> Back Into The Light > by Lightning Spear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Death and Rebirth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knight Artorias stumbled through the ruins of Oolacile. Corrupted by the Abyss, Artorias has lost his sanity and slaughtered anything unfortunate enough to cross paths with him. Lost in his rage and memories his mind wandered back to the moment when Manus, Father of the Abyss took everything from him. His mind, body, and soul now corrupted by the Abyss. All that mattered was the anger and darkness...everything was black, for the Abysswalker. Moments later, Artorias found himself in a colosseum he stood motionless until something caught his attention. He saw a figure standing in the middle of the field, a Bloathead. Driven by his bloodlust, he leapt and impaled the creature with his greatsword as he landed. It was then when he sensed a new presence in the colosseum. He looked to the entrance and saw a knight, clad in Astoran knight armor. The knight also wielded a blue shield engraved with a dragon crest, and an Astoran straight sword at the ready and took a fighting stance. This knight was the Chosen Undead. Deep down in his mind Artorias tried to warn the undead advising to go no further, but the words never leave his mouth. It was too late for him, as an aura of dark energy started to engulf him, he raised his greatsword with the Bloathead still dangling on his blade and threw it at the Chosen Undead. He dodged the Bloathead's flying corpse only to be met with a flying blow from Artorias, the undead dodged just in time or else he'd be impaled with Artorias' greatsword. After clashing their blades relentlessly, there were no signs about both sides would gave up soon. Artorias stood across the Chosen Undead, looking for a breach in his defenses. When one was not found, he simply did what he was trained to do: attack relentlessly, and wait for the perfect moment to deliver a killing blow. However, the Chosen Undead seemed to adapt to Artorias' fighting style and becoming much more powerful and dangerous than he previously expected. At some points during their battle, Artorias tried to gain more dark powers from the Abyss, yet the Chosen Undead still managed to stop him from doing so. The battle had been going on for several hours, before Artorias made his first mistake. He stabbed forward with his greatsword, meaning to impale the undead on the tip, but he was quicker and more agile than Artorias had previously seen. Showing an incredible amount of speed and agility, the undead side-stepped the blade, jumped up, and stabbed Artorias through the heart with his divine Astoran straight sword, it's divine power purifying Artorias' soul and severing him from the Abyss' corruption and grasp. But not without dealing a fatal blow to Artorias himself, he howled in pain but felt peace at the same time. After years of killing innocent beings, Knight Artorias, the legendary knight of Gwyn and walker of the Abyss, has been released from the Abyss' grasp and corruption...free to die in peace. As he began to lose his consciousness, Artorias...instead of howling like a savage beast finally spoke in human tongue. " You are strong human, surely your kind are more than pure dark. I beg of you, the spread of the Abyss must be stopped." the Chosen Undead nodded in acknowledgement, as he drew his final breath he uttered two words to the undead who would later go forth and slay Manus, Father of the Abyss: "Thank you..." then, all was dark. Darkness... All that Artorias could see and feel was utter black and silence. 'Is this the afterlife? No, I can still feel...that means I am not dead' he thought to himself. Then, he checked his physical condition and saw that there were no more black sludge and aura of darkness oozing from himself, even his broken arm is healed. 'I guess his weapon purified me, may Lord Gwyn bless the Astorans.' he thought and smiled. Then, he checked his gear and equipment and found that all of them (except his greatshield) seemed to be intact and also...purified, his greatsword is no longer cursed nor corrupted. It got it's divine power back. His petrified suit of armor, fixed to it's original state. 'Strange, I do not understand this but I am not complaining.' he also found a large gnarled stick...suddenly, his smile turned into a frown 'Manus... my control over some of the Abyss' dark powers still remained...whatever happens next, I must learn to control it's powers and use it for good instead of what I have done when I was in his grasp.' Before he could inspect himself any further, a gate with a bright light materialized in front of him. Like a moth drawn to a flame, Artorias collected himself and sticked his hand into the light... Suddenly he felt a powerful force, pulling him through the light at first Artorias tried to resist but even for the great knight his efforts are in vain. Artorias began to feel the same feeling when he was defeated by Manus...fear. But something caught his attention as he is pulled deeper into the light, screams of terror echoed in his ears . Artorias' sense of concern immediately flared up 'People? sounds like most of them are women and children...they are under attack and they need help!' Artorias thought, shrugging of his fears and mentally preparing himself to dive into another battle. He finally relented, and again... all was black. Little did he know of what was going to happen to him, but one thing is certain...when he heard those screams he knew he have to help. Besides, he got nowhere else to go...he is technically dead,his home Lordran, has been destroyed by the Darksign plague and he thought this is a second chance where he would live again and redeem himself. After what seemed like an eternity , Artorias regained his consciousness and found himself laying on his back. "Back to the world of the living, eh?" he talked to nobody in particular, smirking. His vision was blurry so he couldn't tell where he is, as his vision cleared he could tell he was in a city with lots of smoke plumes. Wait, smoke plumes? Artorias immediately tried to get on his feet, but he couldn't even move his upper body 'Well, unless if someone starts blasting me with magic, or screaming for help I guess I am stuck like this for a while' Just as he finished that thought, he heard a bloodcurdling scream"AAAAAAHHHH!". ''That will do'' He shot up, adrenaline pumped into his veins and immediately rushed to find the source of the scream. > First Contact > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artorias observed that the city he was currently sprinting through was quite... grandeur. Golden spires and ivory towers dominated the skies overhead, while many of the other structures consisted of upper class restaurants, theaters, galleries, and the like. Were it not for the growing flames, pillars of smoke, and distant screams heard in the background, Artorias would have surely taken his time to enjoy the lovely city. "HELP! SOMEPONY HELP US!" The plea stopped the Abysswalker dead in his tracks. This was the person he had heard moments ago. The voice indicated that they were surely female, but the knight was more concerned with what she said. 'Somepony?' Artorias shrugged it off, as there were far more pressing matters to attend to, like saving a person in clear danger. Arriving at the corner of a ruined coffee shop, Artorias could hear footsteps getting closer to his location. He was more than ready to spring into action, but he knew that jumping headfirst into a potential conflict without any prior information was certainly anything but a smart decision. So, instead of confronting them immediately, the Abysswalker leaped atop the nearby structure to assess the current predicament. What Artorias saw next, made his jaw drop. He had expected many things, of course, but finding technicolor ponies held hostage by three other insectlike creatures of the same nature was not one of those expectations. He observed that three the insect equines had a black carapace rather than fur, unreflective eyes with no pupils or anything expected of normal eye anatomy, translucent bug wings, and a somewhat menacing, crooked horn appendage atop their heads, not to mention the doubly sharp fangs protruding from their mouths. The two 'normal' ponies looked drastically different than their captors. They were much more colorful and friendly in appearance than their bug counterparts. Out of the two, only one pony was about the same size as the bug ponies, while the other one was significantly smaller, suggesting that it was an infant of sorts. Hmm... What was the term... foal? Foal. The adult pony had white fur with a crimson mane, while the foal had the colors reversed. Artorias also noticed that both of the equines had strange marks on their hindquarters. The crimson one's mark was a highly styled rose while the white one's mark was a shimmering pearl, and he observed that the crimson pony had a pair of wings whereas the white one had a spiralled horn on its head. 'I thought pegasi and nicorns were only myths!' The Abysswalker thought. Based on their body shape, both seemed to be female. The two multicolored ponies were cowering in fear in the bug ponies' presence as they were closing in on them. 'It would seem that the insect-like ones would appear to be the attackers of this city and therefore hostile, whilst the multicolored ones are likely the victims and denizens of this city.' Artorias noted. "Please, don't hurt us!" the Pegasus begged while tears began to crawl down her cheeks. The unicorn, which was already between sobs, was hugging tightly to one of the Pegasus's legs while the winged pony took a protective stance. 'Did it just talk?' he thought. Then again, this was probably to be expected from the get-go, Artorias realized. He resumed watching the events unfold. The bug ponies laughed in response. "Believe me, little fillies, we have no intention of hurting you. No, we plan to feed off of your love!" One of the insect-like horses said, rather dramatically, and the the trio fired narrow green lasers at the two ponies, which then seemed to drain the two ponies, driving them into a state of overexertion. As he witnessed this, Artorias knew it was time to act. He immediately leaped into the air and landed directly in front of the defenseless ponies, and activated his silver pendant. The result bathed the entire area in a brilliant, golden light and deflected the magic bolts. The sudden burst of light had also stunned the bug ponies, but didn't seem to affect the Pegasus and the unicorn. As the bug ponies recovered from the blast, one of them shouted in irritation. "Who and what the buck are you?!" Artorias didn't knew what 'buck' meant in this world, but he guessed it to be an insult "Who am I? I am the legendary Abysswalker and one of the Knights of Lord Gwyn, but you can call me..." he replied with a low but intimidating voice "Artorias." The creatures winced in response. Seeing this, he smirked under the shroud of his helmet and chose psychological combat instead of immediately tearing them into shreds. They must be quite terrified to be in the presence of a large, sword-wielding, seemingly faceless entity with metal skin. "Now, you know my name...what are you?" he asked, pointing his greatsword at the three. Their ring leader spoke up,"We? We are Changelings. Subjects of her majesty Queen Chrysalissssss" they replied with a hiss, for some silly reason. If it was meant to be intimidating, the Knight didn't even blink. "Now knowing that we are all civilized here, I present to you three, two choices. First, you leave these two alone and never return to this city, or, second... you retaliate and fail miserably. Most likely dying as a result" Artorias replied sternly. "I suggest you take the first choice and leave." he paused, letting his words sink into their minds. "Like hay we will! Changelings, attack!" exclaimed the leader. As the Changelings sped towards him, Artorias dashed forward with incredible speed and lifted his greatsword high in the air. With one swift spin his sword made contact with the flesh and bones of the Changelings, slicing all of them into pieces as green blood splattered on practically everything. 'That was far more easy than I expected.' he thought. After he cleaned his blade and checked his surroundings to see if they were clear, he turned around to check the pegasus and the unicorn. When he reached them, the unicorn and the Pegasus looked at him with a mixture of awe and fear. Artorias kneeled in front of the pegasus, to make himself look smaller and less threatening, and then softly spoke "Hello there, are you both okay? Have you been harmed?" "Y-yes w-we are okay, t-thank you for saving our lives," The Pegasus stuttered "b-but couldn't you have scared them off i-instead of... well... k-killing them?" The winged pony said the last two words hesitantly and quieter, almost as if they were foreign to her. Artorias sighed and looked at them, "Unfortunately, I could not. Although it would have been preferrable, they chose to attack me, I merely defended myself, and most importantly you two in the process. I also suspect that they would've returned anyways, maybe in larger numbers. Better them than the both of you, no?" She nodded, but the Pegasus spoke again with a worried tone "But I am afraid it's no use. The city is under attack, all of our Royal Guards have been captured; Canterlot is lost." "Canterlot? Is that where we are now?" Artorias asked. Both of the Pegasus and unicorn nodded. "Is there some sort of leader I could speak to?" he asked. This time the little unicorn filly spoke up "Well, there is Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, oh and of course Princess Cadence." "But they are all the way up…..there." said the Pegasus while pointing her hoof upwards past Artorias. He turned around and saw a large gold and white castle, with seemingly hundreds of Changelings swarming it. 'Damn! This must be a full-scale invasion!' Artorias thought while lifting his greatsword on his shoulder. He then turned back to the Pegasus and unicorn, "Ladies, I suggest you hide in one of these buildings and stay in there until this situation has been dealt with; am I understood?" "Yes, um... ar- Artorias, and thank you." The Pegasus replied with a grateful smile before taking hold of the unicorn and hurriedly walking inside the nearby coffee shop. Once inside, he heard the door click, suggesting that they locked it, and watched from the window as the dashed into another room for security. Artorias drew his breath and sprinted towards the castle at an incredible speed. 'They seemed quite cordial, even to newcomers like me... l hope their Princesses will be just as friendly,' he thought 'and I hope they are okay.' > The Rescue (Part 1) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'This city is much bigger than I thought, perhaps even as big as Anor Londo.' Artorias thought while running towards the castle. On his way there, he had encountered several more Changelings and slaughtered them with little-to-no resistance (after attempting to reason with the creatures, of course,) and even freed a squad of royal guards along the way. It was interesting to note that even the royal guards, despite being trained soldiers, fainted immediately when they saw their savior. Shortly, he arrived at the castle's exterior entrance. Golden gates laid on the ground before him, crooked and shattered by force. Artorias could hear chatter from ahead. 'Alright let’s take this slow and carefully'. He quickly got down to his knees and took a quick peek. "Ah, what do we have here?" Artorias whispered. There were at least a platoon of Changelings guarding the castle entrance. Two royal guard ponies casually walked towards the troop, before morphing into changelings themselves, and joined them. Artorias might have been slightly shocked by this had he not seen previous changelings do it before. 'I'll try to give these changelings the benefit of the doubt one more time; If a diplomatic approach doesn't work, then I won't spare a second thought about killing any more of these things .' he thought and walked out from his cover. "I can't believe we actually- Wait, what is that thing right there?" one of the Changelings inquired. "Maybe a monster from the dark depths of Tartarus," one of them snickered, only to get sharp glares from its compatriots. "What?!" he exclaimed. "That!" All of the Changelings gasped in a mixture of confusion, shock, and fear. 'Hmph, rookies,' Artorias thought. Artorias readied himself, and retrieved his talisman out of his satchel, clutching it in his still injured left hand. 'Hopefully these changelings are smarter than their compatriots, otherwise, they'll be feeling the Wrath of the Gods...literally.' he thought. "I don't know; Hey freak! Yeah I'm talking to you!" one of the Changelings shouted. "What is it?!" Artorias shouted back, 'At least they are civilized enough to talk first.' "Identify yourself! Answer or be destroyed!" The Changeling ordered. "My name is Knight Artorias the Abysswalker, what is your business here?" the Abysswalker inquired. "That is none of your concern creature! Go back to where you came from and we might let you leave with your body intact!" one of them commanded with arrogance. "I hope you are well aware that you're threatening an Elite Knight of Lordran, just so you know what you're getting yourselves into..." Artorias said while pointing his greatsword at the Changelings "I implore you all to leave, lest I am forced to bring your lives about a miserable end." One of the Changelings leaped into the air and began to swoop down towards him "You can't order us around creature! DIIIE-". In an instant, Artorias' left hand began to glow and a bolt of lightning as bright as the sun itself materialized in his hand-- the Sunlight Spear miracle. The knight steadied his aim, and hurled the bolt at the swooping Changeling. *BOOM!* All that was left of the Changeling was a twisted husk of burning exoskeleton, while the internal organs are literally fried by the immense heat and electricity. The corpse landed on the ground with a splat, smashing anything that remained of the creature. His compatriots stared in shock and anger. "What did it do?!" one of the Changelings asked. "I-it bucking killed him!" one of the Changelings exclaimed in shock. "Don't just stand there! ATTACK!" ordered another Changeling. As they readied their magic, Artorias rose his talisman in the air and put a powerful magic-resistant barrier upon himself. When the Changelings fired, all of the green energy bolts hit him; covering the area with a large cloud of smoke. The Changelings cheered triumphantly, thinking they finished the menacing biped. When the smoke cleared, their jaws dropped to see Artorias still standing there unscathed. "Please tell me you can do better than that." he said mockingly. "Magic's useless against it! Tear it to shreds!" one of them ordered. All of the Changelings then charged towards Artorias simultaneously. Beneath the shroud of his helmet, Artorias smirked. As they were mere tiles away, Artorias spread his hands on both sides of his body and in an instant a massive, pearly white shockwave engulfed the swarm, crushing their bodies and killing them instantly. 'If only this miracle could be this utile all the time.' Artorias thought while putting his talisman back in his satchel and proceeding into the castle, absenting himself from a huge pile of dead Changelings behind him. ************ Meanwhile, in Canterlot Castle's Wedding Hall... "Aaah." Queen Chrysalis winced in pain. 'Why does it feel like every minute, a piece of me is dying?' Chrysalis thought. When suddenly, she felt a powerful tremor. And again, she clutched her head in pain "AAAARGGH! Why do I have this dreadful headache?!" she exclaimed. Instead of staying on the balcony, she walked inside; just in time to see Twilight Sparkle attempting to free Princess Cadence. "And just what do you think you're doing"? Chrysalis asked while using her magic to lift Twilight up. "I was just *ahem* trying to free, Cadence that’s all." Twilight replied with a sheepish smile. "Come to me my subjects." Chrysalis commanded. A squad consisting of six Changelings suddenly flew into the room from the balcony Chrysalis had left. "What is it my queen?" one of her subjects replied while bowing. "Aaaah, could you please," Chrysalis trailed off. "What is the matter your majesty?" The Changeling asked. "It's merely a headache, that’s all." Chrysalis said while rubbing her head. "Captain, take your men and see if there are any guards left inside of the castle." Chrysalis ordered. "I... feel that something is causing a major disturbance." "But my Queen, we've already scouted the entire castle thrice times before and-" "DO IT NOW! THAT IS AN ORDER!" Chrysalis shouted. "Y-Yes your majesty." The Changeling replied. "You heard the Queen, move out!" The captain ordered. The doors of the wedding hall opened and four other Changelings flew out of the room, leaving Chrysalis with only two Changelings left. "Now as for you two," Chrysalis started while giving Princess Cadence and Shining Armor a mischievous glare. "I am going to make you suffer." "No! I won't let you hurt them!" Twilight shouted. "And what are you going to do about it? I've defeated your so called Princess Celestia. What makes you think I can’t defeat you?" Chrysalis inquired. "I-I can..." "You can sit and watch my Changelings conquer Canterlot and soon all of Equestria! Hahahaha!" Chrysalis said while laughing manically. "Twilight, don’t!" Cadence pleaded. "Silence!" Chrysalis shouted. "Come now Shining Armor." Chrysalis said while using her mind control spell to make Shining Armor walk over to her. She was smiling contentedly until her headache worsened "AAAAAHH!" she screamed in agony. "What's wrong 'your highness'? Can't handle the pressure?" Rainbow Dashed asked derisively. "Silence!; You two go and find those sick others I sent to scout the castle!" Chrysalis commanded to her remaining Changelings. "At once, your majesty!" both of them replied and started walking out of the throne room. "Now back to the matter at hoof." Chrysalis said while walking towards Cadence. "How does it feel to lose everything you've ever cared about? To watch as your beloved's life is slowly drained before you?" Chrysalis asked with a dark tone. "I-It f-feels…." Cadance began to weep. "It feels what?" Chrysalis asked mockingly. "It feels painf-." *snap!* "The Captain's dead!" *crack!* "What in the name of- aRGh!?!!" *crunch!* "AAAAHHH!" *BAM!* *gurgle* "Send rein--" *snap!* "Kill it!" Before Cadence could finish her sentence, she was cut of by series of bloodcurdling screams and sickening noises of necks breaking and bones crunching outside of the wedding hall's doors. The screaming died down as soon as it started...the only thing that could be heard were faint metal hoof steps clanking against the marble floor. With every step taken by whatever stood on the other side of that door; Chrysalis flinched a little. Whatever stood behind those doors had just taken down six of her Changeling subjects. *knock* *knock* "Who dares to interrupt me?!" she asked with anger clearly present in her voice. "My name is Knight Artorias the Abysswalker, open this door immediately or I will have to blast my way through." the intruder ordered in a bold tone. > The Rescue (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few moments earlier... Artorias was exploring the castle while avoiding Changeling patrols and trying to find the princesses. After another fifteen minutes of exploring and dodging Changeling patrols, he came across a large corridor with a large double door 'I guess this is the only part left unexplored' he thought. Just as he began to move towards the double door, he heard wing flaps coming towards him 'Damn! more of them.' he quickly hid himself behind a large royal guard statue. Shortly, four Changelings landed in front of the statue--still unaware of Artorias' presence. "I knew this castle is empty!" exclaimed one of them. " Yeah! this is the sixth time we scoured this place!" another one complained. "Shut it you two, lets just go and report to the queen." the captain said sternly. Then, another two appeared from the other side of the double door...annoyed. "Where the buck have you guys been?!" one of them shouted. "Exploring-the-castle-while-looking-for-some-royal-guards duh!" one random Changeling exclaimed. "Shut it! Queen Chrysalis ordered us to look for you guys. She demanded an update." one of the new Changeling said. "Okay, lets go then...don't wanna make her wait." the captain said while walking with his group. 'Queen Chrysalis? is that their leader? she must be in there.' Artorias thought. 'Alright, lets make this quick...the space is a bit cramped...so no greatsword, great.' Artorias thought while he slung his greatsword on his back. 'Hand-to-hand combat it is then'while it seemed like Artorias is only skilled with a greatsword, his mastery in martial arts was and still is beyond excellent ,even he held out against his best friend Dragonslayer Ornstein and Bishop Havel the Rock during a friendly match . With that, he made his final observations and saw one of the Changelings was lagging behind. He walked out of his hiding place, sneaked up behind him, extended both of his arms, and... *SNAP!* "What the-" The Changelings turned around and saw their comrade lying limp and lifeless on the ground with his neck twisted in an unnatural angle. Their eyes widened in horror as they saw this, but what really scared them the most was a large-faceless bipedal creature with metal skin and a gigantic sword slunged on its back. Standing over the lifeless body of their comrade. Artorias just stand there casually while taunting the rest of them with his hand "Come get some!" he said while smirking. "Changelings, attack!" ordered the captain while taking the head-charge. As they sped towards him, he dashed towards them with every fiber of muscle in his body. Once they were in rage, he immediately grab the captain by the neck and another audible snap could be heard echoing throughout the corridor. *SNAP!* "It got the captain!" exclaimed one of the Changelings. This made the rest to attack Artorias even with more fury than before. Two of the Changelings simultaneously attacked him, but he saw this and evaded their attacks whilst grabbing both of their forehooves and slamming them to the wall...killing them instantly due to the massive force. 'Heh four down, two to go' he smirked. He dashed towards two of the remaining Changelings which were cowering frantically towards the double door. "Buck! send reinfor-" he was cut of when Artorias lifted him to the air and slammed him down with a bonecrushing force (literally) and stomped at his back and thus crushing his spinal cord with a sickening crunch. "AAAAARRGH!" was his last voice before lying motionless on the ground...dead. "You MONSTER!" the last one exclaimed hysterically while readying his magic. An irony as well. Artorias ignored his word and dashed towards the Changeling at a speed that will make Dragonslayer Ornstein pat him on the back. But, the Changeling was faster...it fired a single but scorching and powerful magic bolt at Artorias. The bolt impacted on Artorias' left arm and thus creating a scorching wound, his armor is miraculously unstached but the heat produced from the energy bypassed his armor and right into his skin . Artorias let out a small grunt of pain but nevertheless ignored the blistering wound 'Heh, this is just a flesh wound to me!'. And in lightning speed, he reached the Changeling and palm-thrusted him to a nearby wall the force was so massive that it obliterated his head beyond recognition with green blood and brain matter splattered around and leaving a crack on the wall. 'Me six, Changelings zero' he smiled triumphantly. As he catched his breath, he walked towards the double doors 'After exploring the castle, I haven't seen any of these princesses...in fact, all I've seen was more of those Changelings.' he thought 'But this is the last part left unexplored to me, and one of those Changelings mentioned that their queen is here...could the queen held the princesses captive here?' as he walked closer to the door 'I guess I am about to find out.' After he reached the door, he extended his right arm to knock the door 'If the princesses are here, first impression is always the most important aspect.' As ridiculous as this may seem, Artorias was and still is a knight after all...he was trained to treat everyone with respect and dignity,especially nobles. Then he knocked. *knock* *knock* Then, an angry voice shouted in return "Who dares to interrupt me?!" 'That wasn't very friendly. That must be Queen Chrysalis.' he thought. "My name is Knight Artorias the Abysswalker, open this door immediately or I will have to blast my way through." he said in a booming masculine voice. Queen Chrysalis' P.O.V "My name is Knight Artorias the Abysswalker, open this door immediately or I will have to blast my way through." as she heard this, she immediately flinched...knowing that she will soon come face to face with the killer of her subjects. "COME TO ME MY SUBJECTS!" she bellowed. In an instant ten more Changelings appeared from the windows and landed in front of their queen. "What is it your highness?" one of them asked while bowing. "All of you! defend this room at all costs and kill this 'knight'! We can't let him interfere with our plans!" she bellowed. Just as the Changelings took their positions, the double door shattered into pieces...leaving the Changelings, the princesses, and the Main Six shell-shocked. Artorias' P.O.V "COME TO ME MY SUBJECTS!" ''Damn it! she is calling for reinforcements!'' Artorias cursed silently. "All of you! defend this room at all costs and kill this 'knight'! We can't let him interfere with our plans!" as he heard those words, he knew there will be no more negotiations. 'Blasting through the door it is then.' he brought his talisman up again. This time, he extended his arms in front of his chest with open palms facing each other. Then, he closed his eyes while keeping his arms on their exact same position. Suddenly, a large energy sphere materialized in his arms. Drawing his breath , he moved his palms outwards and suddenly the sphere shot towards the door with an incredible speed and when it made contact...shattering it to pieces. ********************************************************* As he rushed into the wedding hall, he is focused to a large Changeling standing on the wedding stage. 'This must be Queen Chrysalis' he thought. He made another quick observation of the room...there he saw two pegasi, two unicorns, and two ponies staring at him with their mouths agape 'Eheheh, I guess I could introduce myself later.' and also two alicorns; a pink one on the stage and a white one trapped in a green cocoon on the hall's ceiling... 'Ah, they must be the princesses.' he thought. He also noticed a white unicorn stallion standing in front of a particular pink alicorn, he noticed that the stallion was staring blankly this made Artorias conclude that he was in some sort of...spell. As she saw what came through the door...Chrysalis' eyes widened in shock and fear . It looked like a bipedal creature with no...face. It's skin was made of metal...every inch of it's body was covered with metal with an azure blue cape flowing from it's back. She also noticed that the creature was holding a small orb with what looked like cloth coming from the bottom on it's left appendage and a gigantic blue-gleaming sword slung on it's back. But what frightened her the most was that on it's armored appendages was blood, the blood of her subjects. "What k-kind of creature are you?" Chrysalis asked, frightened. Seeing this Artorias smirked, 'She is scared...just like her subjects when they saw me, maybe negotiations is still useful here.' " Knight Artorias the Abysswalker, as much as I honor you as a queen... I am very displeased to see your army attacking innocent civilians. And I can see that..." He said while turning his head to the princesses "You are keeping hostages as well." 'Why am I, Queen Chrysalis afraid of this thing!?' Chrysalis thought. "I do not know what you are, but I am going to make you pay for the things you have done!" Chrysalis roared while shooting a bolt of magic at Artorias. 'So much for negotiations.' His reaction was instantaneous. He immediately activated his talisman, this time a burst of harmless shockwave emitted from his body, deflecting the magic bolt and knocking the queen a few steps back. Then, Artorias spoke with a stern voice " I suggest you surrender right now Chrysalis, or you and these ten here may end up like the rest of your subjects." he pulled his greatsword and pointed the tip at Chrysalis while glancing to six corpses of Changelings he killed with his bare hands. He noticed that the other ten were surrounding him on all sides. "Changelings, attack!" Chrysalis commanded. As all ten of them leapt towards Artorias with opened jaws ready to rip him to shreds, he held his greatsword with both hands and did a 360 degrees spin with the blade protruding out, decapitating all of them in a single blow. All of the hall's occupants even Chrysalis herself were staring with disbelief and horror. "My offer is still acceptable, leave this city now and never return." Artorias said sternly still brandishing his divine greatsword. " I shall avenge their deaths, now DIIEEEE!!!!!" Chrysalis roared furiously while rearing up to deliver a bonecrushing kick to Artorias. Artorias evaded the kick, and with a deadly speed Artorias did a sweeping kick to Chrysalis' forelegs. Breaking them. "AAARGH!!!" she shouted in pure agony. Artorias quickly walked over to her and put his feet on her ribcage while putting the tip of his greatsword on her neck. Ready to bury it in the queen's flesh. Her life, now hangs at Artorias' hands. Then, he heard hushed voices behind him. ""Quickly, go to him this is your chance!." Twilight said while freeing Princess Cadence from the sticky Changeling goo that had her hooves sticked to the ground. Princess Cadence quickly made her way to Shining Armor; she looked at her husband and laid a hoof on his muzzle. She shed a tear and hugged him tightly. Suddenly sparks came out of her horn, and suddenly a small heart appeared and made it's way all over to Shining Armor's head. The heart popped in front of his head, freeing him from Chrysalis' mind-control spell. "Huh? Wha-? what happened? is the wedding over?" he asked, she smiled in response. " It is...over" Chrysalis said weakly. Artorias didn't say a word. Instead, he applied pressure at her broken forelegs causing her to grunt in pain and silencing her. "Why don't you just kill me?! get this over with!" Chrysalis said to him quietly. "It is not my call to do that since you are a queen, it will be a shame but it is their call..." he said while glancing toward the ponies. "Quickly! Preform your spell." Twilight said. "No." Shining Armor said while trying to perform the spell. His horn gave of some sparks but no magic came out of it. "My power is useless now, I don't have the strength to repel them" he said with a defeated tone. Cadence trotted over towards him and gave him a hug. "My love will give you strength." Cadence said while hugging him tightly. Shining Armor closed his eyes and hugged her back. Suddenly Shining Armor's horn started glowing; Cadence horn did the same. Their horns connected with one another and a bright purple/pink light covered them. Cadence one's messed up mane and coat returned to its normal state and her energy returned, Shining Armor's energy seemed to have returned to him as well. The light became brighter and brighter, suddenly Cadence and Shining Armor's eyes became a bright white and the light became so bright that everybody had to close their eyes. Suddenly a big heart appeared. The magical energy became bigger and bigger until it 'exploded' sending a huge wave of magic across Canterlot. The magic didn't seem to affect the ponies nor Artorias. It seemed that this magic, has properties that could ward off all evils in it's vicinity. Suddenly all Changelings in the area dead or alive are thrown outside of Canterlot by the magic, even their sticky goo were fading away (this included the cocoon Princess Celestia was trapped in) . "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!"Chrysalis screamed while she was sent flying of the wedding hall with her broken forelegs dangling. 'This is amazing, I've never seen any magic like that before...not even at the Duke's Archives!' he thought while slinging his greatsword on his back. Cadence and Shining Armor hugged each other. Twilight quickly trotted over towards the recently freed Princess Celestia. "Princess are you okay?" she asked with concern present in her voice. "I'm fine Twilight, but now we have a real wedding to attend to." Celestia said in a motherly tone. Artorias just stood there, trying to digest what has transpired before his eyes. He snapped out of his trance when he heard a raspy feminine voice. "Whoa! wait a minute." Rainbow Dash said. "What is it Rainbow?" Applejack asked. "I know we're all happy and all, but we still don't know what that thing is!" Rainbow Dash said while pointing her hoof at Artorias. "Huh? What is that thing?!" Shining Armor asked with fear. Then, all eyes fell on Artorias. > Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As all eyes fell on him, Artorias just stood there...motionless. 'Time to introduce myself, remember...with grace and elegance. First impression is always the most important aspect.' by this, he bowed towards the group before standing back at his full height. "My name is Knight Artorias the Abysswalker, it is unfortunate we could not meet under better circumstances. Just call me Artorias or Knight Artorias or whichever do you feel like." he said with a confident tone. All of the ponies, including the princesses were eyeing him curiously especially Twilight. None of them said a word until... "Drop your weapons creature!" a masculine voice boomed. 'Damn!' he cursed mentally. When he turned around , Artorias saw a squad consisting of six royal guards: two pegasi, a large muscular earth pony, and three unicorns-ready to attack him. Artorias recognized them as the squad he saved earlier on his way to the castle. "Stand down, or we will resort to force!" barked the earth pony. 'Must be the squad leader, but when I rescued him from those Changelings he didn't seem to be the courageous type.' At this , his grip on his talisman grew tighter...ready to fire. " I didn't come here to fight, but I will defend myself if necessary." he said in a stern voice. Tension started building in the air as neither sides were willing to give up, but before either sides could do anything a thundering voice boomed. "STAND DOWN! ALL OF YOU!" Princess Celestia boomed using her royal Canterlot voice. This startled everypony in the room (excluding Artorias), as they never heard the princess spoke in that manner before. Hearing this, the guards immediately saluted and stand their grounds without taking their eyes off Artorias. After a moment of silence, Princess Celestia started walking towards the squad. As she got nearer, they knelt before her "You may rise my little ponies." she said in a motherly tone. Then she turned her eyes to the earth pony " Captain Shatterstorm, I appreciate your concern for our security. But Knight Artorias here meant no harm to us. Even he just saved all of us and all of Equestria from certain doom." she said while keeping her poker face. "Forgive us your majesty, we didn't know." the captain said while bowing respectfully. "It is okay captain, but I'd appreciate if you treat him with respect and dignity next time." and turned to Artorias who immediately knelt before her. "Your majesty..." he said in respect. Celestia smiled softly "Rise, Sir Artorias." She was a bit uneased by his size even for Celestia herself Artorias towered above her by two heads. "Forgive me for the hostility Sir Artorias, let me introduce myself. My name is Princess Celestia, the co-ruler of Equestria." 'co-ruler? so, there are two rulers here?' he thought, but decided to question it later. "It is understandable your majesty, probably because you haven't seen any of my kind before. Oh, and I am terribly sorry about the door. I will fix it soon, I promise." Artorias said politely while glancing at the remains of the door. " Sir Artorias, there is no need to be sorry for the door if you didn't come, all will be lost now." she said softly "Besides, our magic can replace that door in no time. And please, call me Celestia. I am not into formalities that much." she chuckled. "And that is true, we have never seen any of your kind before. Even after thousands of years, none of us know of your kind's existence." " Oh really? then I am the first of my kind to arrive here." Artorias said matter-of-factly ''And maybe the last one...'' he said quietly. "Excuse me?" Princess Celestia asked. "Oh, nothing your high- *ahem* Celestia." The solar diarch, eyed him suspiciously before she shrugging it off. "But, I do have one question." by this, her mood changed into a grim expression. "Why do you have to kill those Changelings?" then, the room fell into a deep silence. Artorias sighed, " I have tried to negotiate with them, but unfortunately..." he paused "negotiations were not possible, so I was forced to kill them before they could harm anybody else. Besides, it is my duty to protect the innocent and make the world a better place to live in." Satisfied by his answer, the solar diarch nodded and gave him a warm smile. Then, Princess Cadance trotted next to her (much to Shining Armor's dismay, but after Cadance talked to him he finally relents). Seeing this, Artorias knelt before her. The princess slightly chuckled at this. "Please Sir Artorias, there is no need for formalities ." She chuckled " I believe, I speak for all of us when I say; thank you for saving not only my wedding but also all of us and all of Canterlot." Artorias smiled underneath his helm " I am just doing my duty your majes-" "Please, call me Cadance. Only officials call me Princess. " she smiled. Artorias nodded politely "And please, call me Artorias" he said while looking at everypony in the wedding hall, getting small smiles from the ponies. " Um, excuse me... Sir- *ahem* Artorias." Twilight trotted up next to him. "Yes? how can I help you Ms-?" " Twilight Sparkle" she said while extending her right hoof,smiling "Princess Celestia's personal student." Artorias, smiling underneath his helmet then took her hoof with his right hand and gave it a gentle but firm shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Sparkle, it must be a big honor to become her majesty's- *ahem* Celestia's personal student." Twilight blushed at this. Next, Spike came up running towards Twilight "Twilight! you are okay!" he said while hugging the purple unicorn. "Woah! who is this Twilight?" he said while looking at Artorias. Before Twilight could respond to his question Artorias bowed and extended his right hand, "My name is Knight Artorias the Abysswalker, and you are?" "Wow! that's cool! I am Spike, Twilight's number one assistant." he said proudly. "It's a pleasure to meet you Spike.You know , this is my first experience talking to a dragon." he said matter-of-factly. "What do you mean? there are no dragons in your world?" Spike asked. "Well, it's just that dragons in my world can't talk...and their hostility is out of the question." he replied. " Oooh I see. So, where did you come from?" he asked again. Just as he began to move his mouth to reply, the rest of the main six huddled to him...introducing themselves. The first one, no doubt is Pinkie Pie immediately jumped on top of Artorias and gave him a bonecrushing hug. 'She is pretty damn strong compared to her size!' Artorias thought before tapping the party pony on her shoulder. "Excuse me miss, I can't breathe!" he said, panting. Pinkie released him, then... "*gasp* thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! My name is Pinkie Pie! And I am going to throw you the best welcome party ever!" she said in a rapid succession. Artorias just sit there, trying to digest the stream of words that were thrown at him. 'So, her name is Pinkie Pie. And she wanted to throw me a party?' "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Pie." he extended his right arm to Pinkie which immediately shook. And after that, she zapped out of the room. Just as when Artorias tried to ask, "Don't worry, she is just being Pinkie Pie." Twilight said with a sheepish grin. Artorias nodded...when suddenly, a burning pain engulfed his left arm. "AARGH!" he screamed while clutching his left arm. " Quickly, get a medic!" Shining Armor barked to a royal guard while he ran towards Artorias . This caused everypony to huddle at Artorias, trying to help him. He immediately took his left-hand gauntlet off, and saw that the wound is still blistering and burning through his flesh. This made the ponies winced a bit due to the grotesque wound. 'Dark magic, of course.' he quickly grabbed his talisman and activating a healing spell that caused runes to circle over the wound. And in the next instant the wound was no longer there. Everypony watched this with their mouths agape, even the princesses themselves. "You are full of surprises aren't you Artorias." Shining Armor said. Artorias smirked, "Heh, you have seen nothing yet." he said while panting heavily. Shining Armor took the initiative and giving his hoof at Artorias, which he shook firmly " Forgive me for my rudeness, I am Shining Armor, Twilight's big brother and captain of the royal guard." he said proudly "and soon..." he glanced at Princess Cadance, and winked playfully at her which she returned "Princess Cadance's husband." "Ah, it's a pleasure captain." "No, it is my honor to shake hands with the hero who not only saved my wedding but all of Equestria as well." "I am just doing my duty." With that, Shining nodded. The next pony to step in line was Rarity, who was smiling and eyeing him from head to toe for some reason. Artorias, feeling awkward at the situation decided to speak first "Hello there miss, may I know your name?" 'Based on the way she is looking at me, I think she is some kind of fashion designer.' he thought. " My name is Rarity." she said in an elegant tone "A pleasure to meet you darling." Surprisingly, it was Rarity who extended her right hoof. Artorias took her hoof and shook it. "Tell me darling, is this your skin?" she said while poking at his breastplate. Artorias chuckled "No Miss Rarity, this is my armor." "Did you do all of these grooves and carvings by yourself ?" she asked while examining the texture of his armor. "Yes, in fact I forged this by myself." he said "Darling, this is just fabulous! with that azure blue cape and scarf this is just...magnificent!" she paused and flicked her elegantly curled mane. "You and I are going to get along just fine darling." "Thank you Miss Rarity, I do hope we can get acquainted better soon." he smiled underneath his helmet. "Now if you excuse me, I've got to prepare the real Princess Cadance's wedding dress. I'll see you around Artorias." Artorias nodded politely. 'The real Cadance? what in Gwyn's name happened before I got here?' The next pony who walked up to him was Applejack. "Howdy' , mah name's Applejack. Nice to meet ya partner." She said while extending her right foreleg , which Artorias took and shook. "It's nice to meet you too, Miss Applejack. Strong legs, I like it." he said after noticing Applejack's strength. " Thank ya' kindly Artorias, that's what ya' get from buckin' apple trees fer years." she said proudly. 'Bucking apple trees? like kicking them? ' he thought. "Now if you excuse me, I've gotta bake more of them cakes and cookies." Artorias nodded politely. The next pony to step in line was Rainbow Dash along with Fluttershy. "Man, I can't believe you kick Chrysalis and her Changelings flanks like they were nothing! plus that sweep kick is bucking sweet! you should teach me your moves sometimes." she paused " My name's Rainbow Dash by the way, fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" she said proudly. " It is nice to meet you Miss Dash, about that I will think about it." he said while extending his right hand, which Rainbow took and shook. "Trust me, I am a quick learner. I am also a black-belt in karate." 