
Viewing 41 - 60 of 106 results

RESULT! and sneek peek · 1:18am Oct 9th, 2015

Well I have had my interview for US Immigration and it was a success! as soon as I put in one more bit of paperwork.. they will send me a Green Card! So I will be joining my Non brony wife, My Brony son and Not Brony son!


But I am sure those who read this really don't want to be reading about my adventures in Immigration.....

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I Might Have Some Issues I'm Trying to Work Out · 2:15pm Dec 28th, 2016

An except from one of my many works in progress. It's an R63 BerryJack thing. Probably actually going to be teen rated, if you can believe it.

Applejack leaned down, and took a sip. Held the coffee in his mouth thoughtfully for a second, then swallowed. It was warm in his throat.

“Do you like it?” said Berry.

“Yeah. Yeah, that’s good,” said Applejack.

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Dominions 4 mod version 3 · 10:41pm May 25th, 2016

No pictures for this yet, but this version adds new units for recruitment and summoning.


Tales from the Archive · 3:24pm Dec 1st, 2018

What's up, anyone that still follows me. I was digging through my google docs recently to clean some stuff out, and I stumbled upon a bunch of old working documents. Since my writing days (for MLP at least) are pretty much behind me, I figured I'd make them available for anyone who cares enough to look at my outlines and writing process. I'll just post them as I come across them!


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Another sneeky Peeky · 7:17pm May 8th, 2016

Still writing, also changed jobs, now working at Best Buy! so much tech... so little cash..

But none of you want to hear about my drooling over the computers I want .... So here is the sneeky peak for the next Hivemind!

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Bluebird: It has begun... · 7:07pm Mar 4th, 2021

Finally, the first chapter is out. Many thanks to Mix-Up for the brilliant cover art, a really talented and detailed artist and a pleasure to work with.

Hope you like the opening chapter, and the whole Young Six gang is in it! Hopefully, it'll nicely set up what everyone has gotten up to having graduated from the school of friendship.

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Dominions 4 Late Age Equestria version 3.3 Fluff edition! · 2:42am Mar 18th, 2017

It's been a long time since I posted an update to my mod. But now I have finished a rather large update.
No new units but I have redone most of the descriptions and fluff so the nation now has a consistent lore
there is also some assorted changes that are detailed on the DA post
along with that I have started working on version 4 which will be done at some point in the future.
Link to the new version here:

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Getting closer to the next chapter · 7:55pm Mar 9th, 2016

I am still writing so have a small snippet...

. “That better?” Hero’s new voice cracked, squeaked and wavered.
Tidbit nodded, not trusting himself to speak.
“Good”. Hero then giggled, her grin widening.
Tidbit and Emjay exchanged worried looks.
“Are you feeling-“
“Let’s do this! “Hero interrupted Tidbit and pranced off over the rise.
“We are so fucked”, Emjay muttered, as she trudged after the Crazy.

So need to finish this chapter! I will I promise!


Gonna be a while... · 10:31pm Nov 2nd, 2021

Good news on the writing front: I've been working on the story outline and I have most of Gallus' second term prepared.
Bad news on the writing front: I'm still struggling with what the rest of the arc is about, and as a result, I haven't had time to work on the next chapter of Bluebird yet.

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Dominions 4 mod · 9:27pm Sep 15th, 2015

Ponies with lighting cannons

I've released a second version of my mod on my deviantart page here:
Right now it's got all of the core nation finished with most of the heroes and summons.

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Revisions are Going Well · 2:40pm Nov 3rd, 2019


Bluebird: Winter is Over · 9:34pm Sep 17th, 2021

Wow, it took five chapters to detail what Gallus got up to during one week! As far as plans go, this is the halfway point of the story, there are two more terms and a summer break to deal with, poor griffon.

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The State of Progress · 11:27pm Sep 15th, 2021

I tend to write on more than one story at a time, so I figured I could make a blog post like this to give you guys at least some idea of what's to come next and what I'm working on. And, as an added bonus, this gives you guys another way to interact with the world's okayest fetish writer.


  • I started a new story: Silver Sable's Substantial Spheres. Currently 1457 words.
  • The Road Less Traveled has been bumped up to from 713 to 830 words. I know. Real big.

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Story on its way... · 7:53pm Jan 28th, 2021

I mentioned in a post last month that I was gonna start writing a longer story around Gallus in the Royal Guard Academy called Bluebird. To let you know my progress, I started writing it two weeks ago. Since I'm back at work full time, I'm largely gonna be writing it on weekends. Meanwhile, I've commissioned some MLP art (the first time I've ever done so, funnily enough) to use as the cover, hopefully you folks will

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It's almost ready · 9:37pm Aug 26th, 2017

Chapter eight of IDelP is pretty much ready to go. While I am waiting on my usual prereaders to comb through this one, I am going to need some additional help.

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Looking for cover art... · 8:46pm Feb 16th, 2021

Well, the Gallus longfic project has another setback. The artist I commissioned the cover art for has backed down from the work, and refunded me for the commission. It's a shame since I really liked the artist's stuff, but they had personal issues and wanted to focus more on their own projects.

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FlutterPie Romance Story + TSC · 2:40am Dec 31st, 2020

Hello all one or two of you who care,

I am working on a Fluttershy x Pinkie Pie romance story. It will be about 30,000 words (or so that's the plan at the moment). At the same time I continue to work on updates to The Storm's Challenge, which I hope to have finished by the end of March or earlier.




Update 4 - New direction · 11:08pm Dec 2nd, 2019


Darkstorm here.

Chapter four is coming along nicely after a much-needed rewrite. I will likely release it to the public soon, without edits to move the story along. It seems I require new editors since my last one became too busy to help me (if you're reading this, I'm not mad, nor am I trying to call you out lmao). But, Shadow of Equestria is once again looking for an editor to enhance the chapter(s).

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The State of Progress as of the end of September · 12:30am Oct 1st, 2021

I don't usually know what I'm doing, but I do know that by telling you guys what I've done it helps me to remember to do things.

I tend to write on more than one story at a time, so I figured I could make a blog post like this to give you guys at least some idea of what's to come next and what I'm working on. And, as an added bonus, this gives you guys another way to interact with the world's okayest fetish writer.

Update: Making Them Fit (WIP Title) went from 0 to 1457 words.

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A bit more time... · 4:39pm Jun 8th, 2022

Hey guys, I was meant to get the Bluebird draft ready by today, but I had a bit of a setback. The first half of my holiday was great, a lot of people and fun was had at the convention, but then I got food poisoning on the last day. I was literally out of it on the one completely free day I had to work on it, and then I was camping for four more days so I couldn't work on it then either.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 106 results