighting against a legendary, but I'll follow whatever orders you have for me to follow, Korrina." He said as the duo was about to aid Emma, only for Celestia to stop them by using her wing to block their path. "Celestia?" "Even if you were to assist the human in this fight, I believe you would only get in the way," Celestia said before looking over at the human. "It would also mean that Mewtwo will have to step down and be replaced with Mew. But should things get out of hand, I will intervene for both their sakes." While Celestia watched the scene take place, the human looked over the genetic Pokemon's arm for a moment before placing it into her bag for safekeeping. "In my defense, you did attack me twice. The first one I would let slide, but hurting Lyra is where I had to draw the line." She said before noticing the blood on her sword being absorbed as a surge of power ran through her body. "Now, are you going to calm down so we can talk, or are you going to use force?" Mewtwo said nothing as he used his psychic powers to stop the bleeding. He soon closed his eyes for a moment before slowly regenerating his missing arm, which impressed the soldier by causing her to whistle. "Impressive, regeneration on a cellular level. Though I'm sure it does take a great toll on your stamina in doing that." "I'm giving you this final warning," Mewtwo said before glaring at the soldier. "Surrender now and I won't have to hurt you. If you don't, then I am not liable for what happens next." "Yeah, that's not going to happen. Mainly because I fall under the accidental magic law, which I can assume you don't know about seeing how you pinned me against the wall and ignored Celestia." "You somehow manage to escape my psychic grip and you're imitating my attack right now with that shadow ball in your hand. You are considered a threat to not only this planet but to the citizens given how Lyra and the other humans look like abominations. I can assume you being here will cause more of them to turn into that." He said before using psychic to take pieces of the crystal surrounding them in the room and position them around himself. "You must be contained until Father can send you back from where you came from." "Sorry, but putting my faith in a murderous god that causes more deaths than need to be is something I'm not going to do." "...I would recommend taking back what you said." "It's not an insult, it's facts," Emma said while pointing her sword at Mewtwo. "Given what I've been gathering from Celestia, Lyra, and the humans who were turned into Pokemon. Your god pretty much just up and left his old world and pretty much invaded this world without so much of a plan. He didn't do any research then what was on the surface, didn't send any of his children to act as scouts on the planet or act as envoys to communicate with the leaders of this planet, and didn't give the humans who turn Pokemon the ability to defend themselves if they ended up being teleported in a dangerous area, didn't even give them the option to be human or pokemon, and the big murderous action would be taking the good humans and leaving the bad ones on what I can assume would be a dying planet?" She said, which caused Mewtwo to go silent. "Question, was it his decision to do this or a conjoint decision without telling the other humans and Pokemon?" "I don't have to answer that question to someone like you. I will say this again, surrender now or else." Mewtwo said as Emma let out a sigh of disappointment. "Suppose I'll get my answer from your god when he comes here. But for now, I think I'll play with you for a bit." She said before Mewtwo noticed a devilish grin on the human's face. "Getting an in-depth analysis on a legendary species would be very informative~" > Chapter Fifteen: Pokemon Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Fifteen Pokemon Battle The sound of gunshots, metal, and magical explosions echoed through the map room as the soldier unleashed a barrage of fireball attacks at the genetic Pokemon. In retaliation, Mewtwo used the crystal debris he was levitating to shield himself from the oncoming attack. Once he notices the barrage dying down, he throws the chunks of crystals at the soldier who in turn dodges out of the way and counters with a dark thunder spell. The genetic Pokemon felt a surge of electricity running through his body before causing him to stagger backward from the pain. The moment he stopped himself from falling backward and focused his attention on the soldier, his eyes widened upon seeing her sword inches away from his face. His eyes gave off a light-blue glow as he used psychic to stop the blade, but heard the sound of a gun being fired and pain radiating from his chest. Looking down he notices three gunshot wounds on his chest as she kneels and grips his chest due to the pain he felt. “Coward! You would use tools and underhanded tactics in a battle!?” “Of course idiot,” Emma said before finishing reloading. “You expect me to fight with some kind of honor or something? Sorry, but you won’t find that with me. If I see an opening, I’m going to take it.” She said before pulling her hand back in a pulling motion. The psychic Pokemon would notice a very small string attached to the handle of the sword before it returned to the human’s hand. “Plus I’m just a little kid, you’re a scary monster that attacks me for no reason~” “If anything, you’re not an innocent kid,” Mewtwo said before using recover on himself as the bullets slowly popped out of his chest and onto the ground. “I’ll be sure to make you pay for that dirty trick.” “We’ll see about that.” She said before coating her blade in darkness and began to charge at Mewtwo. Mewtwo once again tried to stop her with psychic, but due to the dark aura engulfing her body, it was nullified as he quickly flew out of the way of the oncoming attack and countered with an iron tail move. The soldier quickly brought her sword up in a defensive manner as she was pushed back by the force of the attack by a couple of inches. The genetic Pokemon delivered a flurry of iron tail attacks as the human continued to block the Pokemon’s attack. It was within the twelfth strike when Mewtwo changed his attack by bringing his tail up in an uppercut-like manner, causing the human’s defensive stance to break. Once he saw the opportunity for an opening, he quickly thrust his hand towards her chest. “Aura Sphere.” He said as a blue ball of life energy gathered into his hand for a moment before instantly engulfing the human in it. Once she was engulfed, the genetic Pokemon sent the human flying backward and through the crystal walls of the map room as the aura sphere exploded within the hallway. “Geez Louise!” Korrina yelled in shock. “You didn’t have to go that far, you know!?” She said before noticing Mewtwo’s glare as she flinched from it. The genetic Pokemon chose to ignore her comment and turn his attention onto Emma as he quickly flew after her. The moment he left, Twilight looked over at Celestia who had a calm expression on her face. “There has to be a way to make them stop fighting each other. Isn’t there something that we can do?” Twilight asked as Celestia shook her head. “Normally I would…But I would like to see this play out.” She said which took everyone by surprise minus Lyra, Bon-Bon, Burgundy, and Georgia. “What do you mean to play this out? They’re going to hurt each other, or worse.” “They might end up destroying the castle,“ Rainbow Dash added. “I’ll stop them if they go too far. But as it stands, I am no match for both of them. Mainly because Emma can counter my magic and direct it back at me, and Mewtwo who’s…well…You heard about his…lack of compassion for humans given how he was made by evil scientists on his planet.” “And given the fact that Emma is kind of one-upping Mewtwo, they’re not going to stop anytime soon, are they?” Luna asked as Celestia nodded. “Which is why we’re waiting for them to tire each other out before trying to stop them at full strength.” She said before hearing the sound of an explosion set off on the other side of the castle. “...Just to be safe, we should follow after them so they don’t end up taking the fight into Ponyville?” Rarity asked as the white alicorn nodded and the group quickly followed after the pair. While the group was making their way through the castle of friendship, Emma and Mewtwo were tumbling down a set of stairs as they soon tumbled into the kitchen. The moment she was on top of the Pokemon, she felt his tail wrap around her waist as she sent her flying onto the kitchen counter. “Psycho Cut!” Mewtwo said as blades made out of psychic energy appeared around him and fired upon the soldier. Emma quickly pulls herself off the counter but feels her leg get hit by one of the blades. It didn’t hurt her, but she did notice a slight glow appearing around her body for a moment before vanishing. “Looks like you can’t use your psychic powers on me so long as I have darkness magic around me. So dark magic works the same way with dark-type moves.” She said before looking up at the silver skillet pan hanging above her. The soldier took notice of Mewtwo as he was about to use an aura sphere at the counter she was hiding behind. “If I can’t use psychic, then I’ll just have to use alternative moves.” He said before firing off an aura sphere. The soldier quickly lunged over to the right before contouring aqua breath. The genetic Pokemon’s eyes widen from the flood of water spewing as he quickly uses protection on himself. A sphere made out of energy appeared around him for a moment before disappearing once the torrent of water vanished. The genetic Pokemon soon noticed that the human was gone from his sight as he scanned the room for her. “Where did she go?” As Mewtwo searched around for the human, Emma was currently hiding in the kitchen closet, which was surprisingly large given how thin the door was. She soon snapped her fingers to create a small light for her to see in the dark as she let out a slight sigh of relief for having a moment to breathe and gather her thoughts. “Okay, killing would be out of the question. Mainly because I prefer not to have an entire army of legendaries coming at me.” Emma said before opening the chamber to her gun. “Six shots and only one clip left. Gonna have to make a quick stop to the truck to gear up. But having him following me will be a problem.” She said before looking over the green materia glowing in her left arm. “Guess I’ll have to make him run away.” With an idea in mind, the soldier slowly opened the door leading to the pantry that she was in. From what she could see, she noticed the psychic Pokemon taking apart the room to find her as she couldn’t help but grin at how frustrated he was getting. The moment she noticed him looking at the door she was hiding behind a slight grin could be seen on his face as he slowly made his way over to where she was. Once he was inches away from the door, he soon spoke to Emma telepathically. “I don’t know whether I should be impressed that you were able to make yourself vanish in an instant, or annoyed that a human was able to make a fool of me. Either way, this game of yours is over. You have nowhere to go and no place to hide. I suggest you get out of there…now.” “I wouldn’t open the door if I were you. You’re not going to like what’s going to happen to you.” “I don’t need to open the door to capture you. You’re currently stuck in a room where I can use it to keep you trapped. I won’t repeat myself. Get out now or else I will make you regret it.” He said as Emma felt the room she was in beginning to shake. “Forgot that he could do that.” Emma thought before casting an aeroga spell around herself and sending herself flying through the wooden door and past the psychic Pokemon like a bullet. The moment she landed behind Mewtwo, she quickly raised her hand at the legendary and fired off a dark thunder spell at his back. Just as Mewtwo turns around to counter with an aura sphere, he is soon cut off by the dark thunder spell hitting him from behind as he lets out a grunt of pain from the surge of electricity flooding his body. “You weren’t expecting that, were you?” “You’re pushing my patient's child!” Mewtwo