> Metroplex in equestria > by Artimus_prime > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Metroplex heeds the call > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter one Metroplex pov It was a nice sunny day in Canterlot. Keyword 'was'. it was in the middle of the changeling invasion, the entire city was under siege by the hordes of the changeling hive. Now you're probably thinking 'why don't I go down there and save them?' I would if I could, but I can't. I'm asleep. Now before you get the wrong idea, no I'm not a heavy sleeper. . . ok I am but not in the sense that you are thinking. You see when I got displaced, I was in a transformers costume. Now you must be thinking 'Oh you're probably Optimus Prime or Bumblebee?' No, no my friends. I went for the big guns, the VERY big guns. I went as Metroplex. When I woke up, I was as big as a mountan. It was about ten to twenty thousand years before the three tribes came to this land. I did what all transformers do best( most of the time), I was a robot in disguise. Now you must be thinking 'how in the hell am I hiding in plain sight?' That has a very simply answer. I'm the mountain that Canterlot is on, Well part of it... half at most." From here I have slept in waiting. Waiting for what you may ask? Well this; The changeling invasion. I can tell you what my plan is but there no time for this I got work to do. -----Twilight pov----- This was it, they got us. Me and my friends just battled an army of changelings, fought tooth and nail to reach our ultimate weapon. Yet it was all for not. The changelings had us backed into a wall and we were exhausted from just running a few blocks swarming with changelings. There was no way we could fight for much longer. "Come on I can take you all on with my hands behind my back." Rainbow taunted.(wearing a sports bra and sweat pants). I had to admit, I envied her courage, even in the face of danger. I could hear some of the changelings (all had black bodies and green hair with holes in there arms and legs) talking to one another. "Take them! The queen demands their presence! But first... a little snack wouldn't hurt." They all began to chuckle to one another, licking their lips and pumping their cocks. I didn't like where this was going at all. Just as they were about to pounce, the floor under us sprung open and we fell in. We all screamed from the surprise, say for Pinkie (was wearing a dark pink shirt and daisy Dukes that show her ass a little to much) found it rather amusing. Rainbow, still aching to fight on, was about to fly out of the hole we fell in until the floor closed back up, locking us within. The landing was a softish one. We were lucky enough to land on a pile of pillows to break our fall. Judging from how sore I was, the floor was hard as marble. "What in tarnation just happen?" Applejack groaned ( a average body and wore a button up shirt and jeans that huged her legs tightly). We all hit the ground hard, regardless of the pillows. "I have... oww, no clue." I said, rubbing my back to ease the pain (I wore a purple blouse and a skirt). I think I may have landed wrong. As I sat up, I began to look around the room. There was a brilliant glow coming from the opposite wall, it was too bright to make out what it was. The room around us was metallic with many strange and interlocking parts. I had never seen such technology before in my life, it was exciting to say the least. Unfortunately, what I didn't find was a way out, something that could be beneficial right about now. All that I could find were these pillows, the bright light and a lever on a yellow box. The shine coming from the light, made the lever seem to glow a brilliant gold, catching Pinkie's attention immediately. "Hey, check it out! It must be some sort of ancient thingamajig left by ponies of a forgotten time? Maybe it's some sort of ancient party starter-uper-uper? Oh, or maybe its an activation mechanism that will bring life to some sort of ancient alien monster?" We all looked to her with a deadpanned look. "Pinky, I don't think that's what that is. Now, help us find a way out so we can-" *Click* We all heard it, but we didn't want to believe it. Turning around, we saw the lever pulled down with Pinkie still near it. Before we could react, the lever morphed and molded with the floor. The room began to shake around us. We couldn't help but panic as to what was happening. "Everypony stay close!" I shouted, bringing my friends together. I threw up a protection spell around us as I felt everything shake around us. The walls seemed to morph and shift around us, it was an amazing thing to witness if it weren't so utterly terrifying. The walls split open, as we were greeted by day light once more. I could hear deafening sounds coming from all around me as the floor began to shift and move. We all covered our eyes and ears, we all thought it was the end. I don't know how long we waited, but I wasn't ashamed to admit that I was terrified for my life, terrified for my friends lives. I had... a few regrets. Never kissing a stallion, never had a mate, never completing my studies, but most of all... I regret not saving my home from the changelings. Once the barrage of sound was over, I slowly opened my eyes, only to stand in shock as to what I beheld. I've seen and heard of many things in my life. Things that ponies would say didn't exist, things that would make the bravest of ponies cringe in terror, but nothing, and I mean nothing prepared me for what I beheld. (here's a video of this happening) Metroplex pov Someone had activated me. I was awakening after so long and I couldn't be more excited. Feeling my limbs taking shape as I emerged from the mountain side, it was the best feeling I had not felt in over a thousand years. My legs stretched out, booming as they hit the ground and shaking the very earth I stood on. I was a giant in this new land, a towering mechanical monstrosity that could see everything for miles on end. A small alert came up on my H.U.D. as I continued to transform, six little blips were in my hand. Moving on its own accord, my palm came to my new face. Without thinking about why, my voice boomed to life as I held my hand before me. "Metroplex heeds the call of the Elements of Harmony. What are your orders?" The ponies in my hand were absolutely tiny, and yet I could see every detail. The ridges on their horns, every feather on their wings, yet the pink one's tail seemed to mess with my scanners. All I got was an error each time it scanned her. Besides the bouncing pink pony, the other five merely looked upon me with shock, awe, and fear. Mostly fear. All I could do was merely wait for a response. > Metroplex has awoken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Metroplex pov As I arose from my resting place, the entire city of Canterlot stood awestruck by me. Changelings and ponies alike froze in fear as to what I was. I could claim to be a god, lay dormant in their mountain and they'd believe me. But I had no desire for that. While I could drink in the ponies shock, my attention was drawn elsewhere. The six ponies in my hand, looking into my massive, glowing, red eyes. None of them knew what to do. They heard me speak clear as day, there was no way they couldn't have. Without warning, the purple one stepped forward, trying to hide her fear yet I could see it much like the rough and rigid bumps on her horn. She really needed to take better care of that thing. She stood with her chest puffed out, trying to look heroic as she confronted me. " M-Metroplex," She began. I could hear her voice crackle with fear. "W-We need you t-to... get rid of... o-o-of all the changelings attacking Canterlot." She winces a bit, expecting me to squash her like a bug. I would never do such a thing. Instead, I merely responded with a nod. I could do this? I mean, they are a