'Karate? must be a style of martial arts.' "Then, I am looking forward to teach you my skills." he smiled. "Aw yeah!" she exclaimed while doing a flip in mid-air. Then their attention shifted towards Fluttershy, who looked nervous. "Come on flutters, say hi to Artorias." Rainbow said. Yet Fluttershy didn't even move. Seeing this, Artorias took his helmet off. In an instant, all activities in the room stopped and looked square towards Artorias. Under the shroud of his helmet, lays a handsome face with crystal blue eyes and well kempt hair. And most of all his face is made of flesh and blood, like that of a pony's. Everypony in the room watched as Artorias stepped closer to Fluttershy. At this point, Fluttershy has calmed down a lot knowing Artorias was not a beast of the dark trying to gobble her up. Artorias knelt before her, to make himself less larger and more friendly. Artorias smiled, gave his right hand and spoke in a very soft tone "It's okay , I am not going to hurt you. My name is Artorias, and you are?" this startled everypony in the room. "M-my n-name is F-Fluttershy." she squeaked while giving her right hoof to Artorias, he took and shook her hoof gently. 'She really is a shy one...she seems very...sensitive. Better be careful around her, or else I'd likely hurt her feelings.' he thought. With that, he let her hoof go and they smiled at each other briefly. "Now, I must rehearse my song birds for the wedding's music. If you don't mind that is." "Of course I don't mind." he said while smiling. Fluttershy nodded and walked towards her song birds. With that done, Artorias stood up and smiled triumphantly. > The Knight and The Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After introducing himself to everypony in the wedding hall, Artorias went over to the balcony to clear his head. Besides, the whole event that transpired that day have left him a lot of thoughts. His mind wandered back to his home, his friends, and of course Manus Father of The Abyss. As much as he wanted to drive his divine greatsword through Manus' heart and stopping the spread of the Abyss, he knew he can no longer do anything about it. He just hoped that Manus is dead and the spread of the Abyss has been stopped by the Chosen Undead. 'My duty in my previous life is over, nothing I can do about it. Now, My duty is to protect this land and its inhabitants from anything that may threaten their safety...even if that means I have to die a second time, so be it.' he steeled himself as he think about this. Just as he closed that thought, another one barged into his mind...Ciaran. 'I wish I kept that promise to her.' Flashback... It was a beautiful night on the city of Anor Londo, everyone else was vast asleep. Well almost everyone. In his quarters, Knight Artorias was busy preparing his weapons and equipment for his next mission to Oolacile. As soon as he heard that the Abyss was attacking the kingdom of Oolacile, he immediately volunteered to stop the attack . All was quiet, until he felt a presence behind him. He turned around and saw Ciaran, standing behind him. "Hello there Ciaran, may I help you?" he said casually. "Don't you 'may I help you' me!" she replied sternly. " Ciaran, what's wrong? why are you-?" "Artorias, are you insane?! you can't do this alone!" she yelled. " The last time you traversed the Abyss, you almost died! don't you realize that?!" . Artorias sighed, and stared into Ciaran's golden eyes. "I am sorry Ciaran, as much as I need your help you just can't go!" he yelled back " I am the only one who can traverse the Abyss, and you know it. If you go with me..." he paused " You will perish in there, and I can't risk that to happen because I can't lose you." "And I can't lose you either Artorias! *sniff*" tears started forming in her eyes. " You are just too precious for me to l-" before she could finish her sentence, Artorias pulled her into a warm-comforting hug. She returned the hug and buried her head into Artorias' chest as tears started flowing down her face. They stayed like this for a long time before letting go of each other. Artorias wiped away her tears and cupped her chin. " Yes, I almost died. but I returned didn't I?" he said softly . Ciaran then stared into his crystal blue eyes and smiled softly " Yes, you did..." she paused "Promise me Artorias, I beg of you, promise me that you return to me alive." hope and concern present in her eyes and voice. Artorias held her arms and pulled her closer, their faces inches away from each other "I promise" Artorias leaned in, and kissed her deeply. She returned the kiss, and after what seemed like an eternity they let go of each other. "Be safe, I love you Artorias." " I love you too Ciaran." he gave her one last hug, and with that he departed to Oolacile. End of flashback... 'All of the missions given to me, I failed none of them...but one simple request from the one I love the most...' he trailed off. He was drowned in his thoughts, unaware that a certain sun princess was walking towards him. "Artorias, are you okay?" she asked in a soothing voice. Artorias snapped out of his thought "Y-yes princess, I-I am okay. I was just clearing my mind that's all" he said. She smiled in response "It's good to hear that, the wedding will begin shortly. As our savior, we would like to properly introduce you to the citizens of Canterlot if you accept of course." "Oh that will be lovely princess, thank you." he said while bowing politely. "You are welcome Artorias." she smiled. "Let's see how Twilight and her friends are doing." "Lead the way princess." he said Celestia snickered in response. "All set?" Twilight asked her friends. "All set boss!" they replied in unison. "All set princess" she trotted to Princess Celestia. She gave a nod of approval "Then lets get the wedding started shall we?" As final inspections were made to see if everything is in their place, Artorias and everypony else got into their positions to start the wedding. -------------------------------------------------- "Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today not only to celebrate the union of the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza--." "Just Cadence is fine." Cadence cut Celestia off The sun princess smiled in response. "The union of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, but also a new hero. A hero who not only saved the wedding, but also all of Equestria." 'Remember, with grace and elegance.' Artorias thought while walking towards the wedding hall's double doors (which had been recently fixed thank magic for that) Captain Shatterstorm and his squad have joined in as well, and were acting as his escorts. The double doors opened and revealed Captain Shatterstorm, his squad, and a large faceless metal-skinned bipedal creature walking out of it. All of the ponies gasped when they saw what the royal guards were escorting. "My little ponies, may I introduce you to the hero who saved all of Equestria: Knight Artorias the Abysswalker." Celestia announced. Artorias elegantly walked towards the wedding altar and stood behind Cadence and Shining Armor. He turned around, bowed, and spoke up. " Good afternoon, my name is Knight Artorias. It is a pleasure to meet all of you, before you ask; yes I am a knight and I am not from around here, but I mean all of you no harm. On my honor, I will do anything to keep Equestria and her citizens safe from dangers both in and outside her borders." he said politely. Then he placed both of his hands on his helmet, and took it off, thus revealing his face. "As you can see, I am not a creature of darkness; I am made of flesh and blood just like all of you." This, seemed to made the ponies relax. Then, he pitted his helmet against his hip. "Artorias, please stand beside me; I think Cadence and Shining Armor have something to tell you." Artorias nodded politely and walked up the altar towards Princess Celestia. "Knight Artorias, even if we do not know of your kind; I can't thank you enough for the things you have done. From what I've seen; you are brave, heroic, and wise . I am happy you were on our side and not on Chrysalis'." Cadance said. Artorias bowed to her , " I am just doing my duty princess." he said politely. "And I would like to thank you as well if you didn't come all will be lost now; we and all of Equestria is in your debt." Shining Armor said while giving Artorias a bow. To Artorias' surprise; all of the ponies bowed to him, even Princess Celestia herself. Artorias bowed back. "Now we shall continue why we are all here". Celestia said. "May we have the rings please?" Spike walked up with the two rings on a small pillow, the rings were covered in a golden aura and levitated over towards Cadence and Shining Armor. The rings were put on each other’s horns. Cadence and Shining Armor smiled at each other. "I now pronounce you: mare and colt." Celestia announced. 'This reminds me of Lady Gwynevere and Lord Flan's marriage' he thought, whilst smiling happily at both his memory and the current situation. Cheers erupted from the ponies in the wedding room for the recently married couple. Cadence and Shining Armor walked towards the balcony. They stood outside and looked at the city of Canterlot below them. All of the ponies on the streets started cheering for them. Artorias stood by the princess' side, and followed the princess and the rest of the main six to the balcony. "Rainbow Dash, That’s your cue." Celestia said. 'What?' Artorias thought. Rainbow Dash nodded in response and literally flew out of her dress. With an amazing speed she performed her signature sonic rainboom high above Canterlot. "Best. Wedding. Ever!" Artorias couldn't believe his eyes ' I guess she was not lying when she said she is the fastest flyer here.' 'This day is not going to be so bad after all.' With that said; the wedding party had officially begun, everypony was celebrating and congratulating Shining Armor, Princess Cadance, and of course thanking Artorias for his deeds. As evening falls, Artorias was invited by Princess Celestia and the main six to attend the party that took place on the castle's gardens. Princess Cadance and Shining Armor were embracing each other tightly in a slow dance, Artorias smiled as he observed the scene around him...the happiness, peace, festivities, and harmony really soothed his soul. All of a sudden, Artorias saw another alicorn with a dark blue coat and a starry mane that represents the night sky. 'Ah, another princess. She must be the co-ruler Celestia mentioned earlier' he thought. 'I've got to say, after all of the princesses I've met here she is the most, charmi- wait, what?' he immediately shook that thought from his mind and regained his composure. She landed beside Princess Celestia "Hello everypony, did I miss anything?" she said in a soft tone. Artorias bowed to her politely. Princess Luna chuckled at this, "Please, no need for formalities . We are Princess Luna, thou must be Sir Artorias." 'We? why is she referring to herself like that?' "Yes, that is correct. It is an honor to meet you personally princess." he smiled. With that done, Artorias,the main six, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia looked at the scene with smiles planted on their faces; Rarity shed tears of happiness . Pinkie Pie looked at Twilight, Twilight nodded and Pinkie Pie smiled with joy and made a little squeal. She trotted over towards the DJ stand and somehow pulled Vinyl Scratch from behind it. 'What kind of contraption is that?' he thought with a bewildered expression on his face. Twilight saw his bewildered expression, and was about to give Artorias a lecture about electronic music instruments until... "Let’s get this party started!" Pinkie said while she grabbed a microphone with her mouth and threw it towards Twilight. Twilight caught the microphone with her magic and started singing. Love is in bloom A beautiful bride, A handsome groom Two hearts, becoming one A bond that cannot be undone Because love is in bloom A beautiful bride, a handsome groom I said love is in bloom They’re starting a life and making room for us Love is in bloom, A beautiful bride, a handsome groom I said, love is in bloom They’re starting a life and making room for us For us, For us. 'I have never heard this kind of music, but I like it!' Back in Lordran, all he listened was classical orchestra music at several grand occasions and ceremonies. He was enjoying the music, until he felt a tug on his shoulder. He turned around and saw Princesses Luna and Celestia were smiling at him. "Walk with us Artorias, I think it's time we get to know each other. I mean, we didn't even know where you come from." said Princess Celestia "It will be my genuine pleasure your highnesses. Let me alleviate your wonders." He smiled With that, the three of them walked deeper into the Royal Gardens. --------------------------------------------------- On the streets of Canterlot were Twilight and her friends, Cadence, Shining Armor, and many other ponies still celebrating the wedding. A royal chariot had arrived to take tho bride and groom away. Twilight opened the door with her magic and bowed, Cadence was the first one to enter; Shining Armor was about to enter before he stopped and looked at his little sister. "Twilight! None of this would have been possible without you little sis. Love ya Twilight." Shining Armor said while smiling. Twilight smiled back. "Love you to BBBFF." Twilight then hugged her brother, which he returned. Shining Armor stepped into the royal chariot. "Ready to go?" he asked Princess Cadance. "Oh I almost forgot." Cadence said while standing on the couch of the chariot and throwing the bouquet of flowers out of it. Some mares tried to catch it; only for Rarity to push them aside and catching the bouquet of flowers with her magic. "MIIINNNEEE!"Rarity screamed.The mares looked at her with an angered expression. "Heheheheh." Rarity laughed nervously. The royal chariot left, taking the princess and her new prince. "Now this was a great wedding." Twilight said while watching the chariot ride away. "Oh yeah? Just wait and see what I have planned for the bachelor party." Spike said. Spike and the others laughed while Twilight held her hoof to her face from embarrassment, but eventually she laughed as well. ------------------------------------ Artorias were walking with the princesses through the gardens, mainly the princesses asked about his origins and homeworld. And of course, he answered them perfectly but refused to go through the details, he stated that it would be better to answer their questions with more details when Twilight and her friends are around. 'She seemed to be the studious type.' he thought. As night falls, they returned to the castle. "Thank thee Artorias, tonight is very enjoyable." Princess Luna said. "It is my pleasure your majesty." he said politely. "Now Artorias, we would like to retire for the day but before that we would like to walk you to your chamber." Princess Celestia said 'They will do what?!' all of a sudden he felt very awkward. But, since he didn't even know where his chamber was he relented. "T-thank you your majesties, I am honored. It's just, usually I am the one doing the walk-and-escort." he said while bowing. "Don't mention it Artorias, it is the least that we can do." Princess Luna said. Artorias nodded politely, and they walked towards his chamber. The walk was short and silent, after turning a few more corners they arrived at Artorias' chamber. "This is it Artorias, I hope everything suits you. If you need anything, you only need to ask." Princess Celestia said softly. "Thank you princess, this is more than perfect to me." he said politely "Have a good night Artorias." Princess Luna said. Artorias nodded politely, and just as he turned to open the door... "Hi Artorias, where have you been?" Twilight said with a cheery tone. He turned around and saw Twilight with her friends in tow, walking towards him. "Hello, girls. I was engaged with a short Q&A session with Princesses Celestia and Luna that's all." he replied casually. Twilight's ears flattened against her head as she heard this "I wish I could be there too, I've got a lot of questions for you Artorias." Artorias smiled and patted Twilight's head gently. "Don't worry Miss Sparkle, I am always open for questions and since I've got questions on my own how about if we have another Q&A session tomorrow?" "Where and when?" they asked in unison with huge grin planted on their faces "Er, will the castle gardens suffice? In the morning perhaps?" Twilight and her friends perked up at this "Oh, that would be wonderful! thank you Artorias!" she said as the rest of them huddled Artorias into a group hug. He was surprised, but returned the hug nevertheless. "Now, I suggest we call this day off. Good night girls." he said politely. "Good night Artorias." they replied in unison. He nodded, and walked into his chamber inside, he smiled when he saw everything fits his needs his room even has balcony and a bathroom large enough for him to use. He walked towards the balcony and opened the door, just as he was outside he felt the breeze of night air caressing his face. From his position, he saw the beautiful city of Canterlot stretching as far as his eyes could see. He looked up at the moon and stared into its tranquil light...this reminds him of his past habit with Sif. 'Sif, wherever you are now; I hope you are still alive. Forgive me my friend...forgive me.' he sighed sadly. After staying on the balcony a bit longer, he took of his armor and went to sleep...unaware that the Princess of The Night was watching him. "Good night Artorias." she said with a soft smile. > Questions and Initiation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artorias was walking through the Chasm of The Abyss with his great grey wolf companion by his side and their weapons at the ready. Moments later, he saw a lot of black and white sprites in the area. Some were as tall as a small child and some were as tall as himself. Suddenly, all of the black and white sprites locked their white glowing eyes and glided towards him in a ghastly manner. Just as Artorias was about to act, all of the sprites vanished with a dark blue equine figure fading away into distortion. And he woke up. -------------------------------- Artorias was panting heavily and drenched in sweat because of his dream. ''It was just a dream , and I know how it ended. But, I could've sworn I saw Princess Luna in my dream.'' he said with a bewildered expression. He quickly took off his leather tunic, revealing a muscular body underneath it and a stab scar on his chest. It was still at dawn, so there was plenty of time for him to prepare himself for the day ahead... 'I guess I should get myself cleaned up and head towards the gardens to meet up with the girls.' he thought. He entered the bathroom, took a bath, shaved, and washed his leather tunic and pants to rinse it of sweat and dead skin. It was nice to get clean. While he waited for his garments to dry, he thought about what he should tell and show to the girls. 'Hmm perhaps I could show them my weapons, gear, and other equipments...oh! and of course my hand-to-hand combat skills and miracles. Twilight and the rest of her friends would love that...I sure hope the princesses could join us as well.' he thought. With his tunic and pants dry, he quickly put them on and walked back out to his chambers. He quickly tidied his bed, cleaned his armor, but instead of putting them on he decided to leave them on his chamber. "I don't think I am going to wear you today." he said to no one in particular while tapping on his armor's pauldron. After setting them neatly, pieces-by-pieces he retrieved his greatsword and satchel then went out to the gardens. On his way there, he passed by some guards who gave him curious looks but also firm salutes. Artorias nodded in response and kept walking towards the gardens, until he heard a soft voice behind him "Good morning Artorias." He turned around, and saw Princess Luna standing there with a smile on her face. "Good morning Princess Luna." he said while bowing politely. "I've got to say, you look different without your armor." "Oh? how so princess?" "Well, you look a bit smaller and more...*ahem* muscular, and I can see you perfectly now." she said with a small blush Artorias chuckled at this, "It is because of my job princess." "May I ask where are you going at such an early hour?" "I am heading to the Royal Gardens to meet Miss Sparkle and her friends, because they've got questions on their minds." he paused "But, since you are here would you like to join us? I assume you still have a lot of questions left unanswered." "Oh that would be wonderful!" she said with a happy tone. "Walk with me Artorias." she said with a smile. "Oh, and please call me Luna." "As you wish, Luna" he replied with a smile. Shortly they reached the gates that leads to the gardens. The gate was guarded by two unicorn guards and upon seeing them, immediately saluted and opened the gates with their magics and with that done; Artorias and Princess Luna entered the Royal Gardens. After they are quite distant from the gates, they strode through the gardens. During their walk, Artorias and Luna shared some small talks and jokes with each other; occasionally giggles and laughters could be heard from the pair. Suddenly, she stepped in front of Artorias...staring at his eyes. "Artorias, may I ask th- you something?" "Yes, you may Luna. But before that, do you mind if we find somewhere to sit?." he replied with a smile. "Of course I don't mind. I am getting tired anyways." she replied sheepishly. After that, they found a large tree with bright-colored flowers. Then they sat down next to each other underneath its leafy shelter. "So, what was your question Luna?" Artorias asked "What was that dark place in your dream last night? it was shrouded in a very dark and evil aura." 'So, she was really in my dream.' he thought "That...was The Abyss." he said with a dark tone "What do you mean?" she asked with a confused tone. "It is not just a typical abyss, it is a place of darkness, malice, and hatred. Nothing could survive and traverse the abyss without getting killed or corrupted by its everlasting darkness..." he said while holding back his anger, remembering what he the Abyss had taken from him. Then, Luna spoke softly "Could you tell me more about this?" "Luna, are you sure you want to hear this? my world is filled with death and violence...the story I am about to tell is not for the weak-stomached." he warned her. She shuddered at this, but nodded " I want to know more about you in person." she said with a smile. Artorias nodded before continuing, " I was sent by my king, Lord Gwyn to stop the Abyss' spread in a city called New Londo. There, I was supposed to meet up with three red-robed healers or sorcerers you may call them . Upon arriving at the city, it was chaotic in there. People ran for their lives, bodies littered the streets, and so on. Upon meeting up with the three of them, they instructed me to go to to the deepest bowel of the city to find and kill the city's corrupted leaders- The Four Kings and they also told me to beware of the Darkwraiths-the former knights of New Londo who fell into the Abyss' corruption just like their leaders." he paused "After pushing through the city, I encountered those Darkwraiths since they were corrupted I had no choice but to kill them." he said with a sad tone. Luna noticed his change of tone, she sat closer to Artorias and draped her wings on his shoulders "Artorias, are you okay? we can always drop the question if this made you feel uncomfortable." she said with a soothing voice. Artorias was surprised by the sudden embrace, but returned the embrace nevertheless "I am okay Luna, besides I have to get over this eventually." he said with a smile. They broke the hug, and he continued. "So, after I made my way through the city I finally reach the bowel where The Four Kings resided. I was no match for them, they got me pretty bad and I was at the verge of death until a black primordial serpent known as Darkstalker Kaathe offered me, my people, and my land a second chance and in exchange I made a covenant with him and the Abyss...if it was not for my promise to my loved ones, I chose death instead of making that blasphemous covenant." he said while clenching his fists, anger visible from his eyes. After he regained his composure, he continued. "But, I was not that stupid. After making the covenant, I turned against them and hunted the Darkwraiths ...cutting down their numbers tremendously and I nearly buried my sword into Kaathe's temple." he said while pointing at his divine greatsword "But, the wretched serpent managed to escape and I was forced to deal with The Four Kings again. After a gruelling battle, I somehow ended up in the abandoned streets of New Londo and made my way towards the three sorcerers. Upon arriving , needless to say they were shocked at my condition; I was barely alive at that point; but I told them that things are taken care of." he let out a deep sigh before continuing " Then, they told me even if I managed to stop the spread of the Abyss and defeating The Four Kings and their minions there were no guarantees they will stop there. So, they flooded the city...murdering thousands of innocent people and confining the dark forces therein." as he said this, a tear rolled down his cheek. Luna was about to cry as well, Artorias noticed this and pulled her into an embrace "Luna, do you still want me to continue? I don't want my past to plague your mind." he whispered into her ears. Luna looked into his eyes and nodded. He smiled and broke the hug. "When I got back to my city, Anor Londo, I got an intensive medical treatment, and my city awarded me with this silver pendant." he said while pointing at his pendant "which is capable to deflect darkness, especially in magic form...and also a new title 'Sir Artorias the Abysswalker' " he said proudly. Luna smiled at this, she thought that was the end of it. But... "And that was my first travel into the Abyss." Luna's jaw hung in the air... "What?! how many times have you *gulp* been there?!" she said with a panicked tone. "Two times." he paused "But it was during my second trip, that everything changed." "H-how so?" she stuttered "Before I continue, are you sure you want to hear this? because this will get a lot more worse than my first travel." he warned her for the last time. She nodded and he continued. " Years after my first travel into the Abyss, a neighboring kingdom known as Oolacile was being attacked by a primeval man known as Manus. After further investigations it appeared that Darkstalker Kaathe, fooled the sorcerers in Oolacile to upturn his grave. Then, they tortured him into madness until there was nothing left but rage and desire inside him. Being a primeval man, he's got powers even beyond our comprehension. His rage formed a new Abyss, and turned the citizens of Oolacile into crazed mutated creatures." he said. "After my kingdom, Lordran, heard of the dire situation they sent me to deal with the matter." he paused "I brought my great grey wolf companion, Sif to aid me in my mission. After fighting effortlessly through Oolacile, we got to the Chasm of the Abyss; the place where you showed up in my dream." he paused " Then, we came across large ghostly figures; which no doubt you saw last night. I tried to attack one of them; but it was futile...their numbers grew and they overran me and my companion, when things got too heated, she got incapacitated; and I feared for her safety. So I used the power of my greatshield to cast a protective barrier around her." he said while looking over to Luna, who was listening intently. He sighed, and continued "So, I proceeded deeper into the Abyss. When I got to Manus, I was no match for him...he quickly overtook me with the Abyss' dark powers, corrupting and turned me into an advocate of darkness. Manus, 'awarded' me with control over dark magic and after that my corrupted body committed atrocities beyond my worst nightmare; I destroyed homes, killed the innocent..." He sighed deeply as he felt tears began to well up in his eyes when he remembered he was trapped in his own body and committed atrocities under Manus' grasp. As for Luna, she understood this very well...she was once Nightmare Moon after all. "Until one day, I was saved by an unknown warrior. After a grueling battle; he pierced my heart with a divine sword...this purified and fixed me entirely, even my equipments and armor are restored as well...but most of all severing my connection to the Abyss" he paused "But , my control over some of its dark powers still remained inside me; I vowed to use them for good instead of what I've done when I was in Manus' grasp." he replied solemnly. "And, that's how I ended up here." He said while getting up on his feet and stretched. When he looked at Luna she was not in a good condition, she was already in tears. He sat down beside her and pulled her into a warm embrace while stroking her flowing mane, she immediately locked her forehooves behind his neck...hugging him tightly. "It's alright Luna, it's alright." he said in his most soothing voice. "I warned you, but why did you want me to keep going?" he said while looking at her eyes. "I *sob* just wanted to help you out *sob* because when I *sob* entered your dream last night, I felt *sob* your feelings...your losses and your sufferings." she said with tears flowing down her face. He smiled and cupped her chin, "You already did , I've kept these feelings to myself for ages. Thank you Luna." She smiled, and gave him a gentle nuzzle on his cheek. Then, they broke the hug. 'Eheheh, she is really nice and sweet.' "You are amazing Artorias, I've never seen somepony with such determination and bravery." she said with a warm smile "but, I've got to ask about those 'dark powers'." her eyes now filled with wonders and curiosity. "I will explain everything once Miss Sparkle and her friend arrived here, I don't want to spoil it any further." he said with a mischievous grin. She glared playfully at him. Before Artorias could do anything, he heard wing flaps and a soft thud behind him. He turned, and saw Princess Celestia standing behind him with a soft smile. "I see you two are getting along just fine. Hello Artorias, hello Lulu." she said with a smile. "Hello Celestia." he said politely. "Hello Tia." Luna said with a smile. "May I ask what are you two doing here?" Then Artorias took the initiative and spoke up "Celestia, me and Luna are waiting for Miss Sparkle and her friends here because they have questions in their minds...would you like to join us as well?" he asked politely. "Oh that would be lovely, besides I assume you have questions as well?" she said with a smile "Indeed, I am a stranger in a strange land." he said nonchalantly. Celestia smiled at this, "Very well...but first I have to rise the sun and Luna have to lower the moon." Artorias was dumbfounded by this, sure his world was and still is filled with magical things. But to rise the sun and lower the moon? that was just out of his comprehension. Suddenly, Celestia's horn glowed with golden energy , Luna's horn glowed with blue energy and their expressions changed into an unbreakable concentration. Slowly but surely, the sun crept out from behind the mountains and into the sky and the moon disappeared behind the mountains. Artorias stood there, struck with great awe and curiosity. "B-but h-how?" he asked dumbfoundedly. Celestia and Luna chuckled at this, "I am the Princess of The Sun, it is my responsibility to rise and lower the sun. And Luna is the Princess of The Moon, thus it is her responsibility to rise and lower the moon." "It is amazing and beautiful." he said, astonished. "Thank you Artorias." the replied in unison, smiling. Then, hoofsteps could be heard in the distance. Shortly, Twilight came into view with a bunch of writing equipments stashed inside her saddlebags with her friends in tow . "Good morning Princess Celestia, good morning Princess Luna, good morning to you too Artorias." she said with a huge grin. "Good morning." they replied warmly. "Darling, where is your fabulous armor?" Rarity said while trotting up to him. "Oh, I don't think I am going to need it today so I left them in my chamber." he replied casually. Rarity deflated a bit, but nodded. "Okay, now that everypony is here shall we begin Artorias?" Princess Celestia asked. "Okay, lets...but before I begin my world was filled with death and violence. So my answers and the things I will tell you is not for the weak-stomached. Are you sure you want to proceed this?" he warned them. "Of course Artorias, but if it gets too violent I will ask you to stop." Princess Celestia added. "Okay then, but lets wait for Miss Sparkle to ready her utensils." he said while glancing at Twilight who was readying her quill and paper. This made the ponies snickered. "Watch it Twilight, don't let your eggheadiness get to you." Rainbow Dash said mockingly. "I am not an egghead Rainbow, this is an exclusive knowledge. We can learn about his entire civilization from him! besides eggheadiness is not even a word." she shot back. Rainbow just stick her tongue out "Okay Artorias, before we ask our own personal questions we'd like to know more of your world and civilization." Twilight said. "Oh and please call us by our names, no need for formalities." she smiled. "Okay Twilight, but before I begin I suggest we take a seat first...this will be a long story." So they laid down on the grass. For some reason Princess Luna laid down beside Artorias who was leaning his back to the tree. "So, it all started when my world was unformed..." with that, he began his history lesson. He told them about how the first flame changed everything , the war with the Everlasting Dragons and how the Four Knights of Gwyn was formed, the Age of Fire, and finally his trips and demise to the Abyss (with toned down fight scenes) and Twilight writing every piece of information that came from his mouth. "And so my friends..." he got up and stretched "Was the tale of Artorias the Abysswalker." he said nonchalantly. He looked around to see various expressions from the ponies. Twilight and the two princesses were dumbfounded with a silly look on their faces, Fluttershy had fainted when it came to the war with the dragons plus Artorias' trips and demise to the Abyss, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity were speechless. And Pinkie Pie was just being Pinkie Pie. 'Lets just hope I didn't kill their brains.' he mentally face-palmed. After regaining their composure, it was Twilight who spoke up "Well, your world was definitely something Artorias. I just can't imagine that basically you rise from the dead." this is followed by nods of approval from the rest of the ponies. "Well, I have no idea either." he replied while chuckling. "So, anypony else hungry? cause I am pretty hungry." Rainbow said. "I've got that covered!" Pinkie Pie said. Out of nowhere, she took a bunch of different cakes complete with eating utensils and a bowl of berry punch. Soon, a picnic was ready for them. Artorias looked at the scene with a very bewildered expression. 'It's like she has an invisible inventory bag.' he thought. "She is just being Pinkie Pie." Twilight smiled sheepishly. "Well? dig i--"Pinkie was cut of with a hoof on her shoulder. "Darling, I say, let Artorias eat first." Rarity said "Go ahead darling." 'I am hungry anyways.' Artorias extended his hand, and took a plate of chocolate fudge cake. Everypony in the area watched with great curiosity, even Pinkie looked very nervous. He sliced it with a knife and eat it. "That, was the best cake I've ever had in my life!" he exclaimed with joy. This made Pinkie to tackle him into a hug. "Eheheh, easy Pinkie." he said while patting Pinkie's back. Artorias motioned for the rest of them to eat (which they complied) , after they finished their meals Artorias gave them the green light for their questions. It was Pinkie Pie who raised her hoof first. "Okay, Pinkie Pie what do you have in mind?" he asked "Well I know you love my cakes and berry punch but what is your favorite pastry, cheese, chocolate...or yeah something like that." she said with her signature smile. Artorias thought about this for a moment " Well, for starters I am an omnivore. So that means I eat meat, vegetables, and fruits to survive. But you are right I do love your cakes." he said with a smile. He glanced over to Twilight who was busy writing the information on a piece of paper. "Well Artorias" Princess Celestia spoke up "It is actually quite strange knowing you could eat both meat and plants at the same time. Usually, sentient beings here only eat one or another." "Oh, I see...thank you Celestia." he smiled and she nodded. The next one, was Rarity "Darling, I noticed that your armor is shaped into something I am oddly familiar with, but I just can't put my hoof around it. Could you perhaps tell us what it represents?" "Ah, sharp eyes Rarity. My armor represents a wolf." he said. "Why did i chose a wolf? because they represent my personality." "And what do they represent in you darling?" she asked again. "Will of unbendable steel. Just as tirelessly a pack of wolves will pursue their prey, and that's just how tirelessly I am to complete my missions and duties." he said proudly. Rarity nodded and sat back down. Next, was Fluttershy. "Um, I have a question too...if that's alright of course." she said while hiding behind her mane. Artorias smiled "of course it's alright Fluttershy, please ask away." his gentle tone with her surprised everypony. He was always calm, but there was usually a gruffness in his voice that was currently absent. "Okay, um I was wondering what kind of animals you had on your world..." Fluttershy stopped hiding behind her mane, awaiting his answer eagerly. "We had basically everything you have here; such as dogs, cats, birds, and so on. We also had dragons of all shapes and sizes, but they were descendants from the ancient dragons. Oh! and we also had shiny lizards that have rare ores attached to their backs for some reason." "Um, what kind of animals do you like?" Fluttershy asked, this stopped his heartbeat. Artorias maintained a smile that will soon be replaced by sadness. After he regained his composure, Artorias sighed deeply "Wolves. My favorite animals are wolves Fluttershy." "Wolves? but they are fierce, it's not very easy to tame them, why are they your favorite." she said while inching closer to him, perhaps she felt a hint of sadness in him. "One day, while I was heading back from a mission, I came across a small cub in a forest. It was a cub of a great gray wolf, a massive wolf that towers over me. So, seeing it so defenseless I took it with me back to the castle where it stayed with me. I trained her to fight with a greatsword and she became very good at it. I named her, Sif. She was one of my closest friend, howling for me in battle, and fight with me using her sword. Our bond was strong, and I don't think I could have lived this long without her." "During my traversing of the Abyss, she followed me. But, when things got to heated, I feared for her safety. So I used the power from my shield to cast a protective barrier around her, thus shielding her from the everlasting darkness and corruption of the Abyss. After that was done, I don't know what happened to her. She may have escaped, she was strong, and I believe she may still be alive, even today." he stopped and took a deep breath to stop his tears from flowing out of his eyes. Then he continued. "But, I may never know. And that fact makes me wish I could have said goodbye..." during his explanation Artorias grew sad, remembering all the times he had with Sif, and how good she had been to him, only to realize that he left her alone in the Abyss, with only a sword to protect herself. "Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. That's why I love wolves than any ot-" he was cut of when Fluttershy hugged him in a comforting hug. The rest of the ponies followed swiftly even the princesses. Artorias was surprised by this act of kindness. He was only there for a short time, but they treated him with kindness he never felt before. He returned the hug, and after a minute they broke the hug. "Thank you, I needed that." he said with a warm smile to the ponies. They smiled warmly at him, and nodded. Next, was Rainbow Dash. "Do you have any other weapons with you? I mean I know you have that gigantic gleaming sword on your back. By the way, why is it gleaming like that?" she asked. Artorias grinned and held his greatsword with both hands "My sword is enchanted with a divine blessing that allows me to strike harder against the servants of darkness" he said proudly. Wow, that.is.AWESOME! but if you have any other awesome toys with you... would you mind if you show us?" she asked again, waiting for his response. "Oh, I can show you my personal favorites." he said while getting up. Artorias' mood was restored in an instant, with a huge grin he reached for his satchel and pulled an elegantly curved sword from it, and hold it in a safe position. Rainbow's eyes widened when she saw the sword, "That thing looks bucking awesome! what is that by the way?" she asked with a sheepish smile. "This, is a katana or more specifically the Uchigatana." he said while stepping back from the ponies and gave it a few elegant swings, startling them. "This devil is a devastating weapon for those who liked to move swiftly and inflict tons of damage." Rainbow's smile turn into a large grin when she heard this. "But, it must be frequently repaired. Because it's blade is not that resilient." He said while putting his sword down. "Could you, you know umm teach me how to use it later? and probably do some demonstrations?" Rainbow asked sheepishly. 