yelled as he took a step forward and caused a small shockwave to erupt from where he stood. Within seconds, the genetic Pokemon teleports from the soldier’s sight. This took Emma by surprise as she scanned the room she was in to see where he was. The moment she turned her head to the right, she was met with the psychic Pokemon’s hand on her face as she was lifted from the ground. She was about to fire off another dark thunder spell but felt herself being encased in an aura sphere; it caused her body to seal up due to the force of the attack preventing her from moving. “You brought this upon yourself.” He said before sending the soldier flying through the wall of the kitchen. The moment Celestia and the others made their way to where the fighters were, they soon saw Emma flying past them and through several walls. The moment she crashes into the seventh wall, the dark aura around her body vanishes as she lets out a small coughing fit with blood coming out of her mouth. “Forgot that he can bypass darkness with just a hand.” She thought before trying to pull herself from out of the wall. The moment she got her right arm freed, the human noticed Mewtwo appearing in front of her. The genetic Pokemon grabbed the soldier by the throat again as he drew her in close to his face. “Do you see now? You’re a weak human with no chance of winning. Know your limits.” “My limit? Humans have no limit.” Emma said before quickly raising her hand at Mewtwo’s head as she fired off a pitch-black ball at him. The genetic Pokemon moved his head to the right as the ball hit the wall behind him. A look of disgust appeared on his face, but was soon changed as a shocked and dreadful expression was now dawning on his face. He could feel the room getting cold as if something threatening was about to come into the castle they were in. It couldn’t be his father seeing how Arceus was busy with the damage done by the weapon, it couldn’t be any of his siblings seeing how they couldn’t give off this kind of presence before. It was only when he heard the sounds of chains and the sound of metal slicing into the air that he slowly turned his head around. Upon making eye contact on where Emma fired the ball, he could see a dark hooded figure wielding a scythe in its hands. “What in the name of father is that thing!?” “That would be death,” Emma said as Mewtwo turned his attention onto the soldier with a shocked expression. “And I don’t mean metaphorically, rhetorically, theoretically, or any other fancy words for saying it. That’s death…straight up.” She said before feeling Mewtwo drop her to the ground. “T-That’s impossible. How can a human summon death like it was nothing? It's nothing more than an illusion.” Mewtwo said while moving away from the specter. “Magic is a wonderful thing. Especially when it comes to something like this.” She said before pointing a finger at Mewtwo. “I suggest you run before it takes your life, and I doubt your father can bring the dead back to life.” With a quick bright green flash from her hand, the being known as Death bolted towards Mewtwo. The psychic Pokemon brought up a barrier to protect himself from the specter but was soon shattered like glass by Death simply touching it with its hand. Mewtwo instantly teleported away from Death before it could touch him as he appeared near the hole that was made by his aura sphere. The moment Death made eye contact with the legendary, it darted towards him causing Mewtwo to quickly make his escape through the halls of the castle. A sigh escaped her lips upon seeing Mewtwo flee, as she pulled herself up. Just as she stood up, she noticed Celestia and the others standing off near the entrance of the room staring at her in shock. “I knew she wasn’t like the humans from Arceus’s world. I never thought she would be able to make a legend like Mewtwo flee in terror from a specter like that.” Celestia thought before hearing Luna speak up. “I…don’t even know how to put it into words. I mean, I knew you said that you were made into a super soldier from the Shinra Corporation. But I never would’ve imagined that humans like you would be able to hold their own against a powerful legendary like Mewtwo.” “Honestly I’m just as surprised as you are. Though it’s a lot harder than I expected.” “Well, you were fighting against a legendary. It’s not like they’re pushovers or something.” Burgundy said before noticing Emma shaking her head. “That’s not the reason.” “What do you mean?” Iris asked before hearing Celestia speak up. “Because you were holding back, weren’t you?” Celestia asked as everyone was taken by surprise by her bold statement. There was a moment of silence hanging in the air before seeing the human nodding in agreement with Celestia’s statement. “That specter you summoned, was that just a fluke, or was that thing death?” “It is death, but also not death,” Emma said, which caused everyone to stare at her in confusion. “It’s like I can summon the essence of death, but not the physical death itself. At least that’s how I see it.” She said before noticing concerned expressions on everyone’s faces. “Don’t worry, it’s not going to kill him…so long as he’s able to leave Ponyville and hide for the next four hours.” “There’s a set time for that kind of magic?” Twilight asked. “Normally it would be instant seeing how it’s meant to kill people or monsters in an instant, but I can have a set time placed on it depending on the situation.” She said before taking a step forward but soon heard the sound of a bone breaking as she fell to the ground. The moment she fell to the ground, the human looked over at her misshapen leg to see that it was broken as blood began to pour out from it. “Huh, I didn’t expect him to do that much damage to me during the fight than I had expected. I’m really not suited for combat.” “How are you not screaming in pain!? With an injury like that, even the bravest of ponies would be screaming by now!” Rainbow Dash asked as she noticed the human adjusting herself as she looked over her damaged leg. “Wouldn’t be the first time I had an injury like this. Also helps that I blocked off the pain receptors in my brain that would let me feel pain.” She answered before ripping her pants leg open as Rarity would gag at the sight of her leg. “Yep, that aura sphere did a number on me, but it was worth it.” “How is having a broken leg worth it!?” Bon-Bon yelled before noticing the human raising her hand as an aura sphere was forming in her hand. “No way, that’s an aura sphere!?” Lucario yelled in astonishment. “How is that possible!? It took Lucario a long time to use Aura Sphere, yet you can use it like it’s second nature!?” Korrina yelled as Emma made the sphere vanish. “I did mention that I have a materia that allows me to use monster skills upon getting hit by an attack from said monster. And seeing how Mewtwo is considered a monster on my planet, I have a few of his skills that he used on me.” She said before using Psychic to levitate Lyra off the ground and place the humanoid pony next to her. “Oh, I could get used to this.” “Much as I find this interesting, we need to take her to the hospital now,” Celestia said as Emma was about to speak up, before noticing a wink from the white alicorn’s eyes as the human remained silent for the time being. “Twilight, can you use your magic to gently carry her to the hospital? I fear that if we teleport, it might cause her more harm than good.” “Right,” She said as magic began to engulf her horn, causing Emma to be levitated into the air and placed on the lavender alicorn’s back. “Try to bear with the pain for a little while until we make it to the hospital.” “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been told to do that.” She said before laying against Twilight’s back. “Lead the way, I’m going to enjoy the ride where I don’t have to do anything.” “Wait, what about Emma’s stuff?” Lyra asked. “We can’t just leave it here. For all we know, Mewtwo could come back and end up taking it to Arceus, or worse.” “Okay, but I need to make a quick stop at my mobile home, then to the hospital.” “Really? Y’all worry about something like that other than yourself?” Applejack asked as Emma deadpan at her. “Well, unlike you guys, I have very dangerous weapons in the vehicle I rode in along with Celestia and the others. I prefer not to have someone pressing buttons and accidentally blow my shit up. So as a means to protect not only myself but you all from highly unstable mako energy going into the atmosphere and possibly turning ponies and Pokemon into humans or humanoids, I would suggest we get my shit so we don’t add more fuel to Arceus’s fire towards humans, please.” “....I mean, she did say please.” Pinkie Pie said which in turn caused everyone to look at Celestia. The white alicorn blinked in surprise at this as she regained her composure to speak. “Emma makes a valid point. We can’t have ponies or Pokemon accidentally going inside and getting hurt by…just about everything inside her vehicle. We’ll stop by there first before making our way to the hospital.” > Chapter Sixteen: The Alpha and The Omega > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Sixteen The Alpha and The Omega While the group was making preparations to head off to Ponyville Hospital, Arceus would appear out of thin air via teleportation. The damage left behind by the weapon took longer than expected, though to his surprise it didn’t hurt any of the pony inhabitants or the Pokemon for that matter. Given the creature or thing’s size, it would be expected to cause damage beyond his imagination. Yet all it did was attack him after trying to force it to stop moving. Whatever this creature is, the human that summoned it must be the cause behind it. Once he finds the human he would have stern talking to her or figure out what her connection to the creature is. Before he could scan the town for the source behind the weird energy, he soon noticed Latias and Latios making their way to Ponyville, only to stop once they saw him. “It seems I've arrived later,” Arceus said before looking down at Emerald Weapon. “How long has that creature been stationed there?” “Don’t know, we noticed the creature flying by Canterlot before coming to Ponyville,” Latios answered. “Professor Juniper said that the princesses were in Ponyville at the Castle of Friendship. We were planning on informing them about what had happened, but then that creature came before we could warn them.” Latias said, which caused Arceus the look down at Emerald Weapon. “I had sent Mewtwo here in my stead until I finish repairing the damage to Manehattan, but it would appear I’m here earlier than expected.” “I wouldn’t say that,” Latios said as Arceus and Latias looked over at him in confusion. It was only when he pointed down at Ponyville was when they could see what he was seeing. From what they saw, they could see Mewtwo darting around Ponyville with a dark-cloaked specter chasing after him. “I believe he has his hands full with that Pokemon.” “That’s not a Pokemon,” Arceus said before teleporting himself over to the path Mewtwo was flying through. The moment the genetic Pokemon notices him, a sigh of relief escapes his mouth for a moment before looking behind him to see death heading toward him. The Alpha Pokemon’s eyes flashed for a moment as the specter of death vanished into dust. “Are you okay?” “No…No, I am not.” Mewtwo said while trying to regain his composure. “What in the world happened?” Latios asked before flinching from seeing the rage slowly building up on Mewtwo. “That human made a mockery of me. That’s what happened.” He said while clenching his fist. “How on earth can a human use magic to summon death as if it was nothing!” “What do you mean?” Latias asked. “I found the source of the strange energy around this planet. The human the Lyra summoned is the cause of this.” He answered which in turn caused Latias and Latios to deadpan, and Arceus to groan in annoyance. “Why am I not surprised by this? I should’ve asked Celestia if she could do something to stop that pony’s endless asking about humans. Do you know how she was able to pull it off?” Arceus asked as Mewtwo shook his head. “Magic is far beyond my understanding