• Published 3rd May 2024
  • 488 Views, 22 Comments

Intertwined Reflections: That Time Everypony Swapped Bodies - ThistleRose

Thanks to a curse that Trixie accidentally caused, if two ponies both look at a reflective surface and blink, they will swap bodies. And now Trixie is a purple Alicorn Princess

  • ...

That time the girls had to beat up an Alicorn


We don’t want a fight


Twilight inhabits Trixie

Trixie inhabits Twilight

RainbowDash inhabits Rarity

Rarity inhabits RainbowDash

“What. The Fuck.”

RainbowDash sat covered in a pile of ribbons, fabric, needles and other sewing equipment, staring at her newly pristine hooves. The sudden swap had shocked her so much that she had collapsed back into one of Rarity’s shelves. She looked up at the mirror to confirm her horrified suspicion.

She was Rarity.

“N-No!? W-What? I’m HER!?”

Everything felt wrong. The familiar comforting feeling of her wings at her side had of course vanished, and there was a strange feeling flowing through her. It kind of felt like the feeling of drinking cold water on a hot day, and the coldness spreading around one’s body. Only it was always there, shimmering in the background, all coming to a point on her forehead.

Gingerly, RainbowDash held her pale hoof and placed it on her new horn. She let out a little wince as it sparked.

Where was Fluttershy. She needed Fluttershy. Fluttershy would- Okay well she wouldn’t know what to do, but she’d do that thing of hurriedly scrambling to make her feel better.

She needed to get back to Fluttershy, who was most likely at the castle!

Cautiously, she managed to get up onto her hooves and surveyed her surroundings. She was in Rarity’s bedroom, which was luckily not an unfamiliar place for her; she had been called in for emergency dress support many times (even though she didn’t particularly know why it was HER that was needed). She slowly moved towards the door, her legs feeling weird and soft. Pausing, she felt her mane. It felt so… clean. She shuddered; Rarity always had so much product in her hair. Sure, it made it look lovely, but it was WAY more effort than RainbowDash was willing to put in.

This was all so wrong.

And if she was Rarity… wouldn’t that mean that…

Rarity was her?

Thoughts of Rarity’s reaction and Fluttershy trying to comfort her flooded her mind.

She needed to get to the Castle.

She could feel her pulse rise rapidly as she managed to stumble out into the main corridor of the upstairs.

“A-Anypony? Hello?” she called out, voice quivering. Her ear flicked in discomfort at hearing Rarity’s voice come out through her own.

“You alright Rarity?” Sweetie Belle trotted out of her room, looking concerned. “Uhhm… you don’t look so good” she commented upon seeing her ‘sisters’ discomfort.

“I’m… Not…” she said, looking down at Sweetie Belle. Something about seeing her looking up at her like Scootaloo would usually look up at her sent all the blood running to her head. She stumbled to and fro for a moment… then crashed down onto the floor.

Rainbow felt herself get shaken in an attempt to wake her, but her head was still swimming.

“Uhm… Is that you, RainbowDash?”

“So you’re telling me you somehow switched bodies with Dash? How is that even possible!”

“I don’t know, Sweets. But we are going to try and collect the elements together all in one place to try and figure out a plan to stop this dreadful mess!”

It was that last voice that made her eyes shoot open.

It was her own voice!

It was a strange sensation, lying on the floor and seeing yourself look down upon you. Well, you but with… a cleaner mane?

Carefully, RainbowDash rolled onto her front, and stared with wide eyes at Rarity, who in turn stared back. Both of them were locked in a strange existential staring contest.

RainbowDash’s eyes then turned to see-


She shot up and hugged her tight, causing the usual squeak of shock from Fluttershy as she awkwardly hugged back.

“Please, RainbowDash! Be a little bit more delicate with my body!” Rarity piped up nervously. “You’re going to ruin my mane!”

“Oh PLEASE!” She turned, glaring at Rarity. “The first thing you did with my AWESOME body was have a SHOWER!”

“Well, my DEAR! Your mane was REVOLTING! I can barely understand how you can cope with yourself!” She replied indignantly.

“Please stop fighting…” mumbled Fluttershy.

Fluttershy’s brain was, as most ponies were right now, in a flurry. It was made especially complicated since her girlfriend was kind of infront of her twice, and all she wanted right now was a hug from her. Yet, at the same time, she couldn’t think of anything more stressful.

Upon her request, the pair stopped arguing and looked to her. Both still seemed real upset. Fluttershy blinked a few times before realising they were waiting for her to say something.