bunch of small insects, how hard could it be? I start to focus. I didn't exactly have a lot of time to get comfortable with my new body, but I guess any time is good. I try to use my weapons. My shoulder cannon hums to life and fires at a far off mountain. A bright flash goes off and the mountain wasn't there anymore. I gulp internally as the ponies in my hand look on in fear, I think the rainbow one may have wet herself a bit, but I wasn't going to ask. Okay, so the un-making cannon strapped to my shoulder is a no-go. Lets try... this? I could feel my fingers unfurl to show several mini turrets of some sort. Aiming my right hand away from any danger, i test them out. They were mini laser guns. I could work with this. Though, just as a safety precaution, I start to scroll through my targeting parameters and take bio-scans of every living thing in the city. I scanned the six in my hand and the ones attacking the city. I labeled the ponies in my hand as well as their species as friendlies and the hostile looking bug ponies as enemies. Now that I was up and running, I started to take and fired. A barrage of lasers struck the city, expertly wiping out the changelings like it was my god damn birthright. Though, it didn't take long for them to retaliate. The ponies in my hand screamed in terror. They had nowhere to go, my hand was miles above the ground and they'd pop open like watermelons if they jumped. That was when something in me clicked. I didn't know if it was my new programming, or if it was just my morality. Either way, I was going to protect these ponies. The changelings tried to attack the ponies. I stopped them by closing my palm, thus turning all of their attention onto me. I felt kind of sorry for them. It was like shooting fish in a barrel, and the fish in it were suicidal. I used my other hand to swat at the creatures, knocking them away by the hundreds as they slammed into me. I would barely register their attacks, maybe even call it a mild nuisance. But the ponies in my hand were terrified and I couldn't afford to see them harmed. Thus, I thrust my hand to the side of the city, right next to the castle walls and freed them. "Go. I will protect the city." They didn't wait for a second command. The six jumping off immediately and into the castle walls. The small yellow one looked back at me for a few seconds. She whispered something, but I could hear it clearly. "Th-... thank you." Her soft and adorable voice warmed my heart... erm, spark... whatever I have now. Once they were safe, I could lose the reins and go Destroy all Changelings too. I was having the time of my life. Without the elements to protect, whatever they were, I was in full swing. My entire body was a walking arsenal of destruction the likes this world has never seen. But without warning, my fun came to an abrupt and extremely painful end. Some sort of massive, green beam shot out of the castle. Everything was going dark as I felt myself falling back. I couldn't control myself, my arms, my legs, they wouldn't respond. All the while I thought to myself 'This has been the best five minutes of my entire life'. Twilight pov (Ten mins later) I had no idea what to make of this. My hooves carried me through the hallway as my friends followed close behind. That robot thing had done what I had told it to, without a single question as to why. But that firepower, that thing could wipe out the entire planet if he wanted to. My mind was rushing at a million miles an hours as I skid along the ground. We needed... I don't really know what we need. A miracle maybe? But now was not the time to worry about the giant, right now I had a wedding crasher to take care of. With my friends backing me up, I was ready to face the queen. Rainbow and Applejack rushed the two guards, knocking them out with ease. Thus allowing us to burst through the doors to meet the queen(wearing black dress with holes all over it) head on. "Oh, well, well. I was wondering when you'd show up?" I hated her, no I loathed this mare. No, I'll go a step further. She was a bitch, one hundred percent bitch from the planet of Bitch-dom. she ruined my brother's wedding, nearly got my friends killed, and imprisoned my teacher. A flank whipping was on my schedule and I was determined to see she makes the appointment. "Did you like my little fireworks display? I must admit, that giant creature was not something I would have expected for the nation with more love than the entire world would have. But it doesn't matter. I took care of it thanks to your dear brother, and my new hubbie." She taunted me by licking his cheek. His eyes were still vacant. I so wanted to punch her, knock every tooth in her mouth out and feed them to her one at a time. "Or maybe, I'll just imprison you and that little harlot of a princess." "Don't you dare touch my brother or my sister-in-law!" I commanded. I couldn't see my friends, but I could tell they were a little taken aback by my command. "Oh, I won't touch him... not yet. First, I'm going to take this country. And then, I'll imprison you and your friends in my chambers. Where you'll watch me consummate our marriage again and again," She let out a bone chilling cackle. "And again. Or maybe, I'll make him have his way with his darling little sister while I watch from our cozy little bed. I'll make him love it too." "You're sick!" I wasn't sure who had more venom in their mouth that time. "I won't let you lay a single one of your cheese hands on my brother or any of the ponies if Equestria." Chrysalis must have found that amusing as she burst out into laughter. "Oh, my dear Twilight, I had no idea you were so humorous." She looked down on the six mares triumphantly. "You can't win against me. I slayed your giant like a commoner, and I can do the same to you six right here, right now! So come on, give me your best shot." I felt a tinge in my mind, I had an array of spells at the ready. But all that went out the window. Speaking of which, a look of awe hit my face as my friend were focused on the queen. I saw the images shimmer as a familiar face arose from the dead. I smiled devilish at the queen. "Oh? Then maybe you'd like to tell my new friend about how you slew the giant." The castle shook as the ceiling came loose, or rather was torn from the very foundation. Chrysalis turned back in shock to see the giant still alive. "N-NO! It's not possible! I killed you!" "I beg to differ." Metroplex boomed, looking down at Chrysalis. I couldn't help but let a small smile cross my face, only to gasp as I saw Princess Celestia's pod fall from the ceiling. Dash and Fluttershy were quick to react, catching her mid air as my friends began to free the princess. "This is your last chance Chrysalis. Turn yourself in, and I promise you, that no harm will come to you." She growled like a beast caught in the corner. She was between a rock and a hard place and I could see it in her eyes. She wanted to back away, but Metroplex had his weapons trained on her. She wasn't getting out of this without a few new holes in her. At least, that's how it started out. As an act of desperation, She took hold of my brother, using him as a shield. "Metroplex, wait!" The giant heeded my command, holding off his attack. "Put him down, Chrysalis. We can walk out of this together." "I will not be put in the dungeons!" She cried out, streams of tears falling down her muzzle. "I-... I worked too hard on this plan! Too hard to let it fail to an insignificant filly like you!" She held her horn to my brother's throat. I could feel a new kind of fear come over me as I stopped my approach. "My babies... M-My babies need their food." "And we can give it to them, just let my brother go and I promise you, we can walk out of this together" She was weighing her options, frantically trying to make a decision. Though, as soon as her brow furrowed, I knew