Father, but it gets worse. You know the humans that you turned into Pokemon upon moving them here? The human turned two of them into abominations.” He said before using his psychic powers to show them an image of Burgundy and Georgia as humanoid Pokemon. “I don’t know how the human was able to do it, but this is something that shouldn’t be possible.” Latias and Latios stared at the psychic images of Burgundy and Georgia with slight interest and curiosity. They didn’t look like abominations, true they looked similar to humans but still retained some of their Pokemon features. They stared at the images for a good few seconds before feeling an aura of anger coming from Arceus. A slightly audible gulp came from the eon siblings as they slowly backed away from the Alpha Pokemon. There was a moment of silence in the air until the Alpha Pokemon spoke up. “Did you restrain the human?” He asked as Mewtwo shook his head. “I had to flee due to the human summoning death upon me.” He answered, which took them by surprise. “Wherever this human is from, the humans on their planet can use magic. Even worse, they can copy our moves.” “You’re joking, right?” Latios asked. “Humans can’t do that, not even ponies seeing how our abilities aren’t magic.” “Believe me, I’m just as surprised as you are. But that human was able to use a shadow ball like it was second nature to her during my attempts to retrain her.” “Is the human still in this town?” Arceus asked as Mewtwo nodded. “The human is with the princesses at the castle of friendship. They might still be there tending to the human’s injuries.” “You hurt the child!?” Latias asked before flinching at Mewtwo’s glare. “I doubt that child can be considered a child given what she did to me.” “Take me to her. If what you’re saying is true, then we need to keep her from spreading her ability to the other humans that I turn into Pokemon. History must not repeat itself like it did back on our planet.” Arceus said before hearing Latios speak up. “Father, shouldn’t we try talking to the human before taking actions that could cause problems with Celestia and Luna?” He asked which caused the alpha Pokemon to look over at him. “If the princesses are with the child, then they might know something about this.” “Plus, given how Mewtwo’s not a fan of humans, he might be taking stuff out of context because of that,” Latias said as she quickly hid behind her brother after seeing Mewtwo’s glare again. “My dislike towards humans doesn’t have anything to do with what I’ve seen. This human is a threat to this planet and she needs to leave.” Mewtwo said before looking at Arceus. “Father, surely the princesses will understand if you can persuade them into working with us by keeping the human at the hall of legends under your watchful eyes.” “Take me to them. Depending on how it goes, I will make the judgment on what to do with the human.” (Castle of Friendship) “How are you holding Emma? Are you in any pain whatsoever?” Twilight asked as the group was making their way through the slightly broken-up castle of friendship. “Again, I block off the pain receptors in my brain. You don’t have to worry so much about me.” Emma said before pressing her body against Twilight’s back in a relaxing manner. “Though if I’m being honest, I’m a bit excited for the information I’ve gathered from Mewtwo.” “What do you mean by that?” Iris asks before noticing Emma reaching into her bag and pulling out Mewtwo’s arm in a cylindrical tube filled with water. “You have Mewtwo’s arm!?” She yelled which caused everyone to look over at the human who was smirking in confidence. “When did you even get that!?” Korrina asked. “When I cut Mewtwo’s arm off for not letting go of Lyra,” Emma answered while looking over some information via a digital screen from the laptop in her bag. “Man, this Pokemon is like a cesspool of different D.N.A. This can help me more in my research in turning Pokemon back into full-blown humans.” “While I am glad that you can do that, isn’t it wrong to use somepony’s personal information like that without their consent?” Fluttershy asked which in turn caused the human to shrug. “I think having him donate a piece of himself to me is a suitable compensation for his assault on me. Remember that he broke the Accidental Magic Law, and ignored Princess Celestia’s command not to attack me.” “Yes, but-” “There is no excuse you can give me to make me think otherwise. As a diplomat for the Pokemon race, he’s setting a poor example for them.” She said before looking at Lucario. “No offense.” “I can’t believe I’m saying this. But the human right about that.” Lucario said, which took Korrina and Iris by surprise. “While I can understand Mewtwo’s dislike towards humans, he should have handled the situation better than what we saw…Though I find it disturbing that you’re okay with the action you’ve committed against one of Arceus’s children.” “What I did was in self-defense. Not my fault Arceus’s bastard son uses force on someone that can fight back.” She said before turning her attention to Mewtwo’s arm. “I’ll give the humans on your planet credit for the most part, but they screwed over something this spectacular. Then again, those who want corrupted power tend to do that in the field of science.” “I will never understand human scientists and their fascination with stuff like this,” Lucario said as Emma dismissed it as idle chatter. Within a matter of minutes, the group would be standing at the door to the castle. With the assistance of Princess Luna using her magic to open the doors, the group continued their walk to where the human’s means of transportation. Once they were at their destination, the human extended a hand at the vehicle as a yellow glow enveloped it for a second before it began to shrink. While the group was distracted by Emma’s magic, Celestia took the time to bring the book she was reading back into existence and turned to the page where she last left off. “Emma Rosemary…that’s a perfect name for her. Nothing too odd to where it would cause problems, but something simple where they should accept her…Though it begs the question as to whether she’ll look like a human or a pony…I’m hoping she’ll be a human on this planet. I’ll cross that road when it happens, for now, I’ll focus on getting to a safe destination. I wonder how Celestia and Luna would react knowing that they have a little sister from another world…I hope they don’t treat her like a foreign object or something along that line and treat her with kindness. It would be nice to see them again, but I know what I must do. I hope they’ll understand why I have to do this.” The moment she finished reading that last part of the page, the book she was reading quickly vanished as her attention was now drawn onto Emma who finished performing her spell and levitating the now small vehicle into her bag. “If you don’t mind me asking, how are you able to hold something like that within your bag?” Twilight asked. “I mean surely you’ve considered that even with your carriage being small, it must still weigh a ton or more.” “I told Celestia this, but unlike…whatever spell you used to make stuff small, the materia that I have allows me to shrink stuff and make objects light to carry. It’s only when I dispel it is when the weight is added.” “Fascinating, I wouldn’t mind learning a spell like that if it’s possible without having the materia implanted inside me.” “You can try, but that’s the only way that I know that you’ll be able to do that…though it does raise a few things I want to experiment with when I get the chance. You wouldn’t happen to have books on Equestrian magic would you?” “Oh, I have lots of books on that. It ranges from beginner’s guide to basic magic or experts of advanced magic. Perhaps we can share some notes about the difference between our world’s magic?” Twilight asked as she noticed a grin appearing on the human’s face. “I would like that. It would be interesting if it’s possible to mix the magic between the two. Celestia, you wouldn’t mind if you let me have access to the books in Canterlot Castle would you?” Emma asked as she looked over at the white alicorn, who was lost in a daze. “Hey, you okay?” “Huh? Oh, sorry, I was thinking about something else. But yeah, I’ll allow it…though I think we’ll need to deal with Arceus first before planning anything else, wouldn’t you agree?” Celestia asked as the human nodded. “Fair enough. Now that I have my stuff, we can go to the hospital without so much to worry about-” Before Emma could finish her sentence, she soon felt herself being lifted off of Twilight’s back before being slammed onto the ground. Just as she was slammed onto the ground, Lyra, Georgia, Burgundy, and Bon-Bon were levitated into the air as they began to struggle within the psychic grip of a familiar genetic Pokemon. Celestia along with the other ponies and trainers looked up to see Mewtwo along with Arceus, Latias, and Latios descending towards the group as the soldier lifted her head to get a better view of the legendary Pokemon. “Didn’t we say not to use force when handling the situation?” Latios said which in turn caused Mewtwo to apply more pressure to the human. “Given how she can summon death to kill us, yes, I say it’s needed so she doesn’t cast any spells on us.” He answered before levitating the human over to Arceus, only for the human to break out of the psychic grip by engulfing herself in an aura of darkness and lunging at Mewtwo with a shadow ball at the ready. Arceus’s eyes lit up for a moment as he used protection on the genetic Pokemon. The moment her attack made contact with the barrier, a small explosion erupted as she slid back but fell onto her back due to her broken leg. “So now that your daddy’s here, you think you can take me on, rapist?” Emma asked as she drew her weapon out. “I’ll be sure to knock you down off your high throne when I cut off more than just your-” Before the human could finish her sentence, she noticed Celestia protectively appearing in front of her with her horn lit up. “You better have a good explanation as to why you let your son break yet another rule when it comes to Equestrian Law, Arceus.” “Forgive me, princess. The plan was to originally come to you and see if you had found the human that is the cause of it.” He said before looking down at Mewtwo. “Though it would seem my son was being a bit overprotective given his…fight with the human.” “A fight that your jackass son started when he decided to break the Accidental Magic Law.” Emma said which caused Arceus to stare at the human in slight confusion. “Serious…you don’t know the laws of Equestria? Did you even look over it personally, or did you leave it in charge to your son?” She asked as there was a moment of silence hanging in the air before hearing Celestia speak. “Twilight, you wouldn’t happen to have an extra book of the laws of Equestria on hoof, do you?” She asked as the purple alicorn blinked at her for a moment before shaking her head and summoning the book over to Arceus for him to read. “Page two-hundred seventy-six. The accidental magic law was implemented back during the ruling of my mother and father, King Cosmos and Queen Galaxia after a group of unicorns accidentally summoned an object that drained the land of its magic and nutrients in the land. They were able to send the object back to where it was, but the damage was done. Thus the law to secure objects or beings was made to prevent something like that from happening all over again.” “Ah…I see….Mewtwo, you did know about that law, did you?” “Yes, but given how this human is the cause of this worldwide phenomenon, it shouldn’t be an issue seeing how you can just send the human back where it came from without the need of that unicorn,” Mewtwo said while motioning to Lyra who sheepishly waved at the legendaries. “.....I appreciate the fact that you think highly of me son, but magic is foreign to me. Even with the assistance of the princesses, it would be hard to figure out which world she came from.” He said before letting out a sigh of disappointment. “Please tell me that you didn’t hurt the human too badly.” “Father, you can’t be serious? Do you now see what the human did to the Pokemon and the