'I could use some exercise' he thought "Well, I'll get to that later. I still have some more things to show you." he smirked Then, he pulled out a large bow and some feathered arrows seeing the astonished reaction from the ponies, he chuckled. "This, my friends, is known as a longbow. As you can see, it is not meant for close quarters engagements but just put some of these babies here." he said while pointing to the feather arrows "your opponents will never know what hit them in long range." he said with a smirk. "By the way, I was ranked the third on my kingdom's top archers." "So, who is the second and the first?" Rainbow asked. "A human, named Pharis and one of my best friends 'Hawkeye' Gough." he replied casually. "Oh, I see...what's a human by the way?" Rainbow asked, Twilight's quill managed to get snapped in half in her fury of writing. So, she quickly took another quill and paper. "Hmm, that's a bit difficult to explain. Let's just say, they look exactly like me but they are smaller and can't live as long as my kind can do." he said "Oh so, you are not a human? So, what is your kind known as? and how long have you lived?" Twilight asked curiously. "Umm, let's just say me and my kind are demi-gods. Because we are more powerful than humans but we are not as powerful as a god.Except for me and some of my friends, most of my kind sees humans as a setback, a threat to the Age of Fire. But they are wrong; I am amazed of their willingness to do anything for the ones they loved, their unrelenting hope for the future even when the universe has none to offer, and their unrelenting strength and fighting spirit; even when they are knocked down they still have the strength to stand up and fight once more. " he said with a hint of pride "And I think I already lived about three thousand years." he said nonchalantly. All jaws dropped simultaneously, and an awkward silence fell upon them. After a while, Princess Celestia spoke up "That means, you are as old as us." she said. "Yet, you looked so young..." "Well, I could say the same thing about both of you." he said while looking at both Princess Celestia and Luna. "Okay then, back to the topic." he said sheepishly. He reached for his satchel and took a pile of green-flower-shaped weed from it. Rainbow looked at the pile with utter confusion. "I know, this is not a weapon...but these green blossoms here adds a boost to your stamina recovery. But only temporarily. Very useful in long, hectic missions." Artorias said. The ponies nodded in acknowledgement. "Um, Artorias what is that? I know it's a pendant but what does it do?" she said while pointing at his signature silver pendant. "Oh, this pendant is my defense against dark magic. When activated, it emits a bright light that will ward off all kinds of dark magic." he said Rainbow nodded in acknowledgement and sat back down. "Thanks for the info Artorias." she said with a smile. Then, it was Applejack. "Yes , Applejack?" Artorias said. "Well, y'know ah was wonderin' how could ya stuff them items into such a tiny lil' bag?" "Ah, excellent question Applejack." he paused "Where I came from, this is known as an inventory bag. It has been heavily enchanted by Seath the Scaleless. So, basically my bag can store anything inside it." Twilight's ears perked up on this "Wait, Seath the Scaleless? Isn't he the dragon who aided you in the war against the Everlasting Dragons?" " Correct. In fact he was a good friend of my old king, and he is really good at magic." Artorias said "But his body is deformed due to the side effects of his experiments." "So basically, it is a bag with no bottom?" Applejack asked again. "Yep, it is." he said nonchalantly. "That's amazing." Twilight said "How long did it take him to cast such an enchantment?" "I'd say about three minutes? give or take a couple of seconds of course." Twilight dropped her quill, and the princesses mouths hung open after hearing that. "Three minutes? are you serious?" Twilight asked. When Artorias nodded, Twilight quickly picked up her quill and wrote very quickly. "Not even me or my sister could cast such powerful enchantments under ten minutes!" Princess Luna spoke up. "Well he is very good at magic." Artorias said while rolling his eyes. "Interesting, very interesting indeed." Twilight said while writing the information down. Applejack chuckled at this, "Alright, who is next?" Hearing this, Twilight immediately shot her hooves (yes, hooves) up. "Yes Twilight?" "So Artorias, you could use magic right?" Artorias nodded. "If so, how did you learn to use them?" "By reading paper scrolls, the scrolls have runes or inscription on them, that when read, are imprinted into your memory . But this required a certain amount of faith, intelligence, or both and of course the right catalyst. Because if you don't have the requirements, the spell won't work properly." "Interesting, what kind of magic do you use Artorias?" she said while writing. "Well there were three types of magic known in my world; they are called pyromancy, sorcery, and miracles. However there is another type of magic known as dark magic." he paused "I mainly use miracles. But I am also capable to use some sorceries and....sometimes, dark magic.But I only use it as a last resort." "Could you tell us more about this?" Princess Celestia asked. "Of course. I'll start with the pyromancy. Pyromancy is the art of casting fire, It requires no commitment to the gods nor decent intelligent use. The catalyst for this magic is known as a pyromancy flame. Most of pyromancy spells consist of offensive spells capable of doing massive damage; there is this one spell that caused fire pillars to erect from the ground and thus incinerating everything caught in it." he paused "But the defensive ones are also very effective; there is this one particular spell that turns your entire body into iron. It is unmatched in physical defense but your movement speed will be drastically slower and still weak to magic attacks." he paused and took a sip of berry punch to soothe his throat, he waited a bit longer until Twilight had finished her writings. Then, he continued. "The next one, is sorcery. Sorcery, requires a certain amount of intelligence to cast." he said while picking up his staff "This is known as a staff, even though this one is kind of mangled. It is used to cast sorcery, which are the more basic spells although more complex spells could be cast as well. One basic spell in particular is known as the soul arrow are popular among most sorcerers, as it can be cast the most amount of times before needing to be recharged. There are still defensive spells; such as fall control, but it's mainly offensive and buff spells." he said, getting nods of acknowledgement from the ponies and when Twilight had finished writing, he continued. "Next up, is my favorite kind of magic and the one I am very well versed of...miracles" he said proudly "Unlike sorcery, miracles requires a certain amount of faith to use." he said while picking up his talisman "This is known as a talisman, It is used to cast miracles. Miracles are mainly defensive,healing, and buff spells. However, there are also offensive miracles, such as the emit force; which I used to *ahem* destroy the door of the wedding hall and my personal favorite the Sunlight Spear." Princess Celestia's eyes widened with curiosity when she heard this "So, you can use that to summon a spear made of sunlight?" she asked curiously. "Well, sort of." He put the talisman down. "The spell itself is not actually made of sunlight, but is instead a beam of lightning that's shot from the talisman. Powerful enough to shatter the stone scales of the Everlasting Dragons, not to mention the huge amount of heat and electricity it emits." Celestia nodded, prompting Artorias to continue his demonstration. "The last one, in my opinion is the most dangerous of all...the dark magic." he said with a somber tone. "Based on the name, I guess they are used for evil deeds?" Princess Luna asked. "That's a 50-50. Why? because dark magic is different from sorcery. Sorcery draws its powers from souls, but dark magic draws its powers from feelings and emotions in other words humanity." "What do you mean?" Luna asked "Basically humanity is not evil, its emotion. Pure and raw. When humanity is stable, we can care and create. When our humanity goes wild, when our emotions are raging and in a storm, we become monsters." he paused "So, that depends really. But most people unleashed dark magic when they are not in their 'sane' state of mental health or in other words stable humanity. Thus, making dark magic seems 'evil.' " he paused again. "But that's the basic concept, in reality dark magic is capable of dealing a devastating amount of magic damage but also capable to deliver a bonecrushing physical damage as well. And before you ask; I only use dark magic when necessary." Twilight was astonished by the answers she got, and asked no more questions. "Thank you so much for your information Artorias." she said with a warm smile. "You are welcome Twilight." he replied with a smile. Then, Princess Celestia spoke up "Well my little ponies, I think its time to let Artorias ask his own questions about us." she said "Artorias, please ask away." Artorias pondered about that for a moment, " Could you tell me more about Equestria?" he asked politely. "Of course Artorias." she smiled. With that said, Princess Celestia told him how she and Luna ruled Equestria with peace for generations after they defeat a being known as Discord using the power of magical artifacts called the Elements of Harmony but they lost their connections to the elements shortly. Then, Celestia told him how Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon and her banishment to the moon; during this explanation, Artorias and everypony else could feel sadness brewing inside the Moon Princess; before anypony could react Artorias put a hand on Princess Luna's shoulder in a comforting manner; she smiled at him which he returned. Then, she told him how Twilight and her friends rediscovered the elements, harnessed its powers to defeat Nightmare Moon, restoring Luna into her true self, and becoming their bearers; Twilight bears the element of Magic, Rarity bears the element of Generosity, Applejack bears the element of Honesty, Pinkie bears the element of Laughter, Rainbow bears the element of Loyalty, and Fluttershy bears the element of Kindness. And finally Princess Celestia told him about Equestria's society and government in general. After she finished her explanation, Artorias was astonished about how peaceful Equstria is and how love,friendship, and magic could solve problems which in his world will require deadly force to solve. "I still can't believe I've been talking to world heroes here, it's an honor." he said while bowing politely "The honor is ours Artorias." they said while smiling back at him. Then, silence fell upon them. But Artorias broke the silence when he noticed a strange statue at the distance. "Tell me, what is that statue?" "That...is Discord." Princess Celestia said "Recently, he escaped his imprisonment and wrecked havoc in a nearby town called Ponyville. He scattered Twilight and her friends into corruption, but in the end of the day the power of the elements and friendship brought them together and ultimately defeating Discord and imprisoning him again." She said with a smile. "We have a plan to 'convert' him, so his magic could be used for good instead but we don't know when." "Whoa whoa whoa! are you serious princess? I mean this is Discord we are talking about! what if he tries to cause trouble again?" Rainbow cut in. "Don't worry Rainbow, this time we are prepared and I am sure the power of the elements and friendship will get the job done." Twilight said in an optimistic tone. Princess Celestia smiled "I am sure you and your friends could handle the situation. But that is a matter of later times, right now lets just focus on Artorias." she said. Artorias' expression grew into a serious expression "I actually have one demand on my mind." "What is it that we can do Artorias?" Princess Celestia asked. He stood up, inhaled deeply, and looked at the ponies "I lost my world, my home, and those I ever loved to death and destruction. If all of you permit me, I'd like to stay and serve as Equestria's defender. All of you have been very kind to me, never in my world I received such kindness. At least this is what I can offer in return." he said with determination in his voice. Everypony is astonished by this. After a long silence, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked at each other and nodded. "Your demand is happily fulfilled Artorias." Princess Luna said with a smile. Instinctively, he knelt before the two monarchs. Twilight and her friends formed a circle around him and the princesses, with that Princess Celestia stepped forward and laid her horn at Artorias' forehead...Suddenly her horn glowed with an ethereal golden color. Artorias felt warmth coursing through his body and embracing his soul. With that done, she pulled her horn away from his forehead. "Rise, Artorias." she said. With that, sounds of hooves stomping on the ground and cheerings could be heard on the entire gardens. Artorias smiled and bowed to the princesses and the mane six. And they smiled and bowed back to him. "Now Artorias, I have to continue my daily court and Luna should get some re--" "No sister I am fine, besides I am curious about his demonstrations." she said with a smile. Princess Celestia nodded and walked back inside the castle with two solar guards escorting her. "So, the demonstrations Artorias?" Princess Luna said while walking up next to him. "Yes, but first we have to find a large area where I can do it." he said. Then Princess Luna smiled mischievously "Please follow me Artorias." > Demonstrations and Transfer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Please follow me Artorias." Princess Luna said with a mischievous smile. Artorias nodded and followed her with Twilight and her friends in tow. The walk was silent, until they arrived at a large field with a platoon of royal guards training and sparring with each other using training spears and swords. Among them, were Captain Shatterstorm and his squad. 'Oh I get it, this is their training grounds.' he thought. When the royal guards saw them, they immediately stopped their activities and bowed politely. "At ease." Princess Luna said. The guards rose, formed and orderly line, and Captain Shatterstorm stepped forward. "We are honored by your presence your majesty, is there anything we can do for you?" he said politely. Then, she spoke in a hushed tone "Captain, I am declaring that all exercises today are canceled. Because Sir Artorias is going to do some demonstrations." she said. Before addressing Princess Luna's orders to his men, the captain whispered something into her ears this received a nod from her. Then he turned to his men, "This is your captain speaking, as ordered from Princess Luna herself today's training session has been canceled. Now pack your training weapons, get yourselves some water, and regroup on me!" his men (including his squad) saluted and do what they are told. Moments later, they are back with their weapons slung on their backs and formed four parallel lines, then he turned to Princess Luna. "Your majesty, may me and my squad have a word with Sir Artorias for a moment?" he asked politely. "Of course you may captain." she said with a smile. "Thank you your majesty." he said with a firm salute. Then, he motioned for his squad to follow him and walked towards Artorias. 'Time for a word or two I guess.' Artorias thought to himself. Once they got to him, they saluted firmly. Artorias bowed to them with a smile "Ah Captain Shatterstorm, I see you brought your squad with you. Anything I can help you with?" "Sir Artorias we are very sorry about our last encounter. We behaved harshly. Please forgive us." he said while lowering his head. Artorias smiled and put a hand on his shoulder "No captain, I perfectly understand. You, all of you were just doing your duties as the royal guards of Equestria." he said while looking to the captain and his squad who gave him smiles in return. Without another word, he turned to his squad and a large unicorn stallion with white coat and black mane handed him a training spear with his telekinetic grip. Then, he held out the spear handle-side first and nodded towards Artorias. "What is this?" Artorias asked, glancing between the weapon and the captain's face "I thought you canceled today's training session." "As I'd ruin the hero of his fun. " Shatterstorm smiled mischievously and nudged the spear a little closer to him "Go on, take it. You look bored. So what do you say Artorias? would you like to spar with us? besides, if you spar with us that counts as demonstration for your combat techniques." Artorias reached out for the spear, grabbed it, and gave a few practice swings. Artorias is a perfect combatant, beside his skills in unarmed combat he is an expert in archery, and weapons combat. He is most skilled when fighting using his greatsword but crash courses with Dragonslayer Ornstein granted him skills in spear combat. He turned to Princess Luna and the main six who smiled and nodded while mouthing 'good luck.' He stripped his greatsword and satchel. After stretching a bit, he walked towards the center of the field with spear on his left hand. Once he reached the center, he bowed two times. First to Princess Luna and the main six, and the second to the royal guards. "Good afternoon mares and gentlecolts!" he said while remembering the line Princess Celestia used. "In case you don't know me yet, my name is Sir Artorias the Abysswalker. But please, call me Artorias or Sir Artorias whichever do you feel like calling." he said with a smile, this received smiles and nods of approval from the guards. Even between their smiles and nods, Artorias could feel curious eyes roaming between every inch of his body. 'They are really curious aren't they?' "Today, I am going to demonstrate various combat techniques and magic capabilities." when he said the 'magic' part all eyes widened in awe and curiosity, especially from the unicorn guards. "But, as you may have or may have not heard; in order to demonstrate my combat techniques, Captain Shatterstorm has arranged me to spar with you" he said while twirling his spear "So, any volunteers?" In an instant, hooves rose to the air. 'I didn't expect their enthusiasm to be THIS epic.' he thought while trying to pick his choice. ****** "Okay, you five." Artorias said while pointing to three unicorns and two pegasus guards and two unicorn guards who held their hooves up. He recognized them to be members of Captain Shatterstorm's squad. Immediately they trotted over to him, formed a parallel line, and snapped a quick salute. "It's nice to see you mares and gentlecolts, but first before we get to the match; may I know your names?" Artorias greeted them. "I am Corporal Hurricane, nice to meet you sir." a stallion pegasus guard with a grey coat and spiky-silver mane spoke up. He has a hurricane marking on his rear. "Nice to meet you too Corporal." he said while they shake each other's hand and hoof. "I am Lieutenant Swift Wind, nice to meet you sir." a mare pegasus guard with an ivory coat and blonde mane spoke up. She has three stripes resembling a flowing wind on her rear. "Nice to meet you too Lieutenant." he said while doing the same thing with the corporal before. "I am Sergeant Rose Breeze, it's an honor sir." an elegant (yes, elegant) mare unicorn guard with a crimson coat and brown mane spoke up while bowing politely. She has a spiky red rose marking on her rear. Artorias smiled and bowed back "The honor is mine Sergeant." "I am Master Sergeant Iron Sword, nice to meet you sir" a large stallion unicorn with a white coat and black mane from before spoke up, and extended his hoof. He has a mark that resembled an iron sword on his rear. "Nice to meet you too Master Sergeant." he took his hoof and shook it firmly. "I am Corporal Light Lasher, it's a pleasure to meet you sir." a stallion unicorn with an electric yellow coat and fiery orange mane spoke up. He has a light streak marking on his rear. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Corporal." he said while they shake each other's hand and hoof. After the introductions are done, Captain Shatterstorm stepped forward. "Alright. Now that introductions are done with; shall we get straight to the match?" he said. They nodded. "Okay.The rules are simple; first to land a clean hit to the chest or head wins a point. Best of three takes the match. First to incapacitate his/her opponent wins, and oh... keep in mind that thrusts to the face are illegal. There are precautions in place, both in the weapons and our gear, but still—we try our best to avoid gouging out each other’s eyes." he smirked at this. "Sir, I'd like to go first." Corporal Hurricane said. Captain Shatterstorm nodded and the corporal entered the arena. Then they get themselves ready, Artorias readied his spear and combat stance. four of the volunteers retreated to give Artorias and the corporal some space. Artorias could feel adrenaline rushing through his veins, as he noticed the corporal's muscles tensed up and ready to spring into action. "Ready..." "Set..." "GO!" Corporal Hurricane shot at Artorias at a speed that would make Rainbow Dash jealous (in fact, she already is) with his spear pointed at him . As he sped towards Artorias, all eyes fell on him. Artorias widened his stance, and readied his spear...but he was not going to use it, not yet. Then, a loud thud echoed in the field. ****** All of the ponies gasped when they saw what happened. Princess Luna's eyes widened, Fluttershy fainted right on her spot, while the rest of the main six stared with their mouths agape. On the other hand, the guards cheered. "Gosh, is he going to be alright?" Rainbow Dash asked with concern in her voice. "Ah don't know sugarcube, ah sure hope he ain't breakin' his ribs." Applejack replied. Artorias laid motionless on the field with his back against the ground, the corporal managed to thrust his spear to his chest. Sure, those were just training spears...but at trained hands, or in this case hooves; a training spear could smash a coconut into pieces instead of skewering it. "One point: Hurricane." the captain announced. 'So that how it feels like.' he thought, then he got to his feet. 'Maybe I should have wear my armor.' he thought, while rubbing his chest a bit. Seeing this, Shatterstorm spoke up. "Corporal Hurricane, maybe you should ease--." "No! no holding back!" Artorias cut them off. The corporal glanced at his commanding officer, who only gave a slow nod. Immediately, he turned his focus towards Artorias and widened his stance. With that, he shot up towards Artorias even faster than before. Although he was in a different world, the familiar rush of battle was all too familiar for him. The fiery eyes from his opponent, the weight shifting from his feet and weapon, was all normal. 'With all you've got corporal...with all you've got.' Again, he readied his spear and widened his stance into a crouching position. But there was something different this time. Just before the tip of the corporal's spear managed to made contact with his leather tunic, Artorias side stepped and thrust his spear to the corporal's head. His steel helmet absorbed most of the blow, but the momentum from the attack was far greater than anticipated. The pegasus corporal was incapacitated. Captain Shatterstorm's squad was one of the best in Canterlot; and Corporal Hurricane was one of Canterlot's fastest spear. But even for an elite, attacking using the same strategy was a big mistake. "Winner of the round: Sir Artorias!" the captain announced. In an instant, the stomps of hooves and cheers could be heard emanating from the background. From the field side, the guards stomped their hooves repeatedly on the ground and cheered for him. On the audience's seat, the main six (excluding Fluttershy who was still unconscious) and Princess Luna cheered for him. Then, he walked towards the incapacitated Corporal Storm an offered his hand. The corporal took his hand, and after getting on his hooves the duo shared a friendly shake which made the crowd cheered even louder. "Good match Artorias, no wonder they call you a knight." the corporal said. "Good match corporal, lightning fast moves back there." he replied. Then, Corporal Hurricane rejoined his comrades. One by one, the chosen five volunteers went up against Artorias. Artorias used the same strategy, sacrifice one point so he could feel his opponent's strength and gauge his strength against them so nopony and nobody got hurt severely on the spar. Even the mare guards told him not to restrain himself just because they are females; Artorias understood this, because no matter what gender a warrior is he or she must be treated equally or else he'd be disrespectful towards them. And as a knight, it is very important to respect others. After their spar, Artorias and the guards catch a quick break before his next demonstration. During the break, he and the guards are joined by the main six (with Fluttershy who just regained her consciousness) and Princess Luna who made a circle in front of him.And once again, Princess Luna sat beside him. After a while, Artorias stood up and walked towards the audience seat to retrieve his greatsword and satchel before returning to the group. "Now that everybody's had their breaks, I am going to move to my next demonstration." he announced. He put his greatsword on the ground, and took his talisman and staff from the satchel. "What is that?" Corporal Light Lasher asked "I mean, I know that is a staff but what does it do? and what is that lump of cloth?" "This is a talisman." he said while lifting his talisman into the air so the guards could get a good view on it "This is used to cast miracles; a type of magic mainly consisted of defensive and healing spells but also some offensive spells." the guards nodded "And the staff is used to cast sorcery. Mostly consisted of offensive and buff spells but also some defensive spells." the guards nodded again. The unicorn guards are quite surprised, since they are the only pony species (except for the princesses) capable of harnessing magic. Before anything else could be asked, Captain Shatterstorm stepped forward. " Sir Artorias, for your magic demonstration, is it okay if my squad are given exercise for their magics?" Artorias rose his eyebrows "What do you mean captain?" "Use your offensive spells at us." he replied. "Are you sure captain? My offensive spells are deadly, if they are not prepared they could be seriously injured or even killed by my spell. Unless, they could create a magic barrier powerful enough to withstand my spells." "That will be no problem sir." Master Sergeant Iron Sword stepped forward, followed by Sergeant Rose Breeze and Corporal Light Lasher. "We are adept at using magic barriers." he said confidently. Artorias nodded "Very well, but the ultimate decision is not mine to make." he said while glancing at Princess Luna. "Princess? it's your call." he said. Princess Luna thought about this for a moment and nodded. "Thank you Princess Luna." The Captain and his squad bowed politely. "So, are we going to do this or what?" Artorias said "Put your shields up." Suddenly their horns sparked to life and in an instant a large magic barrier with three different colors (magenta, orange, and blue) enveloped the trio. Artorias took his staff out, and suddenly the tip of the staff glowed blue and a small blue magic projectile flew towards them and impacted the magic barrier. It barely effected the barrier. Even the main six and Princess Luna raised their eyebrows in confusion. "Was that it?" Light Lasher asked. "I was just testing your shields,now prepare yourselves." he said while raising his staff to the air. "By the way, that was the Soul Arrow spell." he said again while glancing to the audiences. Once again the staff glowed a blue color but this time instead of a weak magic projectile, Artorias launched a spear-like blue magic projectile at the speed and force equal to a speeding bullet train. It impacted their shields, and the guards recoiled heavily. "That was the Soul Spear spell." he said while glancing to the audiences, receiving nods of acknowledgement. "It is developed by a sorcerer of a land called Vinheim; his name is Logan I think. Some said he lived for centuries, but the flow of time in my world is distorted so, eh; we never really know." he informed them. "Now, I am going to demonstrate some healing miracles. Lower your shields." Artorias said. The three do as they are told. "Captain Shatterstorm, could you come over here please?" he asked. Immediately, the captain galloped to his side. "What do you want me to do?" "I want you to kick my leg as hard as you can." Artorias said nonchalantly. "Are you sure? I am way stronger than I look, maybe you have to amputate your leg if I do it." the captain asked. 'Stronger than he looks? I am sure don't want to make him buck me on purpose' he thought while eyeing the captain's muscular body. "Trust me, I know what I am doing." "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you." With that Shatterstorm reared up, and kicked Artorias' leg as hard as he could. With that, a sickening crunch echoed throughout the field. Princess Luna covered her mouth with a hoof, Fluttershy fainted again, and the rest of the main six looked at the scene with a hint of disgust. "I think I am going to hurl." Twilight said while covering her mouth with her hooves. "Oh the horror!" Rarity exclaimed dramatically. With his other leg crippled, Artorias knelt on one knee and clutched his talisman close to his chest; muttering something to it. With that, a bright aura enveloped him and runes started to circle the wounded area on his leg. And in the next instant, his broken foot was healed and he stood back up casually. "B-but HOW?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Artorias smirked "That, was the Soothing Sunlightmiracle." he paused "Actually, besides of healing myself it can also heal nearby allies in the vicinity of the caster." he said, earning nods from everypony. "Now, I am going to demonstrate some defensive miracles."he paused "I need you three to charge at me, full speed." The trio nodded to each other. And retreated to a distance, and once they are far enough; they sprinted towards Artorias at full speed. Artorias stood his ground, his talisman at the ready. When they were mere inches away from him, Artorias quickly spread his hand to either side of his body with palms open and emitted a harmless shockwave; knocking the trio to the ground. "Ugh, what the hay was that?" Rose Breeze said, still dazed by the knock down. "That, my friend was the Force miracle." he said "There are actually three types of this miracle: Force, Emit Force, and finally the Wrath of the Gods. And these types of miracle, deflects arrows and sorcery." Pinkie Pie shot up "Oh-oh-oh! Is that the same magic thingy you can use when you have at least level 28 faith and get for 10.000 souls from Reah of Thorolund?" she sealed her sentence with that signature smile of hers. "What?" Artorias said with a dumbfounded expression "Who is--?" "She is just being Pinkie Pie." her friends replied. "Wrath of the Gods? that sounds AWESOME!" Rainbow exclaimed in high-pitched voice. Artorias smirked at this "Indeed, but it can kill almost every living creatures instantly." all eyes fell on him "Er, which is why I am not going to demonstrate it here." he said with a sheepish smile. The ponies sighed in relief. "Now, I need you three to fire your magics at me. I am going to demonstrate another defensive miracle." the trio nodded and aimed their horns towards Artorias, focused their magics at high power levels, and fired. Seeing this, he immediately activated his talisman; resulting in a powerful magic barriercovering his entire body. As the magic bolts impacted on the magic barrier, they barely made any effect with the barrier much less Artorias himself. "Amazing, at that level their magic bolts should be more than enough to incapacitate a manticore." Princess Luna said. "But they barely even scratch the barrier." Twilight said to nopony in particular. After the barrier faded, he continued "Alright, now I am going to demonstrate some offensive miracles." As the three prepared to raise their shields again, they were stopped when Artorias raised his arm. "But first, I am going to show you something." he smiled mischievously. "Rainbow Dash, could you come here for a second?" he asked Immediately Rainbow flew to Artorias' side "What's up?" "You said you are the fastest flyer in Equestria right?" "Of course I am!" she exclaimed proudly "What about it?" "Lets see how fast you can go now." as he said this, he activated his talisman and a circular patterned runes appeared on her body. Suddenly her wing flaps became very slow and heavy, noticing this she panicked. "W-w-w-w-what d-did you do t-to m-me?" she stuttered. As she said this, snickers could be heard from the audience seat; Applejack. "That my friend, is known as the Tranquil Walk of Peace ." he chuckled. "A very powerful tool against opponents that rely on speed." he smirked "No offense." "None taken." she said with an annoyed expression. Then the runes disappeared, and her speed was back to normal; she flew back to her seat beside Applejack. "Ya should'a seen yer face." Applejack said while stifling a giggle. Rainbow glared at her; and she stopped giggling. Artorias shook his head in amusement,"Alright, offensive miracles. For real this time, put your shields back up you three." the three do as they are told. He put his hands in front of his chest, and suddenly a large white energy sphere materialized on his hands. He pushed the energy sphere now turned as a projectile; traveling at lightning speed. It impacted the guards' shields and within; the guards recoiled heavily. "That was the Emit Force miracle; the same spell I used to blast through the gates of the wedding hall." he said nonchalantly. "I guess that explains that." Iron Sword said. Still a bit winded from the impact. "Okay, now I am going to demonstrate one more offensive miracle. Now, ready up and muster more power to your shields." he said. The three of them charge their shields with more power and soon their auras grew brighter and stronger. Artorias lifted his talisman high into the air and suddenly a large-fiery lightning bolt materialized in his hand. Astonishing everypony once again. He retracted his hand, and threw the lightning bolt. As the bolt zipped through the air at (literally) lightning speed, thundering noise and the crackling of electricity could be heard throughout the castle grounds. It impacted the guards' magic barriers, shattering it instantly and moderately electrocuting them. "What the buck was that?!" Light Lasher exclaimed as they recovered. "That, was the Sunlight Spear miracle. Very effective against dragons and magic." he paused "That's why it shattered your shields instantly." "Very impressive Artorias." a soft-motherly voice cooed behind him. He turned around and saw Princess Celestia standing behind him, smiling. "Hello Princess Celestia." he said while bowing politely; the guards followed him suit. "I see you and my guards are getting along just fine." Artorias smiled "Have you come to watch princess?" Princess Celestia nodded, and took her seat beside Princess Luna. "Please, continue." she said. "Alright, for my last demonstration of the day I am going to demonstrate perhaps the most powerful and dangerous of all magics." he paused "Dark magic" he said with a dark tone. "This time, I don't think the three of you will suf--." "I would like to join." Princess Celestia cut him off "It's been awhile since I used my magic for combat." with that she walked towards the three of her guards. "I would like to join as well sister," Princess Luna said as she joined her sister and the guards. "May I?" Twilight asked with a big smile, only to be declined by Princess Celestia. She deflated, but returned to her seat nevertheless. Artorias sighed "Now, I need you to put as much power as you can muster and create a magic barrier stronger than before." They nodded, and in a matter of seconds, their horns sparked to life and conjured a supercharged magic barrier that would make Shining Armor proud. "Okay Artorias, fire when ready." Princess Celestia said. Artorias nodded, once again he raised his staff in the air. But instead of emitting a vibrant blue glow; the gnarled staff glowed a sickly black color and conjured five floating ghostly entities with white eyes. Princess Luna's eyes widened as she saw the floating entities; reminding her of the entities she saw at Artorias' dream. Artorias took his silver pendant and activated it. At a terrifying speed and force, the entities impacted the supercharged barrier; but even when both princesses are present, the barrier shattered with little to no resistance, hurled the guards with the princesses trampling a few steps back. Artorias dropped to one knee; exhaustion began to take its toll on his body after casting magic rapidly. Fluttershy, who just regained her consciousness rushed to his aid followed swiftly by her friends. "Artorias, are you okay?" she asked with concern present in her voice. Artorias patted her head "I am okay Fluttershy, I am just exhausted that's all." he smiled. "Are you sure darling?" Rarity asked. "Yes I am sure." he smiled Then, he saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna walking towards him; by Sergeant Rose Breeze, Master Sergeant Iron Sword, and Corporal Light Lasher. They look exhausted as well. "Tell me Artorias, what makes your spell so powerful?" Princess Luna asked " surely there's a reason it was able to break our shields like it was made of leaves and twigs." she added. He looked at the group "Excellent question" he smirked "But tell me, what kind of attacks your shields most effective at blocking?" The guards and the princesses gave him a 'what are you getting at' stare but nevertheless answered his question "We made it specifically to defend against magic attacks." Princess Luna said. "And THAT'S the trigger." he said while getting up. "What do you mean?" Twilight asked. "You see, dark magics are capable to deal two types of damage. In other words, beside of dealing immense magic damage it also deals a bone-crushing physical damage as well. Making it very effective at taking down shields and making targets stagger." "That's amazing..." Twilight said while writing on a piece of paper with her quill. "Artorias" Princess Celestia cooed. "Yes princess?" "Since Twilight and her friends are returning to Ponyville shortly, I am thinking of sending you there with them." as she said this, Princess Luna deflated a bit, while on the other hand Twilight and her friends done a huge grin on their face. "Because it will be a perfect opportunity to introduce you with my subjects there and give you more lands to explore." she said with a smile. "That is, if you accept of course." "Of course princess, I'd love to.But first, I have to retrieve my armor." he said politely "Very well Artorias, but do it quickly because the train is leaving soon." "A what?" he asked with a bewildered look on his face. Twilight's ears perked up at this "So, A train is basically a land transportation powered by--" "What Twilight was tryin' ta say ,a train is our transportation. Ya know, to get ta far distances easily?" Applejack cut her off, knowing if Twilight starts the 'lecture mode' she could explain things for at least an hour. Twilight glared at her. "Oh, I see." Artorias said. "Well then, I have to retrieve my armor." just as he started to walk away, Princess Luna trotted up beside him. "I am coming with you, I have to take a rest after all." she smiled. "Er, okay then." with that, the pair walked towards the castle with eyes eyeing them curiously. Then, Captain Shatterstorm stepped forward. "Your majesty, permission to dismiss the troops." "Permission granted captain." she said nonchalantly. With that he turned around "Dismissed!" with that,the guards saluted and went into their respective posts. After they are gone, Princess Celestia smiled mischievously. "I never found her to be that friendly to somepony she barely knows." "What do you think princess? is she--" Twilight gasped. "Perhaps Twilight, perhaps." she smiled. > Welcome To Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artorias and Princess Luna were strolling through the castle halls; chatting and joking with each other. Along the way, they encountered some royal guards whose expressions remained stoic as ever but still eyed them curiously; never they saw their Princess of the Night being that friendly to a strange creature that appeared yesterday. "I've got to say, you are more hilarious than I expected Artorias." she said between giggles. Artorias chuckled in response, and moments later they've reached his chamber. "This shouldn't take long" he said to her. She nodded with a soft smile. He entered his chamber, but left the door ajar. After coming across his armor, he double checked them to make sure that everything is in order. 'No piece missing, trust intensifies' he thought with a smirk. Without further delay, he strapped his armor back on with great speed and efficiency; boots, leggings, chest plate, gauntlets, and finally his helmet. But instead of putting his helmet on, he tucked it with his right arm. He looked at the mirror, to make his final checks; but something seemed off. 'Great, I left my greatsword and satchel back in the field.' Artorias mentally face-palmed. "Can't let my focus waver..." he said quietly "Artorias, you know it's not nice to keep a mare waiting." Luna said with a sarcastic tone while poking her head through the door's gap. "Yes Luna, I am almost done; just going to make some final checks." Again, he checked his chamber to make sure he left nothing behind, walked to the door, and closed it. When he got to her, Luna was smiling and a light shade of red could be seen on her cheeks. 'Is she sick?' he thought. "Er, are you okay Luna?" he asked nervously. "Yes, I am okay; why do you ask?" she said nonchalantly, still smiling. "Well, your cheeks are red. Are you having a fever?" he said while taking his left arm gauntlet off to check her temperature. Luna blushed harder at this "N-no o-of course not, it must be the heat eheheh." she stuttered. 'She is not feverish. Well, it is pretty hot though...but it's like she is, blushing?' he thought with a bewildered expression. He quickly shook his thought off and regained his composure. "Well, I guess you are right. Lets get you to your room." he said with a smile. Luna nodded with a smile and walked beside him. The walk to Luna's chamber was silent; with only a few occasional chatters and chuckles could be heard from the pair. "Thank you Artorias, for today and the escort." Princess Luna said with a soft smile as they reached her room. "Don't mention it Luna, I guess I better get going now." he said with a smile "Good day, I will see you around princess." he smiled Just as he turned around, he felt a wing with dark blue feathers draped on his shoulder; he turned and Luna locked her forelegs behind his neck. Again, Artorias was surprised about how hugy and snugly she was;but returned the hug nevertheless. Fragrant smell filled his nostrils as her ethereal mane swept across his face in a teasing manner, they stayed like this for a minute before letting go of each other. "I guess that counts as my personal thanks for saving Canterlot and today." she said with a smirk. He smiled "I am just doing my duty, well then I guess I better get going." she nodded with a smile. With that, he took off towards the field. On the way there, he pondered why she has been so friendly to him. Well, the ponies have been very friendly to him, and he was very grateful for that;but it seemed or at least he felt like her friendliness was different. He continued towards the field, quickening his pace with each step; trying to push his thoughts aside. Five minutes later he arrived at the field, with Princess Celestia and the main six staring at him with a smirk on their faces. "Okay I am ready to go--why are you all looking at me like that?" As he said this, they burst into laughter. Artorias looked at the scene with a dumbfounded expression, after a while they regained their composures and Princess Celestia was the first to spoke up. "Forgive us Artorias, but before you go to the train station I'd like to have a word with you in private." she said. Artorias nodded instead of speaking to avoid anymore 'awkward' situation. "Twilight, please wait here for a moment." Princess Celestia said with a smile to her student. "Of course princess." Twilight said with a wink to her as if signaling something. 'Never in my life I felt so awkward and nervous before.' he thought while bracing himself for what lies ahead. Then, she motioned Artorias to follow her and began walking to a more isolated area of the garden. After a while of walking through the gardens, they arrived at the same tree where did his story-telling earlier today. "Artorias" the solar monarch's voice changed into serious but kind tone. 'Uh-oh' he could feel his heart thumping rapidly inside his chest, but nevertheless maintained a neutral expression. "Yes Celestia?" he replied with a somewhat sheepish tone. She smiled at him before continuing "This is about my sister, Princess Luna." His heart fell on his stomach as she said this. Sweat started to form on his palms due to his extreme nervousness. He tried to speak; but lost his voice to do so. Princess Celestia noticed this and chuckled "Calm down Artorias" she paused "I know maybe this is too early to ask but..." she trailed off. "I need you to do me a favor" Princess Celestia said softly. Artorias was surprised when he heard this "What kind of favor Celestia?" he asked politely. "It's about you and Luna." she continued. "Forgive me Celestia, but I am afraid I don't catch your point." he said matter-of-factly. Princess Celestia smiled "Ever since she returned from her banishment, she changed drastically. She can't socialize well,can't adjust well, closed herself when she have problems; even to me." the solar monarch said while lowering her head a bit "Were it not for Twilight and the citizens of Ponyville, she would have been worse." she paused. "But this morning, when I saw both of you underneath this tree..." she trailed off again. Artorias froze in place; this is the first time in his life he felt so...nervous. He charged right into the Abyss with no fear nor hesitation, heck he literally died. But now, he felt so...powerless. "I never found her to open up to somepony she barely knows; much like acting as friendly as she did to you." she continued. Artorias nodded in acknowledgement, slowly his heartbeat returned to normal. "I need you, to help her." Princess Celestia continued. "I need you to get closer to her, help her to get out of her shell." she said with hope present in her voice. "I need your help Artorias; Luna needs your help; all of us do" Princess Celestia said with a soft smile. "That is, if you accept of course." Artorias thought about this for a moment; he knows both of them have similar pasts. But Artorias have retained his personality after being freed from the Abyss' grasp. Purified. But as for Luna, she was still scarred from both her transformation and banishment to the moon. He really feel for her; and wanted to help her as best as he could. He knew that as Equestria's defender, is not just about defending her from physical threats but also helping her denizens in their time of need; in this case their rulers. Something clicked in his mind, something that tells him to accept her request. "Of course princess, I would be honored to do so." Artorias said while bowing politely. Princess Celestia's face beamed with happiness as he said this, Artorias couldn't help but to cast a smile as well. "Oh, thank you very much Artorias" she said while draping a wing on his shoulders. "Don't mention it Celestia" he smiled "Both Luna and I have similar pasts; I understand how it feels like to be trapped within your own body and committing atrocities beyond your darkest dreams." he said with a sympathetic smile. "I am going to do everything in my power to help." She smiled gently,"Well you better get going then, the train is leaving soon." "Until we meet again Celestia" he said while bowing politely, which she returned. Suddenly, her horn sparked to life and a bright flash popped in front of him and in an instant she was gone. 'That's new' he thought to himself, 'I guess I better get going' with that he sprinted towards the field. Moments later, he arrived at the field with Twilight and her friends staring at him with huge smiles on their faces. "Hey, how did it go?" Twilight asked, smiling. "Smooth as silk Twilight" he said nonchalantly, while walking up to retrieve his greatsword and satchel. After inspecting his satchel and greatsword he turned towards the group. "Well, I guess we better get going now" he said while slinging his greatsword on his back "After you ladies" he said with a smile. "Oh darling you are such a gentlecolt" Rarity said with her typical tone. Artorias wasn't sure what a 'gentlecolt' means, but he is sure it has a similar meaning to 'gentleman'. He smiled at the compliment. He motioned for Twilight and her friends to walk ahead of him, the walk to the train station was quite interesting; occasionally chaters were shared among the group and quite often; mares,stallions,even colts and fillies would run up to Artorias thanking him for saving them. He responded to them by saying 'I am just doing my duty' and such answers, he even met with the unicorn and pegasus mare he saved when he arrived at Equestria. "You are getting popular here Artorias; especially among mares." Twilight said with a mischievous smile. Artorias just chuckled in response "Being a knight has its perks" he joked. This received giggles from Twilight and her friends. Shortly, they reached the train station. "Is that this 'train' you speak of?" he said while pointing at a strange, snake like contraption. "Oh, yes Artorias that is the train." Twilight replied. "Are you sure it could travel as well as you said before?" he asked again. "Trust me, we will get to Ponyville in no time." Twilight said proudly. "Okay then, after you ladies" Artorias motioned for them to walk ahead of him, which they complied. But this time, he has two intentions; one being to live up his knight code of honor and another one because he was utterly confused at the strange contraption in front of him. After Twilight and her friends have entered the train, he proceeded to enter as well. Shortly, the conductor yelled "All aboard to Ponyville!" with that, the train blew its whistle and they started their journey towards Ponyville. Due to his size, he had to duck to fit in the interior of the train. Luckily, Princess Celestia had rented a private first class car for them so he had at least more space to get comfortable with; not an easy feat. He was busy observing the strange new transportation's interior until a voice snapped him out of his observation. "Artorias" Twilight called while patting an empty spot on a circle couch where she and the rest of her friends are seated. He got the message and sit down next to her. "So, what do we do now?" Rainbow spoke up "I am getting bored" she said with a yawn. "Usually when I come back from a mission; I'd hang out with my friends or stroll through the city or villages to mingle with the people there." Artorias replied. "And that's exactly what you I mean we are about to do" Rainbow said rather impatiently "I guess you could answer our questions?" she asked, the others nod in agreement with smiles plastered on their faces. He reached for his helmet and took it off, revealing his face "Okay then, I guess hanging out with my friends it is" he chuckled "So, what do you want to know?" "I guess you can tell us more about yourself?" Artorias nodded "I haven't tell you about the Four Knights of Gwyn in detail did I?" They nodded. "Well, you only mentioned them briefly; you were one of their members right?" Twilight asked. Artorias nodded "Then, who were the other three?" Rainbow asked again. Artorias smiled and continued "The Four Knights of Gwyn were consisted of four of the best of the best knights in my kingdom. They are known as 'Dragonslayer' Ornstein, 'Hawkeye' Gough, me, and 'Lord's Blade' Ciaran. As members of the best of the best we were given leeway to customize or forge our own weapons and equipment; oh and we were granted special rings engraved with animals that depicts our abilities and talents." he said while showing his signature Wolf Ring "I know all of them very well. So, who do you want to know first?" Rainbow hovered and landed beside him," This 'Dragonslayer' Ornstein sounds cool!" Rainbow exclaimed "Lets start with him first!" Artorias chuckled "You remind me of him; in fact both of you are really similar in personalities" Rainbow's face beamed with even more pride than before "Really?! how so?" "Both of you always aims for the best, very competitive, and very confident in your abilities" he said, Rainbow's grin grew even wider "Both of you always wanted to be the center of attention, and finally both of you have an unflinching loyalty" he said with a smile. "Don't let it go to your head" he said while ruffling her mane. She wanted to relent, but somehow enjoyed it; this received giggles from the girls. "Okay, back to the topic" Artorias said; he stopped his touch much to Rainbow's dismay "He was always clad in his signature golden armor; resembling a lion's visage and wields his signature golden cross spear, imbued with lightning." he paused "His combat skills are amazing. His spear coupled with his sheer speed and agility; could destroy an entire family of dragons with ease and there was this one occasion where his spear sliced a large boulder into two pieces." he continued "We were the best of friends, and he was the one who taught me how to use a spear; in his style" he paused "Oh, and he was the captain of our group. Due to his personality and combat skills, he was granted a ring with a lion engraved on it." "He must be so fabulous!" Rarity exclaimed Artorias smirked "He was our resident star when it comes to that, no matter what when he walked the streets of Anor Londo his fans would come running to him like crazy." he paused "That sounds really familiar" Twilight said with a mischievous smile while glancing towards him. "That was nothing compared to what he had" Artorias smirked at her. "There was this one time; when me and him were heading back from hunting a lone ancient dragon that had been terrorizing a local village. Long story short, we made short work of that dragon" he paused "When we entered Anor Londo's gates; we--particularly him were swarmed by crowds of women; or mares in your version." he chuckled when he remembered that silly moment "And we ended up flirting our way out of the group" the girls snickered at this. "Talking about dragons, where is Spike? I haven't seen him since this morning." Artorias asked. "Oh, I sent him to Ponyville earlier today." Twilight replied "Oh I see, so who do you want to know next?" "What about 'Hawkeye' Gough?" Twilight asked "You said he was your kingdom's top archer." she added. Artorias smiled "That's correct my friend, but have I told you that he's a giant?" the girls were astonished by this; and shook their heads. Artorias chuckled "He was the wisest, gentle, and the most kind-hearted giant I have ever known; because of his personality, we considered him to be a mentor and a father figure of our group" he smiled as he remembered the good times he had with him "He was the leader of the Greatarchers, archers who wielded greatbows with spear-like arrows capable of shooting down dragons flying high in the sky. He wields his own signature greatbow, the bow proved to be unwieldy by the rest of the Greatarchers and only he had the strength to handle it. And trust me, he never missed a shot with that bow of his. Even when his enemies 'blinded' him by stuffing his helmet's eye holes with resin; he never missed his shot. Due to his deadly accuracy, he was granted a ring with a hawk engraved on it." Rainbow raised her hoof. "Yes Rainbow?" Artorias asked. "I've got a question, why didn't he just clean his helmet?" "He was too stubborn to do that, I know it's very ridiculous; but I guess he was too 'obsessed' with his helmet" Artorias said. "So Artorias, how about 'Lord's Blade' Ciaran?" Twilight asked. "She was a member of Lordran's espionage division; the Lord's Blades." Artorias said. "Whoa, so Ciaran is a mare? I mean, female?" Rainbow asked again. "Yes, in fact the Lord's Blades were entirely consisted of females." he paused with a smile. Rainbow was astonished "So, what makes them so special?" "Their training granted them stealth,speed, agility, and proficiency in using tracer swords and venomous daggers." he continued "Everything enhances that; even their clothing." as he said the word 'clothing' Rarity shot up. "So what do they wear darling? I presume they wear robes, is that correct?" she asked. Artorias smiled and nodded "How do you know that?" he asked. "Let's just say, years of making fashion-lines granted you a decent ability in interpretation." Rarity said while flicking her mane. "But they also wear masks to conceal their faces during missions to conceal their faces and most importantly their identities; as I said before even their clothing enhances their abilities." he paused "During the war with the Everlasting Dragons, the Lord's Blades breached their sanctuaries; causing chaos from within, forcing the dragons out due to their disadvantage in position, and once they are outside they were finished by our great arrows and lightning bolts." he chuckled when he remembered that victorious moment. "It was then, when I met Ciaran." he continued "She was unique, because her mask was different than the rest of the Lord's Blades'. While they wear rough wooden cyclops headpiece, she was determined to earn her soft porcelain mask as a unique decoration of honor." he paused "In combat, when she was wearing her mask most of the time; she was like the representation of death itself. But that mask, hides her true character. Underneath, lies a beautiful face with shimmering golden eyes and even a more beautiful personality within; you won't even believe she was an assassin after knowing her true character." Artorias said with a smile. "Due to her skills she was granted a ring with a hornet engraved on it." he added "It looks like you and her were very close darling" Rarity said in a kind but serious tone "She was more than just a friend wasn't she?" Artorias sighed sadly before answering, tears forming in his eyes "Yes, she was more than just a friend. She meant the world to me, but I can't even keep a simple promise to her." Rarity inched closer to him and spoke softly "If it's okay with you, can you tell us your promise darling?" "I promised to..." he became hesitant "to..." he closed his eyes and sighed sadly. "To stay alive, to return safely into her arms...but I-" he was cut off when he felt soft spotless hooves embracing him in a friendly, comforting hug. The rest of the girls followed suit, making the hug even stronger. Artorias returned the hug with his own. They stayed like this for a minute, before letting go. "Thank you, I needed that." he said with a genuine smile. The girls smiled in return, then the train stopped. "Oh look, we are here!" Twilight said with a cheery tone. Taking it as a message Artorias put his helmet back on. With that done, they disembarked from the train and into the station of Ponyville. What lies before their eyes held their mouths agape. Ponies from all over Ponyville had gathered in front of the station, cheering for them. "Oh my--" Fluttershy squeaked. "Well, I know we are awesome and all; but I didn't expect we will be greeted by THIS many ponies." Rainbow said sheepishly. "This calls for a PARTY!!!" Pinkie Pie said while bouncing up and down. Then, a certain baby dragon made his way towards them. "Twilight!" Spike exclaimed and proceeded to hug her. "Hey Spike, what's going on? Why are all these ponies here?" she asked. "Uhm, you see..." Spike smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of his head "I told everypony what happened back in Canterlot, the Changelings, everything!" he exclaimed "Oh and of course about Artorias" he said while glancing at Artorias who stood motionless, observing the crowd. "Hey Artorias!" "Hey Spike; looks like you brought quite a crowd here." he chuckled. 