• Published 8th May 2024
  • 3,414 Views, 89 Comments

A Student Turned Princess - FlightfulPone

A young student opens his eyes on his first day of college... in the body of Princess Celestia herself.

  • ...

1. The Not So Pleasant Awakening


I feel the last colors and shapes of my dream slip from my mind, leaving me in a semi-aware state enclosed in the darkness of my own closed eyes.

That was... one of the best sleeps I've ever had...I could've sworn it took me a whole hour last night just to get comfy on this bed.

I move to stretch my hands and back, but—

Mmmm... agh why is my back so itchy? And... wait, these covers are a lot heavier than I remember them. Did the college come in and replace the dorms' crappy blankets? That'd be awesome, but, uh, a bit weird to do it while I'm sleeping. But, if a minute's invasion of privacy is the cost for a whole year's worth of comfy sleep, I'm all for it.

Slowly, I creep open my eyes. The ceiling above me also seems much further away from me than I remember when I laid down to sleep, but it's probably just a trick caused by the lack of light.

Wait, why is it so dark? Aw man, did I wake up too early? Again?! Great, just great, yep, perfect start to the year. What time is it anyway?

I close my eyes and groan to myself, rolling over in bed to reach for my phone where it should be on the bedside table. Strangely, it seems to take an awfully long amount of rolling for my arm to brush against the edge of the mattress, but once it does, I flail around a bit, searching for the hard, wooden surface of the table. Again, it seems a bit further than it should be.

Ugh, did my roommate move my table? It should be right up against the bed! I swear if he took my phone too, I'm gonna— ah!

Finally, my hand smacks against the top of the table, only the sensation is... wrong. It's like all my fingers are completely numb. I try to open and close my fist, but I don't feel anything change.

Annnnd I slept on my hand too, didn't I? Yeah, of course I did. Ughhhh.

I roll one more time to swing my legs over to the side of the bed to stand and—


—instantly lurch forward and fall flat on my face. Groaning in pain, I reach up to massage my forehead, but wince further as my hand collides with my head much harder than I expected. "Wha— what the heck? Wait."

My eyes shoot open as my own spoken words reach my ears and register in my brain.

"This isn't my voice. Why... why do I sound like a woman??" An older one too. Gah, I really need water.

I turn to face my bedside table, but quickly realize I've never seen it before in my life. What I had initially felt was wood actually appears to be some polished white marble, trailing with thin, gold veins and engraved with ornate curves and markings that scream of everything I know damn well I could never afford. I try to scramble to my feet, but I keep failing to find my balance. My legs feel way longer than they should be... and so do my arms for that matter.

After a long struggle, I succeed in orienting myself and planting my hand on the surface of the marble table, quickly pulling my head up just enough to scan my eyes across its surface.

"Come on, stupid phone, where are you? Why do you always disappear when I need it?"

I glance all around the floor in search of the device and quickly notice the floor too is unfamiliar. I hadn't really noticed before out of my own grogginess, but where there should have been soft, messy carpet, now laid a similar polished marble as the table all across the floor. This... this isn't my floor. This isn't my room. Am... did someone kidnap me? Noooo no no no, this is not how my college year was supposed to start!

Just for confirmation, I turn my gaze back to the bedside table in hopes that I may have missed my phone out of lack of sleep. Eventually, my eyes settle on my hand. Or... where my hand should be.


My fingers weren't just numb, they were completely gone. In fact, my entire arm is gone! Replaced with a long, white and furry limb ending in a hard stump. Hoof. My mind goes into overdrive as I try to rapidly process this influx of information. This is a hoof. This is my hoof. Where my hand should be.

I shift around until I can place my left arm onto the table, but doing so sends my face tumbling to the floor once again. With a shriek that is definitely not my voice, I shield my face with my newly discovered hooves as I crash down once more. This time, with adrenaline now pumping through my veins, I quickly pull my head up and glance between my arms on the floor, both replaced with the same, long white hooves.

No... not just hooves, uh, these are my front legs, aren't they? Which would mean...

I glance down my body lying on the ground, seeing every inch covered in soft, white fur. Where my legs once were are now a pair of long, white, horse legs. Just to be sure, I kick them out a bit, and watch as they move in tandem with my mental commands. Yep, those are mine too.

My eyes widen even further as I realize I'm not wearing any clothes, causing my gaze to shift straight towards a very delicate and importany region. "Wha—, uh, where my dick at? I, uh..." I pat myself with my forelimbs all over every square inch of my body, registering a very vivid sense of physical contact and feeling every single time. "This has gotta be a dream." I mutter to myself. "This has got to be a dream."

My breathing begins to quicken and I feel my heart threatening to burst through my chest. The edges of my vision go dark as I rapidly glance back and forth around the room, realizing there isn't a single thing about it that I recognize.

After about ten seconds, I realize what's going on and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and holding it.

Come on, Sam, let's not do that, alright? One...




...and five.

I slowly open my eyes again, my breathing calmed but my heart still pounding in my ears. To my dismay, the room and my physical... situation remain the same. I try to get to my feet, or hooves now, slowly steadying myself as I raise my body on my hind legs. Once I find my balance, I shakily push off the ground with my front legs, but instead of standing upright, I once again face plant on the hard. marble floor. Damn it. Wait, horses walk with all four legs, don't they?