pony?” Mewtwo asked as the Alpha Pokemon looked over at Lyra, Georgia, and Burgundy. “We can not let this human go. For all we know, this could be the unicorn’s plan in turning the Pokemon into these weird abominations of humans.” “Just answer the question, did you hurt the human badly or not?” “Oh, he hurt me badly,” Emma answered before presenting her broken leg as pieces of bones were sticking out of it. Latias and Latios’s eyes widened upon seeing the damaged leg which in turn caused them to glare at Mewtwo.”You know for a diplomat for the Pokemon race, he’s doing a very poor job at representing Pokemon aren’t a bunch being using brute force to get their way.” “We’re going to have a long talk about this later,” Arceus said as Mewtwo was about to speak, but was silenced by the stern expression on the alpha pokemon’s face. Well, more specifically the aura he was admitting that made the genetic Pokemon go silent. “Human, what is your name if you don’t mind me asking?” “Emma Rosemary,” She answered as the alpha Pokemon walked over to her. “Allow me to apologize for what my son did to you. Had I known that he would do something like this, I would’ve sent Latios or Latias along with him after dealing with the damage caused by the creature next to us.” He said while motioning to Emerald Weapon. “Though I get the feeling that you know what this creature is.” “That depends. Are you going to attack me like your son did? Because trust me it’s not going to end well if you do try and do that.” “That all depends on the answers I would hear if you’re willing to answer a few of my questions,” he said before looking at her leg. “Perhaps I should tend to your broken leg before we do that.” “Yeah, no. I’ll let the ponies over at the hospital treat my injuries. Which should be understandable given what he did.” “I can understand your anger given what had happened. But I doubt the ponies here can treat something like this-” “I don’t care if they do a half-ass job, I don’t trust you or any of you legendaries after what your dumbass human-hating son did to me. Now, when I’m patched up I’ll be willing to talk, but as of right now, I am in no mood to argue, nor in the mood to debate. I am going to the hospital to get my leg fixed up, and then we can talk. Got it!?” She said while using her sword to pull herself up and place herself onto Celestia’s back. “I…understand,” Arceus said as Emma nodded with a slight smile on her face. “Good, now if you don’t mind telling your son to release my friends, that would be great. If not…well, I can tell this much, he'll be missing more than just an arm this time.” “...Son, release Lyra and the others.” “But father, you can’t be serious?” “I am serious. If you want your punishment to be less severe, then I order you to release them…now.” He ordered as the genetic Pokemon was reluctant to release them, but did as he was told, and released his hold on them as they fell to the ground. “Could’ve done it better, but I’ll let it slide for now,” Emma said before lightly patting the side of Celestia’s face to get her attention. “Now can we please head off to the hospital, because I am starting to feel lightheaded from the blood dripping down my leg and filling my shoe.” Celestia nodded upon hearing this as she started to make her way down the road that led to the hospital. There was a moment of silence hanging in the air for a moment as Luna cleared her throat to their attention. “Might I suggest you send your children home?” Luna suggested which took Latias, Latios, and Mewtwo by surprise. “Given what had happened before your arrival, Mewtwo broke the accidental magic law, assaulted Emma along with Lyra, Burgundy, and Georgia, and property damage. I think having them around might make her more agitated than needed.” “I understand,” Arceus said before looking over at Latias, Latios, and Mewtwo. “I’ll inform you about my conversation with the human later,” He said before looking at Mewtwo. “You will wait for me in the Hall of Legends. We’re going to have a very long talk after this, and I mean a very long talk.” Mewtwo flinches at the seriousness in the Alpha Pokemon’s tone but sighs and nods as he teleports off to the Hall of Legends while the eon siblings fly off. Upon watching his children leave, he turns his attention to Princess Luna “Shall we go?” “Yes,” Luna said before looking at Twilight and the others. “Is everypony ready to leave?” She asked as everyone slowly nodded in hesitation and fear due to Arceus being present. “Good, then let us be off to Ponyville Hospital then.” > Chapter Seventeen: Clashing Mindsets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Seventeen Clashing Mindsets (Ponyville Hospital) “I…don’t even know where to begin.” Doctor Horse said as he sweated bullets upon the situation he was in. It’s not that he wasn’t used to injuries like this, far from it due to his usual clients like Rainbow Dash or Scootaloo. But the fact that he was in a room with a new species, the princesses, the god of all Pokemon, and the strange creatures that resembled Emma for the most part…this was a new thing for him to walk into when one of the nurses mentioned that Celestia requested his assistance in the matter. “With all due respect Princess, but you know I have little to no knowledge…human anatomy, right?” “We know, but we just needed you to patch her up as best as you can,” Celestia said as she motioned to Emma who was currently in a hospital bed with a cast on her leg, and a morphine pouch being pumped into her body. “Even with the assistance of Ms. Heartstring’s…human anatomy knowledge, we could only do the best we could. It’s like somepony just twisted her leg to the point where they try to pull it off.” He said as everyone looked over at Arceus who in turn stared at them with a stoic expression. “I will take the blame for what has happened. I should’ve been more clear in choosing who to send in finding the source of the problem.” “I’ll…just pretend I’ll know what you’re talking about and continue.” Doctor Horse said before looking at Emma’s X-rays. “Normally it would be nearly impossible for anypony to have a full recovery from this amount of damage. But given how she’s not a pony, this might be an exception.” He said before showing them three copies of her X-rays. “Okay, what’s the point? You fixed her leg, right?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Well yes, but the thing is. The first picture is her leg before the operation. Note how mangled and messed up it is. The second picture is of her leg during the operation. Keep in mind that during the operation, her leg began to repair itself at a slow but steady pace, and the third picture is her leg right now.” he said which caused Luna to speak up. “Are you saying that during the past five hours we’ve been here, her leg has been practically healing itself?” Luna asked as the doctor nodded. “It would appear so. We took some of her blood to run a few tests to see what might be the reason behind it. We’ll let you know what we find, but for now, she’ll be free to go within an hour or so. It still baffles me that she’s recovering so quickly without the need for any potions or Magic.” “I could think of a few reasons as to why.” Celestia thought before breaking from her train of thought upon hearing the doctor speak up. “Sorry if I’m not that good with something like this.” “It’s fine. We don’t blame you for your lack of knowledge given how she’s new to Equestria. You’re free to go.” She said, which caused the doctor to nod as he left the room. The moment he left, Emma let out a low yawn as she adjusted herself on the bed. “So...you’re the self-proclaimed god of Pokemon?” Emma said as she looked at Arceus up and down. “Not going to lie, but I was expecting something more…I don’t know, something that didn’t look like a mutant horse from outer space.” “And I wasn’t expecting a human to be the source behind the strange energy flowing from the planet,” Arceus said while making his way over to the human. “Hard to believe someone as small as you can give Mewtwo such trouble. It begs the question as to how you’re able to understand me without the need of a translation spell or me reading your mind.” “Don’t know, I've been trying to figure that out myself. But I’m not complaining, not a huge fan of beings with psychic abilities that allow them to read minds without a person’s consent, like your son.” “Hm, suppose it could be that you’re from another world. Nevertheless, I would once again like to apologize for what my son has done to you. It was my lapse in judgment for not taking into account Mewtwo’s…dislike towards humans.” “Yeah, not the best Pokemon to have as a representative for Pokemon kind if I’m being honest. What made you think having an antisocial Pokemon as a diplomat for Pokemon was a good idea?” “It was meant to help him break out of his antisocial tendency, but I see that might’ve been more of a challenge than it needs to be on his part. I’ll be sure to have someone else replace him as a representative for Pokemon other than myself. Now as for more important matters involving your presence on this planet. I can only assume that you had something to do with that creature residing next to Twilight’s castle?” “I wouldn’t know as to how I’m involved with Emerald Weapon,” “You know that creature’s name?” “Only from information from my world seeing how that same weapon is on my planet,” Emma said while leaning back in the bed. “Weapons like the Emerald Weapon were created by the planet to deal with threats that would destroy the planet.” She said before pointing a finger at the Alpha Pokemon. “And seeing how you’re the god of Pokemon, I can only assume that it’s here because of what you did.” “A bit bold to assume that, human. For all we know, that…thing could be here because of you.” “Yeah because a medical scientist can do so much damage compared to a powerful being that created Pokemon and humans from out of thin air.” “Given the image I saw from that creature when I first encountered it in Manehattan, it leads me to believe otherwise.” “What do you mean by that?” Twilight asked. “I sent some of my children around the world to see if they could find the source of the strange green energy coming from the planet. They soon came across the weapon in Manehattan by accident. I tried to establish communication with the creature, but all it did was show me an image of the human making its way over to a large machine. And that human was this girl right here.” “Well don’t I feel special~” “That’s nothing to be proud of.” He said before looking at Celestia. “I would advise you to let me keep the human along with the others she changed at the Hall of Legends.” “Is there any particular reason for that?” Celestia asked while noticing the alpha Pokemon’s gaze upon Burgundy and Georgia. “What they are is something not natural in nature. There’s a reason why I turned them into Pokemon.” “Oh, this I have got to hear~,” Emma said in a sarcastic tone, which Arceus chose to ignore as he continued. “I explained to the others before, but the reason why I turned them into Pokemon was because history can not repeat itself as it did on our planet. Humans use Pokemon for their evil intentions, enslaving Pokemon for horrific experimentations, hurting my children just so they can abuse their powers for their greedy desires. I’ve watched for countless years while I was imprisoned by the humans of the past and couldn’t do anything to stop it. The moment I was freed, I decided to take my children and the humans that represented the good of humanity and brought them here to this planet. Seeing my work being corrupted to the point where it looks similar to humans is the reason why I left the earth. I will not have history repeat itself.” “So basically in short, you just up and left because your feelings were hurt by your children for imprisoning you all those years ago…wow, you must’ve gone insane being locked away for a long time to come up with a half-ass plan like that,” Emma said which took everyone minus Celestia and Luna by surprise. “...Excuse me?” Arceus asked as the human could hear a bit of anger in his voice. “Human, I would advise not to anger the god of all