she had chosen the wrong one. She was ready to skewer my brother throat in front of me, but I had planned for this. Acting quickly, my brother and sister-in-law teleported to my side in each other's arms. Though they were safe for the time being, my magic was nearly drained. "Ha! You foalish mare. Thanks to your decision to save your brother, I can now go free and there is nothing you can- *WHAM* We all winced at the sight of Metroplex massive fist coming down on Chrysalis. In all my years, I had never seen somepony die before, nor as gruesome. Lifting his hand, I could see the mangled body of Chrysalis. Seeing her twisted form, her dark green blood oozing from her gashed wounds... something inside snapped. "Again." I commanded. *WHAM* Metroplex struck the corpse. I hated this mare, hated what she was going to do to me and my family. "Again!" *WHAM* I hated how she killed planned to kill so many ponies just to move to the next land on her list "Again!" *WHAM* But most of all, I hated that she was going to use my brother to accomplish this. "Again! AGAIN! AGAIN!" Metroplex did as I told him to. Slamming his massive metal fist into the already dead and beaten body of the queen. I was about to tell him to do another round, until I felt a hoof on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw a concerned and sorrowful Celestia(wearing a torn white purple and golden royal dress), freed from her imprisonment. I couldn't help myself, I ran into her hooves and bawled my eyes out. I didn't know what came over me, all I knew was that it scared me. To know that there was a side of me like that, a side that wanted to hurt ponies. It was not something I ever wanted to experience ever again. ( here is a video ) > New city > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 Metroplex pov The remaining changelings fled the city, their cries of fear from the giant that so easily killed their queen was like music. I felt great, no I felt greater than great. I had saved an entire city from a weird bug queen and save everyone down below. I felt like I was on top of the world... mostly because I kinda was. As I patted myself on the back, I could hear one of the ponies down below call to me. It was the purple one. "Hey. Just who and what are you?" That as a little hard to explain. How was I supposed to tell them I was some bipedal geek who went to a costume convention as a fictional character, only to become said character and sleeping for what felt like a thousand or so years. Well... I guess I could try that. "My name is Mason. I'm from the planet earth." "A-Are there more out there like you?" I could see the purple unicorn looking up at me, waiting for my response. "As I am now; no. In fact, this isn't the real me. I was once around your height, but a little taller." Twilight sighed in relief. I would understand to. If I was her size and there were more of me, I'd shit my pants with such velocity that I'd escape to the moon for safety. "How did you get here? As our mountain?" "I... don't know. I have just... been here. The last thing I remember I went as a fictional character, a titan class transformer by the name of Metroplex. After a flash of light it was just... dark. All I knew was that I was waiting for something called the elements of harmony. I wanted nothing more than to heed its call." The small pony looked back to the others and nodded. "That would be me and my friends. Does that mean you'll do whatever we ask you to?" "That is true, as long as it is within my power." The little pony turned to the ruined city. She saw the damage that the changelings had done to her home. Bodies littered the streets and those that did survived looked over all that they had lost. With a determined look, Twilight turned back to me. "Can you help us?" I nodded to her. "What would you have me do?" "The changelings have laid waste to our capital city. Can you repair it to its former glory?" I looked over the city. I could see the city's destruction in great detail. The lives lost, the homes burned, and businesses laid in rubble. "I... cannot." They laid their heads down in disappointment. But then I remembered. I was Metroplex, a mountain wasn't his original form. Thus, I could give these ponies what they wanted and a way to put on a show for them. "But I do have one way to help." They seemed to perk up a bit as I spoke. Looking around to make sure I wasn't stepping on anything important. I found a good spot and began my transformation. Focusing, I could feel my new body begin to shift and mold itself. The rock on my metallic form began to crumble off me as I soon took my new form. I tried to emulate the design of a modern earth city. Tall buildings took shape as I folded into myself into what looked like a sprawling city. It wasn't as elegant as the city that was destroyed, but it would do for the time being. My transformation was complete and I now sat as a sprawling metropolis beside what remained on the mountain. Homes formed on me, tall buildings empty ready to be filled and to be made of use. I wasn't perfect but my body could form whatever people would need and more, so long as I had something to make it with. My large guns and defenses could be seen, letting all know that this city wasn't all that defenseless. A symbol that I'd like to think dared anyone else to try and mess with me. Maybe put them up against my un-making cannon. Though, with all things, there was a downside. Being in, I could no longer speak. I'd have to find a way to work around that. Twilight pov I couldn't believe it, I wanted to but everything I had ever learned told me that what I saw was not real. And yet It was right in front of me, in front of all of us. Our jaws hit the floor as we saw the hulking monster fold into what looked like a sprawling city. It was unheard of, unfathomable even. Yet... it just was. I could feel an eye twitch as I tried to contemplate what I saw. "Twilight? Yo twilight, you awake?" I jumped as I felt a hand nudge me. My friends had gathered around me. "So, what do we do? Do we blast 'em with the elements?" I looked out at the gleaming city and took a deep breath. "No. At least not yet. Mason gave his physical form for the ponies to have a home. We should at the very least see if it is safe for other ponies to live in." They all looked to one another skeptically, but in the end they agreed. "Fine, but I think that half of us should stay behind and help the ponies who'd need it." I could understand Rainbow's logic. There could most likely be ponies still trapped somewhere. "Okay Rainbow. You, Rarity(wearing a purple shirt and dark purple pants) and Fluttershy (wearing a green turtleneck sweater and tight green pants) can stay behind and help ponies who may need it. Pinkie, AJ and I will go check out Mason. If it's not safe, we'll use the elements to detain him." "Twilight." I stood at attention as my mentor(wearing a beautiful white and gold dress) came forward, looking down at me as she limped forward. "I don't know whether Mason is a threat or not and this... this whole ordeal is strange to even me. I must ask that you be careful." I give her a reassuring nod and bring her into a hug. It may be informal but I sort of needed it at the moment. "Okay Everypony, let's go check him out." Applejack and Pinkie followed me out of the ruined castle. Mason was a walking oddity and we weren't prepared for anything we may find on him. We would have to keep up our guard if he wanted to do us harm. Though, something told me he wasn't a threat but I learned to trust my instincts after the wedding fiasco. Metroplex pov (fifteen minutes later) I spent my time getting to know my body, no pun intended. I may have been a transformers fan, but being one gave me a perspective that I never knew existed. Half of the stuff I had I never even knew existed. Most of them I didn't know what