“O-Oh! Uhm… W-Why is… are you-” she looked behind her. Nopony there. She looked back. “W-Why are you looking at me?”

“Because you’re in the right body, and thus you must help keep us right!” Said Rarity with a soft smile. RainbowDash growled at her (It was odd to hear rarity’s voice growling), before nodding at Fluttershy.

“Uhm.. what about-” Fluttershy looked down at Sweetie Belle.

“W-What? Me? Uhm, I’m like, 10 years old?” she protested.


Fluttershy gulped. She WAS going to have to be in charge. Shoot. They didn’t even know about THAT thing yet!

“U-Uhm.. I think we should go to t-the picnic and m-meet with… the others… Th-Then we need to try and… m-make sure that Trixie doesn’t do anything ridiculous.”

“Waitwaitwaitwaitwait-” Rainbowdash shook her head quickly, her curled hair bouncing everywhere.


“Uhm… Yes… she has… s-swapped placed with Twilight.” replied Fluttershy meekly.

“Well then why are we even still here? We need to get to the farm! NOW!” she declared, and leapt into the air… before crashing down painfully onto her front, winding herself. “OW!”

Rarity rolled her eyes as she trotted past, reminding her that “I’ve got your wings, dear.” She looked over to Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie, can you warn your little crusader friends not to look into any mirrors? I would hate for any of you little ones to find yourself halfway across the continent in the body of a divorced father”.

Sweetie Belle shuddered, and nodded. “W-Will do! Right away!”

She glanced between RainbowDash and Rarity. “Golly this is confusing… S-Stay safe, sis!”

She galloped away out the door towards their treehouse.

Fluttershy gingerly led the way to the farm, the two swapped ponies behind her continuing to bicker.

“You’re slouching too much!” Rarity complained, moving over and using a hoof to try and Adjust RainbowDash’s posture. Rainbow shuffled away as they walked, scowling.

“How can you not slouch with the weight of the mane spray in this thing?” she replied, purposefully ruffling up the perfect curls in her mane.

“The nerve! How can you EXIST with a mane this messy? You look like you were dragged through a bush backwards, and then pushed through it again twice as hard!”

“Uhm…” Fluttershy looked back at Rarity. “I… I quite like how messy it is.”

“HA! See! My girls got my back!” Said RainbowDash in jubilation, and sidled up to give her a kiss on the cheek. She gave a little squeak and shook her head, keeping her at wings length by extending her wing, pushing the unicorn away. RainbowDash looked crestfallen, but understood.

“N-Not until we’ve sorted out all of… this…” she insisted. RainbowDash nodded, and gave an apologetic glance at Rarity. Rarity returned a sad smile.

“Sorry, Fluts.” said Rainbow, and the trio remained in an awkward silence until they finally arrived at the picnic.

“Hnnnnn……………… Grrrrnnnhhh…………”

Twilight was dragging along Trixie’s caravan with all of her might, but it was proving quite the challenge. She had done a quick spring clean of the inside as the idea of moving a cart that horrible made her feel sick to her stomach. She wished she had the lack of empathy that some ponies had and just left the caravan where it was, but Trixie was already essentially homeless. It would hurt everypony even more if Trixie was left without a roof.

She had been travelling for about an hour now, and wasn’t having the best time of it. She had worked out roughly where she was thanks to some handy signs, and thus knew it would take another few hours to get to ponyville. She hadn’t seen any other signs of anypony swapping, but she was still worried about the possibility.

Her worst fears would be realised as she passed through a small village of a few cottages and a tiny market store. From the market store ran Lyra Heartstrings, looking incredibly stressed out.

“I-I don’t know y’all!”

“Lyra! What's gotten into you!?” A green earth pony came out of the store looking perplexed. “Y-You love the book club!”

“A’h can barely read!” she wailed, and ran straight into Twilight. Twilight staggered back a little.

“Lyra! Are you ok?” She asked with concern, the small crumbs of concern eating away at the back of her mind. She then realised that she looked and sounded like Trixie. And thus Lyra’s reaction was to scream.


“W-Wait! Lyra! It’s me! Twilight! I promise!” she said, trying her best to reassure her.

Lyra paused, her breathing still quite quick. She looked around at the other ponies staring at the pair.

“Y-You… got swapped too?” she said quickly.


Oh no.

It was spreading.

“Y-Yes! Uhm… who are you?” Twilight said, nodding.