Pokemon if I were you,” Lucario whispered as Korrina and Iris nodded in agreement. “I get that you’re from another world and things are different there than they are here. But Arceus is a god that created an entire universe with little to no effort. Do you want to make him angry to the point where he might turn you into a Pokemon?” He asked as the soldier ignored his warning and continued her statement. “You decided to take all the good humans and Pokemon from one planet and then plant them onto another planet, one where it already has life on it. Was your planet about to blow up or something?” “Over time it would-” “I’m not asking about it blowing up over time, I’m asking was it about to blow up like right now?” She asked as the alpha Pokemon didn’t speak. “I’ll take that silence as a no. Did you bother to talk to the inhabitants of this planet before you even thought about doing this, or was it a spur-of-the-moment kind of deal where no one else's opinion mattered?” “I believe what I did was the right thing to-” “So pretty much a spur-of-the-moment thing. Alright, did you at least plan to teleport the humans you turned into Pokemon in safe areas on this planet? Because given how Pokemon can adapt to different environments, humans can’t. Especially if they don’t know how to use their new bodies.” She asked as Arceus remained silent, which in turn caused Emma to deadpan at him. “Did you at least have a plan on dealing with the outcome that they might end up in a situation where they could be killed? Like giving them the knowledge of how to use a move in the Pokemon body they’re in.” “I…” “Okay…so we can add mass death on the list of things that you’ll be blamed for.” “This planet is safe enough where they wouldn’t be hurt or injured.” “Did you look into this planet, or did you just look at the good aspects and not the bad parts of it? Because here’s a little bit of information for you.” Emma said before pointing over to Georgia and Burgundy. “Those two that I turned into humanoids were in a situation where they ended up in an Illegal underground fighting ring where they were forced to fight against either other creatures on this planet or other Pokemon that were forced to fight for the past couple of months or so.” “....That can’t be true…can it?” Arceus asked as he looked over at Burgundy and Georgia. He notices them looking away from his gaze along with having bandages on certain parts of their body. “She speaks the truth,” Celestia said as the alpha Pokemon looked over at her. “Much as I would hope the new rules we placed to protect Pokemon from something like this, it would seem that there are still ponies with enough money to bribe other ponies to allow something like this to happen. The fault is mine and mine alone for letting something like this happen for too long during my years of ruling over Equestria.” “...I see.” He said before looking back at Emma. “H…Emma…while you make some valid points about how I handle the situation, that still doesn’t excuse you for changing them into these…humanoids as you call them.” “Oh, I’m pretty sure I have the right to do so seeing how they asked me to do it. Also, keep in mind that you turned them into a glaceon and deerling. You know, two species that can’t open doors without hands? Not to mention they were dealing with unicorns that can use magic, so you can see where this is going.” “....I mean she does have a point.” Rainbow Dash said as she flinched upon seeing Arceus’s gaze. “What? Have you ever opened a door without the use of magic or your mind?” She asked which in turn caused him to sigh in annoyance. “While I can understand your reasoning behind it, I can assure you that I will do my best in trying to remedy the situation that my kind and the humans are in. But that still doesn’t change the fact that what you did is unnatural. Hence why you will change them back to how they were.” “Sorry, but the change is permanent until I can find a way to make them completely human.” “Which is something I will not allow. Don’t you understand what I’m trying to get you to understand?” “That Pokemon are good, and humans are evil. That’s a dangerous mindset to have thinking everything is black and white.” “And you don’t agree?” “It should be obvious that all species, no matter if they are human or Pokemon, can choose to be good or evil. You seem to be so focused on what humans can do, you seem to forget what your kind can do.” “Do you have proof of Pokemon doing horrible actions?” “Well from what Korrina had said to me, there was an event on your planet when a group of Malamars tried to terraform the planet you came from.” She answered which took Arceus by surprise as he looked over at the gym leader, who sheepishly waved at him before slowly hiding behind Lucario. It’s not that he had forgotten about that, he just hoped that no one would remember that from his planet. Not the best mark in Pokemon history, but he couldn’t deny that. “It seems that the human is beating you in your logic behind your sudden migration, Arceus~” Celestia said with a slightly sassy tone in her voice. “I…will not deny my plan may have some holes in them. But my statement remains. Can’t you see that there will be violence between the inhabitants of this planet if humans were to come into the fray?” “A bit late for that, don't you think? Like it or not, there will be violence between your species and the inhabitant mainly because everyone isn’t the same. Ponies, griffons, minotaurs, dragons, etc. Each race has its way of thinking, its mindset, and its own opinions. You think just because you’re a god means that everyone is supposed to listen to what you say?” “You're saying as if I don’t know this already.” “Hard to say given how lofty you value life.” “Watch it human, you’re stepping over the line you don’t want to cross.” “Well, it’s the truth. You did say that you only brought the humans you deemed good to this planet, so it tells me that you left the bad humans back on your planet which I can assume is pretty much dead seeing how you took every Pokemon as well?” She asked which caused everyone to look at Arceus with shocked expressions on their faces. “She can’t be right…right Lord Arceus?” Lucario asked as the alpha Pokemon didn’t reply to his question, though the aura Pokemon could sense that he was getting angry at the human’s line of questioning and pulling apart his logic. “Would you bring the evil of humans here to this planet if you were in my shoes?” “I would’ve given them the option. Either to come with me and change your ways, or stay here on the planet that was still living to live out their years without Pokemon. Better yet, I would’ve made a planet to place them on instead of moving them to another planet. For a god that could do just about anything, you are just as bad as the bad humans you left behind.” “I don’t need a human like you lecturing me about the rights and wrongs of my actions. Especially when she isn’t freed from sin.” Arceus said which in turn caused Emma to raise an eyebrow. “I may not be able to read your mind, but your eyes tell me all I need to know. You have the eyes of a killer.” “Oh I’ve killed, there’s no denying that.” “Yet you have the gull to lecture me about my actions?” “Because unlike you I don’t try to hide my actions behind justifications. I joined an evil company so I could obtain knowledge on healing my mother’s injuries without having to come out of pocket with my own money. Because when you’re poor, you don’t have a lot of options to a certain degree that doesn’t require breaking the law. Once I had the knowledge I needed, I would leave and help those in need. But things didn’t turn out as planned and was made into their weapon to kill their enemies.” She said while staring at the alpha Pokemon with an emotionless expression on her face. “I killed hundreds if not thousands of people, be they men, women, children, or even the elderly. I’ve killed just so that my family doesn’t end up like me or worse. Sure I could’ve just up and left at any time, but unlike you, I wasn’t born into power to where I could make them disappear or save my family from being killed by them.” “...You poor human. What kind of god would allow something like this to happen to their creation?” “Oh wow, sympathy from a god who denies his murderous actions, that’s the highlight of my day,” Emma said in a sarcastic tone. “My actions were justified for the safety of my children. How would you know what it's like to watch as your children are attacked and tortured by humans?” “I may not know what it's like to watch my children suffer, but seeing your comrades get killed around you might fall under that category.” She said before leaning back in the bed she was in. “The bottom line is that unlike you, I don’t make excuses for my killings. I did it because I knew what I was doing at the time and knew what would happen if I did or didn’t do what I needed to survive. It would be one thing if you admitted what you did and understood it, but you choose to make excuses to justify your action as if it’s the right thing to do. But let's face it, murder is murder no matter how much you want to sugarcoat it. Hence why I’ll be sure to bust your balls whenever you make some stupid excuse or something to make yourself look right in the eyes of others. Because right now, you’re just another killer. Just like me~” There was a moment of silence hanging in the room. Though everyone including the princesses was staring at Emma in shock, they soon looked over at Arceus who from what they could tell still had a neutral expression on his face…but for those who could sense emotions via aura like Lucario, Korrina for the most part, and Emma or tension like most of the ponies in the room…he was visibly angry. The silence lingered for what seemed to be forever until Arceus spoke up. “Hm…given the short conversation, I’m going to assume words aren’t going to persuade you into turning them back to normal?” “I’ll put it in terms that you can understand. Unless you’re willing to change the humans that you turn into Pokemon that want to be human again, then I’m going to change them into humanoids until I can change them back into humans completely.” She said as Celestia quickly moved in between the two before anything else could happen. “I think we might need to come to this at another time.” She said before looking at Arceus. “Like it or not, you can’t do anything to stop Emma from doing what she’s doing.” “And you think I can’t?” “Not unless you want to make things difficult for the Pokemon. Keep in mind that Mewtwo did break the accidental magic law by attacking Emma and Lyra, who was the one who summoned the human here. If word were to get out that a Pokemon went against the rules that he didn’t even bother to look into, then other ponies will end up doing the same and go after the Pokemon that are under the protection law.” She answered with a stern expression on her face. “We wouldn’t want that to happen, do we?” “No…No, we would not.” He said as Celestia looked over at Emma. “And you, are you going to turn every human who turned Pokemon into humanoids?” “Only if they ask. Unlike that jackass of a god, I ask if a person wants me to do so.” Emma said in a sly remark to what Arceus did. “Okay, good. Now keep in mind, this planet doesn’t belong to you or Emma. This planet belongs to the inhabitants of this planet, the rules and laws from your world do not apply here, but that doesn’t mean you can just do whatever you want. Now if any humans that have been turned into Pokemon want to become humanoids, then they’re free to do so. If not then they’re free to remain as Pokemon.” “You can’t be serious. Do you know what will happen if you-” “It’s not like she has a device that turns them all into humanoids. She’ll most likely limit it to ten people per day given how much magic it would require. Plus, she’ll be in Ponyville given how that creature will follow her, depending.” “I mean yeah, take me a day for me to recharge after the tenth time I use it.” “....Fine, I know when I can’t beat an argument like this. I will take my leave for the time being.” He said before looking at Emma. “Know this, human. When the time comes when you have