'Amazing, this is even twice bigger from the crowd back in Anor Londo; Ornstein is going to be so jealous if he sees this' he smirked underneath his helmet. "Settle down everypony!" a mare earth pony with a light grey mane and tan coat spoke up; the cheering died down until only mumbles are heard. 'She must be the local authority here' Artorias thought to himself. Then the mare stepped forward and cleared her throat "Today, we gather here to greet the heroes of Ponyville who didn't only save Canterlot but also all of Equestria." with that said, hoofs stomped rapidly to the grounds "And also to welcome a new hero among us; Sir Artorias please step forward." Artorias looked at the girls, who nodded with smiles on their faces. 'With grace and elegance' he reminded himself mentally. He stepped out into the sun and bowed before the crowd "As you may or may not heard my name is Sir Artorias the Abysswalker; but please call me Artorias or Sir Artorias whichever do you feel like." the crowd smiled back towards him, but still he could sense great curiosity and fear emanating from them. 'Time to take off the helmet I guess.' Then, he reached for his helmet and took it off; the ponies winced a bit at the scene but after seeing what lies beneath his helmet, his face and it's features were nothing compared to Spike's description. Mares blushed upon seeing his face, stallions envied his features, colts and fillies were astonished right on their spots. "Do not be afraid, as you can see I am made of flesh and blood just like all of you; I do hope we could get better acquainted soon." he said confidently with a smile. "Sir Artorias" the mare from before trotted next to him "My name is Mayor Mare, and I believe I represent everypony when I say; welcome to Ponyville!" she gave her right hoof which he shook. "It's nice to meet you mayor" Artorias replied with a smile. "Sir Artorias, seeing the curiosity of everypony here today; how about a short Q&A session?" 'Another Q&A session huh? well lets make it quick.' he thought, then Artorias turned to his friends who nodded. "Well, a short Q&A session will be nice. By 'short' I am not trying be rude here but me and my friends had been through an exhausting day." he said while glancing to his friends who nodded. "Awwwwww!" everypony in the area grumbled playfully. Then, a mint green unicorn mare raise her hoof. "Yes you there, please step forward." Artorias said while pointing at her. Then, the mare stepped forward "Are you a human?" she asked. Artorias was greatly surprised by her question "Well, not quite. Because I look exactly like them but we have our 'differences'." he paused "How do you know about humans, Ms--?" "Lyra Heartstrings." she said with a smile while extending her hoof which Artorias shook "I just know that they exist somehow, but nopony believed me" she said while lowering her head. Artorias gently placed his hand on her shoulder, much to everypony's surprise "Well, you know they are real now." he said with a smile. She smiled "Thank you Sir Artorias" "You are welcome Miss Heartstrings" he smiled back, with that she returned to the crowd. Next, a mare earth pony with three carrots as a mark on her flank raised her hoof. "Yes, you there step forward please." Artorias addressed her. She complied, "May I know your name Ms?" he asked politely, the mares blushed even harder by his courtesy. She smiled and extended her hoof which again he shook "My name is Golden Harvest, it's nice to meet you Sir Artorias." she said. He chuckled "It's nice to meet you too Miss Harvest. Okay, Miss Harvest what was your question?" "What do you usually eat?" she asked. "I am an omnivore, so basically I could eat meat and plants." this drew gasps from the crowd, noticing this he quickly spoke up "But don't worry, I don't eat ponies." he chuckled. The crowd sighed in relief; "In fact, if it's your custom or perhaps law that forbids you from eating meat; I won't eat them." he declared to them, with that they smiled even wider. "Thank you Sir Artorias" she said with a bow which he returned. "Derpy incoming, brace yourselves!" A random stallion shouted. With that said, the crowd ducked. Suddenly, Artorias saw a grey pegasus mare with saddlebags flying towards him in an awkward manner but at a great speed. His instincts told him to dodge, but if he do the mare will crash through the stations' window and possibly injuring her. Sure he got his miracles, but he won't use it unless he really needs to and he is Equestria's defender after all, so he would anything in his power to prevent harm from befalling every single citizen of Equestria . Artorias put his helmet back on and widened his stance at a parallel line, both of his legs acting as support, and moved into her flight trajectory. The pegasus tried to control her movements to no avail and closed her eyes for another clumsy crash; but instead of a painful collision she felt a firm but gentle grip around her midsection. She opened her eyes only to make eye contact with the hero everypony have been talking about; Sir Artorias the Abysswalker. Derpy closed her eyes in embarrassment. 'What's wrong with her eyes?' he thought. He turned to the crowd, who held their mouths agape; realizing the awkward situation he gently put her down and knelt on one knee to meet her on eye level. Then, he gently spoke "Hey, Derpy isn't it? are you alright?" Derpy's eyes shot open immediately "Oh my, I am so sorry Sir Artorias I didn't mean too" she said with a hint of embarrassment. "It's fine Derpy, besides I intended to catch you or else you would crash through that window" he said while glancing over the window "I can't let that happen." he said with a smile. "Thank you Sir Artorias; I wish we have met under better...um, conditions." Derpy said sheepishly "Now I have to deliver these mails before my shift ends; it's almost evening after all." she said with a smile. "So, you are a courier?" he asked "And yes, you are right; today went so fast." "Yeah, a mailmare to be exact" Derpy said with a smile "Okay then, I have to go; I will see you around Sir Artorias." Artorias nodded "Be careful, and try not to crash into something or somepony; alright?" "I will!" with that, she took off. The crowd stomped the ground's surface rapidly with their hoofs while cheering for Artorias, and the girls followed suit; rounding up on him. "That.Was.AWESOME!" Rainbow exclaimed in a high-pitched voice. "That was marvelous darling!" Rarity exclaimed. "That was cool!" Spike exclaimed. "Ah never saw anypony do anythin' like that!" Applejack joined in. Twilight and Fluttershy were speechless but nodded in agreement. "Girls, I am just doing my duty" he said nonchalantly. Then Mayor Mare spoke up "Thank you Sir Artorias for saving us and Derpy from another clumsy crash" she chuckled "Now, I think you can ask more questions tomorrow; it's getting late and I am sure Sir Artorias and everypony else need to call the day off." The crowd agreed and dispersed like ants. With them gone, Mayor Mare turned to Artorias and the girls "Well, today's sure a very interesting day" she chuckled "Sir Artorias where will you sleep tonight?" "Me and my friends can take care of that." Twilight said with a smile. "Oh, well then; I guess things are settled for now. See you tomorrow everypony and Sir Artorias." with that, she left the group towards the Town Hall. "Now Artorias, where do you want to sleep tonight?" Twilight asked him "Any six of us will do, right girls?" "Of course!" they replied in unison with smiles on their faces. Artorias pondered about this for a moment, he was not concerned about the facilities he may have or anything like that; he was thinking about how he can reach any place in Ponyville the fastest if something happens. "Girls, whose place is the most strategic here? I mean, where I can reach any location I wanted in case something happens." he asked them. "Well, my Library is in the center of Ponyville" Twilight said with a smile. "Okay, that will do." Artorias said. "YES!" Twilight and Spike exclaimed in unison, the girls deflated a bit but chuckled afterwards. "Okay then, we might as well walk there together since we are going to pass our homes on the way; well maybe not for Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash." Twilight added. "Okay, I will see you guys tomorrow." Rainbow said, with that the girls and Artorias shared a group hug with Rainbow and Fluttershy before heading on their separate ways. "Okay then, I guess we better get going." Artorias said with a smile. The girls giggled and nodded. Along the way, they talked and chat with each other while showing him around; each of them contributing to Artorias' travel guide of Ponyville. "Over there, is my boutique; the Carousel Boutique." Rarity said while flicking her mane "Well, I should be heading home now; Sweetiebelle must be worried about me. Good evening girls and good evening Artorias." with that, they shared another group hug, and Rarity entered her boutique. Next, they came across a building that seemed to be made of sweets and cakes. "This is the Sugarcube Corner; I live and work here." Pinkie Pie said while bouncing up and down "Whoa look at the time I should be going now or Mr and Mrs Cake would be worried about me because I haven't returned yet!" she said with that signature smile of hers. With that, she zipped to the door in a blinding speed. 'I can never get used to that.' he thought with a smirk. Then, they continued onward towards Twilight's library. "Er, may I ask you girls something?" Artorias asked out of the blue. "Sure." Twilight and Applejack replied in unison. "You maybe consider this uncouth but, I have been wondering; what is that mark on your *ahem* flanks?" he asked sheepishly. Twilight and Applejack chuckled "Oh, this is a Cutie Mark." Twilight said. "Cutie Mark?" Artorias asked with a dumbfounded expression. "The Cutie Mark appears when somepony discovers his or her special talents; a self discovery to be simple." Twilight added. "Oh, I see; then all of you must have discovered yourself since you have these marks yourselves." he concluded. "Yep, ya can say so." Applejack said. "Oh look, we are here!" Twilight said when they arrived at a tree with a house fashioned into a tree "Welcome to Golden Oak Library!" "This is your house Twilight? Amazing!" Artorias complimented. "Thanks, Star Swirl the Bearded planted this tree himself a long time ago." "Who?" Artorias asked with bewilderment. "Umm, never mind." Twilight smiled sheepishly. "Alrighty then," Applejack said with a yawn "Guess ah better get goin' Bic Mac, Applebloom, and Granny Smith must be worried 'bout me. See ya tomorrow Twi, Spike." she said while hugging them "Oh, and ah'll see ya tomorrow partner" she said with a smile towards Artorias. With that, she sprinted towards a nearby orchard. "Okay, shall we go in?" Artorias asked. "Oh yeah, of course." Spike said while unlocking the door. Once they are inside, Artorias was astonished about the library. Even though it's quite small for a library; it held a vast array of books. "It's like a mini Duke's Archives in here" he said to no one in particular. "What was that?" Twilight asked. "Oh it's nothing Twilight, it's just your library reminds me of the Duke's Archives" "Wait, the library where Seath the Scaleless lives?" she asked "But you said it was so massive, that books were literally everywhere. Maybe the Royal Archives in Canterlot is more worthy in comparison, I'll show you when we visit Canterlot next time." she said with a smile. "Sure, I'd love to. Besides, I also love to read." "You love to read? then that makes two of us." Twilight replied with a cheery tone. "Then, feel free to read these books as long as you don't do anything to them." she gave Artorias a playful glare, which he chuckled at. After that Twilight showed him around the library; starting from the main reading room, bathroom, the basement, her room, and finally the balconies where she usually do her stargazing. When they retruned to the ground floor Twilight spoke up,"Well then, it's getting late." she said with a yawn "Good night Artorias" she said while giving him a hug which he returned. "Good night Twilight, good night Spike." Spike was no longer responding, since he has fallen asleep at Twilight's back. "Oh, poor thing." Twilight said playfully, with that she proceeded up the stairs to her room. "Oh Artorias I almost forgot, you can use the couch to sleep if you want. And there is a spare blanket on the drawer next to it" Twilight said while poking her head down the stairs. "Alright, thank you Twilight." Then, he glanced at a large couch with a drawer next to it at the main reading room 'That will do'; he proceeded to strip his armor, greatsword, and satchell off; setting them neatly against the wall. With his tunic remained he decided to do some late night reading before going to bed. He decided to read a book about Equestrian History which thankfully were written in a language he understood. With that done, he proceeded to think about his new life here, his role as Equestria's defender, his new friends, and for some reason Princess Luna. After a while, he dropped them off, retrieved the blanket from the drawer, and lay down to sleep. Slowly his eye lids began to close, but before he could fall asleep; an all too familiar howl echoed through the night air and snapped him from his sleepiness. "Sif...?" he whispered quietly. > Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darkroot Garden, Lordran. The Chosen Undead stood in front of the steel gates that leads to the grave of Sir Artorias the Abysswalker, the same knight he defeated not long ago. After an intense fight within the Abyss, Manus Father of the Abyss was dead; making him a true victor over the Abyss and preserving Artorias' honor. He could feel a certain feeling rushing from himself just by standing in front the gates; gathering himself he reached for the gates and pushed it. Slowly but surely the gates opened before him, revealing a large field inside. When they did, a large field was exposed before him; but what caught his attention was a towering gravestone with one giant sword sticking out in particular; surrounded by countless smaller gravestones riddled with weapons. Mustering all he got, he walked towards the gravestone with his sword and shield at the ready. Upon reaching the gravestone, he reached for the giant sword only to be stopped by a deep growl coming from above him. Fearing nothing, he looked up only to come face to face with the same wolf he rescued from the Abyss. Sif jumped down in front of him and approached him menacingly; the Chosen Undead slowly inched backwards but tripped on his own legs causing Sif to pin him down with her mighty paws. As she did so, she began to sniff at the chosen one; slowly, she began to recognize his scent which was no other than her rescuer's back in the Abyss. Immediately she knows what he was after, deep inside her mind she knows that she can't let him reach his goal; not after seeing what happened to her old friend and master. She stepped back from the Chosen Undead and whimpered in sadness, as he reached his hand to pet her; she raised her head and howled sadly into the night air of Darkroot Garden. She turned around reluctantly and picked up her greatsword, switched what side the blade was on and stared at the undead with sad but determined look in her eyes; ready to stop him from achieving his goal. The Chosen Undead reluctantly brandished his shield and sword at her, even as much as he hated to kill her; he knew it had to be done or more will suffer. Sif charged at him, ready to cleave him with her greatsword. As she did, the Chosen Undead evaded the incoming attack with a deadly agility and proceeded to slice her right paw with his sword. Sif whimpered in pain as blood started oozing from the wound, but to her; that was a very small flesh wound. Sif delivered a 360 degrees spin with her greatsword; a signature move Artorias taught her. The Chosen Undead saw this and blocked it with his shield; heavily dazing him and denting his shield. He knew he couldn't take another hit like that, or else he would be dead. Sure, he would return to a bonfire but that will reset him back into his 'hollowed' form; and since humanity is quite rare to find, he couldn't risk himself to go hollow. Sif was ready to deliver a final blow to him, and charged at him with her sword ready to cleave his soul; but he noticed this and rolled away to safety. Then, Sif did what Artorias had trained her to do; attack relentlessly until the enemy slips up and deliver the final blow. She attacked with her greatsword relentlessly, but it appeared the Chosen Undead had predicted this; with a stunning agility he slid underneath her paws thus avoiding a slash to his head and got under her. Before she could jump away, the undead plunged his sword into her heart and pulled it out; causing a massive bleeding an causing her internal organs to fail. Sif let out a pained howl before collapsing to the ground with blood pooling beneath her; staining her grey coat. Then, the Chosen Undead reached for her neck and yanked a necklace attached to it with a dull golden ring as it's pendant. Sif could only watch helplessly as her own life force is leaving her body; her feelings mixed with both sorrow for letting another person whom she held dear fall into the Abyss, and happiness for she will finally rejoin her old friend and master in the afterlife. To her surprise, the Chosen Undead removed his helmet and knelt by the side of her head,stroking her fur gently while singing a lullaby in a very delicate voice. She relaxed by his gentle touch and voice; her breathing became shallow as each second passed by and her vision started to blur as her body lose more and more blood. As she drew her last breath, she could saw the chosen one's un-hollowed face looking at her while smiling sadly and a tear dripped to her fur. "Forgive me" was all Sif could heard before her vision faded into blackness. After what felt like an eternity of darkness, Sif awoke in a forest. At first she felt so powerless, and she decided to gather her strength before trying to get up. After a while, she finally had the strength to lift herself up; while doing so, she was confused with her surroundings. She knew the Darkroot Garden very well, since she stayed there for literally centuries; but this forest was nothing like it. Then, Sif quickly picked her greatsword which somehow got transported with her and clamped it in her jaws. She quickly analyzed her surroundings and saw a large clearing in the distance,but just as she started to move she heard multiple canine growls behind her; as she turned around she saw multiple glowing yellow eyes in the darkness. Sif didn't know what creatures that lurked in the darkness of the Everfree Forest; but she decided to follow her instincts but this time instead of charging forward with her greatsword she howled to the night sky. At an instant the growls stopped, and one by one the eyes disappeared into the darkness. With that, she walked towards the clearing. "Sif...?" Artorias whispered quietly. 'Must be my imagination' he thought while laying back to sleep. But his eyes shot open when he heard somepony knocking at the door. "So much for a good night sleep" he said quietly, got to his feet, done his boots, and answered the door. When he opened the door, he saw Applejack with an equally sleepy expression on her face. "Howdy partner!" she greeted him. "Hello Applejack, what's going on? what are you doing here so late?" Artorias asked. "Didn't ya hear that howl?" she asked "Sounds like Timberwolves". "Er, what is this 'Timberwolf'?" Artorias asked. "Ya know, wolves that're made of woods?" Applejack asked while raising her eyebrows. "I see" he responded. "Hey guys, what's going on?" Twilight asked while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Before Artorias and Applejack could respond, a bloodcurdling scream echoed through Ponyville. As if taking it as a cue, the citizens of Ponyville began to wake up from their deep slumbers. And seconds later, ponies were walking out of their houses with worried expression on their faces and muttered to each other. "What in tarnation?! sounds like it's comin' frem Fluttershy's!" Applejack exclaimed. "Oh no! something must have happened!" Twilight cut in. Knowing it was the time to act, Artorias rushed back inside the library and retrieved his greatsword and talisman; ready for combat. "Which way?!" He asked with a concerned tone. "We'll getcha there partner." Applejack glanced at Twilight who nodded; determination visible from their eyes. Artorias nodded, with that they rushed like the wind with the rest of Ponyville in tow. Moments earlier... Fluttershy's P.O.V Fluttershy was preparing to go to bed; all of her animal friends are fed and her chores were done. She stretched, and looked outside her window and gazed at the beautiful night sky, she was saddened when her mind wandered back to the moment where she met with Princess Luna for the second time during the Nightmare Night celebration. "*sigh* If I am not such a coward..." she trailed off. She was snapped out of her thoughts when a howling echoed from the Everfree forest. "Timberwolves?!" she squeaked, but as quickly as the howl came; it faded away just as quickly. She sighed with relief. But just as she turned around, her sensitive ears caught a slow but rhythmic rustling sound as if somepony or something were strolling through the dense vegetation of the Everfree Forest. Again, she froze in fear; knowing what comes out of the Everfree Forest were usually bad things, in exception for Zecora. But she also knew that Zecora won't come out at this hour, since most of the forests' predatory animals are nocturnal. So, she knew it was not good; but nevertheless kept her watch. Slowly, a large wolf-like figure came into view. Frozen with fear, she thought it was her end; her friends were not there for her this time. Sure, she was good with animals; she helped an injured manticore, and even drove a dragon away by just 'sweet talking' to it, yet she never interacted with Timberwolves unless by screaming or running away from them. But when the figure emerged from the forests's edge; it was not a Timberwolf. Fluttershy was dumbfounded by the sight before her; the wolf was much more massive than any Timberwolves she have ever seen, it was not made of wood, it has a grey coat, but what astonished her the most it clamped a massive sword in its jaws; reminiscent to Artorias' greatsword. Then the great gray wolf embedded its sword to the ground, and lay down. Fluttershy's fears changed into curiosity, deep in her mind she was familiar with the towering wolf before her. Suddenly, her own realization struck like lightning. "I-is t-that S-Sif?" she wishpered quietly. Fluttershy's breath became erratic. Her feelings mixed with excitement, curiosity, and fear. Fluttershy questioned herself, should she walk out of her cottage's safety or should she stay inside and let Artorias find her himself. 'What do I what do I what do I do?' her mind kept rushing back and forth at this 'Maybe I should let Artorias handle her himself' But something clicked in her mind 'No. She must be confused and scared, I must help her.' With that, she mustered all of her courage and exited her cottage. Fluttershy gulped when she saw Sif from ground level, even when laying flat against the ground she was massive. Immediately, Sif tilted her head when she sense a new presence in the area. Sif and Fluttershy stared at each other with quizzical looks on their faces, and silence fell upon them. In her head,Sif was contemplating whether she could eat this strange creature in front of her; since she haven't eaten for a long time. But, a soft voice pushed those thoughts away. "H-hello there" Fluttershy squeaked, normally nopony could hear her when Fluttershy is in this kind of situation. But thanks to Sif's sensitive ears, it was crystal clear. Sif was uneasy about this creature before her, it just spoke in her master's tongue! however, the softness and calmness in her voice affected the battle-hardened great gray wolf so, she lowered her head to make herself look less larger and more friendly. Seeing this, Fluttershy mentally patted her shoulder 'It is working!' she cheered. "Are you lost?" she asked softly. As if understanding what Fluttershy said, Sif's ears flattened against her head and whimpered slightly. "Aw, you poor thing" she said with a sympathetic tone, flew up,and patted the wolf's head. Sif was and still is a battle-hardened great gray wolf but her life was not all filled with gruesome and bloody battles, during peacetime in Lordran; Sif would act as friendly as a domesticated wolf but precautions must be taken to get close to her, as she is still a wolf after all. Reacting to the touch, she yipped and licked Fluttershy right on her face. She giggled, but her giggles were replaced by a look of horror when she saw another large wolf across the field; but this time, it was a large Timberwolf . A bit bigger than Sif. Sensing fear emanating from her new friend, Sif pushed Fluttershy gently with her snout as if telling her to stay back. Sif raised and stretched, preparing for combat; then, she picked up her greatsword, shifted what side the blade was on, and took a fighting stance. Ready to take a 'dance of death' with her new equally sized opponent. Both wolves snarled and growled at each other; ready to rip each other's throats out. Fluttershy couldn't take it any longer, she was very scared. One bloody battle back in Canterlot was enough for her, surely another one would make her lost it. Seeing no more alternatives, she inhaled deeply and screamed at the top of her lungs. "How much further?!" Artorias asked with a serious tone. They have been running for quite a while now, most of Ponyville's citizens were following them. Even Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie have joined in as well. "Just another turn to the left and we are there!" Twilight replied between breaths. 'Hang in there Fluttershy' he said mentally. After another turn to the left, they reached Fluttershy's cottage. "I'll check if she is home" Twiliight said while teleporting away. Seconds later, she came back with a worried look on her face "She is not here!" As those words came out from her mouth, the crowds gasped and mumbled in a panicked tone until... *CRACK!* The crowd turned towards the loud cracking noise, similar to a wood being hit a by a lumberjack's axe but this time the lumberjack was a towering sword wielding gray wolf and the lumber was a massive Timberwolf. Before any of them could react, Artorias sprinted towards the direction of the great gray wolf. Sif was too busy battering the massive Timberwolf to notice her best friend and master's presence. Ignoring tears of happiness, and focusing his mind for battle; he grabbed Fluttershy out of the fray. With that, he returned to the crowd and put her down gently near her friends. "Take care of her, me and Sif will deal with this monster" he said with a genuine smile of happiness and determination, with that he rushed to his wolf companion's side. The girls nodded. As Artorias made his approach, Sif was still slicing and battering the massive wooden wolf which seemed to regenerate every piece of its missing limb with even more and more pieces of wood. Artorias noticed this, knowing that sword strikes would be useless; he knew that he needed to obliterate the massive Timberwolf in one strike. 'This should do the trick' he thought, with that he whistled as loud as he could. Sif, hearing an all too familiar whistle stopped her relentless assaults and jumped away to safety; leaving the Timberwolf confused in its place. With her out of the way, Artorias lifted his talisman high in the air and once again a large lightning bolt materialized on his hand; he arched his hand backwards and threw the bolt at a blistering speed; earning gasps of astonishment and awe from the crowd. When the Timberwolf realized what was going on, it was too late. The lightning bolt struck its body; emitting a massive amount of force, heat, and electricity--shattering it to pieces, and setting it on fire. Drenched in sweat and panting heavily, he got to one knee to catch his breath. But just as his breathing stabilized, he was tackled by a certain great gray wolf. Tears of happiness flowed freely from Artorias' eyes as he hugged his wolf companion by her neck. Sif also pressed her neck to his head, they stayed like this for what seemed like an eternity before letting go of each other. Artorias got on his feet, and placed his hand on her snout "I missed you very much my friend" she whimpered slightly and nuzzled his face. Then, he glanced at the girls and the citizens of Ponyville who were eyeing the two of them in awe "Lets introduce you to the rest of the town shall we?" he said with a smile. Sif yipped and followed him suit. As they approached, the crowd inched forward slowly; anxious at the presence of the great gray wolf before them. Seeing this Artorias spoke up "Do not be afraid, this is my great gray wolf companion; her name is Sif. Believe me, she meant no harm." with that, Sif embedded her sword to the ground and bowed in a pony-like manner; thanks to Artorias' training of manners Sif knew a few things about formality and courtesy. The girls and the crowd were astonished by Sif's decent intelligent and sapient being, but were still unconvinced due to their experiences with the Timberwolves. Seeing this Fluttershy and the girls stepped forward; surprising everypony in the area. Then in a soft but determined voice, she spoke up "He is right everypony" the crowd gasped "Without Sif, I won't be standing here right now." then she flew closer to Sif and patted her head "Thank you so much" Fluttershy said with a smile on her face, Sif yipped in response. Seeing this, Twilight spoke up "You see everypony? this is not how a big bad wolf is supposed to act" the crowd mumbled and nodded in response. Then Twilight glanced at Artorias and motioned for him to speak "Thank you Twilight. Now seeing all things are done and the Timberwolf threat has been dealt with, I suggest all of you return to your respective beds. I am sure you have your tasks tomorrow." The crowd nodded, thanked him, and once again dispersed like ants; heading to their respective homes and beds. And in no time, there were only the Main Six, Artorias, and Sif standing in the field. Artorias smiled and turned to the girls "You girls should go home as well, it's late." "Aw, but we just met with her" Rainbow spoke up while glancing at Sif "can't we stay up a bit longer?" "Unless, you wanted to miss your first training session tomorrow" Artorias said while rolling his eyes. Rainbow's ears perked up on this "FOR REAL?!" she exclaimed with a wide grin on her face. Artorias nodded with a smile. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!" Rainbow said while squeezing her cheeks in happiness. After regaining her composure, she spoke up again "Thanks Arty! when will we start?" "Arty?" he asked with a bewildered expression. "Your new nickname!" she exclaimed with joy. Artorias chuckled "Well then, tomorrow morning after you are done with your weather patrol duties." Rainbow saluted, thanked him and Sif for saving Fluttershy (which she got licked on her face for doing so), said her goodbyes and flew towards her home. "Um, Artorias" Fluttershy said while hovering next to him. "Yes Fluttershy?" "I just wanted to say thank you, for...dealing with that Timberwolf" she said with a soft smile. He smiled and patted her head "No problem Fluttershy; besides it is my duty is it not?" She blushed slightly and gave Artorias a quick hug before turning to Sif and thanked her one more time before returning to her cottage. "Sif, let's go" he said to his great gray wolf companion; Sif immediately picked up her sword and stood beside him. With that, he once again walked his friends to their homes with Sif by his side. As they reached Twilight's library, they said their goodnights and Sif stayed outside due to the cramped space in the library only to fell asleep with greatsword clamped in her jaws; constantly ready to follow her master to the end. After cleaning himself up, Artorias flopped back to the couch with a peaceful and determined mind and heart. With his best companion back to his side once again, he knew nothing could stop them. But deep within his heart, he was greatly saddened knowing that he may never return to Lordran nor his best friends or his lover; neither knowing of their fates. All that he knew was: he got a second chance to live his life, and it's time to end the previous chapter in his life and begin a new one. He could never forget his previous life experiences, but he got to move on; knowing that's what his old and new friends would have wanted him to do. With that, he pushed those thoughts away and drifted into a peaceful slumber. > Day at Work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was very early in the morning when Artorias woke up from his peaceful slumber. 'That was one of the best sleep, I've ever had' he thought while getting up and stretching his body; relieved when he heard the popping sounds of his joints. Then he walked to the window, opened the curtain; and saw his great gray wolf companion still fast asleep with her sword clamped in her jaws. He smiled softly at the sight, 'I will let her sleep in for once, but now...' he trailed off while taking his leather tunic off; revealing his perfectly toned and muscular body. 'I have to stay in shape' With that, he began his morning exercises which included warm-ups, stretching, one thousand times of push-ups, sit-ups, and back-ups, coupled with more various exercises and a cooling down session. An hour later, he was finished and sat back on the couch. "So much for that..." he said quietly while wiping beads of sweat from his forehead. "Taking a bath it is..." he trailed off while grabbing his tunic, a towel Twilight gave him last night,and headed towards the bathroom. "So, Twilight; what happened last night?" Spike voice echoed from upstairs. "Artorias dealt with a large Timberwolf and we have a new big friend" Twilight chuckled. "Seriously?" Spike asked. "Come on, I will get you two know each other when we got downstairs" Twilight said with a cheery tone. "Speaking of which; where is--?" Twilight was cut off when she saw the bathroom door opening. "Good morning!" Artorias greeted them with a warm smile. "Good morning Artorias!" they said in unison with smiles planted on their faces. "So, how do you sleep last night?" Artorias asked while walking back to the couch. "Best sleep I have ever had; thank you. How about both of you?"he asked. "We slept like rocks" Twilight said while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes "and then some" "So, who do you want me to meet Twilight?" Spike asked with a smile on his face. "Why don't you look out of the window?" Twilight smirked. 'Why is she smirking?'Spike shrugged but complied nevertheless, when he opened the curtain; he saw a massive sleeping gray wolf with an equally massive greatsword clamped in its jaws. "WHOA!!!" Spike exclaimed while jumping away from the window. Artorias and Twilight laughed at his reaction. "Lets get you two acquainted shall we?" Artorias asked with a smile. "It's okay Spike, she may seem big and scary but she is not dangerous; to us at least" Twilight said with a sheepish smile. Spike reluctantly obeyed and went out with Artorias and Twilight to meet with the great gray wolf. Once they were outside, Sif opened her eyes, got on her paws and let out a yawn before yipping happily when she saw her friends. "Spike this is Sif, my great gray wolf companion and one of my best friends." Artorias said. "U-u-um h-h-hi?" he stuttered nervously only to be licked right in his face. "Aww, she likes you!" Twilight said with a chuckle. Spike chuckled "S-so,b-breakfast?" he asked still stuttering. "Apple Pie sounds good!" Twilight suggested "Artorias?" "Of course, let's--" *BEEYOOOOWWWLLL* a thunderous grumble echoed through the air. "Umm, what was that?" Spike asked while raising his eyebrow "that wasn't me" "I presume Sif is getting hungry" Artorias smirked while walking inside to the library to pick up his satchel and strapping his boots. And no doubt, Twilight and Spike's eyes widened to an unimaginable size; but before they could react, he saw this and chuckled "Worry not my friends, she can also drink milk as an alternative" "Oh, we can go to Applejack's! she usually stock up a lot of milk." Twilight said with a cheeky smile "But first, would you mind if Sif leave her sword at my library?" Artorias nodded, and glanced at his wolf companion; who gave him her greatsword which was surprisingly proved to be wieldy enough for Artorias although a sheer amount of extra muscle fibers were required to lift it. After moving his armor and both greatsword to the basement; so that it won't cramp the library they made their way to Sweet Apple Acres. Moments later, Sweet Apple Acres Applejack drew her breath before exhaling it; her eyes stared fiercely at the apple tree before her, so far she bucked more trees than the rest of her family; heck the only pony who could match her was her big brother, Big McIntosh. A few days on Canterlot was enough to make her bucks dwindle a bit and she was sure she don't want that to happen; or at least that's what she thought. 'You think a few days off would make me lose mah edge?!' she thought with fierce determination visible in her eyes. One swift buck was all that it took, a solid thud cracked through the air and apples fell into the baskets below. 