they were, but I knew one of them. Energon levels. I was thankful that my energy was at full power for the time being. I had lost some during the fight due to the hit I took from that bug queen. But other than that, everything showed to be in the green. I didn't want to mess around with anything, mostly because I was packing some serious firepower. I could flex my pinkie and accidentally start World War 3 all by myself. As I looked over my new form, a small ringing went off in my mind, telling me that there was someone on me. Without eyes, I had to resort to other means. I had a few cameras along the streets, allowing me to survey the city that was now my body. I could see three small, and familiar ponies walking along my streets. I could them looking around me. A look of fear and awe were in their eyes. I was probably the most advanced thing they've ever seen, I wouldn't blame them. Hell, I was the most advanced thing I've ever seen. I had no idea if flexing my toes would flush a random toilet in the third floor of a house or launch a garbage can into space. "Mason?! Mason can you hear us?" I tried to talk to them, but I couldn't do anything as such. I needed a way to talk to them, to interact with them. Yet I didn't know anything that could do that. I was once again trapped in my body and if I transformed, I would surely squash them under my feet. I needed an alternative. Then, as if it were a miracle, I function came up on my H.U.D. It looked to be the outline of a human body. Curious, I gave it a try and activated the function. One of the buildings came to life and began to build something. As the machines built something, I could feel my consciousness extend out to whatever it was that it was building inside. I was still with the city and now I could feel myself becoming part of whatever I was becoming. Twilight pov I had never seen a city like this. The buildings were shinier than the ones in Manehattan, only much shinier. It didn't mind me much, but I could see that Applejack wasn't exactly a fan. The city life wasn't her thing. As for Pinkie, she was just happy to visit a new place that just so happened to be a living thing. I could already see it in her eyes, she was going to throw a party for him. Yet, despite all that, I was determined to make sure that this was safe for ponies to live in. "Hey, Twilight. Look." Pinkie points to random direction. I look to see what had caught her attention. Soon enough, we all look to see something. It was walking on two legs like a Minotaur. Standing tall and wearing some strange clothes. He looked to his own hands as he came towards us. "Uh... hello." It said. We were ready to fight in case it was dangerous. "Wait! Wait! Its me! Mason!" I freeze up as I look at him baffled. > Micro master beast machines body > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Mason/Metroplex pov The ponies looked at me like I was some sort of oddity. Granted I sort of was now, but the looks they gave me were some I've never had before. Especially from the purple one, she looked at me like I was some sort of monster. It hurt to be honest. "Okay, buster, what are you?" She was rather demanding as she spoke to me. "Well... I was a human. Now I guess I'm... Cybertronian?" I wasn't exactly all too sure myself. What exactly was I now? The purple one turned her attention to the orange one and she nodded. "Do you plan on attacking us, or hurting anypony?" "Oh, no no-no, I would never attack someone else without reason to. I may be a giant, but that doesn't make me a monster." The purple one turned to the orange one again and they nodded. This time, she let out a sigh. "Very well. I suppose introductions are in order then. My name is Twilight Sparkle." Why am I suddenly thinking of vampires. "These are my friends. Applejack," I wonder if she tastes like cinnamon. "And-" "Hi! My name's Pinkie Pie!" Oh sweet jesus! THe pink one was suddenly standing on my shoulders and had her face in front of mine. My eyes could see everything in her coat and her eyes were like a vast ocean. And I swear, when I looked into them, I saw the birth of the universe itself. I could feel the mechanisms in my head start to grind in frustration. Not because the pony was too heavy, in fact she felt rather light. She leapt from me like an expert acrobat, landing on her hind legs with a little "Ta-da!" As weird as she may be, I felt it rather hard to dislike her. "It is a pleasure to meet you all. As you know, my name is Mason." "Pardon me for asking', but how can you be Mason? Last we saw him, he became this fancy-shmancy city here." They all turned to me, waiting for an explanation. "Well, I needed a way to talk to you. In the city form, I'm not exactly all that vocal." "I see. So, what did you make... this form out of?" "Metroplex is a techno-organic life form (he has organic material from being a mountain. I just took a bit of the CNA material and used it for parts in this new body." Applejack and Pinkie turned to Twilight to help make sense of what he said. She just gave them a shrug, I could tell she was as clueless as the others. "Okay... I took some of the metal from the big body, and made it into this one." I didn't know how simpler I could make it. "But, you have... skin?" "Not exactly. From what I know, it's a synthetic mesh to protect my insides from harm. I'm sort of like the Terminator now." "The termi-what" Applejack asked confused. "Forget it. Reference wasted." I said in a deadpanned voice. Twilight started to circle me, examining my every movement and limb. She poked and prodded me with her horn, making me shake when she made it to the more sensitive areas. Lets just say I'm not exactly a Ken doll. "Hm. Interesting skeletal structure," She started to rub my arm to feel my bones. "Dense as well. How strong is this body?" That was a good question. Lets find out. "Hey! What are you-!" I lifted the little unicorn with ease. She was no heavier than the Pinkie was, who now found what I was doing fun and wanted in. "My turn my turn!" She shouted, climbing up on me body and then atop Twilight. There was barely any difference in the weight. I was holding what I believed to be two fully grown ponies in one hand. There's a masturbation joke in there somewhere, but I just couldn't find it. "Applejack, it's your turn!" "Eh, no thanks. That don't' look like one of' my kind of rodeos." "Aw, party pooper!" Since Applejack wasn't going to hop on, I gently sat the two mares down to the ground. Twilight was dusting herself off while Pinkie took me in for a bear hug. I could feel my metallic innards grind together at her impossible strength. "Thank you, that was a lot of fun." Twilight cleared her throat as she turned back to me. "Interesting. Is there anything else your body can do?" I was inclined to find out. I brought up my heads up display once more and started to look through some functions I had. I knew I put something like a weapon or something in here. I just had trouble remembering. After finding it, I activated it and felt something extend out of my arm. The three ponies gasped as they saw a long, chrome stinger emerge from my wrist. I thought it was kinda cool looking. It scared the living hell out of the three ponies but I didn't care much. It was cool, end of discussion. Though, before they get the wrong idea, I watched it slowly retract into my arm. There was a small hole in the skin but it slowly healed up. "Okay, so I'm armed. That's good to know." "You best be keeping' that thing where it won't hurt anypony." I took Applejack's warning to heart. Maybe waving that thing around wasn't a good idea. "So be it. Last resort sort of thing." "What else can you do? Oh! Please tell me you have a built in oven." Now that was an idea. Mental note, build built in oven. Wait, do I still eat? "Um, sorry Pinkie. No built in oven, though I will keep that