to return to where you came from, I will undo the damage you have caused.” “Good luck with that~,” She said before watching him leave the room they were in via teleportation. The moment he left, everyone's attention was on Emma as she let out a small chuckle. “This might be the morphine talking, but that was fun.” “....What is wrong with you!? Are you insane!?” Lucario yelled. “There’s a lot of things wrong with me, you have to be a bit specific.” “You were arguing with the logic behind Arceus’s excuse for turning us into Pokemon and moving us to another planet!?” Iris yelled. “Even a kid wouldn’t be that immature or stupid to talk back to their parents, let alone a god!” “Again, I don’t see him as a god. Just an idiot with a lot of powers who pretty much had an insane or stupid idea after being free from his imprisonment.” “And you didn’t think he could just, oh, I don’t know. Might’ve just vaporized you or something!?” Applejack yelled which caused the human to roll her eyes. “Even he’s not that stupid enough to try and do that. Especially in a place like this. Plus if he did do something like that, then he’ll be in even more trouble with Celestia and Luna.” She said before leaning back in her bed. “Well, that and Weapon that’s still in town.” “How can you be so calm about something like this?” Rarity asked. “I'm a thirty-nine-year-old girl who's been turned into a weapon by an evil company. I’ve been experimented on, beaten up, tortured, shot, stabbed, impaled, clawed, mawed, fucked both physically and mentally, and a whole lot of other things I can list. What can he do to me that hasn’t been done to me for the past twenty years?” She asked as the room fell silent upon her question. “Look, it’s been a long day for everyone. Especially me given how I just got into a fight with a psychic Pokemon with xenophobia towards humans. I would like to rest up and pick this up tomorrow if possible?” “Perhaps that would be for the best. Given what happened today, a nice restful sleep might do us all better to refresh our minds for the next day.” Celestia stated as everyone looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces, but nodded in agreement. “Lyra, Burgundy, Georgia, and Bon-Bon. As the ones who found her, would you be willing to stay here during the night to watch over her?” “Are you sure it’s okay?” Bon-Bon asked. “Not that I would question what you say Princess, but I don’t think the hospital would allow visitors to stay longer than needed.” “Not unless we say something about it,” Celestia said while smiling. “We just need Emma to stay here for a bit while we tend to some concerns in Ponyville in the morning. Not to mention, I’m pretty sure the four of you aren’t up for ponies or Pokemon to freak out because of your appearances.” “I mean…she does have a point,” Burgundy said while looking over herself in the mirror next to her. “Suppose this would be a nice place to try and get a bit better at moving around in this new body.” “Then it is agreed? We keep them here until morning when we hold the town meeting?” Luna asked as Celestia nodded before looking at the others. “Tomorrow’s going to be a long day, so try and get some rest.” She said which in turn caused everyone to nod as Twilight, her friends, Iris, Korrina, and Lucario began to leave the room. The moment they left, Celestia and Luna’s horns lit up as they teleported back to Canterlot. “Welp, I’m going to pass out,” Emma said before reaching into her bag to pull out four small metal orbs and toss them over to Lyra, Bon-Bon, Burgundy, and Georgia. “Press the green button on the side and a sleeping bag will pop out. You can stay up and chat if you want, I’ll be knocked out until morning or if someone tries to come in here and attack us.” “Um…Alright, thanks?” Georgia said before hearing Emma snoring a bit before going silent. “Geez, not even a second, and she’s passed out?” “Well given what she showed us…I’m not surprised by this.” Bon-Bon said as the four of them began to set up the room for them to sleep in for tonight. > Chapter Eighteen: Secret Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Eighteen Secret Meeting (Canterlot Castle, Celestia’s Room) “Sister, is there a reason why you brought me here to your room?” Luna asked while looking over at Discord in suspicion. “More importantly, why is Discord here as well?” “I wonder that myself,” Discord said as he was currently floating above Celestia in a relaxing manner. “While I don’t mind having a conversation with you, wouldn’t it be much better to do it during the daytime?” “Given how you kept avoiding my letters, I figured using a little bit of…Foreign magic was needed to bring you here.” Celestia said as she looked over at her foreleg at the materia she implanted about an hour ago. She soon turned her attention back onto the draconequus as she levitated her mother’s book over to him. His eyes widened upon seeing the book and he quickly took a step back from it. “Where did you get that?” “The Forbidden Archive in Canterlot. I only read most of it, but you made a deal with my mother involving her giving you a baby human in exchange for returning magic to Equestria after a certain monster almost depleted the land.” She said before walking over to a nearby table and motions for Discord and Luna to take a seat. “Keep in mind, I’m not angry nor am I going to do anything that would cause you harm Discord. All I want to know is if what I’m reading in the book is true. And given your expression upon seeing the book, I can only assume that you know what’s going on, correct?” “Sister…is there something you're not telling me?” “All will be explained during this conversation, for now just listen.” She said before looking over at Discord. There was a moment of pause from the draconequus upon hearing this, but he soon made his way over to the table. The moment he was there, Celestia offered him a cup of tea which he accepted with slight hesitation. A moment of awkward silence hung in the air before Discord spoke. “Never thought this day would come sooner than expected.” He said before taking a sip from his cup of tea. “You’re not wrong about me knowing what’s going on. One thousand years ago when you two were just little fillies, a monster crash landed in Equestria. This alien monster ended up devouring just about anything it could get its hands on including the magic in the land. Long story short, your mother and father were able to seal away the monster with my assistance, but sadly your father didn’t survive, and the land was on the verge of becoming a wasteland of sorts. So, as a means to bring the magic back to Equestria…I made a deal with your mother.” “What kind of deal?” Luna asked before hearing Celestia speak up. “He would bring magic back to Equestria, in exchange she would give him a child,” Celestia said, which took Luna by surprise. “In exchange for bringing magic back to Equestria, you would have her give birth to a child that would deal with the monster should the seal break. It was also part of your plan to get rid of our mother so you would rule over Equestria.” “At the time…yes. Not my fondest of moments in my life over the years. If I’m being honest, I had forgotten about it until you showed me that book.” He said as the sisters noticed a sad expression on the Draconequus’s face. “I figure that the seal would last a long time, but given how Arceus brought his children here.” “It caused the seal to open prematurely.” She said which caused the draconequus to nod. “Yes, hence the green energy that you’ve been seeing throughout Canterlot and Ponyville.” He said before noticing Luna using her magic to bring the book over to her as she began to read it. “It’s also the reason why I’ve been busy on my end.” “I can assume that you’re trying to find the child that our mother mentioned?” “Yeah, which is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. All I know is that her name is Emma Rosemary, but I don’t know what she looks like.” He said which caused Luna to drop the book on the table and look at Discord with a shocked expression on her face. “Emma…Rosemary…Are you certain that’s the child’s name?” She asked which caused Discord to nod. The dark blue alicorn looked over at Celestia who was casually drinking her tea as if nothing was happening. “You mean to tell me that the human who is currently in the hospital…is our little sister?” “Wait, what do you mean by that?” Discord asked as he looked over at Celestia. “Well while you were busy trying to find the human in the world, we came across here about two days ago,” Celestia said, which took the god of chaos by surprise. “Maybe next time you should read my letters instead of just ignoring them~” “Ah…I see…and does she know that you and Luna are her sisters?” “She does not. At least not yet.” Celestia said before taking a sip from her tea. “Though this might prove to help keep Arceus off her back for some time.” “I get the feeling that he found her first?” “Worse, it was Mewtwo that found her.” She answered which caused Discord to hiss in discomfort. “And the human’s in the hospital because of him?” “Yes….and no. It was more of a plan on our part to get Arceus to choose a different ambassador to communicate the relationship between Pokemon and ponies. The human can heal herself with her magic, but we had to make it convincing to where he knew he could talk his way out of what Mewtwo did.” “Why Celestia, I didn’t know you could be this cunning~” “While I am not against having the Pokemon remain on this planet, that doesn’t mean I fully trust Arceus. Not after what Emma brought up on how he left the bad humans on a dying planet without giving them an option to choose.” “...Geez, I may be the god of chaos, but even I didn’t go so far in doing something like that. I’m a bit surprised she would call him out like that given how he’s a god and all.” “Emma doesn’t believe that he’s a god,” Luna stated. “She believes he’s just a being with a lot of power.” “Aren’t we all just beings with a lot of power in our own making~?” “Perhaps, but that doesn’t change Emma’s mindset. Which is why she’ll be the one to keep Arceus in check if she can assist me in a special project with Bio Chem.” “Oh? And what would that project be if you don’t mind me asking~?” “I only involve my sister, you on the other hand aren’t allowed to know.” She said before noticing a huff coming from Discord. “Consider it as a form of punishment for what you’ve done in the past~” “....Suppose that’s fair, so what do we do about your little sister? Not Luna mind you, seeing how she’ll be under the older sister category.” “We’ll have to set things up before we can inform anypony about this matter. For now, I will inform Twilight and her friends about the journal and Emma. You Discord, keep an eye on Mewtwo and Arceus. I have a feeling that they’re planning something, and I prefer not to have my little sister get hurt or worse.” “Shouldn’t be a problem on my end,” “Luna, would you be a dear and have some of the night guards keep an eye on Emma during the night? I’ll have some of the royal guards stationed in Ponyville to watch her during the day, but nighttime is when they can’t do their best.” “Understood, should I inform them about what we learned?” Luna asked as Celestia shook her head. “No, we don’t want Mewtwo or any other psychic Pokemon close to Arceus to find out what’s going on before the announcement within a week or two. Need we end up with what happened when Arceus announced something without thinking of the repercussions.” “Right, then I’ll have the night guards watch over her during the night.” “Perfect, then I believe now would be a good time to get some rest?” She asked as Luna and Discord nodded. “Good, then you are both free to leave.” “Before I leave sister, if you don’t mind me asking. Why didn’t you tell me this sooner when you found our mother’s book?” Luna asked as the white alicorn gave Luna a slightly awkward expression on her face. “It’s not like I didn’t want to tell you this sooner, it’s just that I needed to make sure it was accurate. I mean a book appearing out of nowhere with the answers we need? You think this is Discord’s doing, but given what he said, this book is