Twilight’s heart quickened. AppleBloom??
“No! Oh this is bad… this is real bad…” she said, placing a hoof to her temple. “This is going to get out of control SO quickly.”

“D-Do you not know what's going on!?” replied AppleBloom, who looked like she was going to break down.

“I do. S-Sort of. Were you looking in a mirror when you swapped places?” She said, trying to remain as calm as possible.

“N-No… But ah was lookin at the lake…”

It was all reflective surfaces??

“Okay. Come on, Ly… A-AppleBloom. Sorry. Lets get back to Ponyville, there must be some way I can fix this mess.”

AppleBloom nodded. “U-Uhm… Twilight… is my horn meant to feel this…” She tilted her head, trying her best to look up at the horn that was on the corner of her upper peripheral vision. “Sparky?” she asked, tapping it. Sparks flew out which knocked her back onto her hind quarters.

“Y-You’ll get used to it. Come on.” she said, offering a hoof to help her up. The unicorn hesitated, but took it.

“... You don’t look very good as Trixie.” She said as they started to move.

“Well..." she said, frowning. "At least I'm not a filly"



AppleJack and PinkiePie sat there, listening to Fluttershy, Rarity and RainbowDash explain what was going on. Well, they could only guess what was really going on, but they were doing their best.

AppleJack looked horrified at this, and was giving a few awkward glances to Rainbowdash, who was avoiding eye contact with everypony. PinkiePie, on the other hand, thought that this was great fun.

“And, uhm… that's where we are now.” Fluttershy finished. Immediately, Pinkiepie had bounced over and was circling Rarity and AppleJack.

“THIS IS SO COOL! You get to be somepony else! That's AWESOME! RARITY can you fly? Have you tried flying? You can fly Rarity! And RAINBOW! You can make things float with your HEAD! I wish I had some sort of magic power! Alas, all i can do is make things appear with my mind when i need them! Anyway this is SO COOL I want to swap with Luna i would look SO cool with-”

AppleJack placed a hoof on her shoulder to calm her down a bit. Pinkiepie smiled apologetically to the exhausted looking swapped ponies.

“Well, sounds like we need to head over to Twi’s castle and make sure Trixie doesn’t destroy it.” she said, getting to her hooves.

“Uhm… I don’t wish to be a stick in the mud, but how are we exactly meant to stop her?” Asked Rarity, who’s wings were still twitching naturally from time to time.

“Yeah! Since we don’t have the best flyer in Equestria on our side, there's no hope at all!” Said RainbowDash, looking forlornly at her wings, stuck on somepony else's body.

“I don’t think it should be too much of a worry,” Said Rarity, looking back at her wings, “If I can barely use these things, then I don’t think we have to worry too much about Trixie, since she won’t know the more… destructive of Twilight’s spells.

“HEY! They have NAMES!” RainbowDash interjected.

“Who?” Rarity looked over in confusion.

“Uhh, my Wings? Windbreaker and Skyslasher?? And DON’T you dare disrespect them like that again!”

Rarity rolled her eyes.


“Right then. Let's get going. Come on girls, we got a princess to catch!” Said AppleJack confidently. Pinkiepie nodded like a bobble head and started bouncing around, talking about all the ponies she’d like to be.

Fluttershy was beyond relieved that AppleJack was still in the correct body. This meant she could shrink back into being a supporting role. It was where she was most comfortable. But, she did need to remind everypony of one very important thing.

“R-Remember, everypony… nobody look into any mirrors, please…”



AppleJack was leading the pack as they entered the castle. “JUST COME DOWN HERE AND MEET US SO WE DON’T GOT TO GET VIOLENT!”

AppleJack’s southern twang reverberated around the empty halls as the uneven clip clops of the 5 moved towards Twilight’s bedroom.

Slowly the door creaked open, and the smugly smiling form of Twilight Sparkle came around the corner. AppleJack tensed. It looked just like Twilight. But she could tell from the expression who the pony really was.

“So! You worked out my little secret…” Trixie said menacingly as she grinned and stretched her wings out wide. Her right eye twitched a little.

Fluttershy frowned. She knew all to well that the eye twitch that was a tell of Twilight’s, meaning that she was suppressing an emotion, so it would only make sense that Trixie may inherit some of her traits.

“We sure did!” RainbowDash came to the front. “And let me tell you, you are in WAY over your head.”

“Really? Because it seems to me like I’m more great and powerful than I EVER could have dreamed to be!” She said, her horn glowing. Rainbowdash was surrounded by the purple magic aura and she was flung into the air.

