Humans Aren't Bastards 4,073 members · 211 stories
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Group Admin

Currently this group only allows moderators and contributors (individuals with plus symbols next to their name in the member list) to add stories to Humans Aren't Bastards. This measure was put in place to ensure that stories in the archive promote the main themes of this group.

Story Submission Guidelines

1) Send a Moderator a Private Message. :rainbowdetermined2:

Though we have given contributors the ability to add stories at their discretion we would like to keep formal story submission going through moderators (our contributors are awesome, but moderators specifically volunteered for helping with management of this group.) Below is a list of current moderators for this group:


2) Justify why your Story Belongs in the Group. :twistnerd:

We aren't asking for much here other than a brief overview of the story, your reasons for why you believe the story fits into the group, as well as the direction you are taking your story. Knowing these facts will go a long way to helping us decided whether your story fits in with the group or not.

3) Please be Patient. :raritywink:

Moderators have lives outside of the group (we volunteer our time here after all.) It may take a few days to get to your story submission. That said, we will always tell you whether your story is accepted or declined once we look at it. If you have not heard anything from the moderator you sent the original submission after a week or more then feel free to submit it to another mod. Just try not to be annoying about the submission process.

Sample Story Submission

This is a sample submission (the McAwesomesauce is a joke, you don't need to include that part) in case you are wondering what we would like to see.

Dear Admin McAwesomesauce,

I feel that my story fits with the ideals of this group and would like to submit it for admission. Here is some brief information on my story:

Plot: The basis of the story is about a human that helps a pony visiting our world adjust to the different cultures and lifestyles they come in contact with on a daily basis.

Future: Though there may be some sad times, I plan to keep this story in line with the humans aren't bastards ideals.

Link: <Insert awesome sounding story link here>

Something Something Pony

From all the moderators in this group we hope this post has been helpful. So good luck with your story submission and have a wonderful day!

(Edited 3/25/2013)

Group Admin

Yessir! :rainbowdetermined2:

Group Admin

This also should go without saying, but making a thread to link a story to this group to circumvent this process will result in the thread being deleted.

Soo.... Does this means there are stories to get kicked out of the group? :twilightoops:

Group Admin

Perhaps. DustTraveller, Invictus, and myself have been going over them lately to make sure that the ones in the archive currently fit the theme of the group. Usually this is not done so unilaterally though; all three of us generally chime in and give our opinions when they are brought to our attention. If a story got kicked out on the opinion of just one of us, it would have to be an offender that caused no need for discussion (such as a story about humans being genocidal maniacs that enslave other races and have no redeeming qualities just to give an example.)

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