'And that's it fer today'she thought with a smirk on her face. "Very impressive" a familiar masculine voice spoke up, she turned around and saw a certain knight, a great gray wolf, a lavender unicorn, and a baby dragon standing behind her "Hello Applejack" Artorias said with a warm smile. "Howdy y'all!" she greeted them with a wide smile "What brings you here today?" "Um, breakfast?" Twilight and Spike said in unison with smiles planted on their faces. Artorias chuckled "We can get to that later, but first..." he said while glancing at buckets of freshly bucked apple underneath the trees " those Apples are not going to store themselves you know." Applejack tipped the brim of her stetson "That's right partner! if you want some o' them apple pies; you gotta earn it" "Sure, let's help AJ, get some breakfast and start the training!" Rainbow Dash smirked while landing beside her earth pony counterpart; Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie also came with her. "With extra hoofs 'round here thangs should wrap up in a jiffy!" Applejack said with a wide smile on her face. "Alright Applejack, tell us what to do" With that, Applejack told them every single piece of tasks that were needed to be done at the acres before. Artorias and Sif will do the muscle works; while the rest of the girls and Spike will handle the packaging; when those were done, they moved the apples in sorted barrels into Applejack's underground storage. "And that's the last one" Artorias said while putting the last barrel down. "Mighty good job everypony! now, lets go and git sum bites!" with that, the girls and Spike cheered and trotted to Applejack's house. Artorias was about to go as well but he stopped when he felt a tug on his leg; he turned around and saw Applejack holding a beet red apple with her right hoof with a genuine smile on her face. "Take it; ah can't let somepony who helped 'round here go unrewarded. Ah know you maybe have heard this like a billion times; but thank you." she smiled while offering the apple. Artorias smiled and took the apple from her hoof with his right hand "Thank you very much Applejack, it's my pleasure to help." and took a bite. As his tongue made contact with the juicy flesh of the red apple, he knew exactly what type of pony that worked in the orchard. The perfect taste and texture was enough to tell him that Applejack and her family were truly devoted and hard working ponies; something that he deeply respect. He quickly finished the apple before smiling on her "That was the best apple I have ever had, it has been far too long since the last time I have ever eaten something like this." "Aw shucks, thank ya kindly Artorias" she said. With that, they trekked to Applejack's house but suddenly she stopped. "Y'know Artorias, you still amaze me 'till now." "Oh?" Artorias looked at her with a surprised expression. "Y'are a knight, somepony with high dignity and standards. Ah thought for being a knight, you'd chose to stay with them high-class ponies than comin' down here with us village ponies; much less workin' on a farm." Applejack said while walking beside him "But you did the opposite." Artorias smiled "Being a knight does not mean you have to live your life with luxury or things like that...true, we knights defend our honor; but that didn't stop us to mingle with the 'lower-class' citizens; although most of the nobles consider the opposite. I personally think that whether you are a proud noble or a humble villager, you should treat each other equally" he paused "Don't misunderstand me Applejack; I do enjoy working on a farm and besides, you girls are my friends now; and I don't leave my friends behind." Applejack chuckled "Ah can tell that you are being honest sugarcube, and Ah'm grateful fer that." she paused "Unlike what Prince Blueblood did to Rarity" she said while gritting her teeth. "Excuse me, but who is Prince Blueblood?" Artorias asked "Princesses Celestia and Luna's distant nephew; ah still can't believe Rarity fell in love fer that rotten stallion. Hay, he even got disgusted when he saw mah apple fritters" annoyance building within her. Artorias chuckled "If we meet him sometime, remind me to teach him a lesson or two", Applejack gave him a stare of confusion "Er, not that kind of lesson of course" he smiled sheepishly before the two erupted into a full blown laughter. "Ah guess Ah should start bakin' some o' them pies, speakin' of which; what does the big fella gotta eat? Ah mean, Ah don't stock up on meat." Applejack said while glancing at Sif who were playing with her dog, Winona; "Ah see she made a new friend" she chuckled. Artorias glanced at his great gray wolf companion and chuckled "Do you stock up on milk?" Applejack nodded "Yeah, good ol' Daisy Jo and her friends kept the milk supply runnin'. Why do you ask partner?" "I will need a lot of them" Applejack motioned Artorias went inside her barn and started to unload more and more jugs of milk into a nearby manger for Sif to drink. After pouring the milk, Artorias whistled and in an instant; Sif with Winona in tow got before them and started to lick the manger dry of it's milky content. "Lets go Artorias, lets leave them to their lickin' business" Applejack chuckled Artorias nodded and walked with Applejack to her house. "Jeez AJ! where did you go?!" Rainbow Dash crossed her hoofs with an impatient look on her face as Applejack with Artorias entered the threshold of the house "You two went on a date or somethin'?" she said with a mischievous smile. "Knock it off Dash" she retorted with a glare. "Sooo?" Pinkie Pie zipped next to the cowpony "Shall we begin?" "Alrighty, breakfast--er, brunch comin' up in a jiffy!" She said with a sheepish smile after noticing that it was far from the morning. With that, both bakers moved to the kitchen with chatters and jokes emanating from the background. Mostly, they filled the chat with Artorias telling them hilarious mishaps from his life and missions and the girls told him theirs. Some of the stories were so hilarious, that Pinkie and Applejack could be heard laughing from the kitchen. "And, after falling into that large mound of dragon feces; me and Ornstein were quarantined for a week due to the awful smell." Artorias said between laughs while wiping a tear of laughter away from his eyes; receiving 'ew's from his friends. Needless to say, they were out of their breaths due to the intense amount of laughter. "Sound familiar Twi? " Spike asked while holding his sides to keep him from wetting himself. "Hey!" she retorted with a slight blush on her cheeks when she remembered that particular skunk incident; only to make the girls laughed louder. It was not long before the mouth watering scent of freshly baked pies filled the air. Shortly, Applejack and Pinkie Pie walked out from the kitchen with each of them carrying a tray on their backs with a large pie on each tray accompanied with eight glasses of Applejack's famous apple cider. "C'mon, dig in" Applejack said with her typical smug, and of course Pinkie was the first to (quite literally) dug into the first pie; finishing it on one big gulp. "I am super-stuffed!" she said while patting her bulging belly. The girls and Artorias chuckled before splitting the rest of the pie to eight-even-large pieces and munched on them happily. "So, Arty" Pinkie said while bouncing next to him. "Yes Pinkie?" he replied "Are you going to take Dashie as your padawan?" she said with a huge grin. "My what?" he said while raising his eyebrow. "You know, your student?" she replied, this caused the others to stare at him. "Well, yes of course" Artorias said proudly, the others smiled at him; particularly Rainbow. "Artorias, darling" Rarity spoke up "After you are finished with Rainbow's training, would you mind if you come over to my boutique? do not get offended darling but your tunic is getting oh deteriorating" she said dramatically. "I don't mind, but that will be un--" he was silenced when Rarity raised her hoof. "I don't take 'no' for answer darling, and do not even think about money" she smiled. Artorias smiled at her generosity "Thank you very much Rarity; I can't thank you enough" She smiled back at him "Don't mention it darling, it's the least that I could do" With that, they continued eating. After washing down the pie with the apple ciders, Artorias asked Twilight about something that had been gnawing on his mind since yesterday. "Excuse me,Twilight?" "Yes Artorias?" "Is it possible for me to get some meat around here? Not that I object in eating vegetables and cakes and I know I said before that I won't eat meat if your law or tradition forbids it; but since Sif has arrived here, well; she can't just rely on milk forever." he told her. Twilight placed a hoof on her chin and seemed to be deep in thought, ignoring hints of disgust from her friends. "Oh! I guess you could talk to Princess Celestia about that, on diplomatic occasions Griffon and Minotaur diplomats would visit Canterlot. And since they are carnivorous; she usually stock up on meat for their meals." she said with a wide smile. Artorias smiled "Thank you very much Twilight, I suppose you can get me in touch with her?" She smiled back at him "We are friends Artorias, and friends take care of each other; and yes I can get you in touch with her." her friends nodded in agreement; smiling. "Uhm, not to interrupt here Twi; but we are supposed to open the library in five minutes" Spike said with his eyebrows raised. Her eyes widened on the revelation quickly snatching Spike to her back "Gottagogirlsartoriasbye!" with that, her horn glowed and she was gone in an instant; leaving a very confused/shocked/amused knight and ponies. "Well..." Rarity spoke up "I have to open my boutique too" she said while getting up from her seat "Thank you for the pie and cider darling" she said to Applejack, smiling. "You are welcome sugarcube" she smiled back at her. With that, they thanked her, said their goodbyes and went on their separate ways for the day. Artorias headed towards the field near Fluttershy's cottage with Rainbow Dash and Sif in tow to begin her training; as they exited the gates of Sweet Apple Acres, they crossed paths with a large red stallion with a harness on his neck ;pulling a cart, and an elderly green mare. "Howdy partner, howdy Dash" the red stallion greeted them in a heavy masculine voice. "Hello there" Artorias replied politely. " 'sup Big Mac? hello Granny Smith" Rainbow greeted them back. "Howdy Rainbow" Big Mac greeted her before turning to Artorias "You're the knight everypony's been talkin' 'bout?" he asked "The name's Big Mclntosh. But you can call me Big Mac, Ah'm Applejack's older brother. This here's mah grandma, Granny Smith." he extended his right hoof. Artorias took his hoof and shook it with his right hand. As they shook each other's hand and hoof respectively, Artorias could feel raw power from the stallion; twice more powerful than Applejack's. "My name is Sir Artorias the Abysswalker, but please call me Artorias. A pleasure to meet you" he said with a smile "This here is my great gray wolf companion, Sif" he said while glancing at his great gray wolf companion. Hearing her name, Sif yipped in response. Artorias turned to Granny Smith who were eyeing him curiously "Excuse me, madam. Is there something wrong?" he asked politely. "Oh ain't nothin' wrong sonny" she said with a smile "Just ain't prepared to meet with the hero head on" Artorias smiled "I am not a hero madam, I am just doing my duty" he said politely. "Handsome and well mannered? Now Ah now why mares in town were talkin' 'bout you like there's no tomorrow." Granny Smith chuckled. "*ahem*" Rainbow hovered next to him. 'Oh, right' Artorias smiled to them,"It's nice meeting you all; but we have to go now. Until we meet again" Artorias bowed politely. "Eeyup" Big Mac responded while pulling the cart towards the farm with Granny Smith waving them off. With that, they strolled through an alternative route to avoid catching attention in Ponyville; heading to the same field where they found Sif the night before. "Tell me Artorias..." Rainbow flew next to him "About what?" he stopped and turned his head towards her. Rainbow inhaled then exhaled slowly "How are you going to train me actually?" Artorias raised his eyebrow "What do you mean Rainbow?" "Well, isn't it obvious? I mean look at us, we are different in oh so many ways" Artorias placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look into his crystal blue eyes "Listen Rainbow, just because we are physically different doesn't mean I can't train you. Of course I will need to change some techniques, but that will be no problem; as long as you are willing of course" he said with a smile. Rainbow couldn't help but to smile herself and give him a quick hug which he returned. "So, race you to the field?" Artorias smirked. 'I am just trying to lift her spirit back up; and do some analysis on her' Rainbow's ears immediately perked up when she hear the word 'race'. "Oh you wanna race me? you are so on!" she said while smirking back to him. "Eh, wait; how about Sif?" she said while glancing at the massive wolf. "Oh don't worry about her" he said while motioning his wolf companion; who complied and disappeared into a nearby trail "she will take the subtle path" With that, the pegasi and the knight got into their position. And in the next instant, both competitors shot up at blistering speeds; this time Rainbow decided not to use her wings and went on four legs against Artorias' two legs. Even with four legs, she was fast and swift...evading obstacles with ease; but Artorias got a trick on his sleeves. Using aerodynamic acrobatic movements he got over obstacles as easy as Rainbow did. Moments later, they arrived at the field; draw. "Heh, not bad for the fastest flyer in Equestria" Artorias smirked. "I would have definately won if I used my wings!" she retorted. "Well, technically she is the winner" he said while pointing his thumb at Sif who were lying in the field, staring at them with her ever so happy expression. "Wha? but how?!" Rainbow exclaimed disbelievingly. Artorias shrugged "she....has her ways" he smiled sheepishly. "But, that was fun! we should do it again sometime! at least you are somepony who stood a chance beside AJ." she replied. Artorias chuckled "Yes, but save it for later. We, well; you have some training to do" he paused "catch your breath" After Rainbow catched her breath, Artorias made her run fifty laps on the field (25 with legs and another 25 with wings) as a warm up, a hundred time of push ups, sit-ups, back-ups, and pull ups on a tree branch (or Wing Ups on her version, totaling four hundred times of muscle exercise), and finally Artorias taught her how to use the Uchigatana (while she tried to use her mouth earlier, she got used in using her front hoofs; and got quite good with it) whilst adding some lethal and non-lethal techniques to her martial arts arsenal such as the neck breaker, joint locks and bone breakers with some equine adaptations in the process. But what Rainbow seemed to adore the most was when Artorias taught her how to use her wings to deliver melee attacks using rapid acceleration, and even adding a new sword-like combat technique with them; he even thought about fashioning her wings with retractable blades when the time comes. Two and a half hours later, they were done. "That *pant* was the best *pant* training *pant* ever!" she exclaimed while dropping on her back into the soft grass of the field. "So...tired" she said while stabilizing her breath. Artorias smiled at her "I am amazed Rainbow, above all the knights I have trained in the past; you understand and learn things quickly." he said while helping her to get on all four hoofs "don't let it go to your head" he ruffled her mane playfully. "H-hey stop that!" he glared at him playfully, with that said Artorias chuckled and stopped ruffling her mane. "So, what do you want to do now?" She asked him. "Well, I guess I will be going to Rarity's boutique" he told her "do you want to come with me?" "Sure, since I have nothing better to do" she replied with a smile "Um, Artorias...?" she trailed off. "Yes Rainbow?" "Um, I know this may sound awkward; but..." she blushed slightly "could you give me a piggyback ride? I am kinda tired" she said while scratching the back of her head. Artorias smirked but nevertheless lifted her to his back 'This is just like taking care of a sister' he thought. "Hold on tight" with that, she locked her front hoofs to his chest and he sprinted back towards Ponyville with Sif in tow; unaware that three certain fillies had just breached the forest behind them. Moments later, they arrived at Ponyville. It wasn't long before Artorias and Rainbow realized something. "Artorias, is it just me or everypony is staring at us?" she whispered into his ears; still latched on his back. "I assume you are correct Rainbow" he kept on walking and adjusting her position on his back before turning towards the crowd "she is just tired folks" the crowd shrugged, and dispersed like ants. Five minutes later, they arrived at the Carousel Boutique and opened the door while Sif stayed outside; again due to the cramped space. "Welcome to the Carousel Bout-- my,my isn't that just adorable!" she smiled mischievously. "She is just tired" Artorias smiled while putting Rainbow down on a couch. "Thanks" she smiled while giving him a quick hug. "You are welcome Rainbow" he said while giving her a pat to the head. "If you two lovebirds are done, can we please get started?" Rarity said while taking out her measuring tape. Artorias chuckled and walked towards Rarity who done her glasses and start to slither and coil her measuring tape all over his body using her magic. Five minutes after measuring and noting down his size, the door of the boutique burst open; revealing Applejack, Twilight, and Fluttershy with concerned expression on their faces. "Rarity, is Applebloom here with Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo?!" Applejack asked with a concerned tone. Rarity's eyes widened at the realization "N-no darling, I thought they were at your farm." "Where could they be!? we searched everywhere for them!" Twilight added. Artorias pondered for a moment "Rarity, do you have anything that has her body scent attached to it?" Rarity frantically rushed into her sister's bedroom and come out moments later with a blanket on her magic grip. "Will this help?" He nodded, grabbed the blanket, and rushed back outside with the girls in tow. Once outside, they found Artorias was giving the blanket to Sif to sniff on. After a moment of sniffing, she got up and pointed at a direction; a direction leading to the Everfree Forest. "Come on girls, Sif has got her scent" he said whilst placing the blanket on his satchel and sprinted with Sif as his guide. The girls, not caring for whatever dangers that may lurk inside the dark forest followed him suit, all hoping for the best. > A New Task > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come on Sweetie Belle, we won't get our forest explorer cutie marks if you keep on lagging behind!" Scootaloo exclaimed while pushing through the dense vegetation of the Everfree Forest. "Yeah! C'mon Sweetie Belle we ain't got all day!" Applebloom added while trotting happily beside her orange friend. Sweetie Belle lagged behind due to her intense nervousness of both scared of the Everfree and being grounded by Rarity. "But we were not supposed to be here, it's dangerous!" She retorted "can't we do this another day? It's getting dark" she protested weakly. "C'mon Sweetie Belle don't be such a downer! Didn't you see how Sir Artorias walked up to that Timberwolf like it was nothing?" Scootaloo said with an intense amount of confidence on her voice. "Yeah I know, but he got his talents" she replied. "And that's exactly what we are gonna do!" Applebloom said "Look, Ah'm sure after we do this we're gonna get our cutie marks and go home before our sisters even know that we were gone!" "Oh We don't think so!" two very familiar angry voices bellowed behind them. The trio gulped,turned around, and came face to face with an angry Applejack and Rarity followed suit by their friends and the hero everypony has been talking about; "Sir Artorias the Abysswalker" they said in unison with their mouths agape. Artorias nodded but maintained his pokerface; and for some reason fished his satchel only to retrieve his Uchigatana. Strapping the katana to his hips, he walked next to Applejack and Rarity; still keeping his emotionless expression, the same face he used to confront misbehaving children or in this case; fillies. "What in tarnation are y'all doin' here?!" Applejack asked sternly while staring at them with an unnerving gaze. Yet, the Cutie Mark Crusaders could not give any form of responses; partly due to being caught red-handed but also due to the astonishment that their idolized hero was there with them. "Well?!" Rarity questioned angrily equally glaring at them. The three sighed in admission "We were exploring the forest so we can get our forest explorer cutie marks" Scootaloo said weakly while lowering her head. "WHAT?!" the two sisters bellowed again, but before they could give the three little fillies a piece of their minds; they were stopped when they felt a hand on their respective shoulders. They looked up, only to see Artorias smiling gently at them. "I understand how you two are feeling right now, but right now;screaming at them won't solve anything. Besides if you two keep on screaming, you'll probably attract unwanted attentions from every single predator in this forest" he paused, letting Applejack and Rarity to calm down.Moments after they have calmed down a bit, he continued "Let me talk to them" Rarity and Applejack nodded with smiles of approval on their faces and stepped backwards to give him and the fillies some space. But before Artorias could talk to the fillies, Sif moved in front of them and growled at something behind thickets of dark trees; forming a barrier between them and whatever that may lurk in the darkness of the Everfree Forest. Seeing this, Artorias snatched the fillies away, putting them down by Applejack and Rarity's side, and with that he unsheathed his sword, grabbed his talisman, and readied himself up. Seconds later, two large manticores sprung in front of them, their eyes fell immediately on the ponies; easy meals. But what they did not expect was a massive wolf rivaling it's size and a strange sword-wielding creature it had never seen before, obstructing it from earning their meal. To make matters worse, one of the manticores moved to the trail behind them; blocking their exit. "Girls, I want all of you to leave at once and head back to Ponyville! Sif will come with you to ensure that nothing happens." he commanded; his eyes still focused on the threat before him. Even with his eyes focused elsewhere, he could feel hesitancy building within them; especially from Rainbow and Sif. The thought of leaving him face-to-face with the hulking manticore while they run to safety really bothered them, as much as a skilled knight he is; they know he could still be harmed and killed. Without further delay, Sif leaped to the air and tackled the manticore blocking their exit route with a force so powerful that it didn't even stand a chance to fight and proceeded to tear it's throat out; causing blood to gush out from the large wound like a fountain, and killing the manticore instantly. "Now's your chance! go, now!" he bellowed. With that, Sif move to lift them to her back one by one using her mighty jaws; they hesitate at first after seeing what the massive wolf have done, but complied nevertheless. But when it came to Rainbow, she moved away. "I appreciate what are you doing but I can move just fine!" she yelled while flying up to Sif's side albeit with great hesitation and proceeded back towards Ponyville. With that, roars and grunts of pain could be heard emanating from the manticore ; presumably getting sliced open by Artorias' katana. She saw him avoiding and countering the manticore's attacks swiftly, but also noticed that the manticore was very relentless and he was getting a bit slower. She was about to yell something at him until he was hit with one of the Manticore's paws, causing him to yell in pain as the large claws of the manticore made contact with his right shoulder,tunic, skin, and flesh; shredding them. 'Oh buck it! to hay what the plan was, I am gonna help him whether he like it or not!' She then flew to the manticore at a blistering speed with her hind legs extended forward; ready to break it's jaws with a flying kick. But stopped as she heard a familiar crackling sound of Artorias' sunlight spear. The world around her seemed to slow down as the lightning spear got closer and closer to the manticore at an equally blistering speed, she looked in awe as the lightning spear impacted the manticore's head. The force combined with the immense heat and electricity was so powerful that the manticore's head exploded with half of it's rib-cage, showering blood, bits of flesh, brain matter, and bits of other organs all over the area. After the sunlight spear impacted with the creature, Artorias smiled triumphantly, sheathing his blood-stained sword and was about to treat his wound until he saw Rainbow in the corner of his eyes. Rainbow's eyes was widened and her jaw dropped to an utterly horrified point, covered in the manticore's blood. 'Oh no, she is probably traumatized' he thought while ripping some torn parts of his tunic and tied it tightly on the large wound on his shoulder in order to stop the bleeding; running towards her...Rainbow still hovered with her blank and shocked expression. Artorias inspected her, glad she was not hurt; well, physically at least. Seeing this, Artorias shook her on the face to make her regain consciousness "Rainbow! wake up, it's over!" he shouted at her. Rainbow just hovered there, until she turned around,vomited for a second time, and fell to the ground. Seeing this, Artorias swiftly caught her in his arms before she fell to her own vomit. He looked around for the nearest source of water so Rainbow could clean herself; a couple of seconds later, he found a small pond. Artorias sighed and jogged towards the pond while putting her down next to the watery hole in the ground. "Hey Rainbow, wake up; it's over" he said while kneeling on one knee; shaking her body to wake her up from her shock,to no avail. After about 20 seconds later, he scooped some water from the pond and splashed it on her face. "PPPPBBBFFT" she sputtered "WHA-*cough* the HAY! *cough*" Artorias sighed with relief and spoke "Why didn't you go with Sif and your friends? you could have been hurt for good's sake!" Rainbow coughed and spat the rest of the water before looking at his eyes "Because I don't leave my friends behind...and you got hurt bad, so I wanted to help you..." She said guiltily. Artorias patted her head "That's very admirable of you, and I greatly appreciate it. Really, I do, but a reckless action such as that won't do both of us any better and possibly doing worse. Besides, this is only a flesh wound." he said with a smile. 'only a flesh wound?' Rainbow shuddered at the thought. "But still...I can't let any of my friends got hurt; much less letting their attackers get away with it" she said weakly. Artorias smiled at her determination and loyalty. Placing a hand on her shoulder he spoke softly "We are friends Rainbow, we have each other's backs now" he smiled "Now get yourself cleaned up, you smell awful" he smirked. Rainbow glared playfully at him, and walked towards the pond. After cleaning herself from the blood and gore she walked back towards Artorias; "Now come, we should get back to Ponyville; your friends are probably worried sick about us" he paused "and Rainbow, stay close to me. I don't know much about this forest; but from my previous experiences, most predatory animals in forests like this one are nocturnal and since it's nightfall..." Artorias trailed off. Rainbow smiled and flew up beside him whilst keeping her eyes on the surroundings. But just as they started to advance, Artorias held his hand up, signaling her to stop. "What are you doing?" she whispered. Saying nothing, Artorias drew his longbow from his satchel and placed a feathered arrow on it. Then, he aimed at a nearby bush before pulling the string and releasing it; creating an audible *phwt* like sound as the arrow flew towards the bush with an incredible speed with an audible thud; the arrow has found it's target. "Let's see what I hit" he glanced over to Rainbow who were flying beside him, who gulped but followed him nevertheless. As they walked towards the bush, they saw a strange creature with the head of a chicken and the body of a winged serpent lying on the ground with an arrow embedded on it's chest; dead. Rainbow looked at the scene with utter shock and awe, but managed to keep herself from throwing up more of her lunch (or whatever's left in her belly). "Rainbow, what is this creature?" Artorias asked. "This, is a cockatrice" she replied while inching closer to him "I am not an expert about these creatures, but from what Twilight told me; cockatrices could turn things into stone just by staring at it" she paused "we are lucky you found it first". "Oh I see" Artorias replied casually while pulling out his arrow from the cockatrice's chest; creating an audible cracking sound in the process, hinting that some bones are broken. "Lets go, we have to keep moving" After moments of strolling through the dense vegetation of the Everfree Forest, they made it back to the field near Fluttershy's cottage with Sif trying to keep the girls from entering the forest in order to search for them. "Look Sif, I appreciate what you are trying to do; but we can't just sit here waiting for them!" Twilight yelled while teleporting behind the massive wolf. But Sif's battle hardened instincts predicted her spawning spot and snatched her backwards with her jaws; much to her dismay. "At ease Twilight, we are okay" a familiar masculine voice echoed behind the trees, revealing a certain knight and a certain rainbow-maned pegasus flying by his side. "Yeah, and then some" Rainbow added with a smirk. Seeing them, the girls ran and embraced them in a tight group hug. "We were so worried about you guys, we were trying to search for you but Sif over there was not letting us through" Twilight said happily while glancing at the massive gray wolf. Artorias smiled "It's okay Twilight, she was just doing what I taught her to--" "Oh Artorias, your shoulder!" Fluttershy exclaimed while pointing her hoof at his hastily patched up shoulder, with blood soaking the torn up piece of his leather tunic. The girls instantaneously stared at his mangled shoulder, with Rainbow lowering her head as guilt returned to her. "Applejack, could you get my first aid kit please?" "Of course sugarcube" she smiled, with that Applejack sprinted towards her cottage and come out moments later with a brown saddlebag strapped on her back and gave the bag to Fluttershy. Fluttershy thanked her, and unloaded a bottle of alcohol, a large wad of cotton, and a roll of white bandage. Fluttershy applied some alcohol to the wad of cotton before turning to him. "Hold still, it may sting a bit; but I promise it will only last a moment" Fluttershy smiled softly. Originally Artorias was about to refuse her help since he could easily heal himself with his talisman and healing miracle. But the look in her eyes and sensitive personality caused him to do otherwise; he thanked her, sit down on the grass, and let Fluttershy do her job. "What caused this?" she asked "Is it the manticore?" Artorias nodded "Yes, but I defeated it with Rainbow's help" he said with a smile. The girls stared at Rainbow who gave him a surprised look, which he replied with a wink. "O-of course! we kicked the manticore's flank!" she replied proudly. With that, Fluttershy continued her work while series of 'wow's could be heard emanating from Rainbow's position. After untying the makeshift bandage on his shoulder; the girls and Fluttershy flinched upon seeing the wound, seeing the terrible damage inflicted (to them at least).But nevertheless, she continued her work; cleaning his wound with the alcohol-soaked cotton wad;Fluttershy was surprised when Artorias didn't even flinch when the cotton made contact with his wound. Remembering the battles he had been through, this was nothing compared to the wounds he received. After cleaning the wound, she swiftly wrapped the bandage on it. "There, all better" she smiled softly. "Thank you Fluttershy, I owe you one" Artorias said while giving her a pat to the head. "Y-you are welcome" she stammered while blushing a slight shade of pink; seeing this, the girls chuckled. "Actually darling, I think we should be thanking you and Sif for saving our lives again" Rarity added, the girls nodded in acknowledgement and thanked both him and Sif. "Now, before we go home and hit the hay here; Ah'm sure these fillies have somethin' ta say" Applejack commented while motioning for the three fillies to step forward. With that, the CMCs stepped forward with their heads lowered. "We are very sorry everypony, we shouldn't have wandered into the Everfree Forest abruptly" Scootaloo said weakly. "We know it is wrong" Sweetie Belle added. "But we were so inspired by Sir Artorias, and we thought by gettin' over our fears we would get our cutie marks" Applebloom spoke up as well. Hearing this, Artorias got up on his feet, walked over to them, and knelt on one knee "Little ones, I am honored to meet with brave fillies such as yourselves. Now, may I know your names? Oh, and please call me Artorias." The fillies' faces lit up with pride "I am Scootaloo" "I am Sweetie Belle, Rarity's sister" "Ah'm Applebloom, Applejack's sister" "We are" they paused "THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!" they exclaimed in unison. Artorias chuckled in response "Children, I understand and greatly admire what are your intentions are; trust me I have pulled this kind of act myself" he paused "But trying to enter a forest which will eventually hurt yourselves and trying to find your special talents are two very different things" "But if we don't get our cutie marks we will be blank flanks forever!" Applebloom whined, receiving nods of agreement from the remaining two crusaders. "I am not an expert on your so called cutie marks, but in my experience; discovering your special talents, much less discovering yourselves, takes time" he paused with a smile. "But everypony's been telling us just that!" Sweetie Belle added. "Some things just can't be rushed, children" he spoke softly "Hear me on this, no matter what everypony else may think about you; whether in a positive or negative way, keep in in your hearts and minds that all of you are special. And in time, I believe you will find more than just your cutie marks" The fillies smiled gratefully and hugged him, which he returned. "Alrighty *yawn* Ah think we should *yawn* hit the hay" Applejack said with a tired voice "As for you young missy, we ain't done talkin'!" she said while glaring at Applebloom. After thanking Artorias and Sif one more time; Applejack took off with Applebloom, Rarity took off with Sweetie Belle, Rainbow Dash took off with Scootaloo, and Fluttershy returned to her cottage. Leaving only Twilight, Sif, and Artorias in the field once again. "So, shall we head home?" Artorias asked while stretching a bit, trying not to sprain his shoulder in the process. "Yes, lets" Twilight replied with a smile. With that, they strolled through Ponyville once again towards Twilight's library to call the day off. After waking up early in the morning and doing his morning routines, Artorias was just relaxing and reading a book about Equestrian society with a mug of coffee and a plate of pancakes; courtesy of Twilight. That morning, Artorias had volunteered to run the library himself since Twilight and Spike went to the market place to get some supplies; much to their excitement. 'So very peaceful, no wars, no constant deaths, no hollows...I wonder what is happening to Lordran now'Artorias thought while taking a last sip of his coffee and eating the last pancake; then he brought the eating utensils to the sink in the kitchen and washed them clean. He was getting used to this new world and it's more advanced technology; he was still fascinated by the train he took from Canterlot to Ponyville due to the fact that in his world, steam-powered engines were merely theories. After doing the glass and dish, He leaned back into his chair, but despite the chair being a little off-sized for him, he found it comfortable. He placed both hands on the back of his head; sighing contentedly. 'Is this my redemption? my time of rest after those horrible images of war, death, and darkness?' he mused to himself, Artorias was abruptly taken back into reality when he heard giggles emanating from outside the library. He walked over to the window and looked outside; only to witness Sif playing with some colts and fillies with their parents watching in the distance. He smiled at the sight and decided to step outside to socialize more with the denizens of Ponyville, just as he stepped out of the library's door; the children and Sif stopped playing at once and rushed after him with their parents in tow. Sif lie down beside him and amazingly she does not mind being used as a makeshift cushion by the colts and fillies. "Hello everypony!" Artorias greeted them with a smile, in return he received multiple 'hello's and smiles from the growing amount of ponies. "During our last encounter, I was only capable to answer two questions from you due to the short time, by that I apologize"he said while bowing respectfully "But,considering the time we have now; I would be delighted to answer more of your questions and get to know more of each other" he said with a smile. As he said that, hoofs are shot to the air. "Yes, you there please step forward" he said with a smile. With that, he started to answer more and more questions from the crowd such as where is he from, how he got to Equestria, his adventures (with toned-down fight scenes of course), what happened to his shoulder (again, with a toned-down fight scene), his weapons and gear, and other trivial questions. Needless to say, everypony in the area were astonished by his tale and answers. After conversing with Artorias a bit longer, the crowd thanked him, and excused themselves to continue with their days. Artorias acknowledged this, and waved them off before entering the library. 'Today's going to be a good one...'he though while putting the recently returned books back to their shelves in alphabetical order. While he was sorting the books, a knock came from the door. "Coming!" he said while walking towards the door in a few effortless steps. When he opened the door, Twilight and Spike were carrying mounds of grocery bags filled with supplies with them and Rarity who was carrying a large stylishly decorated gift-box with her magic grip . Taking the initiative, he took the bags and put them down in the kitchen. "*Phew* Thank you Artorias" Twilight and Rarity said with a smile. Spike clenched his claw and offered it to Artorias which he stared at with confusion audible in his face. "Just clench your, er-whatever and bump it to my claw!" Spike said with a cheery tone "Stallions do it when they meet or thank each other; I think it's called a bro-hoof or something like that" Artorias smiled and bumped his fist with Spike's claw. "Artorias, darling" Rarity spoke up "aren't you going to open the box?" she asked. "Oh?" he asked. "Just open it" she said with a smile. Artorias untied the ribbons and proceeded to remove the box's cover. Upon seeing it's content, his eyes widened in amazement; inside the box was a white leather tunic, with an azure blue leather vest matching his cape with elaborate patterns woven into it's surface coupled with a black leather belt and brown leather pants along with some spare clothing. 'She really wasn't kidding about making me clothes' he thought. "Do you like it?" she asked with a smile and hopeful eyes "I work all night long to create these; surely my personal record breaker" "Rarity, this is perfect" he smiled gratefully "I can't thank you enough for this" "Oh darling, compared to what you have done for us recently; this is truly just a small gift" she smiled back at him. Before they could continue any further, Spike burped out a letter with a royal stamp; causing Twilight to frantically rush to him, picking the letter up on her magic. Her eyes widened in surprise when she read it. "Well, what does it say Twilight?" Spike asked. "Princess Celestia asked all of us to come to Canterlot" she smiled. "For what? is there something important afoot?" Artorias asked. "No, just for pleasure" she replied with a smirk. > Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No, just for pleasure" Twilight smirked. The room fell into a dead silence as if everypony and everyone had farted their brains out. The silence was broken by Rarity who muttered something incoherent; and teleported away from the library, presumably to her boutique. "Well, that's new" Twilight spoke up with amazement. "I thought you unicorns can do teleportation spells" Artorias commented flatly. "Yeah, we do; but she never used them before" Twilight replied with a concerned tone, hoping that her friend won't get stuck inside a wall. Artorias chuckled"Well, lets put that aside; it's uncouth to keep the princesses waiting" he said while strolling to the bathroom with his new attire in his clutches. After dressing up in his new tunic,stuffing the rest of the new clothes into his bottomless inventory bag, and donning his armor,Artorias helped Twilight and Spike to sort their stuffs and headed towards the train station. "Why do you think Princess Celestia asked for our presence? and what kind of pleasure ?" he asked while carrying a strange rectangular object on his right hand which Twilight told him as a suitcase; which despite to Twilight's objection, he insisted on carrying. Old habit never dies. Twilight had also sent a letter to her mentor regarding the arrival of Sif; which to her surprise was replied in an instant, saying that she had arranged a transport cart for the massive wolf. "I don't know Artorias." Twilight replied "maybe she wanted to speak with us...or you perhaps." "Hmm, fair point." He replied, with that they picked up their pace towards the train station. Arriving at the train station, there were not that many ponies at the train station; much to their surprise. "Over here!" Pinkie exclaimed while bouncing up and down, next to her friends who were helping Rarity with her luggage. "Let me assist you with that" he said while walking over and gave the mounds of luggage a firm push into the train's luggage rack, getting the job done. "Thank you darling" Rarity said politely before entering the train car first-head; followed by the mumbling Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Artorias waited until all of the girls are on board, before motioning Sif to hop into the transport cart. As much as he wanted to lay with his companion, the transport cart was too small for two; so he entered the passenger compartment and flopped down next to Rainbow Dash, who seemed to brighten up as Artorias sat next to her. "All aboard for Canterlot!" the conductor yelled. The train started moving at a steadily increasing pace before going to it's full speed. The flowing wind from the opened windows stroke Artorias' face gently; making it very easy for him to fall asleep. Which he did shortly after, much to the ponies' amusement. "Hey Pinkie, you still got that camera?" Rainbow smirked. "Right here!" Pinkie replied while pulling the camera out of nowhere; as usual. "A-are y-you sure Artorias won't be m-mad at us?" Fluttershy whispered. Only to be dismissed by Rainbow. "Relax Flutters, it's just a picture-taking." Rainbow draped a wing around Fluttershy "Besides, he may like photography after we show him what the camera can do." she assured her. "O-okay then." she replied. "Okay girls, gather round." with that, Rainbow explained her plans... An hour later, Artorias was awaken from his sleep by feminine snickers with a strange sensation as if he'd been in an earthquake in his sleep. "Oh my Celestia!" Rainbow laughed contagiously; causing the rest to laugh with her "this is SO hilarious!" she wiped a tear from her eyes, unaware that Artorias was fully awake. Confused by the sudden eruption of laughter. "He is so cute when he is asleep." Rarity added, a fact which Artorias both loved and hated. He loved the fact because Ciaran said so, and hated due to Ornstein's occasional prank of drawing comical faces based on his sleeping face; although he always took the prank lightly. "Did I miss something?" Artorias asked with a confused tone, causing the girls to stop laughing at once and stared at him simultaneously. "You see, um..." Rainbow hoofed him a picture of the six of them posing with the sleeping Artorias in the middle. Artorias observed the picture for a moment, wondering what the girls had used to capture the image. Never before he saw a picture with a resolution so high, everything depicted in the picture was so accurate and clear. Not even the brightest and the most brilliant paintings in Anor Londo could match the accuracy and clarity of the picture; well, except for the Painting of Ariamis since it was not just a regular painting and the painting was anything but save to observe closely, since it was guarded by the ever so silent Painting Guardians and the risk of being sucked in was and still is an unpleasant thought. "Say..." Artorias began, "Who painted this picture?" The girls regained their composure and laughed even harder, increasing his confusion. Seeing this, Twilight instinctively levitated the camera with her telekinesis and started explaining everything she knew about it. After a half an hour of explanation, Artorias had just finished writing the last sentence on his journal. Only the main and important things of course. "So, basically all I have to do is to aim the camera,press this button, and the picture will come out from this shaft here." Artorias concluded; receiving nods from the girls. "Alright then, do you girls mind if we do it again?" He asked with a smile "My face will not look good if you put this picture for display." Artorias joked. The girls chuckled, and Twilight levitated the camera in front of them. All of them taking their positions. Artoria mentally chuckled as he remembered when he, Ciaran, Ornstein, and Gough had to stay still when they were being painted. "SELFIE!!!" Pinkie exclaimed happily. With that, an audible click emitted from the camera and a picture of seven of them were printed from the camera. Artorias mentally chuckled as he remembered when he, Ciaran, Ornstein, and Gough had to stay still for an hour as their pictures were being painted to be displayed; and the result was impressive actually, but the camera totally aced that painting's result. Before any of them could say anything, the train came to a halt; signaling their arrival on Canterlot. The station was crowded with a lot of ponies. Probably the entire ponies of Canterlot were there, staring with both awe and fear at a certain great gray wolf in the train's transport cart. Seeing their reactions, Artorias and the main six immediately exited the train (with Artorias putting the camera into his inventory bag, because Twilight told him to do so) and introduced Sif to the public; telling her great deeds back in Ponyville, and her position as one of Artorias' best friends. After reassuring them several times and due to Sif's supporting manners, the crowd were convinced and continued with their days. "That was fun." Applejack commented as Sif stepped out from the transport cart and into the platform; holding her greatsword at a safe position. "It is, thank you for standing up for her." Artorias replied with a smile "Lets head to the castle, I am sure the Princesses are waiting for us." With that, they strolled through the streets of Canterlot. The walk to the castle was colorful and cheerful, a contrast compared to his first time in Canterlot. Colts and fillies were playing in the streets, which often ran underneath Sif's legs to show how brave they were; much to Artorias' amusement since they reminded him of how children in Anor Londo would pet the feet of the ever so quiet and stoic giant Sentinels guarding the magnificent city. Cafés, restaurants, and other public facilities were bustling with activities which often came to a complete stop when the group passed by; with Sif as the mascot. After ten minutes, they got to the castle's gates, guarded by two royal guards. They snapped salute at him and let the group through, but their eyes were frozen on the massive gray sword wielding wolf who seemed could cut through an entire battalion of griffons with ease. As they entered the lavish interior of the castle, all activities came to a complete stop. Again, due to Sif's size. Even after being notified by the Princesses themselves, Sif was and still is way bigger than they expected. "Hello everypony!" a familiar feminine voice called. Causing all eyes to fall on the source; Princess Cadance with her husband Shining Armor in tow. "Hello to you too Artorias" she greeted the knight which he returned politely before turning to his massive sword-wielding wolf companion who had instinctively bowed before her; perhaps sensing a different level of power within the pink alicorn. "Ah, this must be Sif." she chirped while petting Sif's massive head with her right front hoof, causing Sif to yip. "Move along everypony, nothing to see here."Shining spoke up; quite a contrast actually. With that, everypony in the area went on with their days. "Where are the two other Princesses?" Artorias asked. "I am sorry, my aunties are having a rather sudden business with some diplomats from Gryphonia. In the meantime, we'd like to show you around in Canterlot. They should be ready after we are done." "A field trip yaayy!" Pinkie exclaimed merrily whilst bouncing all over the area, causing Applejack to catch her with her lasso before she could damage anything. "Sorry" Pinkie said sheepishly with that signature grin of her's. "A tour by a Prince and a Princess, I felt honored." Artorias smiled politely. But not before glancing at the cart containing Rarity's massive amount of luggage. "But I think it will be best to sort our belongings before we go." But the Princess and the Prince shook their heads. "That won't be necessary." Shining stated with a smile. Moments later, a unicorn and an earth pony who seemed to be the porters hailed the cart to their bedrooms. "So, shall we?" Cadance asked while pointing her hoof towards the entrance that will take them straight to the streets of Canterlot. "Lead the way Princess." Artorias was very delighted during the tour in Canterlot. To him, Canterlot was not much different from his home in Anor Londo. Cadance and Shining took him to the major landmarks such as the Royal Archives; which Artorias and Twilight shared the same compassion in, The racetrack; where they met with the Wonderbolts, much to Rainbow's excitement and a few elite ponies; Fancy Pants and Sapphire Shores to name a few. The theater, where they met Fleur Dis Lee and Photo Finish, Joe's Donut Shop, which Artorias became addicted with the round treat; the community park, where Artorias and the group played and socialized with the ponies there; especially with the foals. Artorias even got a drawing from from the foals there, which of course; he accepted with open arms. Even Sif herself was quickly accepted by Canterlot's society. On the way back to the castle, Artorias kept on shifting through the pictures he took during the trip. Both panorama, and his own picture with his friends. And quite frankly, it was good. "I think you would make a nice photographer Artorias." Shining joked; causing him and the others to laugh. "I think I fell in love with er- photography now." He chuckled again. "Oh, really? Are you not falling for somepony Artorias?" Cadance smirked. Artorias' heart skipped a beat and his cheeks were as red as tomatoes, stopping dead in his tracks. But thanks to the orange light of the afternoon sky it was hard to see, he knew who Cadance was referring to. In his mind, he wondered how Cadance could process the entire information, but again she is the Princess of Love. Luna's a very nice mare, and also a princess for that matter. But Artorias would try to avoid a romantic relationship, as he promised himself that he won't break another heart in case something happened to him; just like when he broke the heart of his one and only true love, Ciaran. "Um, Artorias? are you okay?" Rainbow hovered and waved a hoof in front of his face, ripping his endless train of thoughts away from his brain. "O-of course, lets go." Artorias said while quickening his pace ahead of the group and into the castle's courtyard with Sif following close behind him, causing them to laugh even harder. As they got to the courtyard, they were greeted by the Princesses themselves. Needless to say, Sif once again became the group's mascot. "Hello Your Majesties." Artorias greeted the regents politely, bowing before them. "Please, there's no need for such formalities Artorias." Celestia chuckled. "This must be Sif." she turned his head towards the massive sword wielding wolf who once again bowed to Equestria's rulers. "Impressive, did you train her to do this?" Luna spoke up. "Both in manners and using that sword, just like I told you before." Artorias chuckled. Actually, Artorias was somewhat relieved that Luna didn't tackle him with a bone-crushing hug; not that he didn't like hugs, it's just that the naughty snickering and prying eyes of his friends didn't make him feel comfortable over their interpreted relationship. "Shall we? dinner is served." Celestia stated, with that the group marched into the castle. The dinner was a hearty feast, filled with vegetables for both parties and meat for Sif and Artorias; much to their excitement. It was also filled with questions, mostly about Artorias' stay in Ponyville. During the whole conversation, Artorias noticed that Luna were glancing at him with a blush on her cheeks; not touching her meal. "Luna are you okay?" Artorias asked intentionally "you are not eating your dinner since it got served on the table." Luna jumped briefly after hearing his words, her blush intensified and she began to eat her leafy green salad; trying to ignore the naughty snickers of the others. Artorias snickered at her reaction before returning to his own meal of steaks and finishing it. "Well Artorias." Celestia spoke up as pony waiters took their empty plates (and a huge bowl where Sif just ate tons of half-cooked meat) "I guess we better leave you to your next 'duties' then." she said with a smirk and a dirty wink before walking out of the dining hall ,followed closely by the main six, Cadance, and Shining Armor, also giving him the same gestures. Leaving him, Sif, and Luna alone in the dining hall. "So, what are we doing now?" Luna asked with a soft smile. "How about we go stargazing?" Artorias suggested "It's been awhile since I gazed upon the night sky." He smiled. Luna's heart raced and her smile grew wider when she heard his words "Oh, that would be lovely. I haven't got much time decorating the Night lately due to the wedding incident." she said "I know a place where that would be perfect." Luna smiled. "Lead the way Princess." Artorias chuckled. With that, Sif picked up her sword and they walked towards the exit. "After you m'lady." Artorias said while opening the door for her. "Thank you my good sir!" Luna replied with a smile. With that, the trio exited the dining hall and back into the halls of Canterlot Castle. "Come on, this way!" Luna said as she soared above the streets of Canterlot; where Artorias and Sif were trying to keep up with an equally amazing speed and agility, but were also trying their best to not wake up the entire city. 