“WUWUAGGHH!” She cried out, trying her best to flap her non-existent wings to stop her from Rainbow Crashing into the floor. Luckily, AJ was there and managed to catch her.

“Trixie, will you just be reasonable for once!?” Rarity moved forward now, but AJ placed a hoof across her chest to stop her from moving closer.

“Trixie. We don’t want a fight. Please. Whatever magic it is that’s caused you to swap with Twi also swapped RainbowDash and Rarity.” AppleJack said Firmly, but appeared to be ready to leap at her at a moments notice.

This shut Trixie up. It had spread!?

“Oh shoot, that’s probably-” she said, glancing behind her. “I assumed that she just meant me-”

AppleJack raised an eyebrow. “Want to run that one by me again? Who’s she”

Fluttershy was standing right behind AppleJack, peeking around the corner of her huge frame. Seeing Twilight act so… well, arrogant… was very disconcerting.

“Well! The great and powerful Trixie was merely lamenting on how hard of a life she had… then MIRROR Trixie went and made me swap with this beautiful and pretty princess!” She declared happily. All the others glanced between each other. Did she just say-

“So you’re telling me…”

It was Rarity this time, who marched forward. “YOU’RE to blame for all of this? You did this to ME!?”

“Well, in some ways… no?” she said hopefully, smiling sheepishly.
Fluttershy let out a little squeak as Rarity started to growl, her wings fwoofing out to a full spread.

“I’m going to fucking destory you” she said, and before anypony could do anything to stop her, Rarity launched herself at Trixie. Trixie leapt out of the way, and used her magic to once again push the newly turned pegasus into a wall with a loud thunk.

That was it.

“THAT'S IT!” RainbowDash snarled, and got into an aggressive stance. AppleJack was already in one, and PinkiePie had already summoned a Party Cannon.

Fluttershy stayed at the back, quietly whimpering. “P-Please… can’t we… uhm… r-resolve this… without any…”

It was too late.

AppleJack rushed in, and immediately got out her Lasso and started twirling it above her. RainbowDash didn’t really know how to use magic properly, so just stood still and strained. She tried her best to emulate what it felt like to tense one's jaw and make the blood rush to one’s head, but instead of her body, she used her innate magic. It started to work, and her horn began to spark, but Trixie had already risen up into the air with her new wings, and was charging up a spell. PinkiePie fired off the party cannon, but Trixie had managed to manoeuvre herself out of the way in time. “DARN YOU, MISFIRING ARTILLERY!!” The wall to the side of her was covered in streamers and confetti. It would take spike HOURS to clean all this up!

Where even was spike?

The author doesn’t know.

Rarity had managed to get to her hooves again, and was looking back at her wings.

“Come on, girls! You can do THIS!” she hissed at them, and began to flap with them. Steadily she began to rise.

“Uhmm,, they’re BOYS!?” Snapped Rainbowdash, who had just managed to let off a small magical beam at Trixie. “AHA! TAKE THAT, TRIX-”

Trixie had responded with a beam of her own, which blasted RainbowDash all the way down to the end of the corridor, straight past Fluttershy.

“EEK! R-RAIR- RAIN BO- BOW!” She said, getting flustered and confused again. Trixie had just hurt her! Her eyebrow furrowed, and she glared at the alicorn.

AppleJack let off a Lassoo, and managed to catch Trixie right over the head. This dragged her down onto the floor, but before AppleJack could consolidate, Trixie shot off another spell!

It hit AppleJack directly in the muzzle, to which she appeared to vanish, all that was left being her hat.

“N-NOOOO!!!” Cried out Rarity, who lost all composure. She shot over to the hat and dropped to her hind legs, already starting to bawl her eyes out. “S-SHE WAS SO YOUNG! SO HANDSOME!”

“Uhm… Rain-Rarity-” A high pitched voice came from under the hat.

Rarity’s crying stopped immediately as she lifted the hat up. AppleJack was fine, she was just about an inch tall.

“Don’t worry ‘bout me! You need to catch that alicorn!” She squeaked up angrily at Rarity.

Rarity nodded, and put the hat back down over her.


AppleJack couldn’t protest as the leather walls were placed around her once more.

PinkiePie had sprung up, and with Trixie distracted by the hilarious idea of a tiny AppleJack managed to get off a good kick to the muzzle, causing her to do a full spin. Trixie replied quickly, shooting off a whole number of beams towards her and Rarity. They all missed, but the crystalline nature of the castle meant they shot around everywhere, bouncing off walls and almost hitting herself on many occasion.