idea in mind." Twilight pov I didn't like this. His original form was monstrous and terrifying. I needed more tests, I had to be sure to make sure he wasn't still a walking doomsday weapon. "Mason," I caught his attention. "I'm still skeptical of whether or not you could be trusted. While it may take some time, I'd like you to accompany me to the castle so that the princesses may pass judgement on you." "Um... sure, I guess that's fine. Please, lead the way Twilight." I had no idea he'd be so cooperative, this may turn out easier than I thought. I started to escort him out, only to hear a small thump. I turned around quickly to see Pinkie on her side and getting up weakly. I was ready to tackle Mason to the ground, that is until I heard Pinkie speak. "Ow! Woe is me! My hoof! My hoof! I sprained it! I guess... somepony has to... help me back to Canterlot... with a piggie back ride." It appeared somepony had been getting acting lessons from Rarity. Her attention was directed towards Mason and it became clear of what she wanted. I looked to the stranger and he looked to me, the loom on his face told me he could see right through it as well. Mason sighed and looked to Pinkie. "Come on, up we go." He lifted her up onto his shoulders and she squealed happily. I had to admit, that was pretty nice of him to do that for her. We started to walk the way we came and back to the castle. I had to admit, I didn't like the cold metallic streets beneath my hooves. It was unpleasant and unnatural, yet for some reason warm at the same time. But that didn't mean I wasn't happy to be on the soft grass once more. "Come on, Mason. It's just a short walk up to the castle... Mason?" I turn around to see Mason, one... whatever was at the end of his legs, outside the city. Something seemed to be bothering. He just stood there, looking at his... things. I probably should ask what those are when I start asking questions again. "You alright sugarcube?" "Huh wha-" "You zoned out on us. You feelin' alright?" He shook his head but didn't speak a word. Even I could tell something was wrong. "Well, come on then. It ain't polite to keep royalty waiting." That was true. I wanted the princesses to decide on what to do with Mason. I wasn't too sure about him, but if the princesses say he was not a threat, then he is no threat. Still... something about him rubbed me the wrong way. > Tunnel of Terror > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Mason "So lemme get this straight here. Yur supposed to be some bipedal ape-thing." I nod my head to Applejack. "And you got here after some... weird sale's pony fella sold you some shifty lookin' costume piece in which turned you into that big, hulking monstrosity." "Well, Metroplex isn't a monster. He's a titan-class Cybertronian. He defends the people of Cybertron from the evils of the Decepticons." Applejack just looked at me, trying her hardest to follow my story. In her defense, I could barely believe it myself when I first heard of that. But, after I started reading up on the Transformers lore and soon enough I was hooked." "I see. So, how did you get inside the mountain? That thing has been there longer than ponies have been tillin' the land." "No idea. As far as I know, I've always been there." "Tell us more about that Metroplex thing." Pinkie interrupted. We had some time before we reached the city and we had nothing else to talk about. I guess answering a few more questions wouldn't hurt. "Okay then. What do you want to know?" "How big is it!" "Um... that big?" I point out to the city, hopefully satisfying her curiosity with the simple question. I had no idea how big Metroplex was with any form of measurement, though hopefully she would accept that as my response. "Wooow... okay, I got another question. You said you would obey the will of the elements. What does that mean specifically?" That was a good question. I wasn't exactly sure of that was me talking to begin with. Yet, I remember specifically saying such things. "I... don't know. I guess that was part of my new programming?" The mares look to each other, speaking to each other silently about the subject. Twilight turns to me and with a stern look, she speaks. "Punch yourself in the face." She commands. "Heh, Twilight. I'm not gonna- OOF." I felt my fist drive into my jaw, dislocating it a bit. It didn't hurt, though my jaw was a bit knocked to the side. Twilight and Applejack looked on in horror while Pinkie merely looked at me with big eyes of wonder. I could see several gears running through her head, as well as feel a few in my skull starting to grind. Not wanting to break anything, I move my jaw back into place as if nothing ever happened. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I didn't know that-" "I-It's fine. It didn't hurt." "But your jaw was-" "This body isn't my real body. I'll only feel pain if I want to." I saw Twilight's confusion and I sighed a bit. "I'm metal and circuitry beneath this." "Yeah, like the Terminator." Pinkie chimed in. "What about your other body? The big one?" "Metroplex? I think I can feel stuff in that one. I'm not all that sure at the moment, nor do I want to test it out." We enter through a tunnel into the mountain. All light leaving us. "AAAGH!!!" I hear one of them scream as we move far enough into the tunnel where the only source of light was a mere speck in the distance. "Pinkie? What's wrong!?" Twilight asks frantically. "Nothing. I just like doing that in tunnels. AAAAAAAGH!!!" I could hear the other two sigh to themselves as we continue walking as Pinkie's scream echoes on through the tunnel. "Twilight, how about a little light?" Applejack's request was soon met as we were all bathed in a violet light, illuminating the area around us. "Thank's sugar cube." "No problem Applejack." I could tell that we'll be walking for some time. Only made longer with Pinkie's occasional screaming through the tunnel. Yet, it would look like things would pick up in a moment as we all heard a soft hissing noise, making us all freeze in our tracks. Twilight shined her light a ways up ahead and to our shock, we soon found a few changelings hiding in the tunnel. Pinkie Pie screamed again, this time with a purpose... or she was still doing it for no reason, it was kinda hard to tell which one. "Wh-What in tarnation!? I thought all those critters fled with their tails between their legs?!" "Clearly not all of them." Twilight retorted, readying herself for a fight. I could see Applejack and Pinkie Pie do the same, I soon followed with a familiar blade emerging from my wrist. "You think you can take these guys on without blowing us all up?" "Meh, I'll try not to but no promises." ~~~~~ Twilight We were surrounded in the front and as I look back with my light, I can see that a more than a few changelings were crawling out of the crevices as if it were some sort of horror movie. They all hissed at our presence, angry from their defeat and the death of their queen. I wouldn't be all that surprised if they would want their vengeance on my friends and I. I would be happy to join in but I was the one providing the light. The best I could do was provide an occasional magic blast, other than that I was just a lantern for my friends. I saw Pinkie and Applejack launch into action. Applejack kicked one in the face with a great amount of force, knocking it through the crowd like a bowling alley. She was the strongest fighter in our group thus far but that didn't mean that the others stood back and did nothing. Pinkie Pie managed to display some form of martial arts capability, yet I couldn't identify its origin. Whatever it was, Pinkie Pie managed to use the small rocks around her to as a weapon. She managed to flip and strike away at the changeling hordes with ease, knocking them out as the force of the rocks rendered them unconscious. Mason, however, wasn't