'Damn, she is fast!' Artorias thought as he ran through the streets with Sif following close behind. As they ran, they noticed that the tight quarters of the streets were widening with buildings becoming more and more scarce accompanied by the cobblestone path changing into grass. Before they knew it, they were on the outskirts of Canterlot; specifically on a large open field with a perfect view on the starry night sky, with a stream flowing with water of the purest kind; sparkling underneath the moonlight with Luna laying down on the soft grass by the stream, using her magic to arrange the stars. Much to Artorias' amazement. 'She truly is the Princess of the Night...' he mused to himself. Greatly enchanted by Luna's swaying mane, appearance, and attitude; matching the elegance and tranquility of night itself. "I win." Luna smirked, patting a spot next to her. Breaking him from his trance. By that time, Sif planted her sword on the ground and started running around in the field, doing her own things. "Technically, it was never a race." He retorted while sitting down next to her before gazing at the night sky; admiring every inch and detail of Luna's spectacular creation as the cold breeze of night air swept through the field. Artorias was saved due to a combination of a blue steel armor and well-tailored tunic underneath it, but for the Princess of the Night herself; the cold was enough to make her shiver, causing her to huddle to the best source heat; but instead of warmth, she was met with Artorias' cold and unfeeling steel armor. Seeing this, Artorias instinctively took his cape off and gently covered Luna's exposed body with it. Turning his cape into a makeshift coat of comfortable azzure blue silk, shielding Luna from the cold. "Thank you very much Artorias." Luna said softly with an even softer smile, staring deeply into Artorias' blue eyes. "No. Thank you, Luna. I have never seen a night so beautiful before." Artorias replied while also staring into Luna's cerulean eyes, sparkling beautifully under the moonlight. "Do you mean it?" She said while shifting closer to him. Artorias was startled by the amount of emotion in her voice. "I do." Artorias answered with a smile "You should know Luna, a lot of people- er, ponies, appreciate and love your nights than you know. You are a good mare, don't let anypony else tell you differently." Time seemed to slow down as Artorias and Luna leaned closer and closer to each other, a sensation of warmth began to fill the air as their lips were mere inches away from each other. Just when it was about to happen, that sensation of warmth was replaced by a tsunami of cold water, wetting them both. Before they could react, another wave of water washed upon them; with Sif being the water tosser. Staring at them with a playful expression. "Oh, you are going down!" Artorias declared as he got up from his seat and sprinted towards the river and started raining rounds of water to his great gray wolf companion. Luna got up from her seat and hung Artorias' drenched cape on a nearby tree, using her magic to speed up the drying process, before joining Artorias and Sif in their water-bombing frenzy. > Into the Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A month has passed since that night. During the whole month, Artorias started to live his life as he lived back in Lordran. Artorias and Sif visited Canterlot everyday as per Luna's request, and also to meet and train the Royal Guards as per Shining Armor and Captain Shatterstorm's request. Keeping him from going out of shape and rusty while also reminding him during his days as one of the head trainers back in Lordran for Lord Gwyn's army. In recognition of his deeds, Artorias was awarded the rank of Captain in the Royal Guards; making him on par with his best friend Ornstein. As Ornstein was the Captain of their squad and family. Early on that morning, Artorias, fully armed and armored, was doing his daily exercise with Sif. Including a sparring session which they held on the field near Fluttershy's cottage. Artorias was standing on the edge of the field, with Sif standing on the other; greatswords at the ready. At lightning speed, they dashed towards each other with Artorias performing a jumping slash which Sif parried rather graciously; feeling the immense ammount of force, Artorias backflipped and landed several feets away from the massive great gray wolf. But before another strike could be made, Sif turned her head and focused her sights at something. Artorias knew Sif very well and her focus would never shift in both training and combat; unless something extraordinary has caught her attention. Seeing this, Artorias followed her line of sights and saw that Twilight's library was levitating upside down before falling back to the ground with a dull thud. Artorias' experienced and honed senses told him that based on the sound, the library seemed to be okay. In other words, intact. But, Artorias wanted to make sure that nopony got hurt in the process so he and Sif ended today's training and sprinted towards Twilight's library. Once they got to the library, Twilight and her friends were already outside; with Twilight and Spike triple-checking their equipment. "What happened?" Artorias asked. "Artorias, Sif! Thank Celestia you are here. We have to go to Canterlot now! Princess Celestia is going to give me a test!" Twilight said while trotting towards the train station with her friends following close behind. "Did Twilight levitated the library?" Artorias asked again, her friends nodded. "How?" "Uh, lets just say our egghead here just heard something she dislike." Rainbow replied with a sheepish smile. Artorias acknowledged her statement, and proceeded to the train station. As he boarded the train and took his seat, a bad feeling started to brew inside his heart and mind...the same feeling he felt before falling into the Abyss' corruption. Artorias quickly swept those thoughts aside and steeled himself up for the path that awaited them. But one thing he knew for sure, this was not just a regular test. "Are you sure you don't want me to go as well?" Luna asked. "Yes. Cadance and Shining Armor are already there, the others will join them soon." Celestia replied. "The Empire's magic is powerful, it cannot fall again my sister." Luna replied solemnly. "She will succeed at her task. And once she does, we will know that she is much closer to being ready. Trust me, little sister."Celestia assured her. As she said that, the throne room doors spreaded wide open; revealing Twilight, Sif and Artorias. "Ahem, you wanted to see me? To give a test? I brought my own quills and plenty of paper to show my work! Sorry, sorry!" Twilight said. "This is a different kind of test,the Crystal Empire has returned." Celestia stated. "The Crystal Empire? Oh, I'm sorry. I-I thought I studied. There's nothing like that in any of my books I-" Twilight said frantically while scanning through her books, only to be stopped by Celestia. "There wouldn't be. Very few remembered that it even existed. Even my knowledge about the Empire is limited. But what do I know, is that it contains a powerful magic. One thousand years ago, King Sombra, a unicorn whose heart was black as night, took over the Crystal Empire." Celestia stated. "He was ultimately overthrown, turned to a shadow, and banished to the ice of the arctic north. But not before he put a curse that caused it to vanish into thin air. If the Empire is filled with hope and love those thing will be reflected across all of Equestria. But if fear and hatred take hold...which is why I need your help to protect it." Celestia finished while staring at the three. For Artorias and Sif, hearing Celestia's tale alone have sparked an eerily familiar sensation and back story within their minds. "You want me to protect an entire empire?" Twilight inquired. "It is, as I said before, a different kind of test. But one I am sure you will pass." Celestia assured her student. "How do I begin?" "By joining Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in the Crystal Empire." "My brother is there?" "He is. Captain Shatterstorm and his squad is also there with them. Your Ponyville friends, Artorias, and Sif will join you there as well. I have every confidence that you will succeed. And when you do, I will know you are ready to move on to your next level of studies." Celestia stated. "But what if I fail?" "You won't." "But what if-" "You won't. But Twilight, in the end, it must be you and you alone who ultimately assists Princess Cadance and Shining Armor in what needs to be done to protect the Crystal Empire, do you understand?" Celestia asked. "Mmm-hmm!" Twilight replied with a smile. "Then go, there is no time to lose." With that, the trio began to walk out from the room. But Artorias felt his right shoulder was being held by a familiar sense of energy grip. He turned around and saw Luna walking towards him. Seeing this, Artorias knelt on one knee before her. "Be safe, okay?" Luna asked with a startling amount of emotion in her voice. Artorias nodded with a smile "There won't be a scratch in my face. After this, I will take you somewhere nice, okay?" He said. But despite his efforts, Luna hung her head; uncertainty readable on her face. Artorias sighed, and hugged her tightly which she returned by locking her front hoofs on the back of his neck. "Not a scratch, promise?" Luna said teasingly as they broke the hug. "Not a scratch." Artorias assured her before turning to Celestia. "I will make sure nopony will get hurt, not on my watch." Artorias said solemnly. Celestia nodded "Thank you, and be safe Artorias." With that, Artorias bowed and left the throne room to join the others. The cold arctic wind swept across their faces as Artorias, Sif, and the Main Six exitted the train they took to the Crystal Empire. Artorias glanced at Sif and nodded. Taking it as a cue, she planted ger greatsword to the ground and lifted the Main Six and Spike to her back before picking up her sword. Sheltering them from the cold due to her thick fur and providing them with a mode of faster and safer transportation. On the other hand, Artorias' mind and heart kept on telling him that even if the slightest of mistakes were made, he and everypony else could be in a grave danger. But he was snapped from his thoughts as a familiar masculine voice called out in a distance. "Twily! You made it!" Shining Armor's voice echoed, revealing the latter wearing goggles and a scarf on his neck. "Shining Armor?" She inquired. Shining nodded "We'd better get moving, there are things out here we don't want to run into after dark." Shining warned them. "What kind of things?" Fluttershy gulped. "Lets just say...the Empire isn't the only thing that's returned. Something keeps trying to get in, we think it's the old unicorn king who originally cursed the palace." Shining replied with a hint of dread in his voice. Before any of them could say anything, a demonic howl pierced through the raging snowstorm. "Th-that's one of the things isn't it?" Fluttershy squeaked. "Guh. We have to get to the Crystal Empire, now!" Shining barked, pointing at a light barrier nearby. With that, demonic growls and roars filled the air with a black shadow with piercing green eyes dashed towards them with an incredible speed. Instinctively, Sif sprinted towards the light barrier and reached it in seconds; leaving Artorias and Shining Armor behind. Moments later they were closing in to the light barrier with the shadow following close behind them. Before they managed to enter the barrier, Shining stopped abruptly; charging his horn and glared angrily at the shadow. But suddenly, a burst of bright light sparked between him and the shadow; followed by a roar of pain with the shadow vanishing from their sights.Artorias had activated his silver pendant, which helped to 'materialize' a part of King Sombra's face and sliced the dark unicorn on his face; staining his sword with the unicorn's black, corrupted blood. With that, the two entered the barrier. "T-thank you for-." Shining stuttered, only to receive a subtle but powerful backhand from Artorias. Not powerful enough to break his face or causing any major injuries, but powerful enough to make him remember Artorias' words. "If you ever pull something like that again..." Artorias said with a deadly tone "I won't be going so slow on you. Are we clear?" He asked firmly. "Sir, yes sir! I am sorry sir." Shining apologized. With that, they walked towards Sif, Spike, and the girls. "Oh no! Shining Armor, your horn!" Twilight exclaimed. Shining Armor's horn was riddled with black crystals, preventing further uses of his magic capabilities. "Sparklerific!" Pinkie exclaimed. Artorias had no idea what Pinkie just said, but he got one idea in his mind. "Let me try something." Artorias stated. With that, he activated his silver pendant, to no avail. The crystals were still attached to Shining's horn. "Damn, it's not working." Artorias cursed. "Don't worry about me, but we have to get to the castle now." Shining said while pointing at a magnificent crystal palace in the distance with an equally magnificent view before them, with that they started walking towards the palace. Both Artorias and Sif knew that this won't be the last time that shadow would strike, and it will strike again soon. And they will be ready. "Oh it's absolutely gorgeous!" Rarity said in awe. Rarity looked around the scenery, observing everything as far as her eyes could see. To Artorias, if Seath didn't be so secluded and having a greater vision compared to keep his snout burried in countless tomes and riddles of the Duke's Archives, perhaps he could build something as magnificent as this. "There are no words." Rarity said while holding her hoofs to her cheeks, twinkles appearing in her eyes. "Focus Rarity, we're here to help Twilight, not to enjoy the scenery." Applejack said "I don't see what the big deal is, looks like another old castle to me." Rainbow Dash added. "Ah, just another old-- have you lost your mind? Have you looked at the magnif--." Rarity stopped her rant when she saw Rainbow Dash giggling. The latter and Applejack bro-hoofed and laughed. "Very funny." Rarity replied sarcastically. The group walked inside the castle, passing by Captain Shatterstorm and his squad who were tirelessly guarding the Empire. Artorias nodded at them before entering the palace with Sif. "Sunshine, sunshine, lady bugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Twilight and Cadance's voice said in unison. When Artorias and Sif walked inside, they were greeted by Cadance, but she looked very very exhausted. "We really need to get together when the fate of Equestria isn't hanging in the balance." Cadance smiled. Suddenly Cadance flinched and the barrier of light dissapeared in a few seconds before reappearing. "Cadance, are you okay?" Twilight asked with a hint of concern. "Cadence has been using her magic to spread love and light, that's what's been protecting the Empire. But she hasn't slept, barely eats, I tried to help her; but my protection spell has been countered by King Sombra." Shining Armor said while looking at his horn, which was still covered in crystals. "It's alright Shining Armor, I'm fine." Cadence said with a weak voice. "No you're not!" Shining snapped at her. "She can't go on like this forever, and if her magic were to fade, well all you saw out there is waiting for that to happen." "That's why I'm here." Twilight said. "Why we're all here." Applejack added. Twilight looked at her friends, and the two new arrivals. "Well with Cadence keeping her spell going, an me trying to keep an eye on things, we haven't been able to gather much information from the Crystal Ponies." Shining stated. "Crystal ponies?!" Rarity exclaimed with a hint of joy. "There are Crystal ponies?" Everypony and everybody gave her a confused look. Rarity quickly regained her composure. "Please, continue." Rarity said with a sheepish smile. "But we have to know how to protect the Empire, without using Candence's magic." Shining said. Twilight fished through her brain for an answer. "A research paper!" She exclaimed. "Huh?" Shining asked confused. "This must be part of my test, to gather information from the Crystal ponies and deliver it to you!" Twilight said. "This is gonna be great! I love research papers!" Twilight said with joy. "Yeah." Rainbow Dash said while nudging Pinkie with her hoof. "Who doesn't?" She asked with sarcasm leaking in her voice. "Don't worry big brother, I am really good at this!" Twilight said while wrapping one of her front hoofs around Shining's neck. Resulting in his smile. "Me, Sif, and Shining are going to stay here...guarding Princess Cadance and keeping watch on the horizon." Artorias declared. "And the rest of us, will search through the library." Twilight said nonchalantly as the girls walked out from the throne room. "Rainbow, wait." Artorias said as he took his Uchigatana from his satchel, and handing it to Rainbow "Take this with you, just in case." He smiled. Rainbow received the sword with open hoofs, hugged him, and went out with her friends. Much to the amazement of Cadance and Shining Armor. "Don't get me wrong, she is quite an expert in handling that sword." He smirked, the Princess and the Prince nodded. As the girls left, Artorias walked towards Cadance and produced a green herb from his satchel, offering it to her. "What is this Artorias?" Cadance asked while eyeing the herb curiously. "Eat this, you will feel better." Artorias smiled. Cadance smiled and levitated the herb away from Artorias' hand and into her mouth and began chewing. For a moment, her face was contorted due to the bitter taste of the herb; but as soon as the stimulant kicked in, her face became less withered and more alive. "Wow, what was that plant called Artorias?" Cadance asked while swallowing the herb. "I feel like I can run a thousand miles without stopping now." She cooed. "That, was a green herb." He began, "It originates from my homeland, Lordran. Usually, it was annualy harvested in large numbers but you could find it near watery areas. It's a bitter, but it speeds up your stamina recovery for a short while." Artorias explained "Which is why I need you to save your strength as the herb is recovering your stamina. Unfortunately, it will wear off shortly." True, as Artorias finished his sentence; the herb's effect wore off and Cadance was back in her withered state, albeit a little better now. Artorias sighed and turned to Shining Armor. "No matter what happens, she can't fall asleep." Artorias said "Until Twilight and her friends returned, we are on our own." "Should I call Captain Shatterstorm and his squad?" "Yes, we will need a back-up plan in case Sombra manages to penetrate the force field before Twilight has returned. But I do pray to the gods that it would never happen." Artorias said as his tactical mind started to take over. Shining nodded, went outside, and returned with Shatterstorm and his squad. The squad formed a neat row before Artorias and snapped him a firm salute, which he returned. A gesture he learned during their training. "Mares, and gentlecolts." Artorias began "we are currently facing a dire situation at our hands and hoofs. which is why I will get straight to the point. Right now, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are doing research on the library; which is why our next terms of action will be coordinated by the results of the research." He said "But now, I am going to give our short term of action in case Sombra manages to break through the barrier. When I fought him earlier, magic seemed to be capable of dealing damage to him. Although I doubt a slice to the face will be enough to take him down." Taking it as a cue, Shatterstorm started barking orders to Iron Sword, Roze Breeze, and Light Lasher; as they were the unicorns in the squad; the main magic users. While he, and Hurricane, and Swift Wind will use their magic-infused crossbow bolts to help combat the looming threat. After finishing the briefing, the guards stood beside him, waiting for the time. An hour later, Crystal Palace "Look, there she is." Artorias said while loading some Moonlight Arrows into his quiver, his longbow slung on his back. He received plenty of them from Dark Sun Gwyndolin just before he left for Oolacile. Twilight was happily walking towards her brother answer sister-in-law, with Spike carrying a big book. Twilight stopped in front of her brother and opened the book with her magic. "A crystal fair, according to this book, it was established by their first Queen and became one of their utmost traditions, it was held every year to...renew the spirit of love and unity in The Empire, so they could protect it from harm." Twilight said as he read the page of her newly acquired book about the Crystal Empire. "My friends and I could piece it together, everything we need is in this book." "That sounds very promising." Shining Armor said while looking at his wife, saddened by Cadance's struggling condition. "We'll get started right away." Twilight said while turning around and walking towards the throne rooms' exit." Come on Spike, we've got a fair to put together." "Sure thing boss." Spike replied as they exitted the throne room. "So, Captain Artorias...do you think we can defeat King Sombra?" Light Lasher asked. Artorias inhaled and exhaled deeply "I don't know corporal, but one thing I am certain; we won't be able to take him down by using conventional means. The only way we will be able to defeat him is by using this 'powerful magic' which according to Princess Celestia is located on this Empire." He said while turning around to the ponies "But if an attack is inevitable, I want all of you to escort Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadance to safety. You are their last line of defense and they are counting on you." "But, sir won't you--" Rose Breeze tried to protest, only to be stopped by Artorias. "That's an order." He said solemnly. "Sir, yes sir!" Rose Breeze replied. "Permission to speak freely sir." Shatterstorm spoke up. "What is it?" "As you know, King Sombra's powers are consisted of dark magic. And based on your story, you are not that good against dark magic. What if something happen to you? If you are...'lost'." The earth pony asked. Artorias, knowing very well what Shatterstorm was implying let out a chuckle "Then you know what to do." > Stormbreaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now that...is a spectacular fair they've put up." Artorias said as he, Shining Armor, and Capt. Shatterstorm with his squad stood at the castle's balcony, overlooking the fair below. Watching as the Main Six were providing food, goods, and shows for the Crystal Ponies. "Yeah, with Pinkie Pie on the ground; things should go as planned." Shining commented. "I hope this will work." Shatterstorm sighed. "Yeah....me too." Shining replied. Suddenly, Twilight and Rainbow Dash galloped to the throne room. "We have a BIG problem!" Twilight exclaimed. "What's wrong?" Shining Armor asked. Twilight galloped to the balcony, carrying the book she had before in her telekinesis grip. "It's the Crystal Heart." Twilight said, panting. "Please explain." Artorias said. "I didn't know anything about it being an actual relic, the book didn't say anything about the Crystal Ponies powering the heart." Twilight said while turning the pages of the book, frantically looking for an answer. Twilight gasped. "A page is missing, how did I not notice?!" "It's alright Twilight--." Cadence couldn't even finish her sentence, she lost her balance an fell to the ground. Sif, who were standing near her, reacted quickly and caught her, letting Cadance to land on a comfortable layer of thick fur. Suddenly the same demonic roar from before echoed throughout the Empire. Due to the lack of caster, the protection spell barrier collapsed; causing the cold, icy weather to penetrate the Empire; followed by Sombra's dark shadow, this time forming a unicorn form. Artorias swiftly drew his bow, complete with a Moonlight Arrow which was followed swiftly by the royal guards; charging their horns and aiming their crossbows, ready to fire. But before they could fire their weapons and Sombra could enter the Empire, the spell was reactivated with lightning speed and cutting off the tip of Sombra's horn which to the ponies' unawareness, landed inside the force field after it closed. "Phew, that was a close one." Light Lasher said while wiping off beads of sweat from his forehead. "I have to find the Crystal Heart!" Shining exclaimed. "No, you stay here with Cadence, she needs you Shining Armor. I'll retrieve The Crystal Heart." Twilight declared while galloping towards the exit. "Okay, that's the cue troopers." Artorias said "Keep them save, I will go and help Twilight. You too, Sif." Artorias commanded. The guards and Shining Armor saluted and Sif yipped in response, with Cadance still lying on her back, being helped by Shining Armor. With that, Artorias sprinted towards the lavender unicorn mare. "Artorias, I have to do this on my own!" Twilight said as she trotted down the stairs of the palace. "Who said anything about helping?" Artorias said as he catched up to her "I am here to protect you; I will only help if needed." "Fine." Twilight replied. "I told Rainbow Dash and my friends to keep the crystal ponies busy, they will make sure the fair keeps running." "Good, that will buy us some time." Artorias stated "We have to find the Crystal Heart right?" He asked, and Twilight nodded. With that they began their search through the Crystal Empire. To put an end to this threat, once and for all. An hour later... "Do you know where should we go next?" Artorias asked with a rather frustrated tone, they have pretty much searched through everything at the Empire, from buildings and even man-holes (or pony-holes?) But they found nothing. "There!" Twilight exclaimed,pointing at the Crystal Palace."The Crystal Palace, of course!" Twilight concluded. "Twilight!" A familiar voice said. Twilight turned around and saw Spike running towards her and Artorias. "I'm coming with you." Spike said. "No, Princess Celestia told me I had to do this test, by myself." Twilight said while walking away from him. "I know, I promise not to lend a claw; to help you." Spike said. Suddenly, Spike was covered in a purple aura and was levitated to Twilight's back. "Not a claw, Spike." Twilight said. "After you." Artorias said with a smile, with that the two sprinted towards the Palace. Once they got to the entrance, Twilight ran ahead of Artorias who stayed behind and closed the door. The two scoured through the Crystal Palace. Searching every inch, corner, high and low. Their search lead them to some sort of study room, Twilight levitated a Unicorn's head statue, grunted, and putting it back down. "It has to be here, somewhere..." Twilight said while continuing her search. Nearby, Spike lifted up a carpet and looked underneath it. "Not a claw Spike!" Twilight barked at him, causing Spike to laugh nervously and putting the carpet down. "We have to go, there's nothing here." Artorias said while walking out of the room. The three continued their search, eventually leading them back to the throne room. Twilight froze, and gazed upon the crystal throne. Spike and Artorias stood behind her, they both knew very well about this kind of thing. A flashback. "Of course!" Twilight exclaimed, her senses returning her to reality. "What? Did you find it?" Spike asked. "No, because this isn't King Sombra's castle." She said while walking inside the throne room. "But, isn't this were he used to live with all his power?" Spike asked. "Yes, but it didn't look like this." Twilight said while observing the crystal throne. Twilight concentrated her magic, her purple aura changing into pure black, Artorias felt a disturbance by the time she cast the magic; for the aura was very similar to that of Sombra's. To that of darkness... Her eyes turned green and she unleashed her magic upon the crystal throne. The crystals on the throne blackened, a shadow emerged...covering the floor, and finally the shadow vanished, revealing a giant staircase underneath. Not too big for Artorias of course. "When did you learn to do that?" Spike asked. "That was a little trick Princess Celestia taught me." Twilight replied with a smile. "I'll go alone, Spike, Artorias...stay here." Twilight said. "I don't think so." Artorias said while walking past her, but before she could add another dose of lecture for him "I will not help, unless it's required." Artorias assured her. "Wait, Twilight can I please come with you?" Spike asked. "No Spike, and besides, I thought you didn't like the dark?" Twilight asked. Spike carefully walked towards the staircase and looked down. Nothing but stairs and an empty void of darkness, seeing this Spike backed off and gulped. "Maybe you're right." Spike said. Twilight and Artorias carefully walked down the crystal stairs, Twilight in front and Artorias behind her. "Can you see what's down there yet?!" Spike shouted. "Not yet, I can't even tell how far down this goes." Twilight replied. Twilight grabbed a crystal with her magic, she levitated it over to her and dropped it. She listened as the crystal plunged into the darkness, after a few seconds of listening, she finally heard the crystal make impact with the ground. Usually, Artorias would grab a prism stone from his satchel and do the thing; but since he remembered this was Twilight's test he decided to keep his hands clean for the time being. "Unless we are planning to be a puddle of red paint, I suggest we keep our footing." Artorias commented. "Spike? Can you see outside?!" Twilight exclaimed. Spike immediately headed towards a nearby window, taking a look at the light barrier...in critical condition. Outside the barrier, King Sombra watched with triumphant eyes as the crystal gates leading to the empire blackened to the purest of black. Sombra traced his left hoof along the deep cut on his flesh, still shocked that even for being a shadow he could still be harmed. By a creature he had never seen before. Even then, Sombra felt the unearthly pain on his wound, as if the wound kept on eroding his flesh. But, aside from the powerful force of light emanating from the creature, he also felt remnants of a dark power within it. A powerful force of darkness he had never seen or felt before, perhaps this creature could be his instrument of doom after reclaiming his precious empire, if he could find a way to control it. "Not good!" Spike shouted while running back to the staircase. Twilight's expression turned into one of determination, quickening her pace as she ran down the stairs. But she tripped and tumbled down the stairs. Artorias quickly bolted towards her, but Twilight cast a spell; preventing her from impacting the ground . "Twilight are you okay?!" Spike's voice echoed from upstairs. Twilight scanned her surroundings, and saw a large door. She smiled and cast her magic around the doorknob, only for the door to move at an incomprehensibly fast speed. She tried again, and got awarded with the same result. "Stop." Twilight said while throwing herself at the door, only to hit a wall with a dull thud, quickly getting off the wall. "Moving." She said through gritted teeth. Twilight concentrated her magic, and once again her eyes turned green before casting the same dark aura, hitting the door with her magic. Opening it. Twilight smiled with satisfaction. "Spike, I think I found it." Twilight said while running through the door. Unaware to her, the crystal above the door started glowing. "Twilight!" Artorias exclaimed, running towards her. "Twilight?" Artorias asked while cautiously walking towards her, holding his greatsword with his left arm and talisman with his right. "What's wrong?! Why are you staring at that wall?!" he asked again; with a strong hint of concern in his voice, also staring at the same wall. As soon as Artorias did this, his vision became hazy as the world around him seemed to collapse; and suddenly he found himself standing in the middle of an icy field with King Sombra laughing maniacally...enslaving the Crystal Empire once again. And now, him. The field was also decorated with dead, mangled, disemboweled ponies...their red blood flowing like a river on the snowy surface. Artorias' armor oozed an unsettling aura of death and darkness. Just like the one when he was still under the Abyss' coruption. His sword was no different, corrupted alongside it's master...soaked in blood. Pony blood. Deep in his mind, Artorias knew this was all a halucination. A mirage. Yet, despite his efforts to snap his senses back to reality, he could only observe as he kept slaughtering more and more ponies in his path. The very souls he vowed to protect. Suddenly, Artorias felt a strong impact on his helmet; snapping him from his trance and thus returning him to reality. When Artorias finally regained his senses, he was breathing heavily, kneeling on one knee, clenching the hilt of his greatsword with the blade piercing through the crystal floor. Artorias got up on his feet, pulling his greatsword from the floor and sheathing it on his back. As he observed the room more clearly, he saw a lot of smashed, sliced, and mangled crystals lying on the floor. Indicating his rampage during his vision happened when he lost his consciousness. "I am sorry Artorias..." Twilight said while dropping a large slab of crystal to the floor. Artorias swiftly turned towards her "What...happened? Did I do this?" He asked. Twilight nodded slowly "After you gazed at the crystal, you entered some sort of trance and went berserk. I was also in a mental trance, if Spike didn't arrive on time I am surely a goner now." Twilight said while looking at her number one assistant who was frozen with fear on his steps before running down the stairs, catching up to the pair. "What did you see?" Twilight asked with a strong hint of concern. Artorias inhaled and exhaled deeply "I...was corrupted once again, under Sombra's control." As he said that, Spike reached them. "I know you told me to stay up there, but you were down here for so long, and you weren't answering, so I got worried and came down here and you were just staring at that wall, so I tried to get your attention and then Artorias started to go crazy-- what were you guys looking at?" Spike asked while walking towards the opened door. "It's just a wall." Spike said while taking a close look at the wall. The same thing happened to him, the crystal started glowing and Spike's eyes turned green. "Huh? How did I get...no Twilight I don't wanna go, please don't leave me!" Spike begged, tears running down his cheeks. Twilight quickly closed the door. At once, Spike's eyes turned normal again. "King Sombras' dark magic, a doorway that leads to your worst fear." Twilight said. "We were home, you told me you didn't need me anymore." Spike said while rubbing his eyes "You were sending me away." "A fear that will never come to pass." Twilight said while hugging him. "I'm never gonna send you away, and I'm not going to fail my test!" Twilight exclaimed while shooting a bolt of magic at the crystal that hung above the door, the door was covered in a white aura and opened, revealing another room. "Twilight...Spike..." Artorias said while kneeling on one knee before them "I know this will never be enough, but I am--." He was cut short when the duo hugged him tightly. "And I am going to make sure you stay who you are." Twilight said with a determined voice. Artorias chuckled "Looks like you are protecting me now." Twilight smiled "We always have each others' backs." Artorias smiled back "Now lets go find that heart!" Twilight nodded and followed him. "What's in there?" Spike asked while poking his head from the door. "Stairs...a lot of bloody stairs..." Artorias replied while looking at all the stairs before him. 'I swear this place has a lot of similarities to the Duke's Archives.' "What if this is just more of his magic, he makes a door that leads to your worst fears, why not a staircase that goes on forever?" Spike said while (pulling every fiber of muscle in his body) walking up another set of stairs. Twilight looked up at the staircase, seeing the endless set of stairs ahead. With that, Twilight levitated Spike onto her back with her magic. "Hold on to me." Twilight said while casting a levitation spell around her, Spike, and Artorias. "Uhh..." Spike trailed off. "Whoa!" Twilight exclaimed while floating towards the smooth side of the stairway. Suddenly, they were now upside down,Twilight began running, only to slide upstairs. "Whoooooahahaha! I actually studied gravity spells, thinking it might be on my test! Turns out I was prepared for this! Wooo-hooo!" Twilight exclaimed with a cheery tone. Artorias was right behind them, while also collecting the top of his head which was blown away by the spectacle. But soon also cheered loudly due to happiness and excitement. After a minute of sliding, they reached the top of the Crystal Palace. That's when they saw the Crystal Heart. Twilight looked at Spike and Artorias, they nodded. Twilight smiled and walked towards the heart, but she sprung a trap. Sombra knew his trap has already been sprung, he quickly cast a spell towards the source of the disturbance. Suddenly, Twilight was trapped within giant sets of crystals, but before she was trapped; Twilight kicked The Crystals Heart, flinging it out from the crystal prison and landing near Spike. Sombra's demonic laugh echoed throughout the Empire. Signaling his approaching triumph. "The Heart... Where's the Crystal–" Twilight said with a panicked tone. "Here! It rolled over to me when you dropped it!" Spike replied, moving towards the relic. "Don't move!" Twilight snapped. Spike froze in his place. "You can move, just not towards me." Twilight said. She tried a teleportation spell, with little to no success. "How could I have been so foolish?" Twilight mused while trying to push the crystals away. "I was just so eager to get it, and when I saw what was happening outside I--" "Twilight you have to get out of there, you have to be the one who brings the Heart to Princess Cadence." Spike said while looking at the Crystal Heart. "If you don't, you'll fail Celestia's test!" "King Sombra is already attacking The Crystal Empire, he could reach The Crystal Ponies any second, reach Princess Cadence, my brother, my friends. There may not be enough time for me to escape." Twilight said while slumping against the crystal prison she was trapped in. "Both of you have to bring the Crystal Heart to the fair." Twilight declared, looking at both Artorias and Spike. "But Twilight you--." "Go!" Twilight cut Spike off. Spike stared at Artorias who nodded at him "Twilight, we are coming back for you later." Artorias said before turning his head to Spike "Climb to my back." Spike grabbed the Crystal Heart, and climbed on Artorias' back before glancing at Twilight one more time; who smiled and nodded. Artorias looked down from the tower, and saw that they were far from the ground. Artorias took his staff, and cast a spell; suddenly his legs glowed with a blue aura. "Uh, what was that?" Spike asked. "Fall control spell." Artorias replied while stepping onto the tower's ledge "Hold on tight!" he said while jumping off the tower, with multiple crystals appearing behind them. Artorias landed on a crystal before jumping to another with an incredible speed, precision, and agility; descending rapidly to the ground and astonishing the ponies below him. But just as he got to the balcony; where Sif, Capt. Shatterstorm, his squad, and Shining Armor were guarding Princess Cadance; an all too familiar demonic roar pierced through the air. "Oh no, Cadance!" Shining said while hugging his wife. By this, Cadance's horn stopped glowing; nullifying the magic protection barrier, and granting Sombra an entrance to the Empire. "The heart!" Rarity exclaimed. "Spike, get off my back and take the Crystal Heart with you." Artorias commanded. Spike obliged. "What are you going to do?" Spike asked "I thought we are going to do this together!" "I am going to buy us some time." Artorias said before jumping from the balcony and straight to the ground below. "Anvil, form up on me! We are going to the central square!" Shatterstorm commanded to his squad. His squad complied and galloped with him towards their destination with Sif following behind. Seeing his short distance from the ground, Artorias braced his body for impact and landed seconds later in a crouching position with his right palm on the surface of the ground. But before he could even got up on his feet, he was tackled by Sombra in his shadow form with a tremendous force; throwing him away from his ground but Artorias broke his fall with a swift back-flip, standing on both feet and , dashing towards Sombra with his greatsword on his left hand and silver talisman on his right hand. Before Sombra could react, a burst of light blinded him followed by searing pain; coursing through his body. Sombra collapsed to the ground as his body rapidly gushing out black blood from two large slash wounds on his ribcage. Artorias, after landing two clean slashes, stood behind him with his greatsword resting on his left shoulder. Eyeing the wounded dark unicorn king with a death stare. Capt. Shatterstorm, his squad, and Sif just got there and immediately moved in to secure the king. "Halt! Do not intervene!" Artorias commanded, as he said this; everypony and Sif backed down but kept their weapons raised. "You are strong, creature." Sombra said while coughing out some blood, rising from the ground "In a clean fight, certainly you will win." "Which is why I am giving you a chance to surrender." Artorias said while pointing his greatsword at the dark unicorn king. "But that's not how I am planning to fight today..." He chuckled with a dark tone. "Perhaps, there is somepony else you are more interested to battle with." As he said this, half of Sombra's body returned to it's shadow form. Sombra's shadow form dashed madly towards the crowd of ponies...towards Rainbow Dash. Rainbow drew her uchigatana and flew towards Sombra with a blistering speed. 