Pinkiepie grabbed onto her wings and held them together, as Rarity managed to swipe her legs. This disarmed Trixie for long enough for her to be pinned down, but Trixie was still an Alicorn and being an alicorn meant she was stronger than an average pony. Unfortunately, the abnormally strong one among them was currently the size of a flea.

“RELEASE ME AT ONCE! I DIDN’T MEAN TO CAUSE THIS MESS! I JUST WANTED TWILIGHT TO UNDERSTAND HOW I FELT!” hissed Trixie, still firing off spells wildly. A few of them hit the pair, and their grip loosened.

“WELL THEN WHY DIDN’T YOU JUST COME AND TALK TO US??? LIKE A NORMAL PONY???” Pinkiepie Screeched back. Trixie was just about to break free when-


The vase smashed over Trixie’s head, knocking her out cold. Her body went limp and she flopped back onto the floor. Pinkiepie and Rarity blinked at each other, then looked up at the ceiling.

Fluttershy had silently flown up with one of the many vases that lined the corridors of the castle, and dropped it down onto Trixie. She smiled, a little proud of herself.
“S-Sometimes… i-it pays to be quiet…” she said, before quickly (well… as quickly as fluttershy would go) flew down the corridor to the still stirring RainbowDash.

“Did I… win?” She asked, her mane now in a frazzled mess (causing much dismay from Rarity).

“U-Uhm…” she said, looking back at the wrecked hallway, then back at her wrecked (sort of) girlfriend. “Yes. I think so” she said softly, and went in to give her a little peck on the cheek. She stopped before touching, and glanced back at Rarity.

Rarity smiled, and gave a little nod of permission. Fluttershy smiled back, and proceeded to give RainbowDash a kiss on the cheek.

After a few minutes, AppleJack was back to regular size, and the gang had reconveined in the main hall. Trixie was on the table, still out cold and bound together with AppleJack’s lasso. Rarity had found one of their magic nullifiers from the dungeon. They had never had to use the dungeon before, but it was important that it was there for times like these. The small cone had been fit on the Alicorn’s horn, meaning that when she did eventually wake up, she wouldn’t be able to do much damage.

They had just finished tying her up when the main door opened, revealing a scared looking Lyra and an exhausted looking… Trixie!?

“I-I’m here! I-Is everypony safe? Oh I… what have you done to my body?” ‘Trixie’ said.

Everypony took a moment to register, before everypony sighed in one big sigh of relief.


PinkiePie immediately attached herself to Twilight, squeezing her super tight.


“Hehe! Sorry!”

‘Lyra’ waddled in, and immediately started crying when she saw AppleJack.

“S-SIS!!!” she wailed, immediately falling to her hooves and hugging onto AJ’s forlegs.

“U-Uh… Lyra?” She said, dumbfounded.

Twilight gave a sad little smile as she came on in. “It’s AppleBloom”

AppleJack looked between the full grown adult pony infront of her, and then at one of her best friends inhabiting the bodies of one of her least favourite ponies of all time. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

“Sure… sure it is…” she said in defeat, and sat down to hug the mint green unicorn in front of her. “There there girl… you’re big sis is here…” she said softly, squeezing her tight (but not too tight applejack could probably break all of her bones).

“A-Are you… you?”

“Yeah, Blooms.. I’m me…”

Twilight tried to not shed a tear as she watched the strange display of sisterly affection, and went over to the table where Trixie lay, still unconscious.

It was… disconcerting to say the least.

Twilight sat at her chair, and just stared for a moment. Strange, morbid thoughts were flying through her mind.

Is this what it would be like to see your own dead body?

She decided to shake that thought from her mind for now, and instead, let herself get caught up with the happenings.

Everypony sat in their correct seats, with AppleBloom sitting squeezed in tight nexto her sister for support and comfort.

“I spoke to this strange… mirror entity. A-And from what i understand, If anypony looks into a mirror at the same time as somepony else, no matter where they are, there is a chance they’ll swap bodies. W-Which is what happened to us.”

Everypony shared nervous looks and sat in worried silence. Rarity eventually piped up.

“Well then… why don’t we all just look into mirrors at the same time again? I could get back to my beautiful body that way.”

“It ain't worth the risk, Rarity” AppleJack piped up. “We saw with Blooms and Twi that there doesn’t seem to be much of a distance issue. What if one of us gets sent into the other side of Equestria? Then that’ll make fixin’ this whole disaster a whole other kettle of apples.”