all that graceful. The blade he used managed to cut through their thick armor plating with ease. Their glowing green blood spilling the floor as each died. I wasn't exactly a fan of death, but these things were a blight on the land. I'd hate to admit it, but the world would benefit everypony if this blight of love were dead. "Twilight! Behind you!" I heard Mason's warning and turned to see a Changeling flying towards me. It was so close to me, I could see venom dripping from its fangs as it came in for a kill. It wasn't going to get the satisfaction. I gave it a blast with my magic beam, knocking it back into the front crowd, giving us a path out of the crowd and the tunnel. "Guys! We have a way out!" They all heard me as they saw the clearing slowly start to close on us. Pinkie Pie dropped a changeling out of a headlock and Mason directs his flailing in the opposite direction. His blade retracted as my three friends made a run for it. Occasionally knocking a few of them out-of-the-way as we ran for our lives. ~~~~~ Mason When I was bigger, I would have written these guys off as mildly annoying, maybe an itch I had to scratch tops. But up close and on their level without a massive body, these things were all kinds of terrifying once you were on their level. The dark wasn't helping either. Twilight lit our path forward as Applejack and I did what we could to protect her from any changeling in our path. They came at us from every angle, it was nearly impossible to get a clear opening with our path for more than a second without another one of these seemingly endless horde of insect ponies. "AAAAAAGH!!!" I freeze in place as I hear Pinkie Pie scream yet as I turn back all I can see is darkness. The darkness was too thick for me to see clearly but my eyes soon fix that as a form of night vision springs to life. The darkness is cast aside by a red tint to show me what exactly it was that I was running from. A seemingly endless torrent of changelings crawling on the walls, hissing and closing in on our location, on Pinkie's location. I lept in without thinking. The blade soon returning as I slice and cut my way to Pinkie Pie who was doing her best to keep them at bay with her hoof stuck in the rails. I leap in the air and cut two changelings in mid-air before landing beside her, trying to pull her out of the trap she fell in. Yet, she wouldn't budge. I couldn't pull her out without turning my attention away from the changelings. Out of frustration, I sliced the railing off that was holding her hoof, giving us what we needed to escape with our lives. I picked the pink pony up and I ran, I ran and I ran and didn't dare stop as I held that pink mare in my arms, running for dear life. I knew that if I died, I could just rebuild my body, but that wasn't the case for Pinkie and that was what is going to get me out of this tunnel. ~~~~~ Twilight I leap for the tunnel's entrance, relief fills me as I feel the first rays of sunlight in what felt like forever. I panted heavily, tired from my long run through the tunnel and now ecstatic to finally feel the warm sun on my coat. Though, as I turn around, I could see the changelings coming for us. My joy was short lived as I once more had to run for dear life. My legs felt like jello, I could barely even crawl to the castle that looked so far and yet so close at the same time. I turn to see the oncoming horde, accepting my fate as the end, that is, until I feel somepony pulling me along. Looking up, I see Applejack trying to get me out-of-the-way, yet it was no use. Her efforts were valiant at best, but I knew when I was beat. I soon found that my luck however had not run out. As I watched the oncoming horde of insects, a violet field of magical energy soon overlaid the tunnel entrance. The oncoming wave of changelings was brought to a halt as they felt the shocking effects of this new force field. I could hear them scream in a collective wail. I turn to the pony who cast it and who should be waiting for us than my brother. "Secure the entrance, I don't want any of those things getting out and into the city." SHining(wearing purple and golden armor over a red and purple tux) came over to me and helped me up onto my hooves. "You okay, kiddo." "Ugh, I've been better." I turn to look at Applejack who had been taken in by a few medical ponies. Though as I survey the area, I see something worrying, or rather what I don't see. Pinkie and Mason was no where in sight and I could start to feel worry creep into my mind. "Pinkie? Pinkie where are you?" "Sir! We have on coming bogies!" A guard warned my brother. "Let 'em fry." I turn to the force field to see the changelings being forced aside by something making its way through horde. I soon gasp in shock to see that it wasn't a changeling as I could see a shaggy head of pink hair. It looked to be a juggernaut as it tore through it with ease and soon passing through my brother's force field with ease. It proved that it wasn't a changeling, but what I saw was just as scary. It was Mason, torn and beaten from running through the changelings. His clothes were destroyed and I could see his flesh torn from bones. I could also see that he was missing the skin to his arm. His metallic skeletal structure exposed for all the world to see as well as several wires and hydraulics. It was protecting a pink ball I could immediately recognize. "Mason!" I called out in shock, running to the two. "We need a medic here!" Shining called out as I managed to pry open Mason's arm to free Pinkie. She was badly hurt but no fatal wounds and still conscious, if only barely. The medical ponies had come over to Pinkie and Mason once they bandaged up Applejack. They put the two in stretchers and carried them off for further treatment. I knew Pinkie would be okay, as for Mason, I really hope that the thing was just a shell for his consciousness and not the real deal. "They'll be okay, right?" "Course they will." My brother reassured me. Though, I could see that he too was unsure. He turned to the remaining soldiers. "I want a shock crystal set up here and stop all trains coming in and out until we can clear the tunnels of any and all changelings. I want it done yesterday, guys." They saluted and made their way to the castle to fetch the supplies. "Twilight, you go with your friends, I need to stay here and keep the field up." "Are you sure?" "Of course I'm sure. Also, if isn't too much to ask, could you ask if you could get somepony to bring me some food. Chrysalis hasn't exactly eat a lot and I could really go for a sandwich right about now." I smile at my brother a bit. "I'll go see if the kitchen is still intact, or at the very least a restaurant." "Please hurry." I chuckle a bit as I make my way back to the city. I only hope that things are at the very least getting back to normal in some way. I've had one hell of a day and I really want it to be over and go home > Titans and bugs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 -----Griffin empire----- "Your Majesty something has appeared in the sky above the city." said a griffin guard (wearing leather armor with rusty bits of iron on the left shoulder and right leg) knocking on his room door. The griffin king (fully nude) looked at the door and asked "what is it I am busy." the guard walked in to see his king over the small filly that the scouts had captured at the edge of the griffin/equestrian border. She was strapped to the bed crying as the 10 inch by 6 inch cock was penetrating her small snatch. "King griffos it is a black and purple metal contraption unlike anything we have ever seen." "How so." griffos said as he got off and out of the filly on the bed. As he put on his robes. "It has spikes and is made of unknown materials and is bigger then the city." The guard replied standing still looking at the filly while having a hunger grow