true.” “Hm, I suppose I can let this one slide, but do try not to keep stuff like this from me ever again, please?” “I promise, this was only a one-time thing, dear sister.” “Good, now if you’ll excuse me, I will need to have things set up for our little sister’s surprise/return party,” Luna said as she was about to leave the room, only for her to pause upon hearing Celestia speak up. “Excuse me?” “What? She’s our little sister seeing how she came from our mother. Though she may have a different father, she still counts as family. As such, it is our duty as siblings to welcome our little sister back to Equestria…albeit under odd circumstances.” She answered before opening the door to Celestia’s room with a childish grin on her face. “Just how happy she’ll be knowing that she’ll have a family not only in Equestria but back on her planet as well!” “I…suppose that wouldn’t be a bad idea. Though you might want to hold off until-” “Too late, I call dibs on the celebration party!” Luna said as her horn let up for a moment before teleporting out of the room. “Huh, well that’s a side of Luna I haven't seen before,” Discord said before looking at Celestia with a raised eyebrow. “You said that you summoned me here through foreign magic, care to explain to me what you meant?” “Sorry, but that’s something for me to know and for you to find out later.” She said which caused Discord to deadpan her before leaving in a puff of smoke. The moment he left, Celestia raised a hoof as she summoned a small blizzard spell floating above her hoof. “I was planning on keeping the materia as an ornament, but I suppose gaining knowledge of magic from another world is worth it if I can summon Discord out of his pocket dimension…I do hope I look decent when the change happens.” (Ponyville Hospital) (Nighttime) Nighttime fell upon the country of Equestria as everyone who wasn’t nocturnal was fast asleep. Shops were closing up for tonight, ponies were making their way inside their homes after a hard day of work, and Pokemon were getting comfortable in whatever shelter they made that they called their homes. Yep, a peaceful night for everyone…well almost everyone. A certain deepground soldier was casually wandering around the hospital checking in on some of the patients and treating some of their injuries or symptoms that they have. Within the confines of a small room, she was currently performing surgery on a pony who was covered in bandages covered in blood and tubes sticking out of her throat and nose. “Judging by the burn marks and claw gashes on your body, I can only assume you had a run-in with a dragon-type Pokemon near Ponyville or just a random dragon that’s an inhabitant of this planet?” She asked while using a bone saw to cut through the mare’s ribcage. Once she was through, she quickly cast Esuna to cure any toxins or diseases that she might’ve caught during the scuffle with the dragon. Once the spell was done, she reached into her bag to pull out a needle and green glowing thread and began to close up the gashes on the mare’s lungs. “Look at me, tending to the injuries of a random pony that doesn’t even know she’s being worked on by an alien from another planet.” “You think saving these creatures will absolve you of the lives you’ve taken.” said a familiar voice, causing Emma to pause for a moment before going back to her work on the mare’s body. “Almost forgot about my schizophrenia that bitch left behind. To what do I owe the pleasure of this time after all these years?” “Why try to be a doctor when you know you can’t ever be one with all that blood on your hands? And I don’t mean from the mare you’re operating on.” “It should be obvious as to why I’m doing this.” “Should it be? I mean there are a lot of reasons why you would do it. Could it be that you’re trying to win favor with Arceus? Naw, it couldn’t be, you don’t believe in a god like him nor would you care to win over someone like him. Celestia and Luna? Naw, you don’t see them as a threat considering you can beat them with a simple silence spell, and because you agree with them not trusting Arceus. Oh, that’s right! You're the best medical scientist in the deepground. Or in this case, was the best. You’re pretty much stuck on a planet with a god that has it out for you and your friends.” “You didn’t answer my question jackass. Why are you here?” “I’m here just to remind you that you’ll never be a good doctor given what you’ve done.” The voice said as Emma could hear it move to her right side. “How many men, women, and children have you killed? How many beg for their lives so they can see their own families and friends? You can’t remember can you-” “Two-hundred thousand six-hundred fifty,” Emma answered, which caused the voice to go silent. “Huh…that’s a bit of a surprise.” “Someone has to remember the death of both the innocent and soldiers of the deepground.” “Surprise, surprise. Seems the murderer has been keeping track of her killings. I wonder how many more you’ll kill on this planet.” “That’s out of the question.” “You don’t know that. Especially given how Arceus will do whatever it takes to kill you. He’ll send his children and other Pokemon, hell I wouldn’t be surprised if he held the planet hostage to kill you.” “If that time comes, then I’ll be sure to have a countermeasure without the need to kill him.” “Oh, like how you tried to do that with Weiss. I forgot, how did that turn out for you when you tried the whole pacifist route and tried to keep him in a sleeping state for Hojo~? I’m saying that Arceus is an unpredictable being with a lot of power under his belt, it’s best to kill him and his children before they come and kill you~” The voice said as Emma looked over her shoulder to see what the voice looked like, only to see that there wasn’t anyone behind or next to her. “...I’ll have to make some medicine to deal with that problem of mine.” She said before focusing her attention on the mare on the hospital bed. Once she was done stitching up her lungs, the thread slowly disappeared as the marks on her lungs were treated. A smile could be seen on the human’s face as she used Curaga to mend the mare’s ribcage and flesh, though the surgical scars left on her body couldn’t be healed. She couldn’t help but admire her work as she slowly began to pull the breathing tubes out of the mare’s mouth and nose. “Can’t do much about the scars on your chest, but I’m sure being able to breathe again would be better than being on death’s door. I’m sure someone here can deal with the plastic surgery, but for now, get better.” With that, the human carefully made her way out of the room she was in. The moment she left a certain small psychic legend made herself visible as she looked over at the mare that Emma treated. Given what her father said about the human being dangerous, she decided to investigate this human that gave Mewtwo a run for his money. So far she had been following her for the past hour or so treating ponies and Pokemon that were either sick, injured beyond repair that would require Arceus’s intervention, or were on the verge of death. It astonished Mew that the human wasn’t fatigued after her fight with Mewtwo. What was she trying to prove? Was she trying to win favor with the princesses? The citizens of Equestria? Pokemon? “Emma Rosemary…just what is it that you’re planning?” Mew said as she turned invisible and quickly followed Emma continuing her work within the hospital. > Chapter Nineteen: A New Day With New Problems > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Nineteen A New Day With New Problems (Sweet Apple Acres) Sweet Apple Acres, home to the element of honesty Applejack, her brother Big Mcintosh, little sister Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith. The property consists of a farmhouse, a barn for the animals, and acres upon acres of apple trees. It is here that a certain group of humans turned into Pokemon along with their Pokemon are having a conversation with each other about what had transpired today during the afternoon. “And that’s what happened at Twilight’s Castle,” Applejack said as the ones present within the house were Gene, Belle, Mage, May, Blaziken, Misty, and Ash stared at the farm pony in shock. “You mean to tell me, that a human was able to make Mewtwo, the strongest psychic Pokemon, run for the hills with his tail between his legs?” Mage asked as the Applejack nodded. “That can’t be right. Never has Mewtwo ever been known to run away from a fight from what the other legends had said about him.” Belle said, “What is it that the human did to make him run?” “She said she summoned death.” She answered. “And I don’t mean like a death threat, she summoned the grim reaper herself to chase Mewtwo out of Ponyville.” “It’s true,” Korrina said as she shivered at the memory of it. “I can’t believe it myself, but that human summoned death itself…still gives me shivers each time I remember it.” “Wow, this Emma person must be something else,” Ash said as they noticed a grin appearing on his face. “And she’s not from our world?” “Given what she showed, which I recommend you don’t ask. She’s not from our world. And get this, she can turn the humans that Arceus turned into Pokemon into humans.” Iris said, which took Gene, Misty, Ash, and May by surprise. “Well humanish, Georgia had features of a glaceon, and Burgundy had the lower body of a deerling, but the upper body of a human,” Korrina added as she heard Ash speak. “You saw Georgia and Burgundy!?” “Yeah, they ended up meeting Emma, Lyra, and Bon-Bon in Canterlot. They’re currently with her at Ponyville Hospital.” “How is that possible? I thought Arceus was the only one that could change people into Pokemon.” Gene said with a worried expression on his face. “Yeah, and Arceus is not happy about it. I don’t know what that human was thinking when she decided to talk back to Arceus about what he did, but I can tell from his aura he was not pleased about it.” Lucario said, which caused Belle, Mage, and Blaziken to stare at her in disbelief. “....How is that human not dead yet!?” Mage said in astonishment. “She does realize that he’s a god…right?” “She doesn’t believe he’s a god. She thinks he is just a powerful being with too much power on his hand… calling him a child.” “...This human is either insane, has brain damage of some kind, or is overconfident in her ability,” Gene said before looking at Korrina. “Is the hospital still open?” “Given how it’s almost midnight, I doubt it. If you want to meet her, we’ll have to go early in the morning.” She answered as Gene nodded. “Why, you’re going to ask her something?” “It’s more of curiosity as to what she looks like and what she did to Georgia and Burgundy.” “I wouldn’t mind meeting her as well,” Ash said with a determined expression on his face. “If she’s from another world, then maybe her world must have Pokemon as well.” “I wouldn’t hold your breath, because she doesn’t know anything about Pokemon other than what Georgia and Burgundy have been telling her…though, I’m sure she might have some kind of animal similar to a Pokemon from her world.” She said which caused Ash’s grin to widen more in excitement. “So I guess we’ll be meeting Emma tomorrow then?” Belle asked as Gene nodded. “Seems like it. I can assume everyone else is going as well?” Gene asked as he looked at the others, who nodded in agreement. “Alright, then we’ll meet up at Ponyville Hospital around Nine o’clock.” The sun began to rise over the town and city of Ponyville and Canterlot as Celestia began to raise the sun. As the sun rose, the rays from it hit Emerald Weapon, and the shine from it cast an emerald glow over certain parts of the house close to it. From the looks of it, some of the flying Pokemon would be using the weapon as a birch or resting place to rest on before flying off somewhere else. While the ponies were busy waking up to start the new day in whatever it was they were doing, Celestia was currently trying to maneuver through her room in the body of a human. “Okay Celestia, you can do this. I mean, Emma can do it, so why shouldn’t you?” Celestia said as she was using the nightstand next to her bed for support. It had been about thirty minutes or so since she woke up to find