Nobody questioned her countryisms at this point.

“Then… I think we need to do what we always do…” said fluttershy quietly.

Twilight looked at her, head tilted.

Everypony was looking at fluttershy.



Fluttershy tapped her hooves together awkwardly whilst looking at the floor.

“... read books until we can work out what is going on.”

Everyone exclaimed in realisation, nodding. Fluttershy smiled weakly.

“Good idea, fluts! To the-”


Trixie was waking up!

Twilight thought she would be more prepared for this. She wasn’t.

She carefully moved down off her chair so she could be eye level with the tablebound Trix.

Trixie woke up to see… herself. Looking VERY unamused.

“... Oh my goodness…”

She managed to wiggle her way onto her front, her eyes lighting up.

“I never KNEW Trixie was this beautiful!”

Twilight was… stunned. Of all the things that she expected to hear her own voice say… that was not… one of…

She paused for a moment.

Trixie WAS kind of…

NO! Nononon not now.

NOT! Now.

She would deal with that later.

“You have A LOT of explaining to do'' Twilight hissed, clopping a hoof down beside Trixie’s head.

Trixie gulped.

“Well… you see…”

Trixie explained her whole interaction with the mirror entity, the whole time avoiding eye contact with anypony. Twilight could feel her anger rising, but the emotions were a mixed up bubbling cauldron of anxiety. Hearing bad news coming out of your own mouth but in somebody else’s way of speaking was making her feel a little nauseous.
“And then… I think somebody hit me with a vase? And then I woke up here! Seeing the hottest horse in all of Equestria standing right infront of me!” she finished, sticking her tongue out.

“... are you enjoying that you can just make me say whatever you want?” asked Twilight with an exhausted groan.

“Oh, Twilight… you have no idea~”

“Right.” Twilight stood back.

“I’m… going to release you now. And you’re going to help us.”

There were sudden cries of protests from all of her friends.

“Darling, are you sure that's wise?” Rarity piped up. Twilight was surprised that RainbowDash would be the cautious one, before having to remind herself that wasn’t Rainbow. That was Rarity.

Celestia, this was going to get confusing.

Some may say it already was confusing.

“And in return, we won’t tell anypony that this whole mess is your fault.”

Trixie stared with wide eyes. Of all things she had expected to hear… this was certainly not one of them.

“You’d… really… me? You want… me?”

“Well, as much as it pains me to say,” Twilight started, already feeling that this was going to send Trixie’s ego to the stratosphere, “ you’re the most powerful one of us here magically now.”

Trixie’s eyes sparkled a little.

“... I’ll help you if you say the line.”

“What line!?”

“You know what line.”

Twilight blinked, before groaning loudly. Through gritted teeth, she said:

“You are the most great and powerful.”


“Right, everypony. Let's get down to research. Trixie, I’ll free you out when it's time to leave.”

“WHAT!? Why don’t you want me to help research with your silly books?”

“Can you read, Trixie.”

There was a long pause.

“If there are pictures, yes!”



“... fine.”

Twilight released her, and she did a big stretch in a cat like way, her wings extending fully out.

“Thank you so much, my beloved-”

“Shut up, Trixie, and get to the library.”

“Anyting for my princess~”


She cackled a little, but started to move with the others towards the library. AppleJack stayed right at her side, and whispered:

“Any funny business, and I'm going to kick your rear all the way to appleoosia. Got it?”

As Twilight was about to leave with them she felt a small tug on her strange blue tail. Turning round, she saw Fluttershy.

“Hi! I’m sorry about RainbowDash… I can’t even imagine how awful that must feel for you.”

“I-Its ok… uhm… there's something else I wanted to talk to you about.” she said, cutting her off a bit. She looked even more sheepish than usual. Twilight frowned. This was clearly something that Fluttershy didn’t want anypony to know.

“Of course! Whats up!” she said, trying to be as supportive as possible, well aware her current appearance would probably be freaking her out a little.

“Well… uhm… I think I… I think I might have to…” she shuffled uncomfortably. “I m-might have to… t-take the lead on this mission.”


Fluttershy had never volunteered for anything like this.

“Uhm… it's about… y-you know how you said that ponies only swapped places when they are looking at their reflection?”


“Well…” she said, and gulped. “You see…”

“I haven’t got a reflection.”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading this chapter!

Go follow my Tumblr for horse drawings and more!

Had alot of fun with this one! Might go back and rewrite the fight scene later.


Fluttershy has no reflection. I wonder what THAT means...