in him. "I will check it out, oh and dispose of the whore will you." Griffos comanded as he walked out the door. Griffos walked down the hall as the sounds of the filly being brutally murdered in his name, and he loved it every time. -----15 minutes later----- "What is that thing." griffos asked his guards they tried to answer there king. "Well!!" he said getting angry. "We don't know your Majesty it just appeared out of thin air." Said captain silver (wearing leather and silver armor, a pistol on his thigh and a ak47 with an cutless) he bowed to his king. "Well investigate and bring me the head Commander that's a royal order you fail you die."said griffos as he went to the castle. "You heard the king investagate and kill the commander." Captain silver said pointing at the massive object overhead. -----unknown machine----- Captain silver's pov I hated the feeling of the metallic floor and the cold presence of pure hatred for life in its walls. The blacks and purples put me on edge it makes me want to curl into a ball. When we stumbled upon a room of countless metallic minotaurs it felt like they looked into my soul. And from the looks of my men I have to assume they feel the same as i did. As we were leaving I spotted king griffos (wearing leather and steel armor with the head of his 30th wife's head in his belt) walking the Halls of the vessel "what are your doing in here my king." I said as I bowed. "I came to put the commanders head on a pike or am I to assume you have done so already." He said as he looked down at me. "No your Majesty I have not." I said with fear in my voice. "Why not." He said as he stomped his paw on to the ground. "There is noGriff onbord your Majesty it is a waist of materials to kill some thing when it does not exist." I said trembling. "If you are right then you can have the honor of becoming our hunt, now you have a ten minute head start after that you are a traitor and Griff public enamy number one." He said in a cold and emotionless tone. I looked at him with shock and fear,I am going to die here... He looked at me frustrated this time "run!!!" He yelled -----15 minutes later----- As I hid from my fellow soldiers I fell in a hole l, it's embarrassing but it is a strange purple room with a empty tube in the Center. As I walked around the room there was no creases on the walls. As my back was turned to the tube I heard a hissing noise and a sharp pain in the back of my head. -----unknown realm----- Mason's pov "Ugh......" I groaned out as my mind felt different. I rubed my head and felt my hand..."Wait what" I am looking at my human hand as I sat up I look at my body I am wearing all grey and black clothes with red high lights. "AHHHH."I hear from behind me. I Iook and see a weird bird thing. "What the hell are you!!!" I yeld shocked and curious. "What am I what in Tartarus are you" it yeld back in fear and surprise, putting his sword to my neck. "Wow calm down." I said in surprise. "im not going to hurt you." I said in a shocked but calm voice. "I'm a human what are you." I asked "I'm a griffin"he said with venom in his voice. " my name is mason what is your name." I asked him. "What is it too you." He snapped back. "I need to know what to call you." I said. "Silver, you can call me silver."he said as he put down the sword. "Ok silver how did you get here."I asked truly curious. "I was in this purple room and then I heard a hissing and pain in the back of my head." He said as he did our hands began to disolve. "AHHHHH." "Calm down when you wake up head for Canterlot I will worn the ponies that you are coming ok but you have to trust me." I said to him. "I'll try." He said as he and I disolved entirely. -----???----- Chrysalis's pov "Chrysalis." Someling is calling my name but who and why actually who am I why can I only remember my name "Chrysalis." I open my eyes and I am in a vast ocean of purple velvet lavender and stars. "Find me." "What do you mean by that." I was met with silence "hello anyling there." I look at my limbs..."am I Swiss cheese." > Mysteries begin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 -----orbital space Bridge----- -----earth 82----- ??? Pov "What a pitty Optimus you would have made a fine Decepticon." I said as I threw my arm down on to my brother ready to scrap him. 'Klang' my optics widened as his arm meets mine and he looked at me"I chose my side" he said as he knocked me back and shot at me hitting my chest and shoulder but I transformed and ran. I have more pressing matters at hand "Starscream, my army approaches rendezvous with the space Bridge for pick up." I said through my comlink As I floated looking at the bridge to not see my ship "Starscream where is my ship." I yeld through the comlink angry that my order wasn't followed. "We would never have made it, Lord megatron, don't be a fool take flight and retreat." Said my second in command. I look at the bridge "my Legion" they all came closer and closer to me. 'kaboom' a series of explosions went off around me and caught my attention I watched as they went around the shape of the bridge "NO!!!" I moved closer to my legion and as one reached for me I reached back we touched our finger tips together then nothing. -----Canterlot----- Mason's pov When my body shut down so it could repair itself, Instead of entering metroplex I entered a pure white space that looked as if it could go on forever. I met silver in that strange place though he said he was a griffin, I don't know if I should believe him I will have to ask twilight about that. I don't know if I should have asked him to come to Canterlot, but I just wanted to know why he showed up in there with me. For the past hour my body has been regenerating, but I can't enter it though I have been in metroplex learning about the city form. Apparently there is a command center and a hanger of all the autobot bodies of the bayverse, g1, and countless Autobot soldiers from the wfc and foc games. Suddenly a silent alarm went off at the front door of the command center, as I looked through the cameras I saw twilight and her friends (notably pinkie had bandages on her forearm, around her head with some bloody bandages around her thigh and apple jack that had my healing body on her shoulder) with new ponies three taller mares and one stallion. I mentally smiled as the new mares looked like royalty with beautiful jewelry. I shut the alarm off and opened the doors and guided them to the control center. "Hello are thy here to do war with our subjects." The dark blue and purple royal said wearing a full suit of blue armor with a massive war hammer in her hands, a battle axe on her back with a great sword too. Pinkie looked at her "I don't think that you'll have to worry about that princess." she said as she hopped around like a bouncy ball. Apple jack looked at pinkie "Princess Luna is right pinkie, we know next to nothin about this here feller." she said as she put her left hand on pinkies shoulder. Pinkie looked at her "I know silly filly." Pinkie said to the cowmare as she giggled like a baby. "Ahhhhhhhhh." Rarity screamed as she looked through a door way window. Luna moved faster then light to get to rarity. "LADY RARITY WHAT IS WRONG!!!!" she yelled as she got into a battle ready stance axe and sword hovering next to her and her hammer in her hands with her wings flared. Rarity turned to luna and pointed at the window in the door "L-look at the beauty of that" luna looked at what she was talking about. -----Luna's pov----- I couldn't believe what I was seeing a room the size of the throne room, but in the Center on the ceiling is a glowing crystal the size of a house. There were tubes that stretched all over the room but lady rarity truly does have an eye for beauty. "Lulu what is it" I was startled by tia as she put her hand on my shoulder. -----Mason pov----- After the ponies stopped