herself in the form of a human. At first, she was taken by surprise upon finding her usual white coat was now replaced with a brown skin similar to Emma’s. However, that surprise quickly vanished upon remembering what she said about the transformation process taking twenty-four hours for ponies and twelve hours for humans who were turned into Pokemon. On the one hand, the foreign magic she learned from the materia did help her in dragging Discord to her room last night, though the downside is that she’ll have to learn how to walk again on two legs instead of four. So far for the past thirty minutes, Celestia has been trying to walk from her bed to the doorway but was unsuccessful in that matter. Mainly because she would fall face-first onto the floor, or accidentally run into a wall and had to use her magic to teleport her back from the start. It was only when Luna entered the room via magic that she paused in her somewhat training. There was a moment of silence as Luna stared at a dark-skinned human with similar pony features to that of Celestia before she spoke. “...So…by foreign magic, you used the materia that Emma gave you to call Discord last night?” Lun asked as Celestia nodded with a sheepish expression on her face. “I had a hunch that was the case.” “Given what was said last night, can you blame me for doing that?” “It’s understandable…I just find it kind of weird that you look a lot thinner as a human than you were as a pony.” Luna said which caused Celestia to deadpan at her. “Now’s not the time to be calling me out like that. I would like some assistance, please?” Celestia asked before feeling herself being levitated over onto Luna’s back. “So dear sister. What’s the plan for your appearance? Because I don’t think saying that you use magic to look like a human to make Emma feel comfortable around you is going to cut it for the most part.” “Hm…I could chalk it up to Emma’s attempt at turning former humans back to normal, though that might open up a can of worms that would upset Arceus.” “You’re saying as if you care if he’s upset or not.” “It’s not him I’m worried about…but more of the lines of Emma. We know Mother said that she would be the key in dealing with the monster that was sealed away one thousand years ago, but for what we don’t know.” “Have you read more that was within the journal?” Luna asked as Celestia shook her head. “So far there hasn’t been anything else other than what I’ve read yesterday. Everything else is just blank pages…but the more I look through it, dried-up blood and scratches can be seen on the pages, which I fear isn’t a good thing.” “So we’re pretty much just winging it just like usual with Emma?” “In a sense, sadly yes,” Celestia said, which caused Luna to look over her shoulder at Celestia with a disappointed expression. “Don’t give me that look, this is a whole new territory for me. It’s bad enough that Arceus came to Equis without so much of a plan or warning, but now we have an Equestrian version of Jenova, which I’m going to call the monster mother sealed away, going to break out and devour all life on this planet.” She said before sighing in annoyance. “What happened to the simple days where problems like this could be solved with just a simple singalong and a lesson about friendship and stuff.” “If you want an accurate timeline of that, I believe that died off when Twilight became a princess.” “Oh right, that plan on making Twilight a Princess and then have her rule over Equestria, and we’ll go off into retirement.” “That’s a plan? Letting your student run Equestria?” Luna asked. “It would’ve gone off perfectly, but that’s when mister holier than thou Arceus came and threw a monkey wrench into that plan.” She said before trying to get herself relaxed on Luna’s back. “I ruled over Equestria for one thousand years, you also ruled but were sent to the moon for a thousand years, I figured we needed a break and let the next generation of ponies run things. But now things have derailed than expected, and with the added fact that we have a little sister whom Arceus is hellbent on doing, Faust knows what…I’m just winging it as it goes by.” “...I can see what you mean by that,” Luna said as her horn lit up, causing the sheets that were on Celestia’s bed to fly over to her sister, wrapped themselves on her body, and formed into a short dress-like attire. “It also doesn’t help that we have to deal with Arceus’s blunder of teleporting about all of his creation and half of the humans' who were turned into Pokemon population here.” “Mother of me, don’t remind me about that.” She said before looking over her attire. “Thanks, that would’ve been bad if I were to walk out naked.” “Perhaps I should bring Twilight and the others after dropping you off at the hospital. That way Lyra can teach you how to walk.” “I don’t have much of a choice, considering she’s an expert on the whole human anatomy…Starting to wish I took her seriously about starting a human anatomy class.” “Well, nothing’s stopping you from doing that,” Luna said as her horn began to glow. “Now, let us head over to the Hospital before anything else happens.” (Ponyville Hospital) (Emma’s Room) Silence fell upon the room as Emma and her friends were currently up as the soldier was examining Georgia and Burgundy's injuries. The reason why the room was silent was due to a particular question that Emma asked. Can humans and Pokemon have some kind of romantic relationship? This caused Georgia and Burgundy to look at each other and explain a certain taboo on their planet involving human and Pokemon relationships. After a rough explanation of said taboo, Emma just stared at the two for a moment before speaking again. “...Bullshit,” Emma said, which took the two trainers by surprise. “What do you mean bullshit?” Georgia asked. “I think she means the whole taboo thing?” Lyra answered, which caused Emma to shake her head. “No, fuck that taboo for treating Pokemon as if they don’t have a mind of their own. I’m referring to…What’s the term for humans falling in love with Pokemon?” “Pokephilia,” Burgundy answered, which caused Emma to cringe at the word. “God even hearing the word makes me want to throw up. You guys must be screwing with me. Who the dumbasses that thought of the name for it!?” “I think it was the Pokemon Rangers that made up the name for it,” Georgia answered as Emma stared at the humanoid in confusion. “Oh right, we never did tell you about Pokemon Rangers haven’t we?” “Not even the slightest, but I have a feeling it’s going to be something stupid,” Emma said, which caused Georgia to deadpan her. “I’m sorry, but a lot of the stuff you’re telling me about your world doesn't make a lot of sense to a certain degree. Now it would be one thing if it were animals, that would fall under the bestiality, which we can all agree that it’s wrong and fucked up. But treating sentient beings as animals even though it can be proven that Pokemon are just as if not smarter than humans. You can’t expect me not to criticize something like that.” “We know, but other people might take offense to that. Especially if they’re Pokemon Rangers.” She said before hearing Burgundy speak up. “For context, They are not Pokémon Trainers, as their goals and methods for interacting with Pokémon are very different. They harness the power of certain Pokemon and utilize them to help defend nature.” “Hm, and how do they harness the power of a certain Pokemon?” Emma asked as the two trainers shrugged. “We don’t know, but they do tend to do stuff similar to law enforcement to a certain degree, and place those who perform Pokephilia under arrest. Both the bad kind and the ones where both parties are consenting to the whole love thing.” “...Yeah, I am going to have a field day messing with a Pokemon Ranger if they have a mindset of thinking Pokemon are animals instead of sentient beings~” She said which caused the two trainers to deadpan even harder at Emma. “Sorry…not sorry.” “Look, can you at least promise me you won’t mop the floor with them? Unless they attack you first? We already have Arceus on our backs, we don’t need any more problems sneaking up behind us.” Georgia asked as Emma rolled her eyes. “Please, like I would be the one to throw the first punch. I may be a super soldier made by an evil company, but I’m not a battle-hungry idiot to start a fight with someone I know I can beat easily.” She said before moving over to the two trainers as she looked over the bandages she placed on them. The soldier looked them over for a moment before carefully pulling them off the area where she applied them. “Okay, looks like the wounds you were inflicted on are patched up, so no need for the bandages seeing how your body's natural healing factor took care of that.” “Well, that’s good to hear,” Lyra said as she was currently practicing her magic. “Still find it odd that we can learn magic instantly while it took you years to master them~” “Which I call bullshit on, and I hate it,” Emma said before walking next to her bed to gather her belongings. “I’ll have to do more research on how it’s possible, but that will have to wait. I need to make some plans on dealing with Arceus and the other legendaries.” “You can’t possibly think you can take on a god…do you?” Georgia asked as the soldier nodded before her hand gave off a red glow due to the red materia in it. “You think he’s the only god in this world?” “I almost forgot about that…but are they strong enough to fight him?” Bon-Bon asked. “I can think of at least three.” She said before lowering her hand. “But I will need something to make sure he never tries to come after me or you guys. Which is why I’ll be asking Celestia if she’s willing to let me have access to the forbidden archive.” “What makes you think she’ll do that?” Lyra asked. “Because she doesn’t trust Arceus. Especially given what happened to me yesterday. If I can gain access to the archive, then it’ll allow me to find some kind of sealing magic to keep the big guy in check.” She said before reaching into her bag to pull out her clothes from when she appeared in Canterlot. “So you’re not trying to kill him, but to seal his powers away?” Burgundy asked. “Is that even possible?” “If magic can seal the god of chaos, I’m pretty sure it can do the same for a god of Pokemon. Keep in mind that magic is four times effective given the results I showed you.” “True…I hope you don’t end up doing something that could get you in trouble to the point where even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna can’t protect you.” Lyra said with a worried expression on her face. “I always have a countermeasure in case things turn south. But for now, it’s time to see which class to go to~” She said before changing into her deepground attire. “You’re wearing that? Aren’t you worried that Pokemon might think you’re part of Team Plasma?” Burgundy asked, which caused Emma to pause for a moment before grinning. “Oh you just gave me the golden opportunity to have some fun~,” Emma said before reaching for her back and slowly crawling inside it. “Be back in a minute or so.” She said before vanishing inside the bag. “...You know, I only know her for a short amount of time…but has anyone noticed that she’s acting…a bit childish?” Bon-Bon asked as Lyra nodded. “In her defense, she was made into a weapon for an evil company…reminds me of Mewtwo…only he was able to escape while this girl was stuck there for nineteen to twenty years. I can’t imagine how much she had to keep her emotions bottled up.” “Yet that is no excuse for provoking Arceus or the other Legendaries,” Burgundy added. “We need to make sure she doesn’t get herself killed, or worse. Get us killed by her childish behavior.” She said before looking at Lyra. “As her friend, it’s your job to prevent that from happening.” “Why me?” Lyra asked. “Because you were the one that found her first and became friends with her,” Bon-Bon answered, which caused the unicorn humanoid to huff in annoyance. “Fine, but I make no promises.” She said before looking at the bag Emma went into. “Should we be worried about what she’s planning?” “I’m just hoping Princess Celestia or Princess Luna comes here so we don’t have a huge problem on our hooves.”