Something clicks in my mind as I try again to stand up. This time, there's a feeling both at the back of my mind and my legs that guide my hind legs up to plant firmly on the ground once more, telling me a more... intended way to stand, as if an old muscle memory was awakened. I firmly anchor my front legs in front of me and very carefully raise my neck up while keeping all four legs on the ground. Surprisingly, this new position feels more sturdy and natural, as if this was always how my body was supposed to stand.

Alright, Sam, you got four legs now. This means walking is going to be a bit different. I scan the room, finding all sorts of unfamiliar furniture, instruments, bookshelves, some large double doors, and eventually settle on an ornate mirror held up by some sort of crystal frame as my destination. I will my left hind leg to take a step like normal, and as soon as it does, I feel my center of balance shift forward worryingly. On instinct, I take a step forward with my right front leg and pause, realizing I'm balanced once again.

Hmm, that doesn't feel right, though. As slowly as I can, I fidget and shift my other two limbs until I'm back to a normal standing position. This time, I take a cautious step with my left front leg first. As it moves, I feel a natural reflex to follow it with my opposite hind leg. After steadying myself once more, I repeat this, but now with my right front leg, followed with my left hind leg. This time, the feeling is... normal. Part of my brain is screaming that I shouldn't be walking with my arms on the ground, but the rest feels content. Again, I shift my other limbs until I'm back with my hooves beside each other.

So it's, uh, front leg, followed by opposite hind leg, then the other front leg, then the, uhm, other back leg? And then just repeat? I look down, focusing on my foreign limbs. Front leg first, I guess... I take a step with my right front leg, and quickly begin stepping with my left hind leg as soon as my balance shifts. As I'm about place that leg down, I step forward with my left front leg, but this time overstepping a little, followed by my right hind leg. I slowly repeat the motion across all four limbs, my eyes darting back and forth between each one as they move.

After a few more cycles, the movement is beginning to feel a lot more natural, so I close my eyes and just will myself to continue forward. To my surprise, I continue walking along with no apparent issue, the motion of my legs having been relegated to automatic behavior, as if it were breathing. Yes! I pump an imaginary fist in my mind, then promptly smash my head against the wall mirror.

"Ow!" I shake my head, stumbling a bit on my hooves. Ugh, okay, maybe walking with my eyes closed isn't the best idea. I look up and, for the first time, see my whole body properly.

In place of my dark, brown eyes, a comically large pair of magenta eyes stare back at me, above a muzzle that looks a bit similar to a horse's, and yet the face overall seems... vaguely human in a way. I tilt my head, noticing the pair of fluffy ears atop my head, flicking every so often. My hair, or mane now I guess, seems to float through some invisible fluid, constantly flowing with its hues of green, blue, and pink. Faint twinkles of light burst occasionally throughout it. Hope that isn't radioactive.

I open my mouth, and the white horse in the mirror copies my movement. I carefully lift up a hoof, the white horse copies it. I shake my head, bob it up and down, stick my tongue out. Each motion, perfectly mimicked by the white horse in the mirror. I again lift a hoof up, but this time, I reach up and gently trail it down my cheek. The white horse in the mirror does the same, and I shiver from the feeling of contact along my own cheek.

This... is me. This is my body. I'm a horse. A... female one apparently. That can talk.

My eyes shift to the long, white horn on the top of my forehead.

Or, wait, no. I'm a unicorn?

I fidget around a bit until I've rotated myself enough to view more of my body. To my surprise, there's a large, fluffy pair of white wings on my sides.

Wings too? What's a winged horse called again? A pegasus, right? Wait, but I also have a horn, so what does that make me?

My thoughts let my eyes drift around the room absentmindedly before settling at a desk in the far corner. Making sure to keep my mind off the intricacies of my legs, I slowly walk over and peer upon the surface. A pot of ink sits with a quill resting within, its tip barely piercing the shallow black pool. Next to it rests a sheet of paper that appears to be a finished letter. I skim it quickly for any useful information and find it's addressed to a "faithful student, Twilight Sparkle". What kind of name is that? My eyes drift to the bottom of the page.

Yours truly,
Princess Celestia

"Princess Celestia?" I gently whisper the name as I read it. "Who are you? Are you the one who brought me here? Is this your room?" I look around the room again, spotting an identical marble table on the other side of the bed with a golden tiara resting upon it. On the foot of the bed on that side rests four golden cups. I glance down to my hooves and realize they're meant to be shoes.


My eyes widen and I quickly turn around, almost tumbling over myself, just as the double doors slam open and a slightly shorter horse barges in. He dons a full set of golden armor with a crystalline blue star on the front. His helmet looks almost like one of those Roman helmets I've seen in museums or pictures, with the little fuzz on the top. His eyes widen as we lock eyes, freezing in place for what seemed like an eternity before he broke into a low bow. "Sorry for the intrusion, your Highness, but your sister sent me to check on you as to why you haven't raised the sun yet."

"Raise the sun?" I scoff just thinking about that. "And what do you... mean..."

My words trail away as I realize he'd been addressing me, and what it implied.

He called me 'your highness'... and this seems to be the room of a Princess Celestia... and there's a crown here too... no...

"Princess? Are you alright?"

I start to back away slowly, feeling myself begin to hyperventilate. My eyes dart to the paper on the desk, to the crown on the table, to my reflection in the mirror.

I'm Princess Celestia.

Author's Note:

Appreciate all comments!!!

Will be updated fairly regularly