admiring my spark they continued down the hall to the control center where saw the camera monitors and freaked out. I do believe rarity fainted "sweet Celestia." the six girls said as they could see the streets of the city. Twilight walked forward "What is all of this." she said I got an idea and tryed it. I put a monitor on a black screen and put sound to the speekers of the room "It's my control center I monitor all that happens within my body/city." I said testing if it worked. Luna got into her battle stance"Who goes there thy show the self." so purple royal is on edge strange but understandable. Celestia put her hand on her sisters shoulder "Lulu please calm down we don't want to end up like chrysalis." Celestia said to her sister. Luna looked up at her sister "You are right sister we do not." she said with caution in her voice. Pinkie looked at the royals "I don't think that will be a problem." pinkie said pushing all the buttons in the room it's a good thing they don't do anything with out twilights permission. Luna looked at pinkie "Why do thou say that fair pinkie" luna asked Pinkie looked at her "Because he listens to the elements." she said hoping on the ceiling and staying there odly enough. The blue guard looked at the pink pony "Yes he did say that." he said in a sarcastic tone "but I know me and my twin don't think he does because I know I don't believe him." Twilight and the pink royal glared daggers at the guard "shining you and gleaming will have to wait and see if he is good or bad but twilight and her friends have become friends with him." The pink royal said. The now named shining bowed his head"Fine cadence I won't try and do anything until he is proven to be evil." He said to cadence the pink royal. I opened a repair tube and had Applejack put my body in it to make my body rebuild and reboot. As the tube opened I entered my body and I was able to feel a cold sensation I had never felt before it made me afraid. -----silver pov----- It was dark and strange I felt no pain only fear but fear of what I don't know "calm your self little one." a raspy voice said "my name is Trypticon and you control my body for I was taken control of and forced to hurt others I give you my body to write my wrongs." -----Chrysalis's pov----- "FIND ME!!!" Something yelled out for the thousandth time. I stopped listening to it hours ago and started playing with the misty clouds that floated by me. "Hello." Someling said in a deep growling voice. As I turned I was hit with what looked like a purple ball of magic sending waves of pain through my body. As it burned I screened in agony and my body began to shift and a cucoon wrapped around my body and then nothing. > Dark awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- chapter 8 -----silver pov----- I looked up at a massive dragon like thing. "What are you." I asked it as it looked at me. it's snow white eyes staired into my soul "I am a Titan class cybertronian." it said in a growling voice. I looked at the massive titan "Why am I here." I asked Trypticon. As a rectangular object came up "You are here because you took control of my body." He showed me the room with the purple walls with me in it and the tube opening with a long tentical like object with a spike at the end of it jaming it's way into the back of my head, and pulling me into the tube. "What do you mean by that." I was actually scared of dieing mainly because I'm a Virgin and I don't want to die a Virgin. He looked at me thinking of a way to simplify his meaning "I mean you have control of my body you are my body you are me my body is your virtual puppet." He said slow and how you would talk to a baby "but before we continue what is a verjen" he looked at me tilting his head. -----Megatron pov----- "Where am I."I said as I looked around to see I was in somesort of forest. "Great the organic planet just what I need." "Excuse me mister." Someone said in a shaky voice. I looked to my left to see a yellow human equine hibrid with a red mane and tale. "We're lost could you help us get home." I flicked it into a tree and it held its arm while trying to breath as two others came out of the bushes and was trying to help her by the voice I could tell it was a her. The other two we're around the same age but one was white and purple and the other purple and Orange. "Hey where do you think your going." the orange one said as it came running up to me as I walked away and punched my leg hurting it self in the process. "Brave I must say." I said picking up the thing by its shirt. "resilient even. How quaint." It even is trying to bite me it amuses me I will take this thing for my amusement. -----Sweetie bell pov----- I can't believe that thing did that to apple bloom we just wanted some help and it hurt her "help me." I heard scoots yell. I turned around "Scoots what's wro...wrong." the giant metallic minotaur had scoots but the body began to reshape and become a large metallic shape with wings and sharp points in the front of it and it flew off with her. "Scootaloo noooo!!!" I said running after them trying to catch them to no avail. "Sweetie." I looked back at bloom "we need to get out of the everfree, get help, and worn everypony of this thing." I agreed and helped bloom out of the everfree forest but one thing is standing in our way we don't know how to get out. -----Mason pov----- My mind entered the techno-organic body and to my surprise a sword was in my face when the tube opened. Why you may ask shining armor doesn't trust me nor does the purple princess. I look at shining armor "Please get that out of my face." I asked him pushing the blade from my face. "Shining you said you wouldn't do that." cadence yelled at him as she smacked him on the back of his head. "OUCH." shining looked at his soon to be wife. "sorry dear." he said putting the sword away. Applejack looked at me "so you can talk through this here form why'd you lie to us." she said scolding me. for a second I was confused until I remembered "I didn't lie to you I talked through the speekers not the form." I said explaining to the ponies. "What's the difference." Rainbow dash asked arms crossed and hovering in front of me. I looked her in the eyes "Well I can't do one of them and the other I can do, like I can't say anything out side of this room in the city form." I said as I clapped my hands together. Twilight butted in "Can we have a tour of this place." She asked in a exited voice. I looked at her as she smiled "course you can come on this way." I said as i walked past ----- Chrysalis pov ----- now I have even more questions what was that purple light where am I what am i. when the cocoon opened I now had metallic appendages. (a fusion Canon on the right arm and a odd looking weapon on her back that has a resemblance to a pickaxe). I looked at the ground to see sand and rock around the remains of the cocoon "what am I now." I asked myself as I got off of the pod. ----- ????? ----- I growled as I got off the snowy ground and smelled the blood of my victims as there corpses melted away in to the ground. With the empire coming I must prepare..."stairs." "Sombra the caves go to them your dark castle awaits with your father on your thrown." My mother told me "and somepony is here to see you." She said as radiant hope came out of the crystal. "Sombra."radiant hope came running up to me excited to see me. "Hope." I look at her astonished to see her here at all. "Is that you." I asked hoping it was. She hugged me tightly like a bear hug "Yes it is sombra I'm here, I'm real...but it's really cold out here and your really warm." She said into my chest crying a little. I grabbed her hand "Come hope let's go to my castle You can get warm there." I told her as I pulled her along. she looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes "really umm ok." she said blushing like crazy.