'Damn it!' Artorias thought as he dashed between the two. But this time, before Artorias could activate his silver pendant and deliver the final blow, Sombra fired a bolt of dark magic at him; impacting Artorias' armor with a tremendous power, denting his armor, and sending him tumbling backwards. "Rainbow! stay out of this!" Artorias commanded while spitting out some blood before delivering a roundhouse kick straight to Sombra's face; sending him flying to the castle's wall. Dealing a massive amount of damage to the Unicorn. Turning him into his flesh and blood form, once again. Seeing Sombra's vulnerability, Artorias rushed to the downed Unicorn king to finish the job. Sombra, severely injured; mustered all of his remaining dark powers to cast his ultimate weapon. Although he is uncertain; he used the same power to put a curse on the entire Crystal Empire and vanishing it for a thousand years. Surely it will at least do something to this creature, and if it does, who knows; maybe his powers will grant him control of this creature. Before Artorias could bury his sword through Sombra's skull, Sombra cast the dark spell. Artorias screamed in agony as darkness began to take over his body; gnawing at his soul once again. His armor and sword began to take effect from the dark influence, his armor constantly eroding and the blade of his sword gradually blackening; the same color that adorned his sword after making a pact with the abyss "Now, be one...with the dark." Sombra laughed demonically as Artorias fell to his knees with his sword planted on the ground. "Be safe, okay?" Luna's voice echoed in Artorias' struggling mind... "We always have each other's backs!" Twilight's voice echoed among the dark whispers that began to plague Artorias' mind. "You are the most awesome knight ever! Maybe as awesome as me!" Rainbow's voice echoed in his mind. "You will always be our family." Cadance's voice echoed in his mind. "We are always with you till' the end!" Shatterstorm's voice followed in. "Thank you!" "Hail Sir Artorias!" "Thank you!" "I...Will...Not..." Artorias slowly got up on his feet and stared at the unicorn king with a death stare; who returned the stare with wide eyes of disbelief "FALL!!!" Artorias roared. With that, a surge of energy exploded from Artorias' body; impacting Sombra and slamming him to the castle's wall once again, crushing the Unicorn's body. Everypony in the area were both awed and shocked at the scene, never before they saw an event so breathtaking yet so fearsome such as this one. Artorias' sword returned to its normal blue gleam; despite his armor was severely damaged. Artorias inhaled deeply, pulling out his sword from the crystal floor, and walked towards the incapacitated King Sombra with all of his remaining strength as the ponies watched in silence. Placing his armored boot on Sombra's broken ribcage, causing him to scream in pain. "What are you waiting for?" Sombra said with a weak, but audile tone "kill me." Artorias raised his greatsword high in the air, before burying it's sharp tip to the crystal floor...only a few inches away from Sombra's head. Artorias could hear several faint 'thuds' from the crowd around him, indicating several ponies had lost their consciousness. Probably the ponies who didn't see what actually happened. "DO IT! Finish what you start!" Sombra screamed. Artorias bent down to Sombra's eye level "Know this, you wretched king. I could squash you like an insect now, but if I do so...would that make me any better than you?" As he said this, everypony around him cheered loudly. Praising his name. At that very moment, Cadance accompanied by Shining Armor, Spike, and the Element Bearers stepped out from the castle's gates with the Crystal Heart on her telekinesis grip. She walked and placed the heart between the two crystal spikes on the square center, where it belongs. "Behold, The Crystal Princess!" One of the Crystal Ponies exclaimed with joy. "The Crystal Heart has returned, spread the love and light within you to power it, so King Sombra does not." Cadence declared. All of the Crystal Ponies lowered their heads, touching the ground, causing a beautiful blue aura to appear. Everypony turned into a Crystal Pony, the prison that kept Twilight in captivity disappeared due to the power of love and light. The light destroyed every single form of Sombra's dark magic, the black crystals, everything. "NOOOOO!!!!" Sombra screamed in anguish as his body began disappear from underneath Artorias' foot, taking his plans with him. Artorias, both relieved and drained from the battle collapsed to his knees, his vision darkening slowly. But before his body could make a full contact with the ground, a pair of an all too familiar golden armored hands caught him. "Don't you dare die on me now Artorias!" an all too familiar masculine voice shot him back to his senses for a short while, followed by a feeling of being supported around his torso. Artorias, very surprised and happy; gazed upon the source of the voice with his gradually blackening vision. His eyes met an equally all too familiar golden helmet; "Ornstein..." Was all Artorias could say before his vision faded into blackness. > Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artorias slowly opened his eyes with a hazy vision. He blinked several times and his vision cleared out, the glow of the afternoon sun greeted his eyes; this made the atmosphere surprisingly similar to his room in Anor Londo. the first thing he felt was searing pain coursing through his body and his muscles felt heavier than a giant. But he had been through worse. Artorias found himself lying in his bedroom in Canterlot, alone. His armor and greatsword were nowhere to be seen; the only items in his possession were his silver pendant, and magic satchell which were lying on the desk beside his bed accompanied by a jug of water and his folded tunic. Thankfully he still wore his pants. Artorias got up and sat on his bed, he raised his hands to check how bad the damage was, only to witness that they were covered in bandages. He looked down, and his torso was also wrapped in bandages; specifically on the part where Sombra's dark magic bolt had impacted. Artorias proceeded to walk towards a nearby mirror to get a better view of his body. As he got to the mirror, he witnessed that most of his body was covered in bandages which he already noticed. Aside from that, he also got numerous cuts and bruises on his face. "Luna is not going to like this..." Artorias sighed. He instinctively fished his satchel for his talisman, when he found it; Artorias tried to cast a healing miracle, but nothing happened. Artorias chuckled silently as he remembered the same thing happened after his return from the Abyss incident in New Londo; he needed more time to recover. Just then, the doors swung open; revealing a unicorn stallion wearing a white lab coat which matches his fur, complete with a medical kit box on his telekinesis grip accompanied by two unicorn mares, wearing the same medical outfit that matches their coat and appearance. With various red crosses as their cutie marks. Artorias knew that they were the doctor and nurses. "Oh, good afternoon Sir Artorias! I see you are awake. I am doctor Red Cross." The doctor introduced himself "These are nurses Remedy and Healing Spirit." he said. The nurses waved subtly in return "Please take a sit so we can check your condition." Artorias smiled and sat back down to his bed "Good afternoon." he said while looking at both the doctor and nurses to acknowledge them "How long was I unconscious?" he asked. "About six hours. To be honest, we didn't expect you to be awake now." Red Cross said "The wounds you suffered would have killed any other pony. But here you are." "I guess I got lucky." Artorias said as the doctors and nurses' horns started glowing. Moments later, they cast a spell upon him; Artorias felt a tickling sensation as golden light from the spell traveled around his body. The same sensation he felt when Gwynevere's maidens used their miracles on him. And about five minutes later, they were done. "Your condition seems pretty stable. We just cast a healing spell on you, tomorrow you should be good as new." Red Cross said "You are okay for daily activities, but don't do any intensive physical activity immediately; you know, start off slowly. And please, take a lot of rest." he said. Artorias chuckled "Thank you doctor." Red Cross and the nurses chuckled "Very well, if that's all, I shall let Ms Twilight Sparkle and her friends know that you are awake. I will also alert the Princesses, Prince Shining Armor, and your friend Dragonslayer Ornstein." Artorias sighed with relief as he was finally convinced that Ornstein he saw was not his imagination; despite the increasing amount of question in his brain, Artorias got a hold of himself and thanked the doctors and the nurses once again before they walked out from the door. With that, silence took over the room once again. Artorias took the water jug and drank the entire content , since he was extremely thirsty. After the refreshment, he retrieved his tunic and put them on; to make himself look more appropriate for the meeting. Moments later, Artorias heard multiple footsteps outside the door. "You ready?" Capt. Shatterstorm's voice echoed from the other side. "Truthfully, I am nervous. It's been a long time since we met." Ornstein's voice replied. "Come on Ornstein, you can do this!" Spike encouraged him. With that, the door swung open; revealing Ornstein fully armored with his signature Dragonslayer Spear on his right hand and his lion helmet tucked on his left hand; exposing his equally handsome face and shoulder-long flaming red hair, a contrast to Artorias' short well kempt black hair. There were also Capt. Shatterstorm with his squad, and of course the Main Six with Spike; accompanied by Princesses Celestia and Cadance with Shining Armor by her side. But Luna, was nowhere to be seen. Ornstein dropped his spear and helmet before dashing towards Artorias and gave him a tight bear-hug; Artorias returned the hug, but not without grunting and squirming in pain, this caused everypony else to snicker. "Sorry." Ornstein smiled sheepishly as he broke the hug "It's been far too long brother." he said as he patted Artorias shoulder. "It is, my brother." Artorias smiled "How--" Ornstein chuckled, "We can talk about that later, we've got a lot to discuss." He stated "but now, I am sure they want to talk to you." With that, Ornstein moved out of the way. Celestia, Cadance, and Shining Armor stepped forward, seeing this Artorias and Ornstein bowed in respect; but Artorias grunted with pain, causing Ornstein to immediately help him. "Both of you, please." Cadance said "We should be the ones bowing to you right now." "Well, if you insi--" Ornstein yelped when he received an elbow to his side by Artorias. Everypony snickered at this. "Hey! what'd you do that for?!" Ornstein asked with an annoyed tone, rubbing his side. "To keep your ego from being overfed." Artorias replied with a smirk. Celestia and Shining chuckled "Cadance is right Artorias, without you; we will not be here right now. And without Ornstein, who quickly applied first aid with a combination of magic and herbs you won't be here right now." Shining said. "Thank you brother, that makes us even then." Artorias smiled. Which Ornstein returned. "We and all of Equestria are in your debt once again." Celestia said. "I am just doing my duty." Artorias replied with a smile. Celestia chuckled "But this time, please let us do something for you in return. I insist." Celestia stated, Artorias knowing it was not his place to reject the offer, chuckled and nodded. "Ooh Artyyyyyy!" Pinkie's signature high-pitched voice pierced through the air, followed by a zip of pink blur dashing towards Artorias at an incredible speed; rivaling that of Ornstein's. Artorias braced himself for the hug, but he was tackled to the ground due to his severely weakened condition by the pink party mare who proceeded to hug him tightly on his neck causing him to tap on the ground repeatedly. "I am so so so so sorry! But now we can celebrate yay-Artorias- has-returned-and-not-dead party!" She declared with that signature smile of her's. Artorias couldn't help but to smile and patting her on the back before standing back up with Ornstein's help. "Pinkie! How uncouth!" Rarity scolded her pink friend before advancing with the rest of her friends; but Rainbow lagged behind them, her Uchigatana strapped to her hip and her eyes staring at the ground. A contrast to her confident attitude. "How are you feeling darling? When you passed out with those wounds on your body we were very concerned." She stated. Getting acknowledgements from the others. "Never better Rarity. Never better." Artorias chuckled as he looked at his friends to assure them "Did anypony get hurt?" "No, Artorias." Twilight immediately replied "Aside from you, nopony got hurt." "That's good to hear." Artorias replied, before turning his head to Rainbow's direction. "Rainbow, what's wrong?" He asked while kneeling on his right knee. Rainbow inhaled raggedly, before flying towards him; locking her front hoofs behind his neck before weeping on his shoulder. Artorias was stunned by Rainbow's reaction; never before he saw his friend and student like this. Artorias returned the hug while gently stroking her silky multicolored mane. Ornstein was stunned as well, seeing Artorias' reaction to what would have been considered an animal on their world. He was not disgusted, but he was still trying to collect his mind on how he got to this new world and much less meeting his long-lost brother and being treated as one of their own, not as an outsider. "It's fine Rainbow, it's fine." Artorias said with a soft tone as she hugged him tightly. "You are *sob* hurt because *sob* of me!" Rainbow said between her tears. Artorias sighed and cupped her chin with his left arm, staring deeply into her eyes with a comforting manner. This caused Rainbow to stop crying at once. "Look Rainbow, what's done is done. It's not your fault, and besides; that was the bravest thing I had ever seen." Artorias said with a smile. They broke the hug and Rainbow landed in front of him with a soft smile. "Are we still on good terms?" Artorias nodded with a smile and ruffled her mane playfully "But next time, when I am not there to protect you; be ready." With that, Rainbow nodded and she proceeded to take off her sword and gave it to Artorias. But before she could return to her friends, Artorias stopped her. "Rainbow..." Artorias said while unsheathing the uchigatana before sheathing it back to its scabbard and handing it to Rainbow, who stared at him with a mix of excitement and confusion. "Keep this, you deserve it." Artorias smiled while handing Rainbow the katana; who accepted it with open hoofs "remember to--" "Clean and repair everytime I am done using it, I know. Thank you so much Artorias, I won't fail you." Rainbow smiled. Artorias nodded, and Rainbow returned to her friends with her signature confident pose as her friends congratulated her. Ornstein gave Artorias a pat on Artorias' shoulder. "Back from the brink, Captain?" Shatterstorm said while advancing towards him with his squad with Light Lasher carrying Ornstein's helm and spear in his telekinesis grip. "Having you not driving your spear through my heart is more likely." Artorias replied with a chuckle. Ornstein stared at him with an astonished look in his eyes. "I'll explain everything later." Artorias smirked. With that, Light Lasher stepped forward and gave Ornstein his equipment back, Ornstein thanked him. "Where is Sif?" Artorias asked. "She is at the barracks, as usual. Sif is currently engaged in a combat simulation with the guards." Shatterstorm replied. During the entire month, Sif had proven herself to be a mascot of the Royal Guards. She participated in a lot of demonstrations and simulations with the guards. Artorias and Sif aided them significantly in dealing with larger threats such as manticores, and ursa minors. Even at some points, ursa majors and dragons. "It's good to have you back sir." Hurricane said with a smile. "Your sword and armor are currently being repaired by our blacksmiths, your sword is fine only a couple of scratches here and there but your armor's not in a good shape; but they can work with it. They said they will be done tomorrow." "Tell the blacksmiths to take their time. Remembering what the doctor just told me I don't think I will be needing them tomorrow. Thank you, all of you." Artorias returned the smile, with that the guards saluted; which he returned. "Everypony" Celestia began "Lets leave Sirs Artorias and Ornstein alone, they've got a lot to talk about." With that, everypony said their 'get well soon's and left the room. "Oh, Artorias." Celestia said while poking her head through the door, smiling "Luna will visit later, she is on an errand at the moment. She should be back by nightfall." "Oh, I see...thank you Celestia." Artorias replied with a smile. Celestia nodded, and closed the door; leaving the two great knights alone. "So...you are a pony royal guard captain now? and who is this Luna?" Ornstein asked as he took a seat on one of the room's chairs. Putting his helmet on a table in front of him and leaning his spear to the wall "You seemed happy when the Princess informed you about her." He smirked. "Honorary captain. I am helping to train them. Luna is the Princess of the Night, younger sister to Princess Celestia, and aunt to Princess Cadance. I am surprised you could get along with the ponies so quickly." Artorias smirked back while taking a seat on a chair in front of him "How did you get here?" "I died. I expected to be in the afterlife by now, but here I am in a world of multicolored talking ponies and seeing your bloody ass once again. That's quite an afterlife for me." Ornstein chuckled. "I guess we are really brothers to the end, and beyond." Artorias replied "How did you?" "This may sound ridiculous, but..." Ornstein paused and sighed "An undead killed me." Artorias' ears perked up when he heard those words "Don't you worry brother, as powerful as we are compared to the humans...we are still made of flesh and blood, just like them." he paused "In fact, an undead killed me too." "I guess you are right. I have a new found respect for the humans, after one of them drove a sword through my heart." Ornstein let out a chuckle, shaking his head. "Oh? Mind telling me the whole story?" Artorias asked. "Artorias, always straight to the point." Ornstein chuckled "Well then..." Anor Londo Anor Londo Cathedral, Lordran Empty halls, echoes of blowing wind, and silent knights. These were the daily phenomena of the deserted city of Anor Londo, the once great city of the gods, now a husk of its former self. But suddenly, the silence was broken by the clattering noises from the central part of the cathedral. Dragonslayer Ornstein twirled his spear in the air before doing a solid thrust, slaying another of his imaginary opponent. Smough was sitting not far behind him, cleaning his blood-stained greathammer. The same hammer he used to crush the skulls of his victims and grind their bones for his meal. These were their daily routines, aside from their main task to guard the cathedral alongside the illusion of Gwynevere. For three hundred years. Deep in his heart and mind, Ornstein knew he should have gone with Gough and Ciaran on the day they left, looking for his best friend; Artorias. But he knew he had to stay, to assure the power of his lord continue to exist. In dire frustration, he yelled and planted the tip of his spear on the floor, resulting in a loud metalic clang and startling Smough a bit. "Something bothering you Dragonslayer?" Smough asked with a deep, heavy voice while continuing to clean his hammer. More to sarcasm than concern. Ornstein fell on one of his knees, his hand clutching the midsection of his spear. Gazing at the closed entrance gates. The last time they were opened was when Gough and Ciaran left for Oolacile. How he had missed them dearly. He got up on his feet, turned around, and nodded at Smough as an acknowledgement for his previous inquiry before heading towards his private elevator. To visit the illusion of Gwynevere. Ornstein walked towards the entrance with a steady pace before pushing the double doors open, also taking off his helmet in the process. And there, the illusion of Gwynevere remain seated; bearing the same illusory smile each time he entered the room. A smile he really came to love when Gwynevere was still with them. "I should have gone with them..." Ornstein said monotonously, in front of an illusion. Tears welling up in his eyes, emotions kept for centuries were finally released at that moment. "TALK TO ME!" Ornstein yelled on the top of his lungs, but Gwynevere's illusion remained silent. At this moment, tears began running down his cheeks. Suddenly he felt a new presence entering the threshold of the cathedral; a feeling he has not felt for centuries. Ornstein quickly wiped away his tears, put his helmet on, grabbed his spear, and exited the room; closing the door behind him. Ornstein was hoping that it'd be Ciaran, Gough, or Artorias. Maybe the three of them. But what met his eyes showed him otherwise, instead of his friends; his eyes were greeted by a peculiar sight. An undead clad in Astoran armor. wielding a straight sword and shield of the same origins. Smough was standing at the ready. Ornstein felt an incredible amount of power emitting from the undead before him. A good challenge to his skills. Ornstein vaulted from the ledge, landing in front of his executioner companion, brandishing his spear at the newcomer. The Undead readied himself, sword and shield at the ready. Seeing the Dragonslayer and the Executioner, he knew he must end the fight quickly. Ornstein charged his spear and shot a lightning bolt at the undead, seeing this; the undead rolled away from the bolt's line of collision, impacting the wall behind him, shattering it. The lightning bolt missed the Chosen Undead by (literally) an inch, shattering his pauldron and electrocuting him. The Chosen One knew that if he took another hit like that, he was finished. Smough charged with his hammer, ready to squash the Chosen One. Taking a quick sip from his Estus Flask, The undead's honed reflexes kicked in; sliding underneath the executioner and slicing both of his legs,causing blood to gush rapidly from the wound. It was merely a flesh wound to Smough, but those were enough to stun him. Seizing his chance, the Chosen Undead took his talisman and raised it high to the air; as fast as that, a large spear of lightning was summoned from the talisman and in a lightning speed was thrown and impacted Smough directly at his chest, shattering his armor and exposing his chest cavity. The smell of burnt flesh began to fill the room's atmosphere. Ornstein was stunned by how powerful this Undead was, not only was he capable of using the very weapon that lord Gwyn, himself, his fellow knights, and Lord Gwyn's army used to destroy the Ancient Dragons, but also capable of taking down his companion with three swift blows; which normally would require at least six Silver Knights to do so. In an instant, Ornstein glided over to his fallen comrade, placed his hand respectfully on Smough's body and absorbed his powers. Suddenly, Ornstein and his spear grew to an immense size. Seeing this, the undead sheathed his straightsword and took a greatsword from his satchel to even the odds. Ornstein tried to skewer the undead with his spear, but the Chosen Undead side-stepped the attack and dashed towards the dragon slaying knight, between his legs. Causing the legendary dragon slaying spear The Chosen Undead quickly cleaved both of Ornstein's legs with his greatsword with a spinning motion, slicing through the armor like a can opener and causing massive wounds on the exposed skin, flesh, and bone. The Chosen Undead quickly drew his catalyst and fired a soul spear towards the incapacitated knight. The soul spear impacted Ornstein's chest, dealing a devastating damage to him. Ornstein screamed in pain and fell to the ground with a loud thud. Loosing a massive amount of blood and his legs crippled he knew he was done for; but no matter, maybe he will be with his friends soon and ending his tormenting task. The Undead walked towards the fallen Ornstein with his greatsword brandished, ready to end his life. "Wait..." Ornstein said with his remaining strength, and with a loud pained grunt; turned his body to face the Chosen Undead. Seeing this, the Undead stopped in his tracks, willing to listen to his enemy's last words. "Brave Undead,It has been an honor to be your enemy. You have my respect." Ornstein said while bowing his head, the Undead bowed to him in return "Now, finish what you have started..." With that, the Undead stepped forward and held his greatsword with both hands and thrust his sword deep into the Dragonslayer's heart before pulling it back out, causing Ornstein to scream inhumanly and blood gushing out from the wound. Ornstein's vision started to go blurry and his body felt light, after centuries of both guarding the Cathedral and withstanding the intense amount of emotional pain, he was freed from his burdens by a species he considered inferior; but now, the word respect couldn't describe his admiration and respect to the inferiors. Artorias was right after all about them. As his body started to fade away, flashes during the times of glory and good times with his friends began to play in front of him like a spectacle. Ornstein smiled underneath his helmet as he was finally free. "My...friends...I...will be...with you...soon." "And after that, everything I saw was darkness...and darkness." Ornstein paused as he wiped a tear on his cheek "But then, I realized that I shrunk back to my original size, my spear is in my grasp, and I am fully armored and supplied. And then a gate appeared in front of me, just by standing near the gate I could feel distress emitting from whatever lies on the other side, yet I also felt an extremely familiar presence so I went through the gate and suddenly I was standing in the Crystal Empire." He paused "It was then when I saw you collapsing to the ground, and you know the rest." "Ornstein...what happened to Lordran?" Artorias asked with an anguished tone. Tears started welling in his eyes. Ornstein sighed and told him everything. How Lord Gwyn linked the First Flame, how the Darksign spread among the humans like wildfire, as an unwanted consequence of Gwyn sacrificing himself to the First Flame . How the gods abandoned Anor Londo and eventually Lordran in dire fear of the curse. How the Undead were corralled to the Northern Asylum, locked away, awaiting the end of the world. "But, above all else I told you...I refuse to believe that Ciaran and Gough perished while looking for you." Ornstein said "They are strong, maybe they are just elsewhere, living another live." "You are right, even if they do..." Artorias paused, wiping away his tears "I don't think they want us to shed our tears for them over and over again." "It's good of you to say so my friend." Ornstein said while giving a pat on Artorias' shoulders, getting up from his seat and grabbing his spear "Now, I shall leave you to rest. If you need me, I will be next door. That mare, Rarity; kept on asking about my armor. And everyone- er, pony in general are just curious about me." Artorias chuckled "Then you should talk to them, or they will probably gouge your eyes out." Ornstein stared at him. "Just bloody joking, go on then." "You still have that sense of humor, don't you?" Ornstein said while giving him a jab on his shoulder "Oh, that last spar of ours; I am looking forward to continue where we left." "I accept your challenge!" Artorias stood up with a burning spirit, only for him to grunt in pain, clutching his rib cage "After I get better of course." Ornstein smiled and walked towards the door, preparing to make his leave. "Ornstein." Artorias called. "Yes?" "It's good to have you back brother." Artorias said with a smile. "And it's good to have you back." Ornstein replied, with that he exited the room. Leaving Artorias alone in his room once again. "So much for that...I better rest." Artorias spoke monotonously, carefully getting on his bed, and before he knew it he was fast asleep once again. Artorias woke up from his slumber as the rays of Luna's moon shone through his windows. He looked around, and as he expected he was alone. He tried to go back to sleep, but waking up from two sleeping sessions forbade him to do so. Knowing he could sleep later that night, Artorias got up from his bed. Pacing on his room; walking in his combat stance to practice his muscles. As doctor Red Cross said before, the healing spell he and the nurses cast on him made his body feel better; although during the walk his body was still raked by pain. It was then when Artorias' doors slowly swung open, he walked towards the door and there in front of him stood the Princess of the Night; herself. "Hello Artorias." Luna said with a warm smile. But Artorias knew that her smile was just a cover up, he knew there was some other feeling buried in her heart. Her should-be expression when she saw his condition. Artorias bowed his body a bit "Hello Luna." he replied with a smile, her eyes glowed with a tranquil light. Like the moonlight. "Can I come in?" she asked. "You don't have to ask, this is your castle after all." "So, how are you?" Luna asked as the two sat on his bed. "I am fine, and you?" Artorias said. Quite a contrary to his actual condition. "I am fine..." Luna said nonchalantly. Her tone of speech sounded wrong for him, so he decided to get to the point. "Luna, tell me...what's wr--" "Artorias, you nearly died!" Luna snapped at him, exposing her true emotions "How is that fine?! I thought you were...*sob* " Luna's eyes had lost their usual glow, changed into that of fear and sorrow. Tears flowing out of them.Seeing this, Artorias brought her into a comforting hug. "I am very sorry Luna..." Artorias said with a soothing tone, stroking her ethereal starry mane to comfort her as she cried into his chest "I...broke my promise to you." he let Luna cried into his chest for a while until her crying receded into sobs, Luna raised her head from Artorias' chest staring at his eyes. "Artorias, all that matters to me now is that you are safe and alive." she said "Just promise me something..." "Anything." Artorias quickly replied. "Don't you ever leave me again." "I promise." Artorias said as they broke the hug, by this moment the glow on Luna's eyes had returned to their usual state, staring at him with a smile. "But, are you still going to take me somewhere nice?" Luna asked teasingly. "Don't push your luck." Artorias returned the gesture "Tomorrow, it is then." "Then you should go to bed, you need a lot of rest." Luna said. "I fell asleep two times, Princess." Artorias said "I can't sleep." "I can help you with that." Luna said with a smirk, suddenly Luna's horn glowed and connected her horn to Artorias' forehead. After a moment, she pulled her horn away. "What spell was that?" Artorias asked with a yawn. Lying down on his bed once again "A sleeping spell?" Luna nodded "I use them occasionally when Tia can't sleep, sometimes on Canterlot and Ponyville." she said while pulling his blanket for him. "You will fall asleep soon." "Thank you, Luna. See you tomorrow." Luna inched her muzzle to Artorias' head and gently kissed his forehead; much to his surprise. But before he could say anything, the spell took over him and once again he drifted into a peaceful slumber. > Remedy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artorias opened his eyes as the rays of the sun shone through his eyelids, but something seemed off. The first thing he noticed was instead of lying on top of his bed, he was lying on comfortable layers of green grass and he was in the middle of a forest. An extremely familiar feeling started brewing inside him, Artorias quickly got on his feet, dusted some sticky grass off him, and observed his surroundings. In a split second, he knew he was standing in the Royal Wood...before it was consumed by Manus' dark Abyss. No signs of darkness or corruption were present at the area, a paradise. Memories began to flood Artorias' mind. Back in the day, he had spent hours with Sif and Ciaran after long-hectic missions or just to relax in their spare time. The father figure in his group, Hawkeye Gough would also accompany them; crafting his Archtree carvings, a nuanced art according to him. And to craft his signature greatarrow. Artorias knew that this was not a dream, for he still felt the breezy air around him and other boddily sensations. But he knew he was not in Oolacile for real. "Artorias..." a soft feminine voice caressed Artorias' ears like a soft wind. A voice he was all too familiar with. Artorias swiftly turned around, only to be met with a jaw-dropping scene. There, under the rays of the sun by a sparkling stream; stood Lord's Blade Ciaran and Hawkeye Gough. Artorias' heart skipped a beat, he tried to speak but no words came out from his mouth. "What's the matter Artorias?" Ciaran chuckled while taking off her porcelain mask, revealing her beautiful face and long-flowing hair. "You look like you've just seen a ghost." "Or ghosts for that matter." Gough added with a chuckle. Slowly but surely, Artorias walked towards the two and stopped in front of Ciaran. Her eyes began to water with tears of happiness. Artorias gently traced his right hand on Ciaran's cheek; getting a good feel on her soft skin, a sensation he was too familiar with. Before another word could be said, Ciaran leaped to Artorias' body, locking her slender hands behind his neck and the two kissed passionately in each other's arms. "How have I missed you, my love." Ciaran said as a tear rolled down her cheeks, still in Artorias' arms. "Words can't describe how much I've missed you." he replied as he let her go and walking towards Gough "I missed you too-- argh!" before he could finish his sentence, Artorias was given a bear-sized hug by Gough; something he both loved and hated at the same time. He knew Gough meant well, but the tightness of the hug could crush his body. "Sorry." Gough said sheepishly. "It's been far too long." "Am I dreaming?" Artorias asked "If I do, then I'd hate to wake up again." "No, Artorias." Ciaran said "You are inside your mind." "How could you--" Artorias stopped before he could continue his sentence, the revelation hit him like a rock fall "Both of you, are dead...are you not?" The two nodded "We have been watching over you and Ornstein since we died." Gough said. "Although we could always talk to you when you are awaken, we think it is better if we do it here. I am not certain that these...ponies, are ready for us." "So, all of you are here in Equestria?" Artorias asked with a hopeful tone. "Yes, Artorias...but we can't see each other in the flesh." Ciaran replied with a sigh "We are just spirits now, ghosts." "In a good way, for certain." Gough added. "Artorias..." Ciaran said while putting her hand on Artorias' cheek, who gently pressed her hand against his cheek "I am sorry...we are sorry." Ciaran said while staring at the ground, tears started dropping from her eyes. Artorias cupped her chin and lifted her head, causing them to stare eye-to-eye "For what, Ciaran?" Ciaran leaped and hugged Artorias tightly, which he returned "For letting you go...if I did otherwise--" "Ciaran, what's done is done." Artorias said while stroking her ivory hair, his way to calm her anytime when she was stressed "Besides, I will never let you come with me. I nearly lost Sif, and I can't live if you perish in there." "But now--" Ciaran was cut off when the dreamland shook mildly. "What was that?" Artorias asked. "We shall talk again later, my friend." Gough said "Someone or somepony is waking you up." "Artorias...promise me one more thing." Ciaran said with an emotional tone. Artorias knelt in front of her, his eyes telling her to go on. "Anything." "Live your life once again Artorias. Do not let any of us obstruct you from doing so." "I promise." Artorias replied "Neither me or Ornstein shall forget about the both of you, I shall tell him about this." "Even me, and us." Ciaran said "You have a new heart to care for." Artorias was dumbfounded, he knew exactly who Ciaran was implying to "Who? Do you mean, Luna?" Ciaran nodded. "I only consider her as a close friend. Yes, she kissed my forehead. But you kissed my forehead a lot when we were still friends." Artorias said. "You are still that same silly Knight when we first met, don't you?" Ciaran chuckled "She loves you, Artorias. She fell in love at the moment she saw you. And you know you care for her the same way she does to you." Ciaran said "She is an Alicorn pony, but would you break her heart for me? a ghost?" She asked with a solemn tone "She needs you, Artorias. You are one of her friends that truly understand her." Gough raised from his seat and walked towards Artorias with a steady pace "We will always be with you, here and here." He said while pointing his head and heart respectively. "And do not do something you will regret." "Thank you, Gough. I won't." Artorias said. With that the same tremor was felt again. This time, Artorias felt light-headed and his vision started to go white, he shook his head and his vision cleared out. Ciaran leaped and hugged him tightly, Artorias returned the hug "Remember your promise, my dear." Ciaran said with a soft tone "And this time, try not to die and breaking a lot of hearts in the process." she smirked. "By my life and honor, I swear." Artorias said solemnly. Ciaran smiled and the two kissed once again; as they did this, Artorias' vision whitened, sending him from his dreamland and into reality. "Doctor Ornstein, I think he is regaining his consciousness." An all too familiar tomboyish voice echoed in his ears. "Now, to electrify!" Ornstein said with a jolly tone. Charging his spear with low-powered lightning, he inched the tip towards Artorias' unprotected belly with his right arm. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Rainbow asked with a hint of concern "To my experience, getting struck by lightning is not cool." "Don't worry Doctor Dash, we do this all the time!" Ornstein replied. Artorias' eyes shot wide open, he kicked the spear away and locked Ornstein's arm with an arm-bar. Causing Rainbow to stare at him with an astonished sight and Ornstein repeatedly tapping on the bed, screaming. "Whoa! you can do hoof-bar too?!" Rainbow asked with an astonished tone. A move she is quite good at. "Exactly." Artorias said as he let Ornstein go, causing the Dragonslaying Knight to massage his right arm to soothe the pain. "Damn, I could never predict that move." Ornstein said while picking up his spear "But at least you are kind enough to keep this new tunic intact." he said while dusting off his new tunic, a rare sight from Ornstein. "That's strange, where's your armor?" Artorias said while getting off from his bed, stretching and flexing his muscles and joints. "In my room, being in that for a day or two is fine. But for three hundred years? I think I won't be wearing my armor anytime soon." he said. "Oh, and who's that fr-- let me guess, Rarity?" Artorias asked. "Yes, and some spare clothing too." Ornstein said "A combination of white silk, brown leather, carved with golden strings in each knitting." he said proudly "She said she worked all night, very impressive I should say. I returned the favor during breakfast, which reminds me..." "We should hurry up to the dining hall." Rainbow added. "Yes of course, let me get these bandages off me first." Artorias replied. "Wait, what time is it?" "Hold on a sec." Rainbow said while flying out of the bedroom and returned only seconds later "Twelve in the afternoon." "You overslept." Ornstein said. "But you deserve it." Artorias nodded and headed to the bathroom. Artorias quickly undressed himself and proceeded to take the bandages off his body. When finished, Artorias observed his body thoroughly in the mirror; no scars are left on where the bandages used to cover his body. A miracle indeed. Satisfied, Artorias took a quick shower, and grabbed some spare clothing from his satchel while hanging his tunic and pants to dry off after he washed them clean. He quickly dressed himself with some clothing from his satchel and stepped outside. "Shall we then?" "Of course." "These are delicious!" Ornstein commented as he finished another plate of pancakes; totaling to 20 plates of pancakes. "What do you call these again?" he said as he took another plate filled with the wonderful treat. "Pancakes and bacons, Ornstein. This is the twentieth plate for today, don't you think you ate too much?" Artorias sighed while rubbing his face with his palms; causing the Mane Six, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance to laugh at his reaction. "By the way, may I know where Luna is?" "Oh, she said she is finishing her work on a spell." Celestia said "She told me that she will see you later when her spell is complete." "I see..." Artorias said. Celestia nodded "As much as I want to stay, I must return to my daily schedule." then she got up from her seat, only to lose her footing. Before Artorias and everypony else in the room could blink, a golden blur streaked towards Celestia at a blistering speed; revealing Ornstein holding Celestia in his mighty arms, preventing her from hitting the floor. Every occupant in the room stared at the spectacle with widened eyes and dropped jaws, especially Pinkie Pie whose jaw created a hole in the floor. "Are you alright Your Grace?" Ornstein asked, still holding Celestia in his arms. "I-I am okay, Sir Ornstein." She stuttered with a shade of red on her cheeks. Gently, Ornstein let her go. "Thank you." Celestia said with a smile. "Don't mention it Princess." Ornstein replied. With that, Celestia left the dining room; escorted by her guards. "Looks like the Princess has taken quite a shine on you." Artorias said as he watched Celestia's tail disappearing around the corner. "Pony or not, she is still a Princess." Ornstein smirked "So, what shall we do now?" "A tour on the castle perhaps?" Twilight suggested. "I can accept that, remembering this is home now." Ornstein said. "After you Twilight." "Looks like we will have a new set of love birds soon enough." Cadance nudged her husband with a snicker. "We'll see." Shining chuckled. With that the group once again strolled through the lavish hallways of the castle. Ornstein frequently stopped and admire the artworks of the castle; from the stained glass windows, the red carpet, the marble statues and so on. The girls also asked plenty of questions to Ornstein, ranging from his past, skills, and just good old trivial questions such as the dragon poo incident. After finishing the castle's massive interior, they strolled through the famed Canterlot Gardens. The cool afternoon winds rid them of their drowsiness. "So, tell me Artorias...how's your relationship with Princess Luna going?" Cadance asked with a playful smile as they strolled through the gardens. "Yes, Princess Luna seem to like you a lot." Shining said. "We are just friends." Artorias replied, only to earn stares from the whole group "Very well, close friends." "Admitting your feelings won't cost a thing Artorias." Cadance said as a bird landed on her right hoof, she observed the bird for a moment before the bird flew to a nearby tree. 'I hope you are right Cadance.' Artorias mentally sighed when he remembered what happened to him and his lover, Ciaran in his previous life. "Don't do that to yourself Artorias." Ciaran's voice echoed in his head. "Artorias?" Cadance said while waving her hoofs in front of him "Are you okay?" Artorias snapped from his trance "Y-yes, just...old memories." he said. "A-are you sure Artorias? You seemed like you were having a f-flashback, if that's true of course." Fluttershy said with a soothing voice. "Nothing to worry about Fluttershy, I am fine." Artorias said gently. "So, where ta next Twi?" Applejack asked. "Oh! The barracks!" Twilight exclaimed. With that, the group walked towards the barracks. "Hello Artorias!" Shatterstorm greeted Artorias as he and the group entered the barracks. "Hello Shatterstorm." Artorias greeted him politely. Before he could continue, Sif tackled him to the ground and licked his face; covering Artorias' face with slobber. "Oh, hello to you too my friend." Artorias said while patting his giant wolf companion on her head. "How's the training going?" Artorias asked as he observed Shatterstorm's squad cleaning a huge mess on the field "You trained with Sif again didn't you?" "Uh, yeah." Shatterstorm smiled sheepishly "She is getting more unpredictable as each day passes, as if she learned our combat techniques and tactics." "I see." Artorias said. Then Shatterstorm hoofed over his training spear and offered it to the Dragonslayer who gave him a questioning look. "What do you say Dragonslayer? I heard your skills with a spear is legendary." "All set Captain, oh I see the whole crew is here." Light Lasher said. Seeing Shatterstorm handing Ornstein the training spear, his squad lined up behind him. "Come on Ornstein, don't let the guards down." Artorias said while nudging his friend. "But be careful, no lightning." "Well then..." Ornstein said while putting his Dragonslayer Spear down and stretched his body "Let's do this." he said while grabbing the spear. With that, the group moved and sat on the nearby audience's seat. "Artorias..." A soft feminine voice caressed Artorias' ears. He looked towards the voice's source and there stood the Princess of the Night herself; a bright smile decorating her face. "It looks like your duty calls Artorias." Shining said with a smile "Go on, we will take it from here." Cadance immediately used her magic to clean Artorias' slobber covered face, tidied his clothes, and even gave him a fragrant smell. "Thank you Cadance." Artorias said with a smile. Artorias turned his head to Ornstein who waved him off from the field with his thumbs up. "So where are we going now?" Luna asked as Artorias walked towards him. "I have a place in mind." Artorias said with a smile. Artorias' First Person POV "I thought I was going to take you somewhere nicer than this place." I told Luna, who was happily sitting next to a crystal-clear creek on the outskirts of Canterlot. My explorations of the beautiful city's outskirts gave me a lot of options of beautiful locations. The beautiful orange late afternoon sky stretched above us, giving a serene aura to the environment. "I like it here." Luna said with a smile. The moment was perfect, the only thing that disrupted the moment was Sif splashing in a nearby pool. But Luna didn't seem to mind. "Luna." I said as I sat closer to her "Your sister said you were working on a spell." "Yes, you are correct." she smiled. "If I may know, what spell is it you have been working on?" I asked with great curiosity. "You'll see soon enough." she said while standing up in front of me "You might want to back off a bit." I stood up and do as I was told. Suddenly Luna's horn glowed followed with a bright flash of light. I covered my eyes to prevent myself for going blind. After the light disappeared, I can't believe my own eyes as I saw the figure standing in front of me. Before my eyes, Luna was no longer in her alicorn form; but a mix of a beautiful alicorn mare and woman standing as tall as my chest, clothed in a sleeveless black dress with her cutie mark symbol on the dress' collar,highlighting her slender figure. Despite being human-like She still has her dark blue wings,horn, and her entrancing starry ethereal mane, but her dark blue fur was reduced into that of a dark-blue human skin. I stepped closer to her and she greeted me with a warm smile "Do you like it?" "Luna, you look absolutely beautiful." I said "C-can you walk?" Luna tried to walk with her new legs, albeit awkward; she was doing fine. But suddenly, she tripped and instinctively I caught her before she she could hit the ground. "But I definitely need more practice." she said with a sheepish smile. I let her go and we sat close to each other by the creek. I pulled her closer, and we were wrapped in each others' arms; happy just being near each other. Luna rested her head on my shoulder, in an almost same manner when Ciaran used to rest her head on my shoulder. I felt both joy and sadness at the same time, remembering the good times I spent with her. "Don't do this to yourself Artorias, you have to let me go." Ciaran's voice echoed in my head, snapping me out of my reverie. "Artorias, are you alright?" Luna asked with concern everywhere in her voice and eyes. "I am alright Luna." I said as I stroke her ethereal mane. Luna clasped my hands with hers. My heart was beating harder than ever, her hands were so soft and tender. Once again, we leaned in closer to each other, but before closing my eyes I observed my surroundings in case Sif was ready to drench us with cold water once again. Sif was sitting in the distance, drinking a lot of water from the creek. "Is there something wrong?" Luna asked, slightly worried. I didn't answer her question as our lips locked with love and passion under the setting sun. The tenderness of her lips matched the tenderness of her body,holding each other as we kissed. I was more determined than ever to never let her go and protect her until my last breath. Eventually, we pulled away and embraced each other as Celestia's Sun went to sleep and Luna's Moon rose from it's slumber. I looked to my right and I saw the spirits of Ciaran and Gough smiling at me. I smiled in return and Ciaran pointed towards the path to the castle. "We are going to pay Ornstein a visit." Ciaran's voice echoed insidemy head. "Carry on." I replied. And once again, their apparitions disappeared. Bending my neck, I whispered ever so softly to her hears...the words that truly spoke for my feelings. "I love you." Meanwhile, in the walls of Tartarus... "AAAAARRRGGGHHH!" King Sombra screamed with pure anger as he bucked the steel bars of his cell, bending them. Only for him to scream in agony a few seconds later as his wounds from his encounter with Artorias re-opened. Having not fully healed and scarred by the divine power of Artorias' greatsword, the pain was becoming unbearable. "KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" A demon guard exclaimed while slamming his fist to the cell. Sombra chuckled with a dark tone "If I ever meet you again, Abysswalker..." "Oh you will..." a dark toned feminine voice chuckled in his head. "WH-WHO THE BUCK ARE YOU!" Sombra yelled while clutching his head. "I SAID KEEP YOUR--" Suddenly the demon was levitated into the air before exploding into a puddle of flesh and blood. Sombra gazed at the spectacle; unable to speak or do anything. "Worry not, my King. You will not be harmed." the voice chuckled "You and me have something in common." "G-go on" Sombra said,trying to suppress the pain and fear. "We rulers, lost our cities and took the fall." the voice replied. "Oh I noticed that by myself." Sombra said sarcastically, standing up on all fours "Before we...continue this conversation, who are you?" The voice chuckled once again "Wrath." > A Familiar Presence... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On one peaceful afternoon, Artorias was strolling around in Ponyville as usual with Ornstein by his side, seeing the condition of Ponyville live in the field. Twilight and the others under the protection of Sif went inside the Everfree Forest to visit Zecora, and thus leaving the two in town. "Just like the days of old..." Ornstein said as he waved at three unicorns trotting pass them. "Of course...halt. Do you sense that?" Artorias stopped as he felt a powerful oppressive presence in the vicinity. "I sensed that." Ornstein said as he began scanning his surroundings for any signs of malice. The ponies around them felt something was coming their way, as they saw their protectors stood watch with alarmed expressions clearly seen on their faces. "Everypony." Artorias said calmly "Return to your homes immediately and stay there." As everypony began to clear the area, a spine-chilling roar was heard and large black dragon swooped down from the sky with its claws ready to tear Artorias and Onrstein to shreds. Instinctively, the knights evaded the attack and the dragon landed precisely on its attack trajectory kicking dust into the air. As the pony citizens burst into panic and ran for their lives, the dragon began spraying it everything around it with black fire. The dragon itself didn't look like a normal dragon as there were lots of glowing red eyes on its head, small horns protruding from its face and decayed physical condition. Corrupted. The knights knew for certain that the utter blackness corrupting the dragon, was none other than the Abyss. Artorias and Ornstein drew their greatsword and spear respectively and prepared to engage the dragon. "Captain Artorias, Dragonslayer Ornstein we'll assist you!" Said a pegasus royal guard as he and four of his comrades charged the dragon head on with their spears. "No! It's too strong for you!" Artorias screamed loudly, trying to warn them. But before his warning could reach the guards, the dragon snuffed the guards out in a dark blaze of inferno; leaving nothing but trails of scorching black fire and piles of ash. Artorias cursed under his breath and tightened his grip on his greatsword. Just then, another beast entered the fray. A massive multi-headed black canine beast with hellish glowing red eyes with dark purple sludge dripping from its jaws with similar aura color radiating from it. Roaring. "Two of them?!" Ornstein scoffed as he formed a back-to-back defensive position with Artorias. Facing their respective foes, Ornstein with the dragon and Artorias with the canine beast. "We've been through worse." Artorias said "We have to lure them away from here." "I take the dragon, you take the...dog." Ornstein said "On my go...go!" Ornstein and Artorias dashed towards their opponents at a speed that would make Rainbow Dash jealous, quickly striking their opponents. Artorias managed to run underneath it; slashing the legs of the multi-headed creature, spilling black corrupted blood to the ground and severely hindering its mobility. "Come on you beast of darkness!" Artorias taunted it as he performed a mock gesture "Do my small dagger deter you?" With a roar of anger, the beast pursued Artorias as he ran towards the outskirts of Ponyville. On the other Hand, Ornstein already did a number on the dragon. Blasting it with lightning and impaled it with its spear repeatedly, but the dragon was still alive and kicking; whereas most dragons would be dead. "Damn, this one is strong." Ornstein mused as he evaded an overhead tail swipe from the dragon and impaled the dragon's tail with his spear and tore it off it's body; causing it to roar in pain. Having enough, the dragon flew and proceeded to ram the Dragonslayer. Sensing a winning opportunity, Ornstein leaped on the dragon's back; causing it to fly high up into the clouds in an attempt to throw the knight off its back. Intending to finish the fight as quickly as possible, he mustered his lightning power to its peak; channeling it to his spear... Artorias, decapitated the beast's heads after successfully cutting two of the beast's legs and gutting it open. After exhaling a breath of relief, a thundering explosion echoed from the heavens followed by a silhouette of Ornstein dropping from the sky as well as pieces from the dragon. "That Ornstein..." Artorias chuckled as he picked up the pace towards Ponyville. "Artorias!" Ornstein greeted as soon as he saw his best friend entering the town. "What an untidy fight." Artorias commented as he saw dragon's innards and other parts scattered everywhere around Ponyville. Several ponies were already out; wondering if the fight was already over. They were horrified, some of them even fainted on the ground. "Are you jesting? This is a work of art!" Ornstein said with pride before looking at the crowd of ponies "Well, maybe not for them." "It's fine now everypony, the situation is under control!" Artorias told them but regardless, they stood there. Frozen. Just then, two royal chariots and several military chariots carrying lots of royal guards entered the skies of Ponyville. After seeing their leaders, the ponies dispersed from the area for they knew everything's going to be fine; although some remained at the scene. "Well, the Royals are here." Artorias commented as the carriages landed in front of them and the Princesses disembarked from them. "Congratulations my friend." Ornstein whispered as the guards formed a perimeter "I know about you and the Princess of the Night." "Gough and Ciaran told you, right?" Artorias asked to which Ornstein replied with a nod. Just then an anthropomorphic Luna hugged Artorias tightly, despite his hard steel armor; Artorias felt it and returned the hug. "Thank Faust you two are okay." Luna smiled softly as she let go of the hug and changing back to her alicorn form. "We are fine." Artorias said "But...we lost five royal guards today." he said while looking at the remains of what were previously valiant guards. "I will make sure they receive the highest of honors and of course proper funerals." Celestia said as four unicorn guards levitated the ashes and placed them in elaborately decorated urns with even more unicorns spreading out to clean up the bloody mess "We flew here as soon as we felt this...oppressive feeling." Before Artorias and Ornstein started their explanation; Twilight, her friends, and Sif arrived on the scene. "H-hey we saw Cerberus' remains on the outskirts and now pieces of...I don't know! What happened?!" Twilight asked frantically before realizing the Princesses were there. "Nevermind the formalities Twilight." Celestia said "We have a more serious issue on our hoofs." "Lets just say, we encountered an old enemy." Ornstein said "But I am sure Artorias has more experience to explain..." "My friends, the Abyss...is here. On this very land." Artorias replied solemnly. Although having heard nothing but stories and rumors, the ponies knew this could be worse than anything they had faced before "We must act soon. For if we don't, the Abyss shall consume this land." "Princess, do you know these creatures' origins?" Ornstein asked. "The Black Dragon and Cerberus are from Tartarus...both acting as guardians of the hellish prison." Luna said "Something is not right at Tartarus." "Then how do we stop it?" Rainbow asked with her hoofs crossed. "The Abyss cannot be destroyed, it can only be contained. In order to do this, we must destroy its source of power; but I must warn you, this will not be easy. Many could die...or worse." Artorias told them. "Very well, then we shall march our army to Tartarus. We will leave tomorrow as soon as preparations are complete." Celestia said "Twilight, you and your friends will accompany us as well. The Elements are probably the only way to end this." "Of course Princess Celestia. Come on girls, we have work to do." Twilight said before leaving the scene with her friends. "For now I shall return to Canterlot to coordinate our forces with Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor." Celestia stated. "I shall stay here and coordinate Ponyville's defense." Luna said before taking off and rounding up the guard commanders. "Very well, then you will also have a garrison of guards in your disposal." Celestia said while getting on to her chariot "Take care now." and soon, the pegasus guards flew her chariot back to Canterlot. "Well, that was...brief and clear." Ornstein stated "Now what shall we do?" "I...don't know." Artorias said while staring at the ground "Why don't you help with defense coordination? I need some time to think." he said while standing up "You stay here too Sif." he said before walking up to a grassy hill overlooking Ponyville. Not long after, it was already at night. Artorias sat on the hill with his greatsword and supplies beside him, watching over Ponyville while also trying to collect himself; what if the Abyss consumed Equestria and all of its inhabitants? What if the Abyss corrupted him once again or even worse...the ones he cared for? Those were only fragments from what was swirling inside of Artorias' heart and mind. He stood up, took his belongings and prepared to leave for Tartarus alone. Just then, he felt presences behind him and turned around. There he saw Luna, Ornstein, Sif, and Twilight accompanied with the Element Bearers; all of them being very concerned about him. "Look Artorias, I know this is not something you could easily unwind yourself from; but you shouldn't strain yourself too hard about this." Twilight said. "Twilight is right Artorias." Fluttershy said while walking towards him; an aura of valor emanating from her "I appreciate your concern, but I know...somehow I know that if we do this together; we are all going to be alright." "The little one is right Artorias." Ciaran said as her and Gough's apparitions appeared before them "You went into the Abyss all by yourself, with only puppy Sif on your side. Everything would be alright should you took all of us with you and focused." "Now, do not repeat the same mistake my friend. The consequences of your previous actions already devastated Lordran...please do not destroy this place by a reckless action." "We can't afford to lose you Artorias...I can't afford to lose you." Luna said "It would be too much for us to bear." "And have you thought of that yourselves?! I do not want to lose every single one of you...I lost a lot of my comrades once and I am not planning to go through that again. Forgive me." Artorias said while getting up, preparing to leave. "Is this the Abysswalker I know? Running away from danger in fear of losing his comrades?! How selfish of you to say so!" Ornstein belowed, stopping Artorias in his tracks "Remember when we fought the dragons? We fought side by side with others who sacrificed themselves so Anor Londo may live, to prevent those dragons from slaughtering the entire city. In battle, there will be casualties but its up to us whether to live, fight, and cherish their memories or to just let them die in vain." "You are right...all of you are right." Artorias turned around "I am neglecting my responsibilities now. If the Abyss prevails, there will be nothing for us to live for or to fight for." "Besides if I am going down, I am planning to go down fighting." Ornstein said while patting Artorias on the back "Together?" "Together." > Staging Ground > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A week after the attack on Ponyville, the Equestrians and the Knights of Gwyn marched to the gates of Tartarus. At least 200.000 Equestrian Royal Army were marching to the heart of evil; not to mention support from volunteer forces, the Royals themselves (with the exception of Shining Armor and Cadance as they were instructed to defend Equestria at all costs should the spearheading forces fail), the Knights of Gwyn, and most of all, the Elements of Harmony, which would be their ultimate weapon against the Abyss. After three days of marching, they finally arrived at the gates of Tartarus. They established a massive encampment, massive enough to besiege Tartarus with defenses including spiked defensive walls, tar-filled trenches, and magical siege engines; capable of holding anything coming their way or level Tartarus to the ground if necessary. "The defenses are solid, Your Majesties. Only a couple of demons have been sighted so far in the field, but Knights Artorias and Ornstein took them out with ease," General Warhammer, a middle-aged earth pony stallion reported to Princesses Celestia and Luna who were coordinating the Equestrian forces with other officers in their command tent. The Royals nodded in confirmation. "And our losses?" Princess Celestia inquired. "Ten soldiers, Your Majesty. The first two demons caught us off-guard, but as I said before the knights took them out with ease." "Are the knights still in the field, general?" Princess Luna asked. "They are, Princess Luna. They refused to return until sundown," said the general. "Very well General Warhammer, you may return to your duties." Princess Celestia said. "Is it getting stronger, general? Is the Abyss growing more powerful?" Twilight asked as she entered the tent with Rainbow in tow. Frazzled manes and heavy bags are visible under their eyes. Signs of sleep deprivation. They noticed the Princesses and bowed. "Aren't the two of you supposed to be at rest with the others?" Princess Celestia asked with a rather scolding tone. This caused the young mares to flinch a bit. "We're very sorry, Princess Celestia. We're just very worried about how things are going. How's Artorias and Ornstein?" Rainbow said. "Regardless of your reason, you must rest," Princess Luna said while approaching them. "But you asked a question and it will be rude if it is left unanswered," said the princess while looking at General Warhammer. "Oh, of course. So far, there only have been minor developments; so little that only the knights were able to sense them. It only caused them discomfort and nothing more. But they seem more than ready to walk into the fray," the general said. "And we are going to be with them every step of the way," Rainbow said with determination dripping in her voice. "That's why you need to rest. And that's an order." The general smiled. The two took their cue and left the tent, leaving the higher command echelon to their work. "How many did you kill?" Ornstein asked Artorias as the two walked from the front-lines back to the main encampment in the evening. Two additional platoons passed by to fill the space after the knights left. "I got five." "Five. We are even," Artorias simply replied while putting his greatsword on his shoulder. "Even the ghosts of the past followed us into our new lives. What nonsense is this?" Ornstein scoffed, twirling his spear. "I wish I have an answer for you, brother. But I know this. If we fail to contain the Abyss here, we have nothing left to live for," Artorias replied as they finally reached the encampment. Sif was standing guard with Captain Shatterstorm and his troops at the entrance. They saluted, and Sif followed the two into the camp. Artorias and Ornstein headed to their tent, easily recognizable from the massive size from the pony's perspective. Ornstein entered the tent first and Sif lied on the ground beside the tent, but Artorias peeked inside the Element Bearers' tent which was set up directly in front of his tent and found the six of them sleeping peacefully. As he backed away, suddenly two very familiar slender arms wrapped his chest from behind and a firm yet soft frame pressed onto his back in a passionate manner. Even though he was wearing his armor, the warmth and comfort spread like wildfire. Artorias turned around slowly and saw Luna in her anthropomorphic form, wearing her black royal robe. Artorias returned the hug by wrapping his arms around her curvy waist and pressed his lips against hers. "Hello," Luna said softly as they parted. "Are you hurt? I missed you." Artorias stroke her ethereal mane and kissed her forehead. "I missed you too, my love. The Abyss is growing, but both me and Ornstein are unscathed." "Come my love, let's dine in my tent." Luna smiled. "Just a moment, please. I must relieve myself from my armor," Artorias said while casually entering his tent, only to witness Ornstein and an anthropomorphic Celestia kissing on Ornstein's bed. Realizing his insolence of intrusion, Artorias quickly retreated back outside only to find Luna with a smirking face. "You have seen enough, yes?" the Moon Princess asked with a small laugh and tugged Artorias' hand while she led onward. "So, your sister and Ornstein..." Artorias mused while walking beside her, Sif right behind him. "It has been a month...if I am not mistaken," Luna said as they walked towards Luna's lavishly decorated midnight blue tent with two of her Night Guards standing guard by the entrance. "That Ornstein...he never told me about him and your sister before." Artorias chuckled as they entered the tent while Sif stayed beside the tent, with her trusty greatsword in her mouth. Fragrant smell from burning incense and dimly glowing crystals and the comfortable setting, tempted Artorias to rest after a long day of fighting in the front-lines. Artorias began taking off his armor before washing up, while Luna prepared dinner for two with some meat for Artorias. "My love, are you not going to bed?" Luna asked to Artorias as he was sheathing his greatsword on his back. "You are not going out there again, are you?" Artorias smiled and walked towards Luna who was lying down on her large bed, already shifting back to her alicorn form. "I am not wearing my armor, so of course not," he said softly while running his fingers through her mane "I am going to see the girls for a moment, you go to bed first. Sif is going to guard you for the time being." "Promise me you won't be long?" Luna asked again with a soft smile on her face. "I promise, my Princess." Artorias smiled and kissed Luna's forehead. "Where are they? Are Arty and Orny still out there?" Pinkie Pie asked while pacing around the tent where the Element Bearers were resting. "Maybe they are asleep Pinkie Pie," Rarity replied. "I never encountered a demon before, but fighting is a very tiring task my dear." "Rarity's right, Pinkie Pie," Fluttershy said. "M-maybe we will m-meet them t-tomorrow." "Oh come on! I want to get into action already!" Rainbow Dash said while hovering above the room with her hoofs crossed. "Patience, Rainbow," Artorias said while entering the tent, smiling warmly. This caused all eyes to fall on him. "That kind of recklessness will not do well for you." But just before any of them could scream his name or tackle him to the ground, Artorias held his hand up before putting his pointer finger to his lips. Regardless of the minimum noise, Artorias shared a group hug with them. "So, how did it go?" Twilight asked as Artorias sat on the floor while the mares sat in front of him. "How many demons did you kill?" Came another question from Rainbow. "Are they hideous?" Rarity asked. "Are there any friendly demons?" Fluttershy asked with so much enthusiasm that she didn’t stutter. "Did they hurt ya, partner?" another question from Applejack. "Did you finally finish the DLC?" Pinkie Pie asked. Again, Artorias held his hand up. "Girls, please. You may ask me anything, but do it one by one," he said "Now, what were your questions again?" After answering their questions with toned down answers and chatting for a bit, Artorias decided to call the day off and returned to Luna's tent after saying goodnight to the girls. Artorias silently chuckled as he remembered the query about Ornstein’s whereabouts, and the rumor about his relationship with Princess Celestia. He told them the truth, which caused Twilight and Rainbow to faint while leaving the rest with gaping mouths. But not before telling them to keep it down for the time being. As he entered the tent, he removed his greatsword and his leather tunic from his body before lying next to an already sleeping Luna who, for some reason, remained in her anthropomorphic form. He stared at the ceiling, pondering. Just as he was drifting away, Luna wrapped her arms on his muscular body and placed her head on his chest, staring into his eyes with a soft smile. "Forgive me, I did not mean to wake you up," Artorias said while scratching the back of Luna's right ear, causing her to sigh with content. "I cannot sleep, Artorias," Luna said. "I feel cold without you beside me." "Then, does this help?" Artorias smiled while gently wrapping his arms on Luna's body, running his arms along her soft midnight blue skin. "I love you, Artorias," Luna said as he pressed her lips tightly on Artorias'. His reply came by returning the kiss, and after a few moments; the two fell asleep in each other’s arms. Later that night, Artorias awoke from his sleep with Luna's arms still wrapped around him. Feeling that something was not right, he carefully moved Luna's arms from him, being careful not to wake her up. He quickly put on his armor and greatsword before walking out of the tent towards the closest defense perimeter. When he got there, Ornstein was also present. Fully armored and armed with his Dragonslayer Spear, seemingly staring ahead into the darkness of the night with a couple of bat pony soldiers by his side. "You felt that too?" Ornstein asked. "Yes. Restlessness. The same feeling that gnawed at my soul before my departure to Oolacile," said Artorias. Realizing his arrival, the bat ponies saluted and returned by Artorias. "Sif?" "I told her to stay put and guard Princess Lu- shh! Did you hear that?" Artorias asked as he heard something rushed on the stone grounds below the battlement. Ornstein tightened his grip on his spear. "I don't hear anything," one of the bat ponies said. "Probably just animals." "Don't let this place get to you sir, the winds here always make strange noises," the other bat pony added. "Shall we arm the troops?" Artorias asked. "But if they truly are animals, I don't think they are going to be grateful," Ornstein said. The bat ponies also nodded in agreement. "Better angry than dead. Wake our soldiers up and only our soldiers, but in silence. Tell them to meet us here," Artorias said. One of the bat ponies saluted and flew to the camps housing 100 soldiers tasked under Artorias and Ornstein. And only moments later, the soldiers gathered in front of them fully armed and armored. Artorias and Ornstein stood their grounds, ready to act at the first sign of trouble. The silence, coupled with the dark of night with only flickering torches lighting their surroundings, cast an eerie atmosphere that would cause skins to crawl. An ordinary pony would’ve already left, but not them. Suddenly, a loud screech was heard followed by a tall and slender bipedal demon with multiple red eyes that leaped inside the walls. But before it could touch the ground, Ornstein's honed reflexes managed him to shot it with a lightning bolt from his spear, frying it. The demon was dead before it even touched the ground. And then, a multitude of demons stormed their position and a battle ensued. Artorias decapitated two demons at once with his greatsword while Ornstein impaled four straight at their hearts. Albeit taking casualties, the ponies' fighting spirit rivaled that of the knights'. Their smaller size meant better agility, which caused them to slip pass the demons' legs easily, cleaved them with their weapons or just straight-up bucked them, before stabbing the demons as they fell to the ground. But that also made them more fragile. A demon lifted an earth pony soldier with its arms and tore him into two pieces, causing a shower of blood and organs to spill into the ground. Their steel armor only protected them so much from the demons' inhuman strength. They also could get torn apart by their sharp claws and fangs. Suddenly, a blue blur zipped through the air; taking two heads at once. It was Rainbow Dash. She flicked her uchigatana down to clean the black blood and mucus off her undulating blade. Behind her came reinforcements in the form of her friends, the Princesses, Sif, and even more soldiers. As the demons inside were quickly wiped out, Artorias saw the outer defense ring were activating to commence their counter-attack at the demons. "Light up the trenches!" General Warhammer commanded as he stabbed a demon fallen to the ground directly in its skull. Taking the initiative, Artorias threw a firebomb from his satchel into a nearby tar-filled trench. And soon, the trenches were lit with blazing flames, scorching any demon scaling the walled defenses and warding off the rest back into Tartarus accompanied by hail of arrows. Cheers of victory accompanied the demons’ retreat from the Equestrian forces. After gathering the dead, totaling up to fifty Equestrian soldiers of various kinds, they cremated them in a brief ceremony, the demons' dead bodies dissipating into countless of fading souls. Artorias quietly whispered his respects for them as he stood in the foremost position next to Ornstein, the Royals, and the Element Bearers, knowing that they did not attack of their own free will. Artorias stood in a field of swirling blackness. Thick flaming white fog barrier surrounded him in all directions; he was in the Abyss for certain. This reminded him of his battle with Manus. His failure. His downfall. Suddenly, Artorias' eyes fell on two figures standing before him...a tall fiendish female humanoid, wearing a gown made of a mass of red-colored branches, giving the impression of being made of shreds of living flesh, with a large halberd on her right arm to further emphasize her dreadful appearance. And next to her was King Sombra, clad in black armor that rivaled the blackness of the Abyss itself. Corruption of the Abyss was evident within the fallen king as his signature eerie green aura was tainted with a gradient of black and dark purple, his eyes turned completely red and dark purple slime oozing out of his body. Artorias instantly knew that the two figures standing before him were creatures of the Abyss; creatures of darkness and wretchedness. Especially the female humanoid; the power radiating from her was the very same with that of Manus'. Artorias immediately reached for his greatsword and charged at them both. But before he could even get close, he was repulsed by a violent burst of energy. The massive energy blast was enough to crack his breastplate and incapacited him. As he lied down on the ground coughing out blood, the creatures approached him, but still maintained a safe distance. Artorias tried to get up, only to be slammed by another blast of energy and held into submission with a field of dark energy. "My name is Elana, Queen of Shulva and daughter of Manus. Heed my words, Knight of Light. Whatever you are trying to accomplish, is futile. This land is finished," said the humanoid. "Your Majesty," Artorias said with a sarcastic tone. "I see you have brought some abyssal help, King Sombra." But King Sombra replied not. Instead, he howled underneath the black shroud of his helm; his sanity, lost. Elana let out a dark chuckle before moving aside from her original position, as if she wanted Artorias to see something. True, what Artorias saw struck horror deep into his heart. Mangled dead bodies were scattered everywhere, with demons chopping off their heads and placing them on iron stakes. Everypony he knew was there, dead; his soldiers, his friends, and his lover, their heads hung above their dead bodies; with lifeless eyes staring emptily into the dark. "You...forever you shall rot..." Elana said while crushing a pony's head with her empty hand, causing blood and other organic matters to ooze from them. Artorias just lied there with nothing he can do but watch all of the atrocities happening before his eyes, Artorias tried to move but he could not. Tears streaming down his face as he felt his power weakening at that very moment. But suddenly, two Greatarrows struck Elana in her torso followed by mesmerizing streaks of silver and golden tracer blades to Sombra's body. Both creatures roared in pain before dissipating into the air and reality started to collapse around him. Artorias awoke with a gasp, only to find he is still wrapped in Luna's arms in the tent. He gently removed Luna's arms from his bare chest and sat on the bed, trying to figure out the meaning of his dream. "Good morning, my love," Luna said softly while wrapping her arms around Artorias' neck from behind and kissed his cheek, Artorias smiled. "What's wrong my love?" "I'm surprised that you are unaware," Artorias said. "I had a nightmare." "What?! Impossible, if you had a nightmare I should--" "It's because we had the work done for you," Ciaran said as her spirit appeared in front of them followed by a smaller apparition of Gough so that he could fit in the tent "Hello Artorias, Princess Luna." "Lady Ciaran, Hawkeye Gough." Luna greeted them with a flat tone. "Aside from my gratitude and with all due respect, may I ask what have you done inside Artorias' head? A wrong action could lead to severe trauma." "And with all due respect, Your Majesty. Even as Princess of the Night with the ability to walk into someone's dream, I do not think that you will survive an encounter with the Abyss by yourself, " Ciaran replied with a calm but stern tone. "The Abyss could plant its seeds of corruption even through dreams, and I assure you; Princess Luna, no harm was done to Artorias for we know him very well," Gough added. Luna was about to retort again but Artorias placed his hand on her shoulder. "My sincere gratitude to all of you," Artorias said as he got up from the bed and bowed to his friends. "Luna, have you not trust them yet? Gough and Ciaran are your friends and advisers, no?" "Yes, but I...very well," The Moon Princess relented. "Prepare yourself, Sir Artorias. The war council is about to be summoned soon," Luna said before turning back to her alicorn form and exited the tent. "Your Majesties, it is undeniable that we must destroy the Abyss as soon as possible," General Warhammer stated in the war council meeting that morning "Our defenses are solid and holding, but our soldiers cannot keep slashing up demons forever. Not to mention that the Abyss grows in each passing day." "And they are getting smarter as well if I may add," Said Captain Shatterstorm "Last night's attack proof of that. If it were not for the quick reaction of Sirs Artorias and Ornstein, a lot more soldiers would be dead by now." This caused some hushed whispers to emerge from the officers who attended the meeting. Celestia held up her hoof to silence them. "What say you, Sir Ornstein? Is attacking the Abyss head on the best solution?" Celestia asked to the Knight Captain. "Perhaps, but why don't you ask Sir Artorias here? I believe he is very well-versed in this matter rather than I, and can give Your Majesty the best solution," Ornstein said while looking at Artorias. "Well, Sir Artorias? What do you have in mind for this matter?" Celestia asked. "Your Majesty, I must agree with General Warhammer. It's of no use if we concentrate on killing those demons every single day. The spread of the Abyss must be stopped directly at its source." Artorias said "And I will see to it personally Your Majesty." "Please elaborate, Sir Artorias." Princess Luna said. "I will enter the bowels of Tartarus, find the source of the Abyss and destroy it." Artorias said "Last night, I had a vision. In that vision I was confronted by King Sombra, who seemed to be corrupted by the Abyss. And...... the source of the Abyss itself, or rather, herself." "Her?" Princess Celestia inquired. "Yes, a fiendish creature by the name of Elana. Whom according to her, is Manus' so called 'daughter.’ The road ahead will not be easy, but the Abyss is not invincible." "Then the Element Bearers will come with you as planned. Captain Shatterstorm and his soldiers will accompany you to Tartarus as well. Princess Luna and I will stay here with the main force. But should things go awry, we are ready to assist you," Princess Celestia said. "And Sif too. Not to mention we have Lord's Blade Ciaran and Hawkeye Gough in support. But that is all. The less of you who go with me, the better," Artorias said. "I cannot afford to endanger anymore lives." "NO," Ornstein stated sternly. "I will go with you as well. That is an order." Artorias shook his head. "I need you to stay here and do what must be done if this goes to hell," he said while staring at Ornstein's eyes. "I have much more understanding of the Abyss compared to you. And you cannot order me around anymore. We are both Captains now." "But IF you fail?" asked General Warhammer. "Then you hit Tartarus with everything you got," Artorias said. "I will get the Element Bearers and other survivors out of there, do not worry." "Then we have a plan. We will strike at daybreak. Rest well, do not tire yourself too greatly, and settle all remaining business tonight. This meeting is adjourned," Princess Celestia said and everypony started to leave the room, leaving the two knights and princesses. "I have to inform the Element Bearers," Artorias said, bowing to both princesses, and exiting the tent with Ornstein following suit. "Tomorrow, at daybreak...we are all marching for the Abyss." Artorias declared. The Element Bearers seemed very enthusiastic (save for Fluttershy) as they heard the Knight's words. "Now, do not get in over your heads. We are facing the greatest threat my kind and your kind have ever faced before, and frankly if you keep that kind of carefree attitude, you will surely perish in there," Artorias said sternly, causing the mares to hush down. "Forgive me, but I cannot let that happen." "We cannot let that happen," Ornstein added. The apparitions of Gough and Ciaran nodded. "Don't worry. We've been through bad times together, Artorias," Twilight said. "No matter how bad they get, we always take care of things." "That is what I thought as well. But it is good for you to have that in mind," Artorias said. "Very well then. We shall leave you to your preparations. Settle any remaining business, say anything should you want to speak out--" just as Artorias said that Rainbow dashed past him and Ornstein. "What an insolent little--" Ornstein said as he prepared to go after the escaping Rainbow only to be stopped by Artorias. "I will speak to her," Artorias said. "You better get her under control Artorias," Ornstein said sternly, losing his playful nature. "I need every pony sharp for our mission tomorrow. I cannot let anything to compromise this mission." Artorias nodded and left the tent. After leaving the tent, it was not long for Artorias to find Rainbow Dash who was sitting inside Artorias' tent. He took the initiative and sat beside her. "I’m...sorry," Rainbow said before Artorias could ask what was wrong with her. "I know I shouldn't have acted like that but...since I might not come back tomorrow I might just have to tell you this..." The mare said with a quivering voice "Do not talk like that," Artorias said while gently lifting Rainbow's chin "Now what is it that you need to tell me?"' "The truth is...I-I--" Rainbow couldn't continue her words as she busted into tears and flew towards Artorias' neck, hugging him tightly. Artorias returned the hug, trying to comfort his apprentice and best friend. "I j-just c-can't l-lose y-you," Rainbow said while crying. "What are you talking about?" Artorias said while pulling Rainbow's head so their eyes could meet. "I can't lose you either, you are one of my best friends of course I couldn't--" "NO YOU JERK!" Rainbow barked. "I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU! THERE I SAID IT!" Artorias ran out of words. Rainbow took some time to finally collect herself before turning to Artorias. "I am sorry, but there; I said it." "Rainbow...you are talking astray." "It's okay I guess," Rainbow smiled softly. "Luna is your mare now, if you're happy I'm ha--" Rainbow was cut short as she fell unconscious on Artorias' lap. Then, Celestia appeared behind him. "She is asleep now," Celestia said as she softly caressed Rainbow's prismatic mane. "When she wakes, she will found resolve within her." "I will take her back to their tent," Artorias said as he carried Rainbow in his arms. "Artorias..." Celestia called the knight's name. Artorias stopped and turned his head around. "Do not think about this too greatly. You need a clear mind when you face the Abyss...and to return to us all." "I have died once, Princess. Dying one more time won't matter for me. As I said before, I will do whatever it takes to stop this threat. It’s better if it’s me compared to any of you," Artorias replied. "Yet, you have somepony to care for now...and I would hate to see her get hurt. So please, see to it that you return alive...for her sake Artorias. For Luna's sake," Celestia begged. With no more words and a slight nod, the Knight walked out from the tent. That day the Abyss was strangely quiet, and before they knew it...night had already fallen. The massive camp was eerily quiet as everypony was preparing themselves for all possibilities that might happen the next day. Artorias was meditating in Luna's tent, as he knew that night could very well be their last. As he was meditating, delicate arms wrapped his body from behind in a loving and intimate manner. Artorias knew exactly who it was. "Luna..." Artorias sighed while standing up and pulled her in for a long deep kiss. The two embraced each other as their kiss intensified, Luna let out a soft moan. Artorias traced his hand down her back, which was only covered by thin fabric of her sensual white nightgown and their tongues began to intertwine with each other. But Luna unexpectedly pulled away, much to Artorias' dismay. But before he could say anything, Luna teasingly lowered her nightgown. And with one swift move, the gown slid through her soft skin and to the tent's carpet...truly revealing her voluptuous body. "Do not make me wait any longer," she said while pressing her body against Artorias' bare chest, followed by a playful bite to his left ear. Artorias could feel the feeling of lust burning inside him and pulled her in for another kiss, but this time he moved his kiss downwards from her chin to her neck...slowly yet smoothly, just the way she loved it. Small moans escaped Luna's lips as Artorias stuck his tongue out, licking her neck before going down to her upper chest and she swiftly unbuckled his belt and pants as he continued his play. Artorias traced the curves of Luna's voluptuous body, leading to a brief stop at her hips before squeezing her bottom. He lowered to his knees and started kissing her toned yet soft stomach...lower and lower. As the sun rose to the sky, the Equestrians were ready. More than 200.000 well-armed soldiers stood in formation with their eyes fixated on Tartarus, ready to storm at a moment's notice. Moments later, Princesses Celestia and Luna arrived before them, clad in extraordinary sets of armor. One was a pure golden color, with magenta gems adorning the chest plate, and a seal of the sun over the thigh plates. The other was deep black, with sapphires embedded along the edges, and a seal of the moon decorating the thigh plates. Behind them, came the rest of the party. General Warhammer saluted upon seeing the royals and stepped aside so they can address their soldiers. "My little ponies," Celestia began. "Battle will soon be upon us. Our scouts have informed us that thousands of demons were standing guard on Tartarus. We may have the numbers, but they could destroy us if we are not careful." "We must begin to prepare. Report to your commanders and be steadfast," Luna said. "But before that, I believe Sir Artorias has something to say." Artorias was surprised by the unexpected call, but nevertheless he stepped forward to fulfill it. "Soldiers, you are about to fight in one of the greatest battles Equestria will ever remember. We are not fighting for some obscure cause that will only profit a few, but we are fighting for our home and all our loved ones! Together we shall bring destruction upon the Abyss and all creatures dwelling within it. I will not lie to you, the Abyss IS strong. I have seen and experience what kind of irreversible damage the Abyss could cause. But if we fail here today, a grave danger would fall upon the rest of Equestria...and eventually, there will be no more world to fight for or to live for unless we stop it here and now. I know I am demanding a lot from you, but the price of freedom is high, it always has been, and it is a price I am willing to pay. If I am the only one, then so be it! But I know I’m not. I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory! Good luck! And may light shine our way." The soldiers snapped Artorias firm salutes as he returned to his friends and General Warhammer took over command. "Forward, MARCH!" > Abyssal Battlefield > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artorias impaled a demon in front of him, blasting a gaping hole on it's chest. Two more fiends charged at him, razor sharp claws brandished. Seeing the incoming attack, The Wolf Knight tore his blade from the fallen demon and commenced a spinning slash to the creatures' legs, severing them. They tried to get up, only to be impaled by Rainbow Dash's uchigatana and Captain Shatterstorm's wing blades. After both the Equestrians and Abyss forces collided, Artorias and his comrades cut their way through enemy lines and into the bowels of Tartarus. So far, they suffered no loss of life. ""Well done, but do not let your guard down," Artorias praised. Rainbow smiled softly, so did Shatterstorm. "You okay there Flutters?" Applejack asked. "Mhhmmm!" the timid pegasus mare squeaked. The fact that the Element Bearers were sitting on Sif's back brought some semblance of relief to Artorias, knowing that her sword would be ready to defend them at all times. Captain Shatterstorm and his soldiers provided additional protection, while also bolstered by the spirits of Ciaran and Gough who warded off The Abyss' crushing darkness from the group. They journeyed deeper into the dark void, keeping their senses as alert as possible of any threat lurking in the Abyss. Until suddenly, his instinct told him to stop. Artorias held his hand up, signaling the group to halt. Soon, it hit them. They were being watched. True to his instincts, hundreds of red eyes lit up from the surrounding darkness. Demons...hundreds of Abyss corrupted demons, formerly jailers to the hellish prison of Tartarus, stepped out from the shadows and advanced slowly to the boxed party. Not that demons were creatures of light to begin with, however they used to have reason and conscience of their own. Roles, which they held to their very last breath. But all that remained were husks of their former selves. "Oh this is definitely not good," Shatterstorm said, inching backward but flaring his bladed wings. Until they came to an abrupt stop. "Why?" asked Sergeant Rose Breeze, a member of the captain's retinue, her horn glowing with a bright red aura. "I dare to bet my last bit of soul something worse is on it's way. Get ready," Artorias said through gritted teeth. Suddenly, another figure stepped out from the shadows. A figure the group knew very well. "Sombra!" the Wolf Knight growled. A small smile curled on the corners of Sombra's darkened lips. With the Abyss' black slime dripping from his mouth and multiple squinting red eyes, the former emperor looked even more grotesque than ever. "You should have killed me when you had the chance, weakling." The fallen king let out a dark chuckle. "And I will not repeat that mistake." "Your business lies not with me Abysswalker. My queen is waiting for you." A second later, the ground beneath Artorias' feet crumbled and he fell deeper into the Abyss. "ARTORIAS!" Rainbow screamed as the knight plummeted down to the obscuring darkness. Tears formed on the corners of her eyes and flowed down her cheeks. Horror began to crept up for the rest of the group as well. "Do not worry child, I can still feel his presence," said Hawkeye Gough. "Your bond is your weakness for it is why you shall fall. My demons shall feast upon your flesh and those who refuse to kneel before me!" "My d3M0nS sH4Ll Fe43sT uP0N yOuR Fl3sh 4nD Th0s3 wH0 r3fyUs3 T0 Kn33l b4 m3!" Pinkie mocked, imitating a chicken flapping it's wings. "You done yet blabbermouth?" Shatterstorm mocked as well. "I thought you wanted to be a king, not a court jester!" His soldiers boomed with laughter, showing no fear instead of the overwhelming odds. Sif joined them too with a loud growl, ready to slash through the horde of demons. Twilight encased her friends in a magic sphere and levitated them to the ground. A stable ground would be much preferable compared to the back of a great grey wolf who enjoyed leaping and pivoting during combat. "I've had enough of you." With that, the horde poured down on the group. Sif leapt forward and cleaved the majority of demons in the front lines with her greatsword. Seeing an opening, Shatterstorm flicked his wings and three razor sharp knives streaked towards the fallen, now corrupted, unicorn king. A sudden burst of dark aura deflected all the knives before they even managed to get in range. However, this was enough to distract Sombra for a split second and so did the demons. "We kill him, we kill them." Artorias wandered aimlessly in the dark caverns, trying to find his way up to his friends. The knight continued hugging the walls as they were his best chance of not straying off or worse, falling to his death into the chasms below. He prayed silently, wishing safety for his friends above as well as guidance from the everlasting darkness. The ball of light hovering above his head provided some illumination to his surroundings, but his vision was very limited. Shortly, the ground beneath his feet became more even and he came upon a flooded open area with stalagmites protruding from them. Artorias' battle-hardened instincts told him to draw his blade as he stepped into the waters, and seconds later he heard rapid heavy footsteps approaching him from multiple directions. Based on the intervals and deep thuds of the steps, whatever it was coming at him, was heavy and will slam him to the ground if he did not act. And soon he saw five massive bipedal, horribly deformed reptilian-like creatures charging at him from all directions, they lacked any facial features save for large mouths filled with human-like teeth and black substance seemed "bleeding" from their bodies. Artorias readied himself and, when the creatures were merely an inch away from him, he flipped high to the air and satisfying heavy bumps of the creatures crashing together were heard shortly after. He readied his talisman mid-air and spoke an epic tale of his faith which manifested in the form a Great Sunlight Spear. He hurled his ethereal weapon to the water's surface right in the center of the crowd, both the immense electricity and heat turned the creatures into piles of ash which were quickly consumed by the waters. Artorias landed like a cat. However, the distinct whistle of a weapon being swung coming from his rear caused lightning to shoot up his nerves. He rolled out of the way, but the weapon managed to scratch his armor, and even then, the force delivered was enough to send a jolt of pain throughout his body. It felt...wrathful. Artorias turned to face the threat, and realized who his attacker really was. "Your Majesty. It is an honor to meet you in person," Artorias greeted Elana, the Squalid Queen, pointing his gleaming greatsword towards her. "Knight Abysswalker, you are a fearless one. A fine knight of the Abyss you would be, have you not defied us," growled Elana, sweeping her Wrathful Axe to the side. "You creatures of light always think so highly of yourselves, looking down on us bearers of the Dark Soul as if we are worse than nothing. Do you see not? We are merely proceeding the cycle. Gwyn is a vainglorious fool who just cannot accept the reality that nothing lasts forever. One day the Fire will fade...and only Dark will remain." Artorias' shoulders dropped, for Elana has spoken nothing but the truth. The truth that was once his ideal, now turned to his greatest disgrace. Artorias lowered his weapon, much to Elana's surprise. "True, my old lord was blinded with power...with his Age of Fire. And I was no exception. We shunned the humans and their Dark Souls, fearing that they will usher in an age of Dark. In the process, we judged them with narrow minds and prejudice, did unspeakable things to them, even flooding an entire city filled with humans to confine the Abyss and its minions whereas not all humans were infected. What Your Majesty said is true, we are too blind to accept the natural order whereas we are all just pawns to the cycle." "Then we share the same mind. Why are you here with great hostility?" Elana inquired. "I could ask you the same. You threaten this land with an unspeakable catastrophe, a land that never saw the kind of war we have drenched ourselves in." "Do not use such an excuse, knight! Your kind is not unfamiliar to such atrocities. You slaughtered the dragons of old until none of them remained! Now I ask you this, have they ever saw such wars before?" Artorias remained silent, truly knowing the answer... "Such is the cycle of Light and Dark." Elana grinned. "Your Majesty, should you cling to such way of thinking, then this vicious cycle will never end. It's time to finish this. In this land, I have seen its inhabitants perform incredible feats of kindness to solve great hardships. They helped me, a being forged in the flames of war, to find peace. Something I thought to be impossible, after failing my mission and being tainted by the darkness I was supposed to destroy. I'm sure if Your Majesty is willing to cast away all old hatred and vengeance, to start anew..." Artorias lifted his head and gazed right into Elana's eyes. "I am sure they are more than willing to help you. However if we must fight, I will not hesitate, for if I fail, many more souls will be in peril." Silence greeted Artorias for a bit, but soon Elana started laughing. A chuckle at first, but then it became hysterical and filled with unbridled madness. "How naive, and here I thought a Knight of Gwyn would've known better. Do you think I wanted peace?! All I wanted is to see everything and everyone consumed by the Abyss. I feel nothing but an insatiable hunger for vengeance. You, and all dwellers of this land, shall rot." "So be it."